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ORDINANCE NO 9 3 9 7 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOP, THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE XI=2 RESIDENTIAL OFFICE=R-CB DISTRICT BY: 1, AMENDING SECTION 1 - CONCERNING USE REGU- LATIONS; 2. AMENDING SECTION 5 CONCERNING FLOOR AREA RATIO; 3. AMENDING SECTION 6 - CONCERNING LOT COVERAGE; 4. ADDING SECTION 12 = CONCERNING PARKING; 5. AMENDING SECTION 10 - CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW; 6. AMENDING SECTION 3 = CONCERNING YARDS; 7, AMENDING SECTION 9 - CON- CERNING STRUCTURE PARKING; AND 8. AMENDING THE PURPOSE CLAUSE; AND BY REPEALING ALL ORDINATICES, CODE SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of Item No. 3(a) December 2, 1981 advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. , following an PA8 78-81 , by a 7 to 0 vote RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 6871, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration of this matter, deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant this change of zoning classification, as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT ORDAINED BY TFE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Ordinance No. 6871, as amended, the Com- prehensive Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: l/ 1. Re~rlsec:l l~lO~r ~ `~J , i9~31 REChltiltENnL1~ AtC)DIrTCl1TIOi\1fi t~Il'IyICLE X1-~? IIISIDIIV'1'I~1L - O1~rIC1?, - R-C'13 11t~nt•o~~eci ~~•ith t\mr..tldtnent ht' fi~A~i, I1Pr..ori~l~c'r ~., ~1~4]. I3econvnenclecl tlmendments fol.lotvi_n~ 1_si; Reaclin~; TO DISTRIC"C 1, Atttc'ncli.n~• Sc~ct;io-1 ~. - USI: RI~C'~ULf1TI(7NS b~~ del.etin~; pt~,ra~raplis (7) and (g) and insel•ti.n~ i.n 7.ieu tl7eroof neW para:~;ra.ph (~) , (S),(9) and (10) as folloWS: =f-~----~'1-2E?-~A~~H~4•~~~-L~~1~~-~f-~}~}~~e~e~1-~s-~B~tA~T~A~1:~~,-~~~ f ~.~---~tt~l{~~~-bets--sel~;feet-te-Elie-eeinc~~.t}ens-ef f e~---p~~~rt~te-F.,~.~tl~ ; -]Jec~~e ; -1;~~~e~~~t~--~~~~r~ty?-~e~-- rtl3e~-s~~a~~.fl.~-uses-net-~{~e~t~~e~-=€e~-~~e~-1t . f c~-)---Tl~e--Fe~le~~~~-~et~}~-e~-se~~~.~e-~se:s ;-~l~en-e}~e}- ~tec~-~e-e.en;}x~et~e+~-W~:tl~-fl.-pe+t~~.tted-use , }~ ~ee~tec~-en-tl~e-~}e~t~c~-~-lHe}-~e~e~-~ne~-e~~e~e~l. tl~~eu~l~-~-eF~t~t~e~-ent~a~ee ; -ems , -{-~-t~.~et~c~ec~-~~t13 t~-peclest~~~t~x-~•t~~k~t~.y-~~F~}}l-tl3e-eHts}cue=-c1~t~~-step=e , neWSStenc~;-t~A~~.st-sl~e~;-~~-£t-t~~~l-et~~c~-skei~> c~el~et~tesse~ , -t~al~e-sl3e}~-, -ear~e~a-ske}~ , -l~t~~He~ skH}~-n.ncl-l~eaety-}~a.~~e~ ;-la~ecl~y-t~ec~-cry-elerae~~x t~.~eney--c~e}~~~eat}ems-ee~ate~ ;-l~Ht-eHt-~nel~~l~n~ ty}~e-setts n n-t~nc~-~ette~-}~~ess ; -e}~t~eal-se~~~ees , f3.t'~-~{3~~e~'~P..S ; -t~~~e~-a~et~e~ ; -t~eclte~~-f2.~lEi-c~entt~~ ~al~e~=a.tH~y ; -l~e~.~:tl-i-s}~a ; -scat}e~e~y-ste~e , -~est~.H~- t~ets-nAt-~est~~ete~l-te-tie-~~c~un~l-t~ee~ . fe3---A~t~e-~n=te~le~s. {-t3---Nel~ste}~-}~~e~~clec~-tl~~t=-~3-tl~e-~u~xl~e~-e~€-~~~~13t~ fled-e~e~}~t~eet-esec~-sl~al-~-net-k~a~e-gn-n~i~e~se }m}~~et-~Nen-tie-su~~=e~~c~~~~-a~e~-an~i-tl3e-~~~a c~es~y~e.tech-~s-tl-ie-~.}~}~~e~,el~-~e}~~~tH~e-}~atl~=-~~ the-~~ncl~n~-ae~i-take-ett-e.~ea-sl~n~~-lie-seeure~y tenee~l-e~-~~~~e~l-se-~s-te-}~~el~~l~~t-}~H~~~e-eat}y epee}~t-as-~~tke~}~ec~-ley-s~e~se~~~~-}~e~se~s ; -~~~ms , e}-eex~pfteies ; -~3-t1~e-1~ecl~eg-ae~l-to#e-e~£~-~,~e~- sl~a~t-lie-se~teeec~-anc~-t~a~eta~ne~l-se-es-tA-lie-twee e-f-ftuy-~ ease-t~~te~~t~~-e~-~lel~~~s ; -4~-~~-ee~s}~ie~ec~ a}~}~~H~~~ete ;-a-e~tl~-~.~~ f e~-c~e~~eete~-1~~~~te~-sl3e~t ~e-}~~A~~c~e~-a~e~~cl-tl-ie-~~nc1~~~-fl~~-~~.ltie-eft-a~et3. te-c~et~.eet-tke-~le~~~:~s13-e~eate~l-by-e.ey-13e1-~eepte~ . fe~~--~~~~3 { ~3----~,eeesse~y-8fi~fi-a~c~-st~~e~;~}es (7) 'Phe following; r~tai.1_ or service uses When operated in conjunction With a uermitted use and located on the p;round floor 1_evel.: d7°u~store , neWSStancl , f lori.st shop , g;~i ft and c.arcl shop , del i.catessen , bake shop , camera shop, barber shop, beauty parlor, laundry and dr~~ cl.eani.n~ agency , dupl.i.cat i on center not i.ncluciing type-.setta_n~ and letter-press , apt ical services , art #;a1.l.eries, travel a~enry, m~clic,a]. or denl;al laboratory Ilea.I.tll spa, stationery stork, je«~e1_ry stoi°e, museum, music store, photographer, book store for use by the #;eneral pui.