HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-0941PIESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION .•'+UTHORI7,ING 'HE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO CHARLES `PUFF I,:U) ,l: `PUFF, WITHOUT THE ADh1ISSION OF LIABILITY, THE SUrl OF 43),O0().u() IN FULL AND COI-IPLI:TL' SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DI;r"1ANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF r•lAIMI, AND UPON EXPCU- TION uF RELFASI_ , RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DL:r•IANDS, AND TU PAY BANKERS INSURANCE COMPANY, WITHOUT 'PHE ADr•1ISSION OF LIABILITY, ;;5,059 IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF IT'S COLLISION SUBROGATION CLAIMS AND DE:,%LANDS Rl;AINST THE CITY OP 141A1•11 UPON `PHE I'N'ECUTION OF A kELEASE, kELEASING 1'IlE CITY OF h1I t•lI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEI-1ANDS. WHEREAS, Charles `I'utf and Luci.11(• Tuff, through their Attorney, F. Dennis L'rud, fi_lc•.1 a c:Iaiin against the City of Miami for alleged bodily i.rijury re- :;ulting fr-om an accident on July 10, 1981, at or near N. W. 5th Avenue rand N. W. 9th Strcr�_t, '-Iitlmi, Florida; and WHEREAS, the above claim has been i_nve st igated by thy: Torts Divis i )ri . f t: u City Attorney's of rice, ill accurdancc with Ordiraarice No, 8417, which creatr�s the City of :•liami's Self Insurance Program, and said Office rucummertd:- that the:;c c hlim:; br, :;,�t.t I((" f,)r- th( :,um of i3,i)1;(I,i�(� (Forty-tlrritc I'hUu".;ind Dollar"; arn} NOW, TIIi:RIiF tJRL, 1:11: IT RESOLVED B-1 'fill: C01'•l,'41SSION OF Till: CITY OF MIAMI, i'LOkID��: SeCtlon I. Th'it. the Dill ctur Ui I'1nanCC i:: hcr(,1,y authC)rizetl to I av to C'harlcs Tuff all(, I,ucill(-� ';'off v,,i thout the of liability, the slim ,.,f (F��rt; -t hr(r ;)"11.ir:; in full and C,:)ml,lete sC.tticment Of any anoi Al I_,odil", injury claims and demand:; rrgainst the City of Miami, upun the executiorn ()f a Re,leasc, rel(•a:�i.ng the City of '.Ii imi from all bodily injury, clr_rims ,,r,d dcman,3s, Section That the })irccLur of Finance i:: hereby authorized to pay to Bankers Insurance ComPany without the'idmission of liability, the sum of $5059,00 in full and cum)-,I(te 5ettlemcrtt of collision subrogation claims and demands against the City of Miami, upon the execution of 3 Release, releasing the City of Lliami. from all collision subrogation claims and demands, I'ASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of Oeroher , 1982. I11L}'}�i7. Cirdc�Il; lh� PREPhkED AND 1I'I4:oVU) BY: /17 CLAkl' �•� 1�I;}11�1"i C1`I'Y 1,'I'1'UI:hL:'�' APPROVED IS,r Q. L'OM-1 AND CORREC TNESS : JUG k. GAkCI.�-}'I�:DkOSA C'��Y 1,'PTUI:IJLY Maurice A. Ferre 14AURICE A. FERRE MAYOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTJ 1 1�22 q NESUUnON REilAR S: , ....................... ri C7 0 39' 1O Honorable Mayor Members of the City Commission FROM Jose R. Garcia —Pedrosa City Attorney CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTFR-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE September 28, 1982 FILEV81-104 S II P.)ECT Charles Tuff vs. City of Miami Property Maintenance Division & Edmond Nicholas De La Reta D/A: July 16, 1981 ran ,nrtjrE� L/A: NW 5 Ave. & NW 29 Street ENCLOSURFS Plantiffs, Lucille and Charles Tuff, filed a claim against the City of Miami through their attorney E. Dennis Brod, resulting from personal injuries received by Charles Tuff in an automobile accident. A derivative claim has not been presented on behalf of Lucille Tuff, the claimant's wife. The accident occurred on July 16, 1981, on Northwest 29th Street and Northwest 5th Avenue in the middle of the intersection. The ownership and operation of the City of Miami vehicle was involved and responsibility rests with the City of Miami. The Plaintiff, Charles Tuff, was injured when his vehicle was struck broadside at the driver's door, while going straight with a green traffic light. The medical problems encountered by Mr. Tuff were extensive. The primary difficulty resulted from a previous kidney ailment which forced Mr. Tuff to retire on permanent and total disability from the City of Miami on April 9, 1977. As a direct result of this accident, Mr. Tuff's kidney condition was exacerbated to the extent that he was placed on a kidney dialysis machine for a one month period of time while in the hos— pital. A final diagnosis by Dr. Edward Neff, Doctor of Cardiovascular Diseases, indicated on September 22, 1981 that Mr. Tuff may de— velop chronic constrictive pericardial disease as a result of the accident of July 16, 1982. In addition to Dr. Edward Neff, Mr. Tuff had also been seen by the following hospital and physicians: Cedars of Lebanon Hospi— tal, Dr. Robinson, Dr. Ehrenkranz, University of Miami Diagnos— tic Clinic, Dr. Zagorski and Anesthesiology Associates. The total medical bills incurred and related to this accident are $16,546.38. Note that $5,500.00 of the hospital bill was for the hospital room and $4,000.00 was for kidney dialysis. w� j Honorable Mayor —2— September 289 1982 All the medical expenses have been verified as to correctness. The original demand that the plaintiff presented was for a $50,000.00 limit established under Section 768.28 Florida Statutes- (1979). This was later reduced to $45,000.00. After extensive discussions and negotiations, the matter can now be settled for $43,000.00. This claim has been investigated by the City Attorney's Office and in accordance with Ordinance 8417, which creates the City of Miami Self Insurance Program, the said office recommended that the City of Miami pay $43,000.00 in settlement of this claim. In addition, Bankers Insurance Company has a subrogation claim in the amount of $5,059.00 as the claimants' 1978 Buick was a total loss. r 8'2`941