HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-0988RESOLUTION NO. 84+0wa5& A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED RIANIZA, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND ACCEPTING THE COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAI4D POSTPONING THE IMI•IEDIATE CONSTRUC- TION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTI ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; AND AUTHO- RIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGL'R AND THE CITY CLEPd: TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, The Cit,,7 Zoning Board and the Department of Public Works have recommended the acceptance of the Plat; NOI,, , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COI iIIISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Plat- entitled RIANI7_A, heing a replat of Lot 4 ,and the I•;est 17' of Lot 5, Block 11, "KEW GARDENS," (8-9) , together �• ith Lot 1, "CASTIL,LO SUBDIVISION," (71-27) , and to include the of Northwest 30 Avenue lying, hetc::een Comfort Canal and Northwest 11 Terrace, all lying in Section 33, Toi-niship 53 South, Ran1,,e 41 East, City of Miami, Dade Countv, Florida, which b,✓ reference is made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein and the dedications as shown thereon together with all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property to the perpetual use of the public, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section 2. The Covenant to Run With the Land executed by Atanasio Riancho and Orlando Izaguirre, postponing the immediate construction of full width improvements on Northwest 30 Avenue and on Northwest 11 Street until such time as required by the Department of Public Works of the Cite of Miami is hereby accepted and the proper officials are directed to record said covenant after the Plat has been recorded in the Public Records of Dade Countv, Florida. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF C C T 2 3 19�8+22 rzo uffloN N0 „ �!. ............................ 0 Section 3. The City Manager and the City Clerk are herebv authorized and directed to execute the Plat. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2801day of October , 1982. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE•' , MAYOR ATTEST: RA ,PI: G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVFD BY: TERRY t III..I�C�' _----- DEPUTY CITY ATTOUEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: iJ SE R. GARCIA-PEDROSA 1l,CITY ATTORNEY TVP:ia -2- iA o 11 c e I'l a at i IL 17 co c z f 82-98C THE CITY Or MI;C:1I . :.0? IDA DE:.::-,T: E':T OF PUBL-�C ::OR;:S SEPTE:•,BER 2, 10,82 RE'�P :•i OF PROI'O: ED REC'D PLAI OF RIA"'I A St"BDIV13:0:, LOC:'.,TED :�T . 11 STREET A:;J ::.(d. 30 A"V'E:;LSE A SCEJDTVISION IN THE CITY 0 :II::•iI, FLORID: The accompl-inyin Plat entity i "NI:1:`;i� SUFD _ Lc , � � i`•'Lj'L0: J.'15 prepared by Vargas & Bori:;,�. Inc. I_t is in correct form for sub;::issic:, to the CitJ Comimissi n am-1 is fc)ri•7arded with .-, reco=e^.Ciiti�il that it be approve-d. PERTItiE"T ItiFO :•::,.TIO:y REO:iRDING THE PLAT. 1. The proper` platted is a repla: of Lot 4 and the tdest 17 feet of�-Lot 5. Block 11, "KE'.