HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1983-06-09 Marked AgendaP CITY C 0 M M I SS I0N AGENDA Jtl NJ_ ". 1.�, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 CITY HALL - DIMTER r.EY 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving the Minutes of the Regular City Commission meetings of April 6, 1983 9:15 A.M. NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS - (One Hour iscussion 10:15 A.M. A. Planning Department 10:45 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE B. Presentation of Historic Preservation award. C. Appointments to the Art in Public Places Committee. D. Discussion to improve the "scofflaw" booting program. E. Discussion of naming and dedicating the Fire - Rescue Training Center and Fire Museum. F. Discussion of health benefit costs for retirees. G. WITHDRAWN. H. WITHDRAWN. I. Proposed Sister City Visit to Nice, France. 12:00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1. Presentation of Commendation to the Out- standing Officers for the Month of April 1983, Officers Arthur Serig and George Lopez. 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING 2. Receive sealed bids for Little River Highwa Improvement. 2(a) . Public Hearing for the purpose of consider- ing a waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed competitive bids for authorizing the acquisition of raceway barriers, bridges and other related facilities from Motor Sports, Inc. at an approximate cost of $500,000; said facilities to be used to provide on- going capability of the City for the promo- tion of the Mram i Grand Prix and/or other similar race events and for such other uses as the City Manager deems appropriate. (This was scheduled on the May 31, 1983 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends, APPROVED NOT TAKEN UP PRESENTATION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DEFERRED TO JUNE 15, 1983 REFFRR17D TO CITY MANAGER W T T 1i DRAVN VITHDRAVN MOT. 83-466 Fe/P1 UNANIMOUS MOT. 83-467 Fe/Da UNANIMOUS SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA MOT. 83-466.1 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS R- 83-501 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Carollo UNANIMOUS i'a CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 3. RESOLUTION Waiving the requirement of formal sealed bids Tor —rental from the BurroughsCorp-oration o Me a Bytes of Computer Memory and Technics ngineering support Tor Internal Software a�n enance U1 the e-ntral Processing Units on a contract basis for 2 - 112 months at the rate of $3,000 per month and a fixed rate of $30,800 for the Technical Engineering Support at a total FY 182-83 cost of $38,000; with a provision to renew the Computer Memory rental annually at the monthly rate of $3,000 at the option of the City Manager; allocating funds therefore from the FY 182-83 Operating Budget of the Department of Computers; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this rental and technical engineering support; further providing for the adoption of the findings and conclusions set forth in the preamble of this resolution by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Commission. City Manager recommends. 4. RESOLUTION Authorizing the purchase of computer stock paper on an as needed asis from Arnold Graphic Industries, Inc. under an existing State of Florida contract for the Department of Computers at a total estimated cost of $27,000.00; allocating funds therefore from the 1982-83 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Mdanager and the Purchasing Agent to issue Purchase Orders for these materials. City Manager recommends. 5. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Establishing a New Special Revenue Fund i_ntitled Uommunity Development Block Grant Jo s Program; and appropriating $2,761,000 from e execution of same; repea ing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability provision. City Manager recommends- (Companion to Item #6) 6. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant ro ram final statement to the U-77. Department of Housinq and Urban Development (HUD) requesting tunas in the amount of 1Z,/6I,000 for the City's proposed Community Development Jobs Program during - further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and negotiate the necessary implementing contracts and agreements. City Manager recommends. (This is a companion item to Item #5). 6(A). ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY An Ordinance amending Sections 35-91, 35-92 and 35-93 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, establishing rates at certain on-street"park ing meters and certain off-street lots; establishing rates at municipal parking garages; further providing and effective date of October 1, 1983 for the herein rate increases; ratifying and confirming all acts �f the W-Scree Pajk�n BoArd aad its Direc or as o ra es ere o o?e c arge , PAGE NO. 2 R- 83-470 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins IWSEN'I': Carollo R- 83-472 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins UNANTMOUS EMERGENCY ORD. 9631. r..OVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS R- 83-468 (AS ATTENDED) MOVED: Carollo SECOt,:D: Dawkins UNANIMOUS FMF.RGENTY ORD. 9632 MOPED: Plummer SECOND: Carollo UNANTMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 further providing that the Director shall cause certified copies to be filed pursuant to Section 503 of the Trust Indenture; further authorizing the Off -Street Parking Board to develop experimental rate structrures and to initiate rates for new facilities during the fiscal year; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 1. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance for Fy 82-83; as amended; by establishing Unanticipated Interest Earned as a resource in the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $633,900 and appropriating this amount to Government Center Parking Garage further transferring said resource an project from the Capital Improvement Fund to the Government Center Parking Garage Enterprise Fund to increase appropriations from $10,400,000 to $11,033,900, Item XII.B.I. City Manager recommends. 8. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Approving expenditures required by the Department of Off -Street Parking for the Operation and Maintenance of Gusman Cultural Center and to Olympia Building ot the Cityo Miami for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 1983 and ending September 30, 1984; and also approving the enumerated sources of revenue from said operation; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. (This item was passed on f irst reading at the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Carollo.) 9. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Approving appropriations for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 1983 and endin September 30, 1984 by The Department ree ar ing; turther authorizing e Off -Street ar ing Board to develop experimental rate structures and initia' Te rates or new facilities during the fiscal year; con aining a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on f first reading at the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez.) 10. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, as amended by establishing a New Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Summer Food Service Program for Children - 1 , and appropriating fund'? or the opera ion of same in the amount of $133,532. (This item was passed on first reading at the April 6, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Vice Mayor Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez.) City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 3 (CONTTNUED FROM PAGE 2) EMERGENCY ORD. 9633 MOVED: Perez SECOND: Plummer UNANTMOUS ORD. 9634 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Plummer ABSENT: Carollo ORD. 9635 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo ORD. 9636 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo n CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 11. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, adopted October 26, 1977, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, as amended: by establishing a New Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Summer Youth Employment Program - 1983/CETA Vim; appropriating funds for thF operation o said Trust and Agency Fund in the amount of $800,000. (This item was passed on first reading at the April 6, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Vice Mayor Plummer and seconded by Codmmissioner Carollo.) This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 Commission meeting. City Manager recommends. 12. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 2-47 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, which deals with fees for the ereparation and issuance bX the Zity Clerk's icee of copies of reso u ions, or finances and other public records, by providing for an increase in said ees. is item was deferred from the April 6 , 7983 City Commission meeting. This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting. ) City Manager recommends. 13. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719 adopted October 26, 1977, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing a New Trust and Agency Fund, entitled Community t Development Block Grant (Ninth'Year)and appropriating $10 003,000 for the execution of same. (This items was passed on first reading at the April 6, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Vice Mayor Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo. This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. (See #56) 14. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6145 adopted March 19, 1958, as amended, which provides fees for building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical (including boilerer—a'n`d elevator inspections, Rermi ang cer > >ca e yes, by increasing certain fees and deletin;T or Chan in other fees under u se ecri on h . Mechanical ermit ees; (3) Elevators, Escalators and Other Lifting Apparatus: to cover the increase in operational cost for the enforcement of the South Florida Building Code. (This item was passe on Tirst reading at the April 6, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Vice Mayor Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo. This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 4 ORD. 9637 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo ORD. 9638 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Carollo ORD. 9639 MOVED, Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS (SEE RELATED MOT. 33-477) MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Plummer UNANIMOUS ORD. 9640 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Carollo UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA n MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 15. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING An Ordinance Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9534, the Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1983; as amended by establishing as Sectin XIX. The 1980 Highway General Obligation Bond Fund in an amount of $50,000 and appropriating same amount from the sale of 1980 Highway Bonds to establish Allpattah Industrial Area Street Improvements as a new projec is item was passed on first reading at a April 6, 1983. It was moved by Vice Mayor Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez. This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. 16. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, The Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance for for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1983, by appropriating an amount of $84,000 from fund bal ance to establish Computer Assisted Design and Draftincl Fs em as Project 11.L.9. in the 1970 and IM .Highway General Ub I iga ion Bond Fund; and by appropriating an amount of $ 99,900from fund balance to establish Computer Assisted Design and Drafting S stem as rojec in the and 1980 Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and by appropriating an amount of $43 10O from fund balance to establish Com u er Assisted Design and Draftin stem as roJect V7.10. in the 1970 and 1974 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and by correcting certain scrivener's errors occuring in Amendment No.10rdinance 9588) to this Ordinance No. 9534; containing a repealer provision and a severabilitry clause. City Manager recommends. 17. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 31-28 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by addin certain requirements to the ADolicat�on a�cn Kenewai Procedure for City of Miami Occupational icenses; repealing aTT r inances, Code Sections —or parts thereof in conflict and containing a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 18. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8835 Adopted July 27, 1978, which established a trust and agency fund entitled: "Police Second Dollar Traini "; by increasing e appropriation or sal d in the amount Of $from r ive from Dadi oun y for is 2 pursuant to Florida Sta .25(5) and a carry over fund "therefrom g $19,724.00 and making appr ' ns for the purpose of providin aw enforcement training and education; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 5 ORD. 9641 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANT -1OtTS FIRST READING MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Plummer UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS W THDRAWN CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 19. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 18-51.4 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Stock Reports and Avilability", by providingo'er tWe autfiorize sale ot surplus City Persona property, including vehicles and equipment to any municipality of a rien�c iy foreign countr an prescribing certain procedures and criteria Tor —such sale. 1s item was scheduled on t e May 12, 1 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. 20. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719 adopted October 26, 1977, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by establishing a New Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Communit4 Development Count Supplement ( - ; and appropriating or a execution of same. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. 21. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Chapter 22, entitled Garbage and Trash" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by amending Subsections (b) and (c) of Section 22-13 thereof, entitled "Waste Fee to Constitute Special Assessment Liens ains EE:Foved RealProperty" providing that al I waste tees due and unpaid for the period from March 1, 1980 until January 1, 1981 constitute special assessment liens; and setting forth the requirements for perfecting said liens; further authorizing the Department of Solid Waste to verify the amount of waste fees due, if any, upon any parcel of real property. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. 22. