HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09506ORDINANCE Nbi AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 6811, AS AMENDED I THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE , FOR THE CITY OF MfAMlo BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA APPROXIMATELY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 3RD COURT, A LINE- 861 + NORTH OF AND PARALLEL TO NORTHWEST'22ND LANE, NORTH- WEST 5TH AVENUE AND NORTHWEST 22ND STREET, ALSO DESCRIBED As THE WEST 51 OF LOT 12, BLOCK 1 AND ALL OF BLOCKS 2 AND 3o AND LOT llt BLOCK 4, WEAVER FIRST ADDITION (UNRECORDED PLAT), AND LOT 11, BLOCK 1 AND BLOCKS 2 AND 3 WEAVER SUB (6-31) AND, BLOCKS C AND D# J.A.DANNS SECOND ADD, (3-25), FROM R-4 - (MEDIUM' DENSITY MULTIPLE) AND C-5 (LIBERAL COM- MERCIAL) TO I-i (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL), ALL AS PER TENTATIVE PLAT #1152-A, "MIAMI, FASHION CENTER SECTION 1"; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID' ORDI-' NANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DES- CRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2; AND BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE, SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF, IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily extapt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Seton the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V, Fob", who on oath "" that she It the Supervisor, Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Re : 'ORDINANCE NO. 9506 X X X Inthe .... :.................................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of IJoy. 3 r 1982 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Reowd Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dad• County, Florida,. and that. the said newspaper has haratofor• been continuously published In said Dads County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, ,.Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at ' the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copyof, advertisement; and afflant further says that shs has neither' paid nor promised any person, firm or corporstion arty discount, rebate; commission or refund f t rpoae of securing this ad wp� ant for "publieatlo as newspaper. Swordto Ind subaAbi# before me this 3rd da .of ,v. /,^�/.` ., A D. 19. 2. , 'Notary PublW SNtk6f Florida at Large, (SEAL) My Cammisslarr eicpIM4,gVnQ:141195& EIffif 6P,MM1AM1i . 10116i(MWTV11LON16A MAL N1 1161 , All ifyt tilt l tl Wlif tatc 'hb1161°e 'ihrit 6h,,66 16th day' 6� t5 teb1 r,`, i382,"the City C6Mfh7I§bj66 63 UIla6ifji6r'16& Ad6pt6d(1`16 t6116WIft titled 6rdlnah6liS: l� ADINANOt Nib f366 . AN 'ORDINAN6E AMEN610 OR®iNANCE NO 6821,,A5 AMENbtb, THi boMPAtHENSIVi ii3NINO.6AMNANdt;' FORTHECITY OF MIAML'.BY CHANGIt" Nt> ZONING CLASSiPiCAtl6N OF THE AA I A LOd' t€b APPROXIMATELY =_ AT 581 NORIWEAST 62N6 STREET; ALSO bESCRIBE6 AS LOT "16, BLb. 10, NOATHGATE; (g•S8),: i=,AOM',R C (RESIDENTIALO_FFICE) To C i (LiDCAI C6MMEACIALj; Ahifi� . BY MAKING :THE NECESSARY,CHANGES "IN THE ZONING DISTRICT' MAP MAbE A PART OF SAID OMINANCE NO: 6871 ' SY' AEPERENCE AND bE8CRIPTION IN AATICUE III, SECTION 2 THEREOF; .ISY. REI?EAL)NG ALL ORDINANCES, . CODE SECTIONS,'OR PARTS.THEREOP IN CONFLICT AN'b CONTAINING A SEVERASILITY CLAUSE: ORDINANCE NO.95b6 " AN. bRDINANCE AMENbiNG .ORbiNANCE NO. 8871,; AS ,_ AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE' . FOR THE, CITY OF MIAMI. BY CHANGING THE ZONING ;; CLASSIFICATION OF. THE AREA, APPROXIMATELY, BOUNDED „ BY NORTHWEST.3RD COURT,`A LINE 86' _t NORTH OF AND PARALLEL TO NORTHWEST 22ND LANE, NORTHWEST 5TH."AVENUE AND., NORTHWEST 22ND..STREETi ALSO. DESCRIBED AS"THE ,WEST.5' OF.LOT,12, BLOCK'1.,AND' ALL OF BLOCKS 2 AND.3, AND LOT; 1I;,BLOCK4;WEAVER, FIRST ADDITION (U NRECORDED. PLAT), AND`LOT 11, BLOCK 1'AND BLOCKS 2 AND'3"WEAVER SUB (6.31) AND. BLOCKS C AND D; J:A. DANNS SECOND ADD. (3.25), FROM R�4 (MEDIUM - DENSITY. MULTIPLE) AND C•5 (LIBERAL COMMERCIAL) TO 1 1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL);, ALL AS`PER TENTATIVE'.PLAT.;.,.: p1152•A, MIAMI FASHION. CENTER.SECT16N-1''; AND; BY MAKING.ALL THEMECESSARY CHANGES; IN ;THE'ZONING, _ DISTRICT MAP MADE'A-PART ,OF SAID„ORDINANCE',NO.,':'.'' 