HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0661. J-8 3-584 rr RE1,0LUT ION NO. Si1--G(jIL A RESOLUTION PETITIONING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF METROPLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ADOPT AN EQUITARLE ALLOCATION FORMULA FOR THE REVENUES GENERATED BY THE DISCRETIONARY SURTAX ON RECORDED DOCMENTS WHICH WIL1_ RESULT IN DIRECT 13ENEFITS TO ELIGIBLE RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK FORWARD COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE HEREIN NAMED OFFICIALS WHEREAS, in recognition of the tremendous need for increased housing resources in Metropolitan Dade County, the Legislature of the State of Florida enacted Section 201.031 of the Florida Statutes whereby Metropolitan Dade County may adopt local legislation estabIishinq a Home Ownership Assistance Loan Trust; and WHEREAS, funds for the home Ownership Assistance Loan Trust are to be derived from surtax on all documents recorded in Circuit Court; NOS;, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Metropolitan Dade County is hereby petitioned to adopt an equitable allocation formula for the revenues generated by the discretionary surtax on recorded documents which will result in direct benefit to eligible residents of the City of Miami. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and each Commissioner of Metropolitan Dade County and to the County Manager. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July , 1983. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R ZRALPSST H G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK CITY COMMIso-ION MEETIidG OF J U L 18 11983 LVI IU., ;�,. 83-661 RKS. 0 r PREP 1) AND APPROVED BY: OBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: [J JL 1%. %J11 I11. L m ITY ATTORNEY 83-661 i CITY OF MIA MI, FLORl,grA v 85 INTER-0"fC81 MEMORANpt1A TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM Dena Spillman, Director Department of Community Development DATE: July 1, 1983 FILE: SUBJECT City's position re establishment of Home Ownership Assistance Trust Fund by Metropolitan Dade County REFERENCES: City Commission Agenda Item ENCLOSURES: July 5, 1983 It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached Resolution requesting adoption by Metropolitan Dade County of an allocation formula benefitting City of Miami residents from revenues generated by the discretionary surtax on recorded documents It is anticipated that the County Commission will enact an ordinance establishing the Home Ownership Assistance Trust Fund at their July 19th meeting. Such action will be taken pursuant to passage by the State of Florida of the discretionary surtax on recorded documents. The revenue generated by the surtax, estimated to be some $25 million, is to be used "to assist low and moderate income families in the purchase of a home or apartment or the rehabilitation of an existing home or apartment". At least half of the revenues must be used to benefit low-income families (earning less than 80 percent of median income) and the balance may benefit moderate income families (more than 80 percent but less than 140 percent of median income). Dade County Housing and Urban Development staff has prepared a set of policies and procedures for implementation of the Trust Fund. The proposed recommendations rely on two existing County programs - the single family Rehabilitation Loan Program and the Home Ownership Assistance Loan Program. County staff has suggested a start up date of October 1, 1983. 83-661 s P Because of the potential impact that this action will have and given the magnitude of housing assistance required by low and moderate income families residing in the City of Miami, it would be advantageous for the City Commission to advise the County Commission at this time of its support for a funding allocation formula which will result in monies being made available for the benefit of qualified City of Miami residents in proportion to future construction activity within city boundaries, or based upon our recognized housing needs, whichever results in a greater allocation to the City. Adoption of the attached Resolution is reccommended. 83-661 e, r 4 r , July 22, 1983 M. V. Stierheim, County Manager Metropolitan Dade County Dade Countv Courthouse 73 Vest Flagler Street Miami., Florida 33130 Dear :'r. Stierheim: RAIPH C OtiGlf C!!, rlwi f.14TT1 HIRA.! ksSts,ar, Cih Cle-- DFPI`\ CITY CLERK" Rotwrt E Tingle. Georgia M litllr Ilia Teem, qf.-a ki Mendoza E�elto Rizo MICROH', � M DIVISI '• U As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. truly yours RALPH G. ONGIF City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s p;, E tar•1Fil I"IT1 CtfVI,, Cm Hal! 35W Pan Akmerican Drne Miarn! Florida 3313.1 57S-Ktr A ((�1001, 0 RMPH G otiGli C 1 r s C I e r l �. MATiI HIR4i A9crSrar, Crt, Cle'1 DFPl T1 CITY CURKS Robert E Tmgle, Georgia Abi Little Ilia Teems 5%1�ia M Mendoza Bello Rizo Dot,tlh, BroA-- Domtnkc ik(oo.. July 22, 1983 Honorable Ruth Shack Commissioner ::etropolitan Dade County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Flori0a 33130 Dear Commissioner hack: As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. truly yours, RALPH G. ONGIF City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s C)Ci ll 1 OC"HI CITY CLFkI, , CON Hall' 35W Pan American Drne , Miami. Florida 33133 579-b(O', r- _J (1y, MEW 1 Julv 22, 1983 Honorable Barry D. Schreiber Commissioner Metropolitan Dace County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Commissioner Schreiber: RALPH G O`C,IF G,% Cis to MATT1 HIRAI Al &isiacr Co, Clerl DEPiTT CITY CLERK' Rotwrt E. Trngle� Georgia M littie Ilia Teer— Ssl.!a M. Mendoza Evelio Ri.