HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09547ORDINANCE' NO. 9 5 4 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EPFI�,'CTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW Z014ING ORDINANCE OF THE, CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, f3Y CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 'THE AREA APPROXIMATELY ROUNDED BY NORTH- WEIST 3RD COURT, A LINE 86' + NORTH OF AND PARALLEL TO NORTHWEST 2.21,41T LANE, NOR'TH- WES'T 5TH AVLNIJE AND NORTHWEST 221'1D STREET, ALSO DESCRII.3I,D AS THE WEST 5' OF LOT 12, BLOCK 1, AND ALL OF BLOCKS 2 AND 3, AND LOT 11, BLOCK 4, WEAVER FIRST ADDITION (UNRECORDED PLAT), AND LOT 11, BLOCK 1, AND BLOCKS 2 AND 3 WEAVER SUB- DIVISION (6-31), AND BLOCKS C AND D, J. A. DANNS SECOND ADDITION (3-25), FROM CG-2/7 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) AND R13-2/5 (GENERAL RESIDENTIAL) TO I-1/7 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL), ALL AS PER TENTATIVE PLAT #1152-A, "MIAMI FASHION CENTER SECTION 1;" AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN 'THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDI- NANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABELITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of September 1, 1982, Item No. 9, following an advertised hearing adopted Resolution No. PAB-55-82 by a 6 to 0 vote, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a change of zoning classification as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has found that the herein proposed zoning classification amendment is: (a) Compatible with the surrounding neighbor- hood; (b) Not in conflict with planning for the area; (c) Readily accessible; (d) Not adverse in impact to the surrounding neighborhood; (e) Will be compatible with scale of adjacent properties; (f) Will be aesthetically designed and (g) Provides an essential service to the community; and WHEEREAS, the City Commission after careful considera- tine of this matter_ deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general wel.f,11-0 of. the City of Miami and i-ts inhabitants to yr,.3nt this change of zoning class if.ication as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE CoP.1 II;;SIGN OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Ordinance No. 9500 (effective Apr .i1 6, 1983), the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of_ Miami, Florida, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classi- fication of the area approximately bounded by Northwest 3rd Court, a line 86' ± North of and parallel to Northwest 22nd Lane, Northwest 5th Avenue and Northwest 22nd Street, also described as the West 5' of Lot 12, Block 1, and all of Blocks 2 and 3, and Lot 11, Block 4, Weaver First Addition (unrecorded plat), Lot 11, Block 1, and Blocks 2 and 3, WEAVER SUBDIVISION (6-31), and Blocks C and D, J. A. DANNS SECOND ADDITION (3-25), FROM CG-2/7 (General Commercial) and RG-2/5 (General Residential) to I-1/7 (Light Industrial) in said Ordinance No. 9500, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, all as per tentative plat #1152-A, "MIAMI FASHION CENTER SECTION 1;" and by making all the necessary changes in the Zoning Atlas made a part of said new Ordinance No. 9500, by reference and description in Article 3, Section 300, thereof. Section 2. That all Ordinances, Code Sections or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict. Section 3. Should any part or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 16th _ day of December , 1982. 2 9547 PASSI]II) AND ADOPTED ON SHCOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this .1 t 11 clay of luc-,v-.-- -- ---I1981- MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor A'rTES'Z- RA-Ijkli G. ONGIE City"Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: J04L E. MAXI ELL ii,slsistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ASE R. GARCIA—PEDROSA ity Attorney JEM/Wpc/5—S/(3) 1, lUlpfi (I. Ongie, Clerk of the City of lklizimi, Florida, hurcby ceitity that on iltc Ir7 I f A. D. 19`3-23 , a full, true :w,i coriccl copy of the !1)"vc and loru,.!oing Ordinance tli,-- Somh D%or L)t the DIIJc County COUrt 11-11;SC at th-- plic-, p1miki:'! for notic,-s and public,iiion, by atiacilillp, ti�Iid copy (o lire place provided therefor. I WjTNLSS my :1 acid the official `cal City, ibis. T--day, ........ ;=�-.._!,.)... �J Howard V. Gary City ;ManaLo er r erez-L ones Director Planning and Zoning Boards Adininistrati on Oe�artment_�_ - October 8, 1932 CHA11GE Or ZOi1!NG - Area hounded by 1 W 3rd CT, NW 5th Avenue, NW 22nd Street and a line +86' N of and parallel to NW _ ,: ..