6871; BY REFERENCE, AND_DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLEAII, SECTION 2; AND BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES,CODE SECTIONS,.OR: PARTS THEREOF :IN CONFLICT. AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE N0.t950T AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.OF PROPOSED CITY CHARTER'AMENDMENT,NO.,1 KNOWN AS ORDINANCE N0.9489,'ADOPTED SEPTEMBER;17;,1982;.',` PROVIDING :THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE REQUIRED TO SET.; FORTH REASONS ,IN HIS WRITTEN`. FINDING, THAT COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING IS NOT PRACTICABLE OR IS' NOT ADVANTAGEOUS T'O.THE CITY, WHERE CONTRACTS:;:`:+'- , ARETO BE AWARDED FOR THE ClTY'S PROCUREMENT, OF? PERSONAL PROPERTY; FURTHER PROVIDING;THAT:,THE CITY, MANAGER OR, HIS DESIGNEE'SHALL BE.RESPONSI BLE FOR DEVELOPING.A_MINORITY PROCUREMENT PRO-..'! GRAM.AS_MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY ORDINANCE ANL) PER MITTEQ BY LAW'IN`CONJUNCTION,W)TH THE:AWARD:OF CONTRACTS FOR UNIFIED, DEVELOPMENT FROJECTS;.PRO VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING.THAT IN;ALL OTHER RESPECTS ORDINANCE NO.9489 REMAINS, UNCHANGED ORDINANCE NO, 95M AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAWI:DI:TERMiNING TO LEVY, SUBJECT.TO THE.REFERENDUM HEREIN AUTHQRIZED, AN 'ADDITIONAL. ONE".PERCENT 0019) SALES TAX IN ThIE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE PERIOD'JANUARY 1,13B3.THRQIIGH DECEM@ER ,31,; 1883, THE PROCEERS'OF. WHICH WILC:.I3E USED TO.FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF"A`FOOTRALL STADIUM ANDIOR A DOWNTE?WN.EXHIt}ITION.HALI.ANi?IQR' A POWNTAWN"COLI;zEUM A�NDlQR A MUI_T! SPORTfa FACl1. ITY QR AN AM.PHIT:HEAfiRE, PROVIDIN Ga, THAT THE.. ...,.;. . REMAININCa FU..NP$ PE'USEP FQRPRQP,ERTY;T/#X,IiELIEFS,� PR.OVIDINQ FOR GUARANTEER,MINORITY PAATICIPATIpN AND ?RQyIDING ,F,QR ,THE Hl 4 OINQ .QF A SALE; REFERLwNDUM "1N THE CL7Y QF:MIAML, FI,ORI0A� QN PF.QEMR` BER 141.1982, FIR THE PVRFpEE OF,SUEM►M4 10;1ii THE ELECTORS,QF.Tf�Ia,OITY fQF;:MI�MI T&,tUE6fiIN,OF WHETHER WADPITIQW, QN9;,"PERQENT °1t) 9AL96 TAX FOR '(WI; FYI* MIJitlTH;a E�IArLL 13E t=EVIO TQ FINAa6IOE, THE ABOVE; PROVIDING F1ALI1 (EYEITl4 )!,lTY� P�11OM!IAINQ FQR AI+I EFFECTIVE PATE IYlR �I'I A .... ..... . ...... t6i Mvmrd V r Gary September 7 y 1982 C' Manager ,� ,��T: CHANGr Or ZONING Area bounded by tdW 3rd CT, WW 5th Avenue, NW 22nd, Street arid.. a l ine --86North of and r;o;a: Hure i i o r e uLu on, fiat'a i re l to NW 22nd Lane � nEF��%E•Ir'cd' CON-IISSIN AGENOA - SBRTr111BtR 23, .1952 Director PLANNING AND ZONING ITti1S Pl anni rig and Zoning Boards FNCLOGU-RC5; Administration Department "It is recommended that a change of zoning from R=4 (Medium Density Multiple) and C=3 (Libe-r-aT. commercial) to I=1 (Light Industrial) be approved for the area-ounded by NW 3rd 41 Court, line 86' north of and paralT-eT-fo Ng-'nnd Lane, NW 5th Avenue and NW 22hdtreet.'' The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of September 1, 1982, following an.,ad- vertised Hearing, recommended approval of the above petition by.a vote of six to zero on that property 'also described as the West 5' of Lot 12, Block 1, and all . of Blocks 2 and 3; and Lot 11, Block 4, Weaver First Addition (unrecorded plat), and Lot 11, Block 1, and Blocks 2 and 3 Weaver Subdivision (6-31); 'and,Blocks C and b, J,A. Danns Second Addition (3-25). Backup information is included for your revievi, One reply in favor. received in the mail An ORDINANCE to provide for this Change of Zoning has been,prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. GF:klm .cc: Laid Department fIOTE: Planning Department recommendation: APPROVAL: 77 APPI,ICAI3T City of Miami planning