HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-0761RESOLUTION NO.
Section 1. Execution of a lease agreement in substantial
accordance with the attached lease agreement to provide for the
leasing of approximately 5,500 square feet of space in the Alfred
I. DuPont Building by the Law Department and the acquisition of the
leasehold improvements thereon, is hereby authorized with funds
therefor allocated from Law Department Budgeted Funds.
Section 2. A sum not to exceed $10,000 is hereby allo-
cated from Special Programs and Accounts - Contingent Fund to cover
the cost of relocating the Law Department from the Olympia Building
to the Alfred I. DuPont Building; such sum to be used for the
physical transfer of office furnishings and for installation of
a City office communication system in the new location.
Section 3. An additional sum not to exceed $10,000 is
hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts - Contingent
Fund to cover the cost of emergency acquisition of office dictating
equipment to be on hand and in place when the above move is completed,
Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized and
directed to arrange for the use of the vacated Law Department space
J U L 2 9 1982
mama J82. - 76.
in the Olympia Building by other City Departments or offices.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29 day of JURY , 1982.
M A Y 0 R
A 44.t
I . . • r. , . -. I Trc-r-ram
A. i). t() 82 Ito. (! hclulcn i�i.f)lill11A N•%IIONAL hA or.MIANII. a corlioraIion•orgsnized
Intl (•tci•:(irrg tinfli " tic Chet of the I li)ifcd Stites of Ali a, and duly auihnrized to transact
hn�iur� in the S1aIC of f lnli(l1, llarly of life first lfarl, If-Iter called the Lessor, and
party of the secnnrl part, ht�reinafter •coiled the ireaoee.
Premise" NS'ITNESSET11: The Lessor, for and in cnnsideratinn of the rents herein reserved to be paid
by the Lessee, and the covenants herein to lie by the Lessee kept and performed, does hereby
demise and lease unto the Lessee the premises known and described as
1101-1117 plus air conditioning room
Term nn the llth floor, in the building situated in the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, known
as the Alfrr.d 1. dnPont Building, for the term beginning on thin2th _day of -Aug -use
A. I). 1r02 , and ending nn thee. t `_--day ofl�pctob + A. D. 19, 84 _, unless the
term hereby demised •shall be sooner germinated is'hereina?itrer provided.
l oss[. slnn Fr the TX"' .hell ter unnhle In file prr,xrtrRinn of lh• Aeerni+ ref eremite" ern the Aste of the enromrrcernent of the term bervof by
rFns,n of the hnldinr nee, rr any 1••e+.•, or Ire*prow or fnr any other lesson, 1-,,nor @hall not be sublrct to soy liability (rot the failure to
hive eve+v.+inn en said dntr, 1'ndrr awh cirrum.tanres the rent reo,rvr•1 and rcevet•ant•ti to 1,e fixed herein shall not commence until the
r••%+r•+inn .•f Armin reel rertr it given or the prerniam are available for ornlpancy by I.rea,r, and ern much failure to rive recmomm;een wet
the dale of rommrnrr•nent elf the term Rh+ll in Anr,vi•e Select the vs!'d,ly of lhit irs.+e or Lbe ohlitations of the 1•er•er hereunder. not shall
the "'ere ter cnnalrued in xnymi•r to r%Irnd the term of this Irasrl or of repairs, iml•mvtmfnh or dernrstione of the drm(%rd premises or
or the blildint in which sped vrrminrw are located are not rompleterl An-bntrment or diminution of the rent to be pall hereunder shall be
allnvrrd to is+see under %urh cirr imrtxnrrs, but in ere• n vrnt shall the raid abatement err diminution of rent extend beyond the date of
delivery of the drrnk-I (•r rrni•.rs.
Rental I MST. In rnn<61,cntirn of PRid dvmi-r the Lr%ae, roven@nt-eet to rAy to the Les or as rent fnr amid premises the mum of _
--_----_-_------ nollsrs (115300 . _ ,)
r,r rftfYink Mir?` -A FA drinleMt,PitlP{hetlt me��tt ItuildioF Manager in amid JliirP.1 i. durcent nuildint, on the Rot day of each avid
fiery ra'.mlAr month d,erinr -aid term.
Use `r.r'(IN11. Th. 1. •.leer covenant+ Ihat said premesu ise shall be te•d at+r Mind ruri►d anl,ly by the i.eaarr and the hem+.r'o rmrinyeps a%A
law office
fnr the 1ur{'r err. - - ---- - - -
and fnr n.. other port' or t.le,.l,ntrw wh%tAnrvcr. M a material ron•'deratien herein the LrAA," covenants that Leaser will'not without the
•t nll,n re rs,nt of the i.e•.. r rmtt the perm is r•% Ile orcuritd by Any rrr-nn, firm or entrnration other than the I,r%see .here name
unit ss an employee of the City of Miami.
srrrar. ern this ita%@.r•4-w•.4*,L-in-Lhs carabvud xaa+t�fat uieum. the -0arL'M
ASMe• wv,4l'as-tlwvzn-"Jy*&aLuaaoLtbayumiar.ea-the
�.A. P- ►r-.al.r-1-••+ter •- u ,ww-.w.L �.-n- w. at ••r is 1 sr,ra►i•l+ra li eo-.Lo r_ U.e .. ul w.a w . � �t o .s6i a_ le saw
RC -sleep TtnRn. @ter I r re slyer Ihett if S the rent rr.rr.^A by Ihi• fra•.r Ito any part thereof ►ball he unpaid wbien Alec. or if the premises •I„tee 1.,•-else a -inert n• Ar•+IIy nm•rrnn,•-1 dnnnr. the lrrm, or if the 1 -•.<, shall fail to perform any of the ennditinna, rveo*rLA. provisions
Ar•{ nt•n.-re•In•. .nnt,nrd 1 •lima, or ,I it ,pollen in I.xnhrnptry %hall hr Arbil by the Li.-r•e, atihttrn-itrRsvw•diercmri+r�,••rrs.r•r,tnt>rlFy-in•
......f.tPa*- err if lh.• nt•I
1..•+•.e, rhvtl Lee ndj,dged txntr+,vt or ir•nlrrnt by may rnnrt or if a receiver or lru-tree in bankruptcy or a receiver of
t h.• ,.lilt.. •Iv rr the I .