~lic, fond or meat or ve,;etable market, r lol:h i n~ store , bout: i.que , shoe store . The total.. floor area occupied la•y tlae a~;~re~ate of such uses sha11 t1o1; nxceecl FAR. .5 and no indivi.ciual. establishment shall ---- e~c,eed lU, G00 square f. eat in f 1 oor area. ($) Restaurants and cafes. ~.1 ~~~~ ,~. (J) 'I't1c? Po11o~t~in~ US~;S i f _appz'oveci as Co~VDI`TIo'IVAL 1.1Sr t (ci_) ? pat~kin~ I.ats, st.tb,7eci: to t1~n conditions of i ARTICLE ~SXI I I , Sc:ct iun S (1) , (l~) Parktlc; Gt.ra~t~s, stib,ier,t to t;he conditions oC ~. Section g - STRUCTURI; PARKING . (c) Private Club , Lodr~e , FI{aternity, Sororit~l, a.nd ~_ other similar uses not operated for profit. _° (d) Up to 50,0 oi.' the total floor area provided f.ar retail czrtd sE~rvice lases rermi.tted in para~*ra.ph ( r ; n:boye may be located ak~cwe the ground f 1 oar I.eyr--.] provided that the balance of such retail ~- anci 5ervi.ce usPS'aro located at .round love]. -_ with windo«} openings fronting; on an urban plaza ~ space or street ~*ard area.. (e) Drive-in tellex•s. - (f) Bars, nightclubs, supper clubs, theaters. (1.0) E r.~:.essro5~ .USES and structures _ 2. De letin~ Sec'~i.on 5 - FLOOR AREA RATIO and i.nsertin~ in lieu thereof a Ile«- Section 5 - FLOOR AREA RATIO as f n 1 lo«~s Se c ~ i 513 -~~ -- -FbBE~l~ -:~R}~A -I~r~T 1=8 (.l ~----7'ki.~-f.~eA~-~I,~a,-ir~tiA-shall_nat_exceed-l-SQ_excep~ - as-~ic~~ein-pl=AUi~le~l_ x:21-_--Clraap-wy,a~_xiciL• ica-[x?nu_inn-inano:~~oc1_hti-i.h,o-£A~1ptu- ` ix~-Helitises-pre~~dec~-tkat-~le~e~a}~Inet~t-p~ai}s-~~e stt13r3li~~ed-ta-tke-9r}~~i}-Be~e~eprl~ex~-Re~~e~t-BA&~+rl- _ fei~-~et~ie~--~kel3-fe~x~~rc~ed-ta-tke-3et}i~~-l~e~z=d- fer-ptlh~ie-kea~ilr~s---Tke-Hextlses-z~re-rzee>~I~tI~aH}tee- xrld-al3~-er-a.3:l-Herzti:yes-I~s~-He-ttsec~-fey-eeletl~&~ii}g- t~~e-r~~:~i>3lrtt~-~t~;~~He.l~le-~leH~-e.~ea-~~tie---FAF~B--Sa3o~- -_ ~-~t}----1~a~-res~c~exti&~-uses t -tke-~~ee~-e~ex.-~a~ie- r-x~~-He-i-!}ere~secl-H~-8-91H-few-e~e~~-f~€~~-t-aQ~} _- se~eltee-feet-e€-€~eer-area-~H~t-tl}e-aHe~e~e- ~'-- dwel~it~~->~x~t-sire-}s-it~e~eased-~x13e~e-~tI}- ~~ei?ale-ef-se~ei}-kt~xd~ec~-r~BR~-Sgtle~e-feed- pei'-nx}~-fay-ttl3~-aloe-~ie~e~ep>3Iei3~-- flj-~----E,et9-k~,~iii~-~-deptH-Hf-a.t-~ee.et-aloe-HtIl~d~ec~- ~x~i--€if~~-f ~a8~-~=eet->3leestl~ed-€~alx-a~~-eke- sti'eet-~i~entx.~e--tie-~~ae~-~~e~t-~a~~-a-l~~~-be- - ~Iie3'ex.;~~d-eH-tHe-I~Re~s-af-srz~d-st~ee~-f~el~tege- a.s-~e~la~sy - E~eii~a~e-~H-1<eet 1±-A-fit:--~xe~eases- ~e9,}~9- --e~- ~59-~99- --A3- gee-~~~- --e~- 3bA-399- --99- `-- _ 359-399- -;~9- ~69-~~9- --3~- ~59-~39- -,35- ~~ X86-~,nd-c~~er - , ~8- `_: ~: 2 ~ ~ t~~---~-5~'h~t=e-th~~-tic*.~t~i-~n-f~~-~.bc~~e-e~eceds-tkt~ee- ht~ntlre~l= f 3ae~-~~~~ ,:-tl°t~-~~e~~-~~.~e~.-~st~e~--r~~.~:. He-~~e~•ea.:peel-ley-~~9-€e~-bets-wi#:k~-a-t~ini~tt~~- st;r~et=#~et~ts~e--off-erne-~ittt~el~e~i-a.t~el-~l~t~- f ~~9~ foot: (d~----~rt~~rt-~i-i~~nimam-ef-~i~t;~_~~8~-pe.~eent-er=i~e~e- o~-thy-~oc~ttire~l-~a~ki~~`~s=}~~.~.eed~~t~-~.t~=-e~e~eeed~ strtt~tt~~c-thy-~~}o,~r--~,yen,=~~.#:ie-rna~-be--ine~ea.sed- b~-H .-?h , ~- fi~-)----~}'h~--t~ver-9.r~s--~~.tip-m~.y-He-A-82-fr~~-eaeh-~€i~e- f 5 j--p~rc~~nt-:in~re~.=e-of-usn.h-le-epee-s~aee ; -e~e~- lortq- f ~A-)-pereotrt -{s~--__~'nr-en~ch-8n~-f ~-~-se(ua~~-feat-e~-g~et~~d=~e~el- f~onr-spare ; -~~~~-open-anel-ttnene~ose~l-l~q-str~te- tore;-an-~.et~~t~et~s~-~tve-f ~a-~;~~a~e-feet-e~-~~.ee~ :~'f'.~-'3`3=-~J°Ytil~~~ef~-'3i`i-~~1£-'~3~i-~~f~~33~ : -_ {~-)----~`fie-~~ee~-a.rem-~~.~~s-may-~e-~~e~e~.eed-b~--9-1- fe~- eaelr-~~ret~~~-f 39-) ~-~.~ne~a4-~ee~-e~-aeeessi b4e- -~t~.ndsea~e~-b~.~:€~e~t-e~--r~.~ae~-~~e~it-~t~t~~ie-e~.se- mee~-~e~°-pedes~~~tin-p~~peses-at-4eas~-twentu- {?8-)-~~cet-4~-~v~d~~r : - Section 5 - FLOOR f~REt'~ RATIO (1) 't'he floor area ratio shall not; exceed 3.0 except as t~r.ovided in para~.ral,hs (2) and (4) of this Soction. (2) The floor area ratio may be increased by the follow- in~ bonuses suli,ject to Site and Development Plan Approval by the Urban Development Review Board; provided that the rec(uirements of this District are complied with. In no case shall bonuses (b), (c) or (e) be utilized for non-residential uses on any lot which abuts Biscayne Ba,y or the b4iami River. (_a) For every one (1) square foot of residential floor area provided within the F.~R 3.0 per- mitted in para~rat~h (1) above, a bonus of one (1) additional sctuare foot of floor area may be granted for any ncrmitted use up to a total bonus of .- ~. (b) Subject to the 7.imitatian in paragraph (2) above, for lots having a depth of at least one hundred anti t:'ifty ( 150 ) Comet measured i'rom an~~ one street fronta~e,_ the floor area_ ratio mr~.