HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-1054.J-82-45a M82-389 (5/11/82) I482-817 (9/9/82) %I82-997 (10/28/82) RESOLUTION No. is X�•?�° A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ATTACHED RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MTAAII PRO- FESSIONAL BOXING AND 14RESTLTNG BOARD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMta FLORIDA: Section 1. The attached Rules and Regulations of the City of Miami Professional Boxing and Wrestling Board are hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of November 1982. MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R ATTEST: RALWi G . 0 N G I E ``CITY CJ,EkK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARF DEPUTY CITY ATTOIiNEI' APPROVI'D AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: TY ATTORNEY CITY COMMISSION ' MEETING OF NOVA 1` 8? SWUMt1V•...s.rw•w.... ••+•w .y.,p••ww•..� Honorable Mayor and Members November 1, 1982 J-82-45 of the City Commission J-82-45a Jose R arcin-Pedrosa City tornev City Commission ;feeting of November 4, 1982 Formalization of Boxing Board `toti.ons (2) On October 13, 1982, our office delivered a set of tenta- tively revised Rules and Regulations of the City of Miami Professional Bo:;in; and b,restliilg Board to the Recreation Department for Board reviet, and recommendation. At its meeting of octobcr 28, 1982, the City Commission adopted Motion No. 82-997 approving '•favor Ferr.e's nomina- tion of Jnmo�: Resnick to replace Harr: I.izaridi as a member of the Board, No action was talon on the appointment of a Board Cliairmlail 017 a f in:ll 1Pp0intmellt which is yet to be rlad(c by C0111I:11.;Si.C)11Cr Perez. on Frfda:•, nrtOber 29, 1-98", 117e here informed that the Board member." ilrld 1pj)rrvcd the attachQd Nule. and };t-:C-'ulations. Pursuant to '.i(,tion ':us. 82-389 and 82-817, and in accordance with Ordin.1ilcc No. 9490 rtrlic'.till•ilIC" t11e 1),o-: i11^, 1i1-)ard, wc'_ arC rl_'CU%1MC11(1i11 al1U}�L iC�11 of t11i' t';:o II ;IcIIed rC' o I u L ioil S. the f il':�t rest, Itit icln forr.vzI i::t': thc ,lj'.poiIll f .Taints Resnic'1; and afford;; tilt-' oppol-Ltill it`: for Commis-:ionc'r Perez t0 nc>t::lllatc r111 ill(il`: idllal fC)r a1)1)n1_IILI�c'Ilt LO the Fiord; t11is same reKoltit i(1n 1)t•0vit-je:. for the aIppoint^lent of an individ- ual :ls P)ol)rd CIlairrlall. 'I•ho second resolllLion approves the attached Rine~ and Rel.ulat ion ; to he administered by trl_re �1 }ii!ard. JGP/j;FC/rr I rl cc: }lot:ard V Gary C'i t, Ma11af"et -Palj)h G, Oil-i 2 I 1 City Clerk. tll 4�1 A1. Howard, Director i Re rent ion Department i t CITY OF 4IAMI PROPD85IONAL BOXING AND WRESTLING BOARD RULES AND REGULATIONS CO:J'rE NTS Section Page I. Creation, flame, Purpose, Membership, Officers, Compensation, etc. . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 1 II. Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . 2 - 3 III. -ExQcutivo Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<= 4 IV. AJi-ii.s5ions Trix, Collections, Special Fund, etc. 4 - 5 V. Licenses ana Fees . . . . • 5 V I . Promo to rs . . . • . a . . • . M. 0 6 8 VII. CO11tractS . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • • . 8 - 10 VIII. Tickets . . . • . 6 . . . . . . 0 • . . . • . 10 11 IX. Arena i',pApment . . : . .,•1 4. . . . . . • . . . 11 - 12 X. Manvigers . . . . . . • ,. . . . . • . . . . 12 - 13 XI. Seconds • . . • . . . . • . • `. . • . . . . . . 13 - 14 XII. Contestants . . . . . 0 . 14 - 16 XI I I . W'-2 ighing . • 0 0 . 16 - 17 X1V. Gloves . . • • 0 . 17 XV. 'Bandages . . . . ... . 17 - 18 XVI. Boxing Officials; Contest Rules and Scoring; Rusults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 27 XVII. Spocial Rules Relating to Wrestling . . . . . . 27 - 30 XVIII. R'lles Rolatiny to Full Contact Karate an:? 'Cickho;.i;jg . . • . . • . . • • . . . 30 31 XIX. General • . • . • • . . • • . . • . . 0 31 Appendix "A" -- ".'ull Contact Karate and Kickboxing Rules" New 14exico Athletic Commission August 1, 1980, AC 80-12 j OctoL,�r, 1982 82-1054 CITY OF MIA:1I PROFESSIONAL BOXI'I'S AND WRESTLING BOARD RULES AND REGULA`.IOPI5 SECTION I. CREATION, NAME, PURPOSFE, MEMCiER5HIP, OFFICERS t COIMPENSA- TIC N, ETC. A. The City of Miami Professional Boxing and wrestling Board. shall be composed of five (5) members who are appointed: by the Comrni:,si_on of the City of rliami, Florida. rffectivo as of October 23, 1982, the number of Boaro mombt_rs shalt bz! inc reased to eleven (11) vkf .► rbers shall serve for a period of two years without remunor_ati_or, and may at any time by the City Coiit►[lisslon '.•.rithout cause. B. The na►n,2 of this Board shall be "The City of Miami Professional Boxing and Wrestling Board", hereinafter r-2ferre.3 to as the Board, and its purpose shall be to adopt and ad►niniste17 rules, aril regulations for the effectiv�-3 supervision and control of professional boxing an-1 wrestlin3 within the City of Miami, Florida as .authorized: by Chapter S, Article III, of the City Cod These rules and regulations anti amendmonts til(2rto slial 1 !)nly bec+oiiio of fective upon their approval by th(� Cit;' COMMissioll. C. The Hoard small consist of a chairman appointed by the City Commis: -,ion and a vice chairman, elected annually by the memll),-r5 at the first schud3uled meeting of each fiscal year. Md_,nhers of the Board shall receive- no compo-iisati.on for their-iervices, but shall he reim- bU17Sed )c Factual -.xponses incurred in the performance E� 82-1054 ' of their official lutiesi The Board, by a majority vote of all its members, shall appoint 1 designatel herein as the r,xecuti.vt� Secretary, Who shell bt? primaril,., responsible for tilt'_ Zcj'nini.straltion of the ruins, and rc ,pula- tion.i reg;irding boxing an-1 wrestling un�4� r t;Ze juris- diction of the Ro-ard. T1ie tent of the Secretary- L,rt'tltiurcr shill bo lnd?fl.ni.tf_'. but his removal may be Wlt^OUt C�11,o upon a t-tajorlt"y vote- of all members Of tht-2 Boar;; . F. Honorary may be appointed by the City Commis- sion ai anv time. F Tile Boar:l shcll l mai nt-ain an office at the Department of. Recrt_+atio�l, :.ity of II.iaTni. Tai.s office is to be open tt:) t.hc public from :00 a.1'1. to 5:00 p.1n., MOTldays throu,h : ririays. G. The Zoa-rrl sll<cll issue permits to a licensed promoter c.on(lucting, or giving i boxing an:a wrestling exhibi- tion, contest, encounter or sho,.. in accordance with t}lc'_5' rulos -an,! regulations and Sections 5-55 and 5-56 of the City Co le. SECTION II. MEE'1'liJGS A. MOTni7 rS Of t}-, givon reasonable advance notice., prereraLly i.ti writi,jg not less thali 10 days br!fal.l nc i.n1jS I the i3:).ard :i;i.cIn s'iall be called by thr� chairman who shall det:.ri;lin.-� the date, time and location of the mo,_�ti ngs wlli.ch steal l open to t}le ou})lic. B. 'Thrc 12 (3) of the Boar,:l ,3h.il l constitute a quorum. Iltllr"3s Oth:'L":"i-Se provi"i-2d herein, any motions rt.gul.zr.l`,mov,--!i anti :,econdt�d may be .adopte-d by the 82-1054 afirmati�, vote of a najority c` tnF s pr:2sent and voting. Eff(2(::tivt as of October 23, 1982, the presence of six (6) Hoard Members at a meeting shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. All members, includ- ing the chairman, have one (1) vote. C. A written summary account of the actions ta'cen at all Board meetings shall be Eiled with the City Clerk by the Director of tht� Recreation Department Within 15 days of eac,1 mc-2 i.Zhj, s:ai, •acco(111 rt_f1(3cti'I,j the narIcs of all i.iembt_,rs not in attendance together with an explanation, if any, for the absent munbars' failure to attend the meeting. SECTION III. E:XECUTIV!, SECRETARY A. The Ex_cutive SOcretary shall attend. all meetings of the Board and in the capacity of secretary keep a full and: true record of all its proceedings, preserve all its books and papd:!rs, prepare for service such notices and other papers as may be required by the Board, coordinate and supervise the. implementation of whatover policies the Boarcl may establish, mako such decisions and perfur-ln such ot%er duties as may be prescril)ed by the Board, and otherwise act for the Board in a manner consistent with tihd: ordinances of tho City of Miami. B. In addition to the Above duties, the Executive Secre- tory s:iall: 1. Act as secretary to the Board. 2. Accept applications for event permits and make recoi- mendations d:oncQt11i11,9 same to the }Board. 3. I'rt-.?Par,a 1 iconscs an,] permits fOr i:J:JU,illC(? by the Board. 4. Board policies, rules and regulations. 5. Rw policies, rules, and regulations to the R -)ard. 3 _.skf #,kc... - 6z Initlate mir,i",lve ac: ian acJ.ainst ll:;ense,?s when warrante(i in accordance with policies established by the Boarcl and ap provedl by the City Commission. 