�•r 401 lr " oloei in one tu. t. ""'in rr nr.r,nlu•r, or if 1h, LrR-rr shall make an A%titnment for the berebt of
I •'•r err it err I,,•, l r• •h%11 1, i•F �,,I Armin+! Ihr l., oar•, rr if the 1,c R,r•'% lcrosrhold interest herein shell be levied upon, or if the
f •-•M. 1P+arhrtd inlr.ct hr•.,n Phnll hr orrrmI,on r, Isw ,.%as In any lrrann nthrr than the Lena". then, in each and perry runt ease, the
1..•.•nr ,••A,. al ,Ire •-plrno. w�lh,••If rrtirr In the Lrs.per or to piny A•.IrnM. tr*nafrrre. tru'tr•,, rr••ri,•rr or other pemnem or persona, with forte
elf)•t,a,•, rrIo4r and rwee-,•-inn of *%id rternir.ro and Irrmirxtr this irm+e and the term herein and hereby [ranted and demised;
r. In ",I, tend rvrry surh r+•,. 11•, 1., •seer may, at its option. without notice In the l,r snip or In any xFtirnee. transferor, tru-tee, receiver
c. •.U"• 1—-n or rrr•rn., w,lh h•r,r err olh,twiAr, meet Reid r and rrlrl the *xme a* it may per fit, without avoiding or tFrininat.
r,,r N,r. 1„ar, and ire tl•, t•.,,t•••r •f %nrin rrlrttinc file L,x-nr mnv mill, Filch rrp%.r+, xll,-rxtinn% and additions in nr to maid premises he
the Ile..or rnav diem errs ,Are fnr thr pnrpnae of sure, r,lritina. and if a rift -tent stem -hill rent be rrmliveA from surh printing offer
r-'s. I. ,hr r,,.ts, .f t••n•.* rand h%rrt. ref Pilch rrirtfinr and or the rr•rxirt, alterSlinn and additions in and to said premises to "us) the
erne h,..• nh,.'nrr rn.rnnrtr•t 1n 1•e @Aid by Ihr Le,*re, then the 1,n " Fhall rmv piny drfiriency arisinr thereby upon demand therefor and
i•h •1•-r..i•nry Ahn11 L, .......•'n.d, nn•tro•vr wind tal,rn In ter A .10d r•n,sl•t. in hAntnil•Iry of r—Piver%hip.
Non i'a}meat F'IIt'RTif 7h•• rhn•.r F., ,,, -hall r-%y to th- 0-ve 1 ••-anr, or to it., arrest, file •Pill snrcifrrd rent at the limes sod in the rnxnner
pl..ar ern•. -it If; And In ray ill •h•• n•.n ra:•nrnt of th, -aid rent at the ti—en slid n1Are ahovP stalyd, or in rase the maid lra*ed taemi%ts *hall
err I• dr••,rt•d or vsentr•h the, -aid Lr .,it .hall f,%%v the r•cht In Feeler tf„ Paine ael tie• arenl of the %mid I,r%.ee, either ber force or olherwine-
u,thr•"t hone 1'nhl, fnr Ane• t•rnv<ulirn lhrrrfnr. and to r,-irt the *Pit promurw as the spent of the %mid I.e+%— and to receive the rent
Desertion Ihrrrlor, mod, as file mC,nt of •h- .n,d 1.••n.,P. to tAMe rrsv-Sinn of any furniture or ntl•er property on the amid prrmism. and to sell the
.amP err r•Ifilir err tit t, air rule u,thrnrt rrtirr, tend In Prply the same to the payment elf the rent due by these presrnt.A, holding the Ursere
tixl I, (,.r the d, f,r,rnrv. if Any•
ACsignment I it 711. The in,...r••�+...,:s a.A%.l-1..-.w._µre.,lase..4t, .aw.r�t.aa..are..l.L+,tnFJk;A.L.,.�1wL1�tuJo snhlrt the drmi.ed permi.r- or any
fix,' I1„11of a'Ih-lire the prier, anrlrn ron.e-r,l err the Ii••.•^r, S6r.ald Or L•,•%nr ron-rnt to Ill, svigrment of this (rase or to elehlellint
and Ihr drrnia•vt prrmiie" in ,ahnlr or in rnrt, the LrR dr. b,reby mh-A-strife gtlxrantre the r%ymerel of and envenonla to ray the rent reserved
SU111PtllntF h•rrund,r until Iho r%pira'•nn of 1tP trine $.error And no fbifote of the Lhtrr In rrnmrlly collect from any ouch asuaetrrs or sub•lrsaerer
b her and•@ unlit Ihr rr p.rne ills of 111, term hereof, not any rster+ton of fhr time for the psymept of such rent, a sly reel * the 1 et from
h.• •rua•%n,rr of t nn�•nt .•r •urh rent. secretaria'� enclosures
Alterations 1 T11 T1r f •^ r. n.•' to -A&, nee permit to h, mad- on mIIt,A'o•r.. %diitinn• or im reeve ills to a%id premfarA wl out
Ih, pry• r u soles r,•e,..nt -t fhr l.r aril eird all o•61il,nea rr remrrn.en •r!a n A•Ir 1•v the I., M, fvrrrl nnly�rnm.able oR•ire l/urni 11.1 swirl
1•„nI, •testy h•�•fnr tf, 1.n I•rly or the l.e-••ye t al `hr Lrno �n(n•n ill •/•.a 1•.. a. err •6.• • ru,•xmy ill the t•rPmimes. t°fl lilTilien
�w 1 t 11 a l llrtller cfvir�+e Y Y
Electricity , t{ 1 711. Thr I ••+^•!'its •matt,'% n• ra•t,p In he snrplictl Or 1r,r rurr,nt In if, ceinirmenl of intawdrsernl lams installed in void
rremia,, aril also the lanep• *nd I,,— raid lamps when nevrasary. lie 1.-r•rr 0,A11 use for hrhling. only such electric current and In.
