HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0970J-83-957 11)'21 :'R 3 rr'D-5 I-183-67 7 (7'28:'83) R F s n L T1 T t u N No. N3-3"lG'I A RE 501_I1 1 I ON AI. L 0CA T I NG T HF Ail00N T OF $25, 000 FROM SPECI AI. PROGRAFI5 AND ACCOUNTS, C 0 N T I NGEN T F UND, I N sut'POR T OF THE "SUNSTREET FCSIIVAL 1983" AN1) AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING IHE AMOUNT OF $15,0L)0 IN IN - KIND 5ERVICFS FOR MAINTENANCE AND Pnl_ICE SERVICF'i FOR SUCH EVENT TO 13F HELD ON DECIMBI'N 1-4, 1983. WHEREAS, the "`iunstreet_ Festival 1'183" Committee, Inc. has submitted a request to nbtain $40,000 as the City's sponsorship for Lhe "Sunstreet Festival 1983"; and WHEREAS, said Committee has subsequently been granted, via Motion No. 83-677 of July 28, 1982, funding support in an amount not to exceed $40,000; and WHEREAS, said Motion 83-677 provided for this grant to be given in cash $25,000 and $15,000 in in -kind services for maintenance and police services; and WHEREAS, this festival will be an asset to the community at larqe; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11 RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FI.ORIDA: Section 1. An amount not to exceed $25,000 is hereby allocated from Special Proqrams and Accounts, Continqent Fund, in support of the "SUNSTREET FESTIVAL 1983" to be held December 1-4, 1983. Section 2. The amount of $15,000 in in -kind services for maintenance and police services for such event is hereby authorized and approved. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCT 25 1983 RESOLLMUN tjo. 83l REMARKS. • • PA5SE1) AND ADOPTEll this 25th day of October + 1983• Maurice A. Terre MAURICE A. FF=RRE M A Y O R ATTEST: "., _~ ~RALP G. ON(~IE, CITY CLL - PREPAREI) AND APPROVED HY: ~~ ~~ ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM .4ND L'URRECENES5: ,' ....-- . 'AR IA- EDR SA CITY ATTORNEY r ~' -2- 83-9'7l~' 0 ~U1~S'fT~.EET FE~'F~VRL '83 '' SUNSTREET FESTIVAL SLjNSTIE~EET FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, INC. P.O. sox 011003, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 • (305} 757-3459 83-9`70' CTr•C...__._... ... , „mil'.., i...r..i . J. C'~ "~; ceiebratien of 51ack li: ° in F~ erica" at tii an-.i, Flerica ~resent~~ ^•~: .+..... ~ .,.y .. z..-,,., ~.~v..,~.• T ~ ~r'~TT QF liit"r:Tr:l i~.~:~:~, Ti~C. P.n. E: ',{ Gi~CC~ :•i~i~:I, FL:;RI7~ 331~~1 l ~C';, i i ~- ~4~y 0~~~~ V ~.•~ ~r.:ro~~c~:.cr j.~ , rG;;zCt =enefi*.s 4 . C .° ~h•:,a~lca i G 0 ZG ~:3-y ~ L ~.~ 1..~..._.~ct_~.a . .~6.~i.• • •.~. ~...r:, -...:a, ~EGI..a~J. • =3 ~~i'i3: ... `.:-i~ ...~1',r~. ,.3."'~. . ....-~~~` ..~r_.. vL:.v ~:'• • . ~I:G ..1.'. :.. ...rep .•G~~= ~ .:ia.._ h~J sQU~:av ~.~ ~.~:;::~.Gr~.. v.a~ i.7~..