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., 4343 N.W. 17 we.
Miami, Flori&., �33138
Mr. Howard Gary
City Manager =
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Attention: Jack Eads
Dear Mr. Gary:
I am writing in reference to an appearance I wish to make before
the City of Miami Commission at the Thursday, March 11 meeting.
I wish to speak in reference to year-round Youth Programs within
the City of Miami.
Les Brown
January► 1982
�2_`' )7
Approach 2
Training Program Design 3
Budget 5
Appendices: Reprint of,Washington Post reports
The National Center, Inc. an educational corporation,
proposes to plan and conduct a seminar designed to
contribute to riot rehabilitation in Miami.
The immediate objective is to take the initial steps
required to mobilize, train and provide leadership
opportunities for a cadre of the city's young residents,
drawn from all ethnic and socio-economic groups in the
community. The program's graduates would constit.jte a Miami
Yo_ith 1,eadership Institute, working clo5oly wi`_`i �1•,,�t?.j
officials, appropriate city dp7olrlt" ':i and c1)inm,in] t y'
to impact on the many areas and aspects of city life in
which they live and work.
Through relevant training and the exper1.2n,-,2 of
un-lertaklni leadership responsihilitl-'i, In!7-ti -Jt11..,Tlt_).,I's
capahi l i t ices will he developed, during th•-i r
years, to a point where they can form a network, has,-:l on
common understanding and purpose, actinq as a key component
(-)f their generation of community, economic and
Political leaders.
More immediately, the Youth Leadership Institute can
become the source of a substantial interelated effort,
through it's members interfacing with other organizations
and sections of the city's neighborhoods, wards and
communities with an integrity demonstrated in expressions of
their developinq self -hood.
The National Center has provided training and technical
assistance in Washington, D.C. which has, over a three year
period, equipped the 1,2/J0 members who constitute the
Washington D.C. Youth Leadership Institute with the
capabilities described. Two Washington Post reports on the
Institute are appended to this proposal.
Mr. Clarence King, Executive Director, and experienced
members of The National Center's staff would conduct a
two-hour seminar to introduce and explain the Youth
L�a��rshi Institute concept. Invite(] attentioes w,r),i] l
include elected officials and leading members of the city's
The seminar would open with an audio-visual
presentation, utilizing professionally edited materials
drawn from similar programs conducted by The National
Center.. Members of The National Center team would introduce
aspects of the program, would answer questions and
participate in general discussion.
It is Proposed that in the following three day period
members of the team would, with the endorsement of seminar
participants, meet with individuals and small groups of
Miami citizens whose support for the program is judged
critical to it's immediate success.
The two-hour duration Period for the seminar is
suggested out of deference to the many calls on the time of
the Mayor, commissioners and community leaders; a seminar
of longer duration can be conducted if the sponsor so
desires, and if key participants are able to expend mire
time. Cost increases, in this event, would be minimal.
The National r7ent' r's Yotit'l I,ea'l?Y�hin pr"h7ra:'1, a'l
intensive participatory trainin(I w:)rkshop, provides a
structure(I developmental learning experience,.
The scope of the pr!7,ira,n synthe iz,?q money-mana(pM,3nt
and economic de'J? 1;)i)I*l "l t concepts w i t-h a "mock." V )t ?C
r,?gistration and 1-?ctic)n, with an examin-7tiorl -.)� thy:
attitudes expressed in style an,,] behavior and wit:l responses
to art, music, language, dance and myth.
Through group examination of shared and individual
merging and intersecting perspectives, the values and
aspirations of the self are codified and documented anA
responsible person-i] and purposos are identified.
Participants experience their value --to themselves and
to others; awareness of the unity of mind, body and spirit
is generated in group and individual exercises involving
creative imagery, drama, problem solving and the congruence
of behavior with circumstances.