rand, •.let I, n.l•a %•'d I , . 1 •I1r a. .1•alf he aurpl,lie,l l,Ihr
i acilities F:IGII7ii. The i.,- •.err w11 furn;Ph without Oiler, to the 1. .•r r-. Akor and jan.vr %trvece. And *,r roodllion,nir 1h+oushoul the firar
an d,-oI rr• „•f.. „•hie rrvdn' err hr-atilt sit +.bier e.lhrr sic d„mPd nrrr.amry tv the banter; but tier i es%or shell not be liable tot
onv d,•t,v err r%Terre I, •, rely Any • r F'.4 err v,rrr due lee, u•....wl ron•1,•,nr,s In nil
rrv'.trr•nt 1•r,nnd it: control &nil the I r+nor %hall
be lint-1, fell, .darnmi•, err r •1 All the 1 r, b•• entitled to any obx(Fmrnt or fort frr r(a Iiirr to snrrly the Paine
7)• L,..,r air• tiler' Ire vdl env all elun•a frr yes•. el,rher Ijrrrnt Imbir tfen f•,rni•hed for brMs) for nheratinr worhintry,
.f -rA• - • -r. r•n , 1 • at . o, ,II ere it Io, let Ihtl n,Ae ter le.rd ,n .lid rr. mI r.. And mh-'Id such eh*Fr" herein rmvid,d rot at any tent
ern vn 1,1, and uora,I cur n fill, ImI of fir dxvs a((,r the Pam, •halt helve, b—orco d„r. then saeh rho,rrs shati be trn*idered as rent
.fur Pnl 'I-,I•let•rn the Iv• •r •' %:1 I., Iu'itled to o11 Fo,h rirhi% and I•m,dirs, veilh 1r1Mt thereto as are provided in this Irate in the
r.I ere ref the (•.bar I if r to par rent tr-r 1 by lt-% (rase.
Nuisances K(NTII Th.i • sane• t1,%t no nur•R,,re r•r tArar you% t•-de or nrrnrnri,n shall ter rrrmitlyd err Ferried on in or upon said
•r"I••a•., ern A,t err Urr� •I.n'I I- dear IF I"roill•d slid n•a��m� •hall b, tort in n, of -,it sold rtrmiars which will Intieaae the rselk or
e- I_I.,, ••f f: and nil L •• •oll 1,1 rr enrt'.r1 or c,nn •n,Itr.l %)ors,-n, or ordomner dnrr to. *aid premiers. The Les%ev re,vtoont.t to psi to
lye 1 e •.r upon oe•n and d+r tr•% flit,nr,ety tr Psi-]rrrmi•m of to it,, P-delnir of •).erh IA.d rvrmues see a put, .hirh inJury %hall be
r: red or I•,8'•,.1 h, Ill LI r or Ihr I,r-•rr s Pr.,,L- -rr.anls or rmr•I,ir,s 7h, I,raFM (urther co%ensnta not to conduct any business of
r• r•• it Pnv 6n••nr s to Ire • 0 I,t, I or to do err rermit Nov art err thi••r cnnlrare to or in violation of the laws of the United Stairs of
A rn•I • a I, of eLr `•,tee of 11" 4" err , f (I,,ff
r rd•nrn *nrra rJ the r.ly or Se! xi in err a1. 11 %mid rifrnkes or the building of which said prom.
I n•r a r".
Iv ale fnrtlrr rr,rrtnH tlnl the IrA•nl rrrmi n . 11 not be a ill U•r any lurrna, that will ritune any pet%nn err prrtnos to
r.rrrrl•P,e ,n the hPll•. ref th, I..nld•rr of shah ter IrR•nt re•rrii•r•m rely a t•mrt, or sh,,h wr.uld rame renaev lee emanate firm the leased
t r'm, .t vhirh r'r•• ct n.'yh1 IrA,,Afh'y dr!nrb any mill. •,,,nr ,,nx,(s e,r per Pon% tc%.,•t If,, halls elf the said build,nr, and let Les,ty
f �e tl„r n ern -Ala Ihx! I• re sill rot dyFr its Iuo eio .s -thin the irrsrd premiers in a Quirt, prnprr and ordrtly monrer, and that sal
f nhrr♦ n. tl♦ p%eel n( fhr t..-vP In P. it., the fin n•..ro in the rnndgrt rr its husinr-s hall be be mmodered as a vin'a L,nn of a material
.,r.a A rf this Ire Pee.