~' .. .._.,:.'S ..r°c..2... v~' ..::E 1Q~0 :"1~c,3 a,U ..:a° :"iCr° r°;.°:".~ ~~~:`. ci'a~_ ..~~.,_.r~.ai:.'.~°. ..~ basically, b~ er;phasi~i^,_ the infrastructural assets o `tee ~.;reater :~:i3.;.i .,.. r°a and avviai::_. the iSSUe Oi riegr.tit'° ~Erc2" ~i ~ :s O: I.,ib@r:;; ...~-_ Y°~, :.~..,_rty .,_c;; , - _-:zcred .~~ shu:are~, :Pill r.~c`. _~ s:. ~ . i.'': 1 ~' ~ , _ SL:1: ;r r.CncuCt°C ~;' r~letct:~cr sr~:: ~ ;t CO::p n;~ COnSiC'.erL1~ G : ac Ors =.ri .five CategOY'3.eS ranked r iOrida nua;,ber One ~ i roi : iJ0..~3 .i.t: 190) in GUSi::°S5 cli.^:ate. tnoti:er study conducte:: the sa:^:e ;Tear by the t~ew Colle,e cf ::ork- ShOpS a::d COnO:".1CS 12; Sarascta fOUn~7 ~2de County rar:~;irg first .r: the ;.tat2 i.~ a ra.,~~ o: :actors fro^~ g~ve:^r~,ant fiscal rol_cy and ~_ iCr to ~A: oral r.. ~I1].at °CC::C:'.~C e::VlrO ~T,2nt. ^Ot:1 StUdieS i.luiCate t:.at the iG',~act Cf t:1e C1Vii .:isturbances on the local and state business clj^late ".as beer. a minirai. :; c^:ajor i.^~pact, however, has been generated in the local tourist i.^dustry. ~ouris:~ ir. South rlorida has declined for the past t;ao years. In addition tc the negative perceptions cf I~lia^.i's flack areas, several other iactcrs have served to ditr..nish visitor interest, ii:clu.::~:.g: the. I•;ariel bcatlit; poli~ical ~.znrest in Central rlcnerica; increased cor.;petitien from Central clcri,::a attractions, i.e. Disney World and Epcot Center; poor exchange rata cr t::a dcllar or. the world r^,arket. `~r.L'r:E a decade aco, tllc lOCal eCOriO"1~ haS :".ado 3 trarisitiQr. fr0.^.: al.^.1CSt total ~ecendence on tourists, aEricultare ara construction to G ~:cre divers_- _~.°_~ ECO:"i0".Iy c~nCv.".^.-.sS~°'~ L.~er::at:~.'`.;:3_ tr.:° CO:"~ 2rC= . :.7 ~?:.........:. _-' -t --t - ~ -y- b~3-9'7C .:~_ ~ort~;::_~__:. : ~r =__ci: c~r~_ci:,a.,~~.. _.. _:ie .._~r~rc~.:_ca~_.,.. ~: ~er:1a~ C:Cre CCnstr ain2d ~:lle ~C tY:e r°yai Si.,.. Sp2Cic! i__.. Si{i__; l .,rein:: _a`l~.wc_°, tree l.iti~, bari:':i~~ zC:; ri:1:...C°~. n5 __C.°_:", ~.i``' ..:r:., i.T:`.}':e SC:3.~JcI Ci ~ :.CJ.:.ir.~ ~.J:a: =C~.,=. ,', _., ~:.~.,._.. ce ~.; :d_rst~cd, t:-.at t're i.rla~e of .ridZrt„ ~i~_•, .::~er~c•.::: r:,.: .....~. =i~ci•: C,C:'~~ i.::.~i.~.eS ii:rJ:i_'::~U~ i;ai:c ~.O:ia~:., ~:'°_ lat:':..,..~21j _l: r:~:~ ~.. i.:i~ _.: :3 _=' J. ~~'le tCta~ C. o..~.i..:C1t;~. _ti° .y:: vtr °_@t : eSLl~31 LC,`slit~E~ Of ~sreater :`iic.^.:-, :.I:C. ~ i i° ..C.._.:1`,t2°! c _rC1p cf concerned, 1oc31 business o!•.::ers and residents, ;n-aS for^le~ ~o add aI:C.her dl.^lensicn t0 ~~rlVate and public. Sector appr0aC:7eS for 1.~,~rC:'ln` the ecoromi.c conditions cf the 31acri cor.::uri~y by creating :.:z i.,,..~e of ,,:ie area W:7iCh enCCNra_~S tCur~St3 2f^id 1^vCal r~SidEntS t0 :1Sit ~:C ~a:r'C :ie the business and entertain.