HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09490ORDINANCE No, 9490 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMEND- MENT, KNOWN AS `CHARTER AMENDMENT NO, 21'1, AMENDING SECTIONS 43 8, 13-A AND 13-B OF THE CITY CHARTER; INCORPORATING Tilt METHOD OF DISTRICT ELECTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI,, ESTABLISHING A BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE WHICH SHALL BE INITIALLY IMPANELLED IMMEDIATELY TO DETERMINE 'SHE ORIGINAL DISTRICTS, AND 1414IC14 COMMITTEE SHALL BE REIMPANttLED AGAIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OFFICIAL RESULTS OF EACH FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS TO REDE- FINE SUCH DISTRICTS;, INCREASING THE NUMBER OF COMMISSIONERS FROM FIVE (5) TO SEVEN (7); AND ESTABLISHING THE TERMS OF EACH COMMISSIONER AND THE DATE AND MANNER OF THEIR ELECTION; REPEAL- ING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITYCLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission hereby submits the following proposed ,.harter amendment for submission to the qualified electors of the City of Miami at the special municipal election of November 2, 1982, for the purpose of 0 incorporating the method of district elections for members of the City Commission of the City of Miami; establishing a Boundaries committee to be impanelled:immediately to define the original districts, which committee shall be reimpanel- led immediately after the official results of each Federal ■ Decennial Census to redefine such districts; increasing the number of Commissioners from five (5) to seven (7); and estabishing the terms of each Commissioner, and the date and manner of their elections. The following proposed charter amendment shall repeal all Charter sections or parts thereofy= ,t insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with theiV provisions of the proposed Charter Amendment and shall become effective upon its approval by the electors; CHARTER AMENDMENT NO, 2 Sections 4, 8, 13-A and 13-B of the City of Miami Char- ter, Chapter 10847, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, 1925, as k= 'w a 4 9 atriended� are hereby further attended in the following particu- i/ lags; more secifically with respect to Section 4y by -' a; deleting certain provisions from subsection (a) thereof and adding new language therein; by adding to the title of subsection (b) from "Election of commission; terms of office; recall" the following: "districts; and at -large groups"; furthers by deleting certain provisions from subsection (b) and adding new language therein by adding new numbered paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) to said subsection (b); by - adding a new subsection (c) entitled "Boundaries committee"; by relettering existing'subsection (c) to (d); relettering the existing subsection (d). to (e), relettering the existing �. subsection (e) to (f.), relettering the existing subsection (f) to (g), relettering the existing subsection (g) to (h), _ - relettering the existing subsection (h) to (i); further, by adding new language at the end of existing Section 8; further by deleting certain language from existing Sections 13-A and 13-B and substituting new language therefor; with the newly amended Sections 4, 8, 13-A and 13-B reading as follows: "Sec. 4. Form of government. (a) i'ieneta.e duuLiption. The form of government of the City of.Miami, Florida, provided for under this Charter shall be known as the "commission -manager _ plan," and the commission shall consist of €+tie-k&} i seven (7) citizens, who are qualified voters of the city'and_who shall be elected at-lar-ge.in the manner hereinafter provided. The commission shall constitute the governing body with powers, {as hereinafter pro- vided}, to pass ordinances, adopt regulations, and appoint a chief administrative officer to be known as. the "city manager," and exercise'all powers conferred., -= upon the city except as hereinafter P Y P Provided, t„ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- - 1/ Words and/'or figures stricken through shall be deleted._ - Underscored words and/or figures shall be added, The =r remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchan- g.ed. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. _ -2-- .l (b) �.Cec.tio►� ng cnnir►� 33i,c«, tc;�r�t� og t�gg ce; h.ccattj- d.f.zttictz mid ttt-.C4&ge g4pupz. The commission shall consist of €i-Oe k§} se.yeft (7) members as follows! foot ,(4) members who shall be elected from distti,ctsy in districts numbered District t,.thtough District IVi as hereinafter ptovide,d and two (2) inem� — bets who shall be elected from the'city at large in groups numbered 1 At"L,Atge Croup. l and V At-Latge Group 2, as her,einaftet provided and, the mayor who shall be elected from the city at large in a group called Mayor, 8t�e-{1}-e€�sald-eea�t�l9slet3e�s�skall-be-eke-�tg�st-tt�td sksll-be�eleeeed=by-bite-peeple=€et=eke=get}p-ee�-be. �tt#txbe ed Lasd=all- pe setas-deslrlt�g-ee�etceli€y_as=ewa- dldaee-€er�txaye=skell�€lle-ltt� grattp-1: