HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09694J-BS-760 6ADiNANct No. 2-16-9-4. - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TWO NEW SPECIAL REVENUEFUNDS ENTITLED.- " SELECTIVE TRAPPIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECT (PY 183)" AND "SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECT (PY 1847'r APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR TH91R OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $191,261 AND $381,454, RESPECTIVELY, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT AWARDS FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Or VETERAN AND COMMUNITY APPAIRS FOR THE APOREMtNTIONED SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECTS, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREMENT(S) TO CARRY OUT THESE PROJECTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SMRABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida has awarded to the City of Miami $191,261 in federal funds from the United States Department of Transportation, covering the period August 8, 1983 through September 30, 1983, to implement driving under the influence intervention activities; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami anticipates receiving another award in the amount of $381,454 to continue the program from October 1', 1983 through September 30, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City's Police Department plans to carry out the program with a specially trained team of eleven (,1,1),.police/ motorcycle officers, a police supervisor and one administrative aide; and WHEREAS, this team of police officers will utilize state -0-f- the art technology and equipment, including a custom designed A (Blood Alcohol Test Unit) mobile, specially designed police motorcycles, state of the art alcohol testing equipment and sophisticated video technology to conduct a highly visable enforcement effort against those high risk drivergrou a who, ar#- �v particularly responsible for serious accidents on the roadw NOW, THERBFORnf BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF T OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: ;I� 12 Section 1. The following Special Revenue r4nda are'. established and resources are herby appropriated ao V] United States DO _ArtMOnt­,qC riori,da pep -of- yotgt4n and ,Community Affair -, Bureau of Highway. Saf gty APPROPRIATION:- Selective Traffice.Enforcemerit FY 183), FUND TITLE: Selective. Trqf f ic Enf orcergent - �(Py. 184)_ RESOURCES: United States, Department -,of Transportation through the. Florida .Department of -Veteran and Community Affaira:_Bureau.-_ of Highway Safety APPROPRIATION: Selective Traffic Enforcement (PY 184) . . . . . . . . . --- 10-9,11 A0 ILACk $3811454 Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept #he.,grants as set forth in the preamble to this ordinance and to--, !enter 'in o,the necessary contracts) and/or agreement(s) to carry, 9", out -,the -selective traffic enforcement grant projects' Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragrap4r, clause:_ phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, 'the rem' provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected.. - Section 4.- This ordinance is,hereby.declared 'td'be' an empdre un f public need for. the-' 'the gro ds 0 u measure on of peace,, healthe safety, and property of the City of Ximi_,art upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the re4isi -necessary payments to.its employees and officerst payment .0 debts, necessary and required purchases of goodsandauOpli 44neta I ly --carry on -the - functions and duties of municipal. r �+A i Sbetion S. the regttirameht of rdadi q thin ordinance on two 140-parate days in hakeby dispetiaed with by a Vote cif not 1esis than Vn: our s of the ril fhbeg>§ t11 Otis min inn. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .. s�5._- day of tStitpb#r - _► 10$uu 3. � MAURICE A. ' FERR%' M A i 0 R F. ATTEST:' . ONGIE, CITY CLE» BUDGETARY REVIEW: aanasysac�a� ra • DEPARTMENT GRANTS REVIEW: AND BUDGET JOHN R. BALDWIN I, Ralph G. Ongie, Clerk of t e City of omMiami lriila,:' GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR hereby ,tify that on the.. /.Q.,..... y: b ..da t&.' Ix t9.