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Augttet 25, 1981
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981 AUG 25 PM 3 : 4 i
Mr. Howard Gary, Manager
City of. Miami
2603 South Bayshurc Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Dear IV. liar
In reference to funding for the 49th Annual. Orange Blossom Classic Festival
Parade, October 24, 19811 The representations of the Florida A. and M.
University Altuimi., Miami Chapter, request: to be placed on the agenda of
the City of rJlami Commissioners meeting, to be held on September 10, 1981.
Tbany you for obl.i ing our request.
Sincerely yours,
t�L •?t: fir•?, !tiv/ t� W%�
Alonzo B. Bruton, Chairvrsen
013C Parade Comnlitrer_
cc Mr. lads
i j . Lat inlore
We Stnrr t:rr f •,-ilrnce
81 -802
To: Howard V. Gary
City Manager
FROM: Director
aAlberet"H. "ow
Department of Leisure Services
DATE. August 31, 1981
;:UE3JECT: Orange Blossom Classic
Resolution 81-421
During its final meeting, August 25, 1981, the City of Miami
Festival Advisory Committee considered the proposal submitted;
by the Orange Blossom Classic Parade Committee. It was the
unanimous recommendation of the Committee that the Orange
Blossom Classic Parade not be funded by the City.
The Committee's reasoning was based on the lack of informationP
included in the proposal; they felt that enough information
was sufficiently lacking to truly judge the merits of the
Parade, and that not enough proposed grant monies would go
towards local talent fees to satisfy the requirements of
Resolution No. 81-421 attached.
It is the recommendation of the staff members of the Committee
and this Department that the 49th Annual Orange Blossom Classic
Parade receive the support of the City of Miami in the amount
of $14,590 from Special Programs and Accounts City-wide Events.
We feel the Parade is a long-standing tradition in Miami and
that past Parades have been sufficiently high in quality and
caliber to make this Parade an asset to the community in which
it is held and for Miami as a whole. _
Please advise.
cc: Cesar Odio, Assistant City Manager
Dr. A. H. Lizaso, Cultural Coordinator
81 -802
RESOLUTION No. v 1 4 2 1
WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 81-189 on
March 17, 1981, establishing the City of Miami Festival Advisory Com-
mittee; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee was
established to make recommendations to the Commission concerning City
participation in festivals; and
WHEREAS, the herein resolution would be most beneficial to the
City and said Committee in the processing of such recommendations by
the establishment of funding guidelines for proposed festivals and pro-
vide basic around rules to determine the best proposals submitted to
the City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee;
Section 1. The following fiscal guidelines, to be used by the
City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee in the evaluation of grant pro-
posals to the,City of Miami for community -run festivals, are hereby ap-
proved for implementation:
A. All applicants shall present a request for funding,
submitting the data specified in Section 1, Letters B through
H of this resolution, sixty (60) days prior to October 1, of
any City of Mimi Fiscal Year.
B. All applicants must have a valid non-profit status in
good standing.
C. Objectives of the festival must be clearly defined in
the preliminary proposal and show evidence of the need for the
program proposed as well as an evaluation of the benefits to the
arts and business communities.
D. A complete schedule of proposed events with indications
of projected audience attendance, sites, crowd control measures,
central planning and audience flow charts.
E. Resumes or detailed descriptions of pre -contracted or
artists' back proposed grounds and expected performances.
g -I�U2
(1) The first $150,000. of the City of tAiami Cash
Match Allocation for festival grants shall be allocated
to funding arts organizations in Categories K-1 and K-2
on a dollar -for -dollar, cash match basis. The maximum
amount of funding for an organization in Category K-1
shall not exceed $15,000. and the maximum amount of fund-
ing for an organization in Category K-2 shall not exceed
$24,000. The monies not allocated by the City Commission,
during any fiscal year, upon the recommendations of the
City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee to the City
Manager, in Categories K-1 and K-2, shall be carried
over into Categories K-3 and K-4 for the same fiscal year.
(2) The amount of $100,000., plus any balance re-
maining during any fiscal year from Categories K-1 and K-2,
shall be allocated to Categories K-3 and K-4 in the fol-
lowing manner:
(a) Category K-3: the maximum individual grant
to an organization shall not exceed $33,750. to be
matched by the organization on a one dollar (City) for
one and one-half dollar (applicant), cash match basis.
(b) Category K-4: the maximum individual grant
to an organization shall not exceed $45,000. to be
matched by the applicant on a one dollar (City) for
two dollar (applicant), cash match basis.
M. All grants shall earmark 60% of total allocated City
funds for local talent fees, except for those festivals of a
proven touristic or international content that obtain the sanc-
tion of the Festival Advisory Committee, as such, by a two-
thirds vote. Those specifically sanctioned programs shall ear-
mark only 33% of total City allocated funds for local talent
N. All police, fire, publicity, showmobiles, city and park
facilities, clean-up costs and insurance shall no longer be al-
located as in -kind services by the City, but must be defrayed
from the grantees' total allocation to their budget.
