HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0476J-83-383 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE OVERTOfnTN COMMUNITY CONSUMER FLEA MARKET PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO FNTFR INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OVERTOWN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (OEDC) SETTING FORTH GUIDELINES AND CONDITIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAID PROJECT; FURTHER, PROVIDING OFDC AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FORTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY FIVE DOLLARS ($41,295.00) FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR TO COVER START-UP COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SAID PROJECT, t1ITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE SIXTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. WHEREAS, the City Commission is committed to economic development and expansion of trade and commerce; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 1981, this Commission authorized the City Manager through Resolution No. 81-1025 (attached hereto as Exhibit "B"), to increase the allocation of Sixth Year. Community Development Block Grant Funds for economic development purposes to OFDC by the amount of Sixty -One Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($61,300.00) of which the sum of Forty -One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety -Five Dollars ($41,295.00) has yet to be expended; and WHEREAS, by letter of November 4, 1982, to the City Manager, the Overtown Economic Development Corporation (OEnC) has requested assistance from the City in facilitatinq the Overtown Consumer Flea Market Project; and WHEREAS, the Overtown area in which the proposed project shall be developed and operated is a designated blighted area under Section 163.340 (8) of the Florida Statutes, and the purpose of the Project is a public purpose to improve and rehabilitate the Overtown Area and to stimulate the economic development by the -development of a consumer flea market; and WHEREAS, the City's Department of Economic Development (DED) has requested and received Special. Permit No. 008-83 from the State of Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) to utilize CITY COMMISSION MEETIgG OF J U N 9 1983 83--4 RE���Rns 1np rl r State owned property located under State Road 836 (I-395), between Northwest 12th Street and Northwest 13th Street, in the vicinity of Northwest lst Avenue and Miami Avenue; and WHE;RFAS, it is the intention of DFD to enter into an aqreement with OFDC whereby OEDC would be granted permission to operate an open-air flea market with adjacent parking facilities; and WHEREAS, said agreement would be subject to OEDC providing for indemnification and proof of liability insurance naming the City of Miami as an additional insured in amounts determined by the City's Risk Management Division; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami would impose the following requirements on OEDC: a. The OEDC shall he responsible for daily maintenance of the area, including trash removal and removal of debris; b. The OEDC shall provide site preparation including landscaping, grading and sufficient lighting for the area; C. OEDC shall utilize the services of currently unemployed Overtown residents during the operation of the project, thereby providing new job opportunities for area residents; and d. Parking areas shall be provided and adequate security shall be provided for vehicles utilizing the area; NOW, THEREFORE;, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The operation of the Overtown Consumer Flea Market Project by the Overtown Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) on a State-owned land under. State Road 836 (I-395) pursuant to State of Florida Special Permit No. 008-33, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference, is hereby approved. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with OEDC setting forth -2- 83-476 guidelines, providing for indemnification, requiring liability insurance, providing a revocable permit for the operation of said project, and containing the recitals and conditions as set Forth in the preamble of this Resolution which recitals and conditions are hereby adopted as if fully set Forth in this Section. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby further authorized and directed to provide OEDC an amount not to exceed Forty -One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety -Five Dollars ($41,295.00), for a period of one year to cover start-up costs associated with said project, with funds therefor allocated from the Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9ti, day of June 1983. AyTEST : Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRF, Mayor RA—L G. ONGIE l" \City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 04 P. ;�. WV 9OEf E. MAXWEL s start City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: *OSE R. GARCIA-PEDROSA City Attorney G wpc/pb/099 -3- S3-47C. JWilt • 'i� �,t?t'Y L� II�:i KERN11r AND PLX'' '. Lt. Eic n'; I�jr Jos SITE AT ALL ` ii;. 