The mayor shall have the power set forth in the Charter of the City of Miami in Dade County5.Florida. AI-1-persons desl�ing-te-�t3all€�-€e€-eet�tn#ssle>3e�s-shall=f}le-}t� getfps-�►tt�tbe�ed-ll-tk�et3gk-V�--Eem�lsslet�e�s--lt3-g�a�tps t3t}�be�ed-ll-at�d-111=shall-be-eleeeed=ae-eke-get�e�al eleeelexs=ee-be-held-}t3=eke-yeas-l9b§-artd-ae-eeeh geee�al-eleeelax�-eeeh-€et#�-f4}=yews-�ke�ea€ee�T EetntA�sslerte�s-lx-g�attps-t3tt�tbe�ed-lV-ai}d-�=ska�l-be ' eleeeed-ae-the-geiietal-eleeeless-ee-be-held-lYt-the yeaf-19-57--&Rd-at- -eeeh-genevel-eleeelen-eeeh-€ettr-{4} year-s-the,,-ea€eer---The-mayef-shall-be-eleebed-at-eaek gerterel-eleetlen-asd=shell-held-e€€lee-€er-a-ee�t�-e€ etae-��}-yee�sT (1) 'D.i.3tnLicts. For the purposes of electing members to the city commission, the city shall be divided into four (4) districts, as determined by the boundaries committee, which districts shall be numbered District I through District IV All persons desiring to qualify as candi- dates for commissioner from the districts shall file in the district in which thev reside. (2) At -.Canoe gg Loupt,. There shall also be two (2) members of the city commission elected at large. All persons desiring to qualify as candidates for commissioner at large shall file in At -Large Group 1 and At - Large Group 2. All persons desiring,to qualify as candidate for mayor shall file in the group reamed Mayor. (3) Ten,m6 o 4 o 6 6ice and tcecaM The mayor shall be elected at the next municipal general election and at each municipal gen- eral election each two (2).years thereafter. The commissioners in District I and Dis- trict II shall be elected at the next municipal general election and at each general election each four 4) years thereaf.ter.. The commissioners in District III .and Dis- trict IV shall be elected at she first municipal general election following the next municipal general election andat each municipal general election each four (4) years thereafter The commissioner it! At -barge Group, 1 shall be. elected at the neat general mutni,cipal elec- tioh and at each mutiidipal general election each four (4) years thereafter, The commissioner in At-tat^ge Grout; . 2 shall be elected at the next municipal general election for an original term of two (2) years,Said commis- sioner shall be, elected at the first municipal general election following the next municipal general election, and at each municipal general election each four (4) years thereafter. The mayor and all commissioners are to hold office until their successors are elected and quali- fied from twelve o'clock noon of the day after the canvass of the vote and the declaration of the result of the election. The mayor and All other members of the commission shall be subject to recall, Vacancies shall be filled as provided in section 13-A of the Charter of the City of Miami. If a candidate for office of mayor or commissioner receives a majority of votes in the primary election in his group or district, he shall be considered elected upon and after the canvass of the vote and the dec- laration of the result of the election_ as hereinafter provided. If there be no majority, the two (2) can- didates for nomination of the office of mayor or commissioner who receive the greatest vote in the primary election in each group or district shal,l,be placed on the ballot at the next regular municipal election following the primary as provided in section 8 of. this Charter. The candidate for nomination receiv- ing the greatest vote in the regular municipal election following the primary election, if otherwise qualified, shall be elected to office from the group or district in which he is qualified. Any incumbent commissioner desiring to run for the office of mayor or for another commission seat shall present an irrevocable resignation of his present of- fice of city commissioner to the city commission not less than ninety (90) days prior to the date of elec- tion, whether primary or general, and said resignation shall become effective on the date of the election. Upon receipt of said resignation the commission shall make public announcement of the resignation and ins- truct,the clerk to accept qualifiedcandidates to run for election for the unexpired term of the commis- sioner.resigning for the purpose of running for mayor.. If any mayor or commissioner elected under the provi- sions of this act desires to run for some elective office other than the mayor or city commissioner, then under such circumstances he shall not be required to resign his city office unless and until he has been elected to such other elective office. In the event that such mayor or commissioner is elected to such other elective office other than that of, mayor or commissioner, he shall immediately resign his office as mayor or commissioner and upon his failure or refusal to do so he shall be discharged and ousted from his office and said office declared vacant by a majority vote of the remaining members of the city —� commission, ".4- i 4 (c) 8OLL.tdctkI_es