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance for FY 82-83; by appropriating from the 1981 Firefighting, ire Prevention and KeFcue ac i ies Bond Fundn is a ed nd Sales an amount of $195,000 to Item III.B.Z. Rescue Service Apparatus an quipmen ,an amount o 1500,000 o Item III. . ire A aratus cquisition, Replacements anModifications, an amount of $100,00U to Item ose Towers, Fire Prevention Vehicles, Fire Pumps an other Fire Equipment, an amount o to Item o� m uter Aided Dispa c stem, an amount of $5UU,UUU to Item .Fire Garage and StationModification an xpansion, an amount of S1100,000 to Item XVII.B.2. Renovation of Fire ations , # , anand modifying said rojec o include ireStation and establishin Project Protective red in Apparatus in e amount o , an establishing Project XVII.B.4. New Fire Station #1inthe amount o , and establishing Toject XVII.B.5. Expansion -of Fire arm office in the amount of $210,000, and establishing Project XVII.B.6. ra 7E i ht Control s em in the amo-un of s-350,000.is item was scheduled on the May T777M City Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 6 FTRs,r READTN(; MOVED; Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANIA`OUS (SEE RELATED `iOTR. 83-478) MOVED: Perez SECOND: Plummer UNANTNOUS FIRST RFADT NG MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNAN TI`TOU S CONTTNUED TO .DUNE 15, 1983 FIRST READTNG MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA n, MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 PAGE NO. 7 23. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING FIRST RF.ADTNG Amending Section 1 of Ordiance MOVED: Plummer No. 9534, The Capital Improvement SECOND: Dawkins Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal UNANT*tOUs Year ending September 30, 1983; as amended; by appropriating an amount of $45,000 from 1970 Pollution Con- trol and Incinerator Facilities Gen- eral Obligation Bond Fund Balance to establish thepurchase of Litter Con- _ tamers and Dumpsters as Item I.C. . in said fund; by increasing appropri- ations in an amount of $200,000 re- ceived as a grant from the State of Florida Department of Natural Re- sources - Florida Recreational Develop- ment Assistance Program for Blue Lagoon Park Development, Item IX.B. (i) 10., in the Capital Improvement Fund; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 23(A) ORDINANCE - FIRST READING FIRST READING Establishing a new special revenue MOVED: Carollo fund entitled "Parks Development Fund" SECOND: Perez for implementation in Fiscal Year UNANIMOUS 1982-83 for the purpose of providing an accounting system to accept and appropriate private donations for Park Development Projects. City Manager recommends. 3:00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 24. Personal appearance of Mr. Joseph A. MOT. 83-469 Aniello of United Cerebral Palsy MOVED: Carollo Association requesting the City's SECOND: Plummer assistance for the association. UNANIMOUS 25. Personal appearance of representatives MOT. 83-475 from Catholic Community Services, MOVED: Plummer Little Havana Outreach Office re- SECOND: Perez ference to funding. ABSFNT: Carollo 26. Representatives of the Miami North- NOT TAKEN UP west Express Track Club, Inc., con- cerning funding for the 8th Annual Northwest Track & Field Classic to be held June 11 - 12, 1983. 27. Representatives of Sweet Adelines, NOT TAKEN UP Inc., concerning the use of Gusman Cultural Center for a benefit per- formance on June 11, 1983. 28. Representatives of the City of Miami MOT. 83-486 Youth Baseball Academies, Inc., re- MOVED: Carollo- questing additional funding for the SECOND: Plummer 1983 Little -League World Series to ABSENT: Perez be conducted on August 15 - 22, 1983. 29. Personal appearance of Will Baskins NOT TAKEN UP of P.A.G.E. requesting funding for their Summer Youth Program. 30. Personal appearance of Mr. Victor CONTINUED TO JUNE 15, 1983 Logan requesting funding for the MEETING Miami Summer Boat Show. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 PAGE NO. 8 30 (A) Personal appearance of Mr. Jerry Cody, REFERRED TO CITY PLANAGER President of Miami Design Plaza Association requesting funding for Miami Market Days. RESOLUTIONS - 31. RESOLUTION R- 83-480 Authorizing the City Manager to exe- WUD: Plummer cute a Professional Services Con- SECOND: Dawkins tract with Brandt Laursen, Computer UNANIMOUS Specialist, to provide 'Systems Soft- ware Confirguration and Management Services for the Department of Com- puters at a cost not to exceed $35,000, allocating funds therefore from the FY 182-83 Operating Budget of the Department of Computers. City Manager recommends. 32. RESOLUTION P- 83-481 Authorizing the City Manager to enter nOVED: Plummer into an agreement with Shearson/ SECOND: Dawkins American Express Manufacturers Hanover UNANIMOUS Trust Company to serve as managing underwriter for the Affordable Rental Housing Development Program. (This item was deferred from the May 12, City Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. R- 83-500 33. RESOLUTION MOVED: Perez Authorizing the City Manager to SECOND: Carollo execute a contractual agreement be- ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins tween The City of Miami and Hammer, Siler, George Associates for the preparation of a Development Oppor- tunities Analysis for the Southeast Overtown Park West Community Rede- velopment District in accordance with the final negotiated contract. City Manager recommends. 34. RESOLUTION R- 83-476 Approving the Overtown Community *LOVED: Plummer Consumer Flea Market Project and SECOND: Dawkins authorizing and directing the City ABSENT: Carollo Manager to enter into an agreement yith the Overtown Economic Develop- -� ment Corporation (OEDC) setting forth guidelines and conditions for the operation of said project; fur- ther, providing OEDC an amount not to exceed Forty -One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Five Dollars $41,295.00) for a period of one year to cover start-up costs associ- ated with saig project, with fund therefor allocated from the Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. i CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 35. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an amendment to the existing original agreement between the City of Miami and the Public Health Trust of Dade County, Florida, which oper- ates Jackson Memorial Hospital, for the coordination of emergency medical services provided by the Rescue Divi- sion of the City of Miami Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department, which extends this agreement for a period of the two fiscal years of 1983/84 and 1984/85 substantially in accordance with the terms and condi- tions set forth in the original agreement except that the annual compensation which is currently $15,000 will be subject to mutual agreement prior to the commencement of each year, with funds therefor to be provided in the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department's General Operating Budget and Special Revenue Budget. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, 1983 City Commission Meeting). City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the AllaEat- tah Business Development Authority, Inc. (Formerly known as the 20th Street Merchants and Industrial Association); and providing an amount not to exceed $5,000 for the purpose of promoting the Allapattah Business District with funds to be allocated from Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Funds. City Manager recommends. 37. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to al- locate an additional $670,000 for the acquisition of land and associated expenses in the Overtown area, funds being provided from Program Income -and 6th and 7th Year Community Block Grant Funds. City Manager recommends. 38. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to amend the legislative services agreement in substantially the form attached, with the law firm of Cramer, Hoffman & Haber, P.C., Counse ors at Law, to exten the agreement through April 22, 19r3, and to increase the base compensation from $30,000 773 33,000 per year and to decrease the allowance for out-of-pocket expenses from $12,000 to $9,000 per year with funds hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts. (This item wa scheduled on May 12, Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. PAGE N0.9 R- 83-507 AInVFD : Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-492 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Perez R- R3-482 MnVFD: Plummer SECOND: Carollo 111NANTIMOUS R- 83-508 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins 4 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 39. RESOLUTION Accepting from Knight-Ridder Newspaper: Inc. a grant of Easement and Restric- tive Covenant to Run with the Land at One Herald Plaza relating to the in- stallation and maintenance of a land- scaped walkway and other pedestrian oriented amenities in connection with the Bay Easement at Herald Park (121-4) and directing the proper officials to record said easement -cove• nant in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Endorsing the proposal submitted by The Center for Design Planning to the Metropolitan Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences requesting funds to study the feasibility of estab- lishing a Folk Art Museum within the City of Miami. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 41. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement, in sub- stantially the form attached hereto, with The Department of Off -Street Parkinq for the lease of certain space on the fifth floor of the Olympia Building, 174 East Flagler Street, for the use of the Department of Internal Audit, with funds there- for allocated from budgeted funds of The Department of Internal Audit. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commission meeting.) City Manager recommends. 42. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to ex- ecute a Lease Agreement, in sub stantially the form attached hereto, with The Department of Off -Street Parkinq for the lease of certain space on the tenth floor of the Olympia Building, 174 East Flagler Street, for the use of The Department -Street, Public Information, with funds therefor allocated from budgeted funds of the Department of Public Information. (This item was schedule on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. ae PAGE NO.10 R- 83-509 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer h Dawkins WI THDRt'1VN R- 83-487 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins 11NAN I MOUS DEFERRED MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Dawkins UNANIMOUS f CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 11 MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 43. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Lease Agrement, in sub- stantially the form attached hereto, with The Department of Off -Street Parking for the lease of certain space on the fifth and ninth floors of the Olympia Building, 174 East Flagler Street, for the use of The Department of Management and Budget, with funds therefo allocated from budgeted funds of the Department of Mangement and Budget. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 44. RESOLUTION Authorizing an increase in the Turnkey Contract, between the City and Miami Center Associates, Inc., for the Convention Center Parking Garage, in the amount of $171,740; said funds to be provided from the construction account established from the sale of Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bonds. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 45. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to extend the existing Professional Services Agreement, subject to the City Attor- ney's approval as to form and correct- ness, with E. P. Iaconis, Certified Public Accountant, for special cost review and audits as necessary and as determined by the City Manager for the City of Miami/University of Miami, James L. Knight International Center Project; further authorizing the ex- penditure of additional funds not to exceed $45,000 for the aforesaid ser- vices from the construction sale of Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bonds, unless further ex- pressly authorized by the City Commission. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 46. RESOLUTION -Approving the selection by the Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation (TEDC) Competitive Selection Commit- tee of Ronald E. Frazier and Associ- ates to provide architectural and engineering— services for the Edison Plaza Project and urging TEDC to expedite a negotiated agreement. Cit Manager recommends. PAGE N0.11 R- 83-488 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins UNANIMOUS R- 83-51 0 PIOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer R- 83-483 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Carollo ABSENT: Perez R- 83-473 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNANIMOUS & Dawkins 0 i# CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: ,rune 9, 1983 47. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to ex- ecute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, between the City of Miami and Duany,_Plater- Zyberk and Plasencia to provide pro- fessional services for the renovation of Building A of the Manuel Artime Community Center, subject to avail- ability of funds and the appropriation of said funds by the City Manager to expend an amount not to exceed $36,000 to cover the cost of the Schematic Design and the Design Development Phases of said agreement and any other necessary ancillary service contracts, using funds from the 8th year Community Development Program that have been designated for said purposes. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 48. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the Metro -Dade Depart- ment of Environmental Resources Management Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program; and further authorizing the City Manager to execute a project agreement to im- plement the program with the Depart- ment. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 49. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Department of Parks to request financial assistance under the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, Recreation Develop- ment Assistance Program; allocating $198,500 to meet the grant matching funds requirements and authorizing the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources to aid in the development of Fort Dallas Park. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 50. RESOLUTION Committing $300,000 in Capital Improve ment Program Funds to the Moore Park Redevelopment Project for the six- teen 16) month period beginning June 1, 1983 and ending September 30, 1984, in order to meet the 30% match requirement for a $699,900 grant award from Ore Urban Park and Recre- ation Recovery Program. (This item was scheduled on the May 12 Commis- sion meeting). City Manager recom- mends. PAGE NO. 12 R- 83-511 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer R- 83-512 MOVED: Carollo & Dawkins SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-51.3 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-514 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins CITY COMMISSION AGENDA .4 MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 51. RESOLUTION Accepting the recommendations of the Selection Committee for an architectural firm to do a Feasibility Study for the Player State Theater Parking Garage. City manager recommends. 52. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an a reement, in substantially the form a ac e , with the 5OUth Florida Economic Development Corporation , prove ing a loan o rom Community Development blockran Funds to sponsor a Community Federal Credit Union ro ram w� eDade-Modeli yes unity Federal Credit Union in conformance with all applicable rules and regulations of The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant Program. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 53. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to increase the budget allocation amount from Community e0 velopment-B1ock—Grant Funds to the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation_ rom $43,75U to $be UbU for the purpose or ;rove ina Economic Development services in the. Coconut Grove Target rea; further authorizing e City anager to executean amendment to the existing agreement, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with such agency with the additional $8,300 therefor being provided from 8th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION proving the Overtown Community Consumer Flea M14et Project that grants the City of Miami, undft,State of Florida Special Permit No. 00%3 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" authoriza 'on to utilize State owned land for the purpos of operating said project; authorizing an6 directing the City Manager, to enter into a"reement, setting fort guideline? -and prov%ingdemnificationto the City for operationsnding said project, between the Cit i and The Overtown conomic Development C635ration , allowing r., under said a e Permit,o operate said project; and proLNLding OEDC an amount not to exceed $4 or perio 0 one year, o cover start-up costs ociated with said project, with funds the fore allocated from the Sixth Year Commu ity Development Block Grant. City Manag recommends. � PAGE NO. 13 R- 83-489 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Carol l o ABSENT: Perez R- 83-484 NOXIF-D: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins UNANIMOUS R- 83-485 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins UNAN I rIOU S WITNDRArN .1 .I CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9,. 1983 55. RESOLUTION Permitting the Dade Heritage Trust to move the Brown resident (a/K/A Coral Rock House) o Watson Island and agreeing to City ownership when the move is completed. City Manager recommends. 56. RESOLUTION Allocating $1,283,644 of Ninth Year Community 6ev`e opment block Grant Funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. , adopted June 1983, to previously approved Social Service Programs and One Historic reservation ro ram for the period commencing July 1, and ending June 30, 1984, further authorizin the City Manager to enter into agreements wit certain social service agencies for said approved projects. City Manager recommends. 57. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations with underwriters to refinance the overnment center Parking Garage 7evenue Bon s, eries, 1981, througWan advanced re un ing ond sale, and to engage le4al counsel for developing an or inance to thate ect. City anFi ager recommends. 58. RESOLUTION Assessing an additional $2.00 as Court Costs yoa inst every person convictedon or a vio atia 5tAte Statute or for a violation oT a Municipal or Countrdinance that occurred within the corporate limits Of e City to7e- usedor Criminal Justice Lducation and Training as provided in Section 943.14, Florida Statutes; directing the Clerk of the Circuit Court to cause the imposition of said additional cost and remit said funds to the City. City Manager recommends. 59. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to extend all Entrant Impact Aid Program Agreement s or NrOTessionai Joo irainin2 Jervices from July I, 1983 through u y 31, 1983 with funds needed far said extension to be taken from the City's 1983-84 allocation for this. program. City Manager recommends. 60. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City iaml commission on the tatus of women. PAGE NO. 14 R- 83-490 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Plummer & Perez R- 83-491 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Perez R- 83-502 ROVED: Carollos SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-503 MOVED: Carollos SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-504 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins WT T}iDRA!;'N CITY COMMISSION AGENDA a MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 61. RESOLUTION Authorizing the re -designation of a $45,00 cash donation plus accrued interest from Mrs. Rita o nson Wilder to design ano construct recreational ac i I i ties in Kennedy Park thus satisfying the grant matching requirement of the Metro -Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 62. RESOLUTION Item: Annual Physical Examinations Location: Police Company: a ars Medical Center, Inc. Total: $110,000.00 Funding: 1982-83 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this equipment. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 63 - 69 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion: ..that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 63 -69 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 63. RESOLUTION Requesting financial assistance from the Land and Water Uonservation Fund __�ruraam�m for the Development of Jose Marti R iverfront Park. ity Manager recommends. 64. RESOLUTION d' Requestinq financial assistance from the 1-ederal Land and Water Conservation tuna rogram for the redevelopment o a ront ar . City Manager recommen s. PAGE NO. 15 P- 83-505 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer R- 83-506 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer R- 83-494 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo UNANIMOUS R- 83-495 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo UNANIMOUS & Dawkins & Dawkins CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 65. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Met Construction, Inc. at a total—co'sf FM-40—,R7 or Orange Bowl - West End Zone Bleachers; au�hor`izing an increase in the June 1, 1792 contract with Met Construction, Inc. for said work in the net amount of $2,500 and authorizing a final payment of $6,286.70. City Manager recommends. 