HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-0061RESOLUTION NO. 8 / 6 1 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF A VARIANCE. AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 6871,ARTICLE XVI, SECTIONS 4(1)(b)(d) & 6; AND ARTICLE XXIII, SECTION 7(4) (a) (c), TO PERMIT CON- STRUCTION OF A 24-STORY OFFICE BUILDING WITH A 10-LEVEL PARKING GARAGE ON LOTS 6, 7, & 8; BLOCK 137N; MIAMI (B-41) AND LOTS 4, 5 & 6; LEBLOND & ORR SUB (9-1), BEING APPROXIMATELY 148 W. FLAGLER STREET AND APPROXIMATELY 151 S.W. 1ST STREET, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. FRONT SETBACK: FLAGLER STREET AND S. W. 1ST STREET; ZERO SETBACK PROPOSED FOR BOTH FRONTAGES (10' SETBACK FOR THE FIRST 9' OF BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIRED). 2. DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE OF STREET: (A) FLAGLER STREET (TOWER): 35' PROPOSED (151' REQUIRED); (B) S. W. 1ST STREET (TOWER); 140.1' PROPOSED (151' REQUIRED); (C) S.W. 1ST STREET (PARKING GARAGE) ; 37.5' PROPOSED (54' REQUIRED). 3. FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): 7.5 FAR PROPOSED (2.0 PERMITTED). 4. OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES: 3 OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES PROPOSED (5 OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES REQUIRED). SUBJECT TO TRUCKS NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARK, LOAD OR UNLOAD FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 9;30 A.M. AND FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 5:30 P.M.; ALSO SUBJECT TO THE DEDICATION OF THE SOUTH 12.5' OF LOTS 4 AND 5 AND THE DEDICATION OF THE SOUTH 5' OF LOT 6, ALL OF THEM WITHIN THE ZONED R/W OF THE S. W. 1ST STREET; DRIVEWAYS ON S. W. 1ST STREET SHALL CONFORM WITH CITY OF MIAMI STANDARDS (MINIMUM 5' FROM W. LOT LINE, AND 40' MAXIMUM LENGTH). PARCEL ZONED C-4 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL). WHEREAS, Article XXXI of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 6871 permits an extension of a variance by the City Manager with approval of the City Commission, for a one year period; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends the extension of the variance granted by Zoning Board Resolution No. ZB112-81; N0W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CON'SIISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: CITY CCN-l°,,�1c*.-,, ,;► 14EETING Or' ON NO....2.... 61 =0R.11........................'...... i Section 1. The request for a one year extension of a variance granted from Ordinance No. 6871, Article XVI, Sections 4(1) (b) (d) & 6, and Article XXIII, Section 7(4) (a) (c), to permit construction of a 24-story office building with a 10-level parking garage on lots 6, 7, & 8; Block 137N; MIAMI (B-41) and Lots 4, 5, & 6; LEBLONG & ORR SUB (9-1), being approximately 148 West Flagler Street and approximately 151 S. W. 1st Street, as per plans on file, with the following: 1. Front setback: Flagler Street and S. W. 1st Street; Zero Setback proposed for both frontages (10' Setback for the first 9' of building height required). 2. Distance from centerline of street: (A) Flagler Street (Tower): 35' proposed (151' required); (B) S. W. 1st Street (Tower); 140.1' proposed (151' required); (C) S. W. 1st Street (Parking Garage): 37.5 proposed (54' required). 3. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 7.5 FAR proposed (2.0 permitted). 4. Off -Street loading spaces: 3 Off - Street loading spaces proposed (5 Off -Street loading spaces required). Subject to trucks not be allowed to park, load or unload from 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. and from dedication of the South 12.5' of Lots 4 and 5 and the dedication of the South 5' of Lot 6, all of them within the zoned R/W of the S. W. 1st Street; Driveways on S. W. 1st Street shall conform with City of Miami standards (Minimum 5' from W. Lot line, and 40' Maximum length). Parcel zoned C-4 (General Commercial); be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28 day of JANUARY ,1982. MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR RA,LPH G. ONGIE' CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: AP P D AS TO ORM CORRECTNESS: f TERRY V. PERC EO F. KNOX, R DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY -2- CITY ATTORNEY $ 2 fi 1 26 1 - ' Aurelio Perez Lugones, Director .January 21, 1982 =ALE Planning and Zoning Administration -=, Variance 148 West Flagler St. os ph W. McManus Acting Director Planning Department J " The Planning Department has no objection to the extension i of the variances for the subject property. 82-61 .11 U, LOCATION/LEGAL ZONING FACT SHEET Approx. 148 W. Flagler St. Lots 6, 7 and 8 Block 137 N MIAMI (B-41) and Approx. 151 S.W. 1st Street Lots 4, 5 and 6 LE BOND AND ORR SUB (9-1) OWNER/APPLICANT 148 West Flagler Street Corporation c/o John Y. Christie, President City National Bank Building 25 West Flagler Street Miami, Fla. Phone #373-2683 and Milton Beame, Trustee 151 S.W. 1st street Miami, Florida (Attorney for Applicant) Robert H. Traurig 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Fla. 33131 Phone #358-2900 Phone #377-3501 ZONING PARCEL ZONED C-4 (General Commercial). REQUEST Variance to permit construction of a 24-story office building with a 10-level parking garage on above site, as per plans on file, with the following variances: I.