7, COI I�?ct fun(3:s 3 3 re;iuire<1 by t h o Board for all box, an,-1 wrt3stI in ex .i xjitL'inS, (:ont!3sts, encounter., an-1 sho-.a:, rey:ilate`1 lajf th�2 Baar(1. 81 FCeep .In accurat(� .accountir;J o` a11 Board fi.mis. 96 Supervise boxing an-1 wrest.lmy officials assigned by the Board. lo. nerf•)rri skich Other- duties as may be required by tht-2 3O:Ird. Cs In the ahsonce of the Executi;7e Secretary, the Board chairman may losignate an,,, )�r,!,-ib+ar of the Board to carry out tho duties of the 17,xecutivf2 Secretary. SECTION IV. ADMISSIONS TAX, COL1-AXTIO?7S, SNECIAL FUND, ETC. A. The admissions tax shall 1-)�2 imposed as follows: 3% of th'' grO:�:-i r(?cei`�t Of all bc)xi i g contests, and 3b of the gross rocei:Dts of all wrestling shows stag,? i within its jurisdiction. Upon being authorizod and designated by the City Director of- Finance, those funds, shall be collected by th" Executive Secretary who is thereupon charged with the r,.sponsibi.li-ty of checking the admis- sion receipts of all boxing and wrestling events and effecting collection of all money due the City of ( Miami. R. As soon as possible .after the cl(),se ()f the box office for any event, tho Promoter ( any corporation, unincor-- porate(l club or association, or i_ndi.vi:lual engaged in th(a promotion or regularly schedulo;l or individual boxi ng o- hi-bitioris, contest:,, encounters and shows) shall r-ia'ke a written report to the Board of the number of ti.ckots sold for the event ,and the price of: each ticket. At-. tht. sama time( t1ao report is made, the Pr()mot_or shall make payment to the Roard of. the 3% of 4 82-1054 A ' the gross receipts al()ng with til.a folloai .c3 payments to those individual:3 r,2sponsible for the_ supervision and governance of the event. as directed by the Board: One (1) Exr.cutive Secretary ? $50.00 Three (3) Inspector:3 (1 25.00 each Two (') T imeke,2p,2 rs 0 25.00 each Two (2) Juc:go-S, @ 25.00 each Three (3) R-3-frees ? 25.00 each C: All monies recei_%-�d from Foxing and virestling events shall bo deposited in a special City fund so that- r_e- 1at,3cl expenditures can be glade against these revenues. 4 i SECTION V . LICENSES A*ND FEIES A. The Boar.-3 shall issue licenses to PromoL-ers, Match- makers, Officials, Contestants, Managers, Seconds and such other parsons as it finis to be duly qualified. A license is a prare�-juisite t(-) participation in any capacity in boxing or wrestling exhibitions. B. Licenses shall. b:� i:3sued, suspende;i and revoked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 31, of the City Cod, an�i with the provi>,.ions of the herein rules and regulations insofar as the same are not in direct and irreconcilable eonf-li.ct with said Code provisions. C. License fees :shall he charged in accordance with Sec- tion 31-45 of thn City Coda. D. The Board ref;ui.r.es Lli:it whonovrr any person holding a license i:, a►)pro,:;jche•a ,vith a request or suggestion that a sham or c-ollusiv"_' contort he entt?ro(l in to or that thf2 contest not I)e conducted honestly and fairly, such licensed person must i-mmediately report the matter to the Board. railure to do sea shall constitute grounds for license revocation. iWI 82-1054 A. The following provisions shall generally apply to Promoters and Matchmakers: 1. All individuals or organizations holding exhibi- tions contests, encounLer.s, or shows must be duly licensed in orcier to hold such events. Any such license may be revok(-_(1 at any time for a violation of the h(�rein rules. 2. em,pIo•; e l by Iicense(, r)r(Jmrs, if acceotable to tilt: Board, :;h,.11 be, lic r;sE i by the Board in acc_or( ance with the pr-ovisicr:s of Section t• i S , CC ] 1 31- 1�3 of thy, Ci. t� Ccoa .:>>-Te In ll cZsc. Lh( :1at1 c - maker. ind th(- Prc7;;io!ter shall be jointly responsi- ble Lor miLches ri,�iln. ?1.rtciles shall be r,l.ai:' onl;, by a l nse:i PrC",lOt-.(?r or lief ns('(1 ;-1atc,,ima}:0r. Match;.l,-iker:; shall be hcic rc�s,7onS1)J1' b}' th(-2 ;3oard if they make ma L-ches in which one of the pr in- cipals is Oil tcIaU:Icd. For th,- prot(�ction of_ boxers in,, the pu!A. ic, persist---nt l,i:_', of jrluge- me;lt in th15 rep":1:,j will cons tiLut-,' ca1.1L;(J for r�".';�'ti.Lr1J I i'1 t-,,imar:errs or Proi'ioter's 1 i c c n s e B. Before a ilra-.ioter or Matclhinallka-r is i-ssued a license, the fo11owirlc; by the a,: ,lic,::nt shall be met unless in and irreconcilable conflict with law or the provisions of the City Code. The applicants steal 1 : 1. Furnish the Board evidence of the applicants good character. 2. State, in writincj ,whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any felony or of a misdemeanor invoIving moral t']rpitude, setting forth all de- tails in connectlOn with any such convictioIls. 3. Furni..h to Lhe Doarc or the applicaIlt's financial rusponsl_bil-i tV at least to the extent of $10,000.00. 4. File v:ith Lhe Bloar,l a contract Indicating owner- shiP or lozu: e-hal(3 interest in a boxing arena. Such cr,rltr.zct v.i l l i.ndicaLo the seating capacity of ,-ire1111 ,rlti shall be for a period of not less than 00 day:3, unl(s ; a :;horter pc( riod of time is approv,3d by Lh( 3oard. S. Fi.lc with the Poard ullblic liability insurance cov .r..:cy(, C 7lii:.al.nl.n ; rli.nimuil _,Citisf,1ctory (evidence limits of not than $r0,000.00 for injuries to ono tJucson, and ,100,000.00 liriit for_ injuries to two or I:i(-)rk `Jc'rSUI1:I. 5. Depr;:;it with t.-.hr, Board a band in a r:iinirium penalty of $2, 000. 00. S)ai(i bond will be accoptable in the sure of oitht2r 1 certified chuck, surety bond or cash. C. When the event is held in a City facilitj', the City S liability insurance re�7,uirements anki the rental fee required by the City slial.l be in adriition to any .and all other re(juiroments of the Promoter. D. A financial report of_ each boxing event shall be sub- rnitted to tho Board Officf2, on a forts furnished by the Board, within 43 hours following the show. The Board shall hav( th-a right to demand and receive from any Promoter his -'ntiz:o pass Or list. r. i10 Promoter of a pl:ograin of event:3 shall: 1. Pay any Contestat more than one-:juarter of the Contn t I s piii:se for an arJpraveci exhibition before the exhii0ition takes place. No Promo - to s1hall obl.ig-ato an'y Boxr.r financialy or othc r- wise such as by furnishing to gings, board, or person.-al loans, -,,tc . 2. 11.1ve an}f inanci al intorest in an%7 Boger. ,.rho appears in any event 1_n an arena which is operated UII, It'I- =.au ?rcmot�-,r's or matchf:a''K s direct SL"OU.rViSa.0N- 01" in which arena the Promoter or ,Mat(::I 't;c�i: haS a conLrolling financial interest. F. In case of a substitlation or Contest,--Int Boxers in a Main Bout, the Promoter. s}Mall post notice o` said substi.t,Ition in a conspicuous Place in front of the arenii or directly over the casizie.r. windows. If time Permj-ts, the Promoter shall publish notice of the subst.i.tltion in t°:ru newspapers of general circulation in Dade Count'✓, Florida. G. Licen.i;e! Pr moLer_s shall not hold more than one program or set of (-xhi:ii.tlons pc3r week unless otherwise speci- fically authorized in :rriting by the Board which autho- rization sha11 not be unro asonably withheld. All bo::ing programs shall .onsist of at least 32 rounds of boxing prise>,s ol.herwi;3c3 authorized by th,,-� Board. }i. All Promot�_rrs shall. provi,,i:a .a suitable Bulletin Board in the Contc-�sLanLsl dressing roods so that the Board can Host net-essary bulletins. I, Promoters shall be held responsible for the area in 7 ®2-1rN5'° — —_--i which they operate as to proper equipment, personnel, ushers, tic%.-�t sellers, security, fire prevention and protection, and anything else pertaining generally to the correct_ handling of the event. J. I3o:ping h0uts or contests are considered "Boxing Exhi- bitions" , bitions ' and not I ir�h�s or " Prize rights" NO pro- fessional boxing bout or contest :dill be permitted in connection with any theatrical performance unless by Perrni.ssion of the Hoard. K. Any Promoter or Matchmaker licensed by the Board who is convicto(I oil any fraud, sham, collusion or conspiracy detriment-.71 to boxing or wrestling shall be disciplined 1;7 aCc )rdRnC2 With t;l(` prOV1.SiOnS Of the Cit" Code. L. There shall be no commorcial advertising over the public adciress system during a program of events and no begging or soliciting shell be allowed at boxing or wrestling events. P1. Wager_inc, on pugilistic or wrestling exhibitions, Coll - tests, encounters or shows is prohibited in any arena under the jurisclicti.on of the Board; such wagering by Promoters or. Contestants Constitutes grounds for revo- cation of their licenses. S17ICTION VII. CONTRACTS A. As conditions precedent to the issuance of an event permit, the 13oard is authorized to consider all of the elements i.orth in this Section aIs they may apply to the event for which a permit is sought. 