1v;►'„INC, THE CC;15?RJCTIX4 Ur rLUKIUA 11CiHn,c.n. .-•-- --- - SPECIAL PERMIT FT114 PER Mfr no. DATE, ;;F 1 FITS FACILITY. PERMIT NUMBER SUBJECT: Section 57200 State Road 836 (I-39S) , County DADE PERMITTEE: CITY OF hIIANII, Department of Economic Development ODRESS: 174 East FlZcy1er Street 131 Telephone Numher- $79-33Z4 Requesting permission from the State of Florida Department of Transportatier:, 're ina`ter call=d the Department, to construct, operate and maintain An oven ai.r 11 a market parking 'i i7i" CF _t* � i'L•9i 1I7 13 C1�.:7 ii:G. ii i li :'v:J • . Facilities adincCat— arom t1P/Station .1 r.r 7: r.:vci teo. to MP/Station 1. Proposed work is within corporate limits of a municipality. Yes K No j Name of t';unicipal ity City of iliami 2. Applicant declares that prior to filing this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground and the accurate locations are shown on the sketches. — A letter of notification was mailed on 1/17/83 to the following utilities/ municipalities. SBTT, FPCL, NlD1VSA, CITY (; , =OPLE GAS. :S. Interstate right-of-way is involved. Yes ( 113� � It is expressly stipulated that this permit is a license for permissive use only and that the placing of facilities upon public property pursuant to this pemit shall not operate to create or vest any property right in said holder. 5. Whenever it is determined by the Department that it is necessary for the construc- tion, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration., or relocation of all, or any portion of such highway, or that is necessary for the construction, modification, or safe and efficient operation and maintenance of any public transportation facility, any and a`1 facilities shall be immediately removed from said highway or reset or relocated thereon as required by the Department, all at the expense of the permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 6. All work shall meet Department standards and be performed under the supervision of A-F.. GRAU District Permit Engineer, located at 401 r W v 331" �f Florida, Telephone Number . 2S3-750b 7. materials an equipment shall be subject to inspection by tie District Permi Engineer. 8. All Department property shall be restored -Co its original condition, as fat- a; practical, in keeping with Department specifications, and in a manrer satisfactory to the Department. 9. F.11 installations shall conform to the Departments Standards and Specifications i effect the date permit is approved. 10. A sketch covering details of this installation shall be made a part of. this permit. 11. The permi ttee shall cotrmence actual construction in good faith within 90 days from the day of said permit approval and shall be completed within days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit a prova then. perriittee must review the pem.it with the D.O.T. Pe t,it Engineer to male sure no changes have occurred in the highway that would affect the permitted construction. 12. The construction and maintenance of such facility shall not interfere with the property and rights of a prior permittee. 1a. Special conditions: SF.E ATT�p i.F'rTi•g 111T11CONDITIONS INCLUDED 14. Special instruc l? , r' 7 r . 15. It is understood and agree t at t e rig is and privi egos here set out are granted only to the extent of the State's right, title and interest in the land is be entered upon and used by the holder, and the bolder will, at all tins, assum* all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the,State of Florida and the Department from and against any and all loss, dalaage, cost or expense arising in any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercises by said holder for the aforesaid rights and privileges. 16. During construction, all safety regulations of the OeparLment shall be observed and the holder must take measure, including placing and display of safety devices that may be necessary in order to safely conduct the public through the project area in accordance with the Department's Hanual on Traffic Controls and Safe Practices for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance and Utility Operations 17. The office of the Engineer designated in paragraph six (6) shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours prior to starting work and :!gain leiiatel,y upon completi 83-47C ld. Ili case of non compliance with the Department's rer1irements in effect as of the approvM A� to of t'# permi t, thi s permi t i s voi d;01 the faci 1 i ty wi 11 have.: *to be brought into compliance or removed from the R/W at no cost to the Department. i t t -2d, Place Corporate Seal Per[ t�tee "•Signature and Title ;• Director, Public Works -Attested "Vta'ivcr. cf Corporate Seal on File with General Counsel, State of Florida Department of transportation, Tallahassee, Florida. res ( ) No W F,oadway Constructior is proposed or under<ray. Yes ( ) Job No. 