^~e7t establis.."_^:ents of the area. SUi~ST;~,T ..~.i 'C? an image erhar.Cir.Y, four-day Sh.OwCaB.e prcdaCtiO;': Cf ti13Cr: :`•~=..~..^.:i 1S proposed as an ir.~:ediate strate~;,r LOkard the ulticrate guest for participatior. by the Elack co.^~^:unity in t"e thriviz~. econcmy o: Dade C~~:nt . 2.0 ack~round and ~~eed Twenty ;rears ago, Black partiCiYatlo:: ir, the touris:~-based econo:^y tCOkC the forr.: of e:^.ploy^:ent and business oppcrtunit.ies. Thriving i~^.iarii ~lacr: and Dc•,anto~.,m hotels and restaurants were a].riost wholly serviced by Black workers. In Overtowr., the Sir Jo'rn and Carver hotels provided acce:::.oaations for B'ac~: erter:.airers and tourists. -i3Ck-C~,71ed and ?Tack-orerated :i=::_cl~,:bs ~'ld EGCeriCS, J _ , th° ..arle^: JCUcre, the ~.7Cii~ nC. L.:.:.C°, ~::e c~l:i_ tCCfiL, a^.c i:in_'s were p.resperir:_. L7te~ratior. of ,white hc:.eis and restaurants, CGUp1eC With l:rd'_.n rererai a::d exrJresSway ;,CnStrI;CC:.On, :3d a t7e~'a5~2tin mp ~ upo:~ ~~.~erto:.r,, the ::ub ~: :.:~ ~ lacx ' t, . a..~ a ^US1f1e5S CC.a^.it.'.ri '' -2- 83-9 <<'~ ~~ .:arc ..:.s ~i;e ~_ran~- __.~~s:.... ,.1a:..=:_.. _°a.,~:"'_.1= a ~:'~.._ .cJ _~ ....'.~. ren.'':C~::: - _:,r:...: .,:.... ~:::.vera_ _ .::arc:1~ _ ..~.. .: `x ~..___ _ .._ _.... .ia:-ero~:., iti _~r~-.c .. =:. r.°, • ....._a..tl.~ . rc^: .,hro.~~:1ou„ .,.ie •.~~_~:;: ~•..,~1A_....ler`~ .,:; _..v .. __c „_ _. iti~il rCt return, leavir.: anot.!1er VCl 121 t E ~laCk tr.Qit1.C::. :.ivaaTl~.a, '_ :viceri-lv:i~, ~ecertber Cel=bratl0n Gf kif rlcan-i~I^EriC.~.t1 her_t _e, r.J 10:_er ~. `C\'S ..:;E SU~~Crt G. ~h° iGC31 CC!^',Ur,1t_'. ..:° ~;~~„~t.a~ -'vS..~~.rG ~ , Wn1C.. CE_.ari . ~V~ 'fears a~.C .S ,.:e ...._'y' rc::':=.iris::` `._~:.r: C:dltl.ir ai Cei.e~raL'_On , ho;IJcv2r, Its basis iS 1n t:ie Carlbb~a.: anC '.lest lndlan C1aCk C:llture lritri Wh1Ch Iila.'1y riIIterlCari Tacks have 2':C 1Se:1t1:1C::t1Cn. 5~'.:~ir..... rrSi '83 Will restore the traCitior. of a ;:1a~Gr ~iaC:i culti;,ra~ event within t.".e cc.,:.:,anit;,' iahile prc:-tctin~ an i.^:prove~ i.:.a_= G: t:-.e area ,,., ::, i e4 .,--~ - anc U til:atel,f irlcreas~21~ the prv_ 1.....vi.lit,% G Mack ous n soy ex;.G..;.~n_ their :^~.r~:etplace. nccordi2:~ to Essence I~1a~:~zlne (JL:r2e 1983), lacks spend $157 billion annually, 'rowever, a p',li.T.DSe Of Black CartiCll:+atlGn Sri corporate nI^.erica projects a dirt view. Several eXa.^:ples; of 2, 200 sort. dr=nk distribatorsili ps, none is Black owned; of 3,800 Chrysler uealerships, ei~:rt Black; G:' S,S~;; : ord dealerships, 27 Mack. Mack Er.ter~r.se :•;a~szine (June 1983) reported that the ce^tbined dross sales volu.