81 -8U2
F. Rain dates and alternate sites.
G. A detailed line -item budget indicating all production
costs and sources of revenue.
H. A history of the applying organization for the two
previous years, a report of events during those years and the
audited budgets for those years.
I. The Festival Advisory Committee shall meet for three
(3) consecutive rounds of evaluation of funding requests during
a seven (7) day period forty-five (45) days prior to October 1
of any City of Hiami Fiscal Year and shall submit via the Coor-
dinator of the City of Miami Cultural Division, Department of
Leisure Services, their funding recommendations, in all cate-
gories, to the City Manager for approval. The City Manager may,
before submitting funding recommendations to the City Commis-
sion, request an extra round of evaluation by the.Festival- Ad-
visoiy Committee. At the City Manager's discretion recom-
mendations shall be submitted to the City Commission for appro-
v�l. Funds shall be made available to selected grantees with-
in the first ninety(90) days of any City of Miami Fiscal Year.
J. For the purposes of this Resolution, a "round" shall
be defined as an evaluative meeting of the full Festival Ad-
visory Committee for no less than five (5) hours and no more
than eight (8) hours of evaluation and discussion.
K. The applicants for possible funding shall be clas-
sified based upon the following critera:
(1) Community arts organizations with a yearly
budget not to exceed $50,000. - Category K-1.
(2) Community arts organizations with a yearly
budget above $50,000. but not to exceed $80,000. - Ca-
tegory K-2.
(14) Community Arts organizations with a yearly
budget 4bovo $00,000. but not to exceed $125,000. -
CAt,ggory K-3.
(4) Community arts organizations with a yearly
budget abuvo 6125,000. - Category X-4.
L. The distribution of monies, funding ranges and levels
of required cash matches for the above mentioned categories
shall be made upon the followinq basis:
(1) The first $150,000. of the City of :4iami Cash
Match Allocation for festival grants shall be allocated
to funding arts organizations in Categories K-1 and K-2
on a dollar--for-dollar, cash match basis. The maximum
amount of funding for an organization in Category K-1
shall not exceed $15,000. and the maximum amount of fund-
ing for an organization in Category K-2 shall not exceed
$24,000. The monies not allocated by the City Commission,
during any fiscal year, upon the recommendations of the
City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee to the City
Manager, in Categories K-1 and K-2, shall be carried
over into Categories K-3 and K-4 for the same fiscal year.
(2) The amount of $100,000., plus any balance re-
maining during any fiscal year from Categories K-1 and K-2,
shall be allocated to Categories K-3 and K-4 in the fol-
lowing manner:
(a) Category K-3: the maximum individual grant
to an organization shall not exceed $33,750. to be
matched by the organization on a one dollar (City) for
one and one-half dollar (applicant), cash match basis.
(b) Category K-4: the maximum individual grant
to an organization shall not exceed $45,000. to be
matched by the applicant on a one dollar (City) for
two dollar (applicant), cash match basis.
M. All grants shall earmark 60% of total allocated City
funds for local talent fees, except for those festivals of a
proven touristic or international content that obtain the sanc-
tion of the Festival Advisory Committee, as such, by a two-
thirds vote. Those specifically sanctioned programs shall ear-
mark only 33% of total City allocated funds for local talent
N. All police, fire, publicity, snowmobiles, city and park
facilities, clean-up costs and insurance shall no longer be al-
located as in -kind services by the City, but must be defrayed
from the grantees' total allocation to their budget.
81. -802
Q • A cl, 1
O. All grantees must comply with Equal Opportunity Employ-
ment laws as set forth by Federal, State and Local governments.
P. The City of Miami reserves the right to monitor any and
all festival activities. Any breach of agreements made with the
City shall be reported by the Department of Leisure Services,
Cultural Division to the City Manager for appropriate action
under the circumstances, which, at the discretion- of the City
Manager, may include but not be limited to rescission of the
City's agreement to participate in skid festival and also the
recovery of any monies paid to said grantees.
Q. Each grantee shall agree that it is solely liable and
responsible for damages which might arise out of the acts or
omission of the grantee, its officers, employees, agents or per-
sons under its direction and control and to the City of Miami,
its agents, servants, employees and officers who may be named
in a suit which arises out of the acts or omissions of the
grantee, its officers, employees, agents or persons under its
direction or control, the grantee shall indemnify, defend and
forever hold the City, its agents, servants, employees and
officers harmless from and against any and all damage, penalty, #
fine or judgement.
Section 2. Prior to the disbursement of any grant monies, each
grantee shall execute an agreement embodying the terms of the grant in
such form as is acceptable to the City.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15 day of MAY , 1981.
If N
Pclicv 100-4
September 28, 1978
CITY OF MIAMI (Revised: Feb. 1981)
A policy describing the City's participation in and
support of festivals, cultural and sports events
which are planned and operated by local citizens'
and business organizations.