• _.:22nd Lane. C0,1.1I SS i Oil AGE;IDA-DECEMBER 16 , 1982 PLAiJAIilG AN1U ZONIfdG 1TEi.1S "It is recommended that a change of zoning_ from CG-2/7 (General Commercials to I-1%T- (Lighi indusfria in the n--ew__0Tf ci_a-1 Zoning Atlas of the new City of Miami Zon- ing Ordi nancee #95-0_0—'Fe-ff ecti ve April 6, 1—M3)— be approved for tie area bounded -by N47-3r3�Court, aline +86' north of and pa— raTle1 to NIW 22nd Lane,—�V�-5��iwenue and tTW__ 2nU_Stree_f7_ The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of September 1, 1982, following an advertised Hearing, recommended approval of the above petition by a vote six to zero on that property also described as the ',iest Y of Lot 12, Block 1, and all of Blocks 2 and 3, and Lot 11, Block 4,-Weaver First Addition (unrecorded plat), and Lot 11, Block 1, and Blocks 2 and 3 Weaver Subdivision (6-31), and *Blocks C and D, J.A. Danns Second Addition (3-25). Backup information is included for your review. One reply in favor received in the mail. An OROINAi'lCc to provide for this Change of Zoning has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL:Klm cc: Law Department NOTE: Manning Department recommendation: APPROVAL. AEPL:Klm cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recorunendation: APPROVAL. 9547 9547 0 A-Pl`LIC.`:`:: C4 0 f P1 h* I 28, .19S2 70 9. A!��.'.. i�Cr ..i�:.:1 :lPnn�. L. •. .r :. T�.. BY•:.'! 32D CMI;�m J`l. 77 Lv 5' oL Loy. 12, i .L: c: 1 any-, all Of Bloll:3 c:':: 2 a. an.. lot 11, I 2-cck 4 I-ST ADS.. itiR Blocks 2 an_. 3 an:, lot 11, Block 1 Bloc::s C anc, D J. A. Di,..:S 2I:D ADD. (3-25 ) All as ner Tentat : e Plat 1152-A, IMI. _FI F:iSHIO`i CAI, :.., SECTIO:: 1 Ch _n7e of Zoning Classifi.cati cn from CG-2/7 GE.•�_v!L CG:.:FL iCi:�L and RG-2/5 G:_,.:Lit,L Ri SiDE.:TIAL TO I-1/7 LIGHT I:::7 Si'::I::L in th�:! proposed official Zc:,-nc Atlas of the prc-Dose:; Zoninq Ordinance of- t' ? C:- pf iia ^.i F1ori`;a This is a companion item, to Item 8. To allo'•. the de'.'el C t of the site 'or an par:: for ml=_`.acturinc in conjunction %-it-h _ the Ga?'i,:=2llt CCI:t 'I ?Si1=i Dlst ict .Rede�'` 1C_ ;emit Prc�~a:n of the Cit•-, of ;Iiar.i. :.T S The site is cu r.en� T Zoned Li Deral Co ,ir.eci�.l Zen ig (both sides of i�I:7 22nd Lane bets:een NSI 5th an(-". 3rd Court) aI1d vle(dlum Dons;'-v Residential to the south- (bCt', eCn NI-7 5t:1 3ru Coi:rt an 11 N,•7 22nd Street) . South of I`:1.1 22nd Strec,t is the R-10 Urban Rene,, -.-al Area (To-, Par'-:) whici. is dcveloped for public housing. To the east lies a c?et�ri_oratec? reside:itial area which the City is currontl',7 purchasing as part of the Gar--,,cnt Cor_ter Fashion District Redevelopll;ent Pro -.,ram. To the north lios the Garment Cent•or in;it;f:trial and retail area. The area pro n�;(2c1 for ch:Ingo of Zoning inclu�:'ors 41 p arcel,� of land of which 36 are ov.ncd bLL, the C ty of vliami. Th,2se 41 parcels of land entail par (Ph...; I) of the :liar.:. G<ir-,,ent Center/ Fasi:ion Di:strict Area which nrovic?es L- a program For expaI:s? on and re(1,evelopinent Of OIle of tho Ira jor ind,.:s trial activity centers within th:- Ci t-' of 1.1ial;ii , During the last 4 years the Cit,• Pla nni nct Denartment has been working closely viith re..resc�ntati "es of the fashion apaarel industr•_i tc help is .grove the viabilit-v of the area. Fund_,', AEPL:KIm cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department reconimendation: APPROVAL. 95 47 9547 for t1,ir� t,r` j—ct in of $2, 281, 900 has been pr... _dC! b, the Ce:,•::,�_I:,it' Ce�relo:,ment L']_ec}� Grant P a m To 0:1.Lc $I 050,621. 11a-.; been e: ..::_._.._, in In ti110 a1:J The reC:c`:C'i:' :; ,::i` StrateCt tale 11 at of th e, p11: .,aC.,1 lil. :�try' Uctu- , Of th are.-. loc, 3C n id.. 23r.c. an' 2nt_11 Strc�c2tc an'-, the pro- ----,visicii of adl;iti,o)nal 1.a:1:: -fGr inc.ustrla1. e: _ ,...iCn sOt., h Of N 23rC: S`<LrCCt tC su - -C t1<.._. at Lc....:_n --- :J._ cc i-or t.. est- 11-1t---2 t of i1C'.• bus, .n,:.S e S an0, t11,c e Of e:•:15t 1^ tilrT„s, an, c eSCa 1 atlOn OL re:; t S -:, duc to ti:c «a: :.�;i n cf t-.e 5th Avenue re:._ -- cc.. ti-.e iila jor factor .- r'_'sultin( In of F; ai1'_1 aCturl.nr firm:, irC the area. L: _entat_cn of thi s pr o z it is ant-ctec: Will res•..lt in an incr-2.as•e of over 300 nu.. ,,ant_- fac`--ri. - job2 (Pha_:_ I) . As estimated 200-300 aC. ition1 ne`.. jo`.�s ;ill ire cre._` c�? kiti.in ti.s al area nor t:. of. 23r_- Str=apt as a rc t.., o; an overall. i:-, rc.�.'•ent In tiro (2� T—o:,._C vlai�ll- `' O` the area tit .t is the_ i� 1c..-�.._ lion •of t:^.ys re- da :l. Tile Ci t, of Nia Tax -a e wi? 1 as a re.: tilt of incrcasec? do-:-Ic: ., nt. The Gar,.•:i•nt C�nt:.r,'I' .si._en District Ro(?12voic_,,•.`nt Prr <<:^1 is tila fir: t incustrial rec?e,,elc T,cnt project Uil '?-ta'.:en by ti:e Sector in P aC.' Count' an'", the first rec_.-3';e1C,_ .lellt project un:fler- ta :,_' I i)v City Of Mi.-1;.,_ pursuant to the State of t lorl4'a CO...:i,,unit" P.e :e_ 310 „ihi Il Act. Inc:ustrial re(.- cnt of the area is also cons-istent `•;ith the-`.lal:a Ci;:^,'�rC?I1Cn 1_�;C .'il ?: i1��01-hOOC1 Pli.n 1976-19S6 and bite rIIo0cve1o: •:ent Plan. P?....:iI:iG Di__.._:_.1`...:' All .-.C'L PL.-,'.:I1:;G AD`,'T:;0:._ C- P. AEPL:Klm cc: Latin Department Rec�..•::neni: :1pproval on Sept;c:^bei 1, 195', by a 6-0 vote . NOTE: Planning Department recorimendation APPROVAL. v547 954t7 . . . ...... orf:m 1-2 2 15 ARtr:-_'A TO BE REZONED TO 1-1/7 AEPL:Klin cc: Law Department NOTE : Planning Department recommendation: APPROVAL. 