HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-82-1167�j 11 I )J # 1, tF A RESOLUTION AUTFORI7,ING THE CITY MANAGER TO MCOTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN DADE COUNTY r THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND THE, CITY OF MIP.MI 0 -STREE`.f PARKINr nFPAPTMF'N`P OBLIGATING THE CITY OF MIAMI TO 8100,000 EXPFNnITURE FOR CERTAIN PARKINr; MOOT FICATIONS It1 THE MEDIAN OF RISCAYNE I3OITLEVARD FROM SOUTHEAST 1ST STREFT TO NORTHEAST 5TH STREFT, AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION OF' THE nO6JNTOWN COMPONENT OF METRnRAIL. WHEREAS# bade County is desinning and will. construct a fixed guideway people mover system within the central husiness district of downtown Miami, known as the Downtown Component of Metrorail; and WHERFAS, the City of Miami Of.f-Street parking Department currently utilizes land located alone the median of Biscayne Boulevard from Southeast 2nd Street to Northeast 5th Street for public par ring; and t;HEREA;3, the Downtown Component of Hetrorail alignment will reduce the current parking area along the median of Biscayne Boulevard from Southeast 2nd Street to Northeast Ist Street; and WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit and interest of all parties hereto to reconfigure and reconstruct the entire afore -described par.kinq area in order to retain therein the present number_ of par.kinq spaces. NOW, THPRFFORE, SF IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the three party agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto, between Dade County, the City of Miami and the City of Miami Off -Street Parkinq Department, obligating the City of Miami. to a S100,000 expenditure for certain parking modifica- tions in the median of Biscayne Boulevard from Southeast 1st Street to Northeast 5th Street, as a result of construction of the Downtown Component of Metr_orail, CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 0 E C 1 G 1932 RESOLUTION������ r REND.RtS:................._..._..... i sc PAWD AND ADOPTED s � s JT EL E.MAKW LL +sistant City Attorney S f APPROVED AS TO FORM Alin CORRECTNESS! :f 7 t .Yf I t l � .a S r ,� � ✓r'. 3 � 52 F 7 f f OSE R. GARCIA—PFDROSA 4WR skin City Attorney wpc/019/(1)Inv Jt a i 7 { L f 1 '.a I 1• f{� { V '. f F o c a s °r 3 i i ✓ '' t t k 3- z� IX i i r a } 1 I 1 t� tl to to 1 i J 3 r f � f i; 1 f I y f la f tits t I my - {f * Mnag v j{ WWI ii e a r r l 1 i t i x J 1 s 7 s t y 1 a 1;} Sf '.a ti at irl a4d� a,q fS sa to t i 1 t ✓ f r { t r t S r� f � 4 1 t , t � r I mom- r f i s t 3' )ti r Ir f I t l k w f S C 5 i f f i4 f to I� r van r mt 4 5_ k j l t 4 1 f f i n 4 All +O -- dity or MIAMI. FLORIDA 46 INttW,6PF1tt MtMOkANDUM Howard V. nary DATE December 1, 1982 FILE City Manager sll9jEcr Parking Modifications in Median of Biscayne Boulevard _ FROM Jose-h W. McManus RL""FEFtFNC:ESCity Commission Meeting of !"acting Director December 16, 1982 - Planning Department ENGL[ l Ftt:S Planning and Zoning Agenda it is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to execute the attached three party agreement among Dade County, the City and the City of Miami Off Street Parking Department which obligates the City to $100,000 for certain parking modi- fications in the median of Biscayne Boulevard per the attached resolution. Per Motion 82-497, June 17, 1982, the City Commission agreed to obligate $100,000 towards the estimated $300,000 in parking modifications to the median of Biscayne Boulevard from SE 1st Street to NE 5th Street. The Board of County Commissioners has authorized the County Manager to execute the agreement obligating the County to $200,000. These modifications are necessitated by the construction of the Downtown component of Metrorail guideway and station. The Off Street Parking Depart- ment is also in agreement. Funds are currently available in the Capital Imprthe ovement Fund from FY 1962 Fund Balance as appropriated Component of. Metrorail capital project. It is requested that this item be heard at the City Commission' meeting of December 16, 1982, on planning and zoning. JWM/vb Attachments cc: Law Department crr,r OF MIAMI CITY CURK REPORTS !EETING DATE: June 17, 1982 PAGE NO. 2 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE A BEHAVIORAL. MODIFI- CATION PROGRAM PRESENTED BY MR. LES BROWN BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE WHICH PROGRAM BASICALLY ADDRESSES CRIME, UNEMPLOYMENT, AND OTHER PROBLEM AREAS IN THE BLACK COM11UNITY; AND FURTHER ACCEPTING THE CITY MANA- GILR' S