•: GARDE::S", (8-9) tozot.".er :ith ?._oL 1 , "CAS-ri— 1_0 S[ BDi�71 7(j::", (i 1-27) and to include the of :.. 30 z%vc.nue 1"inj bet-.:eer Com or-, Canal and V.;v. 11 Terrace. It will conss:. of five lots and is R- 2. 2. The loc___i:)n of the str..`-s an... the :ict:;s confo:... .:ita the 3s of the:cr'.:s otae Ci o 3. As ce, ti=�ec'. to b_ J . A. Var= . Re_ Sur'. 0r C!j Co- _`5 :i_:� tE:e pla_ �il�n_ la o t.e St, e o- _ 4. The C_t Pl _. and ZoninL Board of mi 71or_da, aPic 1: .._in has recc-=en.ied tar closing of line of .� .... 1 _ T e _ r act_ •mki t e scut!: n of Com.fj -. Canal io_ c'._nc_ o:. 96- t,et. T_svact ,-,n was con:::.:.-:ec 5. Ev _ o� Re.,ol� 30-5_ , acopted Ape _1 20, 19'3_, the Pl•a� aS reC........ U(.� fJi a'cce'�ta-ce D',, the Cif:' 1...._ Board or I•i`.riti.a. 6. The Cer�.i-icat-e of Tit'_e Exat;^.anon date'd 2, 1932, signed by J=.eS F. Pollack, Attor.. incf�.. cs that talc Leo si: ple _itle to the proper*:,: ' plais correctly vested in Atanasio G. Rianctlo and Or1«ncs i..aguirre, and the Plat has been correctly excc,,.: d. 7. T11u ar:a platted is encu^lbered ':),; a mortga;c-e and the mort :e holdurs have executed the Plat and joined in its dtdications. 8. In accord-.nce faith the require^:,:�nts of Chapter 54, Section 54-30, of The Code of The City of :•Eiam. i, Florida, a Casnier' s Checl•: in the amount of $21 , 600 has been tend'c �c! by the o;anrtr, AtanLiSio G. Ri::ncho. This Cashier's Chec1: 'r. _.. been d,,p,)sit,,d :With flu Director of Finance and Will „u,'1!7r1nt0e ct:c CO:::p1�,2 Lion of the subdivisibn i::larove- m(•ntS-� CC:)'.'di[l:, to tE1u D17OVisions of the AgrLc:meI1t be t:•:een Th Ci' _ of :ii: 2i and the afore•:^.entionud owner. The Pad;,: 1 of 2 0 im')rovement S required 3 '_'hl i7 ';717E r �': 71 ? � ie(i are listed as �011(7:J:i T ail iSC:ii 1T1:;, 3ST) i,31�iC CC' 1C:"eCt� j)IVCMCnt, rE2i:.0'.'�L (71 e::iSti%:� :i1,:C:•Ja1K, Siu�''.. llr., •c`7�L;3l:ii'�c; ;inn Sha:71_Il:- -,.)� .itreei S hUl idCr , SLD17 , dr�llnCI:'!k? st.' ucture, lnd fill. 9. Since there is no Lull width on N. 30 Avenue and on 'N . td. I I IS' tre#2 .: in the ✓iC i:11L ! 01 the prupertv platted, it is rec-om-fended than the a"taciied covenant be accepted postponim the im:;edi._3te con- s tr!zction of these i,;;;)r��:e�ents until the area is more ful l; dev,_, loped . 10. The location of the property is show-n colored in red on the aCC:��;,�; n�'ln;; Co;7V of a T)nr tiun oita : Ciof :• i ,mi, Florida, A -.Las sheep. No. Zbi�. II. The attached Resolution has been prepared for the accept- ance of the flat by the CiL , Co.;.Tlission of :;iami, Florida. RB:rj '-alro:„ CadasLral Engineer 11 Pa',e ) of 4 i E.:i? ,.:; 1-1' "B„ TO :1.CCJ:::'', :'T:':E AGL71E ,_:-,E:;T BE:T:OFH :EEN TEEi� C%TY :.AVE, FLOC.:DA and RIA:;CE10 ' FOR T. •"PiZO`.'E'•EE:;TS AT . RI:�::I�:1 SLE,DLVISIO; LOCAT::D AT N. ;1. 11 ST E:ET A:;D 1. W. 30 :1VE::�i_ `LA.;DSCAPG $ 5,800 ASPHALTIC CO:;C ETE PAVE:•EE:;T $ 144 Aj-rc::ima�.,2 y 16 Square Yards OF E:.:�T_.;G S:DE'.,,; S 250 250 Square Fc�_L S1DE....