�. .. a full, true and c rract.'::copy-of:ktht� above:;- land foregping ordinance was.p.'stcia av'Abe' South` at #use lL &- County Court H use `ar= thd': p icc rt yitictl'' ' z}y LEGAL REVIEW: #ar., so I arms mad publication$ by ' attaching said ieo :to pmvided.therefor. e 1%211Km my hand an4 ttsc officw .staff f ,m ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY City. Cer:,: ;ram APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: $R RR. GARCIA PEDR SA ITY ATTORNEY -. 3 iA. City oft MIAMI. PLON10A INT1 0-01 FICE Mit""ANDUM ta: Howard V * Gary city Manager Traf f is Nniord tYtaflt`- subjEct:Selective "D.U.I. Grant". a: fAA�L� tUuYt� REFERENCES: imom Cenneth Harms Chief Of Police ENeLoEuaEs: ORDINANCE N0. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TWO NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTITLED: "SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PR "SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECT (FY184)", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THEIR OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $191,261. AND >r $381,454. RESPECTIVELY, AUTHORIZING -THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT AWARDS FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF:VETERAN AND COMMUNITY + AFFAIRS FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECTS, AND FURTHER. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) "AND/OR AGREEME { NT S ) TO CARRY OUT THESE PROJECTS; CONTAINING A: REPMER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILZTY CLAUSE• the City of -Miami- Departm+�nt<<<} w; The State of Florida has awarded to - r United. �w of Police $191, 261. in federal funds from the . 'Stdt*Ae . apart r ' went . of Transportation, cOVering. the period of = :t3 �.,. September,30, 1983, to implement driving:under:•the'influenGe:r vention -activities. The City of Miami Department -'.of 3�olicryii.oi { pates receiving ,a another award in the. mount .,of . $381, 454.:::-tfl 4 . the prograe ,from October 1, 1983 through Sept-, 3U�:' 1984y; The Department of Police plans to car�c_y,out the Prpga"atitt, cially trained team of eleven (11)-police matorcyc�e_<.���3.�,�� ponce motorcycle Sergeant and one AdMiniitsative Ai�d+s: -k u 4 = This te�un of police officers will utilize +Mete of the ar.s„ logy and e+8uipment including a custom• desionel�:;'8+��' Test unit) mobile specially designed, t6i0i,cycl+�s��- js�tate��t alcohol testing equipment and sophilaticated '�i O .0-0. conduct a highly visable' entorcemen . driver groups who are particU14rl.y; r'os�p .vible r our roadways . Although partioul.ar , x Cf�f ph� t... .t•:, 4 &fir: ems: i,yrw•:q ,�...; .49 iiiiiii-� Howard V. Gary City Manager drunk',driver,, it in expected be transmitted to the general M AUG J 0 1983 Selective Traff ic I N info rcem6nt Page #2 heightened public. &Wefte ES 8. , that a public Concerning trafficsafety�' , one utilization of the BAT mobile with a team Of specially trains in the; identi it ficationt and testing of the drunk dri La :.the:number of D-U-I. arrests by-98%. The: ef f ncrealIse tol ' , increase dramatically t'L - U.L3:., is are. also expected to increa- of SO-CU lon -X1R:Orm -IMM t- ia ! 40 t�v *71- -p M -.3 A 04 "N' 4 M-11-1�111 N AT- C, J �M- 09- R24 "S' stet, , 4r, MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DAD& Bolan On undersigned a aunty Psesonsih appeared Q W - IL Pabayru, who on aellt says Mat she Io the Supenieor, Lspai Adwrgshng of the Mtand Rwiow and 0411Y Record, a __y (eroo ; I Saturday, Sunday and Legal HaNdaya) rAwoww, psbWled d MloW In Dade County, Flotilla; that the attoo W a" of adwrUsernwit, befnp a Legal AdmftwnwM of Notice In Me motter of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 9694 In the ..... X. X.•X............................ COMM was pufWahad in said newspaper In the fares of Nov.4, I983 AHlant fsxiher sere OW the said tfihnd Rld" and DORY fNoad M . Iwi ll . . at MWO in asid Dade Canty, FfoAds, and sold has horstolors been ow0mm illy publfehed in am wdoW SWWW and LOOM � , Florida, cosh day asoot" does M A � peat and �beeinn Miarmi fn wW Dada Coin, Flat" for a period of one yew meet woosdYa do 11ret onbNoatien of the atfaohrd OW of Gin ¢1E 0.0 NAA, ��i� �4th day o{,f/ ..,-g.'�tj Qj%..'ti. ,p. �. \j., A.D. 19. 83 .. Ovate -' �FreiiOo w 1'""'s� d Florida st large '�.v1 �rerle.te�f i1 gl6. 