The City Commission supports and encouraves citizen -
sponsored and citizen -run festivals. These events
encourage civic pride, promote tourism and areawide
recognition of the cultural diversity and heritage
that is present in Miami. The extent to which the
City of Miami will provide financial or services
support for these events should be outlined in a
policy statement to ensure that such support can
be properly budgeted and planned. This policy will
- -also provide for uniform and proper control of
City funds.
It is the policy of the Miami City Commission that
support, both direct financial or the provision of
services, may be provided to established, recurring
festivals and "first time" events if fundina has
been identified in the annual budget and if certain
specified requirements are met. Budgeted and approved
funding will cover both direct financial support and
services support, which is provided on an overtime
A. The City Commission may authorize the disbursement
of cash of the provision of "billable" services
only from funds specifically identified in the annual
budget for festival support, and only if the
following conditions are met:
1. The requesting organization must be a legally
constituted entity with officers clearly iden-
2. At least one-half of the total cash resources
for the festival or other event must be pro-
vided from sources other than the City of Miami.
3. In order for the City Manager to make a proper
recommendation, the requesting organization must
present the following information at least one
month prior to the City Commission's consider-
ation of the request:
a. A detailed description of the proposed fest-
ival, including dates, times, places, nature
of events, types of acts, etc.
b. A complete and detailed budget for the events,
jshowino sources and amounts of anticipated
revenue, and showing cateoories and amounts
of planned expenditures.
.o 8I -8U2
Festivals, Cultural and Sports Events
pace 2
(Revised: Feb. 1',
c. If the requesting organization has sponsored similar
events previously, a summary statement showing co-
sponsors, revenue and expenditures must be furnished.
d. An agreement, signed by the requesting organization,
stating that the above requirements have been met,
identifying how the City's cash contribution (if
any) will be used, and specifying that an independent
auditor, named by the organization and approved by
the City Manager, will be engaged to provide a full
and complete audit.
4. A final report and an auditor's statement (including a
financial statement) must be provided to the City by the
requesting organization within 60 days of the closing of
the event.
B. AMEND: "The City's administrative requirements for these festival,
cultural and sports events will be handled through the City
Manager's Office or through a coordinator designated by the
City Manager. This coordinator will administer this policy
and provide liaison to department affected. The sponsor-
ing organization is responsible for making all the neces-
sary arrangements, secure permits, make reservations, and
to ensure that all other requirements are satisfied.",
TO READ: "The City's administrative requirements for festivals
shall include the following:
1. All requests, including those for funding assis-
tance and in -kind services shall be submitted to
the Cultural Division, Department of Leisure Ser-
vices. It is suggested that written applications
setting forth such requests be submitted by local
associations that deal in visual and performing
arts. The Cultural Division will receive, screen
and select applications to be forwarded for eval-
uation by an advisory committee which will render
its recommendations in writing to the City Manager
or assigned Assistant City Manager for proposal to
the City Commission.
2. Said advisory committee will be known as the "City
of Miami Festival AdvisoW Committee" and will con-
sist of 5 members from the community and 2 members
designated by the City Manager from City of Miami
Staff. Community membership will be by selection
and appointment of the City Commission for 1 year
terms. The capacity of this Committee is solely
advisory and recommendatory; it shall evaluate and
render advice to the City regarding the City's
participation such as funding assistance and in -
kind services.
3. The deadline for applications shall be 60 days
prior to the proposed events for fiscal year 1961-
82. For fiscal year 1982-83 and thereafter, these
applications must be submitted no later than Au -
....gust 1 of the preceding fiscal year or 60 days prior
to the approval of the annual appropriations ord-
inance, whichever date is first. The City shall
restrict its operations with citizen -operated fe•-t-
ivals, to that of a cash and in -kind match :.11ouu-
tion, which allocation is to be equally matcnL(l 1,7
the applicant. It is the intent of the City to
provide the above -mentioned assistance and not to
be the producer of said everts.
Festivals, Cultural and Sports Events
page 3
(Revised: Feb. 1981)
4. The City Manager is authorized to employ a
consultant to be selected and appointed by the
City Commission to advise and assist the"City
of Miami Festival Advisory Committee."
C. Apart from any support provided and covered in Sections
A & B, the following City assistance may be provided with-
out charge to organizations sponsoring festival, cultural
and sports events:
1. Reduced fees for facilities and equipment as recommended
by the City Manager. (For example: Bayfront Auditorium,
Marine Stadium, parks, showmobiles, etc.)
2. Labor and other services provided by operating depart-
ments during regular hours as work schedules permit.
3. Permission for official closing of streets by resolution.
D. Apart from any support provided and covered in Sections
A & B, the following services provided must be charged to
sponsoring organizations:
1. Any labor or other in -kind services provided during non -
routine hours and in overtime situations.
2. All labor, utilities, equipment and insurance costs
related to use of City facilities must be paid by the
sponsoring organization.
E. The City will not provide and pay for off -duty policemen
required for an event. No insurance requirement will be
waived. All security deposits for damage or clean-up must
be paid by organizations sponsoring these events.