HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0819.J-P3-811 13 51 P 3 r r RESOLt1I IIIN NO, 8' 3--'S1.9% A R F 5 0 1 1 T f ON 1.1AK I NG PROV I `, I O\:i F HR HOLDING A NONPARTISAN P' I1 1AIll 1 FLF('I ION FOR TIIF NOMINATION 11F CA\DID411 FOR T I I F (IFF I I'F Ill MAYOR A\D T';;0 COl•1!•11 `;5 I1)NFRS AND FfIR HOLDING A I ATFR UNFRAI. I.1UNfCIPAI. Fl FC f ION UN1 F55 AI_I OF ;:1I1) OFF iCF`; IIAVF [IF EN FILLET) IN T11F N 0 \ P A R f MAN 1'1),1!0ARY FI F C f I(IN : PROVIDING FOR fIIF RF f, 15 T RA T 111 N OF PERSONS OLIAI IFIF1) TO VI)1F IN SAID NONPARTISAN GFNFRAt FI FCTIONt 1)FSI-R1RING PERSONS Qt►AL IF IF1) TO VOTE IN SAIL) NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELFCfION AND ;FNFRAL ELECTION; 1)ESCRIRING THE REGISTRATION ROOKS AND RECORDS MAINT41NED 11N1)FR THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL LAWS OF- FLORIDA AND CHAPTER 16 OF THE COOF OF THE: CITY OF MIAMI WHICH THE CITY HAS ADOPTED AND DESIRES TO USE FOR HOLDING SUCH NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION AND SUCH GENERAL MUNICIPAL E1,FCTION; DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING T H F CITY CLERK AS THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF 1HE CITY COMMISSION WITH RFSPFCI TO THE USE OF 511CH REGISTRATION ROOKS AND RECORDS; DIRECTING THF CITY CLERK TO GIVE NU ICF RY PURL ICATION OF THF ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION ANT) 1 H F PROVISIONS HEREOF; FURTHER I)IRF('f ING THE CI I CLERK TO CAIJSF A CERIIFIF1) COPY HEREOF TO RE 1)FLIVFRF1) TO THF SIIPFRV15OR OF ELECTIONS OF DADE COUNTY NOT LESS THAN FORTY-FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SUCH NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION. RE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. In accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the City Charter (Chapter 10847, Laws of Florida, 1925, as amended) a nonpartisan primary election is hereby directed to he held in the City of Miami, Florida, at the polling places designated on the list attached hereto and made a part hereof and referred to as Exhibit No. 1 on Tuesday, November 8, 1983 from 7:00 A.M. tint i 1 7:00 P.11. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Mayor and two Commissioners of the City of Miami to be each voted upon at the general municipal election which is to be held, as provided in said Sect. ion 8 of the City Charter unless in the primary election a randidate from a group receives a CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF S E P 7 1983 SOLUItu!d iio. 83-8 s. REMARKS majnrity vote in his or her <)raup in which rase he or she ,hall t) elerted to the offiof tii lrnup for which he or ;he is a r.andidaI r. iert inn 2. A goner;i inuniripal r,lr'ct inn is herehv direrled to he held in the ('itv of ;•Miami at. the pnIIinq pinres riesirinat.ed irr saki F. h i h i t No. 1. from 7:0t1 A.m. tint i 1 7:1)0 11.ti, nn Tug, sday, \1nvemher 15, 1983, for the purpose of elect-inq a Mayor and two Commissioners of the City of Miami unless a candidate from each (lrnup shall have received a majority in his or her group at. the nonpartisan primary election held on November 8, 1983. Section 3. The candidate who shall receive the highest. number of votes in Croup I shall serve as Mayor for a term of two ( 2 ) years from 12:00 o'clock noon of the date after the r.anvass of the vote and the derlaration of the result of said i�lect.ion; the candidates who shall receive the hirlhesl number of votes in Crnupa II and III shall servo as Commissioners of the City of Miami for a period of four (4) years from 12:00 o'clock noun of the day after the canvass of the vote and the declaration of the result of said election. Section 4. The Election Clerks and Inspectors