~* be increased on the basis of said street fxonta#;e as follows: Frontage in Feet 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-2~9 300-349 350-399 400-449 450-499 500 and over c ) Subject to the limitation in ab~~=e , where t11e depth in (b three hundred (300) feet, t may be increased by ,l0 for street fx~onta~;e of one hund Beet , _ _ _ ~"~~ M. PAR Increases .O1 .02 .05 .09 ,14 .20 .27 .35 .4Q ara~ra.ph ( 2 ) above e Floor .lots red an exceeds .area ratio h a minimum n d) e 1 For every four (4 parking, a bonus o foot of floor area muted use: square feet of underground one (1) additional .square ay k~e granted for any pe~_- For every ..one (1) square foot of round le retail space provided within the FAR 3.0 p mit ed in paragraph (1) above; and which meets the following requirements; a bonus of one (1) additional .square foot of floor area maybe granted for any permitted use; subject to the limitations for waterfront lots ~.n paragraph ( 2 ) above 1. Ground floor retail space shall be designed for occupancy by retail and service uses listed in paragraphs ('7) and ($) in SectYOn 1 - USE REGULATIONS 2. Ground floor .retail space shall be directly accessible from adjacent pub- is sidewal s or .publicly accessible plazas, baywalks or through-black con- nections. Furthermore, qualified aroun floor retail space shall have window openings adjacent to all such pe estrian areas in order to maximize the visibility of activities within. (f) For. every twenty (20) lineal feet of landscaped waterfront walkway-with an average width of at least twenty (20 eet, ma e permanently accessible to t e public and designed in accordance with approved Baywalk Design Guidelines, a onus o. FAR .Ol may e granted for any permute use. 3. Glherever a floor. area ratio bonus has been granted -F-.ease upon a specifie use category, a record of suc use requirements shall be filed with the Bu~.lding Department and no Certificate of Oc- cupancy shall be granted for any use in viola- tion of that requirement. 3, be 7.c'tin~; pal~a~;i'apil (`1.) and (2) Sect.i on G - LO'1~ COV1~,ItAGL and suUsti.i;ut,e iti 1 i rtt Lhc7rec~ f', nets pal~a~t~a7711s (1) and (Z } as f'al l Drys ; {'~-}-----~=j`1P..-~E3~-E?H~E'~=ftr",'E?-j=3E-'~tii~~~E?Ej-Fi13FL~~-FTH~-F.??fP.E?E',EI-~}lE?-~-EH-}-=- H 4V ~ E~~.,1'= J1E?~~l~t-H~--~tt~~El3-i-l~ $Q-A-~eE~t-H~--~-E?f~,~i AA-~-#~eet-tc~-4A-A-#'ee ~ 49-1-feet: -t-e-~A-A--Feet aA-}-Feet;-te-f A-B-t eet; C9-~-t'-epti-to-~A-A-Pet f9-: ~--Feet--tie-€B-A-feet= ~A-t-~eeti-t;e-9A-A-Meet f~8-~-Meet-tH-X98-8-feet -AA-~-feet:-tiH-1-~9-A-feet ~~A-~-~eei: -to-~39-8-f=eet X38-k-i=eet-tH-]-~9-A-feet -F3A-~-~ee#--to-~4A-A-Feet ~~Ar~-~P.E?t:-tH-~~9-9-~feP..t ~7A-~-t=eet-tA-X59-A-t'eet ~fiA-~-f=eet-to-3A9-9-f=eet 38A :-~--~eeti-fie-339-9-~feeti 33A--i-=feet-t;e-34A-A-feet 34A-1-Meet-to-3A9-9-f=eet Iae~=ee>}t-e~-yeti-~1=ea ?~ 9 =i- 3 8`f 3 ~3C-~ 34~, 3~ 33 3~ A T 19 ~ s~, 17Y H T ~aY 4~' ~`~, 13cr 1 ~; =19 ~3~----A-ei}e-f ~3-}~e~t,ei}t-~l}~}ease-~I3-het-ee~e~t~~e-t~a~-U j~e~I~~t=reel-~t=-at-]-east-t=1~~ft~-~3A3-}~e~=eet}t-e€-~i~e r~,'1=eut~c~-~f 1HA~=-~s-~-eft-Hj~e>}-~>~c~-ttl3er~e~-HSee~--a.t}et-I~et (7) Tllr:~ lot covera.~e pertnittecl shall not nxcee~cl the i'ol- 7 c:~LV i. n Height cif 13uildin 30.0 feat or less 30.1 fcyet to ~I0.0 J`eet X70. l~i'cet to 50.0 feet ~0. ]. i'c~et to Go . 0 aeet G0.7 Cc~et to 70.0 :feet 70.1. i'act to 50.0 feet 50.1 fert t~ 00.0 felt 00.7. feet to 100.0 fn~t 1.00.1. fc~ei. and oL~er Percept of Lot Area. 30`fi 28 ~~ Gqr 2- 2 23~, 2-- 21%~ 2 2) The i'ollott=in~ ~xc~eptions to the lot caLrera~e l.imi.tati_ops in p~lrtlhl'aph (1) aboL~e tna~~ be aut;llori wed by the Urbatl 1)nvelopmept Revicaty I3oard, provided that i.n no case 511.1.] ]_ the CC7ml3]I1CaC7 lot CoVk'r~lr~..',G' O:P pt°1nC111~1.1 anCl aGCGS- so.rL~ structures exceed t:lle ~ 'maximum lot coveraF;e provi- si.ons i_n paraf;rnpll (1) of Section 9 - Structure. Parlii.n~. (it) v Gi'r)Ulld ~'lc~or 1'etai,l spade 1V 11C 1 meets t ~e cra:teri.t~. s,et; 1'el•L-h i.n i.tem e), 2 of Ser,.tl.~rr 5 - r] o~r ~1rr~a Ratio, may be . etiempted from the-maximum l cti: co~~eraf;c~ provisions n para~rapll (1) .lbove L~'hc~Y'e' such space i 5 loc~ltc~d in an ac,cossot~y parJcin~; structul'e oi~ in a one st:ort~ etlrlcised ~tcces5c~ry St2'LIC'.tlll'r'. (11) I' n a cl cl i t i. ran is o i t: cam (a) ~1.U c.~ v ca , u p t o 1.0 i~; o :f t h e k~uildill~;~ 1']oor ~troa mR:tl' he exc~Injated i'rotn the ]ot r.,oyc'l'ale 7 imi is at i ons i n pal°a~; rajah (]) a:la~ye , L~~h~~l•r~ Sucsll i']_c~~1~ al~e~ is ]ocated ill the ~atc>~~ior ftlc~e o1' an acce5st~l~'~T j~a.rJ{i n~' Structure .such t:l~at ,llc~ }l;:~l~lcill~; st.ruetui'e nir~u],cl tacit l~e'yasib].ca 1'.rc~m t:hc~ fl°ont ti~ai~d area ~i~ 1'l~c~m 4cTat~i'i'r~ltlt s~tl~ack t1.t'ctus 5 4: 5. ~~ , .