^:e of its lOG tcp Black busi::esses totaled ever tt~JO D1111Cn ~Gll~rS. ::Ct:° of '.. e t:.L'.. '00ti".USiaeSScS iS lccateC iri ^lJr1..a. !.GCall;~, the ecc:•,e^~.ic situatior. in rile Black coT~ t'arity is severely depres.-e . t~:.:bl1C ari.: DrlVatc SeCtOr aLte^.IptS t0 1nf use 11 Fe 1nt0 _ rawl~l, Cj'i 2:_ c''GC.J'"`~ :aJE GcE': ...~ .=:'.3~ at Lc'SL. ~ LIC:.iC ~: C.ct:`'_VES LO ...tLr:.t CUS_..cSSES .O the arec Cld'JE nCt reSL'~ red 1n r.ICCfiL1C:1 tv t e area, bL2L eX'_St1t"_ ~~lv~~ .:er ~ ...,__ i ?s . _...~ yes ~::e~ :-' s: ._.. _ ~... scr.:= Sla ~r: arias ,.: _~~e ~::'.... as •. ~ .~... v4 ^~1.rc ::. ..• _1:~ ?.~vr~. .~ ._+....~~~1. G.. ..?.C...~. _. ._....^..1.11 1r .A.~.~._ .~..:JJ ~.v v.~r. r.i.y ~.r.. _.. ~.....G_ .. _..u.. _..:tee ~~..~-. G.",.~~_ .. .. .~.r ~~... ~..~'•..'.-~ _" ..G:"lam rte.-. . ._...~~J.C.G 3.... . c i..~ ,,.~. r...t. _ ~acx to is sse: ar to sur•~_~ , th_~ ..1..1:.\. a~~ a r;ar~:et reso:~rces outside the clasri coM~:s',i t;, . S~:::,:-,_.:.. F :J. '~,~.` i~'QU.."". _..~..___, ti0~..:1t:.3: ...araiBtS a2":~ ~r:V~~ t:.O:1T.iV° e'':~CSUre . Cr 6GOOS anG Ser'r=~eS a Tali aJi°_ .n tine ~lcC:i c:.':=:'.::...t: . j~:.;,T;;_,.. FF.S~ 'S3 wloula restore u:L'Ch Gf t e :'CSitiVe traditiers Jf t:18 3_ac~c cc..~..,.;ni.'y . The :yore than twenty piatL~ed e':erts would ta:ie place on ~e:,e::cer 1-4, 1953 (the weekend c: the row defunct OranSe blcssor~ ~lassicl. 3.V :r~~C~~ r~nef LtJ c:,:i:.: =... ,: F'SL ' G3 wlll COriS1St Of 2: ti : it1eS aria eVent3 Of it merest t.^, ..ll of :iia.^ii's multi-etrric, multi-cultun41 populace 2nd visitors. For ;nany, it wall provide the first opportunity to excnan~e culture and trace in tha 31ack cc.^:~unit;~. i:Ze ~o.'^:rittee has identified an ir*iportart opportunity :pit: Su:~S:R~.."T F?Si 'S3 that n0 ~ Cril}' GI'fcrS SUS tantlal bZnef 1tS t0 the Black COICRIUnlt}' In the * Or.^.1 cf increased patror.a~e and ircc.^.le, gut also responds to the neoa~ive i.:.ag'e res;:l tirg :'rom th_ severe social and acono.::ic probler..s ~la_ain~ thelack cc;~ anit, . .he FeSt1Va1 has peen Str'aCLUred t0 OVerCCT.e the inherent prOCse:".S C:' attractinc tcursist and local V151tOry t0 trle area by plannir.~ events ana p' r'* ~ Yri~ ~ti'1i r~r~ ...nn~.'~ ~ t t r.. TO ~+~...~~..,: •^P• .5' ~C~C'..l _ Oc .. ~.n~ \ :.. V ce ..:. 3t rac ~.Ve .: il' J+_ ... ~ ':L~_ ~..~- ~_ ~. i~rN:~.: ...._~... ..~ ~J ~_ ~.~ .. .../i.~ ~... ~. _...._... _ ..w _. .~ r. ..~ __..._..~.. .. .._ r ..._ -c'~"•ara`, _,_ _ ;he °es~_~al ;tioi.:l: ~ra•~i::_ ;.`: _, crt,.::ii.: .`:r ~_' "~ r°c v^:`..~.;.~. y!'i.: a2 "OU~ ~.. ... c:{;~:;~°u ~., :1_~.ri ....._tur° r~:-: ~ ~.S :~ rZ vGrl '^ir__l:.J ..~ _ ~ .. :1..Cr_ .G.. "'f""J... ... J.2 _dentll ~ ~t].~ri - r. are caheJl .~~. :.la..k CVIiL~/Ur•1 t,~7 .V ~iaiu result. due to a better understanding of cn's' orm ca].ture any t::re~.:_ _~e:a_f_..