HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0795r f RESOLl1Ti1)N N09 3-79 - A RFSOLIITION WAIVING THE RFQ11IREMFNf FOR FORMAL SFAI FO BIDS, RY A 2:/ 3RD5 AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 111F CITY COMMISSION, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISF:I) PUBLIC HEARING, FOR FURNISHING 2 BUIZROIJGH; 79(11) COMPUTERS ANO ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS FR011 THE BURROUGHS CORPORATION, 5Y1)TEMS SOFTWARE CONVERSION SUPPORT FROM 131IRROUGHS fATA AND ARMAC AND A LASI-R PRINT ING SYSTEM FROM X F R 0 X AT AN ANN11AL C05f NOT TO EXCEED $1,700,000 OUR ING 1983-84 AND THEREAFrcR PAYING ANNUAL LEASE PURCHASE TO BURROUGH5 AT AN ANN1)AL RATE NOT EXCFFDING $1, 400, 000 FOR FIVE YEARS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS, SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNCSS, WITH SAID FIRMS FOR SUCH EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES. EAS, the City Commission approved a 5 year data g plan prepared by the consulting firm of Booz-Allen ton; and WHEREAS, the plan identified major problems with the City's computer operations; and WHEREAS, the plan called for upgrade of the City's computers to support critical ares of Police and Fire; and WHEREAS, the existinq mini computers in the Police Department are 10 to 15 years old and use antiquated technology; and WHEREAS, these computers can no longer support the Police systems needs in the terms of new systems, adequate uptime and response time; and WHEREAS, these computers will not allow the expansion in the number and functions of the Mobile Terminal Systems; and WHEREAS, these computers are increasingly becoming expensive to maintain and operate; and WHEREAS, the other City computer, the dual Burrouqhs B6805, is also of the older technology; and CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF REP 7 11988 RESGLUNG., ,o. 83-795 REMARKS. f WHEREAS, the III turrou(Ihs machines cannot support. the Pnl ice and of hPr Ci t y agernr if,:, need For romputer support ; and WHEREAS, the R6700 cannot run the new releases of the soFt.wares provided by the vcndnr- and WHEREAS, the cost of maintenanc_•o of the Burroughs computer is Psralat in(I annually; �cnd WHEREAS, the City has been ably. to negot_iat.e with Rurrouqhs to ranrPl all ex i9t. inci lt?ase;'purrhase agree-inen1 s with no penalty t.o the City; and WHEREAS, the City has been able to negotiate a 40%' discount off the Iist price on the Rurroughs state -of -the -art. computers; and WHERI"AS, these new computers, the B7900, can sustain the City growth in data processing over the next 7 years; and WHEREAS, the new computers will enable the implementation of all new Police and Fire Systems; and WHEREAS, the annual r_ost of these machines will he less than the cost of retaining the exist inq equipment while increasing the capacity 30 times; and WHEREAS, the conversion From the Police 0 E C mini computers to the Burroughs B7900's will provide the Police with the required level of service and reduce long term cost; and WHEREAS, the new equipment will enable the installation of a Xerox laser Printer which will reduce the long term cost of computer paper and printed forms; and WHEREAS, the one time cost of conversion will be allocated through Fire Bond Funds. totalling $208,858; Police Bond Funds tot:allinq $341,767; Solid Waste Bond Funds total inq $28,487 and Public Works Bond Funds totalling $37,974; and WHEREAS, the conversion to any other make of computer will involve a 2 to 3 years effort. which will be expensive; and 83-7- 9a 0 0 :dHERF�A51 Rooz-A 1 len and Ham i 1 t an rF�r.ummended t hat I he City r,ont inue to rise Rurrorillh:; �,gijipment ; and WHEREAS, t he C i t y Mana(I(, r `ias madP a wr i t t.en f i nding that a valid emerrlency exists; NNW, THEREFORE, FEE I f RFS1 VFD RY 1HE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager's written finding, that there was an emergency need For waiving sealed hills for furnishing 2 I17900 comprrt.nrs, disk drives, controllers, tape drives, terminals, B-21 mir_ro computers, printers, software conversion services and other associated peripherals, from the Burroughs Corporation for a total prir_e of approximately $5.4 million with the 1983-84 annual cost not to exceed approximately $1.7 million during 1983-84 and not exceeding $1.4 million thereafter for five years is hereby ratified by an affirmative vote of not. less than 2!3rds of the City Commission after the holding of a properly advertised public hearing. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a contract, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with the Burroughs Corporation for the aforesaid equipment and services. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a contract, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with Burroughs Tata and ARMAC for conversion and upgrade of software systems primarly in Police Systems at an annual cost not to exceed $180,000 and $194,000 respectively. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a contract, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with Xerox for lease of a 8700 printing system at an annual cost not to exceed $62,000. -3- 83-795 0 0 Sert. iarn 5. Funds 1 o cover the cost' of the ahove equipment and service, are herr-hv al lor.at.eri as f o I lows: $208, 858 from F i re 13ond Fund,; $341, 767 from Po ir_e Bond Funds; $28,487 from Sot id Waste Rood Funds; and $37, 474 from Public Works bond Funds. PASSED AND ADDPTLD this 7til day of September i 1983. A fE'iT: ALPH . ONGIE fY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: } t� ROBERT F. CLAR DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY rt MAURID. A. FERR . M A Y 0 R APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: t L - ITY ATTORNEY -4- 83-79, AUTHORIZATION 'Tq_AnV Date' /»Y7at 22. 1983 Please publish the atLached ad"crtl;cmcnt. one times. T66-Mber-6f-times) Please send notarized proof of publication and invoice to., Ralph G. ongle, City Clerk, City of Miami, ` For further information contact SAMlI ^R0Y j79-626O CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICt MEMORANDUM TO Ralph G. Ongie DATE August 22, 1983 FILE City Clerk SUBJECT Authorization to Advertise, P.O. #1294, Payment for Public Hearing Advertising FROM Samit Roy, Director ' r r / REFI RE NCF.S Department of Computers, if / I NCECSURES ( 3 Attached please find a copy of the letter to the MAIM REVIEW, along with an "Authorization to Advertise", Purchase Order #1294, and a copy of the ad to be published on Tuesday, August 23, 1.983. SR:pl. �`�y*°narauvx��t'zsaa�+.0.;�w.."�°"fiP.r•�:�:5«:ra.-+,.f..,. _: �,-. ....�-r�:-,.r-.. _ 83--'79 43--I 4 , HOWARD V. G.ARY O (())U U U I (11 C'it� !.tanager HAND DELIVER August 22, 1983 THE MiI.AMI REVIEW 100 N.E. 7 th Street Miami, Florida Attn: Octelma Gentlemen: Please publish the attached Notice in your paper on Tuesday, , August 23, 1983. Also enclosed is our Authorization to Advertise, Purchase Order 1294 Thank you. Very truly yours, ' SAMIT7 ROY, DIRECTOR Department of Computers SR:pl CC: Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Manny Alvarez, Ass't. to the City Mgr. - 83-'795 DLPAK T'N.[NT W C ONAPU If PS / Suite 309 / 4rio N,%'. 2nd Atie. / P.O. Pox 01(A29 / M1i;iM0L 33101 / (305) 579-6260 SAMIT POY, Mer-tor 83- f 94 t L, CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC IIEAR114G A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Xiaml, Florida on Wednesday, September 7, 1983, at 2t30 P.M. In the City Conmi scion Chambers at City 11all , .3500 Pan American 'Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering a waiver of the requirement of obtaining pealed competitive bids for the ac- qulsi tion by annual lease purchase frorn Burroughs Corporn Lion two (2) B7900 Computers and as ocIated peripherals, Systems Software Conversion Support from Burroughs TATA and ARMAC and a Laser Printing System from Xerox Corporation. Inquiries from other potential sources of supply who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements in the acquisition may contact Samit Roy, Director, Department of Com- puters at the following number (305) 579-6260. AI 1 in to re s ted per son s are itiv i ted to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed waiver and lease purchase. The hearing will be held at the tune and place specified above. Should any person desire to :appeal any decision of the City Cocnmi scion with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, tha t pe r son , steal l en sure tha t a ve rba ti in record o f the proceed- ings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any " appeal may be based. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK 83-795, 83- 794 12 '1 CITY OF MIAMI• FLORIDA ' INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM -� Howard V. Garv_ Cite :tanager Samit Rov / Director Department of Computers DATE August 18, 1983 FILE suelE Resolution for Procurement of State-of-the-art Computers, Associated Peripherals and Systems Support Services REFERENCES ENCLOSURES The Department of Computers recommends the adoption of the attached resolution, waiving the requirement for formal sealed bids, for migration to state-of-the-art computer systems to support the Police, Fire and other City agencies need for computer services for the next seven vears. The five-year data processing plan prepared by the consulting firm of Booz-Allen and Hamilton identified major problems within the Depart- ment of Computers. The most significant problem was the lack of proper and adequate hardware to support the City's needs, especially in the area of Police operations. Currently, the Police computer operations is supported by four(4) DEC mini computers. The technology used in these machines is ten to fif- teen years old and cannot adequately meet the current needs of the Police Department. The antiquated technology of the computers and the software presents several operational problems for the Police Depart- ment, such as: - Frequent downtime of the computers. - Unavailability of vendor -supported software. - Poor response time to the mobile terminals. - Excessive resources required to maintain the software. - Inability to develop new programs for the Police operations - Excessive hardware maintenance cost. Additionally, the mini