9547 9547 Ho;iard V. Gary City Manager 1 olio erez-LL ones Director Planning and Zoning Boards Administration De�artment - October 8, 1932 CHANGE Or ZON1,NG - Area bounded by F1'v1 3rd CT, NW 5th Avenue, N'�.J 22nd Street and a line +86' N of and parallel to NW 22nd Lane. CO,111•11SSi0il AGENDA-DECEMBER 16, 1982 PLNNNIFJu AIND ZO°1ir;G iTE;•1S "It is recommended that a change of zoning_ from CG-2/7 (General Commercial) to1-1/7 (Light Industria in the new 0 icial Zoning Atlas cf tfie new City of Miami Zon- ing Ordinance 9560-effective April 6, 1983) be approvedforarea bounded by NW 3rd Court, a Tine 136' north of and paraTT_e1 co__N1 W 22nd Lane, i l5ti Avenue a-fidW_2'�n_treef" ' The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of September 1, 1932, following an advertised Hearing, recommended approval of the above petition by a vote six to zero on that property also described as the ;Jest 5' of Lot 12, Block 1, and all of Blocks 2 and 3, and Lot 11, Block 4,-Weaver First Addition (unrecorded plat), and Lot 11, Block 1, and Blocks 2 and 3 Weaver Subdivision (6-31), and Blocks C and D, J.A. Danns Second Addition (3-25). Backup information is included for your review. One reply in favor received in the mail. An OROIdAi+CZ to provide for this Change of Zoning has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL:Klin cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recorunendation: APPROVAL. 9547 PL::...iii;G FACT .:.,_.1 of I•iial;li Planning Depart:r<ent June 28, 1982 9. Ar. .. I30C'::DI AL,.._ gib' - D -. �,�nr.:I::�.`I'rr�'. B`_ :•1 3RD CCU-P.T. -.- .. Ut 1'C/ w 3' of Lot 12, L'1_:.c 1 «I all of Bloc'.:s 2 allc. 3 aI:. lot 11, 1310c:c 4 ER 1ST 7,DD. N-12 Bloc':s 2 and 3 anc. 1 c t 11, Bloc}: 1 f-I"EAVEP, SUR. (6 -3 1) Blocks C anc: D J. A. D.iI IS 2::D ADD. All as her Tentative Plat - 1152- �, 2II:�:I FASIiION CE.'.T..R SECTIO:: 1 Change of Zoning Classification fro. -.I CG-2/7 G_. -En L CO..:•IE.'.Ci:.L and F.G-2/ 5 G=,ER;�L RESIDE.:TI?:L TO I-1/7 LIGHT I':DI_ST?I:.L in the proposed o_ fic­ �l_ ZCn4 n.c Atlas of the prc::osed Zcni.na Ordi *lance of the Cit,. o- .i� ^i_, Flori .a. This is a cc,;., i cn item to Itc:I S. To allc:': the devel _ T.ent or the site for an inCl:E'4,:_-__1 par., for car=nt aianufacturinc in conjunction the Garment Cent _;'F sai O:1 District P.ed plc_ . ent Pro ram of the City of i4i am.i . IS The site is currentl•, zoned Liberal CoI:Ir.erci al zcnc:_ng (bo,h sides of 22nLane beLt.een N.-Tv", ath A:c:nue and 3rd Court) anc: R-4 tedium Density Residential to the Sout:.h- (bct,,. een NW 5tli Avenue, _ ar Court and N,', 22nd Street) South" of 1", 22nd Strut i:; the R-10 Urb.:ln Rene -:al Area (Tcwn Park-) which is dcvelopc: (! for public housing. To the east lies a deteriorated residential area which t}lam City is curre-iitl'I purchasinq, as part of the Gz.., .,.t::nt Center F a-hi.an Di_,;tri_ct Redevelop nt Pr.o.:rani. `1'o the north lion the Garment Center in anal retail area. 1'hC arCn prC. fOr C�1::I1c�C Of l.UlTln(1 1I1C11,0. s 41 parcel.,; of lancl of which 36 arc o%,:ned b,: the Ci` of tfi.ar!li . `!'}1...:,a 41 parcels of land entail p�l.L (p}1:1:'o I) OI: t71C :il imi Gjirment Coster/ F:1F;llOf1 D1:;trio 7:rea .lhich pro`.'iJes a nro<;I.:m for expanfsi.on and rocevelopment of ol:e ofth:' I?'.a] ?r I_nC]UCtrial activity centers wit:1111 t}:;' Ci t`.' of Miami. During the lasIC 4 Fears the C"t;• Planning Departl".ent has beGn wori:ing closely reprC"1Clltat'_ves of the fa;}11UI1 ap, arel iIldllstry to }leap improve the viability of the area. Fundin 9547, for this project in e::c(2ss of $2, 231, 000 has been pr _ :cC, h' the Cc: ,.,,unit' C� elo �:;lent Bloc'.,, Grant Pro �am. To date $1 , 050�, 621 has been e: 7-,need in tan . a -,iitl'_-''n, re1cca,t1C^ and GLi'.oIiticn in this a cs . T1,' rei:cve lot ,._:;t strafe%;;' a— ims at - e of the j7i,' 1C,?1 lilt tiUCtL1 r' C� the .� . L- r', t- .. . • 7 "7 i..-7 C� i- ' a' '" Ci (? t .f., a n _. t n— a: � _ _:: u_en 31 r a 2 �n 5 t.. visic:, of adklitional lan . nor inciu�tri 1 e: �:,sion of :; ; 22r(' Strec-t. T::o4 4 1 ; ,.. o� C '.e..t aCt..."erS tC O} _ain 7 suf::_..la:._. ;t re so^�:ji•o Cost or t'.:'s of no'. -:bus i %�S�e� and c Or C'::,St1:1^_. flifirms, ails: thee E'CC�1 a4- lOn Oi. le:':t5 due to t::'� �_': a S 1C O _ t:.e S t:: Ave iL e rE �_.- 1 CCr? .2 mz:,, or fc_Ctors resL:itl. In E.xc Of ,,:_. a s:ct'.:ri;.g fir-s frc~ the area. I ^' s-.cntstic I of this progr-nm it is anti ci pated will result in an increase of over 300 ne•. ,:.an.:- fact--: jobs (Phase I) As estimate: 200-300 aCC __on .l i.^ ]0 3 .1- l k a C -eat�� -�:1' •:in tt 0 _ e:._sti^ , i..=.��t__aI ar_ cc:-'....ercial area nCrt:. of . 23rd Str i-- as a result of an overall in t:_� ecc,c:.._c viability of the area that is ai._.-..--Da —,-; _.-c:., th_ i:-'^lion '•of t^_s re - de'. pro. T`_.e City of Nia-mi T....: Base- _ wi 11 be i nc aseu as a res-,1t of increas-2c: i castri The Garment C ,nter,/.Fl .LIilon Di st!-yct Pryc "am is the first indust:.rial ro0e- elc -'tent project unc, rta'.:e:, by the public sector in D:..'