HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09455El ORDINANCE No, 4 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 6811, AS AMENDED, T14E COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMt, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF LOTS 11 THROUGH 15, NORTHGATE BLOCK 9 REsUB (9-157) AND THE EAST 40' of LOT 11, AND ALL OF LOTS 12 THROUGH 15, BLOCK 10, NORTHGATE (8-88), BEING APPROXIMATELY 6202-6398 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, FROM R-C (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE) TO C-1 (LOCAL COM- MERCIAL), AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY. CHANGES IN THE'ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFE- RENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2,_ THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERAlBILITY CLAUSE, WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board at its meeting of May 5, 1982, Item # 4(a), following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 33-82 by a 7 to 0 vote RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a change of zoning classification 1 as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission aft,3r careful consi- deration of this matter deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami in its 71 inhabitants to grant this change of zoning classification as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T,HE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Ordinance No. 6871, as amended, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of lots 11 through 15, NORTHGATE BLOCK 9 Resub (9-157) in the East 401 of Lot 11, and all of lots 12 through 15, of Block 10, NORTHGATE (8-88), being approximately 6202-6398 Biscayne Boulevard, from R-C (Residential Office) to C-1 (Local Com- mercial), and by making all the necessary changes in the zoning district map made a part of said Ordinance No. 6871, by reference and description in Article IiIj Section 2i thereof. Section 24 That all ordinances, code sections or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict. Section 3. Should any part or provision of this ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdic= tion to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 27ttl day of May , 1982. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 24 day of, dune 1982. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor ATTEST: LZ ALP ClGIE ity erk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: J L E . MAXW LL ssistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ' GEORGE F .. KNOX , JR . /t City Attorney q • - i91�''�1A�11 - - �3+t113! �'i�t�N'�11•t i�l��iiB� '.: rJL811rf - All InIflfft18d wili'lik6 4611811E thall 611 thfa 1416 6f3yV J011,,'16811 the WY 166ththibbl6h 61 MlifY11, PlbtldA fidf 010d thfl 16116W10'a 11116d, bfdifiAfidn, . 6ANNANCE Nbi.,NM. AN 6AbINAN6t AMENDING bAbINANCE NO: 601,,At AMENbtb TH€ bOMPNEHENtiVE 26NIN6 6f lbiNANCt P6A THEIITY 6P'MIAMI BY CHANGING tHt WNW& CLA55tFiW16N 6F,Lt`1TS, i9 tHAU95 bLOOK i, POINTVIEW 'AM€NbEC•!}S}, EEING APPROXIMATELY., W.'189 SOUTHEAST 14TH.(tLANE IN APPROXIMATELY 188.900 SOUTHEAST, i4TH tOAACE, PA6M.A-t (HIGH btN'61'f Y MULTIPL€) TO AtA (Pt8lbENTiAL OFFICE); ANb BY MAK., iNG tHE NECESSARY CHANGES: IN T•HE ZONINd bit, TRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAlb 6WNANCE NO. E6ti, BY REFEIiENtt ANb I31= RIPTION iN ARtICLE 3, SEC• . LION 2; THV.At6P;:BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, MIAMI REVIEW _ AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sarah "Illams, who on oath says that she is the Director of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of City of Miami RN . ORDINANCE NO. 9455 —11111111110 Inthe , ....... � .. X.. x........................ Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of 1 Afflant further says, that the said Miami Review and Deily, Record is a newspaper published at Mlaml In said Dade County, Florida„ and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except, Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) ;and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in I ar nAextnpreceding the first psaid Dad ublication ofrthe � attached copyof one �oI advertisement: and sffiant further says that she has neither Mid nor promised any person, firm ot, corporation any discount, robate,rcommission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement tot publicntlon 11- q #P,y�� J)ewsPaPer• i ;Sworn to 49ubacobed betore.me this � .;.; r.... 82 at day of .. .July. Betty J.,Brooks,, Ifd ry public,. State of,�Florida at Large ,., tit` MyCommission expires June r�; r11183'`` ,l COb5 SECTIONS, OF! PANTS THtPEOF iN CONFLICT, AND CONTAINING A"SEVEi�A131LIT1' CLAUSE:.:. '..... .' ORDINANCE NO.9454 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING; ORDINANCE NO.6811 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED SY APPROXIMATELY N.W.10TH AVENUE, N.W.17TH STREET, N.W: 91H AVENUE; N.W. 18TH STREET, N•W.' 8tH AVENUE AND,THE. WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE (15.87), BEING TENTATIVE, PLAT #1103 -- "HIGHLAND PARK DRIVE SECTION ONE", FROM R-4 (MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIPLE) AND 0.1 (LOCAL COM•,. MERCIAL) to GU (GOVERNMENTAL USE); AS PER, ATTACHEb MAP, AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES',:'.; IN THE ZONING _DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF: SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871; BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIP•. TION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABiLITY CLAUSE. : ORDINANCE NO.9455 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, ORDINANCE NO, 6871, AS AMENDED; THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING , CLASSIFICATION OF LOTS 11 THROUGH 15, NORTHGATE BLOCK 9,RESUB (9.157) AND THE EAST 40' OF LOT.11; AND ALL OF LOTS 12 THROUGH 15, BLOCK W, NORTHGATE (8.88), BEING APPROXIMATELY 6202.6398 BISCAYNE BOUL•. EVARD, FROM R•C (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE) TO C-1 (LOCAL COMMERCIAL), AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT. MAP MADE A PART OF SAID.ORDINANCE NO, 6871, BY,REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION iN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF, BY'., REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. 9.456 •u011116d 841 u! Pe130W19Puo•�oop�esno4une4j' jepPPlg i lseyel4 43 ej a41 jo; not lsule6e palelue eq 4seo 10 �e 84101 P It Plot IIIM 11ne;90 a sspvua4jo Ua1;eaja41 eq Illm uleleq pegliosep Rlisdom Alelelpaww) Jo, AatuollV s,;;Nuleld 041 'Met of Bulpj000e pewaepe uo o0was ejojeg ae41104m UnoO eq Ile4s aleolilUaupies ssalun s141 !o veb 041 4lIM IeulBlio a41 - '3 J04163M V znj0 ! 011; PUe :Z86t '1sn6nV ;o Rep 9 941 opuvwJV :;0 eweu 041, ul seM Apt aio;eq Jo uo'yElee eplJoid'selgeE) -dad pies 10 IuewssessW 04.L iejo0 'e.0)InS 'Psoa. sel6no0 -swell pug sexgl lwelw io Alk 009Z :sl ssejppe aso4M'AGuJ6I1V Z96t Pue sexgl ltluno0 Z96t o11ae s.)lllulE.ld,:''1OS3 '0131AN331:1D •qns penssl eq film peep si4.L 'G NOluf18 uo.l) of 'Aue ;l ePN01d i4,a1e1S'epeG to 'sesu9;e0 Due JaMsuV uelipm ano�t µuno0 eyt u)'gZ e8ed d>loota ;o �(doo a en�as oI paainbei eae tgld `suug3 eplsjeejd of u nog( pue, nod( isuleBe a uea PPV se a8e sae P I!i'. g 38t; Z �liB OZ.IoT lo. t): OE. 3 ;., 4 ! 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CHANGE OF ZONING = Approximately 6202 6398 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD _ e io E, Perez=Lugones r COh11MI5SION AGENDA - 11a 27 1982 _ `Director PLAHNING & ZONING AGENDAi h Planning and Zoning Boards Administration Department The Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of May 5, 1982; Item �'-4 (a), following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 33-82 by a 7 to 0 vote P,ECOh1;1ENDING APPROVAL of a Change of Zoning Classification of Lots 11 15, lorthgate Block 9 ReSUb (9=157) and the East 40' of Lot 11, and all of Lots 12 - 15, Block 10, Northgate (8-88), being approximately 6202 - 6398 Biscayne Boulevard, from R-C (Residential Office) to C-1 (Local Commercial). T%.,o replies in favor received in the mail, An ORDINAINCE to provide for this Change of Zoning has been prepared by the City Attorney',s office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL:mc cc : La;, Department MOTE: Planning Department recommendation: APPROVAL. AP?LIC'..+T I _' i i L IC"i P ^UE BACr:G 0U:ID: A:I:eLZS_S: PtAtlt,11'IG FACT StlEET Ci 4y of iMiami Plahninq bepartment' April 15, 1982 4: APPT;O:'111-41:\TEL`t 6202-6398 BISCi:i''•iE BOUIE:bRD Lots 11 through 15 NOPi'I,G:STL BLK 9 RESIM, (9-157) E. 401 of Lot 11, lots 12 through 16 Block 10 INORTilGATE (8-88) a. Change of zoning classification from R-C RESIDELdTIAL-OFFICE to C-1 LOCAL COL%L I RCIAL district. b. Aolication of SVD-3 BISCAY�:E BOULE 7IN. ARD NOR"_'II SPECIAL OVERIL, Y DISTRICT to the subject property, and further that thisrezoningand application .,ill be included inthe proposed new zoning ordinance for, t;,e C j_ t,r oil Miami, when and if enacted by _ the City Commission. To rezone this two -block frontaae on Biscavne Boulevard from R-C to C-1 and to apply the SPD-3 Overlay District, — consistent with the Biscayne Boulevard _ North Economic Planning Study. This zoning change was recommended in the Biscayne North Economic Planning Study - approved in principle by the City Com- mission on November 26, 1979.. Other re- commended zoning changes for properties = along Biscayne Boulevard between NE 50th Terrace and NE 87th Street were approved by the City Commission -in Ordinance No. 9134'on July 24, 1980. The policy statement concerning North I3iscavne Boulevard in the Miami Com=, _ prehensive Neighborhood Plan states: 9455 =— - ­­ __ the conversion -of marginal� motel operations into mo-detaIL-c-density rcs-L.- den.f-ial and, mixed commercial-re-cioen- tial. uses through- zoning indontives and modifications, street- beaut.-ifica- ion and rehabilitation-assistancd" t a The failinq econct-Ric health of Bis= ca-,tne Boule%rard be'L-.,,.;een 1,4E 36th Street and 'NE, 37tLli Street may be c:.,plained prevalent inefficient and obsolete land uses, primarily motels. The change of zoning from R-C to C-1 is proposed to allo�.,t higher densit-,., Office options in addition to higher, density residential options to serve as a redevelopment -mpetus, while not de-tractiha from the quality of life Within the adjacent residential r-ieic:.L- borhood. The SPD-3 Biscavne Boulevard North Sce- cial Overlay District, approved by the PABon iMa%, 7, 1980 and by the Cit%r C c n,- mission in Ordinances No. 9133 on Jul%- 24, 1980, Taill apply to the propose,-, C-1 district to restrict the under._ lying C-1 uses to those consistent With the neighborhood and to' offer de-: veloners an incentive for redevelopment. through transfer of development righ.ts. RAC 0, E'. I D;,, T 10, 1 T'N, G APPROIJAL I IT' D E-P T 945,5 A