'limo �ccoaywnded `" pp►;41 Distr1Gt PeW Title e jUBD1IT. ENGINEE11Dat6 t' /Lr�IG-- gineer or AuthoMed Represen ive N �v Ulr U U �.'�U U U City -.4 1-13!. December 14, 1982 tir. John C. Goodknight 3 District Engineer i < Florida Department of Transportation 401 N.W. Second Avenue, Room 520 Miami, Florida 33128 Dear Mr. Goodknight: ' This letter is to request your issuance of a permit to the City of Miami for utilization of properties located under the I-95 - Expressway between North West 12th Street and North t•lest 13th Street, in the vicinity of north I•lest First Avenue and Borth Miami Avenue, Section 87004, I-95. Upon receipt of the permit, and approval, the City of Miami will issue a permit to the Overtown Economic Development Corporation to utilize the area for the OEDC operation of an open-aie Flea Market, subj-.�ct to the following conditions: A) The OEDC will he responsible for daily maintenance of the area, including trash removal and removal of debris. B) The OEDC will provide site preparation, including landscaping, grading and sufficient lighting for the area. C) OEDC will utilize, the services of currently unemployed Overtotn residents during the operation of the Project, thereby provinding new job opportunities for area residents. D) Parking areas will be provided and adequate security will be provided for vehicles utilizing the area. The City of Miami, Department of Economic Development supports the Overtown Economic bevelopment Corporation in this endeavor, and will provide the OEDC with any technical assistance required for the project. DEPARrME!�:'r O: ECON'OMIC DEVELOPMENT /Olympia Ruildin ; / 174 East i%i),"rrSt--.th:too:.•Ali n�i, `L 33131 " (105- S79-3324 CHAkLOrrf A. t;ALLOGLY. Director I 83-4r76 Ur. John C. Goodknight December 14, 1982 Page tdw-nber 2 $3 We would appreciate your issuance of this perr,�it as soon as possible so that the OEDC may begin work on the site. Thank you for your cooperation, and our best wishes for the Holiday Season. Sincerely, Charlotte Gallo 1 g Y Director CG/DJA:fa CC: Chairman OEDC Jim Reid ACM v 83-4'76 OSECT101I 36 ter' tii�i pERMIT 11A TOW N. V1. 13f ent N 870 46' 36" E /—/~/ tv 183.2�3 ?�so, 7/ R=619.98' " F Tg. Sj -- Iti/ Fi /0�/ L=8.31'— T = 4.I6� go 0/2 d W to /Oci 3 Z cV BLOCK > -- ___-- —SUR to -_ N /0 z 9 - /'. n N 02. c\j Sal 2 NM N 870 47' 39 to E N.W. 12t� ALICE BALD�'�/IN JBIVNY If. P. 8. _ 83-47C- ; PANGF 41 -F ,EET K 100 34'1 w /2 `),9" E zlO !o7 Q.O.T. tic). SEC. haL $72004Z501 2401 ROAD No. 836 (1-395) COUNTY DADE FAP. No. S►IT. llo. I OF 2 S"?ECIAL PERAT I10. C9 Q• R, � z w Q 3�9vT. B. N 73- 08' 49'1 `V _ BLOCK 12 _ s to Cr l a6- co ° i- p� N 8 .S a9s co N c* co 5 N 7 7 E HAS. E. OXAR SUBDIVISION Imo_ 87 83-4'7f STATE OF FI.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPCRTArio,-1 PAPCEL SKETCH FP,;'d OFFICIAL 911.4-T OF w-1Y MAP IN ---�).iU1= ------------- cUuvl Y, FLORIDA. DATED --_ - �I_fi_6_ - - R1-:ViSED 8-14-67 SHO.VIN.:, RIGHT OF WAY aN EASEMENT RIGHTS -.IN.. SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 53 , - S_ _ RANGE: 41 _ - E t.�=fakG �r�scvProv wiry. tkz /Irurf�d ,dc'cess ti ltt -oF- a6kec�x mel�ricla .t%ea'-t_ Florida S ,mad /(l0• d3b 1y Zcl� ! ,cv lc GrGcd Grr v 77'azc. 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"31�ck If -�Ce. rrrr S 87°�f6 r!Z" G1 d! -1'� l javfi�•'l ire. ar �!c� !Z' ern' ct drs��.rte�,���f' beef •{u a-' f vr�f o-� irLt�rSeGfio�. LJri�.. f� Gt.-+2S' �'rG� IG� l2; -{�cce rch� �tl Z°/�"Zz'r � �✓v /;,�e. �'• scud �3 a drs�-.zuce. �' �xtd �.%�`r�er~Ga lrce- � ta'ac� lu rc r' Z36.33 �i�e-4y'�` �v �i�2 .�,.'�'ln���.o�' a- eircvlrs.- cvY•��, i�rs 75-r� 7% ' feet; ieLtce nNt c� -fie a.'/c �' � Grr'cv� G.s. �'G -�i�.u"G%r ✓ ii �CLlC�'"/ C+' coo /& , lt" -fir' `74 �f0 cz. .--�l�t,!'• a7c, Ce rW �5 Z° t b'=f 't F• alc paid s1G ✓!u lr . j�tiit!!q, I.13J acres, r:ccrC'. rn- �S• G' rr ZS�e.��tc �d le��'�scrrph�-� b� Usur' Fr' Leese. �`�r�ueu� c„'t1G(. t �r� lti5�yvsceyt�' �r��'a�'ed h� m RESOLUTION NO. im 8 X~ x U 2 �? A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCREASE THE ALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO TIIE OVEF.TOWPi ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FROM $509-000 TO $111,300 FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING EXPANDED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES IN THE OVERT014N TARGET AREA; FURTHER AUTHORIZ- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH SAID AGENCY, WITH THE ADDITIONAL $61,300 BEING PROVIDED FROM THE SIXTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. WHEREAS, the Overtown area is the most physically dist:r.essed area of the. City; and WHEREAS, the Overtown area needs increased expanded economic development activities in the area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OV MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City I•Tanager is hereby authorized to increase the allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds to the Overtown Economic Development Corporation from $50,000 to $111,300 for the purpose of providing the Corporation Frith capital for lever- age to attract different economic development projects to the Overtown targeted area, with the $61,300 in additional funds pro- vided from the Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an amendment to the agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, with said agency. