HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-0880J RESOLt1TION No. A RE50LUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED "HERALD PARK SUBDIVISION," A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHO- RIZING A14D DIRECTI14G THE CITY ,MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Zoning Board and the Department of Public Works have recommended the acceptance of the plat NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE -CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Plat entitled, "HERALD PARK SUBDIVISION',' is a replat of that portion of Lots9 to 20, inclusive, of Block 2 AME14DED PLAT of Lots 4 to 16, inclusive, Block 1 and Lots 4 to 20, inclusive, Block 2 of a resubdivision of lots 25, 26 and 70, NELSON VILLA SUBDIVISION, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, GARDEN OF EDEN SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 30, at Page 20, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and a portion of unplatted land in the West 1/2 of Section 31, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, and BAY SERENA and the Private Court, as recorded in Plat 7, at Page 135 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and Lots S-3, W-9 through W-11, and a portion of Lot W-12 and P-4 of THE CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 120 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, containing 5.680+ acres, more or less, lying and being in the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which reference is made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein and the dedications as shown thereon together with all existing and future planting, trees, and shrubbery on said property, to the perpetual use of the Public, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. !CITY GOMMwobi MEETING OE SEP2 3 1932 REEpLUTIOtt NO.�;;Y i� REhiAftK3:............. 82-880 jErWAIM "O� I+Z 0 UM, Howard Cary UAV: September 9, 1982 ►.€: City Manager HERALD PARK, Resolution Accepting Proposed Record Plat Located at Herald Plaza and Ni E . 15 Street onald Cather (Por Commission fleeting Director of Public 14orks of September 23 1982 x THt CITY OF MtAMI , FLORIDA DEPAP.VENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SEPTEI-IBER 9, 1982 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF HERALD PARK .� LOCATED AT N.E, 15 STREET AND HERALD PLAZA' u A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIA14I, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled, "HERALD PARK", was prepared by Denes & Denes & Assoc., Inc. It is in correct form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a recommendation that it be approved. PERTINENT INFOR:-IATION REGARDING THE PLAT; (1) The property platted is a replat of a portion of Block 2, NELSON VILLA AND GARDEN OF EDEN SUBDIVISION (PB 30-P20), and all of BAY SERENA (PB 7-P135), and a portion of C:=:US1_-- AY FILL (PB 5-P120) , and portion of the unplatted lands lving I -lest of the DADE COUNTY BULKHEAD LINE (74-P18) lying and being in the West 1/2 of Section 31, Towmship 53 South, Range 42 East. It is zoned C-3 and C-4 and consists of one tract having 5.680+ acres. (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by Gabriel L. Denes, Registered Land - Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) By authority of Resolution No. 134-82, adopted _ July 19, 1982, the Plat was recommended for acceptance by the City Zoning Board of Miami, Florida. (5) The attached. Certificate of Title Examination dated - August 19, 1982, signed by Ernest J. Hewett, P.A., Attorney, indicates that the fee simple title to the = property platted is correctly vested in KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, INC., A