REC011-D ENDATION AS FOLLOWS: a) THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI CONTRIBUTE $100,000; b) THAT MR. LES BROWN SEEK A GRANT FROM METRO DADE COUNTY FOR A LIKE AIMOUNT, GIVEN THAT THE PROGRAM WILL EXTEND TO OTHEF AREAS OF THE COUNTY; AND c) THAT MR. LES BROWN ALSO SEEK A GRANT FROM THE STATE FOR $100,000; AND A.tiD FURTIIFR STIPULATING THAT SAID PROGRAM SHALL COME UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT. A RESOLUTION SELECTING THE CITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA, AS A "SISTER CITY" OF TFE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND ESTABLISHING A "NAIROBI, KENYA SISTER CITY CO`L,iITTEE" AND APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS CHAIRPERSON OF SAID COMMITTEE TO I!,U'LERENT THE PROCEDURE SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION NO. 78-5, ADOPTED JANUARY 11, 1978. A MOTION OF THE CITY COMLMlSSION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE AN kLTER.NATE PLAN PRESENTED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE AS TO THE FUTURE ROTE AND AREA WHICH THE FESTIVAL'S KING ORANGE PARADE IS GOING TO FOLLOW ON NEW YEAR'S EVE; SUBJECT TO THE CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL. A MOTION OF THE CITY C=MISSION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFF STREET PARKING AUTHORITY AND SETTING ASIDE THE AMOUNT OF $759000 FO:. E4IKRGEINCY REPAIRS OF THE GUSMAN HALL ROOF AND NORTH WALL LEAK FURTHER DESIGNATING THIS REQUEST TO BE AIN EMERGENCY MEASURE AND WAIVING THE RFQU,'IRENE-NTS FOR FOR.M,%L BIDS WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN A I•tINI`iL7•1 OF THREE (3) QUOTATIONS IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORT: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISOS: a) THAT THE DIRECTOR OF THE AUTHORITY WILL GET MINORITY PARTICIPANTS TO FIX THE ROOF; AND b) THAT THE GRANTING OF THESE MONIES WILL BE SET UP AS A LOAN SO THAT IF AND WHEN THERE IS A SURPLUS IN THE OPERATION OF THE FACILITY, SAID MONEY MAY BE REPAID AND RETURNED TO THE CITY IC TAX PAYERS. :. MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLF A REQUEST MADE BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFF STREET PARKING AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: a) $100,000 ESTIMATED COST OF HOUSEKEEPER SEALANT FOR ALL PARKING DECKS IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE CONCRETE SURFACE AND ENHANCE CLEANLINESS OF THE GARAGE. b) TO COMPONENTS OF THE REVENUE CONTROL SYSTEM: 1) ENTRY/EXIT GATES AND TICKET ISSUERS (APPROXIMATE COST $125,000); 2) COMPUTERIZATION AND CASH MONITORING EQUIPMENT (ESTIMATED COST $75,000); c) TELEVISION SECURITY SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION (ESTIMATED COST BETWEEN $200,000 to $300,000); '%ND FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO WORK VERY CLOSELY WITH THE AUTHO- _'.1TY TO INSURE THAT THE MINIMUM PROJECTED COSTS WILL BE INCURRED AND TO :;:SU'^.E THAT THESE MONIES SHALL BE EXPENDED SOLELY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE ;Okl.11 TRADE CE%TER GARAGE. MOTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT OF $100,000 AS THE CITY OF MIAMI'S SHARE OF IlE COST OF REDEVELOPING LOT 19 IN THE MEDIAN OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE R1:LOCATION OF THE DOWNTOWN COMPONENT OF METRORAIL 'ROM BAYFROP:T PAR}:, AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED IN MEMORANDUM FROM ROGER CARLTON jj...�. 0 HOwARD GARY DATED JUNE 7, 1982. SV M 82-492 MOVED: PLUMMEV, SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R 82-493 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLU;L•lER ABSENT: CAROLIJ) ABSTAINING: DAWKINS M 82-494 MOVED: PLU'L`-ER` SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO M 82-495 MOVED: PLUM.`lER SECOND: DAI.'KIN`: ABSENT: CAROLLO M 82-496 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLL( 6 DAWKINS M 82-497 MOVED: PLRF/. SECOND: PLUI-I'll ABSENT: CAR(ll.l b DAWKINS 82-11 �'7 0 t MEtROPOLITAN DADE COUNtY, FLd i16A AM 65UN`�Y ItAANSP� �WION ADMINIStWION fiEAL EStAtt ANb bEVELOPMENt GROUP Ad W. PLAGLER StREET tU14 ��°' ' MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 tf Jt . + (305) 579.5000 "O-DADE n Mr. Jim Reid Assistant City Manager City of Miami City Hall Pan American Drive „ �,^s Miami, Florida , RE: D517 Biscayne Boulevard Agreement Dear Jim: The Board of County Commissioners has authorized the County Manager to execute the subject agreement upon execution by the other parties. The agreement has been executed