Committee. - A boundaries committee is het,eby established it shall initially be impanelled immediately, fot the pu,t- pose of defining the original districts. Theteaftetit shall be teimpanelled immediately after the oftic,ial results of. each Federal Decennial Census to redefine the boundaries of such districts, The boundaries committee shall reconvene immediately after the results of the Federal Decennial Census are of f ici.ally conf itmed, The boundaries com- mittee shall be composed of one person t!omina,ted by each member of the commissions plus the following addi- tiona1 individuals: (1) The Chief Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County,, Florida, who shall serve as chairperson or shall appoint the chairperson. (2) The presidents of the. Dade County _Bar. Association, Black Lawyers Association, and Cuban -American Bar Association. If any of these individuals is unwilling or unable to serve, their respective association shall name a replacement. Quorum shall consist of three —fourths (3/4) of the total members. The boundaries committee shall have a budget of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for staff, secre- tarial services, statistical and legal work. The city attorney shall be available to perform legal services' as required by the committee. After the next regular municipal election, the boundaries committee shall set the final boundaries and conclude its works no later than thirty'(30) days prior to the deadline date for qualifying for elec- tive office, whereupon it shall cease to function until next impanelled as provided herein. The boundaries committee shall meet all con- stitutional requirements and shall attempt to maintain both ethnic and neighborhood representation, giving the highest priority to the factor .of ethnicity. In defin- ing the boundaries of the districts, the boundaries committee shall observe federal and state laws and county ordinances concerning the establishment and integrity of voting precincts.' The boundaries committee shall adopt its own rules of.procedure; and its findings, determinations and conclusions shall be final and binding. The initial determination of the boundaries committee as to the .boundaries shall be made prior to the referendum ordained in Section 2 hereof'. -5- fie} (d) nuazi4icat.ionA 06 comma&.S.i.on; commti3 ,s.iorte.ks etnjT—otlleA q 6iceAs and emptoyees not to be 4.►tteheLted .in covtthftttS, etc.; 6hanks, {ghee t.icke.tA, pa.s.Sa oA 6ehv.i.ce. Members of, the commission shall be residents of the city and of the .di.sttict from.which elected§ if elected to a district seat, and have the qualifications of electors therein. Commissioners and other officers and employees shall not be interested in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service for the municipality. Any commissioner who shall cease to possess any of the qualifications herein required shall forthwith forfeit his officer and any such contract in which any member is or may become in- terested may be declared void by the commission. No commissioner or other officer or employee of said city shall accept any frank, free ticket, pass or ser- vice directly or indirectly, from any person, firm or corporation upon terms more favorable than are granted to the public generally. Any violation of the provi- sions of this section shall be a misdemeanor. Such prohibition of free service shall not apply to police- men or firemen in uniform or wearing their official badges, where same is provided by ordinance. �d} (e) Commission to,be fudge o4 its own e.Cec- t.ion; ilot to dictate appointments by oh. ,intet4exe with city managex. The commission shall be the judge of the election and qualification of its own members, subject to review by the courts. Neither the commission nor any of its committees or members shall dictate the.ap- pointment of any person to office or employment by the city manager, or in any manner interfere with the.city manager or prevent him from exercising his own judg- ment in the appointment of officers and employees in the administrative service. Except for the purpose of.inquiry, the commission and its members shall deal . with the administrative service solely through the city manager, and neither the commission nor any member thereof shall give orders to any of the subordinates of the city manager, either publicly or privately. Any such dictation, prevention, orders or other inter- ference on the part of a member of the commission with the administration of the city shall be deemed to be violation of the Charter, and upon conviction before tke-e-ley* a court any member so convicted shall be sub- ject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment for a term of not exceeding. sixty (60) days or both, and in the discretion of the court shall forfeit his office. fe} (f> Etection o6 oU6icens by comm-i,6.6ion; tute,5 0�1 coim izston; quo&u►n. The commission shall elect a r' city manager, a clerk, a city attorney, a-j_"dge-e€-the mea-ie-1pal* eeert and civil service commission,but