HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0745I-8 1- 7,, 1 0 0 45, �l RE:S(ILUTIU,%' 'ACCEPTING T111: 13I1) O1' Sol"I'lii�;E�:S'I CYCI,E COMPAN'i , INC. FOR FURNISIfINC EL,EA'F;N (l 1) I,(.)LICI; il-InTORCYCL,E:S To THE DE PARTI!E`NT C.)F L'UILD1Nc; AND VE:IIICI,E ..^Ii1I`�'I'F:'vCL: ��T l TOTAL, COST OF $61 , 512.00; ALI,OCATINC; FUNDS Tl1EREFOR FROM THli 1983 STATE: OF FLORIDA SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT GRANT; AUT1101?- IZING TILE CITY MANAGER TO 1NSTRI:; `1 TI'E PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PCIRC HASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealeCt bids werc receive l Auciust 1 1 , 1983 for they furnishi.nu of Eleven (1 1) Police Motorcycles to the. Department nf E3ui.ldinq and Vehicle Maintenance; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 15 potential suppliers and 5 bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1983 State of Florida Selective Traffic Enforcement Grant; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Police for the purpose of providing new and additional equipment for the Selective Enforcement Section; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance recommend that the bid received from Southwest Cycle Company, Inc. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The August 11, 1983 bid of Southwest Cycle Company, Inc. for furnishing Eleven (11) Police Motorcycles to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $61,512.00 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1983 State of Florida Selective Traffic Enforcement Grant. CITY C0I4I:IIS0I,D1q MTHITMIC :fir SE P 7 1383 RI.,L1011W. ;Q. 83-745- RE'AARKS 0 St_ Ct 1-ri `I haf_ t h1 C2 1 �i�3Il�:J�:<'1" i S I:�'2"t'I.)`.' ,lllth��Y- ized tO 1?lstruct the IIurcIIiIsll1,1 A,I(JIIt -Isc order for tIIis equiI,nit, Ilt. I)ASSED AND ADOPTED this 7ti> clay of tiept�mher, 1983. ATTEST: ALPII G. ONGTE, CITY PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK/ DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: io E R. GARCIA—PEDROSA TY ATTORNEY ?taurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE N1 A Y O I: 83--745. 0 0 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 148 1IVTER.OFFIICE"MEMORANDUM TO r?cward .. GATE August 16, 19-33 VILE City :'anaaer SUe.JEZ7 P.eques,. for Commission Action VRO $, oX Dl CtCr REFERENCES Building an' Vehicle Maintenance ENCLOSURES Award of Bid and Resolution THE DEPARPMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RECO1,TMENDS THE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FOLLOWING BID FOR FURNISHING ELEVEN (11) POLICE MOTOR- CYCLES FOR USE IN'' THE POLICE DEPARINMENT, BID OF SOUTHWEST CYCLE CO., INC., AT A TOTAL COST OF $ 61,512.00. Five (5) bids were received on August 11, 1983 on Bid 082-83-95, to supply Eleven (11) Police Motorcycle units. One of the lowest bids failed to conform to specifications. The bid of the Southwest Cycle, Co., Inc. is the lowest acceptable bid meeting specifications. These are the new and additional units for use in the Police Depart- ment, Selective Enforcement Section, to process Driving Under the Influence (D.U.I.) suspects. These units to be funded by a State of Florida Highway Safety D.U.I. Grant. 83-745 a:ie 1 c f Elegy. en ( 1 1 ) Mc, -_ crcycles DEPARTMENT: Buildin.: anU '.'_.:isle 'Iaintenance TYPE OF PURCHASE: Sincle Purchase New and additional eaui::ment required for Police Selecti:-e Enforcement Section POTENTIAL BIDDERS: BIDS RECEI17ED: TAR11T.a^Tn'V BIDDER UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 441 Cycle Shop $5,345.00 $58,795.00 Southwest Cycle Co. 5,592.00 61,512.00 Harley-Davidson of Ft. Lauderdale 5,920.00 65,120.00 Harley-Davidson of Miami 5,995.00 65,945.00 Palmetto Kawasaki 6,030.00 66,330.00 Harley Davidson of Miami (alternate) 6,250.00 68,750.00 Harley Davidson of Miami (alternate) 6,750.00 74,250.00 FUNDS: 1983 State of Florida Selective Traffic Enforcement Grant BID EVALUATION: Category Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Courtesv Notifications "No Bids" T _ L - T . A - The low bid of the 441 Cycle Shop is not recommended for failing to meet the follow- ing specifications: 1) Provides only half windshield where full was required 2) Kick start provided while electric start was specified 3) Provides plastic storage box in lieu of stipulated aluminum 4) Saddle lacks required spring adjuster and design All other bids meet the specifications. Following is an analysis of the invitation to bid: Number of Bid Number of Invitations Mailed Responses 0 0 0 0 9 3 1 0 0 0 5 2 4 -0- - 0 - 0 Totals 18 5 83-'745- _ - r 0 0 RECn�LM:`+D TI�'y IT IST. _ C.':` LE i Ji1F �ti'. , INN- T OF 561 Turo.hasin,� -e:it f r r- Dat6 The above award meets the requirements of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance, and approval is recommended. Director' Date 83-74 S