HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1982-03-25 Marked Agendat CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: MARCH 25, 1982 CITY HALL - DINNER KEY FORMAL CITY COMMISSION SESSION - PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 1. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by Central Bank & Irvona Properties to Change the Zoning of approximately 2661-2665 b. Bays ore Drive from ,- o R-C. This item was passed on First Re-a-Rd—ing January 28, 1982. Moved by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins. (Y) Ferre, Plummer, Perez. The Second Reading was deferred at the meeting of February 25, 1982. 2. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Further Consideration cif Ordinance 6871, ARTICLE XV-1 CENTRAL • i��•� LCBD-2 DISTRICT, Section 9 public amenity equirements, Subsection (8) Historic Preservation. This item was passed on First Reading December 15, 1981, and continued on Second Reading from the City Commission meeting of March 16, 1982. Note: Most of the CBD-2 District was adopted as Ordinance on March 16, 1982; except that Section 8 was excluded for further consideration of the exact language. 3. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Further consideration of Ordinance 6871, ARTICLE XI-2 RESIDENTIAL -CB DISTRICT, Sections 1, 0, and 12. is i em was passe on irst Reading December 15, 1981 and was adopted on Second Reading March 16, 1981. Note: The R-CB District was adopted as Ordinance 9387 on March 16, 1982 with the caveat that interested parties would have the opportunity of reviewing the exact language. This item may be withdrawn if interested parties agree with the ordinance language as stated by the Law Department. 4. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Spanish International Communications Corpora- tion (Channel 2 o Change the Zoning of approximately - venue and approxima e y 36 N.W. 25 Court from o -. - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Department Recommends Denial. - Zoning Board Recommended pprova - (2 members abstaining). - Four OBJECTIONS by mail. - Two OBJECTORS spoke at the Zoning Board meeting. - Three REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. - Three PROPONENTS spoke at the Zoning Board meeting. ORD . 9400 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS MOT. 82-269 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNA"IMCPS (ORD. 9382 READ BY TITLE- See City Att'y's memo filed with City Clerk's office) DISCUSSION FIRST READING MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLUMMER iINAN IMOU S 10 V CITY C01'01ISSION AGENDA "!'"ETI"_G DATE: PAGE 5. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Argus Trade, Realty, and Investment, Inc. to Change the Zoning or 2150 ral iJay treelots) rrommr-C to C-2 LATIVL ACTION !'-N BY THE COI114ISSION 11ITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITE;1 SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. Planning Department Recommends Approval of the westerly lot only, and Denial of the other two. Zoning 8oaro ecommen s Approva of the westerly lot only, and Denial of the other two 1-U. Four U83LMON5 by mail. Two REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. Two PROPONENTS present at the Zoning Board meeting. 6. ORDINAINCE - FIRST READING Application by Beber, Silverstein, et. al. and the Opera Guild of Greater Miami opera, inc., d/b/a Greater Nh ami opera ssocia- tion, to Change the coning of approximately - ter- race from to - . - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE C041ISSION WITHIN 100 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITE:1 SHALL BE DEEHIED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Depart-ment Recommends Denial. Zoning Board P.eco,menceDenial -i 1 member abstaining). - Seven OBJECTIONS by mail. - One REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. - One PROPONENT present at the Zoning Board meeting. 7. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTVEIJT APPLICATION Application of Heritace Conservation Interim Zoning District to the property locateG a-t—=j Grano Avenue Former 1 Lhing Store). - Planning Department Recommends Approval. - Planning Advisory Boaro Recommenas Approval 7-0. - One OPPONENT spoke at the Planning Advisory Board meeting. Two PROPONENTS spoke at the Planning Advisory Board meeting. g, RESOLUTION Application to redesignate the name of Northwest 2 Avenue betweer NW 29 and 35 Streetstoo N thwest 2 Avenue! ugeni o •1ari a oe Rostoi outevar . - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Denial. - Planning Department Recommends Denial. - Planning Advisory Board HUHUFT070RTNT 3-3 FAILED TO RE- CEIVE A MAJORITY VOTE b1H iITUTES A •;:iH . Iwo UBJLLMNS by mail. Two REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ DENIED BY MOT. 82-273 MOVED: DAVTKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS CONTINUED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS iUNANIMOUS - Two PROPONENTS spoke at the Planning Advisory Board meeting. 9. RESOLUTION! Application to redesignate the name of Northwest 20 Street be- tween NW 8 and 27 Avenues -to Northwest treet/wou I evaro 0 the Americas. - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Denial. - Planning Department Recommen s venia . - Planning Advisory Board 14I. RAilT 3-3 FAILED TO RE- CEIVE A MAJORITY VOTE ►:H J,, r rLZ� n ULn1A . Three PROPONUITS spoke at the Planning Advisory Board meeting. R- 82-275 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 82-276 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS CITY CO:-LMISSION AGENDA I .G DATE: 10. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "IZQUIERDO SUBDIVISION", located at NU 53 Avenue and AW 5 Street. - P13t and Street Committee Recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Recommends Approval. 