- FRONT SETBACK Flagler reet and S.W. lst Street: zero set back proposed for both frontages (10' setback for the first 9' of building height required). II.- DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE OF STREET a Hagler Street (Tower):proposed (151' required) b) S.W. lst Street (Tower): 140.1' proposed (151' required) c) S.W. lst Street (Parking Garage): 37.5' proposed (54' required) 82-61 .r III.- FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) /.5 FAR proposed permitted). IV.- OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES Ott -street loa ing spaces proposed (5 off street loading spaces required). RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPT. DENIAL. There is no hardship which justifies granting the requested variances. The proposed development requests a 7.5 FAR compared with the 2.0 FAR allowed or an additional 187,737 square feet of commercial development. The project neither provides the 10 foot street setback nor the required building setbacks from the street centerline. Only three truck loading bays are provided. On the S.W. 1st Street side, over 100 linear feet of entrance to the truck loading bays and parking garage are indicated which would severely interfere with pedestrian movement on the sidewalks. In the "Downtown Miami Urban Design and Zoning Study" prepared by WMRT in 1973 a limit of 1200 off-street park- ing spaces per block was recommended. There are 685 parking spaces in this 10-story garage which occupies one-fourth of the block; the Revitco building has 302 parking spaces on one-fourth of the block; Dnly 213 parking spaces could be developed on the remaining one-half block before the recommended limit would be exceeded. The Planning Department is currently recommend- ing before the Planning Advisory Board a new CBD-2 zoning district which could be mapped for this block. The maximum FAR is 8; the FAR limit applicable to this building would be 7 recognizing bonuses for proximity to rapid transit and the provision of ground level pedestrian space. The proposed CBD-2 district would continue to require a 10 foot street setback, but the building wall could coincide with the base building line to a height of 100-' above grade where there would be a maximum 25 feet setback. The proposed new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance generally reduces truck bay requirements but would still require four berths in this instance. In the proposed CBD-2 "8Z-601 District off-street parking is not required; but is per- mitted upon Conditional Use approval. At the request of the Department, the developer has prepared a "Flagler Office Project Parking Requirement and Traffic Impact Studies" which demontrates that the parking to be supplied is the least possible for this building even given the proximity to the Rapid Transit Station. REVISED PLANNING The Planning Department has re -considered the previous DEPARTMENT recommendation for denial and NOW RECOMMENDS THIS PROJECT RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL, subject to conditions. AS READ AT THE ZONING BOARD The Department has considered the bonus FAR in the proposed HEARI;dG ON CBD-2 District and increased the bonus FAR for proximity 6/15/81 to Rapid Transit so that the FAR limit for this project would be 8. The developer has prepared a traffic study which demonstrates that there is adequate access to and egress from the building without impacting the street system and that the parking provided is the least possible, even given proximity to Rapid Transit. The Department recommends the following conditions: 1. That trucks not be allowed to park, load or unload from 7:30 - 9:30 A. M., and from 3:30 - 5:30 P.M. 2. That the developer provide a continuous 10' setback From Flagler Street and S.W. 1st Street by moving the exit stairways back. 3. That that portion of the building above the 112' above grade be setback IS' from the Flagler Street Base Buildina Line. PUBLIC .-JORKS Request the dedication of the S12.5' of Lots 4 and 5 and the dedication of the S5' of Lot 6, all of them within the zoned r/w of S.W. 1st Street. Driveways on S.W. 1st Street shall conform with City of Miami standards (minimum 5' from W. lot line, and 40' maximum length). Sidewalk pavers must be submitted for approval by Public Works Department. D.O.T.T. The following comments pertain to the submitted site plans: a. There appears to be no reason to have the westerly exit onto S.W. lst Street. By elimina- ting this drive, the substandard entrance may be widened to 15' to allow ease of access. b. No control for exiting or entering traffic gpt garage operations is shown on the plans. If there is to be any control features, they should be shown and must be taken into account for a func- tional design plan. ZONING BOARD GRANTED subject to conditions on June 15, 1981 by a 5 to 0 vote. 82-61 G ur�QL " r�r 5;1V f 0 r �jZp(/p5E% zo p�FrC� Gv 8,4I,ba too` r G.