Florida Corporation, and the Plat has been correctly executed. (6) The area platted is not encumbered by mortgages. -- (7) In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, Section 54-30, of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, a Cashier's Check in the amount of $7,600 has been tendered by the owner, THE MIAMI HERALD = PUBLISHING COMPANY. This Cashier's Check has been deposited with the Director of Finance and will v guarantee the completion of the subdivision improve- ments according to the provisions of the Agreement n? between the City of Miami and the aforementioned owner. The improvements required at the property platted are listed as follows; removal of existing sidewalk, removal of existing curb & gutter, sidewalk, curb & gutter and storm drainage structures. :: Page I of, The accompanying Plat entitled, "HERALD PART:", was prepared by Denes & Denes & Assoc,, Inc, It is in correct form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a recommendation that it be approved. PERTINENT INFOR11ATION REGARDING THE PLAT: (1) The property platted is a replat of a portion of Block 2, NELSON VILLA AND GARDEN OF EDEN SUBDIVIS1014 (PB 30-P20), and all of BAY SERENA (PB 7-P135), and a portion of C;•.US1,-% AY FILL (PB 5-P120) , and portion of the unplatted lands lying West of the DADE COUNTY BULKHEAD LINE (74-P18) lying and being in the West 1/2 of Section 31, Toemship 53 South, Range 42 East, It is zoned C-3 and C-4 and consists of one tract having 5.680+ acres. (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by Gabriel L. Denes, Registered Land -Surveyor, this Plat compli,!s with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) By authority of Resolution No. 134-82, adopted July 19, 1982, the Plat was recommended for acceptance by the City Zoning Board of TIiami, Florida. (5) The attached Certificate of Title Examination dated August 19, 1982, signed by Ernest J. Hewett, P.A., Attorney, indicates that the fee simple title to the property platted is correctly vested in KNIGHT-RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, INC., A Florida Corporation, and the Plat' has been correctly executed. (6) The area platted is not encumbered by mortgages. (7) In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, Section 54-30, of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, a Cashier's Check in the amount of $7,600 has been tendered by the owner, THE 11IA1,1I HERALD PUBLISHING C01•1PANY. This Cashier's Check has been deposited with the Director of Finance and will guarantee the completion of the subdivision improve- ments according to the provisions of the Agreement between the City of Pliami and the aforementioned owner, The improvements required at the property platted are listed as follows: removal of existing sidewalk, removal of existing curb & gutter, sidewalk, r curb & gutter and storm drainage structures, age- o ' EXHI$IT " $" TO ACCOMPANY THE AOREEMEN`I' BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, VLORIM AND XNIOHT=RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, INC, FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT HERALD PARK LOCATED AT HERALD PLAZA AND N,E, STREET REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIDE14ALK Approximately 1,120 Square Feet $1,'120 1.1 REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER Approximately 66 Lineal Feet $ 165 SIDEWALK Approximately 1,120 Square Feet $1680 CURB AND GUTTER Approimately 66 Lineal Feet $ 495 STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES $2,440 ESTIMATED COST OF I:.IPROVE11ENTS $5, 900 (10%) CONTINGENT $ 590 (17%) ENGINEERING $1,103 TOTAL $7,593 AMOUNT OF PERFORMANCE BOND ORCASHIER''S CHECK $7,600> 82-880 il'I' O