HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0929TO Howard Gary 3 i C(CT October 27 , 1981 City Manager A Quiz• Dena Spillman, Director Department of Community Development Effect of 1981 Statutory Changes in the Community Development Block Grant Program City Commission Agenda November 12, 1981 The purpose of this memorandum is to bring the City Commission up to date on recent changes in the Community Development Block Grant program which have come about as a result of Reagan administration policies. The changes concern two program areas: funding level and program regulations. The budget cuts proposed by President Reagan and approved by Congress for FY'82-83 will have an adverse effect on the CDBG program in the City of Miami beginning in June of 1982. A ten percent cut in the program will take place in June, reducing our annual entitlement amount to $9.81 million from its current level of $10.9 million. President Reagan has further proposed an additional 12' cut in the CDBG which would reduce our allocation to $8.6 million. It is unclear at this time whether Congress will agree to this additional cut. Any cuts in the City's funding level will result in staff layoffs in the Community Development, Planning, and Trade and Commerce Departments, as well as cuts in social service programs funded through the grant. Needless to say, needed projects in the various CD target areas will either have to be postponed or cancelled. A possibility exists that, due to the new census figures, the City's grant may be slightly adjusted upward as a result of the influx of Cuban and Haitian refugees. Final grant amount information will not be available until January, 1982, and it is doubtful whether this adjustment will compensate for the cuts. Changes in program regulations as a result of amendments to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 will allow the City more flexibility in the areas of citizen participation, geographic target areas, eligible activities and state and local review requirements. Regulations concerning social service programs have been loosened up; however, Congress has imposed a 10 limitation on the total CDBG amount which must be instituted over a 3-year period. The net effect of this requirement cannot be calculated at this time, however, the City will have to cut its social service programs a minimum of $713,700 by 1984. In light of the above, staff is recommending the following: 1. CD Planning - The CD planning schedule be revised to reflect diminished review requirements. (See attached recommended schedule.) . 2. Citizen Participation - Even though HUD do;�!-. riot now require the intense level of citizen involvement in the CO process that the City undertakes, it is recommended that the Board/Forum structure be maintained during the planning process (through April, 1982). At that time an evaluation of the process will be undertaken and recommendations will be made to the City Commission for a revised system during the sunrer months. 8/• 9� 9 L1 It, Howard Gary Page two October 27 , 1981 3. Geographic Target Areas - The requirement that CD activities take place in Neighborhood Strategy Areas is no longer part of the program. It is recommended, however, that in order to complete on -going projects and to continue the City's concentrated improvement efforts, that the NSA concept be utilized for the 8th CD year. During next year's planning process, various geographic funding strategies will be reviewed with the City Commission. A synopsis of the above changes is attached for your information. /rjf Enclosure c: Frank Castaneda L. FY 1982-83 Community Development Planning Schedule Time Frame Activity October Community needs analysis - meetings already held. November Further discussion of community needs. Planners'; synopsis of possible changes in CDBG regulations'. Presentation of housing rehabilitation program. Presentation by social service agancies and eco- nomic development groups. December (No meetings). During this time CD and Planning staff will finalize recommendations to community. January Presentation of the new CD regulations to the community as well as funding for the 8th CDBG year. Staff's recommendation to the community. February Community's response. March Staff's final recommendation. April Public Hearing before the City Commission. May 15, 1982 Submittal of Certification to HUD. June 16, 1982 HUD approval, and commencement of fiscal year. /cr 10 PRESUBMISSION REQUIU.ME.NTS OLD ° Prepare and follow written citizen participation plan ° Furnish information to citizens on amount of funds available, eligible activities, and other important requirements ° Hold at least two public hearings on housing and community development needs ° Provide opportunity for citizens to participate in the development of the application ° Encourage submission of views and proposals, especially from lower ,income persons and residents of blighted areas ° Respond to proposals submitted ° Submit application for review by State'and areawide clearinghouses (A-95) NEW ° No specific requirement ° Furnish information to citizens on amount of funds available and eligible activities ° Hold one or more public hearings on housing and eoununity development needs ° Publish a draft statement of community development objectives and list of proposed activities ° Invite cor=,ent on draft statement ° No specifie requiremcnt ° No longer requi7ed ° Make public a final statement of comnur,ity development objectives and list df activities after considering co;nnents received a 31 - 929 ENT I TLERIENT GRAINT AWARD PROCESS Content of Submission .