- 82--76" 1-
Damages to
prt� t
npeC y
TF. f:711. ft it rr,•nn ill sill Ae•^••i by AnA b.twe,n tFe rarti,ti hereto Ott (it ,ea -or ehtll net In my ♦vNit, iliether eaased by
th. Ln.r•'s i+^, he LAb1e
nrflraener err rot for any 1,.:, d.r„nre Gar injvrl to the L Lease's [Reilly, servants, employer+ e► visitors,
err !" the d! .,.•. rinrrrty. ry d,o,ire or injury room.,-t by err from the hurytinr stunt of holler• or eistrr, te.vrr er clear" efpee
or fro heafirg
air 'em,ltronint eq^i!•rtrni "I ,h^ err plu-b,ne fa its!re v, or firm elcelric vep, rquipment or Bvtutn, or from tat or orlarh
Wintry and
or firm 'b•• ,nr•••.,r, •r firm ,"y tti . xf .•a rr, e,rett ,n lh. rare of the wi Hill drfoolt of the Lessor. ,
FI.F,\'F t: rif The t et<or 0, n,v of bh orrn{s. 'I Ahab-oe the richt to enter tail pr•mi, en durtnt ttl err seotbee ),mars, to etantina
:sine rr to matt +,try re;si•s, n•!d,t,nno err A:tertfi^n+ %% enay be dr•mrA nree-nary for the +aftty, ennrnrt, err pr"ervetins thereat. of
or sniA 6,,,I, -r. n, to e,bib,t •si,i pme ,", and to ryt or It.rp ,iron the dnnn eir itti(fo•,rs they -of a nnti-e "FOR RENT" at any 111"a
within Thirty (10) day ),,for, the etr,ri!irin of Ih,s Ira:% no fight of entry rh211 I,krw+se etitt for the portotf of remevint titte0rdl.
signs. af: rrfi ern e„r,, fuM*,-, Allrral on•, err bbiiiinn., which d, not conforms to tbit orvrment, or to the rules end recu4Corls of the
�['4tf llt�tiflfi
T�F' F Iit. It It mufuli) .,ldt 1s's)
t ; rrT a�lA tirr•.i SI i,.tiF•+n tl,g Iiffau for that Irt!`a
relit /hei Ili toe 'it
d•P.{:•F,) ,Ire •!an•srr•I 1 y t^ tic tit rppls,fs dtma¢r her I�r,
otll R'L
yyi,A Ftrgr,eci ,t
aPd tut of
not tilts.. by the netlirrnre M ,4/au t n t r Lrlttte •r lhq '
a "
t.et.ti a emit,, trnn,t+, r•nrbr,,a err v,+,lnrs, the I.-,nr %bill rrr"ir nurh dsmtre wiry rra,nnatir dil g,nc• titer notire thereof. in the
fi►Rt w� the tor.,! - 1, 1, ifs of +A:d hot. rr in the earht that rail boil,lirte he on injarn) or Antro>•d. -),ether or not said leased preen•
rfs are ariert,d. Ilut the 1 e ,err Ar'er rn„e, to Irnr dnnn, rrty 41 rr err or.trort "'I but L!i•, g, then th,s Irt•e and the term herein and
errhy der",-r,1 At the orl, n of lh,• I e•-nr .halt ftrmin,+t„ and the L• re. ,n •urh an event. scrr,y that •his term Shelf trrm,natr anA that '
.,,• .hall •nrrrndrr earl Ar i- 1 r,e-,,.s And the rent shall he raid up to the time of .urh smrrendrr. No cltlm at tomten.ation #%III
he mid. by rra+r•n Of lo..,. .Tonto[^. inr,n,•enfenrr OF eonnyh,-, I, -i,e if, -I the ne,t sty of rrpairinc any portion of W4 building or Its
rinnt lie srp„rtrnn^.re., howe,rr .,rrh nerrs,ty m„y orrur.
1jJIuTrXt1TI1. The I e--rr mv,nanft that this Irate is and at all times -halt he aub'o. s,tlrordinare to Ili• lien
t t any Mre Rat"
or martaa e. w
g net r.ittinq or eh,rh the t,r..or or any +uMrqu•nt r•an't of the ,iemitrd err -n�frr shall make tnvrnnR said demi,ed premisrs
s o
or the bud,?inc of which u„i prrmi+ra Are % r,rt, And to any an-t s!I ari,anrrt male or to he msde under or upon osiA ennrtiraee or Mort -
gar,••, And in the ,nt,,,.t tber•- n . ,
Surrender at
V0lIRTF1`,r7T1I. The f.e. e,• r".events in delivrr or and .urrendrr In the T.e•-nr rtv.+,rn of osi,l demised prerrl+et At the rspirstinn
End of Term
of this lea.• • . by IAIof t,,c• r-her e ,n A, 9 -,A rer,i- s. the Lr„r. rblAin.•1 .am. lit the eommvnr.m.•nt of this Ietsr, evecplint only
na, Ifft venr. ,array or 'lift Ice by the rlrmrnt.% rrrurrirg ,xiti, n,it the fault of the Let-rr or rersont permift•A by the Ler-rr to occupy of
enter the .Aid rr,•-, sr%, rr by art of r.vi, cr by inaurrorti-in. ri-t invn-nm err by military err usurrrd power. In flit "rot the Lessee shall
withhold from the Lr,nrr the r"-+r-,inn of '►Aid rrrmi,,, after it•^ term natien of this irate And Ibr term hereby demierd, whether by ex.
Piration of raid term Of by the rbt•inn of all err elthrr ratty hereto. fill .iarnac,s for whi,h the l.r,+rr shall lit linhle to the Loss"► for tueh
defentirn !hall he limit hrrfby A•e lig,nitit"I At n turn equal to dont.lo the am•,urt of rent Viruloted herein for a rerio,i M,tal to the period
of nurh detentinn. In the ev.•r•t the f. n ,e shrtll rnmain in rn,-e,, inn of the Wahl rrrmis,e after ttr etpiralion or tersiinstinn of this lease
for any rmr,r v+hA{gnrvn, the Lr•nro •hall Ihrn he comldrr,d a tr *rt at will and by %ufIrran,r and on such holding ovrr or retention of
rn•.er•rion err o-cortinry 0-Mi nrerero at an etlrn.inn or renewal of ih,s lea•.• in any manner %hat -never.