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10 day of DECEMBER M �AW , k WN M R4PI1 C. ONGIE, CITY CLERK P REn RED AND APPROVE 7T• ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY A1'PR( AS TO Fr1(M AND r_ RRF.CTNESS:. CEORGE CITY A F. KNOX, JR. TORNEY MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R , 1981. t1 15I' 83-4.7E: } CM, COMMISSION cTING Or - DEC 1 01981 ­­1 P, 81 " 34 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary City Manager Charlotte Gallogly _ Director R�.. Department of Economic Development U A TE S"9:E:.' I REFERENCES April 27, 1983 FILE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY CONSUMER FLEA MARKET PROJECT ENCLOSURES May 12th Commission Meeting "It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution on the Overtown Community Consumer Flea Market Project authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Overtown Economic Development Corpora- tion (OEDC), providing OEDC permission to operate said project; and providing OEDC an amount not to exceed $41,295 for a period of one year, to cover start-up costs of said project, with funds to be allocated from the 6th Year Community Development Block Grant." On November 4, 1982, the Overtown Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) wrote you a letter requesting assistance in helping facilitate a community project called the Overtown Community Consumer Flea Market. Specifically, OEDC requested that the City release the market site from its owners, the State of Florida Department of Transportation (DOT), and then lease it to OEDC. This would result in a substantially lower rental fee to OEDC. Subsequent to this letter, DOT determined that the most appropriate mechanism for making this area available for a flea market would be through a permit issued to the City of Miami. Since OEDC has a contractual relationship with the City for economic development purposes, the use of the land under the circumstances would constitute a public purpose under the sponsorship of the City. Thus, there would be no rental fee involved. The Department of Economic Development (DED) has requested and received a Special Permit from DOT to utilize State-owned properties located under State Road 836 (1-395), between Northwest 12th Street and Northwest 13th Street, in the vicinity of Northwest First Avenue and Miami Avenue. It is the intention of DED to enter into an agree- ment with OEDC whereby OEDC would be granted permission to operate an open air flea market with adjacent parking facilities. This Agreement would be subject to OEDC providing for indemnification and liability insurance to the City in amounts determined by the City's Risk Management Division. In addition, the City would impose 83-47C. P age. 2 the following requirements on OEDC: A) The OEDC shall be responsible for daily maintenance of the area, including trash removal and removal of debris. B) The OEDC shall provide site preparation, including landscaping, grading and sufficient lighting for the area. C) OEDC shall utilize the services of currently unemployed Overtown residents during the operation of the project, thereby providing new job opportunities for area residents. D) Parking areas shall be provided and adequate security shall be provided for vehicles utilizing the area. As to funding for this project, on December 10, 1981, the City Commission authorized the City Manager through Resolution No. 81- 1025, to increase the allocation for Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant funds to OEDC by the sum of $61,300. These additional funds were to be used for the purposes of providing OEDC with seed capital to attract economic development projects to the Overtown targeted area. To date, an amount of $20,005 has been expended from these funds. We are requesting that the City Commission grant the remaining balance of $41,295 (Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant funds) to OEDC for the purpose of meeting the following start-up costs associated with the flea market: securing required liability insurance, obtaining security, constructing booths and walkways, renting sanitation facilities, conducting advertising and promotion campaigns, recruiting vendors, and providing electricl improvements to the area. CG/AR/ju Attachment 83-4'7E