The program enhances and awakens ethical standards and
a sense of purpose, bringing about positive change in
personality, behavior and the ability to initiate, sustain
and deepen relationships -through the recognition of unknown
and untapped power, drawn from within and directed
Youth Lea,lership training is a 60-30 hour projra:n f:rorn
which young people e;ner3,' %.;itn a now con: ciousn"!;!; Of self ,
more oriented towards the real world and to others, better
ahle to communicate and ollabnrate across the harriers of
a'ie, sex an:-1 race, able t') -)Ian for their own and their
cc)iitrnanitV'S futIAre. The aI' emE)-)veered to take .a
iil r�ct 1�)n.
Seminar Design
Principal Designer, 2 days @'$250/day 500.00
Design Associate 4 days @ $150/day 600.00
Audio-visual production 3,000.00
Sub -total —4 T(To i3U
Conduct_of Seminar and Follow-up
Senior Consultant 4 days @ 200/day 1,000.00
Consultant 4 days @ $150/day 600.00
Consultant 4 days @ $150/day 600.00
Consultant 4 days @ $.150/day 600.00
Sub -total 2,800.00
Other Direct Costs
Air travel (4 round trips, D.C.-Miami) 932.00
Ground travel 500.00
Ho,ej accomodati -rn
(4 x 3 nights 3 $100/night) 1,200.00*
Per Diem (4 x 4 .1ays 3 $50,/day) 900.00
Inf,)rmational mat=Trials _300.00
Sub total 10,632.00
Fee @ 10% 1,063.00
TOTAL STl,695.55
* This item is anticinatel as beinj a local in-kini
tilt Ii�l)11. ell LS 1:. 191,u
Sj um-1er Proiff 'am Trans Young
eratt"N MNU,vau-1M WUM1Inr'•i YuW
Berate lluphes tr+iff ttorh in the rhovor s office for
a year nJter finishing the leadership prregratr a.
L. Fdsranf D. Sargerti
wWp:yior, leW,a.r1 Wrt.Y
Some described It as the best two weeks of their
lives, Others said they were so Inspired by the ex•
perience they felt ready to go out and run the
world —or at least run the District better Han it es
now being run.
One youth said he was so changed by the eapert-
enee he was sun his street buddies would say he
r a totally different parson now than when they
last saw him two weeks ago. He said he s now si'rr
ousabout life and wants to stay out of trouble.
By anv description. the Mayor's South let a,ler•
still, Institute is a prod eve experience.
Thr institute. started last year. is designed to se,
leri lhose young p'oplr In the District who dt-,%
he greatest potentialma far tradership, than ke
Ihrtrs inure aware of their talents and of tit,- pro],
,cats in their environment and finally return
them to their communities to organize and Iead
Atxrut 2.taln students from the Di:ariet's pubhr
aad private Junior and senior high schools applied
this year far eibutcsion to the prograut Only .psi
were selected. 201 far each ncs,nal.
The insuutte' consists of two I.. week residem
teed leadership training -"sons at W—rd I err
cer,nv. Tat fact session this summer rudrd lest
Frday. The --.ad t,e•gan 5anday.
Iach ulstiUnr participant grin a sulntn,r pm
Ih-uri, the Ile,trict Sultana: Jots !'ro�i :nn.
The teanuog .,,,tons prepareyouths in N effee-
bp+• leaders , their commuralk, by engagme
theta in Intensive Rrcup eniountcrs and 'gain —
activities are designed to fosti•r ::elf aware-
nrs> ono grmq•.,,],,rarely and to ituln—e plohirim
,-0,ng skill,.
•'1Ve get Rr•n: t,, dream and to hale the nauag+'
I,, gel out ant} actuah?e th^ir dreams," said Ardla
it,:, marl. a gi,,up instructor.
Ito. than slid other leadership trainers who su-
pervise the youths are employed by the National
t ew,r for Erunomic and C'ehunoany it Ioli-
iln•ui. a COigadlntg firm under t-ontraet to the tit-
sntute through tire nayulr a oifkvc
bioncy fiom the mayor's office and the Depart -
nerd of Employment 5—we+s pays for aI,,-
title which costs about E'G24XV0 a year to olive ate.
liunnR the:wowrek—,,,n,. the youths live in
a I1n.ard thmerstty dormitory under ,tit it pens.