1. whc r,- a 1'oxc�r a0(,�::3 not honor- a contract with a ➢'r0m��l.�rr for a match, the Promoter is considered to 1)e ri cLi s,,ppointed Pr.omot:cr. A Boxer who has contras Lc i %,ji ttl 'a Pr.cmoter Lo bo:: at one particu- lar clIitj or location mu!;t: 1101.101" such contract before appearing at anothcrr clu'a or location. A 11 PromuLLr .rho is disappointed by a Boxer must immediati'ly notify the Bo.:rr.ci unless. the said Boxer 82-1Q.;..; is r 31(_',lsod fr i•t, his o iginal C., t react.. .i 5.:; c may be required to reimburse a Promotor for the loss sustained directly as a result of disappoint- ing tt?e' t ronotor . 2. dhcr C a P rU;no t:e'r clues not honor a contract: v: i th a ID:)xer for a Latch, th,2 Boxer is considered to be a disappninte',l Boxer. Tile Promoter must honor the C'OI7tract of th' di:;appointo? 1 Boxer at the next ,)O ;:;JblQ Clp�)Ort'._IIIIt�' Within i r'-�SUIl liJlri tl.f7,=. A I3l);ie2r who 1q di:ia�r!L b; a i rc?r:•,Ot,2r must immediately notify the Board unless the said Promc)t-Ir is released from his original contract. A Pro;,lOt„r I;1.1` tJ' ri llii.l" li t0 Ie'1C1:J'.12 s' a dls- d1)t)pl lltf';1 i30x,3 C for I:1017C v ax,p ?ndod in tralnl.ny find pr: paraL-i.on fe)1- the schi :^,Iulf'd match in ,.hLch he 3. 1'or 1a in Rc)uL:� an app arallrr� f-or,`.cit may bc, re- :Ju.iret" by the' BoarC1. Such forfeit muse: be posted by teach Contest.-.int wh�,n cigrood, upon by both par- t.i sai,1 forfeit: or money shall be deposited :i.t}I t'le Prarcl. V;I1hnc.\ e r a licen.5c r1 Contest: ant, 1) C :u:;e_0 ir, juric�; Or illness, is unablo to take part in a C 'Ct.!'3t fUC '.yhj_i, h,? is Lan(:, C01?Lr 1ct=, he O)r JI1.� musL i11fT1_' :iato- 1v report that r.aCt: LO t}l t'- t),7 ri:, an'l ;l7 cJ ll.t to all e:.,_IMI_nL 1-ioll b", ii U11�'Slc_1,:11? :CS1c ;1-aLt b.� the- t oul­j. Such ConL_'s- LalltJ shall Lo Lhe Board, in person or in writhe_), hl_.. I ,tiJn:_ t:)," IiCY,l- ,JL, ar:nce' and, if .:Lczv to Lhe 7-1 1, ]I Q;; rc. Sllal i los•2 hi:. a p.2,irar)cc' forfeit Milli: his liconse S•'ldll bJ 3U1)]CCt t0 I't_'VOCutlpll. Vie Hoard's action shall }�' moat o p--Ii 3. iC r0Corr1. �. The Contc_rst :I? :`s Mar.akior shall be hold accountable in the- sa-i,- manner as the Contostant unless he satisfies the Boarcl that he had no part in the Contr'Stant`.; non-appe:irc-Inco. B. Prior to all events, the Board is to be furnished t11e f:ol lowing: 1. Certi.f.iec. copies of all agreomonts between a. Promoters, and each Contestant. b. Contest„nt:3 and 'tanagers of each Contestant. Detail!; of all %11,xi^. Bo, -its, Somi-Final Bouts, or Double Rout:; on bONincj 1:)I:ocjrZims for which a pe) rmiL i.!; ac)llejllt. c-;hall 1)e:' submitted to the. 3oard at 10FISt one V.Ie:�% prececling tho progra:n. a. Signed C0ntl:,-tctS by these participants shall be :iul)Init:tf'lt ,.it. L111:i tiI'lI-) b. Tolc2gra:at; Iasi;' 1)(' wco )'-od a.i complianco With thi.:i •j[_CLle7n C O:IL)-,I CL5 if IIOCl?S:iary dat%I i.S strlte_cd I ; to tho dat12, oppo11011t, rounds, weiLjht, guar in1:.eo, anal age an3 the Rozird Shiil:l_ inform t11.' PCO1110t,C91- Of thc� is ;dance or denial of they permit within three days follra�'rinrl re_-ce ip1: of th(, completed applica- tion fc)17 thC' �Ir'rett.i.t. 9 82-1O54 i y v A .a s i cr {1) Details of the balance of -,-he scheduled exhibitions shall be furnished to the Executive Secretary at least 43 hours before said exhibition; (2) Contracts for the remaining bouts shall be turned in to the Board not later than 12 hours before the exhibition. SEC'I'IOi1yIII. VECKETS A. Proi-ioters shall see that all tickets shall have clearly printed on them the admission price of the ticket and no ticket shall be sold at a price higher than the prig_' so sho��;n. All tickets shall SpC_'.cif ' the section, row an_l seat as shown in the official arena scale reproduction on fit` with the Hoard. B. The solo of tickets for any propose:; exhibition is Prohibit. I until Elan:: shoring the following have been aplproved by the Fire, Fescue and Inspection services Department of th,-� City of 7liUmi. anal the Board: (1 ) soatin9 arr.jngements, (2) aisle spacing, ( 3) exit facilities, and (4) location of fire extinguishers at the place whoro the exhibition is to boy held. C. All ticket, CXCIU.SiV(' Of working press, officials, employ(30,3, and photon;-capiher s shall have the price and ni.rne of Promoter and date antl *1,)lac,2 of exhibition plainly printed thereon. Changos in ticket prices, placos or crates of exhibitions, shall be referred to the Boar(1 for approval. Tickets Of different prices must printed oii hardboard of dii=f-erent. colors. D. All compli.in-_,ntary tickets shall be either marked "COM- PLIN NTARY" in 1iir.ge letters or pl'op(--r.ly punched. Cchlnf:)li.mr?ntary ti,hl:ets shall ,hot exc(�o l three percent of thc� total capacity of the house, t?xclusiv,? of all WOfl:in(3 off "Gals. Each Hoar,.l Pqemb,jr shall be entitled to V.,,n (2) tickets. 82--1 s� The sale of tickets shall not exceed the seating capa- city of the house, nor shall any person be admitted without a ticket. P, Under no circumstances shall a ticket holder be passed through the gate without having the ticket separated from the stub or be allowed to occupy a seat unless in possession of the ticket stub. G. Ushers shall see to it that spectators are shown the seats to �,hich their tickeL- stubs entitle them and if anyone is unlawfully occupying a seat, the Usher shall ask that person to vacate the seat. H. No one, except the officials designated by the Board, shall be allowed to sit at the press table unless actually eng; nod in reporting the contests. T. No person shall be admitted to any exhibition unless they hold a tic}.et excepL: 1. tMembers of tile Police Department. 2. Moenbers of the Eire, Rescue and Inspection Ser- vice s Department -ohile in uniform. 3. Plainclothesmen of the Detective Bureau when assigned to duty at that particular arena. 4. All working City offici.cil.s. SUCTION IX. ARENA E�)U I PMENT A. The ring for any boxing contest shall not be less than sixteen (16) feet- nor more than twenty four (24) feet squarc! within the four. (4) ropes. Unless otherwise authori.ze,,I as ruquire(l by they Board, the rind padding shall consist of one 1" layer of "ensolite" or like material with equivalent resiliency applied over a 1" hasc� of "celotex" building board or material. B. There shall he provide,l by the Promoter a sufficient number of buckets for the use of all Contestants. Prop- 82-i054 1 NNW= motets shall also provide Eans, powder resin for can - Vast stools for seconds, and such other articles as are required in the conduct o,`. contests. Cuspidors or some receptacle for the Contestant:: to spit in must be placed in each Contestant's corner. betwr2n rounds. Promoters are directed to furnish a clean bucket and a clean bof.tle of water for each Contestant. C. When ! oartl scales are not tirod, scales of standard mace shill be furnisho(l by tho Pro voter and shall be thoroughly tested and approved. Scales must be pro- vided .3y PromoLors at all arenas. D. A gong not less than 12 inches in diameter shall be fast-ned secur.aly to one of the ring supports at the outside center of th,-2 ring on ._3 level with tho rind p1atiOCi:1. The Tlinek-noper ,shall use a metal hammer. In ringing the bell indicating tiie beginning and ending of rounds. SECTION X. MANAGERS A. No Manager shall attempt to select or insist upon the election of any designated Referee in a rout in which a i3oxer. under his man_ageinent is to aupear, nor shall. he have the! na,-.ies of any such Referee written into the official conL.r act covering such bout. Managert_3 shall not pay or contrihuto to tho pay of any Referee! under any circum , Lanc:e�:. Managors who act as Second:: for their own Boxers exclusively shall not be required to obtain a Socond's license. Any Rox`c not unt_3,:�r contract to a Manager may make his own r:ratchos and sign contracts. No Bo-;ur may have more than one Manager. A Boxer's share of the contract proceeds shall not be 12 8`1^S� less than 66-3/3ra percent of the contract amount. for any Preliminary Bout, SECTIoN XI. SCCONDS A All Seconds upon applying for a Second's license shad be required to take a written examination as to their qualifications. B. A Sc:conL' holding ;:,nly a Second's license shall not attemotto act as Manager or assist in any way in procuring matches. C. The number of Seconds shall be not more than three nor less than two for. each Conte-stant. D. No Second shall coach or in any way assist a principal during a rouni7," or, by -cord or action, attei of to heckle or anno} his LDr inci` al's oppon°. n'L. Seconds shall remain seated in place an:l silent daring the fight period of any round and shall not undF�r any cir- cumstances be permitted to knoc'� or pound on ring flooring. E. Should any Second enter the ring during any fight period of any boxing or wrestling bout, lie shall be ilnmeciiately eject«.