_e an_, tho first retie,:ele_ -:tent project ui, er- ta:._.. Ci t',, of :li.::;i Pursuant to tl,o State of Flor.icia Cc,:.:t-.ilnitv Act. Incustria_1 rec:� : cl_c _nt of the area is also cor.cist' nt th the ViL1:11 17,1;:, 19i6-19Su an:., C•.'C'itc'.:I1 Re("o- c'_1O: .,t Plan. BC..ID I�cc ins'. :1��I ov,_il. on c;ptc:^i�cr 1, 1�%��"', b; E� a 6-0 VUt,,- 9547 P7- 117 In I t z 1 1 1 t�ll . = I -21.5 AREA TO BE REZONED TO 1-1/7 9547 0 0 MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Pubi�snec Daily except Saturday. Sunoay anc Legal HOIiCays Miami, Dace County. Fonea STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Dianna Stuver, who on oath says that she is the Assistant to the Publisher of the Miami Review and Deily Record. a daily (except Saturday Sunday and Legal Holidaysi newspaper. published at Miami in Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAA1I RE: ORDINANCE NO. 9547 in the X X X Court. was published in said newspaper In the issues of Jan.20, 1983 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Record is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County. Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida. each day (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida. for a Period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. end alliant iurther says that she has neither paid not promised ay person. firm or corporation any discount, n rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertt5ement for publication in the.siltd newspaper. .t Swoln to and subscribed before me this 20th day of = >: {.I�'an:,...:.: A.D.,e, 83 erly J. Brooks �j{�y. Public. State. of Ftortda st Large 10 My Commtsslon expires JGberlttllg3,` MR 116 CITY OF MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE All interested will take notice that on the 13th day of January, 1983, the City Commission of Miami, Florida adopted the following titled ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 9538 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE USE OF CABLE TELEVISION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF OBSCENE OR INDECENT MATERIAL-, DEFINING TERMS, PROVIDING FOR SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF SAID PROHIBITION, PROVIDING FOR A PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING SUCH SANCTIONS, AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 9539 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $65,000,000 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING HOUSING IN THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR FAMILIES AND PERSONS, INCLUDING THE ELDERLY, OF LOW OR MODERATE INCOME; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF PROCEEDS OF PRESENTLY ESTIMATED $8,000,000 OF HOUSING BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8514, TO ACQUIRE LAND AND PAY RELOCATION AND OTHER EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH HOUSING; AUTHORIZATION OF PREPARATION OF A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING SAID REVENUE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE INSTITUTION OF VALIDATION PROCEEDINGS FOR SUCH BONDS. ORDINANCE NO. 9540 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 36.11, ENTITLED "DISCHARGE OF COMBUSTIBLES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN ITS ENTIRETY, AND AMENDING SECTION 19.184, ENTITLED "MANUFACTURE, SALE, TIME AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS", OF SAID CODE, BY PROVIDING FOR TIME RESTRICTIONS ON THE DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS, EXCEPT ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED DATES AND AUTHORIZING EXCEPTIONS TO THE RESTRICTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9541 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6, BLOCK 2, STADLER GROVE (9.187), ALSO DESCRIBED AS 4000.40.50 WEST FLAGLER STREET, FROM 8-4 (MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIPLE DWELLING) TO C-2 (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL); AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9542 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE NORTHERLY 293.63' OF LOT 6 AND THE NORTHERLY 398.47' OF LOT 7, TROPICAL TRADES CO., STATION "A" (4-6), BEING APPROXIMATELY 3665.71 NORTHWEST 7 STREET AND APPROXIMATELY 821-899 evoZ10-£9W LZ-OZ/1 i 190ZIO-£91N LZ-f '£961 '4Jenuer to AeP OL a4t uo ( £861 '1Lfenuer to AeP OZ a4 aopou s141to uolleollgnd 1sJl j ; a011ou sl41 10 u011eollgnd lsJl j' OZ66•SV6 Zlil='eld'40eeg IWe1W 41NoN 6ZSV '!Lu eAV 41f(IS •3•N 69ni, i iNluleld lot sAaw011V4 euAl£lEEeOsle 41d 'P�I9 1nos JeMol -bed sneJls pue uewsslem ! euABOS18 au0 111luleld °) sAsuJt bs3 uewssleM •s UBIV I JOIJeD pue sot fI1010 Alndea ( bs3 90we0 •d olei senor •0 Aq (leas 11no0 llnaJl01 H1e10 A)nda0 uno0 11noJ10 Pies 10 >llal0 'd seuo (lee r 0 Aq s uno0 lint d3HNIlde OkiVHOILI I Jno l 0 iMoJIO pies 10 >IJaID 'AuvnNVr to 4e £B61 P 9l sl41 O31V(] U35fNIE113 'd 0bIVHQlkI •uoeJeul pe1e00 I 'AdVf1NVr to A �' 81 s441031V Putt ule,1e41 elenlis seinitdl Pug sbul4slutni 'aJnllulnl e41411M Je41e601 Pug OM041 pe16001 se0ueuelJndde pup 95u1P11nq 041 6ulpnl0ul