~, Add a nes Section 12 - ~'ARKING as follows: For mined use developments dential uses,. u~i to 50% of s aces for residential use the required number o off= use, provided that no more parking spaces, residential signed, an t at ate-spaces garage serving both o~fice including both the reat~ired of may be credited street parking. than 30% of the and non-reside are gait in a s and residential ffice and resi= -street parking toward meetin pace~~r of ice total number of tial, are as- ng e rar `i~_ uses. Deleting Section 10 - DEVELOPMErdT PLAN REVIEW and substitu- ting in lieu thereof a new Section 10 - SITE AND DEVEL- OPMENT PLAN APPROVAL as follows: S e e t ien-1 A - - - - - DEVELePPQ.EPd~'-PLAN- - - REVIEEd- {}}---The-pt~~pese-ef-De~elep~ient-Plax-Revie~v- is-te-aseertai~-that-det~elepmer~t-i.s-ix- aeee~d-~ai~k-the-ixtext-e€-the-~istriet aril-der-the-benefit-ef-the-gexe~al---- pt~blie-{eRB--838}- {~}---Eaek-ap~lieati.eta-€e~-apgreval-e€-axy-- €iee~-area-retie-bext~s-xxde~-6eetiex-~- {~}-abeve-ska}i-be-aeee~plisked-by-a--- develep~xer~t-plax---~'ke-plan-shall-be--- st~l~t~}t fed- te- the- ~exixg- $ea~d- f e~- - - - - - ~et~ie6a-by-the-~3~bat~-Ee~elep~er~t-Revie~a- Beard; -axd-tkei~-~eeee~datiex-sl~al.i-be st~bmi.tied-te-the-~exir~g-$eard-€er----- pxblie-kea~ixgs---T'ke-t3~baa-Deve~.epmext- Revie~a-Bea~c~-may-reee~exd- ad~t~st~er~ts- - i~-the-siting-ef-the-p~epesed-strt~etx~es as-they-relate-te-the-~egt~i~ed-yard---- a~eas-{BRD--8~~~}. Section 10 SITE AND DEVELOPMEI`IT PLAN APPROVAL (1) Any development within this district shall be re uired to have the site and develo - ment plans approved by the Urban Deve op- ment Review Roard before a building permit is issued by the Building Department. The purpose of development plan review and approval is to assure that development is in accord with the intent of this istrict and or the bene it o t e ~~eneral public. (2) It shall be the responsibility of the Urban Develo ment Review Board to inter ret desi n standards contained in t is Artic e; an to mace recommendations to t e Zonin Board concerning applications or vari- ances and conditional uses.. (3) Applications for development plan approval shall be submitted accordn to the rovi- lions o ARTICLE IV, Section era ra s and 3 exce t that the P annin De axtment will transmit such a icaton to the Urban Devi o went Review Boar .orapprov~ , -6- ~~ ~: T~r1e~l.tlf; Sect; i.c~t~ ~ - Yt1I~.nS ai~c1 sttl~st;~:ut;in~ i.t~ 7.9.c'ti ~ t;ly~recf a. t~e~v Sr-,ct; i:r~n 3 -- Y~1FtbS ~s 1'n] j cnvs : _ Seet:,~e~-3-----~F~~tAS- e~-~wee~~-F~A~-~ee~- f~i~----eke-c~e~~}~-c~=~-~:~ie-~~e~~-~~.~~-s~a~~-~ xe~e~t~-;HC H~-eye-F~-)-=~ee~-~e~~eae~i-~}~e-f a~=t=eel-c~~- ytt~-~~i~~~-ke~~t~t:-~~H~e-~~~~=~~-FHB-)-~ee~-~.~~1- ~t}~-fie-eye-l~t~ec~~ec~-a~x~l-~~-~~~-F~~9~-~ee~- (c) "E~r~-~~jTt.-ir-rsF'-t-it~--:f-i-rnr~-5- Sri-c~~-1r~'1-7--~zrr-nrc-re~-~r,,;-~~1 d.~x -t}t~e- -(-1-} =F-t~c~-t - Fc~-1~- -c' ~tc~r 1~-cyt3- -(-}~-} =~-c~t, -t3- F ~ckl-t-l-i-r~x~~ -~~t+ ~-c~-i-~r~ -1~-~~,~l~t- -c~1 }c~+-e- -cam- ~1~~3-ck~e-c l ~x~ ~=i-~C-t;-~z -(-7~-~{~}- -lit . F~~3-}~e~Fe~~-e~-~~e-w~~l~1~-e~-~e~-~e~-fie e~Fee~l-t:~e~~~-F~83-~ee~- Fl~~}---:~-~=ear=-~t~~=c~-ska~~-Ht~~e-~,-w}~~~»w-~le}~~1~-e;€ ~~+ee~~-F39~-~ee~- 7 `'~ {~}--'1'ke-s~c~e~axc~-~ea~-hard-ska~~.-tae-~xe~eased-b eRe - E~} -€oo ~- €o} -each -~~i~ee - {3 } - €.ee~ -d€-t~t~~~d~~g }je 3:g~i1: -abe~e = ~k }~ ~}~ - {39 } -acid-~;~-~o -owe -t3~cxd~ed Eck} - -'t=t}e -s ~c~e =~Rd -~ea~ -~~~d -s~ia~ ~ -b~ - ~xe~eased =by-oxe - ~:}}-:~o©t: -~~~-eae}~-:€~ttze~ {`3}-€'eetr-o:€-bxl:~c~3:~g t3cafgk~ =atac~~e -oAe •-t~t~xdrec~- { } A8} -and -K~ -~o -oRe ktaxdred-and- ~~ ~~y - E~~ A} -Feed {~}--'Flee-side-aHd-r•ear-p.~~c~-slia~~-be-~HC~eased-by-oxe- E~}-€oo-~ -t'or•-eack-~ei3-E~~}-:~'ee~-e€-~ac~~~~t:ona}- }ie~~13~-at3c~ve-oxe-k~Hd~ed-axd-~~t~y-f~50}-~ee~.- F€}- -Fra -~l~e -ease -i~}3er•e -pro~eY~p -t~nde~ -eke -same -oidnep- sia}t3-~s-se~a.ra~ed-bp-a-~~xbt:~E-a~~ep; -arad-1~o~ti- ~c3rce~s-are-~~.~~-o€-a-s}xgt_e-debe~o~rxe~;~; =~13e- se~ljac=.)E-€or-~}3;~~-side-o~-anp-bta~~drng-song-~>Ye- a~~ey -s}~a}~-be -:~~f~eei3- E}5} -€ee~-€rcam-~13e -een~er- ~rr~e-of -~}~e-a}~e~.- {g}--t!'kere-~reRer~}~-xe~-r~nc~er-rke-sage-e~ane~sk}.p~ ~s-se~ara~ec~-bt-a-~xb~ie-s~~.ey; -eke-~~n~r~t~~• se ~t~atk- €e~--eke- s ~.c~e-e€- eke-L~t~~}c~~ng- a~eng eke-a~~ey-staa~.~.-tie-~rex~y-{?Oj-~ee~-€re~-~He Eex~e}~~ne-e£-~.Iie-a{}e~; _-=xe~~eases-}x-bt~~.~d- ing-keyaka-ade~e-~k~.r~;~-{38}-{eel-ska}~-be got~e~•aed-tay-eke-~~et= ~.s ~exs -e€- {t} ; - {d} ; -axd {el;-abe~e:- {.3--~~.de-~~~ee~-~ard:- {aj--On-eerier-~e~Es-~kere-skai~-be-a-rn~x}~t~~-side s~~~ee~-Lard-e€-=f~'~eex-{~~j-€ee~-~x-w~d~k. {b} - -'l,}~e-s ode-s free ~-yard.-ska~~-Ije- exe}•eased-tap-exe - {~}-€ee~-€er-eaak-~kree-{~j-€ee~-a€-bt~~~d~xb ke~gk~-aHe~e-~~€~.y-{~ej-aid-t~~-fie-exe-kt~xdred {tj --'eke-side-s~ree~-pK~•d-ska~.~-be-one}eased-ene- {~; -€ee~.-~'e3-eatk-f~.te-{~j -€ee~-a€-tant~~3~xg - ke~gkt-abHFe-ane-kand~ec~-{~eej-€ee~-aid-xfl-- #:e-eHe-kHxr~red-Yxd-€~€'~y-{}59~-#~ee~:- . {d}--`eke-side-s~ree~-hard-stia~~-tae-fnereased-bp-exe {l j -Itic~e~- £or-eaek-den-{z8} -£ee~.-e~-aci~t~~~exza~ bt~~~d.l~g-Heigk~-ataetre-exe-t3t~ndred-aid-€~€~y- {}58}-£ee~- {~j--~Jse-e€-Rerit~~reri-3'ard.-A~eas {a} - -~to -~ark~.ng-ska ~.-tae -~e}•~i~~.~ed- ~r~- axy-sRee~a~ yard-es~.aH~.~.sked-~y-ART~EI;E-3~3C~~ -er-~.n-eke €~~s~ -~~en#:y- {~ Aj -£ee~-et'- eke- I'ren~-yard-end the-€f.r•s~-€~.£teen- {}53 -€ee~-a€-eke-s~.de-s~~ee~- yard; -and-l:.hese-a~egs-ska~3.-be-e~ex; -grassed axed- ~t~xdseK~ed; -exEe~~-€e~-pe~-~ 3 ens -c~eve~e~t-fie .