HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0813.. C CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and Members of DATE September 21, 1981 FILE: the City Commission , SUBJECr COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE September 24, 1981 / City Commission Meeting REFERENCES �ROM1I yid V . Gary .- Mana er' c �"- c ��,..-e g�, / ENCLOSURES. Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Armando Lacasa, the attached item is also scheduled for discussion at the September 24, 1981 City Commission Meeting. The Commissioner also requested what information might be available as previous reports or actions taken regarding the Police Department. The Police Department had one copy available of a survey and report prepared by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, dated September, 1962. The City Clerk's Office furnished memos, ordinances, and resolutions regarding the creation of the Departments of Police, ications and the dissolution of the Department of PublZ2:� Because of the short period of time, it is not to be onsthis is the only information that may be available on the ect. Ci 6�7 - CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA , INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Jack Eads, DATES September 18, 1981 /J FILE: Assistant to the City Rla alter /) Agenda Item I / SUBJECT FROM Commissioner REFERENCES - ENCLOSURES: Please include as an item for discussion on the City Commission Agend 24th, 1981 the creation of the Department of lic Safety wh h would combine the Fire and Police Departments. cn Q' � W Cv «r r to Y- � -1 4--1 co r 81 -813 k ORDINA11C9 NO. 7245 AN OL�INAIICE CRE,ITINO A 1MV DEPARTMENT TO DE 1010671 AS = DEPAii'IMEN T OF POLICE j Tr�ANS- FEtU11110 1HS POLICE ACTIVITY IIESPONSIDILITLBB PiXSLNTLY ASSIGNED i0 THE DEPARTMENT OP PU :LIC SAFETY. PROVIDING Mn T'NE APPOIIIT- I-TN1. Or A DIiMCTOR OF SAID DEPARTMENT OF POLICE DY THE CITY MANAGER: PHOVIDINO FOR 711L OPE.ZTION OF &%ID DEPARTMENT AND PiiB- SUI-INO 'AIM FVNCTTONS AND DUTIES TH=EOF; PROVIDI110 A SAVINOS CLAUSE; AND REPE.ILINO ALL LAWS IN CONFLIC, 'JIiH THIS ML%SUi1E h'hZr%V.S, Section 19 of t::e Cl+actor of the City of Mismi provides that the City CQ%aission vsy create now departments or discontinue any department or determine, combine and distribute the functions and duties or departments and subdivisions; and WHERE.IS, It is the desire or the City Commission to exercise such authority and to create a new department to be known as the Department of Police and to distribute and transfer to it certain functions and duties Heretofore asai;,ned to the Department or Public Safety so that the public may be served in a more efficient anJ, econo;.iica? manner; N0:!, THERIEFORE, 13E IT 0,-,)AIi1ED BY THE ComliSSION OF -,FM CI':Y OF MIANI, FLORID,),: Section 1. That there is hereby created and established a depart:.;ent to '.e known as :he Department or police. Suction 2. Uat the City Na na3er is hereby authorized to appoint a director or the Department Of Police who shall serve subject to the supervision and the control of the City Mana:;er. Section 3. That the Chief of Police shall be the Director o: the Department or Police an,i appointed in accordance with the provisions cut forth in the Charier of the City of Miami. Section :. That, subject to the supervision and control or the City Mano;er in all natters, the Director shall administer the affairs o: the Dapartr.font which shall includo the Imediate direction and control o; the Follcv rorct. and is cM r_vJ with responsibilities rcr ti : Fro .f n._or., , cn,..-o. an.: suppre9slcn cr 212 an I F, I -P)13 14% 4W cruse in the city. Thit thv r,:zponj1bilitic: of this d,�pirtr..cnt chill ir.cluJ., *ut r.at bi W-..:it!-'. to `.ls� gat::tti a of the fr-lic, Adminirtrstion, "rirfi: Ccntrol, r-lice Patrolz, :'ritr.in;, Crim.1nil Invectig4ticn, V.hiele harl:etic-1, Polico rrmpzrty, relic.: :?ecordu and ronpliInt Cer.tir, Jiil Ind Ztocl;sd,:. Seetic.n 1. Thit ill police perccnncl, r•:aorda Ind %!quip- mant pr•.vicusly brlg:t:J ^.nd aawi5nvd tc th..