� S 2 , 550 1,700 Feet: ..:.OU D'--- $ 1,625 EST::'._7_D COST 0: 1:.1 _.....,_3 $161769 ( 17 7 ;::.:.....:.;G $ 3,136 T0TAi- $ 2 1 , 582 Ot' P : i ? ....;CE ;0:;J 0:: C:ASE:Ii .' S CHECc: S 21 1 , 600 In�ar�a ion ccncer..in:; t,-e landscaping; requircmtants shall be Obtain Irc7, t::t' C1' : o- :`:'_. L Pl:?nnil:7 Depar_-m nt . W. 82Z038$ CC/1 of 3 ........ ATAN.A',�T RT;%,�,'(,11-0 . A ST:,GLE 77 7- It a:: tl:c --r the pz n-- n 1 be a c 0 a gc c---.-'nantz an,-' a'-rcesit mil. t - t I s a C I' a" I n r,,,-I 1 r f r c,:,, h e f f e, c t e d-,-� t 0 of to he a- c r � -, n c a c o r i C of s aplat b t 1 11, : a C o 1., 7,, 1 z s i o : i c f C-*�;-, C., r)riol. to by th-:2 City of Miami of a C i f 0 c z i c. r Z; c s.rc of c-i c ti,uc tr--d It in with of sai City all '-,- ) z ati ar.,_4 Cz, I 1-.-d uperi the es t I'mat e of CL;�;'; of Sa a c:^,-,y is at-.ar!--2d hereto R 5 ,,S 1 IMF— CC/2 of 3 as nibit "3" and made a part hereof, Althou;h one year is allowed Cor the co::::)Letion oC the aforementioned it is not in the pLuolic interest til::it sticn, con_�Lruu[:Lon ,jorl; should be prolon:;ed to the e::tC:1t that Lt ,"ould have a djsur,;anLZLn'_; effect upon ti1E' r nei_,,hborhood After the work is started, the 0:•:ner hereby agrees to prosecute said :pork progressively so as to complete it in a reasonable 1r'­_ :h of as deter;..i_ned by t`1e Dopart:mer:. of Public I-:or!s. The C•::ner :-Iorei�v a'_rces to by all of the provisloils of the "Guido iC)r 1:or!-C in r11:' Public `.?-1V, a ccpv of which is attached hereto and b,: this rercrence made a part herof. In accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54-51-00 , TI12 CODS OF THE CITY OF :41A:•iI , FLORID A, the 0::ner herewith Cc )5_iS .:ll.:I1 t!1e C1i=': a in the- c?:...,,):i:1t of Z$ �C.^. =_o:...0 1 not less t' .:i one hun(Grnd (10' 0 �) Percent OL the estL...,.t::C Cost cf t con zLructi,_1 of the i prc':e: _'n..S 11 toe in the p'_ tdc2.^.tom•-SC�:�.1, ,,) pC:."C.en: fo en iL'�Cr1 =` or cc t�. „ :,t costs ana_es, the conditions of the deposit: thereof b_ 4_. sue:. tI:_: if t _ C-.:ne_ shall full : an f7,a —7ully perorm the work In aCCcrC1.:tC.' ::lea ChC of. tt:y5 A rec:lent an'_-3 has Submitted to the Citv of .`iL._mi Dc•par-z-.o 1: of Public a letter frcm a Pie"iStel"iO Land Sur•✓e-;or certif�i that the Permanent. Reference '.•ionun;ents indicated or, the Plat- have been installed and properly plac =d, the amount of said c`.1ecl: sh,:11 be retur:Led to the 0:•;ner; otller:aise, in the evert of the failure cr ne lect of the Owner to perform this Agreement, said check shall be applied by said City to the cost of constructing or completing the im-)rivements, together with any en,�i_ncering or contingent costs, and any d�:nrl:;es direct or indirect, n o t ' t o exceed Ccent.:-se:'en(27°,) percent IL thereuf, which said City may sustain on aCCOunt of the failure of the C'::ner to carry out and e::ecut:e all of the provisions of this Agreement. Owner further covenants and agrees to pay the said City reasonable attorneys' fees in the event of the Owner's default. Form P,•. #175 Rev 5/31 S40-pW CC/3 of 3 il`_':' Ila Ca.: _'.. l._.J AF7,rcn C::i` 1C1 •:�1.1:1 ,:: .':��.. �'1 .!' (orc C3i't_'CCl 2 Uf' %�LC���J / lt.u. f 1��''�•. �, ...