to serve at said polling places on said date shall be designated by the Supervisor of Elections for Metropolitan Dade County for such purpose. Section 5. For the purpose of enabling persons to register who are qualified to vote in said election and who have not registered under the provisions of the general laws of Florida and Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Miami, or who have transferred their legal residence from one votinq precinct, to another voting precinct in the City, they may register at the fol.lowinq permanent braricIi offices as approved by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, which are hereinafter set forth and which will be open during the following dates and times; ' -9- EtFCill)N5 1)FPARfHFN'I 1444 Risrayne RouI(-vnrd, Miami, Ftnrida itonday to Friday, inclusive: A:no A.bi. - 5:on P.M. MF.THO JUSTICE RUII DING� 1351 NNI 12 Stree.t, ttiami, F Inrida Mond,iy to Friday, inrtusive: R:00 A.i•1. - `7:01*1 P.14 In addition to the ahnvc time 3 and places, sairi duali fipd persons may rPgistPr at stich nt her branch off i e.es and may also use any mohiie rf,gistrat ion van for the purpose of registratinn in order fn vote in the herein fiescrihed elect ion durinq such t imes and on such dates as may he designated by the Supervisor of Elections for t•1etropolitan Dade County. Section 6. Said elections shall he held at the voting places in the precincts designated on said Exhihit No. 1 , o r as Ma he designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade Count.v, in conformity with the provisions of the general I a w s of the state. A description of the registration books and records which pertain to election precincts wholly or partly within the City and which the City is adopting and desires to use for holding such elections is as follows: A11 registration cards, books, records and certificates pertaining to electors of the C i t v and established and maintained as official by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan fade County, in conformity with the provisions of the general laws of the state, are hereby adopted and declared to be, and shall hereafter be recognized and accepted as, official registration cards, books, records and certificates of the City. Section 7. The ballot to he used in said elections shall be so prepared that ti)e names of the qualified candidates will appear on said hallot in alphabetical order according to surname in each group; provided, however, that the ballot and it.s preparation shall comply with the laws of -3- 83-81S i 0 the St at e of F lnr idn with rF­,,,pr>rI t o ahsrntt,r° hal lot s, anti t n thr use of inechaniraI vot inrl inarhin(-s or the Computer Flertinn System 'CFS). Ser_t, inn Tl, In rompl ianc ty aith F Iorida St attite 10n.342, tha City Clerk is hrtrehv authorize-d and dirertrd to put) tish nnt.iCe of the adopt ion cif the hers -in resolution and of the_ provisions hereof nt least twice, nnce in tht- fifth week and nncc� in the third weak print to the week in whir.h the aforesaid election is to be held, in the following nrwspa1)er:3 whir,h are published within the City of Miami, Florida: which not ir_e shall he suhstant.ialIy j, set forth in ttae, following fort (a) NOTICE OF NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION FOR NOMINATING CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICES OF MAYOR AND TWO COMMISSIONERS TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1983, PUR9l1ANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 83- A nonpartisan primary election will he held on Tuesday, November 8, 1983 from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M., in the City of Miami, Florida, at the polling places set forth herein, at which election the