HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsCity of Miami Police Retro Calculation Lieutenant Jun-22 49.5328 2080 103,028.22 10% 54.48608 113,331.05 2% Oct-22 55.5758 115,597.67 2% Mar-23 56.68732 117,909.62 Captain 161,000.00 year 12 13,416.67 remaining 5 67,083.33 a Lieutenant 117,909.62 year 12 9,825.80 remaining 5 49,129.01 b difference in salaries 17,954.32 a-b amount of 10% 10,302.82 c savings 7,651.50 difference in rate retro amount owed 4.95328 2080 10,302.82 c CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Noriega, V DATE: May 2, 2023 Fi_t City Manager SUBJECT Justification to Create and Fill �Q Jr-�Ip j 23 Police Lieutenant FROM : Manuel A. Morales Chief of Police Police Department REFERENCES. ENCLOSURES The City has a responsibility to fill positions in accordance with state and federal laws. Due to a recent correction to the eligible list for Police Lieutenant resulting from military leave, I am requesting to create and fill one new Police Lieutenant position, effective 612512022. To comply with Florida Statute 295.09, which in part states, "...the state or its political subdivision shall reemploy or reinstate such person to the same position that he or she held prior to such service in the armed forces, or to an equivalent position, provided such person returns to the position within I year of his or her date of separation or, in cases of extended active duty, within I year of the date of discharge or separation subsequent to the extension. Such person shall also be awarded preference in promotion and shall be promoted ahead of all others who are as well qualified or less qualified for the position. When an examination for promotion is utilized, such person shall be awarded preference points, as provided in s. 295.08, and shall be promoted ahead of all those who appear in an equal or lesser position on the promotional register, provided he or she first successfully passes the examination for the promotional position.", the promotion must be effective 6/25/2022. Additionally, under the federal USERRA law, reinstatement or reemployment, "promotion preference provides that returning service -members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service (the long- standing "escalator" principle), with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority." Failure to fill the position as described abo will leave the City in violation state and federal laws. Approved/Dis pproved: Arthur Nori a, V., y Manager ate MAM:gsb c: Assistant Chief Thomas L. Carroll, Administration Division Major Jesus lbalmea, Personnel Resource Management Section Qiana Sanders -Bell, Personnel Unit 1-� / . . . Z c a 2-e4�n 3 /&/i? BUDGET USE City of Miami ONLY POSITION AUTHORIZATION REQUEST Log No. y c Please attach the following documents, when applicable: a) Requests for additional positions must be accompanied by an approved memorandum and/or an audit report/study. Jc) yb) Requests to change a position's title/occupation code must be accompanied by an audit report/study. z A Transfer of Funds Request must be attached if a transfer is required to fund the requested action. 1. Department 2. Request Number: 3. Request Date: Police 1 03/30/23 4. Position No. 5. Audit No: 6. If filled, Employee Name: 7. Social Security No: 9445 Sean MacDonald 8. Type of Action ❑ Add ❑ Change ❑ Freeze 9. Funding Effective Requested: Date: (] Abolish El Funding Change ❑Unfreeze 04/01 /23 CHANGE ITEMS FROM TO 10. Fund No./Nome Cost Center 00001/191501 11. Nome Department No. 19000 12. Occupational Code 5013 13. Occupational Title Police Captain 14. Minor Object Code 15. Open Date 16. Standard Hours 80 17. Expiration Date 18, Split Funding: [indicate uniform, nonuniform, or not applicable (N/A)J. Split - Funding Instructions: If the position is currently or will be split -funded, complete numbers 19 through 23, as applicable. If not, skip to number 24. SPLIT FUNDING COST CENTERS/PERCENTAGES FROM TO 19. Home Cost Center/Percent N/A WA 20. 2nd Cost Center/Percent N/A N/A 21. 3rd Cost Center/Percent N/A N/A 22. 4th Cost Center/Percent NIA N/A 23. 5th Cost Center/Percent NIA NIA 24. Funding Source E Position Budgeted ❑ Other (explain): ❑ Salary Savings ❑ Transferring Funds 25. Comments: EE retired effective 3/3112023. One (1) Police Lieutenant position added to the department retroactively (525/2022). In order to maintain T.O. at 1388, requesting to aborish the position. Approved By: 1) department rector/Designee Date City Manager/Designee Date FOR DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET USE ONLY PAYROLL USE ONLY Approved By: Entered By: Retro. Calculated By: Director/Designee Date Initials Date Initials Date C BO/AL 00I Rev. 10/89 1 Route White and Canary copies to Department of Budget: Retain Pink coov. `,�)(/ _ I,, t2lal 2eX6 %fl?it/J -�: BUDGET USE City of Miami ONLY ,r °�- POSITION AUTHORIZATION REQUEST Log No: w o Please attach the following documents, when applicable: C-3 a) Requests for additional positions must be accompanied by an approved memorandum and/or an audit report/study. I. -b) Requests to change a position's title/occupation code must be accompanied by an audit report/study. CIO c) A Transfer of Funds Request must be attached if a transfer is required to fund the requested action. 1. Department. 2. Request Number, 1 3. Request Date: Police 03/30/23 4. Position No: 5. Audit No: 6. ff filled, Employee Name: 7. Social Security No: 8. Type of Action ❑ Add ❑ Change ❑ Freeze 9, Funding Effective Date: Requested: El Abolish Abolish ❑ Funding Change ❑ Unfreeze _ CHANGE ITEMS FROM TO 10. Fund No./Home Cost Center 000011190101 11. Home Department No. 190000 12. Occupational Code 5012 13. Occupational Title Police Lieutenant 14. Minor Object Code 15. Open Date 16. Standard Hours 80 1.7. Expiration Date 18. Split Funding: (indicate uniform, nonuniform, or not applicable (N/A)}. Split - Funding Instructions: If the position is currently or will be split -funded, complete numbers 19 through 23, as applicable. It not. skip to number 24. SPLIT FUNDING COST CENTERS/PERCENTAGES FROM TO 19. Home Cost Center/Percent NIA NIA 20. 2nd Cast Center/Percent N/A NIA 21. 3rd Cost Center/Percent NIA N/A 22. 4th Cost Center/Percent N/A N/A 23. 5th Cost Center/Percent N/A NIA 24. Funding Source ❑ Position Budgeted 0 Other (explain): ❑ Salary Savings ❑ Transferring Funds 25. Comments: One (1) position requested in order to make promotion to the ank of lieutenant for btanrin Bravo effective 6125r2022 (per FOP CBAIHR Director). Per USERRA, employee must be made whole, as if not deployed, in promotion, pay and seniority it character of service is honorable. The score earned by EE Bravo on the Lieutenant makeup exam placed him 3rd. Promotions to Lieutenant we held in October 2022 and have reached 13. One (1) Police Captain position (#9445) wig be abolished effective 411/2023 to maintain current budgeted positions. Approved By: 3 13=>_3 I I Departm - Director/Designee Date City Manager/Designee Date FOR DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET USE ONLY PAYROLL USE ONLY Approved By: Entered By: Retro. Calculated By: I I Director/Designee Date I Initials Date __I I__ Initials Date C BO/AL 001 Rev. 10189 1 Route White and Canary copies to Department of Budget: Retain Pink copy.