HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #65 - Discussion Item--
The Hispq*ic World's Fir,
Mi1r1i bttit�
WA Way hetutive Ctnter
2050 Na! Wayy. Suite 5�1
M�arr, ; 33145
(305185B JI161 or 6587
beeembet 2§ 1981
Mr. Cesar Cdio
Assistant City Manager
City of Miami
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Dear Cesar:
It was indeed a pleasure to talk with you.
I am looking forward to working with you, in order to give the City of Miami
the best possible support for their participation in the Fair.
We at the Hispanic World's Fair are proud to bring the lair to your great City
the "Big Orange".
As per your request, we have enclosed the proposal you requested for the City
of Miami's participation in the Fair.
A representative of the Hispanic World's Fair or Mr. Danny Ramos, President
of our firm will be available on December 10, 1981 to help make the presentation
to the City Commissioners. We have a 5 minute film of the Fair that took place
in New fork, which I think shows clearly how successful the Fair has been.
You will find in the Fair an added means of communication and promotion, both
national and local that we consider of vital importance for this great city
at this time.
We, at the Hispanic World's Fair are looking forward to bringing the convention
to Miami, March 5, 6, & 7, 1982.
Angelica R. Chaluisant
The Hispa nic World%"'P 1 6
December 2t 1981
Mt, Howard Gary
City Manager
City of Miami
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Ni111"I "iC@:
Cora) Way hotu", Center
2050 CUM Way.Suits 51,
MiAMI. EL 33145
(305) 858.6616 at 6547
Dear Mr. Gary:
On November 199 1981 I met with Mr. Cesar Odio, Assistant City Manager for
the City of Miami, after presenting him with an invitation for the City of
Miami to participate in the Hispanic World's Fair; Mr. Odio asked us to sub-
mit a proposal in writing; so that it may be presented to the City Commission-
ers on December 10, 1981. He expressed an interest at that time in having
the City of Miami participate in the Hispanic World's Fair.
As per Mr. Odio's request I have enclosed our proposal for the City of Miami's
participation in the Fair for your perusal.
We feel privileged to have the opportunity to now bring the Hispanic World's
Fair to the "Big Orange", your great City.
You will find in the Fair an added means of comr.iunication and promotion, both
national and local that we consider of vital importance for this great City
at this time.
We, at the Hispanic World's Fair are looking forward to bringing the convention
to Miami, March 5, 6, & 7, 1982.
I am looking forward to working with you and Mr. Odio, to give the best possible
support to the City of Miami for their participation in the Hispanic World's
i �j L•`�2 �/ ��ilfi/!
41� gelica R. Chaluisant
Enc. • r�; s: _
heautive Mal
' "ante World s Avg Suit, 30The.H NOW York, NY 10'166 Miami Nice,
Oral Way executive Center
2050 Coral Wall Suite 511
Miarfii. FL �3116 45
(305) 658.66or 6587
December 2 i 1981
Page 2
In addition to the above considerations we are giving the City of Miami for
their participation in the fair the following:
Free one full page black and white in six issues of the U.S.
HispA nic Affairs Magazine (a national publication reaching
75,000 executives and public officials in major national
corporations and government agencies in Was.".ington, D.C. )
VALUE: U.S. Hispanic Affairs Magazine Pate
One full page black and white ......... $1,850.11r1
Onu year's contract (6 issues)......... x6
Value ........$11,10U.00
Triis will give the City of Miami a new avenue to reach on national level
govcrnment officials and major eorporatR executives, in an ongcinb campaign
for a full year and continue to promnte Miami's fertil ground ft+r new husi-
114Lss, excx l lent tourist attractions, hntels anrt restaurant:- lu-n , n to the
Fai: bas tal.en place.
Booth A...6..6.....0...0.0.............. $25,600.00
Onc full page ad for one year 11,1Qq. no
Total valuv....... I...
COS-1 TO THE CITY OF ' ,i.L•!1
Booth A (Paid in full by 3/31; t'2) ....... S33,/40.C;u
One fuli page ad for one year - 0 -
Total Ca:•t S23,040.r►tl
Value of Booth and Ads $36,700.00
Cost of Booth and Ads 23,040.00
Savings to the City ..................... $139660.00
The Hispanic World's Fair is proud to have this great City (The Big Orange)
participate in the first annual Hispanic marketing and promotional event.
The FaiL will continue to by presented every year and we know that this will
be the beginning of a fruitful relationship for both the City of Miami and
the Hispanic World's Fair.
�'t J
The Hispant
December 2, 1981
t"t tive bftit�:
World.9 &r,
PA�1 AAi BUitdiA�
�00 PArk AvaAue, tun Me
Ybrk, NY 10186
M16MI Mite:
MAI WAY ExOtutive Ctnter
2050 Coal WAy. Suite 511
MIAA IJ1. 83145
(305) 858.6616 or 6587
late have taken into consideration the supeestions of Mr, }tonsts»cin kosta,
Marketing Director of the Department ofTradc and Coerce and Mr. Jose
Casanova, City Planner for the Department of Planning and Zoning; that
the City of ;harm participate at the Hispanic Vorldis Fair to pro;.:otc
Itself and the individual projects and programs of each City Department;
simulta::c•k- us1•c h:: atIl ling a central scction of the floor (scc
Beach Convention CenLc:- floor plan).
This will reducc the cost, since the cost of one of these section is
considerably less than the cost for the total amount of space that would
be needed to accomodate: the various city departments that would wanL to
The CiLr of Miami would tiave the high visibility it needs with a large
central Incation in ore.-.r to promote tourism, economic dPvclnpment,attract
ncc:•: busiisc!-c.Gs:, do per.-.oancl recru-iesue.nt and IISLr!bULt. infornrsti.:n.
Wc, arc cot;ni;,rnt -,f t':% fact that thc• Cit•: Of Miarsi's pattiri.ratiol: is the
Hispanic V-rld's Fair will- give .in added boost to our convc=ntion.
Thereforc, we would like to offer the City of Mani several amenities. The
Hisp.iisic Wrrld's Fair will give the Cite of %ami the following Month price
(St.nn0ard c(-,.t of booth A is $25,600.nO)
A. 1fi'' IR'durLinn ;.il, '-,O givs n on tnc cost of the booth. I f 511)
of the bOOLi, C-OhL ,:: paid by 12/3il S1 ►........ ►. • •. • • • ...... S11,J��.00t
and the othor .50 . i r.11 d by 1/ 11 /C:^ .... ... ... .. ... .. . . . .. . 1.1 , ,:-- ). ii l
Total hootli cost ......... $2'31:1,14D.0*;
F. 5Z Reduction will be given on the cost of the bootie. If 5W-*
of the booth cost is paid by 1/31/82 S129160.00
and-thc• other 50X is paid by 2/21/82 12,160.00
Total booth cost ......... $24,320.00
Nont' d)