R to'l GF' ONE SOL- E_ i Ai, TO PRO tOIIION8 Or Cttn�Tr_-54 ; 5 C`f10N 54=20 1. CaL CODu OF Cji2 OF l`'lli�t 'l1 j FLORIDA - ::;NNGiT�bnrt t�t�isr�ERs, INC. (i'-2rein�at �-te`tr e t4n'.rred �o a:, s the "0:•ner") concurrcntly with thL - L _ � i .. ce_ erY '" i C �er.ent ; has aaplied to THE CITY 0P MrI�l;' of th� s Ate, F .0 TD , (hereinafter referred to as the "City") , for the accen.tatce and confirmaticn by the Co;^mission of said City) of �e.'t in pr000:>ad plat of a subdivision to be kno rn as a . HERALD PARK a copy of which proposed attached ` t� -s n a par' E"eon aaut:ibZ.lt . � Ch titer 54, Section 54 -20, THE CODE OF TFi_ CITY Tti:'11, FhO ID., requiges that any proposed plat, submitted to said Co.,,.,�issicn for accer�tance a-d confirmation shall be ^a'7ier by ree- n ,t entered into by the 0,rner of the lan,, being platted with the Director of the Department of Public :-Forks on behalf of said City, for the construction of certain i;:cr.,rovements therein enumerated, the per20_mance ei t:hic Agreem.ant shall be secured by a good and sufficient - Ferfo-rmance Bond or Cashier's Check; THEREFORE, the Oviner hereby 'covenants and agrees with, the said City 3-3 foll.orrs : Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confirmation of said plat by the Commission of said Clt , or prior to the issuance by the City of Miami of a Crrt:ific ate /of occupancy for the premises, the 0.rner will conct_^uct, or cause to have consti'iicted, at his own expense and in accordance with standard specifications of said City, ail. i pra�an^'ents as arelisted nd c eset' bed upon the estimate of c.)st of said 1.mprovemetlts a a copy Whereof is attached heretQ ` '� P. 78 Rev 5 /31 - - ----- - -_ C6/2 at as tx 1.hit ►rtri and made a patt heteof, Although one }teal' it 611MIdd tot the completion of the atotemet boned improvements j it iS not in the public interest that such construction work should be pt:olonged to the extent that it Mould Have a disorganigiag effect upon the neighborhood, Lifter the wort is statted, tho Ownet het=eby Agtees to prosecute said tj(:)tk progressively so as to complete it in a casonahlc of time as determined by- the Dep.,,ittmatt of Public Works, � The G,;net ltct'eby agrees to abide by all of the provisions of the''Cuide for Wot.''k ; n the Public lt%-ht-ot-Way'i, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this referettcemade a part herof, 1, in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54•-20, TllL, CODE OF THE, CITY OF FII&MLI, FLORIDA, the 0.1ner herewith deposits witli the City a Cashier's Check in the ari'ount of $ 7, 600.00 %,nick amount. is not less than yne hundred (1003,) percent of the ./ estimated cost of the construction of the improvements listed in the attached E:;hibit "i", plus teen-seven(27%) percent for engineering or contingent costs and damages, the conditions of the deposit thereof being such that if the Owner shall. fully and faithfully perform the work in accordance %•:ith the terms of this Agreerirn_nt and has submitted to the City of Miami Department of Public Vlorks a letter from a Registered Land Surveyor certifying that the Permanent. Reference Monuments indicated i on the Plat have been installed and properly placed, the amount of said y check S11,111 be returned to the Owner; otherwise, in the event of the failure or neerlect of the Owner to , _ perform this Agreement, said check a� shall be ,applied by said City to the cost- of constructing or completing the itnpr-ovaments, together with any engineering or contingent costs, and any dataages direct or indirect, not' to ehceed twer-ty-seven(27%) percent thereof, which said City may sustain oh account of the failure of the Owner to carry out and execute Rll of the provisions of this Agreement, 0;mez further cov nat1tS and .1grees to pay the said City reasonable attorneys, fees ill OW event of t-l;e Qwner's default, Form P4 17S Rev � j8 82 -880 2� h-to Ca uz--,d uC1c se Di'C'oC!:1i. t�iC3 bd anj iL,C Ill ,,! E1 LO h ii 11 u�Ci"�i:Y' ail'' yea'" 1:':i l`. �..