~xg}•ess -and-egress . {b3--WkeH-a~.ees5-~e-fke-~e~-~5-at~a~.~.ata}e-~xeT~-a-s~de- s~reet ; -xe-Heeess-ska}-He-r~e~~~.~~.ed-~e-ei•-£ret~ ~}je- £i•en~ -s ~t ee~ ; -- ~n-eke- ~ns~RHEe-e€-c~enb}e €~en~xae; -tine-aeeess-dr~.~1e-net-e~c~eea~ng-~~ren~y {=8j-#'ee~-:in-~~3c~~k-ska}~-t3e-~e~x~3~~ed-~a-~.ke- . fren~-~~}eet: s 9 ~ ~. Section ~ - Y~RL1S 1)_ Exec t :is greater dimensions ;ire re wired in a~'~t- ±;r7,n i , minimum yore ,areas sh~~l l be as tollol~r.7 s (a) /~dacent to Brickell Avenue, alI yards shall e ;i minlmutn of 30 rcet 1n epth, (li) Aclj;tcetit to other streets, ...Front .yards shall -Te`~ a minimum of 0 keet ~~.n eoth, (c) Side„yards,. rear yards, and side street vctrds s all be a minimum. 01 1S f.eet .in ~ epth. Z) Except.;ts_~reater dimensions are required in para- gra ~h (1) the minimum setback for all bum s or portions of ui1 ings x1111 e calculate as tollo~as w~iere I)=icpth o~L set ac In feet, ei~ t of uil - ang wa11 in stories, an L=length of u~.l ing wall •in feet D=2+S+~Jn Adiacent to public streets and alleys, the In.ini.mum scat ~,lcl shall be measure from t11c center:Iine o.t sue i street . (S) Use of Required Y;ird Areas (a) No arkin.g shall he permitted in any- front yard - are,z or in the first z.ftecn 15) -eet of any si e street var and ttese areas shall e evote to pee estr7ari lazas, or lan soaping except -or portions evote t~nicular ingress and egress. (b) ~1'}leIl vehicular access to the lot is available from more than one stroet, access slisll normally _ >T e from t icy street pro _te~:.te to carry t e least smounts of trai`~ic~ 7. Amending Section g - ST1tUCTURr PARKING as follows: a, Deleting p;~ragraph (2) of Section 9 and substituting in lieu thereof anew paragraph (2} as follows: (2) Eltker-tkyx-t~r~clel~gYOrlncl-parr}xg-strnettlres;-aeees- ser-y-parking-s tr-tletHres -sks}}-be•-petntitted-Le-a keigkt-ref -tl3irty -Fv8}-€eet-te-tkte-tep-e€-tke-deEk er-tke-tc~p-desk-of-tke-eHelc~sirjg-r,~alls :--Aeeessery - psxkixg -stri~cttlYes , ..c~tker•• -t~3ax-under~;ret~nd-park - _ ing -strHeit~res ; -t}~at -sre-separated, €rol~-tke-prl.x- - eipa}-s•E1=uetc~re-by-9t-}east-ttder~ty-{?A}-€eet-shall. - xot-be-l~Intted-ix-lie}ght-p~~ovided--tkat-tke-ynrd areas -arotlxd -tke -pri-HCi•Hal -stxttc:tttre {s 3 -are -ina}n- tai:fled -as -l~andseaped-tlsab ~e -apex-spaee ; -rec~ttired yards -€or -the -s~r•t~ctttre -~,~i11-be -based-Apex- eke he-tgk~t-c~F-tie-xce:essery-strxE~tire-aad-xot-t}~e kergkt-of-tke-pril3eipxl-bt~i~cl~xg;-with-a-ln?iaintt~>~- - side-yal=cl-~ztb;Eck-o€-ter3-(}0}-.€eet-axd-a-i~ax~.rnt~~t = keigl~t-o€-t1~xr-ty-E30}-€eet; -st~ttEtxreS-above-tkis keigkt-w:i-}}-1~e-set-back-exe-{}3-€oet-fe}•-et~e}v three-F3}-feett-~tbeve-tk}3ty-{~9}-€ee€; -a-passa~e- H:~y-o~-t~ger~t~- (~A} -€eet-~-x-~rrdtk; -o~-less-EOi3xeEt- ~xg-t}je-l~Y~tl3eipel-1j~IrlcltHg-aAd-tote-~EeeSsary »a~kiHg-strt~etxre-w}~•1-k~e-p~ri~it~ed---'l'ke-flassage- way -s}~a1 ~ -be -opex-at -gr•o~Rd-~e~el 9 Cs ~~w #; :.. ~, "~,r 2) The location, dr-,si.gn and access/os;ress oi' a1.1 jaa~~lc-i tit, structures shzt,ll. be subject to ]ieview ~,nd ~.ppt~caval. h5~ the Urban I)eveloptnent 11.e~ri etv I3oarcl to as.sttrc-: tl]ca c~f.ii_ciont and compati.l~lc~ relz].tiotlship between such strttctttrns and on~site plaza: spaces.,. pcdestriat] 1'acili.ties ~tind arnen:i.ti.es, prit]cipa.]. use strttctttrc:s, acl,jticcnt de~Tcalotatz]ents, I3iscattne 13ay and the specitl.l chtt,ractc~r o'f' 13~ii.ckell 1lvetiur--~. 'Clle I'o1]Unti.ng rcatri.c~~~~ f~ui_dclnes shall. lac ~tt~t]l.icacl: (a) iyo pctrlcitag structure siial]. ft:•or]t ciiroctl>> en )-3r:icl;cll. Avc~ntte or ztn,y u~ztte]~;L'ront unless t:he I3oarcl :tit]cls that execpti.onal clesil;•n, use of ]-]aterials at]d ].andsca.p-in~; utcaulc? malte such structure visually ecamp.t ible with the r].rchi- tect,ural. clesi.Fn o1' pri nc•.i.pal use sti uctut•es , p1a~a spaces, tvtt.tct~front access tv.tl.ktvn.ys and the special. character of I3riclcell Avcanue. (b) parking structitr~s anti attendant vehicul_~tr access ways 5houlcl ho located to avoid exlaosut•e to or iunctiona7. conl'li.ct with redui.red u~°bat] p_la~rts, l~~edestrian t}l~rouf,•h- la1 oclr connect ions , ~a•ater f rent wa.lkwa~~s or principa]. landscaping features. Access.. drives should not clivi.de required urban plaza spaces or .irate]°sect pririci_pal pecles- tria:n acccass routes li.tzliing nulalic strc~et.s , required urban plazas and primar~~ use struc- tures. `-' ~' Parlcin~r structures visible f]'om pttbli.c ~va~,Js should incorporate oz]c~ or more o : t Ze o ..otv- ing desi};n-features: 1. Use of iclr-nt:ic~tl. facade clesi;n, matet•ia-]s - and/or arcliil;ec,tttra]. skin as primary use structure; __ ~ Incorporation of pri.t]ci.pal uses it]clucling - residential, oi'fice or retai wi ~ ai.n~- perimeter of parking strucl:ures; - ~ L?se of stepped. o]° progress tv~ setbacl~s of .successive upper eve s o parcit]g o reduce scale; ~ Incorporation of lat]clscapint; throu;l~ „1«r.t;:rti wt t'_ie e ge of parting evels ; .5 Provision o:f t•et:ai.l uses a.t t;•rounc-~. c~o:]° level with ~vincio«J exposure to pu ~ .l.c .