HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0586J - 8 3 - 4 9 0 rr `j[)I_11T f(IN NO, 4 RESnLUTION ACCEPTING THE H10 (If F D W A R D 1)0N AND COMPANY FOR FURNISHIN(; I A13LF SKIRTING AI1 A (' C F S S 0 R f F S TO T11F DEPARTMENT OF CONFEHENI-F5 AND CONVENTIONS AT A TOTAL COST OF $6,2RR.74; 411_nCATING FUNDS THI R -FfIR FROM THE: 1980 CI TY OF IdIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE REVENUE 1111ND FUND: AIJTHnR f L f NG THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISS11F 4 PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, WHEREAS, pursuant to puhlis notice, sealed bids were receivers May F,, 19'31 for the furnishinq of table skirt: inq and accessories to the Department of Conferences and Conventions; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 19 potential suppliers and 2 bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds For this purchase art? available in the 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund; and WHEREAS, this equipment will he used by the Department of Conferences and Conventions for the purpose of supplying new equipment to the Operations Division of the Miami Convention Center for use by patrons and exhibitors; and WHE13EAS9 the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Conferences and Conventions recommend that the bid received from Edward Don and Compnay be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive hid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE If RESOLVED 13Y THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The May 6, 1983 bid of Edward Don and Company for furnishing table skirting and accessories to the Department of Conferences and Conventions at a total cost of $6,288.74 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund. CITY COMMISSION MEETING QF JUL 14 1983 i!EALWiw.. �. REMARKS rJ Sect. inn 2. The Ci t v Manailf^r i 5 ht?rrhv author i If?d to instruct_ the Purchasinq Agent to issue a P11rf,hase r]rder For this e(]uil)ment. PAS51-1) 4ND ADOP TF-(i t h i s 18th day of July , 1983. Maurice A. Ferre HAURICF- A. FERRF M .4 Y O R ACTEST: _.. , y� ;RALPhf G. ONGIE, CITY CLER-K PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: SE .'GARCIA-PEDROSA ITY ATTORNEY -2- 83-5861 96 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIQA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 1` TO Howard Gary DATE May 24, 1983 _3 r "3 `4 City Manager rROM C. Dean Hofineister, Exec�.'�'Dir. City of Miami/University�of Miami James L. Knight Intl. Center SUBJECT Proposed Resolution Accepting Bid of Edward Don & Co. for Table Skirting and Accessories REFERENCEsMiami Convention Center Bid # 82-83-63 ENCLOSURES. 2 It is recommended the proposed resolution be adopted by the City Commission accepting the bid of Edward Don & Co. for furnishing Table Skirting and Accessories for the Miami Convention Center at a total cost of $6,288.74; allocating funds therefor from the 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund; authorizing the City Manager and the Purchas Agent to issue a Purchase Order for this equ It is recommended the May 6 bid as the most advantageous bid to skirting and accessories to the at a total cost of $6,288.74. nt. of Edward Don & Co. be accepted the City for furnishing table Conference Center Department Two bids, two no bids, and one late bid were received. This is a regular purchase of new equipment to be used at the Convention Center by the Operations Division of the contracted management firm. Funds for this purchase are available in the 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund. (7) 83-586, AV ITEM: DEPARTMENT: TVTPT ter, nrrn r+rrn [�T _ REASON: POTENTIAL BIDDERS: FUNDS: BID EVALUATION: Category Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Courtesy Notifications "No Bids" Late Bids Totals AWARD OF BID Bid No. 82-83-63 Table Skirting and Accessories Conferences and Conventions Single Purchase New equipment for Operations Division at the Miami Convention Center 19 2 Attached 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund Both bids meet the specifications. Following is an analysis of the invitation to bid: Number of Bid Number of Invitations Mailed Responses 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 11 2 4 -0- - 2 - 1 23 5 Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: 1. "Not our line of business." 2. "Not in our area of expertise." (Black business) Page 1 of 2 v RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO EDWARD DON AND COMPANY FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $6,288.74. Purchasing Agent Date The above award meets the requirements of the Department of Conferences and Conventions, and approval is recommended. ' Directgr Dote Page 2 of 2 ���'3 '�� TABULATION 'OF BIDS FOR CL� Isla• CC `� '�(L� : �i_' 1�(1 ! , /�►`� �CCL.� {�� _ 3�F['�� OF tiFE City Mon•pr, Oort P. is Florida .fir. Y. R•e•i•J 17 tfi• " ty •I Mural, City L'IX..l�l�h d.el it >< Iws�wd an For City Cw/• S NO" Orel. - � � LictMatr! d,e Seid Aosywl }� R1l .1,. . 11 KC unit unit Lc.d'aa .1�1 'eK7c t Ni`_� Unit Unit unit Total TTotalTotal Toted Price Price dESCRIPTIOM Piece Total Price T•tTotalunit Price Price i Col -7 i L G 255: �cw ` A L oisTRleuTlote IRREGULARITIES LEGEND. IT IS FECOMMENOED THAT 1 _ P.� s1. krem�f M D _ Me Ai+.elw•r .s to Cep.14101 S swvIv. c1 C _ Co.-we*d Est•r•.s.ori• 0 _ P-oPe.d unsip,J « Sivel M M• C6.9errs Sod 810 E— ' c _ I1f•ps► SiAl 820d IO• MO. !I — C."Cld did 7- t/6,71) Ira aw a 0 *tr 0;>401'4V - JL JOWL . sawp LID SECURITY IT Table Skirting & Accessories to Dept. 1009 11101 RECtIM May 6, 1983 3:00 P.M. of --Conferences & Conventions - - TYPE OF SECURITY E bCE11 TOTAL. AMOLINt Edward Don & Co. 9058 1550 N. Miami Avenue Broken down by items Collins-Bramlett-Rhodes, Inc. 1237 No. Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Broken down by items NO Benco Supply Co., Inc. Madeliene Haddocks Associates 'R•c.1•oi �� s�.•� r•wt�t1 shcli Nli r�r �� f� got acou"TING INVOWN OF I" r7oov1 t ,, - :it man %J,-,r an'l Cit, C1, zk c t`!., Ci-tv of Mix-!i., F'1e i.::<1 no later than for fur•ni.-hing 1 i ,i'- Si.l i.ti.,.�.._ �I: A r'S : or, --- _-C- _ --!` �..�'_.C__t.i,.._..._,�tl_1^!L-�.V;ii.•,�•lf 1');1 ------ in acccorc?ar!ce with apt_ I -J iFic-ations available upon T'•.' lu-:•St :~ ti? ' 7'_ .: I_"' of t .'ur 'r-ising Agent, Pur,_h is Lug Di -A 1145 N W. llth StTelephoric 579-6380. T!,-, C i-t, '`.:a l:,er "as th,� to reject all bids and re - advertise!. (.1'? ;'). 012`)) . Howard V. Gary City Iltansger i REQUISITION FORA �/E TIgEk1WNT This number must appear P ^ 9 l} n the advertisement DEPT DIV. ACCOUNT CODE _ - DATE . _ _ PHONE --- -- S -_-- APPROVED F3Y'i'' PREPARED BY -- DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached adverlisement _ _ __ _____ ____ f,mes Type of advertisement. legal --- classified ._____ _...._ _ display (Check One) Size. -____--- Starting date ------___—_- _ First four words of advertisement. Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE, FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATEtS) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 r D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DO Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13 1 17 18 1 125,34 39,42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 0 1 2 4 1 V P 2 0121 218171 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 12 13114115 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT 69 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 White - Purchasing Green - Finance Approved for Payment Pink -- Department ?3-5-F6)