• L+rpirt:a,:nt of Public. Saf.:ty nr•: h•:rzby trinaf•.,rrn4 to tho Depnrt-ent rf Police and all City records Ind rar-io oh-ll bo chr.n•;ad tc r:flLct thin tr^_rafor. section $;. Thit if ^ny clivav, ccntcna+:, porz,;r:ph, ceetton or p^.rt of thi.! or•limnea shill be idjui,,:d invilid by sny ::curt of as-pQ t nt juri::.'ic-son, ouch jud. count ahsll not sffect, Imps:r or irv1UJit: ti:: ru-isinJ•_r tiicrcof, but shall be limitel in its opQrstion ind cfr,:ct to tho spc:i:ic portion involved In the eontrovcrcy wherein such iuljmont wiz render=d. T. Thit ill laic, ordir.anc:s or revolutions in::ofar ss they are in conflict with this ordinsnae nre hereby rcpcal:d and rescinded. PASSED ON FI-%nT BY TITLS ONLY THIS" 1 '' DAY OF , 1964. PASLL•D %ND „DOMED ON S27M'D .;ND FIN;.L 3o:,DIN1 DY TITLE ONLY THIS_ _ DAY OF , 1964. ATTM T : CG ,4 L! UliY :.n ., .i' '. •LN i 81 -813 tr iNTlat•OFFICE u1:MORANDVM ., W. E. ?{eadtey Fept. I, 1964 Department a Public Safety Chief of the t'ollce Division , . Draft of Pruposed Ordinance to Create the Department of Police INC. M. L. 'leers ....,•. :.tanager ^ubject Ordinance (one copy) I am sending yot a copy of the proposed ordinance creminji th- Jopartrir.nt o! for you: revle-& an-) c.,n%at:eratioa. his -Tattur is being scheduled for the City _'ommasswn's Formal Meeting of Septemb-:r A. L' yoi have any comments pe.taining to thL proposed ordtr.:,aae. 1 would appreciato re. cetviug su:h 5rptcmber For your i-tforrnation. three separate ordinance* have been ,)repar.et! crt ming thn pepartments of ?alt�e, Fire an! Comra•:alc,%Jons respectively. M LR, ri.. SUSPENSE' DAT£: Feptember 0, 1464 AO- 0% CITY Of 941AMI. ►101110A INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM fO Mre M. L. Retie Ilr July T. 1964 City Manager <ow.r.r Proposed ordinances and Resolutions Affecting the Department of Public Safety ►*or •. Rw Aterbeas �a.rI.,%..s r. Assistant City Attorney In response to your June 29, 1964. request for review and approval of subject ordinances and a resolution, the fol• lowing is very respectfully submittofl as a preliminary legal opinion. the resolution relative to procurement of police personnel bus been reviewed and in herewith approved an to form and legality. The ordinances relative to the creation of new departments of police, fire and communications have been reviewed, but have been found, based upon preliminary legal analysis, to be not in accord with applicable charter provisions and case law interpreting same. Section 19 of the Charter does not deal with the tenure of the police and fire chiefs. Although this section provides authority for the elimination of the office of Director of the Department of Public Safety and for the purpose of changing the divisions of police. firs and communications to departments, insofar as subject proposed ordinances attempt to change the tenure of the chiefs of police and fire they cannot be approved as to legality. BRBsac RL i i !i To; Mayor FerrV g Commissioners, and the City Manager, From; Coconut Grove Residemts. _ We, the undersigned, are dismayed at your total disregard of the taxpayers of this community. The taxes are very high and the services are already mediocre and dwindling. We are only interested in keeping the basic services a city should provide, police fire, and sanitation, We want a reduction in the millage to compensate for the increase in assessment. This was the recommendation of the State legislature. proposition 13 is around the cornet, a and so are the voting booths. a _ CZAI )641 } ))) > i lew n Cj CV I ? A- (I - (N % . ' TO; Mayor Perret, Commissioners, and the City Manager Prom; Coconut Grove Residents We, the undersigned$ are dismayed at your total disregard of the taxpayers of this community. The taxes are very high and the services are already mediocre and dwindling. We are only interested in keeping the basic services a city should provide, police fire, and sanitation. We want a reduction in the millage to compensate for the increase in assessment. This was the recommendation of the State Legislature. Proposition 13 is around the corner, and so are the voting booths. 4k 3 3 1 3 3 l W'-aY 3 3 l 3 3