HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0594J- 3-1 -54 1 K A PAT 11' i 1%', FIRMIN6 THE CITY ACCI:Ii:'!YN(_;: ,'),287 .5t) f.;P-ANT Fk-M METP", (111TV, T)ADI: TO PNUVIDE C1111J) T) DRLN ff:S ;'R1­;.!Ai:1! PROM Till: TA131:1"T'l, _'ITY A!�E"k: AND A! 1" 10P T ;,; 114('fill; CITY '.I: , :� , V ) 1. . . I. � , , I : P "T,(-I T 1 i 'i 1 NHCESSARY CONTRACT (S) ;AND (S) Tu THE i Rex ;RAMI. W111 RrAS, the United State 1)(11 -1 1-t-MO:'I't 1)f 11"alt-11 .-ITI(i HIMPI Service:, provides :states wi t.11 flill-l!; t -) ai fer 1 i I 'I day cl_lrkservil:e:; 1, , , st- parent- f r0M I L ,(,,_)M(- jj, r i n ob ta i 1, , re t, i i, i r ac luire t r, 1 which "%rill- lead tt), cmpl.)yment.; -Irld 1%'IIEREAS, thu Stat(- t.)f (")Iitracte,l with e -1 1 in Dadu, County to t,1­;(1 Da(lu County t-,-) pi —vide, chill da'.- cM-- 1-,(21_Vic:e.s low-income families; and WHERLAS, Metropolitan Dade County is desirous; of Subcontractinq with the City of .1-liami to provide child (lay care services to eligible lo,.%r-income families and the city or mi.7.imi is desirous of providing said services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF:SOI,VPD BY THE COMMISSION OF Tfll: CITY 017 MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager's acceptance of a qrant from Metropolitan Dade County in the amount of $9,287.50 to provide child (lay care services to children from low-income families primarily from the Liberty City area is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 2. The City Manaqer is hereby further authorized to execute the necessary contract (s) and agrecment. (s) to implement the program, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1983. ATTEST. R)WPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE' A. FPRRE', MAYOR CITY C01qVT_,1SSj0jq A,_EET!1 4C �� OP JUL is ign I.— E:�1^RKS _ L2 PREPAPI',D AND APPR(JVIT) BY; RU13BR`P F. CIIAKK !A:P��T', CITY ATTORNEY APPRUVI:D AS TO FuRM AND CORRECTNESS SF R. GARCIA-PEDROSA Ill' l �1T`rO N 83-5 a 4* J 4W CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA 1()S INTERQ.FFaC$ VEMORAN DUM ,, , It . ' : '11 To Howard V. Gary , JO DATE: June 21, 1983 FILE City Manager FROM! A bent H. :Howard, Director Department of Recreation 40 SUBJECTr. Resolution Ratifying the Action of the City Manager to Accept a Grant award REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the City Commission adopt a resolution ratifying the actions of the City Manager in entering into an agree- ment with the Metropolitan Dade County Board of County Commissioners whereby the City shall provide child day care services as stipulated in said agreement; and further authorizing the City Manager to accept the sum of $9,287.50 from the Metropolitan Dade County Board of County Commissioners as cost reimbursement for the above mentioned services, as per attached resolution. The Liberty City Title XX Contract for Child Care Services (2nd Year) is funded through Metropolitan Dade County in the amount of $9,287.50. No cash match is required from the City of Miami. The intent of this project is to purchase from the City of Miami slots to provide quality child day care services for children 18 months - 5 years of age, thus enabling parents to work outside the home. Five (5) children will be served under this grant. This is the second year of this program. It is the recommendation of this Department that the attached resolution be adopted. AHH/CTE/ve cc: Jose R. Garcia -Pedrosa City Attorney C� s Manohar Surana, Director Department of Management and Budget 83-594