~tionl c•;i:......~;;_r ev=nt. _.. tale ~•iaci•: co^~~:'a:~i`~ . ~.? "A03;;^ed ;•;~~"ke` - yf1vF,^.Ortul:lt~' tAlli~'.@ prOVide4 f Vr ~iaC:: bUSi:':eSS t0 broaden 1tS eCCnOC~iC base thrcudr greater a:,~csure 0I ~OOCS anCl Se:".'1CeS. 3.4 Touris^~ - In 1981, sor.:e ;'05,;29 Caribbean. nationals arr_ved ir. ',•:ia.:.i for tourist visits. The weekend of the Festival is a traditional fes*_ive we~ken~ (for:erly Cranbe ~lossor.: Clas~i c. weekenc) w'r/en friends and families reunite i.7 ;~.ia.~ni. r..n inter- national advertising ca.Tpai~ would also promote tourism (see Exhibit P.) . 3.5 Industry revenue - Several industries are expected to ber.:fit fror~: SC::STREET FEST '83 including; airlines, Travel agencies, Eotel/:•:otel, Retail Establish.^~ents Rastaurants/Concessions, Car P.e:.tal n`~nC1cS, i0'..:'^ r".=e::CieS, ~rV1Ce Jtati:, :S and ~,JC.°-1 :ittraCtiO::.~. . _ I:^.r.~e - The basic gosl of the Festival is to create a oosit~:e ._~ 1!".ar,'_~ .^.~ the ~laCk CO.^.':'lUt7it~ 2n~, in t:drt:, enl:S.^.Ce t ~ n3tiCricl a.Yc _..tern..tiol:ai i.:.=.~A o. the ts:..l ca.'r^:u::ity, -~- ~3-9'7U __ ~.- C X l-~ i u l~ r+ ~F.i'~'; TOI~Pi~T Iti~UP.~fAT~~?'~ uL'~`.~'t Air Au'c I95~ itC~`1ESTIC 1=t Quarter 1,OS5,22y 1,5C3,44o TOi n I7 ~n~l Quarter ?74,584 1,3i0,55~ 3rd Quarter 95,192 149,971 4th Quarter 1,200,000 900,000 19°0 1981 1982 IN;ERtiATIONAL 1st Quarter 500,000 561,000 565,873 TOt'RIST 2ncl t~u:~rter 515,000 616,000 564,493 3rd Quarter 716,000 793,000 724,342 4th Quarter 607,000 616,000 600,000 1981 1982 CARIBBEAN 1st Quarter 164,014 173,516 TOURIST 2nd Quarter 167,452 ~ 170,980 3rd Quarter 206,702 213,849 4th Quarter 168,561 est. 170,000 ~3-9'~0: -~1 C~ c G .~.'~^. .. JL ..:.'~ ~eJ ~~, ~v err .V ~.r_ r .J..4_., +.• .:. ~~'_. vl' .. ~. ~'~~.~-.v_~Ji. . :G .......... ......• :......... ~•+l .i. ~~.. .: :1 _T:r=.. Y1 C~..C.-. ~ii.^..JV'r .'r~.~.. GJ :1 :.~.~~_~.. ~. ,..~ vr-a~211~.a`l~n l:". u1.1.'7°, ~9.a..3 A °pe:.111C.a1i~ °ri~age ~t'1 ..1:,,,OriCal Gn.i Cal .,Ural crc~ry:.s rely*.•°~: tC the C3ette2""lent .:: $iaCks In s,.,eriCan life. 'r1Cr t:. ir.COr~CratiOn, .... infOY':'lcl :,C:`.'_^.li~tO°_ Gf I.: ..crestec l.`1'_'._w'.~315 be~-a:; tc explore the feasibilit~~ of i~, ~rovir.~ the iu:,a~e cf :,laci; :~:ia:~~ ~v J 1:~JVr~.~- a ;~ee;cenc of events to attract tourists ,ric i:;Ca~. resi~ents Y ~~ 5 :.C t:'ie 2rea. In turn, the i.terests and iza~e 02' 311 Lade COUnt~. WOUla be se!~: ed . The ~xe:,utive i-lannin~ Com.;~ttee t~?C) cf tY:e ooard of Directors (See exhibit ~: Organization) :nas ti^.e responsibili~y fcr providi:~~ oenaral directicn and crari~~ polic;; aecisions relatea to the pia.^.ri.~:~ an:: i.:~ple- ^:entaticn of SU:•:ST~eE"i r~S'i '83. Tile card of :,irectcrs will also be responsible for funrraising to sponsor Festival events and ne~otiati.