�d by the Referee or Inspector. The Ref(_'roe Should order tho bout to continue. Such con- duct constit'atos grc.)unds for tho revocation of said Second's licensed. F . Seconds sh::ill not enter a ring until the bell indicates the and of a round. They shall leave the ring at the soun(3 of the TtmC'}:('r'p�?L"' S Y;h.LStl(3 ten SCCOnC b('fore a round is to be_3in. Ti1c� entire, ring platform and ropes shall be clearod of all obstru(-Lions, including buc- kets, stools, towels, etc., by thr, time tho gong sounds indicating the oginning of a round, and none of these articles shall again be placed on the ring platform until the gong has sounded, ending the round. (. Each Boxer's Chief Second shall have with him at the ringside the following articles: one pair of scissors, one bottle of smelling salts, of ammonia, one towel, one clean water bucket, one bottle of drinking water and the necessary tape bandages and proper caustics for stoppage o`_ bloo,l hemorrhages. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute grounds for the revoca- tion of. saiti Chief Second's license. H. Seconds are prohibitecl from spraying or forcefully throwing water on a Contestant. Use of grease or any other substance on the body of a Contestant is for- bidden; however, a limited amount may be applied to the face. CONTESTANTS SECTION XII. Any Contestant absenting himself from a show for which he has signed or has been signed by his duly licensed Manager to appear, ;•rithout a valid excuse or furnishing a doctor's certificate in case of physical disability, shall not be consic-lerea,I eligible to participate in any event for which a permit by tht, Bo.-rr<l is sought. The Prc-)moL-er or Mat•chm,:.I:er of any bout involving a Boxer not prevou:,ly licen:,ed by the Board shall be .i required to turn in a list of the Boxer's last five bouts at the tune said Promoter or Matchmaker turns in his permit applicati_on, No Boxer, boxing in a Main Bout of eight rounds or more, :,hall be to box, more than one time in a period of sj--�ve.n days. No Boxer, ho:;ing four or six round bouts, shall be 14 82-1054 al lowsa t7 ;JO', vi _„ less than 43 'act'. een bouts; no 3oxer, boxing eight rounds of prr_lir'1inary class shall be allo,ried to with less than three days rust between bouts. Cr. Unless special ipt .Mission is gi,;+"�'il by the C�30arC12 1. mo Boxer Fhall pori�itte(l to participate in any bout Why: shall at that t i.r-ie he under eighteen (18 ) y4:_ar5 of aqi.. 2 : t10 iarlagcr shall be 1 i---onsed who is under twenty- one (21) ycia rs of act-':. 3. 14o Secorlu: steall b=3 liccnso.l Who is under (Aghtr_en of age. In applying for a license, a Contestant shall give both his correct- na-mo anal hi.--; ring name, his address, and all lal"1'':1 appLaring On liCOn 0:3 hell by him that lzavr-- bcon, by other boxing, boards. G. h11 3oxor:-:3 applying for a license shall furnish the I oar,'l wit'1 t,,.o of and said photograph shall be of a size a!Dproximately two inches by two an'l ono -half inches. II. Coil tostants shall : 0X !,-I proper attire, including protc2ct ion cup, which shall firmly adjusted before leavi;i(j the (?ressing ro•-),n. Each Contostant shall supply h-Imself with a pair of loose -Fitting cloth trunks, different in color from that of his opponent. The wr_",iring of tights, White true::s or knitte1 tights is All trunr:9 shall b< of suffi- cic�nt, width r,cro:�:� crotch to entirely cover and conceal the protocl-ion cu!). The colt of the trunks :;hall not ��xt�n:l above_ the s;aist line. Shoes shall be of: soft maLeci"al, -and small not b•� fitted with spiKos, cleats, hard �;olo:3, 017 harcl 110015. With tho exception of a %athlro:)i?, no appar of other than as sp(.'.Clf ied above, may be riorn in th:� ring. I. !Ia Ln-Bout Contta�;tarlts inust arrive in the Dade County 1p area no i,_':ss than 72 hours 13efore t:ae time of the scheduled exhibition. Semi -Final Bout participants must lrrive in the area at least 43 hours before the time of thn exhibition. Contestants shall report to the Board Inspector at least one hour before tho bout on the evening they are to fight. .T. All participants in boxing exhibitions shall report for a L)hy�..ical. o-:-Imi_nation and in .at a tine and place de-Sigriato'l ,)." Ulu r`3C)ard, said �" x_iriinatl:jn to be conducted by a phj 5ici.-:an rtuthor.i.z(�3 an•: (c2sign_ated by the Board. K. All participants in exhibitions as well as officials shall be pail in the of tho Executive Secre- tary at a ti.mc closign ated by him. L. The use of any drugs o;: alcoholic beverages either before, or during a match by any Contestant is adequate A . B. C . cause for. his 1 i_r_cns•_•. In case a Contestant has an-,, ph-.,sic=i1 d'rc,ct ',,hat-soevcr, he shall not try to conceal same, but shall bring it to the attention of the Board when a,�plying for a license. SECTION XIII. Contestants shall be weighed in the presence of each other and an official of the. Board at such tine prior to the bout as may be designat-o l by the Board. COnt0S ,111tti :.ail ].1. b:: c1as:3ifiU,1 1 i f011O IS: Plywoight I3an` :nl'..e LC�nt Ban t -im«re i (3h t Feath,,r. Ii�i.yiIL J u n i c,) I" Light'4eight Junior :�, I t weight 1id, ?1c,',;oi,tht T,i.c�ht_ IIcavy.,r,,i,�llt 112 pouiicij or under over. 112 to 113 pounds over 113 to 126 Bounds over 126 to 130 pounds over 130 to 135 pounds over 135 tc) 110 pounds over. 1,10 tca 147 poun(ls (aver 147 to 1i�0 L)outlds over 160 to 175 pounds over 175 to 190 pc) unds all uV(3r 190 POL111,.13 No contc3st sh<ill be permitted when there! is a differ-- 16 82-1054 6 once of more than 12 pounds wht-,n the lighter chi the two Contestants weighs between 160 and 175 pounds; or 10 pounds in weight when the lighter of the two weighs botween 135 and 147 poiinds; or G poun-is in w+sight when the lighter of the two Contestants welIjllS lc-ss than 135 pounds. No exception., shall be made to this rule except by written permission of the Board. SECTION XIV. GLOVES A In all contests held in the City of Miami, the gloves to be used by the Contestants shall be examiner-1 by the Board In:;c,_ctor. If Madding is found to be misolaccd or lumpy, or if gloves are found to be imperfect, other glovea Shall b-:? sub Stit,ItCd before the contest starts. I rOLjllti�:tij 'l� or shall be permittc+ . If- the gloves, to be usud have been used before, th,3y must bo Whole, clean and in sanitary con- dition by being thoroughly (disinfected by the use of fo.rmaldchyde and properl;, softened with neatsfoot oil. B. The gloves to be us+-,,i shall b not less than 5 ounces in wiAght if such Contestant is in a lightweight class, or in a class of lc-ss weight; and, not less than 6 ounc:e!, in weight- if such Contestant is in a class heavii?r than the light-'veight C. (;lov(-,; for the 'Fain-l"ou+: i,lust be put on in the, ring aft -or Lht?. has first inspected the bandages on the hands of both ::ontestants. 1). ImI)17oper gloves can be confiscated by the Inspector. SECTION XV . BANDAGES A. A sof t surgical 1)an(Iaye not over one and one-half 17 82-1054 s inches an to consi-sti.:1g of not .-Jor3 than ten windings for E?3Ci; is ind shall be permitted, together :with one :rin:ling of surgeon's adhesive tape not over one and one half inches wide, placed directly on the hand to protect that pert of the hand near the wrist, and two windings directly over the knuckles but not to overlap and only one strip bet%veen each finger to hold ti1,2 in place . 3. Any change:. in the above di.r(!cti-on, for_ the huil(ling up of so as to protect bad knucklos shall be a1.lo w ed onl ' at the discruti.on of the Boar,, -I. C. Band q,2, shall bra' adjusted in tilt' drtlssint3 room lit -der the Sti:):?L"Vi310t1 Or i C'?T:7't t;C'tlt,"itiVi_' (DI the Hoard and in th_ presence of both Co;itesLant5 or as the Board's re3pr.t:2:.nnt itivt-2 dictates anCi up,�n complotion he Shall sta tp th front :1n;i Ilcic'.: of to n lnc in--lic-ating Board al. pr<)Val . SECTION YI:V. B()XI.NC: OPPTCIALS; CONTEST RUL':; INI )_SCORING; RESULTS A. All officials for an oxhi )iti_on, such as the Referees, Judges, ".::.:mining Phy:�icians, Time%oepers, Inspectors, etc., shall be designalu-,?d "by the Hoard and only those official:-, so dosignate(i shall have authority to perform t%ieir r.u:1,:t2ct1.ve function . R. The Board shall from tilnc� to time, appoint such number of Inspectors Jls, in the cliscrF'tion of the Board, may bo necessary. At: least: one inspector shall be present at: all cxhi.hitions. 1. No norson (a) who is, directly or indirectly, inL-er(�,;ted iri theinanagol,uent of any Contestant, or (h) who is ;in individual Promoter, or who is a si= c';",>1 1 'r in or an u:nployu,2 of a corporation, or ((I) wiac) i.:, di .