qualified electors participating therein will vote for the nomination of candidates for the office of Mayor and two Commissioners of the City of Miami, to be each voted on at the general municipal election which is to be held on the second Tuesday after the First Monday in November of 19839 unless in the primary election a candidate from a group receives a majority vote in his or her group, in which case he or she shall he elected to the office of the group for which he or she is a candidate. -4- 83-81 !1)The Flnrt inn Clrrk, irid In�;0f-rtnrs to servo nt ;stid t)nl I inq oIare9 rin s n i r i a1 P? 3 sI1-111 hr' t ht)';o i I r 7, i rinat eri 11v the Supnrvisnr of F InrI inns For Het rnp(Il it -In I)arie Court v f n r such pur1)o- . Tht, ri .;I r.=11 r on 1)r)nks and re r(ls far th r regi,t r:)t ion nF C)nr 3nn,; guni i fie(I to vote in said Inrt ions 311a11 11n t110un rn;tint ained by thr Supervi sar u } lrrt. inns far '•tnt rnpnl i t an 1)ade Cnrtnt v. (c) The official ballot. ,hall 1)r� in suF),tant Tally thr� following form, to -wit: OFFICIAL RALL0T NONPARTISAN PRIMARY FLECTION FOR NOMINATING CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE5 OF MAYOR AND TWO CANDIDATES OF 1HE CITY OF IAIAMI, FI ORIDA NOVEMBI-R 89 1983 Vote for one (1) on1v: Vote for one (1) only: Vote for one (1) Only; GROUP I FOR MAYOR PRLCINCT NO. (Names of Candidates) GROUP II FOR COMMISSIONER (Names of Candidates) GROUP III FOR COMMISSIONER -5- (Names of Candidates) (dl In the event a general municipal t-,lerf ion is reiluired to he held on Tues(sav, November 15, 19H3, then the offiria1 ballot to he usr�d at r;neral municipatinn sha 1 1 he i n suhc;t ant i a 1 1 y t he sane fo I'm a, above, except. Lhat. the hf- iriinq of thf- haIInt ,hall he in siihstantially the follnwinri farm, to -wit: OFF ICIAt- t'ALLOT (',FNFRAL Mt1NICIPAt- FLFCIION FOR F L F C T I N G A MAY0R AND lwo COMt41S5I(INER5 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOVFMHER 15, 1983 (e? A neneral municipal election will he held on Tuesday, Nnvemher 15, 1963, from 7:00 A.M. i)nt i 1 7:00 P.M., in the Citv of Miaini, Florida, at the I)oIIiI places designate it and set forth herein, at which el«t ion the qualified electors of the City of Miami partiripatinq Lherein will vote for the elect. ion of a Mayor and t wo Commissioners of the City of Miami, Florida, unless a candidate from each qroup shall have received a majority vote in his or her group at the nonpartisan primary election held on November 8, 1983, and the election clerks and inspectors to serve at said polling places on November 15, 1983 shall be those which have been designated by the Supervisor of Elections for Metropolitan Dade County for such purpose. The registration books and records for the registration of persons qualified to vote in said general municipal election shall be those maintainers by the Supervisor of Elections for Metropolitan Dade County Section 9. RALPH G. ONGIE, the City Clerk of the City of Miami is hereby designated and appointed as the official representative of the City Commission in all transactions with the Supervisor of Elections of Dade County in relation 83-819- 0 to rnat_ters pertaining to the rir;,, of the registration hooks for hnIdinq the fie re in nonpart i ,an pr imary i-Ie--t ion and the herein genr-raI rIr r-t inn. 9 e r t inn 9. ThF ('it v F I o r k sh.al 1 raussr• to he prepared r3trsent.ee pal lots for the u:ae of .31>>c'ntr.0 PIrrctors ent it led to r.ast such ha11nLs in said �lr�et inn. Sert ion 1D. Thr. Ci t y Clerk iS hr?rehv author i r_ed and directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to he delivered to the Supervisor of FIections For Metropnlitan Dade County not less than Forty - five ( 4 5 ) d a v s prior to the day of the herein primary election. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September , 1983. AEST: R P G. ONGIE, PITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: CITY ATTORNEY Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R 1 0 a general inunicipa] elrrl inn 15 1'rtluir0d to ursFtav, Nnvrrnher 1`F. i` H3, t!trn t h r o f F i r i a 1 e ucr;i pit ^3iirIi nr,rn] muriirinrif r I e r t i n n sulu;i ant i a I I v t !w .,.vnf, Form a> abnvFzI f-xreht dine nF the, 1)a11nl ;1n11 Ile in suhr,tant ia1.1v rj form, In - wit riI"FICIAI. I?At.t_0T t;FNFRAI HUNICiPAI Fi F C I ION Ft1R NG A MAYOR AND i VJt1 C0Mf-I1 55 IONFR i F THE CiIY OF MIAMT, Ftt1R11)A N0VFMHFR 1 59 19R 3 n i r i p a I (- lest ion wi 11 he helii on Tuesday, 19831 from 7:00 A.m. lint i 1 7:(10 11.M., in I %1iami, Florirsa, ?t the' Moll i n q places nd nwt Forth herein, at whir.h r.1F>r:t ion the lrr,tors of the City of Miami Bart ir.ipatinq v n t e for the election of a Flavor anti twn Commissioners of the City of Miami, Florida, unless a candidate from each group shall have received a majority vote in his or her rlroup at the nonpartisan primary election held on November 8, 1983, and the election clerks and inspectors to serve at said polling places on November 15, 1983 shall be those which have been designated by the Supervisor of Elections for Metropolitan Dade County for such purpose. The registration books and records for the registration of persons qualified to vote in said general municipal election shall be those maintainers by the Supervisor of Elections for Metropolitan Dade County Section 9. RALPH G. ONGIE, the City Clerk of the City of Miami is hereby designated and appointed as the official representative of the City Commission in all transactions with the Supervisor of Elections of Dade County in relation -6- 8-81.9- t n runt tPrs part iininct to t hr usr of the roclisl rat inn hooks for hnldinq the herein nonitart isan pr im,ir-v r Ie-t inn rand the herein general t-1ertinn, 5ectin(I `). 1he City FIPrL: s11aII ratis;e trt he prepared ahsenter, I)aIIots For thr, t1!3P ref ahstent.r.e elrc,tor,3 r.nt it led to call such ballots in said elect inn. Sert inn 10. The C i t y Clerk i s horehy a u t h o r i ,eit anti dirt?cted to co-ttrse a certified dotty of thi!3 resolution to he rielivtyreti to the Supervisor of Fleet inns for Metropnl it an Dade County not less than Forty - five ( 4 5 ) dav9 prior to the day of the herein pr.irnary Plection. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th- day of September , 1983. AI,TEST. RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY r_ERK PREPARED AND APPROVED�13Y 007 1(t4"r . Tff—BERT F . CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: NOSE R. GARCfA-PEDROSA CITY ATTORNEY -7- Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R 83-8I.S Updated Meti,-, -u"u ,,ounty Elections Deer of ugust 5, 1983 Y�.'.'.': '� i' : PLACFS 1;C' N ti*`.E/ OCATIC`; PREC_NC'T' NA-X LCCAT*-CN 3;:. Ho' ert King High Cow^. House 454 Chas R. Drew Elem. School ?025 West Flagler St. 1775 N.W. 60 St. 315 Miami Fire Station "11 467 Miami Jackson Sr. High School 5920 W. Flagler St. 1751 N.W. 36 St. 316 West End Park Comm. House 468 Miami Fire Station #6 250 S.W. 60 Ave. 36CC N.W. 7 Ave. 317 Flagami Comm. House 469 Chas. Hadley Park 7121 S.W. 3 St. 13CO N.W. 50 St. 409 Grace united Meth. Church 470 St. Pau'_ Institutional AME Ch. 6501 No. Miami Ave. 1892 :I.W. 51 St. 433 Soar Mem. Park Adult Center 471 Orchard Villa Elem. School 1C0 N.W. 83 St. 5720 NI.W. 13 Ave. 434 Seventy Six Thirty Bldg. 472 Edison Park 762C Biscayne Blvd. 525 N.W. 62 St. 442 Harvey W. Seeds Amer. Legion Post 473 Shadowlawn Elem. Sch. 6445 N.E. 7 Ave. 149 N.W. 49 St. 443 Harvey W. Seeds Amer. Legion Post 474 Church of God of Prophecy 01 6445 N.E. 7 Ave. 4528 N.W. ! Ave. 444 Grace United Meth. Church 475 Archbishop Curley High School 6501 No. Miami Ave. 300 N.E. 50 St. 445 Little River Baptist Ch. 476 Lemon City Branch Library 495 N.W. 77 St. 430 N.E. 61 St. 447 Primary C. School 477 Mo rningside Park 757 N.W. 66 St. 750 N.E. 55 ':r. 448 Belafonte Tacolcy Center 601 First Open Bible Church 6161 N.W. 9 Ave. 4801 W. Flagler St. 449 Liberty Square Comm. Center 604' Greater Miami Academy 6306 N.14. 