ONV eP00 110 •ePNald '1lluna0 OPgO 10 epJOPON 0119nd 941101m o5ed'9p flfoo8 leid W POWOM '10e41p41 lead 041 01 6ulpt0a0e 'S,1.HDISWOH 4PNold'A 000 �AVM1V4lOa'S1'f00Its '1!11,101 spJaoey oil, FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREAS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT 100.174 NORTHWEST 9TH STREET, 800.898 NORTHWEST 1ST AVENUE AND 101.175 NORTHWEST 8TH STREET, ALSO COLLECTIVELY DESCRIBED AS TRACT "A', TENTATIVE PLAT 01182, "DORSEY HEIGHTS", FROM C-5 (LIBERAL COMMERCIAL) TO R-4 (MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIPLE); AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9546 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT 581 NORTHEAST 62ND STREET, ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOT 16, BLOCK 10, NORTHGATE (8.88), FROM RO.3I6 (RESIDENTIAL -OFFICE) TO CR•2I7 (COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY); AND BY MAKING ALL NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9547 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA APPROXIMATELY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 3RD COURT, A LINE 86' ± NORTH OF AND PARALLEL TO NORTHWEST 22ND LANE, NORTHWEST 5TH AVENUE AND NORTHWEST 22ND STREET, ALSO DESCRIBED AS THE WEST 5' OF LOT 12, BLOCK 1, AND ALL OF BLOCKS 2 AND 3, AND LOT 11, BLOCK 4, WEAVER FIRST ADDITION (UNRECORDED PLAT), AND LOT 11, BLOCK 1, AND BLOCKS 2 AND 3 WEAVER SUBDIVISION (6.31), AND BLOCKS C AND D, J. A. DANNS SECOND ADDITION (3.25), FROM CG-217 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) AND RG-215 (GENERAL RESIDENTIAL) TO 1.1I7 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL), ALL AS PER TENTATIVE PLAT #1152-A, "MIAMI FASHION CENTER SECTION 1;" AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9548 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500, (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREAS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT 100.174 NORTHWEST 9TH STREET, 800.898 NORTHWEST 1ST AVENUE AND 101-175 NORTHWEST 8TH STREET, ALSO COLLECTIVELY DESCRIBED AS TRACT "A", TENTATIVE PLAT #1182, "DORSEY HEIGHTS", FROM CR-317 (COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL) TO RG-3I6 (GENERAL RESIDENTIAL); AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9549 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY AMENDING ARTICLE III - _ )ill 6e0Zt0-E8W Ol-VIZ LZ-OZIt I uo 4ja10 AIndoo sV d 3tl00w'0 AB •6LE (IeaS IinoO t!n3j!0) Blw, ' epljold 'Aluno0 spe0 oMl uno0 1Inoi!0'HJ810 sV 1161 '83NNIHB 'd O8bH018 )IIv '£96I 'Nvf Io Aep 91 sm uap ' uo ep!jol;j '!we! Vy le Imoo p!es to Bud !eas ayI pue puey Aw 6S3N11M '080038,kiiva ONV M31A38 IVyVIIN ul SX98M aAllnoosuoo �j!0),jnol col K89M yoea 83uo' paysllgnd aq Ile►Is aollou s141 U011119d 161, jo !u!eldw00 841 u! Jo; paAejd 0 ;aliej ay1 jol no% Isule6e paJalua aq 111m Ilnelop a aslNUaylo *£961 'SL ; tiQnrgaq ajo;aq jo uo l,noo poiAls anoge 914110 11J913 041 41IM IeU161jo i ayI ail! PUB '6£= valu oil i Iwvlw 13-3als £ ms 4« 'OWN sl ssaippe asoyM 'aau011118d Jo; j Aaujolle'•d d'A1 utinW kNVM3 uo ODINANCE NO. 9552 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE HOUSEKEEPERS CLUB OF COCONUT GROVE," 2985 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9553 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY APPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "PAN AMERICAN TERMINAL BUILDING ALSO KNOWN AS MIAMI CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR INTERIOR MODIFICATION REVIEW PROCEDURES; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871. BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 111, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS. OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9554 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "PAN AMERICAN TERMINAL BUILDING: ALSO KNOWN AS MIAMI CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR INTERIOR MODIFICATION REVIEW PROCEDURES; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9555 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY APPLYING THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "FREEDOM TOWER", 600 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO, 9556 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "FREEDOM TOWER", 600 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES. CODE SECTIONS. OR PARTS THEREOF TweTW 'I# 1135 E MN SECT W Tabuy 'zaaTweg I(oeag TweTW " any sewer 0091 epy 'ueLug4nD sa%e tweTW 'peoH ATT011 9IGL ounag 'azand Zg 'alepaapneZ 42 '4s LS 3N C£9 'a gdasaf, 'TPTo;sag 43eag TWeSW 'N " A-H BTXTO 'M 0000z egsnbny 'aaTeW Toe% leans '•40 EGT MS IE:E(l "I sewer 1119434TW 4eaTpT11 '•;S Vo -3 of •W 44nH 'ATTaN I.4TO 10ae0 'gELk "aAy LE MN oU(,(.1 'r a0;3a11 'Xe,45ims TweTW '•aa aulIXOoag ZBL9 'llassnH "1044Tag W - 'we' 4S ULI MS GIS6 "1 PT1)3e14 'bu'1P0 y0eae TweTPl ' • any say Coi: aqv ' ag3a1? flT=) 10aeO ";D It MN G0581 uen 'lIapu" g0eag TweTW '*any uo74buTgseM (,£01 e%e11 Iuewpaaa3 goeag TweTW " a0 uea3p 9Zr 'S uear 'fauieo g3eag TweTW •N " BAV Z 3N LOL9T gdaso;• 1pul3ploE) 143eail TWelW '•30 aa-71 auld 9I8Z 02013uuel; 'euTwegTwoanXeH TweTW ''46 Z MN 9E9 'y TanbT14 'uoa7 TweTW " :4S 9 MS loOZ oTaaawap 'zaIezuo.