HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09643J-83-413 ORDINANCH NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE, NO. 9500 THE; ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, PY APPE_,YING THE HC-1 GENFRAI, USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "OLYMPIA THEATER ANP. OFFICE, BUILDING," (Ar,S() KNOWN AS GUSMAN CULTURAL, CE;N'.I'I R) , BEING APPROXIMATELY 174 EAST FLAGTLER STRE;F3T, (MORE, PARTICULARLY DE:SCRIBI D HERE,IN) MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALE, THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE 1,10. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILI'T'Y CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Miami P.lanninq A�.lv.isory Roard at its meeting of April 20, 1983, Item No. 3, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 40-83 by a 4 to 0 vote, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of applying the HC-1: GENERAL USE, HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT to subject property, as hereinafter_ set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission after careful cnnsiderati.on of this matter deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant this application as hereinafter_ set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Ordinance No. 9500, adopted September 23, 1982, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of. Miami, Florida, is hereby amended by applying the HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT to the "OLYMPIA THEATER AND OFFICE BUILDING," (also known as Gusman Cultural Center_), being approximately 174 Mast Flagler Street,more particularly described as Lots 1 and 2 and the southerly 55 feet of Lot 3 and the northerly 45 feet of Lots 18, 19, and 20, less the westerly 2 inches of the northerly 65 feet of Lot 2, of rBlnck 3.21, of the Plat of MIAMI NORTH, as recorded in Plat Book R at Page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; further, finding that the subject property embodies appropriately distinguish. q characteristics of an architectural style, period, or method of herein action; further., the zoning d Ordinance, by r_ef_er.ence an(a ction 300 thereof, is hereby amended P. nances, code s(-ctions or parts -3r_e hereby repealed insofar as they ,y part or provision of this ordi- t of competent jurisdiction to be affect the validity of the Ordinance 13Y TITLE ONLY this 31st day of BOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY , 1963. City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: O.j �. �� �6� 0slistant L E. MAXWELL City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 4 ISE R. GARCI ity Attorney wpc/pb/106 -PFDROSA Maurice A. Ferre MAUR.ICE A. FERRE, Mayor jAIIJ I01C1'.01111: Mdi[1,1i1CC FAEOILAI 'It IIIC SOL11:1 Door of tF,c 1), 1, (' .1r+,. Co, rI 1#,,,,•t nl thr pI (-c proO,' d �ti, ,I.ICti; PA 9643 Howard V. Gary City Manager May 4, 1983 FILE urelio E. Perez-Lugones ` Director Planning and Zoning Boards —Admi ni strati on. -Department-, ,, __- ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - RECOi1MENDED APPLICATION OF HC-l: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DIST TO 174 E. FLAGLER STREET - ORD. 951 COMMISSION AGENDA -MAY 26, 1983 PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS "It is recommended that an Amendment to the Zoning Map of the Zoning _r_ffT- nance 9500 (when effective) to apply the HC-l: General Use Heritage Con- servation Overlay District to Olympia Theater and Office Building (Gusman Cultural Center), 174 E. Flagler Street be approved. The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of April 20, 1983, Item 3, following an advertised hearing, adopted resolution PAB 40-83, recommending approval of the above petition with a 4 to 0 vote, on above site, as described in the designation report. Backup information -is included for your review. An ORDINANCE to provide for the application of this Overlay District has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. _ems GF:111 cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommendation: APPROVAL 9643 PLANNING FACT SIIEET APPLICANT: City of Miami Planning Department: March 28, 1983 PETITION: 3. Consideration of recommendations concerning amendments to the Zoning Map of Ordinance 9500, when effective, Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to apply Section 1610. HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVA- TION OVERLAY DISTRICT to Olympia Theater and Office Building (Gusman Cultural Center) 174 E. Flagler Street, as described in the designation report. REQUEST: To apply the proposed HC-1 overlay to this historic site, as described in the attached designation report. BACKGROUND: The Olympia Theater and Office Building is proposed for historic designation by both the City of Miami and the National Register of Historic Places. The official recognition of outstanding historic and architectural significance provided by the designations, and tax incentives available through the National Register listing, are expected to attract private developers to rehabilitate the Olympia Office Building. The project will be advertised as a unified development with a long term lease on the office building. It is expected that lease revenues from the rehabilitated office building will assist in needed restoration of the theater building. Additional funds for the theater restoration will need to be generated through private donations, increased usage of the theater, and improved usage of internal public spaces for restaurants and other supporting services. ANALYSIS: On March 22, 1983, the newly established Heritage Conservation Board held a public hearing, and determined that the subject property meets the following criteria for historic site designation. 5. Embodies those distinquishing characteris- tics of an architectural style, or period, or method of construction. The Olympia Theater and Office Building is an outstanding example of atmospheric theater design and is one of only two which survive in Florida. The building is also 9643 RECOWUNDATION: PLANNING DEPART14ENT: HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD: PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: a unique example of the application of Mediterranean Revival style detailing to a ten story commercial building. 