Darrell Sahhc, director of the institute, says dis.
cipl me is strict. "We have to bo very rigid on some
ihmgs —nn el. educe, It:, drugs. no violence or
chi rats of s dine it anci..iy hreaks the rule,,
nhrte are, no nrRouattoas..pr,i Rmdhve "
,lhist studeus were ehi!sen because they could
communicate well. were aware of the problems in
their inn inunnu•s and were recommended by
loiters. Sahtn said, were selected because they
were spertal hardship cases—chronu•ally,delin-
quent kids or those oil probation for minor crones
+ho might he hellifd by the program.
Sahlis said he tried to bring together students
from various harilgrounds and tares. including
tilacks. whites, Hispanics, and deaf youths "We've
+: .ds from the Gold toast to Barry Farms in-
r.licd Ili this program" Saban added, 1 made
sure that we bed at least Up kids from public
11 Istlig...
puling the training sessiorn, the student sit at
round tables, each labile constituting a team. They
.,a encouragcsl be bes litoa4 and,,peat wtS11 ettek
ethrr as they p,Irnoipate to what are called
I.I. el- ga Ines...
In one game, mirney is doled out and the person
who gets the thirst dsierddnt's the rules by which
Ise others must act.
After the game, students analyze their motives
during the game and discuss the problems of
ihare .ho had less power.
By playing the games and participating In the
plugranis other activities, **We learned a tot
dtrout beltig ptepaled. and about how a group tan
really unite and do something," said Terrence
Hill. 1+, of Northwest D.C.
'The stgmhgance d the games in that the
youth, mum think and work as a tesm." said 15-
- tit Vanessa Marshall.
..W... P Ina sot r sal taut.Wt ,pnainv t ,I
. , aw era imr
Many youths, including Marshall. try to slay me
volved after they complete the summer program
They screen trainees lot upcoming programs and
act as assistant trament during the summer sea
After completing the two -week Raining sele
sions, studetts may participate In ether activities
during the neat year. Among the activities are in-
ternships in District government that allow young
people to learn about government firsthand and
make suggestions about how the city should be
For instance. the youths in the institute elect
some of their group as ntavor and soused mem-
hers. These students later will get to know and
work closely with actual city officials
The student mayor works in Mayor Marion Bar-
ry's office for a year. Marshall. one of last years
mayors, also worked with the Neighborhood Plan-
ning Commission and other community groups. In
addition. she helped recruit and interview this
,ear's institute partMopants.
Kerney Hughes. 18. of Southeast D.C. was
elected mayor in this anmmer-s flat seasxm
Hughes, who also was a battalion cots MMI(Ia In
Spingaru High School's ROW program this near,
said, " Ibe institute trained me to use discipline
and taetfutnest when «yml to get people it, do
"I cue about this city and the fair treatment at
all people.' wild Hughea, who hopes to be the irat
mayor of Wa*Wgton one day.
Esplatnlag the philosophy of the insinute,
Sabba saitt'Fhat eve give them confidence atewc
themsdces--we make them feel Competent A bK
of kids come In here bashtut, but when they lea: e.
they're aggressive leaden —rod that's what this
city needs"
Moving Up
Mayor's Institute Trains Youth Leaders
By Edward D. Sargent City during the day, attend leader-
w..nma+r.rtswnwm.. ahiD ttrini xtasione in the evenings
or the peal thin years. roll and slop m dormitory et
of Mayor Marine Berry's pet Howard University s campus
prgetia has been the May night. There are tt 111 Panc�-
or s Youth Leadership trod- Karst, from each ward and the group
tote. a program for Washiutgton is cP, bl l:k-," as el end
teen -alters that is designed. in the upper•inrnn a youths well as
mayor's words, to serve as a 'struc- hendicaL Youths and blaclts,
cared ansession.include at
d aystenmLic way of Bevel- whites and Hispanics The maYx
aping strong leadership for the fu- . � ��
Sam, aim ironed his�own teal (small tsaand thatequamount 2nt of melees
ership skills during a peri group
change. Mack militancy and civil and females.