-) Twew 1•4S 61l MN lES 'W asor 'euTgarl TWeTW 'EOT 'qdV " any LIT MS lo9E euy 'sues calm '-qS ZV 'M Soil asor 'ae[ag goeBS IWBTW ',L-LT# '*any sulIT00 009S eTlagS 'baagssTaM 43eag TweTW '•aq aaal auld OBLV xeW '6Tanzuaaa!) salgeCl Teaoz) 'ooE# " pH auan(aq OS9T 'D euy 'uosdwTS ST Alt _ _ . :,,,:,..�. ,.�z,,...� xn x , ymn•; ,eracre?,r+.-t,exKrwwx^ i.�n:-:;.-,w... ... 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9560 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC•1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "MIAMI WOMAN'S CLUB", 1737 NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9561 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY APPLYING THE HC•1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE ALAMO", BEING APPROXIMATELY 1611 NORTHWEST 12TH AVENUE, (h10RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9562 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC•1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE ALAMO", 1611 NORTHWEST 12TH AVENUE, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERFNCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9563 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY APPLYING THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE BARNACLE", 3485 MAIN HIGHWAY (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9564 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC•1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE BARNACLE", 3485 Main Highway (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9565 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY APPLYING THE HG1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "DR. JAMES M. JACKSON'S OFFICE", 190 SOUTHEAST 12TH TERRACE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE RIFriEggARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP linoJiO pies to HJa!0 - . ' j�no .,.. coo, av 83NNIHB 'd O8VH011:1 0 11noJ10 Ples io >ija10 d3HNIUB 'd (18VH018 'AtlVl1NVf to de �E96t ` p 6t s141 031V0 'AHVf1NVf 10 Ae to(P 9t slyl 031t+0 ePlJotj '41uno0 ape, 10 SP JOOQU leepol'90 08 )eld ul PePJ � '41un00 epee to sp obey se 10eJ041 leld 041 01 Bul 011Q�d 041 to 'ES e6ed le •pJ0220 'S1H013H 30Vll1A Ott 4008 laid ul PePjoosi se 3NAV3SI81o't 400l8 ui'9101 l jO J941 lead 04101 Buipa000e S31V1S3 VdWVd io't 400111 :I!M of 'luaw6pnr ieul j Jo 'Zi Pue'tt 101 -6'8'1 '9 slo1 JaPJO Ples ul 400) las se AlJadoid j Pacil^osap Bulmoiloi a41 'Es6t :11A 0J'luaw6pr leul j Jo JapJr) ores al ul m, ,c 0 0 MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Dianna Stuver, who on oath says that she is the Assistant to the Publisher of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Adverilsement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. In the X X X .. Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Jan.6, 1983 Aflieni further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Record is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County. Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida, each day (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisemenl. and alfiant further says that she has neither paid not promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication In the said newspaper. . O . zbworrk to and subscribed before me this 6th day of = i� `y7ah A.D. 19. 3 b , J. oo s . pry Public; State of Florrdq at Large My Commission expires�lyq� �C,t89#• '' , .•` CITY OF MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on January 13, 1983, in the City Commission Chamber at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, will consider the following Ordinance(s) on final reading and the adoption thereof. ORDINANCE NO. _— AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE USE OF CABLE TELEVI. SION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF OBSCENE OR INDECENT MATERIAL, DEFINING TERMS, PROVIDING FOR SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF SAID PROHIBITION, PROVIDING FOR A PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING SUCH SANCTIONS, AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $65,000,000 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF PROVIDING HOUSING IN THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR FAMILIES AND PERSONS. INCLUDING THE ELDERLY, OF LOW OR MODERATE INCOME; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF PROCEEDS OF PRESENTLY ESTIMATED $8,000,000 OF HOUSING BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AUTHOR- IZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8514, TO ACQUIRE LAND AND PAY RELOCATION AND OTHER EXPENSES IN CONNEC- TION WITH SUCH HOUSING; AUTHORIZATION OF PREPA- RATION OF A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING SAID REVE- NUE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE INSTITUTION OF VALIDATION PROCEEDINGS FOR SUCH BONDS. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 36-11, ENTITLED "DISCHARGE OF COMBUSTIBLES" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN ITS ENTIRETY, AND AMENDING SECTION 19.184, ENTITLED "MANUFACTURE, SALE, TIME AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS", OF SAID CODE, BY PROVIDING FOR TIME RESTRICTIONS ON THE DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS, EXCEPT ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED DATES AND AUTHORIZING EXCEPTIONS TO THE RESTRICTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE NORTHERLY 293.63' OF LOT 6 AND THE NORTHERLY 398.47' OF LOT 7, TROPICALTRADES CO., STATION "A" (4.6), BEING APPROXIMATELY 3665.71 NORTHWEST 7 STREET AND APPROXIMATELY 821.899 NORTHWEST 37 AVENUE FROM R-4 (MEDIUM DENSITY MUL- TIPLE DWELLING) TO C-1 (LOCAL COMMERCIAL); AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 111, SECTION 2, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, LESS THE N 7.5' AND THE WI/2 OF THE ROADWAY LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 4 AND 5 LESS THE N 7.5' THEREOF AND LOT 16, BLOCK 5, LESS THE N 7.5' AND THE E1/2 OF THE ROADWAY LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 4 AND 5 LESS THE N 7.5' THEREOF AND LOTS 14 AND 15 LESS THE N 7.5' THEREOF, BLOCK 5, PINE TERRACE (3-51), ALSO DESCRIBED AS 2860.70-90 — 2900 SOUTHWEST 28 TERRACE, FROM R-4 (MEDIUM DEN. SITY MULTIPLE DWELLING) TO R-C (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE) RETAINING THE SPD-2 (COCONUT GROVE OVERLAY DISTRICT); AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO, 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 (EFFECTIVE APRIL 6, 1983), THE NEW ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA LOCATED APPROXI- MATELY AT 581 NORTHEAST 62ND STREET, ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOT 16. BLOCK 10, NORTHGATE (8.88), FROM RO.3l6 MR 116 777 ^•772 M . NOTICE OF ACTION NOTICE OF ACTION ic CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF (No PROPERTY) 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN ubl IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOR DADE COUNT'i, FLO ilELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT GENERAL JURISDICTION iN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, DIVISION FLORIDA CASE NO. 82.19078 �Wt I FAMILY DIVISION FLAGLER FEDERAL SAVI NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION CASE NUMBER 82.18522 FC AND LOAN ASSOCIATIO1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR RE. The Marriage Of: MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LINDA M. LACOY, Plaintiff. PROBATE DIVISION Petitioner/Wife. File Number 82.9611 and vs ABRAHAM RODRIGUE2, e Division 04 WILLIAM A. LACOY. IN RE: ESTATE OF Respondent/Husband, Defendant WILLIAM MORRIS DALLETT, TO: WILLIAM A. LACOY TO: ABRAHAM RODRIGUEZ a/kla W. M. DALLETT, 10 Rita Avenue GLORIA CABALLERO F Deceased Hudson. New Hampshire. 03051 RIGUEZ-, his wife TO ALL PERSONS HAVING YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Residence Unknown CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST that a Suit for Dissolution of Mar- YOU ARE NOTIFIED tha THE ABOVE ESTATE AND ALL rage has been filed against you action to foreclose a mortgac OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED , in this Court, and you are required the following property in L IN THE ESTATE: to serve a copy of your Answer or County, Florida: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Pleading in the Petition filed herein that the administration of the estate on the Petitioner's Attorney. Lots 17 & 18. in Block of WILLIAM MORRIS DALLETT, WILSON E, HODGE• 381 North CORAL HIGHLANDS, aWa W.M. DALLETT, deceased, File ! Krome Avenue, Suite 205•C. cording to the Plat the Number 82.9611 CP 04, is pending Homestead, Florida. 33030. in the Circuit Court for Dade Telephone: (305) 245.9340, and file at Page 59, of the as recorded in Plat Boot of County, Florida, Probate Division, the original in the Office of the Records of Dade Cou Pu the address of which is 73 West Clerk of the above styled Court Flagler Street, Miami, Flodda33130. on, or before, February 11, 1983, Florida. The personal representative of the otherwise, a default will be entered estate is VIVIAN DALLETT ORR, against you for the relief prayed has been filed against you whose address is 2258 S.W. 27th for in the complaint or petition. you are required to serve a c Terrace, Miami, Florida. The name This Notice shall be published of your written defenses, if and address of the personal once each week for four (4) con. to it on Keith. Mack, Lewi representative's attorney are set secutive weeks in the MIAMI Allison, plaintiff's attorneys. wt forth below. REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD. address is ill N.E. 1st Sir All persons having claims or WITNESS my hand and the Seal Miami, Florida 33132, on or be demands against the estate are i of Said Court at Miami, Florida, February 4 1983, and file the c required, WITHIN THREE MONTHS on this the 29 day of December, nal with the Clerk of this C FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST 1982. either before service on plaint PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE, RICHARD