6. Is an outstanding work of a prominent designer or builder. The Olympia Theater was designed by John Eberson, America's foremost atmospheric theater designer, and is one of his fine works. 7. Contains elements of design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship of outstanding quality or which represent a significant innovation or adaptation to t e South Florida environment. The Olympia Theater and Office Building is particularly noteworthy for the excel- lence of its craftsmanship, materials, and detailing, as expressed throughout the theater and lobby space. The PAB need not reconsider the issue of historic designation criteria; however, it should consider the appropriateness of the proposed HC-1 zoning overlay as compared to any other "HC" regulations that could be created for the subject property. The HC-1 overlay would not change or modify any of the existing zoning regulations. Approval Approval 5 to 0 Recommended Approval on April 20, 1983 by adopting Resolution PAB 40-83 by a 4 to 0 vote. 9643 .OLYMPIA THEATER & OFFICE BULL 174 EAST FLAGLER STREET N.E. N W W � N z z EAST FLAGLER STREET S.E . I ST. S.E. 2 ST. w `_'EAST FLAGLER STREET. - w z _ w > .............................. CV !' W ' (n S location site plan DING Boundary Description of HC Zoning District: Lots 1 arid 2 and the southerly 55 feet of Lot 3 and the northerly 45 feet of Lots 18, 19, and 20, less the westerly 2 inches of the northerly 65 feet of Lot 2, of Block 121, of the plat of MIAMI NORTH, as recorded in Plat Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 9643 1i MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sockie Wllllams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF iMIXMI Re : ORDINANCE NO. 9643 imthe ..... ".. X- - l............................. Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of June 21, 1983 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Record is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, fine or corporation any discount, rebate commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adv;7Asement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21stA.D. 19. ,. deyof .........June ................ ............... I ...... I ...... ....... Terris Franco Notary Public, State of Florida at Large (SEAL) My Commission expires Dec. 21, 1995. MR 134 CITY OF MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE All interested will take notice that on the 151h day of June. 1983. the City Commission of Miami, Florida adopted the following titled ordinances: I ORDINANCE NO. 9643 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC•1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CON- SERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "OLYMPIA THEA- TER AND OFFICE BUILDING,'' (ALSO KNOWN AS GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER), BEING APPROXIMATELY 174 EAST FLAGLER STREET, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN). MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANF CODE GFCTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEV- ERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9644 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CON- SERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "DR. WILLIAM CHAP - MAN HOUSE," BEING APPROXIMATELY 526 NORTHWEST 13TH STREET, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECES• SARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIP- TION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9645 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CON- SERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE "FLAGLER WORKER'S HOUSE", LOCATED IN FT. DALLAS PARK, BEING APPROXIMATELY 60-64 NORTHEAST 4TH STREET, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. _ 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9646 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CON- SERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "FIRE STATION NO. 4," BEING APPROXIMATELY 1000 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING- ATLAS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9647 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION BUREAU PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES" FOR IMPLEMENTA- TION IN FISCAL YEAR 1982.83 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO- VIDING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $20.000 TO PAY FOR EXPENSES AND OTHER RELATED COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SELLING THE CITY OF MIAMI TO PROSPECTIVE MEETING PLANNERS AS A PRESENT AND FUTURE CONVENTION SITE, WITH REVENUES THEREFOR AVAILABLE FROM INDI- VIDUAL AREA HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, TRANSPORTATION LINES, TOURIST ATTRACTIONS, AND OTHER RELATED BUSINESSES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9648 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SEC- TIONS 62.35 ENTITLED "POWERS AND DUTIES GENERALLY," 62-55 ENTITLED "SAME -TYPES," 62-61 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF FEES" AND 61-62 ENTITLED "REOUEST FOR REVIEW," OF CHAPTER 62 ENTITLED "ZONING AND PLANNING," BY DELETING THE TERM "CONDITIONAL USE" AND SUBSTI- TUTING IN LIEU THEREOF, THE TERM "SPECIAL EXCEPTION," BY CHANGING THE ZONING FEE SCHEDULE, AND PROVID- ING FOR APPEAL FEES; BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9649 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 1504.5. 1 ENTITLED "AUTHORIZED VARIATIONS" OF ARTICLE 15 ENTITLED "SPI: SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS", AND SECTIONS 2803 ENTITLED "COMMISSION DISPOSITION OF FINAL APPLICATIONS; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS" AND 2804 ENTITLED "EFFECT OF CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL OF FINAL APPLICATION", OF ARTICLE 28 ENTI- TLED ''MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS: DETAILED REQUIREMENTS", BY PROVIDING ADDITIONAL AND MODI- FIED STANDARDS AND REQUIRED FINDINGS AND -- c.�nrurs ytcunrur ce rn nanru n wrr c