<-% ,'/�{�-�• mot.-«�Z�?� (5�.:� j S,E ) r -E, r ) AC; :'C'..: a! .4 'fin^ te(I on behalf of the City Of t'llar, F'!crrla thi.J , ���' a-y Of A.D., 19 '. l By _ � ll'_.' .rl:,.. 3 L:.. Clr.. 0I' P i.:.J1_c 1.1oI,K3 STATc_ OF FI_OR;C).� ) w ) SS COUNTY OF DADF ) I liLiZr"_I3Y CFRTI-Y th.1t on this city }ll rr,t,n.►li; api)t•.lrod bt-fore tile, nri officer duly .>1lthori„cr! to ad.nrnlst(•r r),1.:1s AT N \S IO P I ' C1'0 A S I:;CLE and t-l�ee ac'l�no�t-1 :i�1;1t'nt�, � t < eft; .1 ,.. to nt< -vell h-nw,%-n to be the per;oa(s} (kScribed he>reit-, .tnd ::htl text cuted, ti'e and lwt -1r,, Int' that t xC'CLltt'Cl thtr .-,11110 fret' and volunt.irily fur thO 711. i OSC tl;t'rt'ln `� i...:. S .. hanci ;tnd ot:.c:-ll seal at 1 ___-- County of 1-2A-/J _ V and State of this c?rty ci ) l A• NuCa:'y :bulb c *v:': CC;t:111115510i1 �\:)11"Ca: C,-V1 IT t �r ,�. MI v• it Form - PW ;iZ36 Rev, 5/69 82"P19815 CC'.::..A..T TO i;.. I-i til 1?�.; �:�.5, �:"I':'�::.:SIO RIANCHO and OF:I. :;DO I ZAGUT R R E �hert ina:tt rt_'IerrCttl to as "Lhc 0', .� `t� Or "Ill:", lirC :1CCt::e of aCtt:a1 S t ^t:t:. anti ....::bC an. nne'tnin,, either. Lilr :1:_. or t l'.ir ai an(:l a�sis anti succe.:sors in interest ..:e:eof %vhcre 1I1C1tIc:. I:elr=, ., r . the co::tcat so renuires or ad: :its) is the present fet, sim—.—Ae o.vacr of a _uc)c:i.isio:. c:l..tled F.IANIZA S n,, DI%'ISIO:' as recordec-' in Plat of t` e c RCC0rds of ^:.dc Cou~ F10rida; ... ,.:_ Cc.... o. ?�.-_ct,, lr.; re:..;_. c. rc: _ = cc o as ---..,_, T.. C:. O T- --J-�:-.. rc ; ..r�-'.. t:._ O;':., _., to ccr._._ ,:ct or _ Cam.... `C, ..t Cam.._....._.,.- .__ no e. _ bl: .O .I'e C._ ., :..^.t ::.._.:_� ......._. ..._ ,_. _._ L. Or On LI:� street's Full :Ji _1th It:.nrovemen t s on T�•? . 30 Avenue and on N.W. 11 Street a:.c tho I. -Is to be: relit ved of his, obligation tU C(i:...Lr thi: ; t1:::C, and .:1 CO:�- SI t•r,it:C,a of tIl'• for`-t'::r._..nce of tl:e CITY lie .:4!rt'eE wi,h tl.e CITY that lie ..t th' aft_ u:nt r.t:t;..t r.... _)ro•'ernents at sur.I: ti.:,t iil LIu re is not..ic(i by the CITY th.:t ti:c aforemeiitioz:ed i:. rc,.,•..:t'.:t.. ... c .:t ct _. :.. or dc.,,i: abler; TIII•:IZ1::F0RE, in consideration of the premises herein set out, the OIN ER hereby covcnants and agrees with the CITY to construct or cause to be constructed Tit the expen:ie of the O�ti'NFR, and -,vithout cost to the CITY, the aforementioned improvements within the area and/or on they street right-of-way abuttint; the aforesaid sub- division, upon thirty (30) days written notice from the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of 'Miami, Florida, addressed to the OWNER, at c/o JAIJES F. POLLA.CK, ESQ. , 2500 Dou7las Road, Suite B, Coral_ Gables, Florida 3313'1 It is expressly agreed that this obligation shall be binding upon the OWNER, his heirs, successors in interest or assigns, and shall be a condition implied in any conveyance or other instrument affecting the title to the: aforesaid subdivision or any