1`*iF1F:FNT"lf. it is muf,ia,ly rovrn%ntel an.i %creel by an,I between Ibr p,rtie. hen." that the ►ailurr of the L-lor to insist Writ"
the strict P,rfrrr•nnre of any of the rnnIttion,, rovennnte, t,rmt or prnv`inns of this lease, err to ererci%o any option herrin ennterred, shall
not be rrn•.!r.r,I or rnoom,.•1 era w•Ai,irc or relinqui+ping for th,! foto,o any such enndiYont, rnvorismtq, terms, pro•isinn/ or notions, but
the tame •t•Ali rnntinur end rrmain in full Mire And •frig!. The rereirt tit soy our" PAid by the truer to the lessor after breach of any
ronditione, r,.venant, term err prmieion herein contained shrill not be de.w—1 a weiv.r of ?rich ),reach but atoll 6e taken. considered end
ron-tmr•d As rriy-,nt for ue, And ncr•tr%tion and tint as rent, unlr-s nurh brrarh Aholl b• otpre�,ly waiverl in writing by the Let%nr.
SIt1TI-*FNT1f. it is m,ihrnllr rnvrn%nl,d and Arroed he end b.twren the parties herein that lhi. lease crinitituln the entire contract
to-n the rAefics and no nrnl ai•r^rrnent or atOrment madr by slid rartie, or either of them, err their arents, before or after the etecution
of this lo..e• .hall he hinding upon th. ),mitt
raftirs or t�th.r of them. Nothing herrin enn•ainrA shall be doomed or eonslrued In be a
watv.r on the part of the Le-- of Any r,cht err remedy in law or otherwi-e, which the Lr..rr may have berome entitled to by rex•on of the
breaeh of any of the i.ee.ee'a ritrre,nrnt, herein enntnine,l.
SVVENTF.ENT11. Tb%t in nddi(ion to the arvor,l rovernribi ennl�inod in Ibis lex-. lrinuse FIRST to TWENTY-F XTH inrlusivel
it Fs mivlu*I'v rovennntrd And agreed that the rule, Anil rocnlntirna sprertaining in the raid b,iVAing sort which are .1 er►d hereto,
At part hr, f, mnr4rl "F:-h,h,t A," Are Harrod to in all of their tirm:. And %aid Lor ee orrees in he Mond by the ore,.And also tot.
►nnn•% in bo bnund by .uch futther rules and regulation, As may he -Are by •Aid too-nr from time to time, during Ihia Iron,, doemrd
by it to 1e rrrrasry for the •nf,fy, role, rl•noltmos and the r•rnnrmiral met%nAc.rmrnf if the promises, and for the presr•r,ati^n of good
order therein. Any fail ure on the Part of lit. I.et--e to rnrnrly with rash n-I e,ery the term, of this Tres., or with env of said rules
An'l reculst,nns now in a -'rae+%
re, a- nfori•1, %ba11. At i r�•n r'+ rrttn. -irk A e fnrfr,tu,of this Irs.e and of all rights of irrsve here...
un•!rr : sod therrnp,n the I e nr. its atentA lie attornr/•% ►hnll hair. right in N.rnler -Aid premi-es and remove Los%" th►reftnen, and to
all "err,-%ry otrp+ to rrll.rt nn) rent due horr,indrr up to the time of said fnrf.ilore err rAnrellalion.
F.1t:11TFF,NTII no o*i-1 I—e ),rich ,
f pL. gilt mnrtgaan sort A,nign. in the I,eottnr All the furniture, Rslored, goods silo chattels Of
,sad %oe which %hall Of mitt be brnagM •,r kept tin aoid rrrmir.ra as strurify for the parm.•nt of the rent herein reserved, and the Lessee
arrow tf,nt the said lien roAy to rnferrri by di+lrn, rrneoc,!ing%, forerl.nur• or nthrrwise at the election of the Gaud Lessor, and Ants, in the
...It to ■te,rney is empinycd to rr-ll. 1 any money or rre..ver any dietnacr% by virtu. of Any aerrements herein, hereby *tree to pay al-
tnrn►y'a fe,w err tin per rent of the amount to collected or found to be doe, torethrr with all cots and thArtes therefor incurred or paid
by the Lox sir.
NiNFTEENT11. Te-ors lt•r.bv •aiv.e And renronrrt for him-rlr and family env and all hom•%tr%A and et•mrlion right- as be may
lt,ive nnw, or herrAfter, under err l,y virtu► of the con.titati• rt and Iowa of the State of Florida, or of my other State, no of the IFn1Ud
BltUt, as satins! the raym.nt of -Rid rental err an! portion Iherref, lit Any nth" obliastinn err damag♦ that may servile under the tersul
„f this Agf,. m.•nL
TWENTIM. I. In event the whnle or arty port of fa'd buiMiaa. rf which the 1eeAr•1 rremi-n are a rArt, -hall be la-f-illy condemned
or taken in Any manner for any public use. the Le+%or may at its opti •n Urminaf. file „tAlo hrrsty moots-i from,the time► lit, title to. at
r chit to it , ossion of Gatti psrmiA,% *hall trot in or be taken by vuhlie authority, and the I ne-err +hall be enittled to any err ail irimmo
runt aarar,Fs or env Internet therein whtlaeever whirls may be psis ro motto in rrnn,rlino w,lh snth ruhlie use.
TR'CNTY-Fissr, it I. rndrr r.,,A on,i arfe,A brto 1 the Partin herein that written holier mailod fir delivered In the premises
1,•As•4 be- under ahnit censt,F,ife . 1T-n lit no!,re to the I.,s-ee And written notice mAiirrI or deliverrvl to the ofmre of the Ilmilding Manager
of raid Aff• i 1. dul,nnt Iiv•Hl r .t,A,1 rr•n-i,t•,!% auffil," t nplire In the Lr•%or, to r,,mrlr with the terms of this contract.
TWI,NTY-SF,CONTI, The riahla of the L,w.or under the forrg.,ing !ball he rumulxlivr, and failure on the part of the Le%tor to ewer.
ti.e Any right, given therr•ir.lor shall tint or,ratr in fnrfrit Any of the %ai,l rights.