^.~ anC contracting for : estival entertai_rr:ent. Volunteers :Jill be recruiter and c:.rrnel°d tc various cocr^Littees throu~,i: the executive Plannir.~ Cc^.ittee. Each meMber of the ePC will serve as Chairperson of a subco ~:~ittae. Ti:° sutccru^.ictees ;:i__ be ~e~.incst_., as f..il:.:.:.~. 4 ~ l Lr,+.;~ ni - nah,i~; ~? Jl:Dnn"t ~erV1CeS - iteSpC:':~ible fOr Cc? 1 Ct:.vri of revenues c*.de in carryi.^o out festival eve:;ts, e.5. ticket sales, booth rental fees, ctc.; securing facilities fcr events; ice~~t_:~i.:g. iccaticns _,or pa:^r;in_, vender bJGtC1S, sac;,r-:cbiles, -o- ~~ .,:.ta~I:irt~ ~r :_ ':i25, r...,,,^.S. :°N~i. _.,_~°_: ; ...,...,.. a.._.,..., . ,r _._:.il_ti~c; Uec~;ri _ .._sc~.~~~~ ~_....-;-o,:~ti~~~ ~.e. .,.ct__ rc...~ ,.ar rental, restaura::tS, e-... _,. ~a_ri. _ aY:~ .:ecc.sa~: ~ er~-~t.,. 4. - ~i1e~.L _ - .. .~,. r. .. P ^.t.n""' may.... ' i~_ ;,- a.~d 'edia ~espcrs' ~ ~r a:.i ~.,.., ^s, ..::,1 .', ad'Jertisin~, media 2.I'?C] CCii,"ildYaity r~l~tic::S, , '^~SS CCYIf er°i~C°S, preys parties, etc. i..nvclvi^_ S~:.~i:,~~_ ?L:.: '~3. 4.,; Vai3 HCti'.'1~ .S - .'.eS~Cr...._.,~e fCr ,,„~I'::ii:a~_Cri a::d _ _@::e~ita- tlOn Of `ala r°Stlval events inClu:;iI:E: the i+OStaloiS tali; fashion show; f:iss SU.1ST3~.T : E~~ 14_3 pageant; Parade; scree. ."eStival; :,attle cf the Bands; and other events cas pial~ned. 4.u Saorts hctivitias - nesNo::sible fer co.;rdi,atirg ail sP~rts co:~petitions and invita;,ioral tournar.:ents i/zcludirg;; gol: , volleyball, tennis, tract: & field, c~restlin_, body build_rg, .c.wi~Ln.~, etc. 4.5 Education and Culture - Responsible for coordinating educational and cu_tural events associated with the =estit4l includin¢: art exhibits, historical and cult~,:ral exhibits; oratorical contest; essay contest; spiritual and jac~ rlusic extravaganca; arts ~ crafts (Senior Citizens); et.al. ti.,, -~~.+I''' . w~c ~~:~~^u.^- =r:o^s - e~LOY:sible :ar deterr.:i:.ing anc scl;edul rg adequate security, emergency services and cor.:^u.^ications Persor~ el ~ or all r esti•rai activities. -,- ~:~-9'7G ~. G.C;Cl.~117t. ,..,_.,~ PLA~~,~l,.~ --- ~.IL.... ~~. ~...~.: FrGJF, COO:tiii~A~Or Aa.•zi:;istrative i:ar~et.inc ;aZa ports F;u:.2tlo?': Support ara ledia Activities ......i•iicies anc Ca~~ural Services ~ Fv=::ts - Fevenue Ccliecti.;r. - ?romotions - iOStalp'~ia ?ail -Sports -Oratorical N^~~ N - :,exist. ~„~c s - tedia =elatiors - . arade Cor:~etiticns Contest - Lc=istics - ?ubl_city - - : iiss :.urstr eet - ::vitat`_ora'_ - Sssay Co :test - Advertisinx ^ra_eart =our::aments - crt xniti;,s - S_cear:ers bureau -Barrie of t .e - Fiistoricai Ex- ar:ds hibits - :.pirital N:usic Extravasarza - Jazz Fest - Syr.:posia _`._ ~3-97C} .:....lr..r.. ...tea Lr ~~' ... ... .