}i.'r,� t;�� % I'O'' . j + `' 0?lcu e!:?d Tlel •".'.I'`_'d '.' � \S•J j] i / J i pe �'�y•"t1e55 OxiP,�fti x�,tL E r. cj ST OF FLOR! Dot I ::=:;--7D" C .a_ -- V that on this llth day of August A.D. 1982, ,,yin., be _ o_': Mep=' so+ta-1:' L. -- ecl- James K. Batten, President and Charles E. Clark, Secretary, Knight-Ridder :newspapers, Inc., ��rr ^ y� }}� ^^a corporation under the 1a„s l.:_ taif) Sl/l`.. .iC o<' iiC`)Z ui ... tC ..,� i•i t7 ..n laC ✓.�'. 1. h: v'• pna'.: CaIJ i'.I:C SIU^Qc'. 1•:'Q f'�»J!'L^ ir,.t ...� "` :]'suc ✓'c ! s and '-vteva i � u aca:r?�.ui?:i f_' :. '' C : r-� .. • , : {. _' T =' c :.. 7 . a : i , e `_ ^ ^ :: c' a :., _, : ) aL—'Jn l.'^L1 .:Cl t, 17 J'.- la'.. - GC' -:: �• J SL.I G_ _C ti• iC .. _ r• x- t- ntr ? f f 1 xed to e� c: a •?�: -L: ;JC: C. t::`'' +1 ::_'1i. :%.a G and i gal t:.-J - '? Ci t hc: of:'ic l SE:`i� O� '.c,':'_u ccr:^cr -L,--,on, anA i haL the Said t;t7e ric`.: c--Ix deed of .ci;) C1 corporation. WI-'ES'm-1 ha:lc: and official rc-a1 at Ilia i, County of Dade, anId _ :a Ji Flcr'da, the Clay and: year last aforesaid. L. ` c., i l6f T tllRGf loJoyC, State,of T�"icu cL O1C"YVt8L1CfpFL I"t COMMISSiON EAPIUS ULC. 29 1Q82 ECh%EU rtic.0 rFNFRAL tN•) UNWR`.IC IFRS 0 --- D AS• TO F01;1. 11YFROVirD C.7.t.,/ ftt;t:01't1:7✓ J/1I'CCi I', 1)C;?;i?'Gl;it':1�.; of Public Worll:S '�'t:i:i T ;^t"rut;icczt Frcpal'cd by CJ.t:y of, I'11 a 82-880 INIIli.taIII irl ii l..l� III i�r�r��16g�V�iViIlYl`'Ii��liViil�il!II�I��III'�!II�i�I�Ihi�IhVblii!liillih��l'�I�dlllll�lidluiilii�dlll!IIIIIViI�IV�tlllii+�iii�ii�liilill I IIII ICI II �+���� ��+�+�dl�u to III � � � i 14 t � .� 4 i�++a � + e� � • • s Bank, N.A. f`n. 639873 un .,..eas O REGION 1 � aMiami, Florida, _ un THE :MIAMI HERELD PUBLISHING COMPANY AUGUST 4. ig 82 63-56 `,.- y� REMITTER 660 a :- I ����,• ,���:� „ � • 1 / 1 t I J St. M AST BANK 'F If— I1"I f IT I i I " �6..,�t �! r O k « O t' -�i. ►. 1"114- ,tl Ilim tliu.i i ; i rri �!;:.' 5*7.600. 00 wJ PAY rs • TOTHE Cashier's Check .�4 ORDER CITY OF MIAhII 0 OF 275 N. W- 2nd Street Miami, Florida�CL�'il �JL•LL'_(��_L AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE i r tt• 3'9 "� 311' COb-L00D S1811 090 10 SOOBIt' , - . .. . • ''.�i.n � - - 1..»^..n •,r Y .f 4�+.w.a�' .i±C77..Ni"1'k`Jrf'�..+�M�i v%�+«�+ctY•�,. '-•C.-� =�� .�"�.w.-!•."r-:•�.:�`+- Z `�•� r. �' : . �. �>• _V'. :.i•ti.•.rrrvi �« eyieiy.Li 4 a _^•f•,�" ,>`��.s.w r�N. y-�ieCf..+>-Y�,.�J+ ,. , •,.,•,x r' �a , El I r • .. �E- .. _ Q rYi y •.." .' C2 �. V MIR"171� �� i �1911 1 � ITI thetefotL, it is my (out) opinion that the following patties Must join if' the platting of th6 above described real property in otdet to grant DADE COUNT Vi FLORIDA, and the public!b a good and own on the final Plat of the afotedesctibed ptopettY, the subdivision ptopet title to the dedicated areas sh thereof to be known as HERALD PARK 111,06-11 < P&GE 4 4z,� --.1_us i ; (`.� - � _• -, r� rrn� .'tT. •�C r' �,� _ J = � I 'Z � � 2 n -� jD � Y . {t{ _ • {tea .. ` ':i� � y � 'i f kN.i:nt'Y ice' � � r n,=,�.�r�. _ ZXI tdf L'71 /pvV�ltfitz� i - i _Fr. -�"� A v t1rDi � N -� 10- Ok C-i --4 100 •:^`4C 5C R0 I:a' SG ' S.'� '�� hC �^ 7 _ f R •'` ` ; r = b L+ fir^`' I r0 A` � � . VI 7-1 N ��Y H 0 P F t 1 r r, A / �4 \j J yy jj'-' . j � � . ' i I� � •.rya f `• t�, �.7 '�,. "75. � ,.r.. , N •�` - Z -----' � . �-�..-�.._ . _'_.. - _�-- _: •� F T Y Z 0 f� LTG -L i.�'T,..�.V.MM�'Mi'Y�.T��.-��•�re..�•�F•�..+ .i � .�,.+