TWFNTY•THiRb. it to farther undrrofood and berenl between the portion lierete, chow if during the form of this troop any tat
he imrosrd ut• a the rrivilrge of renting the spare IeA-r.l hereundrr, or vPnn the ■mount of rental, coilecttd therefor, that the Lessm
in odd Linn in the rentAls here.nh fore strut! to be PAM. will rev at additional rvntat each month a turn equal to such lase or charge
that is on impo-et, but n.*h,rg herein shrill he tskrn to rMuire the l,ee%w to rwy any raft of any ad valorem tares Impewed upon the
demi-ed rrrm,rM or any r.•t of %hy into-• tan imP..-I ul•,n it,. tA+nr
The Lo-sir further co, --ran!, that if anv rhorres air Incurred by the i••.sre by rro-on of the i,eaeer furnishing shy services, or by
reason or the l.ee%nr furni.hioq A,t► work or mslrria:a upon the dorm. 1 prr•mi-ne. upon order of the Li -see, that such charged shall bit.
ennni,l,•rrd s% rent due upon the furniohing Of such eervicre, labor or matorisla, and shall be collectable as rent upon demand of the
I.—o"', and the chsrgew therefor %hail be•e-e a raft of env lien for rent due or unrai4 that may be dn%erted hereunder by the iessor.
TWF,NT1••F0UIt7l1. Ferry fe,s1 of this %grren,ent shall he d►,mid and con%tnrrrd to he of the e%Aenre thereof And Any brefteh shall
be d.,m.,f and c Rotf,le•f to be of the very snhotance of the orrremrht. And the Leyaet berrby rnnornts to the issuance of an injunction by
any court of enmrclent Juriodirtion rretminlog env threatened br►srb or any eontinutrr brrarh of any tovrnanhs Imposed upon the Lemoset
herein and hereby. Said rigi:t of injunction %hall he comulati,e to the ntter rrm.,l,n men4nnr-1 'here -in and given by law.
T'WENTY•FIFTH. This erreemenl shall inner to and be binding utv,n the ours►%port and s%aitns of the Lessor and the helre, ad.
mini-tratore, •veculnra, a-urrw•vo and aaticha of the
TWENTY-SiXTif. It IA mutually earned that thi% Ins, cannot be change•!, •lure,!, modified, or extended, evrept in w►itinr signed by
[..e •r, by its Per•_ ident_ or Vic. Prwidrnt, and that lie ate+it or ofLerr et the LMtn1, ether than the President or Vice President, in writing.
with the rerporate aral aftwrhel. ha Inv aothority to lease the mrrnrete property or to in anywise change, modify, filter, or extend, any
wf }tit♦
°l 1t''i7i'Y-SP-V[;t:lil. (Seca Fxili.hit B to tilts Lase which is attached and +lade a part
IN WITNr.SS WJlEREQF the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate thehereo,
day and year first ai,nve written.
Signed, Spalcd and I11plivered in the Presence. of: FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMi
As to the I.esgnr President
--- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- ---- -- - — ---- -- �y---- -- _.(Seal)
As to the I.f,,9see CITY MANAGER !.Seale
City Clerk
Approved as to form and correctness:
__ -82,i 7161L ,•
City Attorney
EXHIMT .,eye
1. The sidewalks, halla, p■p%ates. J"ators end stairways oh*11 not he
••hetrceled by any of the tenants. Or used by them for any other Purpose then
or Inirr"a and evecas from and to their respective ogres. The bolls, reroutes,
'"trances. elevatnrs. stairways, balconies and roof are not for the use of the
• eneerl public, and i.rwaor shall in all run retain the right to ceontrol and
e•r"Pnt accent therein of all Persons wherae presence in the jndtmont of l.emaor,
nr its employees, shell be prejudicial to the safety. eherarler, rrputation and
ntereate of the building and its 1.rrarrs.
2. The fimn, skylights, windows, dive" and tronsems that Jrrflect or
..1mit light in p■psare ways, or into any place in said building, @hall .cot be
-nvered or Obstructed by any of the tenants. The toilet encore. water-eloarta and
.ther water apparatus mb*II not be used for any Purpose other than thole for
which they were constructed, and no !..roping@. rubbish, Fees, ash", chemicals
.r the refuse from electric batteries. or tither injurious pub•tanc", shall be
'hrown therein. Any damage resultint from such mi.mr tir airline %hall he
o•rne and immediately raid by the truant by whom or by whose employeea It
hall be caused.
3. Nothing shall be Placed on the outride of the building or of the
indows, windowsills or projochnnp.
d. No sign, advortisoment nr notice shall be inrribed. pointed tie ■Teed
•n any Part of the outside or Inside of said building unhes first dr.eirnsted by
•t•e Lessor end endorsed herein. interior signo on slmPs dorm will be Painted
'e.r the tenants by the Lmsor, the cant of the painting In lie paid by the
--pant end Is to be of design and form of letter to he first arproved by the
S. No additional locks shall be placed worm any doors of the Premises
d the f @%ore shall net permit any duplicate keys to he made, but if more
an two keys for any dm,r or lock shall he de%ired, the *dditinnal number
,uat be obtained from the Le+ner and be Paid for by the i,r+!ee: each tonent
u%t. upon the termination of this lease• leave the windnwe and door@ in the
-mired Premiere in like condition a- of lbe date of %aid Irnse. and must thrn
••rrender all kr9a to the offices.
6. No torrent shall cause unneressary labor by ro*%nn of rarelrRne" and
-odifferener to the gv"Prvatinn of tows order and cleAnlincen in its rrrmiore
'i1 in the building. In order that the leased prrminen may be kept in a good
'%to of pre%prvalion and cicwnliness, each tenant Phalle during the continuance
e his lease, permit the janitor of the Looser to tskr chorrr of and clean the
,id leaned premises.