­ MICROFILk! DI`'ISIOti Dor,rh� BroN- DominE,,, gyro,'., As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. Very my yours, RP.LPH G . ONGIF. City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s ci;�i(e OFINE C111 CLEk1 Cm Hall ' 3500 Pan American Drne ; Miami. flornda 33133 ' 5'y-6[k,' RALPH G ONG1 C in Ch • MATTN HIRA k,5 ,, iari C,i� Clwo, DFP� TN CITI CLERKS R,;hr-rt E Tingle, Gewgia M Littir Ilia Teen-, 50hia M Mendoza Evelio Rizo klICROFi;M Dl�ISION Dnro,h'. Broth Domingii kcostr July 22, 1983 Honorable Harvey Ruvin Commissioner Metropolitan Dade County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Bari, Florida 33130 Dear Commissioner Ruvin: As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. Truly yours, .LPH G. ONGIF City Clerk RGO : smm Enc. a/s C1i "r E O! "It1E C 111 ClEkh Cir, Hall ' 3506 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 3313 574.6C0,5 rn • =� OJ1, R Al PH G. O'�GIE ` n�"/7 �MCFN C t� Cle k C ►v1aTT1 HIRAI Assistant CGh Cle,k DEPLTI CITY CLERKS Robert E. Tingley Georgia M Little Ilia Teer-„ t�hia M, Mendoza Evelio Rico 411CROF100 DWSIp` Dorothy Bro.+r D(-'n,ng^ ACUS'd July 22, 1983 Honorable James F. Pedford, Jr. Commissioner Metrorolitan Dade County 252 Dace County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Comr.^issioner Redford: As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. truly yours, LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s E C' "HI CLIPK C,n Hal' 35W Pan American Drne ! Miami, Florida 33133 ' S)ri-�tr RAIPH G O".GI1 ti1ATT1 HIP4! Aski51aw City Cler. DEPL T) CITI CLER►lS Rotwrt E. TEngle� Georgia ki Little Ilia Teems S�Nia ki. Mendoza belto Rrzo k1ICROFitki D111510', Doroth, Bro,+- DorrIngc ACos•. July 22, 1983 Honorable Beverly Phillips Commissioner Metr000litan Dace County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Comnissioner Phillips: As reauested.by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. FLPH my ours . ONGIF City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s ()jr E ('rq#-,i r!T,, ( iER► City Hai' 35W Pan American Drne ' M;ami. Flonoa 33133 ' 575-Kk' Ok)r►(3v-7 c0q, NURW July 22, 1983 Honorable Jorae Valdes Commissioner r Metropolitan Dade County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Comrlissioner Valdes: RALPH G ONGli Gts Clerl, M 4TT1 HIR 41 Assistant Gtv Cle•L DEPLT1 CITY CLERKS RoFwrt E. Tingley Georgia M. Little Ilia Teems Ssh,a's1. Mendoza Evelio Rizo MICROF IL %I DI` IS10'% Doro!h� 8,owr, [k)ming, kcoo., As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. ry trulyyours,. LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s Oii:�i 0F'1H[ CI11 CLERt, Cty Hal- 350b Pan American Dme Miami Florida 33133 " 579-6(v'. » i r 'o RAE PH G ONGIF CiiOwl,��� flu@m NATTY HIRAI A�csistant City Clerk DEPL T1 CITY CLERKS Robert E. Tingley Georgia M Little Ilia Teems S�kia M Mendoza beho Rizo MICROFILM DIVI510'1� Doroths BioAn Dunn —go k(-I, July 22, 1983 Honorable Clara Oesterle Commissioner Metropolitan Dade County 252 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Commissioner Oesterle: As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self-explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. e ruly yours, RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s C)Ft ,r F C)F-NI CITN CLERK Crs Hal: 350c- Pan American Drise M;ami. Florida 33133 ' 579-UP p .....,nv...rrs�.va:�w,>'W�_�..Mse:..•sw+w.iaitit6WYfi4k1iFi5.]PW`i..., yv .,� •: -' -'�. .. -- .. ... .. _ w u flu ffm July 22, 1983 Honorable Barbara M. Carev Commissioner Metropolitan Dade County 242 Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Conmissior_er Carev: RALP►i G ONGIF Cup Clcr► Nib,M HIRAI Assistant Ctts Clerk DEPL T1 CITI CLERkS Robert E. Tingles Georgia M Little Ilia Teems 50s!a Nt Mendoza Evelio Rizo MlCR11_)FIL41 Dl\15101, Dorothy Briw., Domir�,) Ara,r., As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. ruly yours, RALPH G. ONGIF. City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s Olil(E CiF1W C:7" ( LIP", Gt, Hal 350(, Par Amen,ar. Drise ' Miami Flonda 33133 ' 5'9.606` 4 ,njo. (0 OMM Ju1;T 22, 1983 Honorable Steve P. Clark Mayor Metropolitan Dade County 242 Dade Countv Courthouse 73 West Flagler Streeet Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Mayor Clark: 0 R4LPH G. ONGIF Gts Clr•t. MATT)i HIR -k! Assistant Cm, Cle•L DEPI Tt CITY CLERKS Robert E Tingles Georgia M. little Ilia Teems Sslvia M. Mendoza Evelio Rizo MICROFILM DIVISION Dorothy BroAn Domingo Acosta As requested by the City of Miami Commission, trans- mitted herewith please find copy of Resolution No. 83-661 passed and adopted at its meeting held on July 18, 1983, which is self. -explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your kind attention. ,,,,V2vertruly yours,0. G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO : smm Enc. a/s OFFICE OF'TNt CITI CLERK .' CGt� Hal; 3500 Pan American Dme % Miami Florida 33133 ' 575-606,