-oc-Lly or indirectly inter`sto,I in an li,li.nt.ni,l;�ratt_:; elu!� or ;i:.,;()ciation engaged in the prr)inotiJn O; t:'>:h i_ill_tl.i 115, Shiil l be g17t111L0d an I115p(?ctor' ; I icon' o. 18 82-10 4 IM .40 "ir 2, Inspactors shall work in an,a in con- junction with such police officers as may be dat n i l " ' for the duty at the boxing exhibition. 3, The Inspector shall have supervision over Boxers, Seconds, and lu igns and all matters that pertain to the actions of the contestants themsclves wAile out of the ring so as to insure the proper condi— tion of fight togs, banonges ani the equipment the secondn should hav"_ baForQ entering the ring. He shall havo charc7n of all ar na entrances and insure that no rune is admitt,2d without a ticket, unless by order of a member of thy, Board. Tnshec- torn ryi`, _ reap ort to al 1 �L'Oiii �`'�r:� _1t f'_'V(2111t:3 to whic*11 t11 ar; assigned not later than ninety minutes bo Vore the start n3 the enhi5i.ti.on. 4. An Inspector shall &I in chlrg:' Of and SsPervisl=° the t:onducL of the dr 'ssin J room to insures' (a) that Contestants and Seconds are dresser in accor— dance with tho roles; (b) that tape and gloves are as rehired; an i (W that there is no delay bet'. ocn bouts. He shall see to it that one spat of Boxers is rCa6y to cent _r th,2 ring whilo th:' pre— ccding bout is in progr,:,ss. No rno hall I)c allowed In thn Contestants' nt'.s' dressing rooms except Managers, Seconds, and ;3oarA or Promoter's repre— sentatives. C. After ContostanVs and their illi^_i Scccnv3s arc! in the ring, tho Anllouncf� r shall announce the names of the Contestants, their correct weights, and make such other announcements as may bo allowed or directed by the Board. 1. The Announccr" must got the decision of the Referee and both JuGges on their official score sheets and he must not reveal such decisions to anyone prior to pahlic. announcoment. Tile Announcer shall, An- mooiat:ely after oach bout, turn over" to a repre- sentati_vo of thna Board the official score sheet used by the Jl.ages ana the Of_oroe. The Pr"noter shall pro -ion tho necass iry facilities for aIlnouncing. The roumis ni"t N; announced at the ono-r1i alit-o 1et'.Jc c_ n th'! room _ls. 2. If 71 bout iS l:ot ­ollclLlflo lj'?fore tlhe and of the schedulol rounds and Khern in no unanimity in the aycis.ionA ink Lho i?e Tu reo , nd the two Judges as to the outcnnI of tho bo it_, the outcome or tho bout shall he cietorninel upon the following basis: Decision of Referee and Determination of Individual. Judgos, outcome (z ) Wins (1 ) W i n (2) Draws (? ) Draws ( 1) Lose Will (1) Draw* Will (1) Draw (1) Dose Dra,.a (1) Will Draw (1) LOSC Draw This torm r,. flects a decision by the Referee or an in. ivi.dual Jucign that a particular Roxer has neither won nor lost. Is] •.. r.v.ry 40 4% ( 2) ;poses (1 } Draw Lose (2) Loses (1) Win`Lose (1) Lose (1) PTin (1) Draw Draw 3. Tho announcer shall announce the decision of the in:livirlui1. Judgos anc1 Ref:eree in all 'Main-Evc2nt and Somi-Final Flouts. D. Timekecp«�rs, one of whom shall be designated as the Knock-Doi,:n Timok'ceper, shall be licensed by the Board :vithor.lt fee. 1. The `i imr_l;eeper shall be seated at tho ringside within arm 1,�ngth of the gong. He shall indicate thcr b•�ginning and enJing of eac:l round icy striking tilt, gong with a hemmer. 2. The Time':(>:2per shall provit-lo himself with a wilialso, �a knoa,:-do��tl watch and a thr=e minut sto:-)-;catch v.hic`.i shall have been prop,2rly anc, cf_rti_fi.«.�._l by tho Inspector as to accurac % '.-)efore the hou'--. 3. Ton seco,,'A:- b«,f(_)ro the bf �, lnlil,7 Oi. etacla rOU11d the T'Lilo :eept'r shall Iive w,arrii.ng to the Seconds of Conti_ �tLlnts by tho of the whistle. 4. ruling" which re,:uires that all clearly t:;: d do;•;tl must take a counL of eight, t:he T.imc :ewer Must count to eig�-11- r«agarcile,-s of th«a ?exer_'saction before the 1)01.1 1�- lrltly D(21 rig: Llt1«3 . 5. In the r.vont a 13oxer is knocked out of th.a ring or has, out of the ring, 11e is entitle«l to a count of t.I'!11 }', and thc� Ti. -1 cep«.�r �iust count to eiq;lteC,n b;Afore the Oo',lt may b^ ro-sum(?d. G. fi.m:al:lep.r.e> must not ucn whistle, buzzer or other — instru,ne;,J_--s :i!_1rin,j 1:11r progro�s of a round. The whistle, of other instrument: must o used 0l11-J tell prior t_o Lhe Oot;inninq of the CO11tC'yt= an'.1 tell S'CcolldS prior to tho beginning Of e;lch r ii -jcl. I;.-ac:h Conl�':�1:.:1nt fill.all, prC'Ct'�l1n,J his appCar:lnce in the ring, b. given to a physical iination 11 a duly lice n se,,l Phj,:.,icihn ,: ppointod by the 11c),3r(1. 1. lnsp__ctoC:7, actci1arcj«`cl with Lhe kluty of seeillq that tili:� provi15i7'l is complle-1 with. 2. No Contestant- ,;hal l !Vart in a contest until ;ti prc�n�lurrc«��i f iL to do :,f) bj, the Physician appointed f:ll`' ii«-).:ll' 1 1n.l th«.' f:l!'t_: of f�il�'s c,il examitla— T of- tli,,! nhv:.ical �i t_.le:;s of Contestants s s11:111 « crLi tied ov r t.11i :,i��n it:lr«� of the said }-' P11 sicia!). T,..jc1 :Fuicy thO 13o,1rI sh,111 :1ssit the � A N fi:l ra decision at tho termination of } T 82-1fN r- 20 4 each ex+li:;i_tion. -here mall be no iic nsc, - nor Judge Judgug will not be licensed as Ianagers or Seconds. G. The chief official of exhibition sh_-ilI be the Referee, who shall have general supervision of bouts and shall take }iis position in the ring. 1. The referee for all contests shall be assigned by the Board. 2. 'Clio Rlcf,zrec shall, before starting a contest, as�,c�rta.in f r-j.;1 each Cont scant the nar,ie of his Chief. Second an�i the chief Second shall be held res son:;ilble for Lho conduct of his %1ssi:7;tint on'l Duri?l Lhe nrogress of the O."'nibitions. 3. Bc for(: eacil boar , thc� i:,3 f•2 rec2 511,311, c•.c l l con ie s- tants tot;c2tlnev in Lhe rin j for final instructions dur.inrl %ahi.ch t:imr each Cont,�st:ant shall only be Icc:�..11 ani_,_<. I"1c ,zfb 17 1:c-'(:12i\7incl in5�:ructions, s'.Zall shako han s t�� tilt. lr �Urill 1":�. 1}1l shall not :ill•1::C ;IZM 1S 1-191n until t.lo 1)t:c7lnning of tht' lant rol -cl. 4. l' s—)r:, 7 'l'It'r. 'L1,a!1 'L--'i e cOiitests- an(i the may entt2r the rind ciu.-ing t:i progress of a round. 5. The i;1­t`._reo shall i.nspt�ct gloves and cups of all fighters in all boots; and, in the Main Event, he shall also inspect the bandages of the fighters. 6. Tilt' Refer*tc rc shall. m,-Ake sure that no foreign sub-- stancc'S helve :;:?t_'Il applio-1 to tilt_' gloves, bandages, or ooc3v of ci.thel: iUXe1- to the. do._'tr il,IOnL of his 7. `PheN I efurcL� shall bra T,,ai.t1 by the promoter. 8. Vic! Referee silali have the power to: a. Stop a bout or con Lest aL any stage and make a decision if he consitier_s that a Boxer is untlblo to F. b. Di::c;ualif:y a Cwit�2st ant who commits a foul, as mo r- pl-irt i cula rly of inec.i in Subsection "K'I oi" this Suction ana, to ay. ird a decision to t:h vi �l i_•;1 of the f:c�ul, e. Stop a houL or cont:est if ho considers the c_ompetii-ni-s are not in oarne:3t. Tn this case, he may lis(lualify one or both of the 9. vie not t-ouch tho contesting Boxers, exccut-_ oil the f,a.ilurc_ of one or both contestants to ol),jy the "iit ?ili:" command given by the Referee. 10, Tht' Pe f ,:: roo shall ho the j llc_lgo, i.n ctDopc'_r ation wit. -In Lho Roani's c livsician, as Lc7 the fitness of a Boxer to contlnuf2 (fur in j a bout Jh 2 1 .o Ls seri- ously injured. Should a towel bt2 thrown into the ring wh(2n a Contestant is "Down", the towel shall be igrlore,i an,1 t}le Ri2f,21:,2o ail:i Tllnc?keope2r Shall contiriue as if sail Tov;(A ila3 not- -ippear(23. li. tvilhen a Boxer is cleanly knocicecl down he ihall he re- quired to take a count of e-_i.(]11t F2ven though lie may have gotten to his feet before the count of eight has boon reached. Should a Boxer slip down or fall dovin or be pushod down, the shall b-2 or.:lorc:cl t() his feet im ledi- ately. F-i Ll jro t) rise may Sul) ject hirn to diS(lu•"illfi- cat:ion. 1. A Contestant shall bo doc;-icd "down" even though lie inay be rising from the -floor a. tJ!ien any part_ of hiS body other than his feet Wirt' oil thy.' lo,�r; Or b. Nhen he is han,i.ng helplessly over the rope. 2. a. A Bo',cor hanging ov,,r the ropes is not offi- cial lv "do,:n" until so prunounced by the Rof`rc:� v lhu ca�i (.ouilL th,_ Bo-�f2r out ei_t:ior on the ropes, or oil the floor. b. If a Contcc tint is helpless on the ropes the Referee :;hall in-tantly intervene, declare the holpl2ss Boxer "dor;n" and proceed with the counlL as iih the case of 'Knot down. 3. l41en a occurs, th,`' Timelceopi?r shal1 lInR1e(1 att� V :12. -Se 1111C1 £1;1:101111C'' t.l,_' S('_coll :i 31.1•'.11711r as they Claps-_.. The fieferce_ shall first se(? that the onnon�_,nt Lo the farthest c,')r-ner of th(- rifig; ati,! ttien turnin( to th::' 1l ni'',:('c 1) , the 5�1111 pie", tit) 1.11e c;oliilt lip 11111SOi1 :Jlth the announcing tho socondS to the Box�2r oil the floor and iindi-cat-in,-i th(�' coiint :;itlh a Motion of thc2 .