11. RESOLUTI01H Accepting the Plat entitled "PODSAID SUBDIVISION", located at Grand Avenue and Virginia Street. - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Approval. - Zoning 3oard Recommends Approv T- PA 12. RESOLUTION Acceoting the Plat entitled "A. C. SUBDIVISION", located at 32 Street and-Torth Miami 77venue. Plat and Street Committee Recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Reco•-.mends Approva . 13. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "SEAROCY. SUBDIVISION", located at NW Street and W. 70 Avenue. - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Approval. Zoning Board Recommends Approva . 14. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "SIIIPS0, located bet ADDITION", between N � b and 7 Avenues, and between NW 58 ano 60 Streets. - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Recommends Approval. 15. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "B.W.R. ASSOCIATES TRACT", located at 7 44 7reet an—a'Tederal Highway. - Plat and Street Committee Recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Recommends Approval. 16. RESOLUTION Application by Coral Gate Twin Village, Inc. for a one-year Extension of a one oitiona se to permit a Development of a Planned nit Nature N) consisting of 6 dwelling units at approximately 3400 SW 16 Terrace. - Planning Department ,recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Granted on ,T$T�y a S to 0 vote. 17. RESOLUTION Application by Daniel Arias for a one-year Extension of a Variance on side yards and lot width at 1815 SIN 3 Avenue. - Planning Department Recommends Approval. - Zoning Board Granted on 1075181 by a 6 to 0 vote. NO . 3 R- 82-270 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAI•TK.INS UNANIMOUS DEFERRED R- 82-271 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PLUMMER R- 82-278 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R- 82-279 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R- 82-272 MOVED: CARLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS INUED R- 82-280 MOVED: DA14KINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 18. RESOLUTION R- 82-281 Formalizing Motion No. 82-169 by authorizing the City ilanager to MOVED: PLUMMER execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, SECOND: DAWKINS with Leitner rei Bch for professional services in connectionwitf UNANIMOUS ImDact�ees forte City of Miami allocating funds therefor from The Down town People Clover Capital Project. I' ?� ±` 7 t f CITY CO:L�lISSI0D1 AGENDA MEETI`1G DATE : March 25, 1982 5:00 P.M. 19. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTi•1ENT APPLICATION (a) Amend Ordinance 6871, The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, W ILLE IV, GENE PROVISIONS, providing a nea Section 46 - HERITAGE CONSERVATION, HC, ZONING DISTRICTS. NO LLutJLA1 t t h I t r IS iAi,E(1BY THE C0,1'•1ISSIOi; 11ITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITEM SHALL BE DEEIIEO TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 6-0. (b) ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Chapter 62, Zoning and Planning, of the Miami City Code y adding a new ARTICLE VII HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. - IF NO LEGISLATIVE- ACTI N IS TAKEN1., t N IWITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 6-0. (c) ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Chapter 17 Environmental Preservation, of the Miami City Code, by aeieting Section 17-4, Environmental Preservation Review Board, and substituting Heritage Conservation Board; and by deleting Section 17-5, Administrative Assistant to Environmental Preservation Review Board, and substituting Heritage Conservation Officer. - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE CONIIISSION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 6-0. PAGE i'.0. 4 20. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENNT A?PLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871, The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, GEi:L7A PROVISIONS, Section 26 to permit transitional uses for any lot in an R-T District. 21. Discussion of Base Building Lines, Dedications, and Bonus Provi- sions per City Commission Motion 82-249 of March 16, 1982, Agenda Item 55(b) - Ordinance, Second Reading, Planning Department Application, Amending Ordinance 6871, Article XXV Base Building Lines, Section 1. CONTINUED BY MOT. 82.-282 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: PEREZ' CONTINUED BY MOT. 82-282 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: PEREZ CONTINUED BY ­ MOT. 82-282 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: PEREZ FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ DISCUSSION CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ING DATE: MARCH 25, 1982 NO. 5 E 22. Discussion Affordable Rental Housing Development Program. R- 82-283 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: PEREZ 23. RESOLUTION R- 82-284 Authorizing the City Manager to secure appraisals for MOVED: CAROLLO 1200 West—Flagler Street and 2300 N.W. 14 Streetpursuant SECOND: PLUMMER o e imp emen a ion o the y of iami ordable ABSENT: PEREZ Rental Housing Development Program. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, PLAQUES AND SPECIAL ITEMS SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA s PRESENTATION Plaque: PRESENTATION Commendation: PRESENTATION Commendation: PRESENTATION Certificates of Participation: SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = March 25, 1982 Presented to The Honorable Jorge Alvarez Montenegro, Consul General of Costa Rica, upon his retirement. Presented to Air. Don Wagner for his cooperation and involvement with the City of Miami Police Department. Presented to E1 Heraldo de Broward, only Spanish language newspaper in Broward County. Presented to the participants in the baseball instruction program organized by Rene Janero, Leo Abreu and Luis de Jesus of the City of Aliami, for Club Deportivo Piratas, of Guayaquil, Ecuador (chaperoned by Mr. Ricardo Fiore).