computers were not designed to store and process the large amounts of information which are necessary to meet the current and future needs of the Police Department. The hardware limitations are also contributing to the lack of effectiveness of the mobile terminal system. This, coupled with inefficient systems design, results in slow response time to inquiries initiated from the car, loss of messages and unavailability of essential functions. Further, lack of capacity on 83-79a 11 Page 2 Howard V. Gary August 18, 1983 the mini computers prevents the development and implementation of two critical Police systems, the Police Personnel Early Warning System and the Criminal Investigation System. The recommendation of the Booz-Allen study calls for conversion of the Police system from the DEC mini computers to the Burroughs mainframe. The hardware configuration of the Booz-Allen study recommends the following: - That the Citv continue to use Burroughs computers since conversion to other vendor hardware is a risky, time con- suming and expensive undertaking. - That the City acquire a third B6805 Burroughs computer to complement the existing dual B6805 computers. Following the guidelines of the study, the Department of Computers un- dertook an extensive analysis to ascertain the current and future technical and financial ramifications of the plan. In conclusion, the Department of Computers is following the overall guidelines of the plan while deviating in the exact recommendation of the machines due to the following reasons: - Subsequent to the development of the plan, Burroughs has announced the availability of a larger, more powerful and relatively more cost-effective computer. - Together with the announcement, Burroughs has indicated that the newer releases of the operating system software will not run on our existing machines and that the support for the older software will be dropped shortly. - The maintenance cost of the existing machines is escalating annually. The current maintenance cost of the Burroughs computers is almost 200 percent of the lease cost; the in- dustry standard dictates that maintenance cost is to be 25 to 35 percent of lease cost. - The existing hardware is under a seven year lease purchase agreement. The Department of Computers has been able to successfully negotiate the cancellation of all existing contracts. Burroughs has agreed to absorb all outstanding obligations. 83-7955 Page 3 Howard V. Gary August 18, 1983 - The Department of Computers has been able to obtain a 40 percent discount oft the list price on all equipment and to finance this equipment at an annual interest rate of 7 percent guaranteed for five vears. The overall cost for five years under the current negotiated contract will save the City during the fiscal years 1984-1989 $2.2 million over current hardware cost, $5 million over the Booz-Allen recommended hardware cost, and $3.4 million over normal Burroughs cost; while in- creasing the computer capacity of the City of Miami 30 times over cur- rent capacity. The new machines will enable the City to sustain computer systems ex- pansion over the next seven years while: - Reducing the annual cost of lease payments by approximately $100,000 over current cost. - Reducing significantly the electrical and air conditioning cost (over 60 percent), since the new state-of-the-art machines require less power for operations. - Allowing all new releases of software to be run on the machine and be supported by the vendor. - Allowing the Police and Fire systems to expand and obtain more stable services on critical applications like dis- patching and; - Allowing the expansion of the Mobile Terminal Network, thereby assuring the Police of expanded capability and fast response time. The conversion from the DEC mini computers to the Burroughs and the migration from the old to the new machines requires assistance from outside sources. The two application areas that require this service are: - Police CAD/CARE/Mobile Terminal Systems - Vehicle Maintenance Inventory and Charge Back System To accomplish these tasks, approval is requested to amend the contract with ARMAC to include programming services during the next fiscal year for a cost not to exceed $194,000 and with Burroughs Tata at a cost not to exceed $180,000. The change over to newer technology provides the City with an opportun- ity to reduce the cost of printer paper and forms through the installa- tion of a Xerox Laser Printing System. Approval is also requested to lease the system at an annual cost not to exceed $62,000. 83-795 Page 4 Howard V. Gary August 18, 1983 The total cost of all Burroughs hardware is $5,u27,727 before dis- count to be payable on annual installment not to exceed $1.7 million in 1983-84 and $1.4 million during the next five years plus mainten- ance and software. Commission approval is, therefore, requested to approve the acquisi- tion of two B7900 computers, associated peripherals including B21 micro work stations, a Xerox laser printing system and conversion services from ARMAC and Burroughs Tata. The total cost approved by you in the budget will not exceed $1.7 million. Thank you. 83-795