* % Community Development and Housing Plan (every three years) o Needs C Strategies ° Three year program Annual Community Development Program ° Description of activities ° Location of activities ° Cost surrnary ° Certifications of Law Compliance Housing Assistance Plan ° Housing conditions ° Assisted housing needs ° Three year goals ° General Iocations ° Annual RIP goals NEtV Statement of locality's Community Development Objectives ° Lisa of activities ° Certifications of Law Compliance (including compliance with separately approved 11AP) Housing Assistance Plan (separate f: or,; CD13G submission) (same elements required; simplified regulations and forms under development) Ik 0 �1 PRE-AIVARD REVIEW • OLD NEW Approve application ° Grant is awarded upon within 75 days unless it submission of required is determined that: documents ° Needs are plainly Advice on eligibility inconsistent with and maximum feasibile _ generally available priority provided upofi facts and data request of locality ° Program is plainly inappropriate to meet needs ° Activities are ineligible ° Activities fail to meet maximum feasible ' priority requirements 9 S. ��-929 1 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES Public Services OLD ° New or increased level of service ° Only for areas of concentrated CDBG activities ° Determined necessary or appropriate to support physical development ° Other Federal funds unavailable - Economic Development OLD ° Indirect assistance to private for profit business through LDC's, SBIC's, or neighborhood -based nonprofits ° Provision of land, public facilities, or conmcrcial/industrial improvements in support of private for profit businesses NEW ° No change ° No more than 10% of funds (grantees that allocated more than 10% in FY 81 permitted to exceed limit until FY 85) ° No longer required ° No Ionger required NEW ° Direct assistance to private for -profit businesses ° No change 11 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (cont.) i Comprehensive Planning OLD NEW ° Comprehensive planning ° Develop comprehensive as provided in 701 plan program when not otherwise eligible and ° Develop strategies and necessary to meet action programs community development program objectives ° Evaluate plans, strategies, and action programs ° Carry out A-95 clearinghouse functions 81 - 929 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN ELIGIBLE ACTIYLTIES 1. PUBLIC SERVICES I.1111TATIONS REMOVED: ° Geographical ° Supporting relationship ° Other Federal funds NEW 111i1TATIONS: ° Cannot exceed 101N, of grant ° Exception — if FY 81 allocation was over 10% — then by FY 85 ° Still limited to new or increased services 2. SPECIAL ASSESSi1;EN1'S ° Can now be levied on portion of expenditure not funded by CDBG funds ° Can pay assessments for low -mod with CDBG funds 3. NEMzSARY OR APPROPRIATE DETERMINATIONS ° In lieu of former special approvals by HUD ° Documentation of determination is required 4. ASSISTANCE TO PRIVATE FOR PROFITS permitted for all activities determined or. appropriate" for an economic development project 5. PLANNING ° Coin prehensive pl:_nnin,; (,ctivities laid clrni•ini;house runctions Carl l-e fum;Ud ev(?n thou'lh A-05 revici+-s no Is)r:,,cr re,uirrd G. I:N 1;IIGY CONSERVA'i'lON ° Encr � conservation activities power generation i,sin, roncv,l,')lc energy resojirees sy,.,tems —solid Nvaste recycling and convej-sionlfGCilitics purri:itted I -4- SUMMARY OF C14ANGFS TO MAX FEAS RULES 1. Relocated into Subpart C (Eligibility) so applies to entitlement, state and small cities programs. 2. Three national objectives are co -equal, (i.e., removed emphasis on overall low -mod benefit). 3. Activities in UUAG cities and 'Pockets of Poverty' qualify as lov.-mod-income benefit projects. 4. Exception criteria (.302(d)(5)) for low -mod projects in non -low -mod areas luis been eliminated. 5. Slum or Blight definition relaxed: ° Area need not be NSA ° Areas with substantial deterioration throughout may meet test without meeting strict (urban renewal type) state and law definitions of slum or blighted. ° Recipients must maintain evidence supporting the local determination of slum or blighted. 6. Spr'r ial rules established for residential rehabilitation: Low -Mod Benefit: ° -100% of assisted single family structures must be occupied by low -mod households • Majority of assisted units in multiple farrrily structures must be occupied by low -mod households ° For rental units, the income test is based on r►fforCability of the units after rehab ° Nature of rchub iietivities unlimited Slum or Blight: ° On a spot basis, eligible as before (only to extent necessary to eliminate Specific conditiorLs detrimental to publir. health and Safety) ° In urvic,s qualifying as slum or blight, eligible to a hi' rcr iw!Q;1.c household (I) only if unit is substandard (local), and (2) lirnitod to stunt.'-zrdi'ratior. unle>> all suet deficicneies luive been removed. 4