61?V 61v MIAMI 6A6# 6601101f, rkl &lilltA LIGAL h6fift All Itite►a ltod will take notice that Floridah "the 15th day of October, 1983, the City Cofnitileelijh f Miami, Fadoptid the fdfidWing titled ordinancom &hOINbNCE NO.990 ' AN EMERQENCY' ORDINANCE EST suaHING. A CIAL REVENUE FUNb NTITLED: "RECREATItiN f E MENTALLY vvmrwev yr w w,uw rnvm , rre a ure a yr n.vniun. uermn i - MENT OP EALTH,AND REHAibILifATiVE REF; ICES, 06 00t)_ FROM FISCAL YEAR 198243 AND tt21,000 FROM MS. CAL ,YEAR 1083•164 'SPECIAL' PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS: MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANTS, LAUTHOAIIING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT' A GRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DOSAPTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES'AND it ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTAACT(S) AND/OR AQAEEMENT(S) TO CARRY OUT THIS PROJECT, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.0696 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THREE NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTITLED: "APPRENTICESHIP PRO- GRAM (F=Y'84)""COMPREHENSIVE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM (FY'$4)" ANb`'tAA1NING FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING PRO- GRAM (FY'84)", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THEIR OPtAA- TION IN THE AMOUNTS OF $38,350, $52$,200 and $128,000 RESPECTIVELY, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT AWARDS FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED PROGRAMS, AND, FURTHER AUTHORIZING. THE CITY MAN• AGER TO ENTER INTO"T}1E NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS TO CARRY OUT THESE PROGRAM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9691 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW. SPE- CIAL, REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "OFFICE OF INTERGOV- -ERNMENTAL'LIAISON (FY'84)", APPROPRIATING FUNDS. FOFt THE OPERATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, AUTHOR (ZING THE CFTY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD,FROM THE SOUTH` FLORIDA'EMPLOYMENT:AND TRAINING CON-, "SORTIUM FOR THE`'AFOREMENTIONED OFFICE, AND;PUA• THER`AUTHORIZING THE -CITY MANAGER '..TO ENTER INTO., THE'.NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENtS) ,r0' OPERATE THIS OFFICE.' ORDINANCE NO, 9692 AN' EMERGENCY• ORDINANCE AMENDING, ORDINANCE NO. 9534,'ADOPTEO DECEMBER 9, 1982„THE CAPITAL IMPROVE, MENT APPROPRIATION'ORDINANCE FOR -THE FISCALNEAR �. ENDING! SEPTEM' BER 30,' 1983; AS AMENDED; BY INCREAS— ING APPROPRIATIONS FOR MANOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS EHA6E1f I ly AN AMOUNT OF $M,400 FROM,114E 1970 AND 1980 HIGHWAY -GENERAL OBLIGATION.13OND FUND AND,1N: 'AN'AMOUNT,OF $M,000'FROM:T}IE 1'970AND:197.8 STOR SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION .BOND. FIINO FORA TO?A 3 INCREASE IN APPROPRIATIONS OF,,$1,f,};i7AXp ,.CONTMNING'A;- REPEALER.PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE 'ORDINANCE NO.8693 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW Oft CIAL REVI.NUE FUND ENTITLE "ENTRANT IMPACT: AID (1993$4)"' AND APPROPRIATING S1X0,504.FOR ITS OPERATION; - CONTAiNING A REPEALER PROVISION.AND:A SEVERABIUTY. ` >.. tt')brTHE CITY OF MIAMIIUNIVERSITY OF MIAMI-JAMH"F"INTERNATIONAL CENTER AND PA KING OARAI NAND FURTHERAPPROOMA' ' EA E AWOUNT" ,FS}I FI AGLER 1BUIL61NG PtNOVAVON Ali AAA M:IN THE JAM/ S L. KNIGHT CONV90ON pjjISExFUND;, CONTAINING A REPEALER C9V!f# §EVERA9ILITY CLAUSE. f ORDINANCE No r x' I X iy:(Iii 3; CONTAINING A NFEA PAGILit,TTYY CLAUSE. OpO)NANCE NO Sfbl): mtfalNC3 SECTIONS 1 algid 6 6#4 I; ATfON BEFORE THE:PIRST 1983 SEASON;FOo T+ROV I)INO.THAT THE CITY BE HEIMDURS 0, AbE COUNTY RESORT TAX FOR THE PU # "A IMRNSTILE5; CONTAINING A REPEALER PFFi"ii� cRABtLITY CLAUSE. -:ORDINANCE'NO.0701., . 0INANCE AMENDING SECTION.I,OF 696I4AN( rHE CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT; APPAGPA)ATION E FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMSER;30t- £ BCIGATION - BOND ICHASE OFUTTEA'( 1:1WSAID FUND; I IAMOUNT=OF :S20( SE ORDINANCE I110 Rt)INANCE ESTABLiSHWG:A' f 'IED:�''RECREATION FOR THE % TT' t -i -a. s • Ii�' ° }A'3� J,;a {�`k �xj. �- "�� t s y �-' a - �aP = ' • •• sd, .�� ���rc � s i�(�i"V�[� ,��`1 s`�3"j _ u � qvlr i i�''4. _ �I• _ y fi.3.`�, i3Yipppvi� $i ,i- _' s,r a • i i y v ' r.�� t .� _ � � a �TT rat �� "€ a• _ '— d u d � Y ``.:'c � i. • ." _w a v� � d s•`' '� � nv�� 1� � ^ { a ,\ y � �; ' Yam` rv" + �� lio z Vr Tli Y C � � i • \ 1 � g « �q Tf�Y +jf } { ^y !'Y k.. : q v!lr ,s..�as�:•' P 1 ." v"kt�. #°lfi lit �4{9`�`y -PI 7�_._�,�.. �r v�' r " "• c �i � i��i3�'-r- .! ,'r� �t ��� r'`� t �''t ,� �� �' j'�"mr� ' 1-+, �.�� pc`fvit, aF � T y� y; x 1 9