�tJ. / �jT 8 � • 6 1 I N T ZER-0r r=IC = 4 E'M0RANCUM Howard V. Gary 0ATE. January 18, 1982 FILE: Li-y-,Manager io t, re - on Dir Planning and Zoning Boards Administration SUSJECT.. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Variance - app.143 W. Flagler St COMMISSION AGENDA - January 28, 1982 PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS P Z= ER ENCE-3 ENCLOSUFIES: ARTICLE XXXI of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 6871 provides that any Variance shall expire six months after the effective date of the Variance unless a Building Permit or a Certificate of Use has been issued based upon the Variance. The Ordinance further provides that the City Manager may,after review and determination that substantial progress has been achieved by the applicant in terms of project planning, extend the expiration date of the Variance for an additional period of time not to exceed one year, subject to approval of the City Commission. The Planning Department finds no objection to the granting of the extension of time for this Variance. We are requesting the City Attorney's office, by copy of this memo, to prepare the proper Resolution for this extension. AEPL:cm cc: Law Department 82 -61 Wr CITY OF MIAMI PLA'1►'%!r, S; ZkR0 Investmefits uE1122 Ago :11 December 2, 1981 Mr. Howard Gary City Hall - City of Miami. 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Gary: On June 15, 1981 we received a variance by the City of Miami Zoning Board for a development located approximately on 148 West Flagler St. We are hereby requesting an extension of time for the variance of up to one year. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, !1 Jeb Bush Executive Vice President JEB/lm Enclosures r � � • �1i� Z VJV IY� One Southeast Fifteenth Road/Miami, Florida 33131/Phone (305) 371-6660 8 2 - 6 1 • 26 it •,. 1 ij a.�.� .....d��7.�,.,11�.� �� Sri . , ••— ���.�� r.� T 'I.74Wv�7T7ti�7 ortaa+vfm.�r� ��"�• r-.�•' =`i rd • 1E2ARTMENT OF ADMU%N TRATZON 148 West Fl agl er Street Corp. pLANMNG AND ZOITING BOARDS _ c/o John Y. Christie, 'President 1P. 0. PDX 330708 i City National Bank Building FLORIDA 33133 25 West Flagler St.. Miami, Fla. DATE:_ y Jul 7, 1981 Your petition for a ( ) Conditional Use was granted by (x) Variance the City of - Miami (x) Zoning Board ( ) City Ccmnission on June 15, 1981 by Resolution No. ZB 112-81 and reads as follows: (AS PER ATTACHED). This Variance or Conditional Use *will expire on December 15, 1981 unlesa yuu obtain a E-'�ding ne:.zit or Certificate of Use based upon and incorporating this Variance or Conditional Use during this period. The expiration time of this action can be extended by the City Manager with the approval of the City Corr.:nission for one (1) year. If you require this extension of time, direct a letter requesting such ex- tansion to the City Manager at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration. cc: Milton Beame, Trustee 8/8/74 Robert H. Traurig Building Dept. file Or DE?ARTHEZENT OF ALXI&TISTRATION FIANNI:JG AND ZONING BOARDS 82-61 Mr. Carner offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. ZB 112-81 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCES FROM ORDINANCE 6871, ARTICLE XVI, SECTIONS 4(1)(b)(d) & 6; AND ARTICLE XXIII, SECTION 7(4)(a)(c), TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 24-STORY OFFICE BUILDING WITH A 10-LEVEL PARKING GARAGE ON LOTS 6,7,& 8; BLOCK 137N; MIAMI (B-41) AND LOTS 4,5, & 6; LEBLOND & ORR SUB (9-1), BEING APPROXIMATELY 148 W. FLAGLER STREET AND APPROXIMATELY 151 S.W. 1ST STREET, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. FRONT SETBACK: FLAGLER STREET AND S.W. iST STREET: ZERO SETBACK PROPOSED FOR BOTH FRONT- AGES (10' SETBACK FOR THE FIRST 9' OF BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIRED). 2. DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE OF STREET: (A) FLAGLER STREET (TOWER): 35' PROPOSED (151' REQUIRED); (B) S.W. 1ST STREET (TOWER): 140.1' PROPOSED (151' REQUIRED); (C) S.W. 1ST STREET (PARKING GARAGE): 37.5' PROPOSED (54' REQUIRED). 3. FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): 7.5 FAR PROPOSED (2.0 PERMITTED). 4. OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES: 3 OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES PROPOSED (5 OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES RE- QUIRED), SUBJECT TO TRUCKS NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARK, LOAD OR UNLOAD FROM 7:30 A. M. to 9:30 A.M. AND FROM 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.; ALSO SUBJECT TO THE DEDICATION OF THE S. 12.5' OF LOTS 4 AND 5 AND THE DEDICATION OF THE S. 5' OF LOT 6, ALL OF THEM WITHIN THE ZONED R/W OF S. W. 1ST STREET; DRIVEWAYS ON S. W. 1ST STREET SHALL CONFORM WITH CITY OF MIAMI STANDARDS (MINIMUM 5' FROM W. LOT LINE, AND 40' MAXIMUM LENGTH). PARCEL ZONED C-4 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL). Upon being seconded by Mr. Freixas, this Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Basila, Carner, Rolle, Gort, Freixas. NAYES: None. ABSENT: Baro. Zoning Board Item #9 June 15, 1981. 1W 82-61