7. Only persons authorirrd by the Lesanr will lte permitted to furnish
P. drinking water, towels and other similar srrvirro to trnantP, and Only at
•"art and under regulations fired by the i.ewaor. No truant Phall employ any
•ran" or persons, other than the jsnitnt of the Lrsmor for the purioRr of
'••%nine, or taking rharre of Paid promises, it being underxloM and agreed
,at the Lessor *hall be in no wi%e ►reyvm%Ible in any tenant for any damge
-no to the furniture or Mho aflrrtii of any tenant by the j%nitnr or any of
A employees, or any other pprpon, or for any In%% of property of any kind
4atever from leaned premises, however Occurring. Tenants will Pro each
•y thAt the windows are elr..rd and the doors Pecurely locked before leaving
P building,
A. The L"enr or its agents Pall have the right to enter any pre•miper
e any time to examine the ►nme, or In run telovrat•h or other o!ortrie wires,
in make Puch rerAirs. Additions Pod allerPlenno &p i.r-.%, shall Berm nef•ro-
.ry for the safety, imprevnnrnt%, prr+crvation and rc%tnrotenn of the +rid
tildine. or for the F*frty nr move-rnre of Ihr orcupxnl+ lherrnf.
9. Tennntm, their elrrkm or Ppnanlx, Phall not make or rnmtrtlt any Im.
-,rot Polpes or diaturbancrox of any kind in the building, smoke in it'. PIe-
tora, or mark or defile the ral.•r-rlosrip, or toilet room%. or the wells, win-
,ve or door* of the iuildina. or interfere in any way with other lntanta or
••e having buxine0a with them.
10. Mupie, inehidint viceal and in%lnimenlal, *hall not he I'r.mitted In or
nut the premimes, nor Aboll inPrallittion or operation of radio machines or
. plinnees be had therein without the written eon -net of the Loii%nr,
It. No tenant shall do or Permit anything to he done in Paid Premises,
bring or keep anything therein, which will in any wPy incr-�%r the tale of
• In%urance on *nid building. or on Prnrerty kept therein. or eh•trucl or in.
-ter# with the ►iirhlx of other tenants. or in any other way injtirr or &tinny
rm. or conflict with the 14� ►einting to Mrs, nr with the rrrulxt,nn% of the
it Department, or with any •Inatrrnnee Policy upon amid building or any Part
•Prof. or conflict with any of the rules and ordinances of the Booted of health.
12. Each tenant Phall Promptly and at its mrerme execute and comply
'th all laws, rules, orders, ordinance% and regttlalinns of the City. County.
'ale or 1'edrral Government. and of any department or bureau of any of
rm, and of one other governmental authority having juri%diction over the
A premises, affecting the tenants occupancy of the demiArd premises or
•anta business conducted thereon.
12. No carpet. rut or other article %h*ii he hung or obaken ntst of any
dow. and nothing cobalt be thmw•n rr allowed to drop by the troantA, their
rk% or employee% out of the window& or drones. Or down the pn.%aera or sky
,it of the building. and tin I.r%ve shall mwerp or threw, or rerrnit to be
rot or thrown from the lem%rd prrmoan, any dirt nr Mher Puh%taners into
v of the torridri s or hall%, rle%slore or stairways of Paid 1•n61dins.
t$. No animals or birds, bicycles or nnber vrhirlea shall he krrl in or
set the Premix" or permitted therein.
15. If imanta desire to Irtroduer oianalling, trlevrophie, lelephonee or
I.rr wires and instruments, the lasxor will direct the eloctririons as to where
d how the &am@ are to be pinred, And without ouch dirortionx no rlsrinit,
tire or cutting for wires will be permitted. L"Fnr Phall in all cape+ retain
right to require the Placing and u%ing of sorb rlevtriral ptntrrlinp drvtcew
I•revent as tranomi•+inn of corrosive rurrentm of electririlr into or through
building. and to require the changing of wir.•% and of their plasm, and an
percent as i"Por may deem neemeary, and furlhe► to renu re compliance
the part of all u*int or Perkins secret to such wires with such ruin as
.or may establish relating thereto. and In the event Of non-compliance with
• requirements and rules l.oxaor *hall base the right to immediately rut and
event the coo of @orb wirer.
Is. A directory In a conspicuous place on the Ant floor will be provklst
by the Lessor, on which the names of tenants will be placed by the Le■eor at
its discretion.
17. Tenants shall not use or keep in the building any explosives, ke►n-
Rene, tasnline. henxine, camphene, burning fluid at other illuminating matrrrlal.
1A. No tenant. tie no employees of any tenant. shall to upon the root.of
raid building without the written consent of the Lector.
19. No furniture, parkatn Or merchandise will be received In the build.
Ina or carries! up or down In the elevators, except between such hour$ as shall
be dmirnsle•d by the lAwAor.
2n. No artiele•sholl be fastened to or holes drilled or nails or screw@
driven into the wells at partition, nor shall the walls or Partitions be painted.
papered or Otherwise rove -red or in any way marked or broken, nor shall any
attsrhmenl be made to the elertrie-lighting wires of the building for storing of
electricity. or for the running of motors or other purpose. nor will merhinery
of any kind be allowed to be operated in the promises, nor shall any tenant
use any other method of healing then that provided by Lessor, without the
written con.rnt of the Lessor. Tenants desiring to put in telephones or rail
bnxn will notify the Lon%or, who will d"ignate where the same shall be placed.
No morhenics shall be allowed in or *bout the building other then these em-
ployed by the Building Monstemr•nt without the written consent of the Immor
first havirt been obtained.