-1rm. -1101.11:1 tho 'Bo,xcr- on hi:-3 feet fill to st:1v in the f irt1h t- cOrnoc, the iR(3`,3reo and Tio-c-,kc-ep,2r sh:,11 counting until it ' has so r­�tirrl to �iai(i cornor. T` the i n.:er on i.hc -Floor fa i 1.�; to riso tc) his feet. beforo th�h count of ten, the i 1-2 l'c?roe :;11:111 dc,r_lar_e ilim t-110 loser anti declare his oOr(Dil nt th,:n A. If a round ;El it 1 naturally terminate (luring a r;llocl:(iowli Count in , hof,)rc2 a COLInt of ten is ' r�2 the. " ' , shall sound the gong once, .ac,lcci, i.mf-l:.(_(_n,_ r i:)Ius i n I i c a t i ny tho Lorininati.orl of the three mi.nntE3 ruun(l. 5. Shoo 1(1 ;i I10x(21- lo-iv,2 tho r i nO during the one- 111.I1 tc.' 1N'rlO 1 i3 _'t'.Jc1t?11 rOun(lS and fails to bo.. in tI1e rlih:l wh,2n L--he gong sounds t:0 rE'Stlmt� boxing, t}l. 1-,3[-'t7,2(t S11-111 C011nt hill out, tho same as- if he wf-r•' "down". 22 8AW U.14 ob i Boxer •ti io ilas fallen out of thI2 ring cr w'.o has :)Con }mocked out of thring mast return to the ring unassisted. 1. Whcn a Boxer has- been knockc(i out of the ring he shall 1)t2 required to to 1(_> ,1 Count Of Ci.ghtet?n even though he May have gotten bac': into tho ring and onto his feet, bt_fore tht� count of eigilter_'n is reachet:. Should a Boxer (,a) fall out of the ring but not off tht-� rind apron; or (b) be pushed out of the ring but not off the ring apron, he shall rotlirn U-) thr' rinct an,,' resut�-' 1.`-t::l-t^,ct 1fC1(ii2di�ately An 11i: fai.lur to (lo 5to may subject him to dis- Cj11 11 1 f LC-3 0n . 2. When a 13-)xur. Us 11:norr:c,d out- of the ring, bushed out of t-h.� r. ing or fal is out of thr� ring, the 9' i :nekL'.2r;or steal 1 irlmedi it(2ly arise an:l announce t:h(2 '30CU;: -1:3 audibly a_; t►1e;% Cla the R(2ft.roe sh,il l fir.�t sec t "tat the opp,:)rent (retires to the corner of the2 r.intj f,=hrtht3sL fro!-t the point where the other Boxer h:as left the ring; and then turning to the 1'i,hc'r;cer r, the Rt_f._.r sh.111 Pic'.: up the count in units-)11 vii.t_-1I the imekeep,?r, announci.Il:J tho s�:�cond:� to t1ht� tatit of the r_incl an.] i.n_.ii.c-ltin(.r til' c r)ta'ht With a 1^0t_On of the arm. 3. v9nen a 'Boxo %,'ho (a) hl-is out of the rims_ ; or. (._,') n,as fallen our_ of tht-� ring and off tie r.in j apron shall fail to btu on his feet in the rin1-x before thv Re47L�r11�e and Timor:et3p.2r have I-eaciled the coi-int of t:senty, the Referoe sliall declare hire Eno los,�r .:III(] declare his opponent the winner. J . When a Boxel- is r:noc ke;l unconscious in the ring lie is that to be touched by anyono until the Roard Ringside Physician h<ls first trxamine:l him. 1. If in tile opinion of. the Ringside Physician, .any CUnI_C':3tunt- 11dS sovere undue punishllt?nt or is in dan(1t3r off: s..'rious phy'siclil injury, the Physician shall haw, Lh-a right to terininaLo the I)OU L h1' thE' iini-':C"? I: LO St `".i'KO t t►ll3 bF211 CUt1ClUSion Of tiltbollt by a techn is'11 ;:not_l;olit. (a) -in the event of: any st.r�ous in jury, th- kin, !;itlo P►h"sici an shall it,1;1e- diatt,l runtl(:r -i11v ?t-t,attCV tY(?tltEhlc�rlt :1t'r-r:,:,,iry', recUfll'1CIld furtl,rt_"J Lrolit-.Inca nt or hospitali'Zation if retlur' 3ted, and tI I ly report the entire matter to the i3cr.ar within 2.1 hoar;, and tit Iv thoro- after, if necessary. (b) Such Physi.ci,_ln may also k r.ecluiro t.h,.tt tho injured nox, r and his managor rc•Inlli_n in tht, ring or on the prlmistys after the conLL�-It f-(�r. such poriocl o` tiino as th_ Physician dt,t!a-Is ativls'do1 '. 2, ;Jhen a Boxer is %nocke:l unconscious. he shall not ' be pormiL-ted to fight: again i:1 Miami until pro-- ' noutict ti c:o,npetent and fit to fig' -it by the Chief Modicl11 , %ai:iinor of the I3c,rhrd. a J 23 8"Ad --10J11 11 IF a Boxl'.r. Sll:at:•:iins a .o tour 1{rhockouts o- ;-,ix consecutive defeats, iris condition shall be subj•:.',t to Roard ingui.ry and hearing to deterimine if he _ competent aril fit t.-) fight. K. The Bo•lr•i lem<atl(?:; tIiat .all Contestants engage in sports,manli};,, b')xing 1. The follo'rring practices are not a part of the sport of boxing and they arty cons ildered to be ioi21.�. Such activity is 11};ely t0 CaUS(? UriClllr_' inJurir?� to i ont--estZnts. Foul con(luc= is dt_'(_'l7E'd to b(? to i00,U1,19 lna (1ng1glng in till-S con(leict: shall constittlt( seiclh an infraction of t!lE'St� rillo-ail} r.�aulation i 1S t0 all' 11Or1"' severe p�'nll`l'_: i'1•_.ei�il�'7 I1(Jl: 0;21" alS��ulli.i:.citlon lI1 t,le 11oeit tlIf `(Ju t 't;;.'_:i place 'OUt also r,-'t)OC.—It ion of 1 iZtJXE r' ., l iconse; a. Hitti-lo 'Deloel' the b. tiittin j a12 opponent who is down or in the act of rising aftcr 'o,Ang down. r_r. Holding an o p, )nent with one hand and hitting him with tho othor 11.1nd. d. Holding Or (.,�1ib':�r.atoly maintaining a clinch a°�,r t ', i e Rel,>r,3_ 11as or:dercd a "BREAK". e. :Jrr�sr_lir,c� at tilt ropes. 11 f. Pushing an opponent about the ring or into the rolpe s . g. Stril;in t an opponent who is helpless as a result of blows an-1 so support-e,l by the ropes that h<:! i s riot .a1Jle to fall . h. Hutting a.ith the ahead or shoulder or using _ the knurl 017 to stri};e an Opponent. i . iiittillc� wi.t.,] tth(1 opon Glove, the butt or off the han:l, the back of the hand, the (_lbow, or lhr' wrist. _ 3. Using the kit ,inoy punch or the rabbit punch de�libc�ratcly. s k. s P;11 1 i r19 or leavincg ono' S feet dol tber- a ately anal riot: .a`a a result of a blow. E 1. Iabbin7. an Opponent's eyes -Ath the thumb of M. Enga(jing in my tlrlsportsmanlike ,action in the rind or li};ely to caus(a injury to an oppo- n(_:nt; , .xaim ple, striking ail opponent who is c'om 1 ,-i rig with a Referee's order to "BRl:Ak, e '• 2, In the i ntnr,!.;� clarity and rin.lorstanding, the i3c�Ir(?'.s pr):=ition in rr�gar,:l to ti1,-! above prohibi- tions is ,ieline'Itea as follows.. Y r t 24 82"1 �� '• It In case of a knockout, the Referee, after the count of ten, shall immediately raise the arm of the Contestant who has scored the knoc'-out and der,lar, h inn th•:� winn•--r. . 2. In order to arrive at a true conclu-..3ion, every point should bra carefully observed and noted as the round pruor--3sses vrith the winner of the round to be deter Ined by thr'_ contestant receiving the largest number of points scored in that round. 3. At tivr r�n3 O the' CJnte�t, th+? CJnt['St.L1?lt ':r}nO has to }ni:; -r iit the groatost numb-3r of points is the wlnier. F--ic n rounn is to be accounted for on the snore oar.-] in 4. Th.? ten }point slYsterl will bc2 u3-2r!. a. For a Dr;ia or Even round each contestant will receive 10 points. b. For t}nc scoring of a round when. one Contes- tant: has a c h i e v -ill advantage over his o;_�lponen;: a ratio ,ill be used; such as 10/9, 10/9, an3 10 /7. C. For a slight edge, the winner receives 10, LL t. io loser. 9; for a s:ir7e advantage the winner ;roul'i 1pcssiiply receive 10, t}:e loser Lon a Still ,.iricr. a iv.zntagc in tho case of one or 6 more knocf,:3uwn�; during the course of a round, the wi.nn _ 1: aoal.: pass i'vl1' rccr.ive 10, the los,.�r 7. - d. The points showing the conclusions by ,rhich the decision his been reached must be clearly - indicat,.i can the score card which is a perma- nent record' o.`. the contest. e. At the colic1. is ion Of eac}n contest, the Rcfernn. %anc3 Illd3rj+':; shall - (1) mar.': .-, n "X" next to the name of each Boxer; (2) indi.ra try, Win, Draw or Lose upon the score carry; and - (3) shall deliver the score cards promptly s to the Announcer. (4) `r:ne decision of the Refer<-,e and .judges shall be based on the following points. (a) A cle._,n forceful hit, landed on any vulnerable front part of the body above the he l t should be credited ill pro;pur-t.ic li. to it-3 dai;,iaging effects. f r (b) Agtjressiveness is next in impor- . t�incc <lnd ,points should be awarded to t:he Contestant :rho sustains the ` action of ,i round by the greatest number of skillful attacks. 2 � �2-4�5•� a not ?nly be pen3lizecl by loss of the round out 11so may be dis�-lualified if such conduct is `l,,grant or. repeate(l. In tll,? c:•1S(? of rope atc-11 1i11nor flouls, such as hitting '.v'i.th the o:)(?n gl(�v(', clinching and prolonging contest .after warning has been given, the TZef:eree shall punish the offonder with disqualification. In the case of major fouls, such is illu- strat oe l 10(�1OVI, the Referee sh..11 l i.nforrl Contz.stan ts; tllat thcfoul:-, ::ill not be tolerate(l am! can rc,sult in SulT-larr, disqu.11i- fication ,i .houL" farther. warning: (1) tiolcling \•;itl1 on,:� liand in.:i lii`_ting with tlhe oth•ar, wllich i:; aii ianfi air method of lanCiing a blol,, anal !TI lj- 11u';112 decisive of fect 1)c'CaUS0 tih vox('r Struck is unable to avoi(l or mr)%1(3 :it'1 the blcr.a to break it:- forco. (2) The kidnt_!y punc'h, 1n it l �!