~~ accessible pedestrian aie~].s. (la) ne] ot.i n;~ par;].#;-r~t;;l~ (3) o: Section ~ anti su?a5titutin~,, in lieu thcreofi a nc~w para.;•raph (~) as .follows {-~~----l3z~c~e~=;~~e~tt}c~-N~~l~~~ g-s~~~tet~z;?e9-sl3t}~~-r~t3,}uta~t~-~.- -~it~ir~t~t~-se#:l~ftele-e~--five-f;~-3-feet-~~e~t-~~~-side-~~tc~ ~e~t~-ie#:-i~ttet?-anc~-ten-f ~8~-feet--£~~r~-tk~e-f~er~t _ ~el~-1~t~e---~~tel~-t~~~zEttz~es-r~b~~~-yet-e~~:eec~-a }~~~g}~#~-ef-tl~~ee-f~3--1=eet-~i~-~~3-~~el~es-~l~a~e-~l~e n.~ae~=age-est.l~iis>~ec~-g~a~ie-el=-tine-ala~t~t~~~-~=~g~~- H-~'~u---~a-}~e,~ititag-r~ka~i-1~e-Ne~wi~~e~l-eta-~e}~-e#~ tl~~zt-Ny~~~~H-e~-eke-~.t~c~e~=g~e~t~~1-}~~~=k~~g-~;~~~tet~t~=e ~laiel~-i~-~13e~e-~l3e-e~tt3l~l~sl}ec~-grade ; -a~c~-~s-~~~;~~n- t13e-~=e~~ti~e~I-~~=et~t-at~~l-~ic~~?-e#~~eet-y~~=c~-a~ett~- 10 ` ~' '~'' 111- - (~) Unclerl;round parl~ing strttctui°es shn.11 tn~intai_n a nllnllltttil setback cal Ci_ve (5) Ceet i'i°oni all si-dc ~.nrl rear lit 1_iitc~s and ten _(lQ) feet rrom the i'~°ont 1 ot. 1_i.n~ , nxcc~l~t ~vhc~rc>vc~t• thr~ ui~l~er sttt• fttr..e o C• sttcll uncler~i^ouncl pai k ink st r'tlGtttul G-' tvottl cl gtta,l. i. as Ut•ban Playa Space tnicler tltr. 1»'ovi.sions ~C -= pa.7~a~;ra.ph (1.) it1 Seci:i_on 1S - Pul~l_ic ~ltttc~llit~' ilc~gtxirr:~mc~nts i n ivlii_cli case, _no setbacl~s sliall. be renui.t^e~c . = IJnderc;t^outici pal°lci.n ; sti°uctttre shall be cle Ci.ned - as a parlcin~; structure not e~ceeciin~ a hci.;ht o.C three (3) Ceet sip (C~) i nchGS above the ayc~ra~;e estab7.ished ;racle of i,he abutting; right-of- way c»° pri~1ate property. :1ny parki.n~;• structtt}^e s c~xceedinl; such height shall be considered above _ rad~ tend shall be subject to all li.tni_tati_ons .for " t> cc~ssoi^~~ pail{ i nl; ~ rttc ur cis . S. 1)el.etint;• t:hr, PUIIi~OSE statement I'or the di.stt"ic.t and sub- = si: i.tu L i nti i n Lieu thereof a new INTI7VT statemett as fio1- l.c~ws l~ui~?~e~l~ - ~'#~e-{~t:t~=}~HSe-e~-t~ii s-c~ist~~e~-~s-te=--e~~.AH~~~e-ci~t~.l~t e~-C~ee-atac]-t~Hlti}~] e-~at~~l~-~=es~c~et3t}~1-~le.~ele}~t~e~t-in- s}~aeiexti-t~tt~aeti~e-1 a.t~c~se~.}~ec~-sett}>3gs-at~c~-te-}~~=ese~~e- e~ir~t~n~-t3 atH~a1-ax~ea~tieb-e.t~c~-El~araste~-e-f-e~~=~ai~- -_ aNN}epri_ate-areas;-~e~=-tl~e-gene}a~-we~~a}e-e~-tl~e-}~~tl~lie- 13et3~ts-N~e~}5~-c~~s-a}e-i»el~c~ec~-i~-tie-keg~tla.t~e~s-te- pret~ete-tl3e-e>3;}eEti~e-e~-tke-clist}iei- I N1'1\T In ~:he int~t^ests of 1:GCiL1C:t1.011 of travel and traf~i'ic ~vithi.n the City l;enerally, conservation of ener~;•y, maintenance oT pri_ncipa.l. views from within the district and acl,joining areas preservation and enhancement of the design, land- scapi.n~ and appearance of e~istin~ development within the ~' area., and clue to ine2eased buildi.n~ intensities herein provi.dod, it is r.equi.red that new development shall be so cic'sil;ned as 'to assure open eharact:er, at-t:ractive and secure pedestrian open space available to the :et~eral pub.li.c at ground level, physical. and visual access to wateri'ront areas , a.nd appropriately located ot)en _space scrvin„; 1'esi.denti.al usec~~~het•c ~lz~r,7ic•ablr. C~ncc~~^ni.t)~; us~fi,it. i_5 intoncloci that mu].tifatni.ly residential. occut~ancy b~ nrott~otecl, especially ~alotly tl~~e vraterfironi; . tend Y;•eneritlly encoura,ecT either i.n scparatca buil.di.n}s or in combination Svith ol1'ice uses: aticl i.:hht suppor'ti n:; rettz l and sez•vi ce use:, .shall.. 1)e scal.ec.l and dee,i_~;•necl to serve ncc:ds o:f the district, tinci nc~t to ui,L~•,t.c.}t trtt:CC'i.c~ I'i^ac~~ otit:~iclc i:h~~ at°ca. ~3. ~dciin~; a new Section ]3 - Public Amenity Pequrements as C c..~ 7 ] caws - Sc.,cti.on 1.3 - PL'13LIC AI',1LNITI' 17I;~UII3L".ZIJNTS (]) L't°ban PlaTas - In or der ensu~'e that new lii~;•li ].Ilt(?ll:-~].t~~ (~eVG'].C71)mGt1t ~1'ltlllll this district ~vi.ll provide adequate c)l~en space desagned for pub7.ic use a.ncl en,joyntent, a mina.mum bi 25;~~ ofi the l.ot tirci slia].1 be developed as Ux•ban Plana space accord- ita~; to the follotv~.a)~;• des i.~n st4atza~ta•ds : ( a.) Ux•ban Pl a~a space sliaJ.l 'lie open to use by - the l;cneral puUlic during nor~~al. business l1 ott r.s . 1 1 ~' (b) iJrl~an P1a,zrl. space shall. be no more than 3 . _ :feet clif:ferent in elevation from the adjoin- ing pub 1.7.c si.cletvallc for nt least; 70°0, of its total arett. 7'lle remainirtl; 30~~ of the total- area may ..stem up to nx~et minimum f ] cx~cl zone criteria f.or the. groutltl :floor elevation o f - bui. ].d7.ngs , '~ - (c) Ur•batl Pla.