HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1983-09-29 Marked Agenda~__. .., , r ~. CITY COv1~li~510(V AGENDA METNG DA; ~ S eptember 29, 193 3 c~ 'aA~ • c1NNEa K~ Continuation of September 26, 1983 Second Public Hearing on the FY'84 Budget. S:Ci P.:'I. Sc%OP~D PUBLIC NEr~.R:`~G TO DISCUSS FY '81 'P ~ tJ i s?i i i 1'lt ~~GGc i :. Discussicn of prcposed millage rate and adcpted tentative budge for the City of Miami. •- A. Percentage increase in millage over rolled back rate. Kesoonse: Eight and ninety eight one hundredth percent (8.°8~). 3. Specific purposes for which ad-valorem tax revenues are being increased. Response: Purpose Cost °~ increased exoendutures for the Police Dept. as follows: salaries & ;lases S3 ,529,975 Other 159,334 9, ~ 58°0 Partial funding for salary, wage and frina_e benefit costs fo r ~he r2^~aininc'City GeoartTencs. 52,662,07C a2`S TOTaL 56,351,379 1C~"•. :. C ity C~:m~is~icr, l is Wiens end responds to cit i~ens COrr;rents resar~i^g .,"e propOSed ~;I1l1dCe lncre3se and exoiains tre reasons for the increase over the rollea back rase. aCt10n5 bV C1`.y COTi~issl0n. .mend ~he adcpted -en'..ative budget, i necessa r~. 2. ?ublicly read t^e entire ,millage ordinance. 3. r.dopt t^e final millace rate. ~. h~cot tre final tudae*. :.. ~1 SCJ55 i Of' Of D"'OCGSc= "111 I aC2 r:l~ and 3d~'D!~~ .c!':~„'ve bu::cet =.r :7e ;;~~•,rt~wn ~evelc~^te^t .'u_hori-'~. DISCUSSION STATEMENT DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION n. t?°_`":°!: _c,C2 ~ ^C''S~-. ;' "il ~ laC~ Over ''O i ~ _C .~.`C~1 j r~ _~ . ~ i Ii CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING OAiE: September 29, 1983 PAGE N0. 2 ?espe.^.se : Zero Percent. 5. City Cor.,.•~ission listens and respo. ds to citizens recarding the croposed miliace. C. Actions by Cit~1 Commission. DISCUSSION DTSCUSSION 1. .mend the adopted tentati~•e bud5et, i` I necessary. 2. Publicly reac the entire millac_e orcirarce . 3. Adopt the final millage rate. 4. Adopt tze final budcet. RESOLLTTI0:1S ' III. Resciution I Allocatir.~ $86,366 of r^Y '83 - '84 Federa~ ! R 83-875 ~evenue S.".arlnc Funds to previously approvedj MOVED: PLUMMER Social Service agencies in an amount not toi SECOND: PEREZ exceed one-twelfth of the FY '83 allocation ( NOES: CAROLLO to each agency. OP.DI*IP_tiCE - SECOVJ REaDI`JG ~ i i ~". Ordinance :• kincr appropriations for the Downtown De- ~ R 83-874 •relopmer.t nutl^.ority of the City of Miami ! MOVED: PLUMMER nor the fiscal _•ear ending September 30, ~ SECOND: PEREZ 1986; aut!:orizing the Director of the NOES: DAWKINS ~ CAROLLO Cc~•:::town Develcpment Authority to invite or advertise for bids for the purchase o_= arv material, equipment or service embraced in t!~e said appropriations for which formal bidding ma..~ be required providing that this ordinance stall be su~pJ.emental and in ad- citron to the ordinance making appropri- ations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 198 for the operation. of ' the City of :diar^i, Florida; providing that i. an~• secLicr., clause or subsection shall be declared unconstitutional, it•~shall not affect the remai^in~ provisions cf~~his ordi:~ance. (T`:i. item was passes or.•'Z:1.