(;al blow land- ing on that part of the 1)acl: near the SpiMi 7(Il i Ov•21" t1112 ki.IneVS, is a major foil am.l strictly b,1r.r., l b(�causc it may produc(2 p(_rmanent i_njur-, (3) A rai,i)i.t struck at the l)ac'; of the m( c'r; ii(� ar the base of the skull anal is barre.i as dangerous. A 1)lo'.a lande:l on th(_' he.i., be hina the ear or on the sido_ of th,_ noce -,, as tho opponont turns hi.:, 11ea,', to avoid it, is not a rabbit punch. (4) Hutting with the top or side of the heal t..-, cause cuts over opponent's ey'_brc)":;s an(i other injuries affecting thu o11tcume of the contP_St. (5) "Thiimbinq" or )al)1)ing aL an opplonent's eye ;:ith th(, thumbs of the glove has fr_cquen( l j.' cau:;o.i S01:i0LIS injuries to 3`.If a rout is inLer,.-llutod i>('c.lu: (' of ,cci.(lental or delibor.=1t(fo111 Lng, th(' Peforet, shall determine whoth(_'I" the l•;ho has :)een foul( --(a can con- tinue. T F tho I oxer's condition has not bean suricmF;l ' of the foul, the lb.'f; re(' 1111NY or(l(::r tho bcmit to contimie of ter a r011!1011atb141 intOlWill its (leterGline(l by the Referee who sh:111 so in:;trilct: th(' Timokoop,3r. L, The Refertkk sh,-ill 11,c.iLie .ill qu(�:st:ions arising during a cont:::,t Which d171' not: sp._�ci f__icall;' covered by these rules and ,;hall ,al.sr) render hi:s cl( (-ision at the eonclu- Sion OF a contest, iI1 conjunction with the Judges. 25 8A.# V �a' 1 In case of a knockout, the Referee, after the count of ten, shall immediately raise the arm of the Contestant who has scored the 'P:noc}cout and dec 1,3rr him the winner. 2, In order to arrive at � truce conclusion, every point sh-)iilA be c•arr.ful l%obse�-,rved an 3 noted as the round progresses with the winner of the round to be (icternined by th,2 contestant receiving the largest number Of points scored in that round. 3. It th,' e[lr,, of tin,, contr'�t, tht? c'Jt1t.rSt.ant who has to his C-1.7,21it the grc<lt^:hL nurib-�r of points is the winlher. . Each round is 1:,7 bC account cd for on the score sari in fi'j 's. 4. The ten point system will b,l, uSC-1. a. For a Dr:h:a or Even round each contestant- will receive 10 points. b. For the scoring of a round where one Contes- tant ha a iiiev(3,1 an advantage over his o;?ponent, a ratio .,'ill be used; such as 10/9, 10/3, ancl 10!7. Co For a slight edge, the winner r,2ceivos 10, t1,1(? loser 9; for ,i :'irio a (id: ;�ntago the wiI1nCr a'oul rjos:;ii-)lv receiv(. 10, tl:e loser 30; for a still :dia,lr idv•_lnt ;gf_ in th cas,-a of one or more knoc'-,.towns during t11e course of a round, th!2 wi.n;<<-r wo-ald possibly rc�c�Ave 10, the loser 7. d. The points showing the conclusions by :ttlich the decision hLas been rcaiched roust be clearly indicate;: o : th(, score card which is a perma- nent recor:l o tho contest. — C- At th0 conc I Its iOtl O t ('aC:h COI)tOSt, the Ref,- LrQr'_. an,l Sh<lll { 1) mark tin ":';" next to the name of each Boxer; (2) indi(7atr3, Win, Draw or Lose upon the scorch card; and (3) shall deliver the score: cards promptly to the Announcer. (4 } ';'he c?c.!c i.:7 ion of: Ulu- Refert- o kild JLldyes shall bci based on the foll':.ainq points. (a) A clean forceful hit, lan(lo� )ii any vuln,�)rahle front part of til- '-)OdY ' above the lholt should be cre,lited in proportion to it:3 da»agi.ng >rk4 ,affects. (1)) Agyrt-!ssiv,2ii,hs:s is next in impor- ?:anco and poi_nts should be za_warded to the k-ontostanL %•jho sustains the acLion of t roun,3 by the greatest nu^bt. r of skillful attacks. } 0 2 �1ext in imp:Drt3,1 iS sportsman= ship. A Contestant sho.il�d b,"� g.iv�n Cr:dit for sportsrianli;ce -iction in th'2 ring, cl-D i3e. acih,2renc o to the spirit as w,211 as to the letter of the rul(�s and f,)r r_frzil:int: from taking techrii.c-1 a3,;a;nt 'l0 cif sitc.I-rtion:7 unfair t:) h.is ou;�_Dnent. UnsPor.tsmanlike conduct: ter ac-t.ion on thr2 Part of a cont:27:,tar,t shot.ild 11r:t�5JiSC� be taken into conSi3era- tion and r)o].rlt3 darliicteii ill accor- dance Defensive work is relatively n or- tant anci point:; shoul:: h— givens for clov-Dr1 avoit?ing or i(; a blo-:r. Points shouM bc� .ir.Jar3c2C? wher, ri:1g generalship is conspicuous. This com, ,)rises such points as 'Elie ahi.li.ty to grasp quickly an;:i t i e- a d va n ta g t � (D` c-1v��q��port.<nity tr o !_LC.21_n-.i; tr1C' (, Z1�?citl `ry t t(�LlJa'� r.tii tll a I.inOs of L3it i;itions :hi''h may arise; to for'�_SF,-= inc7 neiitrali.:e an 0i)Poncnt' s for .I of .a' ' ici:; ; c, f_orcc� an opponent. to adopt, a st.. l _ of at he is not ,)articri- larly skillf�.rl. It is fidvisablto deduct points when 11 ContSt. I, It persistently delays the action of a contest by clinching, holding and lack of agyre.i.ilvene:;S. M. All. Referees, Judges an�i Timekr`epors are forbidden to converse with anyone while they are pe-rforming their assigned duties. SECTION XVII. SPECIAL IRULF"S RELATING TO W1?11h'MLI1IG A. Wre:;tling compoL-itions shall be limited to one or three fallci with •a sixty (60) minute limit or such other time liriiit as the Board may authorize. B. Only Rc-fences licensed by tho Board shall officiate at any aru-stling colript'tl.tLOn hel(i vyi.thi.n the jurisdiction of thc., Borlyd. The Roft�ree is given power- to conduct t142 Room)-,ti.tion an3 to carry out Hie rules and regu- lations of thin, Beard, in(] his decision shall be final. 27 7� LI L arise which. are ;got. ,.:.ad by tnese rules, final decision shall 1,i� made by the Refc.ren. C. Wrestlt?r.s appearing in competition must be clothe,3, with clean athletic apparel. Trunks and tights must be well fitting with a high waistband. Opponcnts may not wear trunks of same color. Shoes must bta of soft uppers with Solt soles and lace with eyelets only. b. Thrr rind for any wrestling contest shall b_ not less than si::t am (1 ti) feet nor_ moc a that; tti°cnt •-four ('11-4 ) feet squar'�, '.vithin the ropes. Tho ring floor shall, ex- t.'nd not less than eighteu,n (18) incht.s beyond the ropes. The ring shall b(� wit111 ropes in com- pliance with sp,aciFication issilfDd b%, the, L3oarr:. Unless oth 'r'.tii:3E? lUL};Ori'l.i? 1 rejuiredd by the Board, thy=_ ring p ridding shall consist of Onia 1" lager of "En solitC'" or 11't:i_` I1<lt:r1•i� r 1 Lil t_" 1i Iva1.ent re-3ilioncy applie:1 over a 1" base of "Celot��x" buildi:Iy board or similar material. E. Any. tyt 1, of hcl''i, grip, lock or trip shall be allowed. 1. Strangle hol. s, scratching, gouging, hitting or striking with t-h,2 fist, pulling hair, using k;nuc- klos and kicki:zg; 2. Shutting off breathing by covering nose or mouth at thin sa"Tie Line; and, 3. throwing opponents out of the ring. F. Wrestlor5 failing to br.ca:c ,0ion in'structe(I to do so by the Shall ')o givoll a t c)nt o three to release tht-i holy:; an,i if a IIresLI.or doi3 s not break; th(�-, mold by tho count of throo, the offender shall be disqualified and his oppr) ;ent :;}Lill be cleclar,2d the winner. r. When one 17r.c�stler is out of th,-� r.ing, �;h�th�-2r. on the apron, under tho ropes, or on the floor, his opponent shall i; ine-di.ately ret.irta to thk! opposite side of the ring .rind roam'-iin there until the who is out of th(a ring h3:7 returnokl to they ring and the Referee has instruct(--;i them to re ;amp- -wr,.:stling. 28 g•�rr /� r 46 fi. When during the coursF, of a match, any ter-.stler who, of his ocan volition, lkaaves tho ring, going either onto the apron or to the floor, shall be disqualified and the other wrestler in th-? ring shall b,� declared the winner.. I: Both shoulders pinned to the mat '.Or the count of three (3) secoll;ls shall Constitute a fall . 1. Cnncetling or quitting h,�cause of receiving pain or ptt 1t::;hnent i n`li.cte-1 by in opponents' legitimate, hol:i con:tit it _ ; a f-ill. 2. Tl1< Rof---roe Shall slap the back, or the shol_ilciers of a t•Ir.estlor_ securinci a frill anci he ,hall immedi- ately r.elc�,_is his r1o1? can the fe1.1e:1 oppnn nt so tl1 it t1if� latt,-,r .ail l not 1)-� strained by being held unnessar.il.y loner in ii possible painf�tl. position. 3. a r;;2 not t0 r)u,L their h in under the shoal("02rs O` a Conte,:Si-.12 1t: '11) 0 1 u t e 1 y 1)+2cesS lry to determi.110. %a fall. 4. No shell 1:;e to grzisp or hang on to clotliini, mats or ropcs for support. a. II �fL- r bci.::j-r:Jirne,., i.,. tho Referc^_, the C0 t0st.all1: reps-ats this practice, he is b. Under no circur,lst,ances 5n,ill any wrestler lay his 11an:3>; on the Ri?f-L�r(--,e. 5, The Referee re,-)resenLs th,,,:t Board and is given power to officiate the oxhi_hitions and to enforce the 13oard7,1., ::ult,s and Regulattctis. The Referee's i_11strilc-tin!1:; must be :>trictly complif2,2 with. J. A tan -tram twl�nt is the co,nootition bet -,,eon a team of two against: another team of two Wrestlers wini.n a sixty (G O) minut:c time limit or three team falls with t-,, o (2) minutes rest botween tea!,i falls. 