P. BRINKER, attorney or immediately therea to file with the clerk of the above Clerk Circuit Court otherwise a default will be enti court a written statement of any Dade County, Florida against you for the relief demar claim or demand they may have. (Circuit Court Seal) in the complaint. Each claim must be in writing and BY: A MINGUEZ must indicate the basis for the DEPUTY CLERK WITNESS, my hand and see claim, the name and address of 12(30 116-13.20 M83-123025 this Court on December 22 1£ the creditor or his agent or attorney, RICHARD P. BRINKER and the amount claimed. If the NOTICE OF ACTION As Clerk of the Court claim is not yet due, the date when Construct{ve Service — (Circuit Court Seal) it will become due shall be stated Property BY: A MINGUEZ If the claim is contingent or IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Deputy Clerk uniiquidated, the nature of the ' ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 12123-30 116-13 M82.122 uncertainty shall be stated. If the OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR DADE NOTICE OF ACTION claim is secured, the security shall COUNTY, CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICi be described. The claimant shall CASE NO. 82.22975 (NO PROPERTY) deliver sufficient copies of the GENERAL JURISDICTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 1 claim to the clerk to enable the DIVISION ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRC clerk to mail one copy to each : CAMBRiDGE SAVINGS BANK, OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR Dt personal representative. j Plaintiff, COUNTY. All persons interested in the ; vs. CIVIL ACTION NO. 82.18864 estate to whom a copy of this THE AMERICAN DRUGGIST FAMILY DIVISION Notice of Administration has been INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF mailed are required, WITHIN j Corporation, etal., KLAUDIUSZ AUGUST iGNA( THREE MONTHS FROM THE DATE; Defendants. ZiCK, OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF TO: GUISEPPE CAMARDA Petitioner/Husband THIS NOTICE, to file any objections j Residence Unknown and they may have that challenge the YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED GRAZYNA ZICK, validity of the decedent's will, the ;that an action has been com. ; Respondent/Wife. qualifications of the personal ;menced to foreclose a mortgage NOTICE FOR representative, or the venue or Ion the following real property, lying DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAG jurisdiction of the court. land being and situate in Dade j TO: GRAZYNA ZICK ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND County, Florida, more particularly Residence unknown OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL i described as follows: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTiFi BE FOREVER BARRED. that a petition for Dissolution Date of the first publication of Lot 1, in Block 3, of THE TROP- ! your Marriage has been filed this Notice of Administration: ICS ADDITION, according to j commenced in this court and December 30, 1982. the Plat thereof, recorded in j are required to serve a copy Vivian Dallett Orr Plat Book 5 at Page 91 of the i your written defenses, if any, t, As Personal Representative Public Records of Dade on Stern & Kneski, 822 Biscay of the Estate of County, Florida. Building 19 West Flagler Stre WILLIAM MORRIS DALLETT Miami, Florida 33130 Ph: (3 alk/a W. M. DALLETT more commonly known as 3301 ! 358.0080, attorney for Petitior Deceased Northwest 102nd Street, Miami, whose address is 822 Biscay ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL Florida, 33172. Building, 19 West Flagler Stre REPRESENTATIVE: This action has been filed Miami, Florida 33130 Ph: (T GARY S. RACKEAR against you and you are required i 3584M, and file the original w 1040 S.W. 27th Avenue to serve a copy of your written the clerk of the above styled co Miami, FL $3135 defense, if any, to it on STEPHEN ! on or before February 11, 19• Telephone: (305)643.5422 1. WIENER, Attorney, whose otherwise a default will beentei 12/301/6 M82.123056 address is 610 Northwest 183rd against you for the relief prat NOTICE UNDER Street, Miami, Florida, 33169, on for in the complaint or petition FICTITIOUS NAME LAW or before February 11, 1983, and This notice shall be publish NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that file the original with the Clerk of once each week for four conset the undersigned, desiring to this Court either before service five weeks in MIAMI REVIEW At engage in business under the fic• on Plaintiff's attorney or immedi- DAILY RECORD. titious name of ately thereafter, otherwise a default WITNESS my hand and the si United States Navigation Will be entered against you for the of said court at Miami, Florida at number relief demanded in the Complaint. this 29 day of December, 1982. 444 Brickell Avenue, WITNESS my hand and seal of RICHARD P. BRINKER, he City a this Court on this 29 day of As Clerk, Circuit Court in t r1��lt Apt�77�City December, 1982. Dade County, Florida