portion thereof. In the event that the 01'; NER or any future fee simple otivner of any lot in said subdivision bhiill fail to cause the aforementioned improvements to be constructed within the area, and/or in the street right-of-way abutting the property platted as herein: provided within thirty (30) da,: s after the mailing of the written notice from the Director of the Department of Public %Yorks of The City of 'Miami, Florida, then the City Manager of The City of Miami, Florida, shall act as agt:nt of the O`N NE.R or anv fee sirnply owner of any lot or parcel described in said written notice., which agency is hereby specifically created, and said City Majiagej shell cause the' aforementioned improvements to be constructed at the expense of the O% NEIZ and/or said fee simple owner, and the amount of such construction cost shall be declared and established as a lien on the prolwrty of .skid, defaulting OWNER and enforced as any lien for materials furnished and wort: and labor done, as provided under the Statutes of Florida. - 2 - 8Z-w3fig 6 da o f a7 1 t 0 X C I C-' C.' s Sj,,r,cd, Sealed and Df,liverccl 0 "1" 7-- L S EE L) A: —1 -:z -- - c TI-I'S y .A S L --- GA LIT':' - 3 - (S-7 . --_T T Form PY.' , �-270 Rcv -1/69 0 STATE OP FLORIDA } ss c01'I\-I Y ()F nA1)E } I HEREBY CE.RTIFY th,it on this (l.i} 1�c r; on.tll/ api)c.ared before nic, an officcr duly .iuthori..(•(I to ad, ninist(•r (r;i'.irs and take ackno•.%Ie:l`,rnents, AT..%',,A T.0 R? ;INCHO and, ORL:' DO ---- IZAGUIP.RE re �; l l to ; ic to trc' the per-son(s) 3escriuec! heroin ;inci oxcrutec; tilC {GrCtiO1J1L •.:ti'rUC c'nt, and ;iCk:7f)'•':Ic'c: c'(I I)CfGre Inl' that --t!- �C, — execut•2d the ritr•c freer, an(! v ;:u::t:iril for tl;i• pi:. -pose ther�•in vxon -.sed. o:..c,r(l .:ca1 rtt C cou:ity of `— — n,"-:�-----------anti Mate of this ci .!y Of �_ A, D. 19 `�:t Co:irrr�i :>ivn cpiruS: Form - 1'ti'; ;i236 Rev. 5/69 --i\uutry i'uG;ic�--____-- JAMES F. POLLACK, P.A. AT70Rt4LY AT LAY! 25 00 Or` UE; L AS QOA D 37L- AVENUE' CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 _,fin August 4, 1982 HAND DELIVERED Citv of `fiami Public ?-forks Department Engineering -Subdivision Control 275 N.W. 2nd Street 4th Floor Miami, FL 33128 ATTE:;TIO:,. ROBT'RT BARB A`IERA Re: Rianiza Subdivision -See attached schedule Lot 1, Castillo Subdivision, PB 71/27, Dade Count_. Owner -Orlando Izaguirre Amended Opinion of Title certified throu^h April 21, 1982 Dear Mr. Barbanera: This letter will ser:e to update m•_:• Amended Opinion of Title dated April 26, 1982 and certified through April 21, 1982 at 8:00 a.m. There have been no c;«:n:-es from April 21, 1932 through At:-ast 2, 1982 at 11:00 a.m. JFP,b-) it Sincerer: yours, JA.11ES F . `POhLACK o Lit 1 2 3 4, and Lot 5 of- D 1 7 ''n- t: o 17 D,,"e CotinLy Flc,l-. c Fi e o- t: c) C, CC__... De e c- n f7 1. To c- e c: -i e, S c, u c-, 7,7 C- 3 till"'11-385 Y,;.:TRGPCl..TAt,' C-1.1DE COUNTY - PUBILIC Y'ORKS SUBDIVISION CONTROL OPINION OF TITLE Ci t C, -d%pril 211 A.D. 19 ll� i! E:05 UC to 'he Lot 1, CAS--TLO t:o - q - tl-,OreC �7 a.� reccrded in Plat B; 2 7 o 11- t 'I-, e -,) ul. c pec�,-cl 04-7 Dace Cou--.