HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09379AMFNDMI:NT N0. 10 TO ORDINANCE No. 9321 q* 1% ORD I NANC F. NO. AN F:PILRGENCY ORD INANCF: AMF,ND I I'i(; SECT 1 ONS 1 AND 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9321, ADOPT1:I) SF,1)TI:MB1:R 24, 1981_, TIIF, ANNUAL API' ROPR I AT IONS ORD I NANCI: FOR THE F I SCiAI YEAR E'ND I N(; SEP'f'EI�Mlil:l; 30, 1982 , AS AMI:NDE1D, BY TNCRFASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THI: (;1:N1:RA1, FUND, SPFC'iAI. PROGRAMS AND A000UNTS I N TI11: AMOUNT OF $494, 000 AND BY INCREASING lil:A'('.Nl'I:F I N THE: SAME ;AMOUNT, A;; s-"00, ow) FRU,1 1:1 SCAL YFI AR 1981 FUND BAL:ANCF. AMD 594,000 FROM FISCAL YEAR 1982 ADDITIONAL REVENi'F: FR(1?1 I;v'I'I:RFS'1' ON INVEST- MENTS TO COVER 'THE' F:APENSF. OF II I RTN(; BOOZ, ALLFN, AND LION, 1 NC. FOR CONSULTANT SER\1I C E S TO I`1PROFF. TI11: C0M1)U'1'I:I: O1'ERAT 1 0 N S AN I) 'I'llE. 1'01,1C1: 1)RO'1'F'CT10N SI:RV'ICEIS TO TINE CITY; C0NT'AININ(; A RE1)F:A1,ER PROVISION :AND A SEVERABTLITY CLAUSE.. BE. IT ORDAINF?D BY THF, COMM SS1ON' OF THE, CITY O �lI:AMI, FLORIDA: SuctIoil I. Sect lens I and 5 of Ordinance No. 9321, adopted Septemhc:r 24, 1981, the annual rlppropr.iati oil s ordinance fur the fisca] vear undinS September 30, 1982, as amended, are hereby f urthCr antellded ill t'11e 1 o I 1 0 w i11 part 1Cttlars "Sect�i.cm I. The following ailpropri-at ions ar.0 made for the municipal operations of tle. City of Miami, Florida, for the i-]seal vear 1981.-82, including the payment of principa] and interest on all General Obligation Ponds: 1)epartment:1, Boards, .and Off ices_ GENERAL. FUND Special. Programs and Accounts TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS �15�-989-538 APPROPRTATION $ 1.1,192,398 $141,814,121 $1.59,483,538 TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS $16;Tgl8;444 $165,512,434 Section 5. The above appropriations are made based on the following sources of revenues for the 1.981-82 fiscal_ ",car: GENERAL FUND Revenue Miscellaneous Revenues $ 2,261,539 Non -Revenues �--4TAz97994 $ 7,079,994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ]/ Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures constitute the amendment proposed. The remaining provisions .are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. All figures are rounded to the next dollar. Ri;VI'.NUF, `ro,r,m. GI:NERA1, FUND ' 1-44v4LO-,4271- $141 ,814, 121. TOTAI, GENERAL OPERATING RFVGNUES s-lZ) ww-,- 34 $159,483,538 ToTAI, OPl'RATlr NG RI?VENUES -,-PA 41- -,A44- `105,51,L,434 Section ?. I'he hcrei_n appropriation of $494,000 is to cover tile cost of liiring liooz, Allen rind llamil.Lon, Inc. to provide con- suitant services to inil) rovi, Llie computer operat ions ;end the police protection services of the City. Section 3. ,\1.1 ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of Lhis ordi- nance are hereby repealed Section 4. if any section, part of section, parragraph, clause, 1)lirase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remainini; provisions of this ordinance sh.al.l not be affected. Section 5. I'll is ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergence measure. on the grounds of urgent puhl.ic need for the preservation of peace, 11eaIL]I, safety, and property of the CiLv of Mi.am1., and upon the further grounds of the necessity to male the required and necessary Payments to its emplovees ,,nd officers, payment of its contracts, pay- ment of interest and principal_ on its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and supplies, and to generally carry on the func- tions and duties of its municipal. Section 6. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hcrebv dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the member of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED tlii.s filth day of March , 1982. Maurice A. Ferre M A Y 0 R rIST: C� { A 1..1 -I c . E C:1'rY 'LERK -2- 1/ $400,000 appropriated from FY-81 Fund Balance and $94,000 from 17Y-82 Additional revenue from I n t a r e s t on Investments. 937 9 0 do, 11) U 1) G 1: T A 1-11 Y 1\1 F %, I I." W : N- -0-11 R S S I I R A i R CT 0 R 1) E 1) A RTM E NT OF M A N 1) B U 1) C ET 1J."CAL R EVI EW: -- ------ - ROBERT V. Cf,ARK Di",PUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1111 1\1 0 \1 E 1) AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: G I -" 0 R -1:0-. -CN. -o\ T R. 2 C, ITY ATTORNEY 0 i 0 IiQLs'ard V . Car%' Fc'; I"'.i lr'.' 