rights activism, called the institute a Youths that have been through
'training ground for the ne;E goner- the program do most of the inter-
stion of leaders! He has given his viewing of new apPlicants Dru stir
personal and official support to the dent may be chosen for his
institute, which takes in thosiam and another may
be 400 youths each summer. for his shyriew
-it filh the void that —,created 'An enthusisatic youth . cocivernent died a lot to offer the group rmaayal ave
after the civil Most of the cur youth may have a lot to gain." said
down. Barry w been with
rent black ieadcrshiD in uts country Harm Nixon, t8, who has
was developed in the movement the institute since its inception. 'So
That was our training ground- we may want bothofthem
to be in
That's where we learned to work in the Program 10
groups and to organize for political gether"
action. The institute teaches our N. The and CommuaiCennterty fopmant m-
ture leaders what id tesrrgoal ic (NCECD), a personal and career de -
While Barty said the gad of the velopment orggnixatuan headed by
program is to develop future Poi Clarence King, is hired by the insh-
leadere for thr dty Me cadre at tole each year for $70,0t10 to run the
it elan could pyre and campaign intensive training exerciaet The
vouthfu) supports him head trainer end m-trainers have
workers who Could help Rye backgrounds in, among other fields.
that "magic 51 percent" in the 1982 education. psYcholryty, politics an"
mayoral election. sociology- Youths who have been
Rut, Barry said. 'That's democ• thnaogh the program before work a
nary. If you help people to help assistant trainers.
themselves and to fulfill theme' went During the evening Eraining see
then it's obvious that they aiow, the youths gothsr in gnufn n
to sec you stay in office• 1f they Re eight, sit at amid tables and
nut and work for me, than that a whatever the mirsinen, sxsista
of ...:....» ...i '" t...a s+ -.. I'—
.viderrce t)ut they art •lot out —
own erfectrvetxa+ by the
emotion expretsevl by parting
participants The Youth. are asked
to form large rirclas cLsP hands and
t'sten to a series of poems to ksve,
commitment, striuRRle and spirituel
if the YostM kx k hark over the
previous two weeks. said bead train-
er Speer) they ahaukl be able to re -
Lot, to the wopks and they usually
begin to tell their fellow participant,
how glad Buy were to meet them
end go thmtyth the eel AmcoverY
exercises together. Uninhibited ex-
pressiutta of einution, such av crying
and hugging, even by "hard•rock"
male+, awmlly occur, he When you
Clarence King said,
put someone through the Pnxwgs of
refmt+i�t his life and getting m-
volled in things with other people
that he wouldn't rexmally get into,
(things) which help him evaluate the
different menus), social aryl spiritual
salads of his life, he get, excited.
The atlf-divcrwtry prut'rn' helpa him
release a lot of temimt and emotion
that he has locked inside himvelf'
.Wotkie" William+, an enthmias-
tie youngster, 000siden his experi-
encee in the institute invalwML
'f he program- definitely changed
me. be said. "it gave me a keen
ervarenea of how to use my leader-
ship abilities. I always knew I had it
in me, but new I ses how' 1 can tee it
in my community and amongst my
{ peers. 1t gave me the confidence to
n expresv my opinions anywhere with-
out nervousnesa or htwiLlti n'
In interviews with wveral of the
participants, one concern often re-
f peered way the misunderstanding
df and insensitivity that they believe
nt adult, have about ttemagells. Tsnys
Harold Williams, left, Tsayo Smith end John Omdels, membered the Mayors Yoata tAxaees00 uesmiira wet, wsw.o.�
as cap of the District suildinu. The youths took poet is a four -weak summer Pcgmm of pereoaal devebpmast
Mavor's Youth Institute Trains
Tomorrow's Leaders Today