66. RESOLUTION Ordering City_ -Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement Hiiapattan inaustriai Area Sr-5497-C and desi natin the property against` wbich Special Assessments Shal I be made ff or a portion ofT cost thereofas i y- ide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Allapattah Industrial Area SR-5497-C (Centerline Sewer). City Manager recommends. 67. RESOLUTION Authorizing the proper officials of the City of Miami to asccept Thirteen ee s o uealcation for highway purposes and approving the recording of said deeds in the public. Records of Dade County, Florida. City Manager recommends. 68. RESOLUTION Item: Printing 10,000 Thirty -Two Page booklets. Location: Building & Vehicle Maintenance. Company: Graphic Productions Company. Total: $8,800.00 Funding: 1982-83 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this equipment. City Manager recommends. 69. RESOLUTION Item: Police Auto Equ_i meant Location: Tuilaing I vehicle Maintenance Company: Law Enforcement qulpmen o., Lawmen's and Shooters Supply, Inc. Public Safety Devices, Inc. Total: $3,424.00, $19,041.92, $451.20 (respectively) Funding: 1982-83 Operating Budgets of the Departments of Police and Building & Vehicle Maintenance Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this equipment. (This item was scheduled on the May 12, Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 16 R- 83-496 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo UNAN T I lnus R- 83-497 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo ITNANTMOUS R- 83-498 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo UNANIMOUS R- 83-499 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Carollo LINANTMOUS R- 83-493 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Perez UNIANTMOUS T � . V ''„� NCORO�URAfEO ;�) C I T Y COMIMISSION A G E N D A 10( 96 / 81 .`Q SUPPLEiMENTAL AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 CITY HALL - DItINER Y.EY 70. Discussion concerning additional funding for the Association For The Useful Aged Inc. 71. Discussion of a donation of real estate to the City of Miami to be used for the Police Department sub -station program. 72. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY An emergency Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9500, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, by amending section 3405 entitled "Status of Building Permits or Certificates of use issued prior to adoption or Amendment of ordinance"i of Article 34 entitled "Admini- stration, Enforcement, Violation, and Penalties", by providing for viability of certain applications for building permits, variances, and conditional uses under Ordinance No. 6871 subse- quent No. 9500; by repealing all Ordinances, code sections, or parts thereof in conflict; and containing a severability clause. 73. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING ORDINANCE An ordinance authorizing two addi- tional positions of Assistant City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING 5 : 00 P.M. 74. 01RJKM FIRST READING ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9500, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida by amending Section 1550 entitled "SPI-5: Brickell - Miami River Residential - Office District" and related sec ions 1553 entitled "Permissible Principal Uses and Structures", 1554 entitled Permissible Accessory Uses and Struc- tures", 1556 entitled "Minimum Lot Re- quirements; Floor area Limitations; Minimum Open Space Requirements; Limi- tations", Open Space Requirements; Limitations", and 1558 entitled "Off Street Parking and Loading", of Articl 15 entitled "SPI: Special Public In- terests District", by clarifying language pertaining to alocoholic beverages, floor area ratios, minimum lot requirements, floor area limita- tions, yard area requirements, sidewal MOT. 83-515 MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins R- 83-451 MOVED: Perez SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo EMERGENCY ORD. 9642 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Carollo ABSENT: Dgwkins FIRST READING MOVED: Carollo SECOND: Perez ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins FIRST READING MOVED: Perez SECOND: Carollo ABSENT: Plummer & Dawkins 'b .0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 9, 1983 area requirements, and off-street parking; and by repealing all ordi- nances, code sections, or parts there- of in conflict; and containing a severability clause. PAGE NO. 2 Proclamation and Plaque: Presented Plaque: No Show Commendation: Presented Proclamation: Presented Commendations: Presented Proclamation: Presented Presentation: Presented SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = June 9, 1983 To U.S. ('Monk) Tillman, Fire Fighter with most seniority in the U.S. = Upon his retirement. To Alicia Baro = For outstanding contributions to the community. To Rev. Constance M. Lang = for her contributions to the community. Declaring Charles Lallou: Day = for his efforts in favor of the Miami Design District. To Jean 11,1ii2ple and David Harrison = for their efforts in favor of the Miami Design District. Declaring May 13 Vpcational Rehabilitation Day = presented to Arnold Cortacco,.Program Supervisor. Luis Moya, General f4anaaer of Aeroperu.