by the Off Street Parking Authority. Enclosed are six original agreements for execution by the City. Please have them appropriately signed and sealed by the City Manager and Clerk. Note that the handwritten changes on the second "Whereas" and paragraphs #l, 2 and 5 should also be initialed. Please return all six executed copies. Upon execution by the County Manager, a signed original will be returned for your files. It is understood by all parties that the City's contribution of up to $100,000 will be credited against the City's $9.9 million contribution to the overall local match of the DCM project. w If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, John T. Spillman, Manager Real Estate & Development Group 82-11E"- ■ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of , 1982, by and among Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as County); City of Miami (hereinafter referred to as City); and City of Miami Off —Street Parking Department (hereinafter referred to as Department), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County is designing and will construct a fixed guideway people mover system within the central business district of downtown Miami, known as the Downtown Component of Metrorail (hereinafter referred to as DCM), to be located as shown on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Department currently*utilizes land located along the median of Biscayne Boulevard from S.E. 2nd Street to N.E. 5th Street fo[r,, public parking as authorized in the City Charter Section 23 A 1(d)f 0'ra i WHEREAS, the DCM alignment will reduce the current parking area along the median of Biscayne Boulevard from S.E. 2nd Street to N.E. 1st Street; and WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit and interest of all parties hereto to *reconfigure and reconstruct the entire aforedescribed parking area in order to retain therein the present number of parking spaces, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The parties hereby approve the reconfiguration of the parking area along the median of Biscayne Boulevard from north H.E. 1st Street to N.E. 5th Street, as shown on the attached&Exhibit B. 2. Department shall reconstruct the parking area north of N.E. 1st _- Car► },e. ►.l.�c/ Street to N.E. 5th Street, in accordance withAExhibit B. 3. The parties hereby approve the reconfiguration of the parking area along the median of Biscayne Boulevard from south of N.E. 1st Street to S.E. 13t Street, as shown on the attached Exhibit C. 4. County shall reconstruct the parking area south of N.E. lst Street to S.E. 13t Street, in accordance with Exhibit C, except for landscaping. Such construction shall be at County's expense. 82-1167 CbT j�b61� 54 Department shall provide for all landscaping in accordance with n Exhibit/ B andnC. ` 6. County shall contribute up to a maximum amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) toward the costs of design, construction and landscaping work to be performed by Department. 7. City shall contribute up to a maximum amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) toward the costs of design, construction and landscaping work to be performed by Department. The City's contribution will be credited towards the $9.9 million City match for the DCM. 8. If the expenses incurred by Department for design, construction and landscaping work total an amount less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00), the balance shall be redistributed to County and City in proportion to their respective contributions. 9. This Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto, and their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed the foregoing Agreement the day and year first above written. ATT EST : Clerk U ATTEST: By: Clerk ATTEST: RICHARD P. BRINKER. CLERK By : Deputy Clerk CITY OF MIAMI OFF-STREET PARKING DEPARTMENT BY: .� toger M. Carlton Director (SEAL) CITY OF MIAMI By: (SEAL) City Manager DADE COUNTY, a political sub- division of the State of Florida BY IT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: County Manager (SEAL) 82-1167 MM® W-A 30 AunMIAMI DOWNTOWN \ COMPONENT OF METRORAIL % L��,Y�€� bid i.-. RD- PA Tu END OF PF4XCT Fir BEGINNimG OF PROJECT JF Mack and iami Tric. , tle tc) th-, for recrpa- i,nitiallv an NORTH 7"e7is try CONSULTANTS O'LEARY-SHAFER-COSIO, PA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS/LAND PLANNERS BECHAMPS-AYLWARD & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS IL L I tle to the la Statutes