1. Frei;m falls occur only when ono Ivan fr.otn a t!aam has lost: a frill. 2. The cc mpotition br�gins, with ono man frO111 l'aCh tram wr.estlin,j one 1:ia1i from the opposing tears whi.lo the rl�spc.cLiv ? tc2al;i partnors remain on the apron of tho ring oUt!si.de t11(", rillg tropes. 3. ,1 ra,_in c•an1:t:,t onher tho ring unless his partner is or he .i.s ubl,! to L-ouch his partner's hand t'u rk2l icvc2 11iIn. 110 lnuat havt� 1101d of a regulation thrl--11 fool- riouhlc, repo with a knot in ono t?nkl and th,.. other ont. (wer tho ring posts of his toa!il' `; (:ornor. 4, At th— t'': c)f a tag c:ont.ict bi�tween the partners, 29 Aw ti ..n ;:.. ,7;slur• •,� � � �r , IL 4b t :'i a_ "i i! t�l�t i '_' tit :e r,-,otn 'Leos on the 3:i ?'1 floor anal reach over the top rope only to ma'. - .-ontact. The Referee mu. -it see to it that t}lt. '14re;3L"k 'r in thr` ring, after tagging his Dc3rt- ner, reLir_!5 to the outside of the ring before his partner- can th,-� ring. 5. Not nort3 Lhan two (2) wrc_,stlors are permitted to btu in tho ring at the saZmri time during th« c(:)mpe- tition. During a team fall, team partner.-, may rnlievo each as often as the:desire. 6. If a is injure.', so that he cannot con- timic-, his partner must carry on alon!?. Tirin li-lt must lnr, t.:lkon after an injury to liermiL- the injure;i Conta�st:ant to b•� remove—til from the ring. %. If tioithor t:a'. tl ha:i :'�a�t_'n albl _ tO tti n three falls _1t Cho oxr?ir- tion of a timci limit, tht-2 team having th - rno:?,t tal is to its crotlit is to be (oclare l the -,.'inner. 3. It shall be a foul for a Contestant -,chile awaiting 11i.:3 ttl.rn on the apron to assist his :partner or to inturforo with his partner.­;oli4ionent. 9. It shrill h. a fr)ul fur a Coni_e:; tint while awaiting lrl..i Limi to rt'loa,;.' hole on the. rope in his corny r for an-, rc.uson tiha tsoever until officially ra.licv i ;�:a his �.irtnor. or the Rt�f.rce. After_ one -,a,arl:.ng o` t;1i:a i:lfr l,,t�r,n, the Referee shall disqual i "y the or'fenclor. . SECTION XVIII SPISCIAT, RUW7,S 11ELATTN.G TO PULL CONTACT KARATE AND KICKBOXING Thar Board hor.2by adopts as its own rules for the regulation of full contra--t. I:,-1rato snatches acid for t1io regulation of r aLches those wllich art:: contained in Appendix "A" of thr so Rules and Regulations, said provisions consizt7.:' q of S1.'{t"'a'n ruins do,3ign::1te, as "PULL CON'iACT h/1RAZ'I: AN0 r; iC1,131) .TNG RULES" dated August 1, 1980, issued by th i. -w IIexl.t't� AL ilet1C Cor mission and boaring the legend NMAC 80-12. A. All rcf:eri,rices to the term "Corrmi.ssion" which are c:ontaline:i in Apnondix "A" hereto are. deemed to be reft�r.eiwc s to the City of Miaini. Prc�fossional Boxing and W2-est:lin,J Roard. l3, Apidendi% "A" to these Rules and Regulations is hereby incorr l?'.' and mad,-2 i .1r t 4-ier,2,)f as if t -: provisions of sai: Appendix were fully scat forth liercin, SECTION IX, GENERAL A. A 3oard `-iembcsr in attendance and supervising a contest or o.,%hi.bi.tion has the full power of the Board in en- forc.in,j t}ic� rule:, an:l re,-pilations of the Bcari. 13. In cirk-1.rnst-arnccy not specifically cove,red by these rult�s, the I3oar(l re5erv: s the right to mate what•aver decision it dee,,ls to be fair_ and equi_tab1L and such d-�cision stall be, final. C. telt2vision rights will be negotiated by the Board subject to its approval of the City Commis - Sion. D. These rules and regulations may be ame-mled from time to time as the iienbc.rs of tho Board mai, deem necessar,. or advisablo, subject to the approval of the City Cornrni.s- si_on. 31 APANDIX -A'' I, tr; , PSI,T. t 1 _'t .i1Lt;it t.cr�• t+.n-nirrt�+' ,-c+.. v.i .'i i�': rr;+ I ai��j t„f..h 7 :•iI'!,�w- r• r .n^ -.?:- ir..r ^rrt• Trr-•{� :4n ad ti'_i• nl :r. ro.rr,,tc fen h,• -r•,�•;�r: r j•l �.. 'i t, '. ,... --ir a !e-„n•. , pinntir ^ulwith an 1!!,1"'Sc lrl,; i-!,•!• 1 ad—.'rit., :,i. ,lit 'lt',!C i%al :;4ia'i i'. t '.tt •.i ,%(r tv r.,ll-irc^ '.t E '-:11n col tan ^t 11nO vicar a ; ^1 'ir 1:-0- it tjva .,ir,! cti. r I: c"er W pi''t irr•1; C Lr?ncl c. ';X and f.id^a cf hil'^. nl1 _or. t.eg to rt t^ ^'.1-':: W(!ar fl'.trd '!'1 t. ti•"i,: - i ran r it, !I tl-i i, :` ,:r e2 vt: r rC t . -I:. t•:vr: I rn; ci1- I 4tl�r.^.. frtn til r. tt..li,.r 1:al :1 r0.n;1!ItIII aiii r cizittril.7, .4r;1 !yc de i!:lw, •:hall be a cork- �2 . j.. .•-! tf •. -,t .y r �hf. if'i , r 4 5 ., .f,itl+ fichtw e jI to rs .;e a r_srd, t .•. d a..rm& In any } Ia a ip fi-bt, if in ....1 1 1•n I'C .. . .hr fly'?. a ar f-uIr Ind ar+• `.idaem. ' tit',,._ ..a 1 'I• lit a .'.rrtl+and 1C r '•11nCI '!^ t'ef Lap yir: di ,, c,:alifica- va y, r, fr _ r.4'ks sr to nr ti,ro,it, an 11, t!ntJpart f 1 r 1r,.,in• cr bi:in' t } 1 tiuri r 'Lr trcl of the tar! to tf I 71 I1' tt.r :c.) i , o! -t , t ' 'tr r. i th -r^.n har i t0 fr`-'^ (. ,.r.•^.. 1t v.i.h tar nt*.e. t'ant,cr fore- (, lei C - ,, t .,, 101 001 Pin-, qY h^14::.,; orao why Other , t 11, : c • or .c.ir-^ a rnnt'•,tatit when he. or ^,w'lwntnnt is 1c.-t ,:Lett •in. - c nit; rr ! r . !: , ! ;. •Irin. hir or tier tt,• t r .. , ; it _ of er, i-udy .11t. 1r 1rt,•r it ti'.e I� cr to li,..rnr 1 r, cX f'rt:n a Y.i" it ct. f° 1 i i Hirt 4. 'ttt..:,• !ri.t; Lit. (11 J! .T. .i.,l•P i( ,iaf0. ir. tt.r Y f } •.r••.in,I.r't..t•:•^. tt.l l.'.•' tt'1 rr: i!t' a:L.(I. 4au:•iltr; any t7 .. a:. t• !it t r ,h,: •11 or .. ll-?s rcurr!c,U t. ,'.r ` t'nu:id, rr ix:: n, t2 d't t,t•. tt .. as , y ': ili or WI t.11111.' all - ".1it r=+L Of tt . t t, :i !t. , part 91 thr• rr - .._ rr ue t .. et t the I. t tl to it rji- t•, t... — *r itt. t., ur•t-r_r: r.. rf'(r i ..i;inr. !.. it,l! c1 ,t ill ..p de— U } i *-t cr irf `:71 nri in nit,. , -Ar;4 .t. :t is _-•.L+i.:n �, 'r?'a.: i clam 'he a".a.' i1 3tlw - w;iarr vt:nte,t .rt rev�iv- u a cut r;r! a 11,::! •1;1CC3 ��:}sll fCt: .t. ° 'irj i.hi t rrf'nb r+I1c`7t3. ra.,�i:, arY`ilnte .l:cicoh- . Cnll .l ..:,, tl'r i-, ,.e rt' n•sL': icia„ 1'+ �Y.i inat_ r cC the +tn»t- r f .•G.:n tF, r:'irrrn dr Idc.. �'Si�tl:ni-.. to nto ry i^n con' ; t. Tic- uIll C•iti 1 ,ir.i 3, t' b X-Anin16 t.i ..hntt a noutf,,,+ i. ':cck°! Outi 'i:• will. ^alls¢!1 "rh+. will A,rn nrA ror4x:e i b _ .:t^..: ... •Sill tr rem; .a •. c t. ,:fit •.,tircb t•, l,r zon. ,:.,,tnri t.:I1 in r r-r1 cf " tl I•:..,r i ��•.. t C:� 2 C•'. lrt • ,.._-..•1 „ a cn^ ♦nA .,ft . l a,_ ,.at to,._. by cc--;oti .t-t that •t,, _ a ' (ll•tr^ cr . tho fool n j rtn r"1t `ntl ,f I -n cf air !'n'i hn CY t-4n .,i I nx •f 1,.h a . t, u_:.. (; is •: a 1t .i! .�.tl. t,•.t: nhall , tot •f 1. Zr:d ,!, I1:r it 1 not i rt 'fl .. -,Sc7 r 1, ,1. 1. '-i. .R'l tl« �. •1 L10J1 r:' ,r,>.- .. i-i II n __ t•ta,. .;ir: an !>- rt�T t 1 3 h' �itr, 41u h _nr- ..t- ... ?, rftsl"ct •'r• J .ti..�C:". l 'r i. rt±. O, ri+, r c,, !tti-71 Ivl.,-1 •.t ,.non :i„iw;h,.JI-unlf.., .'.e 4" -t;tzn,.•^.. i. ::',..:a•_-q. tC t.i,r rt:cl?+e. ti, t:.-•.d - - a.l Vr. , i rl• ', It i,t tip • no.. ,-..l:r t r.'✓•i, t ,.i 11 Gt ;,n!T,+ r ;"I,. i,(- r'' 7or r i 1.. S Ip, ..il •lrlr. r f•.••i t .I- tli i t „- •i l- of rr r t.i1 _C .r. tFn n t1:e t coon. -r i. 1rf rat fC--.a- 113: n1fi.iai .ln. 1et tl ;it. call: tt" ., (Item YG ..h.lr a,r tR ..,.-•n •!L•c'.:... '::.(' r(I .,,t'at tc - :i i.. 'tI .:r•r ..2...�: the. _ En I:^^ •rLl.t^e_i xn rIin.--it_to a rapt. ii ar t',"rt{ or to tt•r lrllI rt 1. l C;t: tr. 2' :, 1;3CC.. .L.- •*t - ?;j },•.{•, pi==,kin,; up the count lrem the t1ae- $; S:Lt 'or hr'r d. .r.•tior, Cilbt.-COUnt to tl Ptry }?'itl t.."ho i9 in i atl'1 .Lita1'rr: :i!e cr .a:• '-t.uil d l r - • r i.-, ..l;l.rY.i „t. to R t}&r:. 1,or:!n qir ar 1 to exa•rinin;` the 47C%-f::tint in +:. ::: ,. 1n r•r .•L•ru•;ntc: 1t1 attt�r cc»l'1�ati±tt; 'a -r-••.l ,l ;.'i.t •'^tzi:t, ti.., `1'! letr•e•..'1r tot.„it^' �; LI .. CRf.L: ::f tit is at!C 2(t 'r n t inl7(7., t:P cr ih. - :t ll r• s 'tt a:-h to re, r,r• 11t:w referec !• e F xtLat tt Ccht tint' : r e title to ccn. cr t..... , t.. t _.l':e , r.al l etop .t cmtf-!It and d"I-Ire ,,11^t:,rit tt.n +ntai(•r ty t,clad,.,31. >:nockoi:t. rri �.. :,t t,ie +nz's:r.•{tlbn.e!''ars_= cta•.- t tint rt"v f 1 tat"I tt, r= 1-7tri+•!: tort+am, nfw of ttic fclleeitz (•.i i.:. w,". r`.`ll S.Ca: J1 f„r tl hr• 'ti,e.. rerulr Of $hV , . ,:(, tiro ct t;.. ,., .{: r.:ad bi 1 !. L'•.�7. ie1. L S.r" Y,t _ ': CS. tlti; t:it.il - 1 T „• rv- «(: t( rl-1. ':itlmicai of the inn-, of t.?r3t..r1.1 ...1 •tt •+. :.. 1+ Sr,/,. •.(.., •.1it .1 ;(. i rr.t Lr';..t.. !ai tl t: ri .I L:.'(t ati•, of the 31 !t• (t .r:t, tl'rjn ^r d,• i, 1 . t ,-1,1 t.e -...:. •(i u- ifa c. :I.a i al - e: 1 1 i ".. 7 ( { ,: t 2. t 1'.r •: 1 , SCL.n.S i1 t.::t PA!,1 0.:1-. 't: gilt till .. !, r•I;.L falratr`,f r.r I I v':t I"...a 41 i y. tt.ft C_1.ri tole �C ttf a1. any fvt- M1'r$