=.. r.:.r....~r :: ~.... _:~.. .Vr_r .. .,. ..-~ -- _ - .- . - - .. _. ,. .. ..._ ...__. .. G..u. r.r. ,..vv _ .. ... .. ..~_.. .._rr ... ..v .... .4:. .G~. ~.~ _...:^ :~iCrl_~..•.rl y. J v~.. ....rv... .. "r^'` ~J.; .-r. r.. ...... ..C Imo.. L/-.. "'. ^:_r.a_ : ;er. ~ ~° = ec „_vG_ acts-; i;,ies ar.c r=for ~ ~. _ `o _..e ~:fe~•a ~_ . _ : ~_..::i::- ~~:e sutco.,y.:ittees will be respcnsible : or i.^:.1':;enti;:~ t. e ;. _ h o icwin~ ~ver.~s: ~._.l ~~v5tal=ia Cali -`.ar:l.`Is~' its t:2e::2 :rOr" t;l ry~v~S :.I'i1S ;aia CCSt:..: °_C: °_V°rL :J.'-~! vCaS.t Lr,° _.._ -. :..r .,. ....,. .... _ _ _^ . ~O ~C.: ~. ~ „ '~.l.t °tre~ `'~Sti'val - a :i.i11 ua'j Cf Gasce...:.r;' a2:.. ...._tar_1 ~ '4°r- S1Cn wlli be K1CkeC. C.°f by' at1 earl; C`,1CI^:Iir:g Fara~E, Stree ~-si:.E veneers, ea7ce ccrtests, celebrit;; Parade tsar malls. 4.1. ~ ~`~iSS Sunstreet : a?°_cnt - this Corsie5t Of tai.ent ~ rO.Se anC 1CICwled e will wiri a scholars"ric "Ie I -r 3 .Or ... uCny W~t::1c WnG w2~ _ Preside over Festiral zvents. 4.1.4 Essav a..~c Oratericai Con.ests - with Black Y:istory and culture as the theme, tYieSe educational events Will lt':volve }'oun~SterS it SJ~,SikEET r:~: write increasing their Ictcwlee~e cf Bl ck history. 4.1.5 Sp_riLUal ~uSiC "Xtra'Ja<.3.`;^e - 32^iOLf:er CUItUral exP~rier.Ce tl:~S e':et:L w',._1 ~:IVJlVt the ~VG:.UtiQn Cf .Jl C:{ :^.US.C ir. ~ °riCc. 1~ 1S E~:r°Ci.E': tC Ce 0I' "'r~=CU:.ar intEr85L LO -" I -: _~ .:.li 'e.. ; .IS ~rcu^s . 4.1•x. =5:1=';: cI1G:J - =tack Stjr°• ..:Jt2Zr° ~~~.aQ~~ .^.:e :225 ~~ 1:JGii$ "GOe G c.2:Q '~ :Gw'C1~~ real'_~ ::2=:':S Ll~...$Verj'0I2@ 'dlll n.^IC'.•J 1:•S ~JeClel. ~~~ ~3'~9'7~ -~~ r _r~~~r::a~i_r,~i e ~~i;:_~_~~r.: ~f :.r,~.^.1~1G:~11.:... ~...+~..Ni,? 1.... ...~.J~i.~. -- ., _ _ _ „~ ., ,. ,. J ~ _.. _ , _ ._... :,rt,: ace` ~i~;,: - ~n_„ ~~e::~ .._l.. :,_.,~ .,.. J..~r„S ~.•..:__~.._.. any' will pro ~ ide sr. oppor*unit;' : cr a~.i °_L::I'liC and ~~e `rcurc ~:, be it'iVCl ti eC.. Th1S SerleS Ji 1raV2La ~~v:":3_ LOUr:':.3., cr t.~. .._-- -••' C:.::ue: ~t'2::7~.5~ ~Clf~ :Cis • ~3'_„ t,r2Cr: Ac _`•ic1~~ :J:"e „_~:~~ _t ~._.9 ~s -e~` - ja~~... ~he ~rui_~ .~:ericr::::usic viii ~Q aY _` V . V v°_SL ~Cr ~::iS °_Ve21t 'r::liC CcieCr~teS :.,USiC?_1 2XCe~18:1Ce. 4.1.1 °a~~l° O:~ ~:le S=.^ds - the Y;i.~,erS Gf t.".iS :,C^.:D2~i~~Or, :viii rein c•rer the SUi:ST~.~yT : ~.~,':' aarade. (Exhibit C provides a Tentative Schedule of Sve:~ts) _? ~_ ~~"9'~G -.~~ ~_. '. rurs::a ,. - ;,e^:ber = ? , ~ _ ::3 - ~ ~,- _s .:~., r-c `f ~ rer ;, :.:.__ : cr.:~ii~ sr, .". ,;.e .' ~ - -- --^~ ~ - .. CreSS CC:~f~erenCe/press partl ~rlli iCr.;,a1.~ ~ ;iti.ate : eSVi'v3i. - n cocktail receptier..or visi,,lr1= di=~iLarleJ, volunteers, ci•ric 1 e ri,~r+•- 3..,.. ~, etC. - C'~~.