~a .space shall. lac open and unob- strttcted to Lhe public si.de~vallc .fot:' at. ].eas't 50`,~~ of. its total length of fl~ontag~. Step sha11 not bcs cons:i clel•ecl rls obstructions proy7.tlecl __ that a ratio cif tread to riser noless than 2:l 7.s mainta7.ned. (d) Ul'1~atl Pla'7.,a S17aCC? S1]a].1 haV(? a 1117_nlttllltll cli.Ilic'11- sion o:f 20 feet. (C?) Url~atl Plaza Spac:.e Shull. provide a 1117.tllnltlill of 1 linear foot seatinl; for ever°y 30 scluarc -- Cect of Urban Plaza ..Space. Requ7.1°ed seati.ng may be i.n the form of benches or walls 1.5 to 30 7.nches i.tl hei;lli; , ol° up to 30r~ o:f' the redu7.red seating may be pl•ovicied by nuwc~able Clla il'S 1t1tel1deC1 f 01' oyel'lllf;llt StOr age (f) Urban Plaza space shall provi_cle sll~.cle f.or ~~.t _ - Least 50`,'~ of i_ts 1'equirccl seatiu.. (l) Uri.~an plaza space shat ]. provide at least one tree per 1.000 scuare facet. of Urban Plaza - Space. - (h) Urban Plaza space shall cotltain at least one activity t;eneratin:; feature, including but not 1.7.mited to a lar€;e -Fountain ~vi.th seating a.lotl,~.',' the edges: outdoor cafe; a171p111.t11eater or stage .for outdoor performances ; groutlcl - i'loor 1'etail shops with direct access to the _ _ plaza; open pavilions for vendors; kinetic sculpture. (i) Urban Plaza space -nay contain roofed shelters (open. at least 40`% of perimeter), fabric roofs - or witldbreaks , exhibit rtnd clisplay stands and - cases, community bulletin boards or kiosks and facilities for outdoor food and drink service. Such 7.tems shall be exempted from - limitations on occupancy of yard areas, - parking requi.remetlts, ma::i.mum lot coverage requirements and floor area ratio calculations, - Such shelters, structures, and facilities may not elceed 500 of the Urban Plaza area. _ (,j) Urban Plaza space shall have at least 60 0 of - Its total surface area designed for pedestrian access. This may include pavement, grass, - or seating space, but not including planting; _ beds ol~ similar obstructions. (lc) iJrban Plaza space .shall pro~Tcle access for tllc~ handicapped. - (1.) Ul'ban Plaza space sh~~.ll IlOt include drive~~~ays ~~° otllcr vellicul.ar circulation .spaces, Vellic'= - ul.ar c7.rculatiotl spaces should avoid bisect;i.n~; = Urban Plaza .spaces at any point. 1.2 (2) Through=Block Connections = A pedestrian walkway connect.~on shall be_provided between,para11e1 Diu lc streets and to the waterfront at least every six hundred (600), feet, where such con- nection is not available within public street. z ts--of=wa Such g y pedestrian Through-Block Connection shall be open to the general public curing norma usiness ours an s a_ mee e ~o'L"Io`wing esign s an _ar . s : " a rouq - oc onnection shall be located street or frolt~, any other Through-Block Connection. ~b~ A Through-Block Connection may be omen, covered or enclosed. (c) A Doug -~To`ck-~~'onnection shall be level ~"wi ~Fi -`~_ i eip`ur~ i s s i ewa a. e ac e n sFia7T~ -gave a minimum average wi ofd- eel t anc~ maintain a minimum eet o unimpeded walkway along its entire length. The minimum ceiling height shall be 18 feet if enclosed. (d) A qualified Through-Block Connection should contain. amenities for~ublic enjoyment such as landscaping, seating, fountains, art ~~ work, lighting, cafes, vendors, display space, and/or retail stores an the sides. (3) hlaterfront Saalkway - In view of the high intensity development permitted by this district and in ac- cord with the intent of Section 3(4 of the Char- ter pertaining to waterfront setbacks, there shall be a continuous pedestrian walkway along all water- front areas which shall be open to the general public during normal business hours and designed in accord with approved City of T4iami Baywalk Guidelines. ` (4) Impact on Adjacent Residential -.For any develop- ment site or portion thereof wit in 00 eet o an R-5A, R-5 or R-3B district, the following guide- lines shall apply for tTrban Development Review .- Board approval of floor area bonuses prove e in Section 5, paragraph of t is District: (a) Those. portions of structures over seventy For an Review feet in height should be oriented w erever feasible to preserve principal views from abuttinc7 residential deve opments to signi- ficant urban and natural tan scape eatures including Biscayne Bay, an t e Bricxe Avenue and Miami Avenue corridors. {b) Those portions of structures over seventy feet in heig t shoul e Oriente w er- ever ease e, so t at no s a ow wou e cast upon any por ion o a principa s ruc- ure or recrea Iona use area wi in an R- A, R- or - zone e weep e-.ours o a .m, an p.m, on arc ~fi- or Septem er r . (c) Rooftop mechanical equipment and ground level utility service areas yx.sible from any level of abutting residential development shall be appropriately screened wlth architectural or landscape materials. d~velopmen oard under nevi ewed by the Urban Development rovisions of this uaraarapYi. 