-.-, Flor--'.. my sale am (are) of tne -; ::;on IL-Lt cin the (—!f• th" fee tit!e to t1w i,bove dc,,cril-d tvi,l prupt-rty was uni-er.,arried %-ji-cjo,.:er t h f - f C, 11 1,1C U r.-, ')7 ;, -1 t t n uhI h I !: i , o t ' r. i i i Sit 1 A: F X I "I IONS n 2- s a V (71 1- C n r i cl 1971 un, er. Cl e 71- -117 CO: C�- L-C� IU! N F!C-ri Cl J! 0 T-1 C- n C, e 71 s 7. e C, t: C, ON1. i 10 1 'Re c c AT c, 7 2 CIS. F 4- i c, 71 7 n IC, C- 5 8 R - 1! z Z7 v C--' Ti: i_ n to lk I 1 1 . C,; - I I - I - A " j , al=z ��ft 5,1Z R I A',," T ZZA S U B 1) 1 ".T -S T 0,4 )J- E F I OS ORLANDO I:AGUIRRE, an fee o-,,ner unremarried ,,:ido,.:er F E D E RA L NA T I O',:'.. L mort ,e holder b:. MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION4 Assignment of 'Mort age filed Auk-ust 27, 1971 1 I : . , , 11 - F j. , , f7 -, T L 1 1 IL (h:s day 19 -8 N A','. E 2500 Douglas Road, Suite "B" Coral -G:i.'L)l,esy- -FL- 3313-4----- A L) D R FSS JAMES F. POLLACK, P.A. ATTpr?NEY AT LAY! 2500 DO•JGLAS POAD ;5, w. 3 7 ±- A V F_ N V E, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TE Lr P-0 4E as 5•35,4 AEA COCE 305 August 4, 1982 HAND DELIVERED Cit-. of Niami Public Works Department Enzineering-Subdivision Control 275 N.W. 2nd Street 4th Floor ?•fiami , FL 33129 ATTE:::TO:, . R0317RT Re: Rianiza Subdivision -see attached schedule All of Lot 4 and 1,'esterly 17 feet of Lot 5, Block 11, KE:•J GARDE',S, PB 8/9, Dade County 0::•ne:--:.tangs io Riancho Opinion. of Title certified through 2/25/82 and Letter undatinT said oninion dated April 26, 1932 Dear =•r .._ . Bar:�a;:era T i.is letter :•-ill serve to upda tmyo mOpinion of Title dated April 2 1�,-�, an,d certified throe,-h Februar••r 25, 1932 and letter elated :;pril 26, 1",3 and certified tt.reu<- , April 21, 1982 .;t 3:30 p.m, There h-i-,.,e ;peer: no c'..anr•e:> ro-,i :1p:_1 21, 1982 through Aus . s 2, 193'2 at 11 :00 Sincerely yours, J:1:.'.ES F . POLL:',C'K JF';b SCIIiEDULE "A" Description of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and Lot 5 of the proposed RIA"'IZA 5L'BDIVISIO,I, Cite of Miami, Dade County, Florida Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, RIANTZA SUB DI`'TS ION All of Lot 4 and the Westerly 17 feet of Lot 5, Block 11 of KE'., GARDE:,S , Plat Book 3, Page 9 of the Public Records of Dade Count•: , Florida, together with the East half of il.W, 30 Avenue bet.. een the ;`forth R/W line of N.W. 11 Terrace and the South margin of Comfort Canal. Lot 5, RI ANIIZA SUBDIVISION Lot 1 of CASTILLO SUBDIVISIO.I, Plat Boor: 71, Pa e 27 of the Public Records of Dade Count:, Florida, toc-ether with the West half of NJI. 30 Avenuc, between the ;forth R/W line of I.? 11 Terrace and the South ma=ir: of Comfort Canal. Said lane',; situate, lyin and bein in Section 33, Toe:- s`.:ip 53 South, Rance 41 East, (,it:: of 1'tiami, Dade County, Florid 82"_389 JAMES F. POLLACK, P.A. ATTOMNEr AT LAW 2500 D O U G L A S R O A D (S.W. 3 7 T .. AVENUE' CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 -April 26, 1982 'Metropolitan Dade County -Public Works Engineering -Subdivision Control Miami, Florida Re: Rianiza Subdivision All of Lot 4, and Westerly 17 feet of Lot 5, Block 11, =GARDE`IS , PBy 8/9 , Dade County 0�,-ner-Atanasio Riancho Ooinion of Title certified through 2/25/ 82 To Whom It May Concern: This letter will serve to update my Opinion of Title dated April 2, ]_9S'_' and certified through February 25, 1982. There have been no changes from Februar_. 