HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0073A-83-04 1 ►+y . RESOLUTION NO. 3— r�3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, SETTING FORTH GUIDE- LINES AND PROVIDING INDEMNIFICATION TO THE CITY FOR OPERATIONS SURROUNDING THE "SUR- ROUNDED ISLANDS PROJECT" BY THE ARTIST CHRISTO; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 82-670 on July 22, 1982, by this Commission, approved implementation of the Surrounded Islands Project for areas within the City of Miami's jurisdiction (attached hereto as Exhibit "A"); and WHEREAS, conditions relative to insurance, permits, and indemnification of the City of Miami, have been met by the applicant, C. V. J. Corporation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, providing for guidelines and indemnification of the City for activities pertaining to the "Surrounded Islands" Project. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the herein resolution to the Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management. PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth . 51 LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: d0 L E . MAXW'ELL 4s istant City Attorney wpc/045/0/(2) day of February , 1983. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor T7JAS LTOORM OSE 11. GARCIA-PEDR City Attorney AND CORRECTNESS: 4� OSA CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF E E B 10 1983 RE3 MON RESOLUTION NO. S "-6 70 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SURROUNDED ISLANDS r PROJECT FOR FOUR ISLANDS WITHIN CITY OF MIAMI JURISDICTION IN BISCAYNE BAY AS SHOWN Otv THE VICINITY SKETCH DATED JUNE 28, 1981, ATTACKED HERETO AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE; AUTHOR- IZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN INDEMNIFICATION AGREE`1ENT WITH CVJ CO1I- PORATION ("APPLICANT"); REQUIRING THE APPLICANT 1PEIMOVE THE PROJECT UPON COMPLETION OF THE i;—ATION OF THE PROJECT AND PROVIDE PROOF OF RESTORATION; SUBJECT TO APPLICANT OBTAINING ALL NECESSARY STATE AND COUNTY PERMITS; AND I,:POSING FURTHER CONDITIONS UPON THE HEREIN APPROVAL; AND FURTHER DIRECTING 1HE CITY CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. WHEREAS, by letter of June 28, 1982, the artist Christo has requested permission to proceed with the Surrounded Islands project for four islands within City of Miami jurisdiction in Biscayne Bay; and WHEREAS, this project is sanctioned by the New World Festival of the Arts and would be of artistic benefit to the region; and WHEREAS, the project would have no detrimental impact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: t Section 1. The City Commission hereby approves the Surrounded Islands project for four islands within' City of Miami jurisdiction in Biscayne Bay, as shown on the vicinity sketch dated June 22, 1981, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, said project being the placement of floating fabric extending approximately 200 feet from shore, suitably anchored, for a three week period during the spring of 1983. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an Indemnification Agreement with CVJ Corporation ("applicant"). Section 3. The applicant shall remove the fabric boom, 63-731 stakes and markers and restor all lands to their natural condition upon completion of the duration of the proj zxk,.6,f gyp,• .CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF J U L 2 2 1982 _. _...�., .�^ E20-670 0 0 provide written statements, based upon site inspection, from the Dade County Department of Environmental Resource 11-1anal-.-ement to the City Manager certifying completed restoration. Section 4. This approval is subject to the applicant ootain- int all necessary State and County Permits. Section 5. The herein approval is further conditioned upon the applicant providing the City with the following: (a) artwork to be given to the City commensurate in value to the artwork given by the applicant to Metropolitan Dade County having an approximate value of $50,000; and (b) artbook.s on the project signed by the artist given to the City and dedicated in the name of Helen Muir for use at libraries located within the City of Miami; (c) an agreement to indemnify the City and hold harm- less from all claims arising from the project; and (d) evidence of liability insurance coverage protecting the City in an amount and form satisfactory to the City Attorney; further providing that all agreements required under this resolution be brought before the City Commission for approval prior to execution thereof. Section 6. The City Clerk i.s hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the herein resolution to the Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22 day of July , 1982. y . Maurice A. Ferre AT c L—, MATTY HIRAI ACTING CITY CLERK rr.trnnGD AND APPROVED BY: Jt� J-OF.. E. MAXWE L ASSkSTANT CITY ATTORNEY A P P R O c.,,F.D Ticl- VO F`}ZR M --A-N4)--C-et1t CLCa CE' FKNOX, JR. , CITY V E S S : ORNEY 2- M A Y 0 R 1 s -670 83`73 G 30 CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM o rl z, irector 40'ning Department DATE January 31, 1983 FILE: SUBJECT. Approval of Agreement: Surrounded Islands Project REFERENCES ENCLOSURES It is recommended that the Commission approve an agreement between CVJ Corpor- ation and the City pertaining to the Surrounded Islands project prior to execution by the City Manager, per the attached resolution. Per Resolution 82-670; July 22, 1982, the City Commission approved the Surrounded Islands project. Although the Resolution authorized the City Manager to execute appropri- ate agreements, the Commission reserved right of approval of any agreements prior to execution. The Surrounded Islands project is to be undertaken by the artist Christo for a three week period during the spring of 1983. Floating fabric will be placed approximately 200 feet around four islands within City of Miami jurisdiction in Biscayne Bay. It is requested that this item be heard on the City Commission agenda of February 10, 1983. SR:JWM:dr ATTACHMENT