21. Aer Roe may be had by the f.esvePs to the halls, corridors, elevators
and stairways in the building and to the offieem lessed by them at any time et
times. except FunriAyx and legal holidvyo, and except between the hours of r
1'. M. and 7 A. M, During other than the hours herein Pet forth access to the
building may he refusted unless the lrrsnn Peking admission is known to the
watchmen in charge, or has
,a raw or to properly idmlifled. The i.rssor shall
in no ease be liable in damntr+ for the admission or exclusion of any Person
from Paid building. in use of invasion, mob riot, public excitement, or other
commotion, the Lessor reserves the right to Prevent aecroa to the building due.
ing continuance of the same by tinning the doors or otherwise for the safely
of the tenants and Protection of property in said building.
22. Without Prior written conent of the Lv%nor no tenant shall Fell or
permit the Pale at retail, of new%paper•, rraffasin►s, Periodicals or theatre
tirkets, in or from Re rremi•es; nor shall any tment carry on or Permit or al-
low any employee or other Person to carry on the business of olenorrapbr,
typewriting or any similar hurineos in or from its Premises for the service or
ar.-ommrvistion of the ewrupsnta of any other rmtion of said building, or the
bu%ine"t of a Public bmrbrr shop or a manicuring or thiropidi%t business, ur
any bupintso other than that specifically Provided for In tenant's lease.
23. The Lesser in all rates shall prrscribe the method and manner In
which any merchandise, heavy furniture or tails shall be hrourht in of taken
nut of the hu,!ding, and alas the hnurt at which Fuch moving shall be done,
The I.Ox Aor shall in all rasa+ retain the right to taeeenbp the wright and
proper lwition of Puoh heavy furniture and ashy and all dommy• done to the
building by tskinc in or out of such merchandise, heavy /nrnrture or @&fee or
any darner. done to the building while %aid Property shall be therein, shall be
made rood and paid felt by the tenant by, through or under whom the Paid
damove may have been done,
All furniture, "I'm or futures shall be Provided with Purports, glides of
ra.lnn that wall meet the arrrnval of the M*nnremrnt of the building.
2/. No room or roOMP shall be occupied nr used at sleerine or Indting
ar*rfmrnts at any time, nor shall the L00%ee sublet any part of Paid premises,
m prrroit any other prrpnn to have or use droll spare therein withnut the prior
written rnr%rnl of the I.esenr, and in the event the Lector arrrrP therrta, the
L-A", shall at the ortion elf the Lessor, in addition to the rent herein re.
Frrvpd. Pay to the L"xor monthly a sum of not less then one-third of said
monthly rrntal.
25. All lr-Peeer and nreuranta must ohnerve strict rare nnl to have for
windows otte•n when it rains, and for any default or rarel"Pri"m in this respect,
they shall make Rood all injury Puxtained by other tenants, and to the Lessor.
for damage In point, rla%trring or other parts of the building. resulting from
viwh default or emrrle%xnr@%.
26. A ninety (1101 days' nnlitr is rmuirPd from Lessen dvsirtng to varetw
their premise+ at the expiration of this (rase• such notice to he in writing and
mewed upon the Lessor or asmt of the building, on the first day of the month
before 12 o'ctorlt noon.
27. The T. ftor $hall nnl lP responsible for env articles Jett in Pala
Iraxed premises or in Paid huildior by any tenant varating @&me and may after
thirty days at its option remove some from said Promises or building or sell
Fame for storage charge at either rut -lie or private tale without notles.
2A. The Lessor from time In time may accept for stcrote within the
building trnnnts' prnPerly, but in ouch an event the tenant •►revs that the
1 P"Or shall not be liable file any inns or damage incurred to paid property
white the xnme is store., and further psr"t that in the absenre of any writr
ten actr"ntrnt relating to ehara", that the Lminr may charge storage on the
PamP at the rote of 12.00 Per fltv+r foot neeupied. and that the Lmoor may by
thirty da%o' wrillrn "wive. sddre%Ped to tenant at the Irsvd rremure desix-
rxtrd hrrem, or at much other Once as Leuee may designate in writing, err
ouire the I•,P%ee to remove %Aid Property and upon le.arrs failure to to do.
Lemor may offer the some at Public male, and sell paid properly and from the
Proceeds thereof par the cents of the sale and any stors2v costs that have
29. The l.e%xor reserves the risht to ."rind am of these rule and tomake such Othrr and further rules and regulalione as, in lessor's judgment.
may from time to time be noedwd for the safety, care, maintenance, operation
and eleanlin—s Of the building, and fen the PrPsrrvatinn of rood order therein,
which, when an made, and notice thrrrof riven to the Lessee. shell have the
eamF force and effect as if originally made a rut of the foregoing least: t�ppd
much either and further rules, rot, however, to be inconsistent with the p►optr
@nd rightful enjoyment by the Iwssee under the foregoing lease of the prey.
i%" therein referred to
(S. Al)
82--76 1
t ':ii l it t"i 11 PI 1 1'A. 11' 11A 11'h A" of' '111r. 12TH DAY nF AUGUST, 1982
BY A111) I'1 P-11:11 I1(IN IMA IJAff(VA1, TWIF nr WA1t1, AC LESSOR, Ai�D
II:'1'N1Y �i;1r1;1v111. i.e,.re sha1.1 have the option to extend the term of this
lra:r far an aciriil irn�l term not to rxrerd three (1) ypnrs. In such event,
Or monthly rontnl for tlir tzhn11 hr fncrr:»rd by ten (10%) percent.
�srr rjrrl tn rxrrrir;e thfs opt fan, Lester shall notify Lessor on or
llof(,re A,reirst 1, 19RIs,
TWENTY-EIGHTH: Improvements: The City of Miami agrees to
pay an additional sum of $5000. per year for five (5) consecutive
years, with no interest being charged, the first payment being due
o,n September 1, 1982, for the leasehold improvements on the leased
premises, which leasehold improvements consist of carpeting;
electrical, ceiling, and tile improvements; and desk units and
stations. Auch improvements shall be deemed the peoperty of the
City of Miami.,