25, 1932 through April 21, 1932 at 3:30 p.m. Sincerely ;:ours, J �:'E'S F . POLLACE: J'' ^ : b b TELEP O� E 44- • - „4 ♦a EA. r-C E JOS 82-98:9 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING — SUBDIVISION CONTROL OPINION OF TITLE TO: DADS COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. With the undvrstandini; that this opinion of title is furnished to DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, in cornplianco with its Ordinance No. 57-30, and as an inducement for acceptance of a proposed final sut,division plat covering the real property hereinafter described. It is hereby certified that I (we) have e�imined the coh.Slete Abstract Af, Title completely covering the period from the BEGINNING to _ t'Urlla2_:_ , A.D. 19___, at 8:00 A.M., inclusive, of the following described real property: y (Describe only realty to be subdivided) All of Lot 4, and the t•Testerly 17 feet of Lot 5, in Block 11, hE,•T GARDENS according to the plat thereof, aS recorded in Plat Boos: 8, Page 9 of the Public Records of Dade Count_;, Florida Basing my (our) opin:on on said complete abstract coverint; said period I (we) am (are) of the opinion th,t on the last mentic,red date the fee simple title to the above described real property was vested in: ATE%::AS10 G. RI.;:.C11,0 Subiect to the follwvang encumbrances, liens, and ether exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. All taxw., for the tear in which this opinion is rendered, unless noted below that such tares have been pa 1d. 3. Rights, of lrrsons other than the above owners who are in possession. 3. Facts that would be disclosed upon accurate survey. -1. Anv unrecorded labor, mechanics' or materi;almens' liens. 5. Zoning and other restriction:, imposed by governmental authority. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 111.C6-11 - PAGE 2 1 4' • , 1 i Therefore It is my (out) opinion that the follo•.vrng parties must loin in the platting of the abo,:r deticrcbed real In order to grant DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, and the public, a rood and pr,)per title to the !educated ateas �.hown on the final flat of the aforedesc•rlbed property, the subdivision thereof t „ NAME INTEREST ATA'NASIO G. RIA'NCHO, fee o,.-ner if married, include spouse SPECIAL EXCEPTION NUMBER 1, the undersigned, further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. f A Respectfully submitted this day of 19 F.NA-ME 1R"t_-L,,-�C.Ki ADDRESS, r) I II.GS-I I - PAGE 3 I d, a t 1 .3 r i r c t - c i Char I Tiln, xf 77�-,j 0 Z7 C 're --!at ha s a e:.:--*cj,-- I - - -.-,at�- U,- r e,-:U _21U 21: ,.C_ e 0 f 'u h 2., -� - � _I - �.2 - -- a t r, a 1no i red CC: It 82-989 to 05 U T34 J F 11 17 U D )'%0 S Ll D.-