14 Ave. 3100 N.W. 1S Ave. 450 Charles R. Drew Elem. S 605 Bethel Christian Church 1775 N.W. 60 St. 3030 N.W. 8 Ave. 451 New Mt. Moriah Holy Cross Miss. Ch. 606 Eugenio Maria De Hostos Ctr. 6700 N.W. 14 Ave. 2902 N.W. 2 Ave. Exhibit No. 1 83-819 607 Dunbar Elem, School 505 N.W. 20 St. 608 YWCA 210 N.E. 18 St. 619 Trinity Cathedral Hall 464 N.E. 16 St. 620 YWCA 210 N.F. 18 St. 621 Phyllis Wheatley Elem. School 1801 N.W. 1 Place 622 Culmer Neighborhood Service Center 1600 N.W. 3 Avenue 623 St. John's Baptist Church 1328 N.W. 3 •Ave. 625 Culner Place 610 N.W. 10 St. 626 Miami -Dade Community College 950 N.W. 20 St. 627 Dade County Armory 700 N.W. 28 St. 628 Comstock Elem. School 2420 N.W. 18 Ave. 629 Curtis Park Comm. House 1901 N.W. 24 Ave. 630 2Si:uri Fire Fighters Benevolent Assoc. 2980 N.W. South River Drive 631 Stephen P. Clark Bldg. 1650 N.W. 37 Ave. 632 Rinloch Park Community House 455 N.W. 47 Ave. 633 Unloch Park Jr. High School 4340 N.W. 3 St. 1:4 7.nteramzrica Military Academy 3525 N.W. 7 St. 1:5 iichnel's Church �. 2937 W. Flagler St. 636 Miami Fite Station 17 314 Beacom tivd. 637 IM - Conference Room 1401 N.W. 7 St. 638 Metropolitan Senior Center 1407 N.W. 7 St. 639 Riverside United Meth. Church 985 N.W. 1 St. 640 Jack Orr Plaza 550 N.W. 5 St. 656 Dade County Courthouse 73 W. Flagler St. 657 Little Havana Comm. Center 900 S.W. 1 St. 658 Riverside Elem. School 221 S.W. 12 Ave. 659 .- Tamiami Meth. Church 726 S.W. 14 Ave. 660 St. Matthews Lutheran Church 621 Beacom Boulevard 661 Roubek 27th Avenue Center 2705 S.W. 3 St. 663 LeJeune Presbyterian Church 4111 S.W. 4 Street 664 Iglesia Cristiana Rfm. Del Buen Sam. 4585 West Flagler Street 804 Coral Cate Park Comm. Bldg. 1415 S.W. 32 Ave. 805. William McAllister Post i1608 2750 S.W. 16 St. 806 William McAllister Post 01608 2750 S.W. 16 St. 007 Sn^_nnndoah Park Comm. House 1300 S.W. 21 Ave. -�08 Jr. High School 1.1 S.N. 19 St. (2) 83'. r 4 , 809 Shenandoah Elementary 1023 S.W. 21 Ave, 810 Coral Way Presbyterian Church 2091 S.W. 14 Ave. $11 Sts. Peter 6 Paul Catholic School 1435 S.W. 12 Ave. 812 Miami Fire Station #4 1105 S.W. 2 Ave. 813 Simpson Park - Recreation Bldg. 55 S.W. 17 Road $14 CTA-UTD Towers 1809 Brickell Ave. 818 Museum of Natural History 3280 S. Miami Ave. 819 Coral Way Elementary 1950 S.W. 13 Ave. 820 Silver Bluff Elementary 2609 S.W. 25 Ave. 821 Douglas Park Comm. House 2755 S.W. 37 Ave. 829 Israelite Center Temple 3178 S.W. 24 Terr. 830 Elizabeth Virrick Boxing Gym 2600 South Bayshore Drive 832 Miami Fire Station 08 2975 Oak Avenue 833 Elizabeth Virrick Park 3230 Hibiscus Street 834 Grand Avenue Park 236 Grand Avenue - 840 Miami Dade Water 6 Sewer Authority 3575 S. LeJeune Road 841 Peacock Park 2820 McFarlane Road Miami electors residing in Precinct 463 will vote in Precinct 604. W /83 (3) 83-815 Y . .. �.l .v. . .. ... - .\ ..1 yid .. f.•. .•1. .. •.. -�` 4 164 L33 PIS 31 PI! 12: 11 ,Sr NNY ALVARE':Z August 31, 1983 T�nda Offi�.c�e Item to be placed on the ������ Agenda. A. H G. ONGT1. City Clerk The matter of formally calling the election for Mayor and City Commissioners in the November 8th ballot was later in prepara- tion. Please rake sure that it is placed on the Agenda for Commission action on September 7th without fail. RCOmh lncl.a/s