^1lnatl0 i Ji CratorlCal ana eSSvy CO.^.'~°titiC:^S. s'~lnrierS 3I'L.CU2:C°~. - Cr cc::~inc of tliss Sunstreet - :,xhibitions on~oiri - ;,ports co.:.petiticns on~oin~ a~ 2 - ~ri~av, l~ec~^:ber 2. i^~s3 - Spiritual i~a:sic S'•:tra~~v~r.za - 51ack Style Fashion Show - Sports Competitions on~oin~ - Eattle of the Sands competition Day 3 Saturday, Decetber 3, 1533 - Street Festival which includes: Fade, art exhibits, etrnic vendors, dance coMpetiticrs, pageantry - :iostalgi a Sall (costu.^~ed ) - ~pcrts ccTM^etit'ons cn_^ir` - S;thibiticns cn`oirg Dav 4 Surdav, DeceTber 4, 1953 - Sports ccr:retitior.~ conclude - Awards and Fresentatio::s Ceremony - Exhibitions conclude -~_ ~= rr^~~c`.. Coor~irator ;1:,40 :ors ~ ~; . , ;,ecre ~ariGl ~u:,r or`. (iG40 hrs _ 3~ . ~0 ) ~: ... `.L ~ r, "v~J ~~;;~?: ~:;: -- P~..r,,. ase, lease, re:~ta1 7, ~+:~ ..~...:.:l.. _ ... .~. may„ 1. ~. _.. 1'~.7~5 r'.~:~'ertlSiT:~ 2.'"1~. ~rOf':C~1^,:!S, "°S%iV31 nC ~1Vi ties, "rtlter ~a1:LT.en Total :'erect Charges 170, ~:;~ Total Indirect Charges 52,99 $ 229,625 _l~_ ~3-9'7~? ~~ CITY OF MIA M1. FLORIDA -~-~ - I ~ `/~ ~~ ' { ~~ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM -o Howard '•T. Gary City ~4anager ~R:~u ~Lber~ :i. r?o~~ard, Director Devartment of Recreation DATE September 23, 1983 FILE sue~EC• Confirming Resolution for Kotion 83-677 - 540,000 "Sunstreet Festival 1983" REFERENCES ENCLOSURES It is recommended that :4otion *Ic. 83-677, authorizing the allocation in the amount not to exceed S40,000 from the 1983-84 Special Programs and Accounts Contingency Fund, (525,000 cash and S15,000 In-kind) grant to "Sunstreet Festi~•al 1983" in connection with said festival to be held on December 1 thru 4, 1983, be formally ratified and confirmed, as per attached resolution. "Sunstreet cc^estival 1383" has requested and subsequently been granted, via aotion ;10. 83-6 77 of July 28, 1983, funding support in an amount not to exceed 540,000 of which 525,000 will be in cash as seed money, and 515,000 in In-kind services regarding maintenance and police. Over 100,000 people are expected to participate in these events. Following the theme called A Celebration of Black life in America, this festival will present the following events, between December 1 tc 4, 1983, a Nostalgia Ball, a full day of pageantry including a :Horning parade, a Miss Sunstreet ?aaeant,an Essay and Gratorical Contest, Exhibits, Sport Competition, .;azz Fest, and Fashion Shcw, :^.onies for this festival to be allocated from the 1983-84 S_Aecial Pro- grams and Accounts Contingency Fund. It is, therefore, recommended that ~~lotion No. 83-677 be ratified and confirmed as per attac^ed resolution. isi-?I: ~ ea::L ~ a r ~nClOSL're VV i ~3'-yTI ~i':