HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0926A A J-83-816 9/2'R3 r r 'D-4 R F `.il)1_111 I11N NO. A RF90LU I I0N SE I T I NG 11)R11-1 1 HL P 0 L I CY OF GREATER ENFORCEMENT A C I I V I I Y RELATED TO UNSAFE CONI) I T IONS RI: SUI_ T 1 NFi FPOM IINF AWFUI DISPUSAt OF GARBAGE AND WA5I1- IN THE C[IY AND 1`4111?E SIRINGENI CITY E N F 0 R C F 11 [- N I AC T I V I I Y RF I ATEI) TO HAZARDOUS CONDI T IONS 1)1 jE TO UNSAFE UN'-)ECURE1) BUILDING 7; FURIHLI? INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPI EMENT THE HEREIN POLICY PAR IICIILARLY WI TH REGARD TO INSURING THAT IJNSAFI: RUILOINGS HF EI THEIR REPAIRED 10 CONFORM W1 IH B1)1L1)1NG C01)F RFIIUIRE14FN1 OR DEMO!_ I SHED. WHEREAS, protertion of the health and safety of City residents demands that every step be taken to rid the Citv of unsanitary and hazardous conditions related to gar1)age and waste removal prohlems and unsafe buildings; and WHEREAS, 15 requests for required Public_ Hearings have heen filed by the City's iiuilding Official with the Unsafe Structures Board of Metropolitan Dade County pursuant to Section 202.8 of the South Florida Building Code and are awaiting disposition by said Board; and WHEREAS, enforcement of City Code provisions pertaining to the disposal of garbage may be accomplished through the City's Code Enforcement Board as well as the County Court; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. It is the policy of the City Commission that there 1)e greater enforcement. activity related to unsafe conditions result inq from unlawful disposal of garbage and waste in the City and more stringent City inspection activity related to hazardous conditions due to unsafe and unsecured buildings. CITY COM14ISSION MEETING OF OCT 25 1983 sclU I:j.. 83-92( ARKS Sort ion 2. 1 h e City 1.1ana(ier r , hr,r,hv instrtrctecl to imhrneri the herr,in (col i r v hart iris r I y with rf,garri to i11s1iri1-1rl that unsafe hui Idings ei(_her 1) re1)airecl to conform w i t h tiu i t rt i nq Code requ i remetit s o r demo l i slie 11 . PASSED AND ADOPTED t h is 2501 clay o f October , 198 3. ATIEST: R A L P K G ONGIE ITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED 13Y: ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Maurice. A. Ferre MAURICE A. FFHR1: M A Y () R APPROVED AS TO FOHM AND CORRECTNESS: ;?. '6� R. GA A- ED OSA CI1Y ATTORNEY ,C -2- 83l-926