1 ~ ~ ,~ ~' C ttotification b~ mail, postin and iiew advertisemen~~-the date.,. 3.o cation ari o said revieta shall be iven in accor ~ette~a ,notice ~ec~uiremettts o C apter the Miami City Code_to_adjacent reside owners withitt 375 eet o the R~CB imn ~, paper purposes faith the 6~` tial grope ct area. Section 2. 't`hat all Ordinances, Code Sections or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict. Section 3. Should any part or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 15th day of December 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FIPdAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 16th day of March 1982. Maurice A. Terre MAURICE A.~ FERRE, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~ C RALP G. ONGIE CITY CLERK ~~ PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ~. JOEL E. MAXWELL ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND_„_CORRECTNESS: ~, ~` ~; ' u --°f--- °~; a, f, EE GEORGE KNOX, JR.. ,~ CITY t~'T ORNEY -1~+- ~~~ ~ ~ Nlatty Itrai April 19; X982 Assistant City Cleric Ordinance No. 9397 Terry V. Percy Deputy City Cle~`k Upon inquiry, this office has reviewed Ordinance ~~9397, adopted by the City Commission on 2nd reading March 16, 1982. That review revealed that on Page 6 of said Ordinance, specifically, Section 4 respecting parking, there is a scriveners error indicating 50% on the 3rd line of said Section, which should have read 30%, con- sistant with the 1st reading. Additionally, there is a scriveners error with the word new misspelled on the lst line of the paragraph. ~~1e have reviewed the tapes and the transcript surrounding the subject item as well as consulted with the Planning Department and the unanimous consensus is that the intent of the Commission and legislation was for it to read 30°0 instead of 50%. 6Je have taken the liberty of substituting a new page correcting the typographical error and the scriveners error and trust that this errata sheet will cure the above mentioned infirmities. As always, your cooperation and consideration is grea.~ly appreciated. ."~ TVP:ia `` o ~_' ,, . `" c , ec: Joe McManus Planning Dept. ~~ ~`' Aurelio Perez-Lugones '~~ ~'= Planning & 7.oning s:i '~' ' ' Administration Office ~~; :~? -. f 7~+ 1 ~'-j ;;; ; 4. Add a new Section 12 - P7~f~KING as follows: For mixed use developments including bath office__~nd resin dential uses,. u tq 30~ of the required off--street parking siaaces for residential use may be credited toward meeting the recuired number of off-street parking spaces for office use, provided that no more than 30~ of the total number of ~aarking maces, r_esidontial and non=residential, are as- signed, and that all spaces are within a single parking garage servit~ botlZ office ar~d residential uses. 5. Deleting Section 10 - DEVELC7PhYEN~' PLAN REVIEG~ and substi- tuting in lieu thereof a new Section 10 - SITE AND DEVEL- OPMENT PLAN APPROVAL as follows: 6ee~ies-}9-----9i~L~Fr.T~8PP4FiI~3'~-Ph1~4A1---RR~~EiFF {}}--eke-~:t~~gese-ef-Be*~e}epr~er~t-P}an-Re*~iew ~s-~e-asee~~a~a-~}3a~-c~e~e~epr~en~-}~-}r~ aeee~e~-roa}~l3-~l~e-in~en~-e~-~t~e-8}st~ie~ ar~e~-~e~-the-l~eaef ~r~-e€-tke-gene~a~ pa}~}.ie-{eRB--8~38~}- {~-}--Faek-apps}}eat}en-fey-a~~~e~a}-a€-anp €}ee~-area-~a~}a-beats-t~r~ele~-6eet~e~-5 {~~-abe~te-eka}}-be-aeeer~p}}skeet-by-a e~e~ae}eptner~t-p}an: --~13e-plan-el~a}}-be snl~~}~~ed-fie-eke-den}ng-Aeaeel-€e.~ ~ee~a}ew-by-tine-8~bae-Beve}e~~ent-Red~era Beaeel; -ase~-~13e}~-~eeer~r~eaela~~ea-sl3a}} be-sttb~rt{~~ec~-~e-t}~e-~ea~ee~-$ea~el-~®~- pt~b}}e-kea~}rage: --~13e-E3~l~aa-Bete}epFtet~t Ret~~eta-Bea~el-ray-~eee~tnenel-ael~setr~en~s ~n-~13e-s}~}rig-a€-eke-pr=e~eseel-s~~eeteraes as-tkep-tee}a ~e-~e-~13e-r<ee~t~}~ee~-~a~e1- a~ea9-f9Ra:-8~~~}; Section 10 SITE AND DEVELOPP9ENT PLAN APPROVAL (1) Any development within this district shall be required to have the site and development plans approved by the Urban Development Review Board before a building permit is issued by the Building Department. The purpose of development plan review and approval is to assure that development is in accord with the intent of this dis- trict and for the benefit of the general public. (2) It shall be the responsibility of the Urban Development Review Board to interpret design standards con- tained in this Article; and to make recommendations to the Zoning Board concerning ap~licata.o`~ns for variances and conditional uses. (3) Applications for development flan approval shall be submitted according to the provisions of ARTICLE IV, Sec- tion 41, paragraphs (2) and (3), except that the Planning Department will. transmit such application to the Urban Development Review Board fax approval.