=st =eadi::g at the Sapte:nber 12, 1983 City _ Commission :~:ee*_irc. It was moved by Com^issioner Ca_o11o arc seconded b v _ ^_o~:~nissior.er Perezt , City :?anager ece:~Tends . ORD. ^ra r.ar.ce ~ 9685 Def'i-.=r•~ and =esicr:a =i^c t::^.e terries^risl ~ `/` .. MOVED: PEREZ i•^its cf t^e Dc•~nto~::~ ,,eveloor.:ent District SECOND: PLUMMER =he Ci =•• c f .~ iami loC3t d w_ ~ ° ~ thin t::e UNANIMOUS terri=~= i 3. -i^.i ~s c~ she City of :iia:*.i nor ~ .^e curcose c. ca:{3tio'1, fi:,_r.c t'•:e mi113ae I - -- _ _ _ _ 1 `~: A' CI YY ~OM~.I SS I ON AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 29, 1983 PAGE N0. GRDZ~IA.~JCE - SECGVD P.EADIVG CONT. t~• T and lev:i:~c taxes in the Cown town De•: elcn- .;tent District located within the territorial' limits of the Citr of ~iia:~i, r^lorida, or the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1983, and endinc September 30, 1984; fixinc tr.e millage at Five thousand Ten Thousandths (.5000) mills on the dollar of the non- exe:~pt assessed value of all real and personal property in said Cistrict and pro- vidi:;g t:zat the said millage and the ta:{es leviad herein shall be in addition to the _`ixing of the millage and the levying of i taxes within the territorial limits of the Cit..- of Miami, which is contained in the"General appropriation Ordinance for the aforesaid fiscal fear as required by j Section 30 of the City Charter; providing ~ that the fixing of the millage and levying o~ taxes herein shall be in addition to special assessments for improvements im- posed by the City Commission of the City of Miami witl~iin the territorial limits of the City of .Miami: provided that this i ordinance shall not be deemed as r.epea)ing or amending any other ordinance fixinC i millage or levying taxes for the fiscal +~ year beginning October 1, 1983 and ending September 30, 1984 but shall be deemed supole^:entai and in addition hereto; and ^rovidi:~a that if any section, clause or ss"saction shall be declared unconstitu- tional, it shall rot affect the remaininer pro•aisions of tr•.is ordinance. (This item was passed cn first reading at tl,.e September 12, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Ccrtmissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City ~aaacer recorurencs . Oraina_^ce Defi:~i^a srd cesianati^c the territorial li.:,' is cf t^.z ~'i}•: of uiam~ .or the pur- ccse of yax aticr.; =i::w^a the ^,_llace and le:~•_~i.^.a t3:{zs i : *_:^.e City o= ~?iami, for t:.e fiscal •Jar bzg~nninc October i, 1953, snd ending Septe:ber 30, 1984, containing a severabiii ~~~ clause. (This item was ' cassad on f~.rst ra.ading at the Septe:r.ber 12, 1963 City Cor..^:ission r:eetizg. It was :~cvEd Cc^Tissione: Ua:v'r;ins and seconded by ' Cc^L~niss~oner Per.'; . Ci*-, ~!a.^,acer ' ORD. 9683 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: CAROLLO _ _ ~.a.ions ror t:.e =fiscal :ear E.^.:.=^ 52GLe:!?.^,e= ~;i, ° ' ; con~a_n_r.c ? _ .. ~ a rz- :m~'_er wrc~:].SiJ:"1; ~r... a set•er3biii-.~Vclause. _.._s ..e^: •.~ad _ ~~~ed .~a ~;rsL raad_^g ~~ 1~3_,~t'~~Ccr.~issio.^. :^ee__nc cf Sz^=c^~ber _~, :aas o : a M•_: ,._T~, ssiorer =a:".:c'_.^.s . .~.:~; 7y l.C~ _.CC v.:~ E:a~j. ORD. 9684 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ NOES: CAROLLO