no member of the commission shall be chosen as manager or as a. member of the civil service commission or to any other.city office or employment, The,commission may _ determine its own rules of procedure, may punish its own members for misconduct and may compel attendance of members. A majority of all the members of the com- mission shall constitute a quorum to do'business, but s a smaller number may adjourn from time to time, ----------- *Municipal courts were abolished by provisions of Section 1;, Article V., of.. the 1966 Constitution of the State .of Florida, r6� 9.49,E t4 } (g) Meetings o4 com►isAi.on), to att by OLd'� ► ance oh hesotutiom.; Gahm off, mai tvL o j► passage and pubticatio►i oA okdinapicn. At twelve o'clock noon on the day the commissioners take office, they shall meet at the city hale., Thereafter the commission shall meet at such time and place as may be ptesctibed by ordinance or resolution. The meetings of the commis- sion and all sessions of committees of the commission shall be public, The commission shall act only by ordinance or written resolution; and all ordinances and resolutions, except ordinances making appropria- tions, shall be confined to one (I) -subject which shall be clearly expressed in the title. The ordi- nances making appropriations shall be confined to the subject of appropriations. No ordinance shall be passed until it has been read on two (2) separate days or the requirement of. readings on two (2) separate days has been dispensed with by a €ettr--+1:0ie 44{5*} six -sevenths (6/7) vote of the members of the commission. Ordinan- ces shall be read by title only. Copies of proposed ordinances shall be furnished to each commissioner and shall be made available to all interested persons. The ayes,and noes shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances or resolutions and entered upon the journal of the proceedings of the commission, and every ordi- nance or resolution shall require on final passage, the affirmative vote of a majority of all members. No member shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his own official con- ducts or where his financial interests are involved. fig} (h) Potvetz and dutiez o6 Maym. The mayor shall preside at meetings of the commission and perform such other duties, consistent with his office and _ consistent with his office and this Charter,.as may be imposed by the commission. He shall be recognized as the official head of the city for all ceremonial purposes, by the courts for the purpose of serving civil process, and by the governor for military purposes. In time.of. public danger or emergency, he, may,,with the consent of the commissioners, take command of the police and . maintain order and enforce the laws. During his absence. or disability his duties shall be performed by another member appointed by the commission. {h} (i) SaZaAies o6 eo►nmisz i.on, There shall be paid to the commissioners of the City,of Miami, Florida, by the City of Miami as compensation, the, sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per year for each commissioner, payable monthly in twelve (12) equal installments, and there shall be paid by the City of Miami to the mayor-eemm4:aslener an additional sum not to exceed two thousand five hun- dred dollars ($2,500,00) annually to be used by'the mayor-eem,missiener to cover any or all entertainment expenses of the office of the mayor-eemm-lssi-eiter of the City of Miami, Florida, - 7 - W Sec. 8, Regular and primary elections Of commissioners. A regular municipal election for the election of commissioners shall be held' in October or November eii �l�e=�geee�dy��tesda�*3a€ee���ke����ee��iet�dgy-�t�'-�let�embe� t��edd�i#titbeed every (2) calendar years- on a date to be established by ordinance. A nonpartisan primary election for the nomination of candidates for the commission shall be held prior to the regular municipal election on a date to be established by ordinance, eA the s - ter�dey - n=�ie*�em13e 4:14-646-AuFabei�ed every two (2) calendar years, Any per- son who shall possess the qualifications requisite to an elector at the general state election and shall have resided in the City of Miami and within .the district from which running, if a candidate for a district for six (6) months neat preceding the city election at which he offers to vote, and shall have been regis- tered by the city registration books that have been prescribed by ordinance, shall be a qualified elector of the city, and all elections held in said city shall be conducted and held according to the provisions of the general election laws of the State of Florida, except as otherwise provided for in the Charter of the City. of Miami, and except that the city commission shall be substituted for a board of county commissioners. The name of any elector of the city shall be printed upon the primary ballot as a candidate for nomination to the office of commissioner upon paying to the City of Miami the sum of one hundred dollars ($100,00) to be deposited with the ,city clerk as a'qualifying fee not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the date of such primary election, and said elector shall submit concurrently therewith a sworn statement of his or her name, address, occupation and willingness'to serve, if elected. If said elector is a candidate for a district seat, then he must also reside within that district for six (6) months next preceding the city election at which he seeks to be elected. All such qualifying fees shall be deposited.with the said city clerk no later than 6:00 P.M. on the forty-fifth day prior to the election. Sec. 13-A. Filling vacancies in commission. Jp hx A vacancy on the commission caused by death, resig- n ation, or other causes shall be filled within ten 'A (10) days after such vacancy occurs by a majority of g¢ the remaining commissioners and the term of office of the person so appointed shall be until his suc- cessors in office are is elected and qualified at r, either A (1) the edd-yeaf first municipal general election for commissioners held pursuant to section 4 of the Charter of the City of Miami, or (2) the even -year State of Florida general election, at which election national, state and county offices are filled, whichever occurs first, In the event that the remaining commissioners,shall fail or refuse to fill such vacancy within ten (10) days after it occurs, as provided herein,, then, and in that event, the city commission shall ,call we a special election to be held at a date not less than thirty (30) or more than forty-five (45) days after the expiration of the said teri-day period, for the purpose of the electors selecting such commissioner or commissioners# The person who receives the greatest number of votes in said special election is elected and shall be the city commissioner and his term of office shall be until his or her sut- cessor in office is elected and qualified at the first general election for commissioners held put= suant to section 4 of the Charter of the City -of Miami subsequent to the special election held to fill such vacancy. See, Sec. 13-B. Election when terms of €eats six or more commissioners expire simultaneously. Where the terms of Feat- f4� six (6) or more commissioners expire simultaneously at one municipal general election, then the number of commissioners required to constitute a commission of €ve-45} seven (7) members shall,be elected for the terms of office prescribed by section 4 of the Charter of the City of Miami.',' Section 2. The proper City Officials are herein ins- tructed and directed to take all actions necessary for the submission of this proposed "Charter Amendment No. 2" to the electors of the City of Miami by placing it on the ballot as "CHARTER AMENDMENT No. 2" in substantially the following form: "Shall the measure known as Ordinance.No. 9490 , proposing amendments to Sections 4, S, 13-A and 13-B of the City Charter to incorporate district elections for the City Commission; to establish a boundaries committee to define the boundaries of the districts; to increase the number of commissioners, from five to seven; and to establish the terms of each Commissioner and thedateand manner of .their election, be approved?" Section_ 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. In I PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17tli day of Septetnbei• 1982. Mautice A. Fe to M A Y 0 9 A 40 RA PH G. ONGIE CI IN CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: e- ll"e,4,Al ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND.CORRECTNESS: USE R. GARCIA—PEDROSA ITY ATTORNEY 5 "1 COUNTY OF bADE ) CITY Cr MIA-1 ) 1, RALPH G. ONGIE, Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoinc pales _ through , inclusive, contain true and Correct ! copy of an ordinance adopted by the City of Miami Coin= mission at its meeting held on the 17th of SEPTEMBER 1982. — SAID ORDINANCE WAS nt8IGNATEb ORDINANCE N0. 9490. WITNESS my hand and impress the official seal of the City of Miami, Florida, this 20th day of SEPTEMBER , 1982. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI ( S E AL ) COUNTY dF DAbE ) CITY op MIAMI ) I � iiALPH 1g, CNCIE y Clerk of the City of Miami i ti Florida, and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing times throe h 18 Cj _ _ , inclusive, contain true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its fleeting held on the 17th of SEPTtMStp, , 1982, SAID ORbINANCE WAS bESIGNATEb ORbINANCE NO. 9485 WITNESS my hand and impress the official seal of the City of Miami, Florida, this 20th day of SEPTEMBER , 19 8 2. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI MIf1MI REVIEW AND bAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Dianne Shiver, who on oath says that she is the Assistant to the Publisher of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter,of - City of Miami Re: ORDINANCE NO. 9490 in the .......... , X . X . ?� ................ . .. Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of Sept. 24, 1982 Alflent further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Record is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, been continuously pand ublished inhe rsaid Dadeper County, Flas orida, each day, (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has beep entered as second class mail' matter et the post office In Miami in said Dade' County, Florida, for a period of one, year next, preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and aitiani lurthet says that she has neither Paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate; commission or refund tot the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ' f� ' t`���►i li tt i l l f ), fir °�• Swgfh toIdjsuOs crlbea befog me this y 2 ay of e �.,P.q. s $2... 0 eublic, Ststr oqoti�tPa at Large (SEAL) R1Rt''N'�i ti y�y My Commission expires bAbi- bl�Uii'r�'Y, PL pibA" Llk&AL N161'iit;ti . All Interested Will take h6tlC6 that on the 17th day Of SeptHrhbet; 19g2, the City 06thmisslon of Migibl, Florida adopted tht, t606w1h6 titled ordinaneds: ORDINANCE NO.9488 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH, A PROPOSED CHAR,• . 'TER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHANTER AMENDM€Nt NO. 4", AMENDING SECTION 21 OF THE CITY CHART€R . BY MAKING THE WRitTEN-Li=GAL OPINIONS OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, DESIGNATED AS SUCH BY THE CiTY ATTORNEY, BINDING ON ALL MEM138AS AND PERSON- NEL OF THE COMMISSION; OF THE OPPICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, OF THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, AND OF THE CITY DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES, ,BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED WITHIN ANY DEPARTMENT; REPEALING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR PART'S„THEREOF iN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABIUTY CLAUSE: ORDINANCE NO.9489 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHAR- TER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1, AMENDING SECTIONS "3, 52, AND 53 OF THE "CITY CHARTER TO PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE PROCURE, MENT PROCEDURE: PROVIDING FOR THE POWER TO ACQUIRE AND DISPOSE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AND SERVICES; DEFINING, AUTHORIZING; AND PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT . PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR PROCUREMENT METHODS TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ORDINANCE FOR THE'ACQUI SMON AND. DISPOSITION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, REAL PROPERTY INCLUDING WATERFRONT PROPERTY, PUB- LIC WORKS AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND UNIFIED DEVEL- OPMENT PROJECTS; RENAMING AND REDEFINING THE, DUTIES OF THE PURCHASING AGENT; PROVIDING FOR.: . AFFIRMATIVE ACTION; NON-DISCRIMINATION, AND MINOR. ITY PARTICIPATION IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE CITY;:: - PROVIDING FOR SAFEGUARDS; REPEALING ALL CHAR- TER SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF. IN CONFLICT; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.9459 CONTAINING PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9490 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHAR- TER AMENDMENT,. KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO.2", AMENDING SECTIONS 4; 8, 13•A AND 13-B OF.THE CITY CHARTER; INCORPORATING THE METHOD OF DiS- TRICT ELECTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY' COM• MISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; ESTABLISHING A BOUND- ARIES COMMITTEE WHICH SHALL BE INITIALLY IMPAN-.: ELLED IMMEDIATELY TO DETERMINE THE ORIGINAL DIS- TRICTS;'AND WHICH COMMITTEE,SHALL BE REIMPANELLED AGAIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OFFI CiAL RESULTS OF EACH,FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS TO REDEFINE SUCH DISTRICTS; INCREASING THE NUM- BER OF COMMISSIONERS FROM FIVE (5) TO SEVEN (7); AND ESTABLISHING THE TERMS OF EACH COMMISSIONER — AND THE DATE AND MANNER- OF THEIR ELECTION;,' REPEALING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR _PARTS THEREOF — IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERARILITY CLAUSE. , ORDINANCE NO.9491 AN ORDINANCE SETTING :FORTH A PROPOSED CHAR- TER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS."CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. r, AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER: ADDING THERETO' A NEW SECTION NUMBERED,4•A ENTITLED ,:ITIME OF ELECTION". PROVIDING FOR MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELEC- TIONS TO TAKE PLACE ON EVEN -NUMBERED YEARS "TO 1 TH F ERAL D STATE GENERAL ELEC COINC DE. WI ED AN TIONS, EXTENDING BY ONE YEAR THE CURRENT TERMS OF OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND CQMMI$$IONER% " REPEALING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR PART$ THEREOF . IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A.SEVERABILiTY CLAUSE RALP 0,.QNGIE.-_... CITY CLERK :... , CITY OF MIAMI, FLQRIRA- PvOliotion of this Nplipe on 0# 24 dloy of 15WO lit 90 - OR 49