b�'partmeht June 281 1982 PETITION 8: 4 1% EOUIIbEb .APPftO' I14ATtLY nY Mt 3Rb COURT, - A LINE 86't NORTH OF AND PARS' LLEL TO Nov 22.dD LANE►- NW- 5TH A��ENUE AIgD NW 22ND STREET. W, 5'of Lot 12` Block 1 and all of � E1ocks 2 and 3 and lot ll, dock WtAV8R 1ST ADD. NR Blocks 2 and 3 and lot 11, Bloch: , 1 W8AVER S'b13. (6-31) 81oCk8 C and D J, A, OAVNS 2ND ADD. (3�25) All as per Tentative Plat '1152=A"> 1,111AIII VA514101N CENTER SECTION "1 Change of Zoning Classification from R-4 i1ED1U'A DENSITY MULTIPLE and .C-5 LIBERAL CO IMERCIAL to I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. - This is a companion item to Item"9',"' REQUEST To allow the development of a site for an industrial ".`. park for garment manufacturing in conjunction with - the ' Garment Center/Fashion District Rede°��el op lent Program of the City of .Miami. ANIAL SIS The site is currently zoned Liberal Commercial zoning (both sides of NIN 22nd. Lane bet%,.een Nli S _h Avenue and 3rd Court) and R-4 Medium Density Residential to the,south (between NW..5th Avenue, 3rd Court and NW 22nd Street) . South, of" NN 22nd Street is the R-10 Urban Renewal Area (Town" Pa.r'.%) -_ which is developed for public housing. To the east lies a detoriorated'residential area which the. City is currently purchasing as part of the . Garment Center Fashon..District "Redevelopment Program. To the north lies the .Garment Center industrial and retail area. The area proposed for change of zoning includes 41 parcels"of land of which 36" are owned', by, the; City of Miami. These 41 parcels of land entail, part (Phase I) of the Miami Garment Center/ Fashion District Redevelopment Area which.nro:vides a program,for expansion and redevelopment of one of the major industrial activity, centers within. the 'City of Miami. During the", last 4 years the., City Planning Department -has been working closely With representatives of the fashion apparel industr%, to help improve the viability of the area.. Funding,,for this project in excess of, $2,281,9,00"has, been provided by the ' Comnity `Development Block "Grant mu Program, To date $1,050,621'has been expbnded in land acquisition, relocation and, demolition in this area, The redeye looment strategy aims :,at, the,, P C0;::.E":DAT IONS . PL:�:.:.Ir,.G DEPAIMMIE:,T PL �.iLiG ADVISORY EOr:RD: imptoveMent of the phy§ICaI insrast.ruct,utb bt area beta con MW 21td acid 291,-h Streets anc ho..pt6" Vision of additional land for industrial er�pans6� south of Mv? 23r6-5tteet.i The inability of garMent imahufaCturers to obtaih sufficient land at tcfts=ible cost for the 08tabli8hment of not.; businesses and tho ex'pansloh M_ 04 ex18t.ing ,.iris, and she etc ala -ion o� ren�s Clue to the e:•:oansion of the 5th Avenue retail: core', — ha'se been. the major factors resulting in e:iocus:` of ;Manufacturing firms from the area t m; Dletnentation of this program it is anticibated, Will result in an increase of over 300. nOW manu-�• factoring jobs (phase I)._ An L estifiated 200-300 additional new jobs will be Created wltihin 4C h44 e::isting industrial and cor,ercial area north. of 23r6 Street as a result of an overall improveinent in the economic viability of the area that is anticipated from the impementation of this rem de%`elopment proarari. The City of Miami Ta:ti base taiil be increased as. a result of increased inciuS4- " de%,elowment. The Garment Center/Fashion Oi strict Redet: elo ::.tent program is the first industrial redet-e10-:rent project undertaken. by the public sector in Dace Countv and the first redevelcNn::ent project under- taken by the City of Miami pursuant to the Sta to . of Florida Co=iunit%, Redevelopment Act, Industrial red`velopment of the area is also consistent ,Vdth the i,iiami Cc;nprehensive Neighborhood Plan 19i6-86 and the Overto:M Redevelopment Plan. APPROVAL Recorrmended aaproval on'.,eptember, 1, 1982. • IE� j �V a •a��?:yy:� i El vim% � : t 1 I z{j , � I +`f( : ,• ��1) ,,, :{tf 4 1 r - t L�-; r:i•:•:i•::•::• 1 1}j •� ..�.f [ter rJ