5, 1932 City Manager A,,-1-ropriations Or - !Y-)(D. M. i_en anti liar.:il ton, Inc, Randolph B. Rosencrantz .. Assistant City Manager It is recommended that the City Commission adopt an ordinance appropr.iatin(T $494,000 to be used to fund an agreement between the Cit- and the consultant firm of Dooz, Allen and F_amilton, Inc., to provide implementation of a number of management improvements. This appropriation is to be funded from Unanticipated Surplus Fiscal Year 1981-82. BACKGROUND: For manl,, years this firm has provided consulting services to the City and in response to your request has submitted a proposal to assist the City in implementing a number of improvements in the area of police utilization, data processing management, and planning for effective utilization of data management resources. The initial proposal submitted was estimated to cost $681,000. The proposal presently under review is estimated to cost $494,000, a reduction of $187,000. This reduction was achieved as a result of your insistence that this proposal be fine tuned and included only those products with significant value to the City. Addition- ally, in the process of review, it was determined that one of the tasi:s could he performed more effectively by City employees rather than outside consultants. Essentially, the initial proposal included four tasks. Task 1 -- Provided for assistance on the implementation of Minority Vendors program and assistance in developing a Performance Reporting system. The Minority Vendors program is now being implemented util- izing staff employees and :.;ill be fully operational within the near r a r talii.71, 1 l k Y+. A -M et Howard V. Gary � -2-- Cebruary 5, 1982 City Manager future. The consultants rolo in this will be ',ery minoI" and therVorn, it was not included as part of the final. anreament. The Performance Reportin<, System will be undertaken after Some planned improvements are made in our current Financial I?eportina System,. Included in the agreement presently being considered are three signLficant tasks. They are identified as Tasks 2, 3, and 4. Task 2 -- The purpose of this task is to assist the Department of Computers and Communications (DCC) in implementing those corrective measures required to ensure an established and acceptable opera- tional base for future systems enhancements. Task 3 -- The purpose of this task is to create a logical, formal, and documented structure for the controlled growth of all major aspects of the City's automation support. program. Task 4 -- The purpose of this task is to assist the Miami Police Department in improving the delivery of police protection services to the community through the implementation of recommendations submitted to the City Manager by Dooz, Allen in a report dated October 2, 1981, entitled, "Analysis of Miami Police Department Personnel Utilization Practices." A critical element in this task is the accelerated effort to civilianize the Police Department through the release of experi- enced officers from "desk type" jobs for field duty and replacing them where feasible with civilian non -uniformed employees. It is planned that Task 4 and 2, will be initiated in early March and given priority attention because of their immediate need and payoff to the city, The agreement between the consultant and the City will be on a time and materials basis. The charges will be based upon approved professional services rates and all expenses will be charged at cost. It is estimated that approximately nine months will be needed to completely accomplish this agreement. It is intoresti.ng to note that the consultant is committed to employ minority contractors for at least 107 of this contract effort. There are several significant reasons to proceed immediately with this agreement: I. It will enable the City to move immediately to put trained and experienced officors on the street. 2. It ::ill provide a much needed plan to ensure coordination and maximum utilization of our data processing resources on a city-wide basis. Viz'3 79 t 0 0 Howard V . Gary - 3- Fehruar_r 5, 1982 City ManacTer 3. although we can anticipate a significant cc-t sa,,.•ings, this agreement should be more prcp,-�rly assc ssed on its potential cost avoidance capability. 4. This agreement provides an opportunity to put into place a significant number of recommendat-ons which have been re- searched and developed under prior studies. RRR:ces Encl.