HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-0910J- 33-893 44 A 83-910 r'r - "'T n T f� T i Tc. r-i 7 1 r7l 1 7 E A T E I TY T 11) ITE A 11 T 7 F I 'T' P, 17' 17 A 7' T T r-, I M t 1-�' T T I Lj_ ; : I : A Dl-,] SA I T P P'I* T T' ",-)I ....... T'_ A D T� r) c) t 7, 1) a s,-:) (2 (i IN I TA n Y I T T) -T (-1 r.- --T 7; 1 1, j�1 ',,T c en't, 1-1 lie _1 D L ITI' TLE A A P. T F"T7-ATCT -R-5)'nl,`-(,' i71 - to " , , u I� 1 _L du�' -III-, 11 c notice c hearillf- 1! 11 .3 cl I'l on () c t oi, e r 25, .19 `3 as to a n Y n1)'!0Ctlons to t I lc conf.1mint-inn of 93-790, CITY-WIllDE S p, I T T M A R Y SE7.1ER TNPR0VE'-!ENT- ''A"T TT"LE NAVAIIIA SR-r-'1199-r' (centerline sel.;c.r) in CTmY-!,,.IID-,- "E", ER 1, T "Ij-,E HAVANA DI.'-""IRICT SR-549 8-c (contel-11110 sQlsjor); "Ind W!'.-PRE'AS, no ol.;Jectlons to the confirmation of said sanitary sewer linproveii-lent were sustaine(l by the Co,,nmission; it:, i -, t 1 a c, rc 'Ore i i i --) ?'der f01, t I i c, C o mm i o s _1 on t c) c, on f i rm Said ordr---rilY resolution and .uthorlEe the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of said Irrmrovement; 1-In".19THERE4PORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C0M:4ISSITON OF THE; CITY OF 1',qIAI.'I, FLORIDA: (I ._'ectinn 1. Resolul, Inn 'ilc,. 23-790 dated Se,'',-embf-r 7, 1903 —'!IT--)''ANT" 'RY l,'.'PRr)VE,"lENT-ElkSr," 1, 1 T T 1, LE' A AN 1, R - 4 C ( 0, 11 1 C, I C' 1 T Y T D I C' A 11 i I T P.. R Y ,"11' :Pp LT IrT, Itr� LE liAVANIA DTS'lllil C "I FR- 54c)pt-(' CITY CITY COMMISSION 'ME.VNG 0, OCT 25 1983 IRESOLU110N No. 0 0 7C, (i -,,r 1 1 fir•7 1 T., 1 T 1: T: T 1 7 �l 11-1 1 Ir- Y 1 - -) . 1V 1) AND ADDP711`11) ?nth-- J,�il (7, f c -t- 01, ell , 1 9 -� -.� It T 'I" E -1 T-i - 1 -'A iJ, F, T C. i1 ci , ,v C 1 e r I PRE"PARED AND APPROVED BY: Assistant Clt-ly Attonjoy I APPROVED AS TO FOR'41 AND CORRECTNESS: Attoriie.y 83-910; r7 0 h CROM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary DATE Ser tember 2-6, 1983 TILE City ;tanager Donald W. Cather Director of Public Works SUBJECT CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT- EAST LITTLE HAVANA SR-5498-C. Resolution Confirming REFERE464ering Resolution ENCLo5URE5_ (For Commission Meeting of October 13, 1983) The Department of Public ;works recommends the adoption or the resolution confirming Ordering Resolution No. 83-790 and authoriz- ing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -EAST LITTLE HAVANA in the CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IM- PROVEMENT -EAST LITTLE HAVANA DISTRICT SR-5498-C (centerline). The existing sewers serving this area were constructed in 1917. An investigation has revealed a deteriorated condition and need for re- placement. These sewers are located in the area bounded by S.W. 1 Street, S.W. South River Drive, S.W. 4 Avenue, S.W. 5 Street and S.W. 9 Avenue. Construction will be in conjunction with a highway improvement project that will include these streets. This project will be funded by General Obligation Bonds. However, the Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Authority recently agreed to accent in concept the obligation of refunding the City for the total cost of all sanitary sewer replacements subsequent to the Authority's accept- ance of the system. The establishment of a mechanism for repayment of past and future sewer replacement installations is currently under- way between the Authority and the Departments of Law, Public Works and Intergovernmental Affairs. To serve this area, the Department of Public Works has designated the CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -EAST LITTLE HAVANA AREA SR-5498-C (centerline sewer) as an assessable i:np_rovement under Section 56 of the City Charter. MR: r J Resolution attached 83_ 91C.1 P DOE `IA:iE: CDE SA.,T-_T? '-, ;, J113 SCOpZ Ccnstruction of new. inch and 10-inciz sanitary severs to replace existing severs constructed in 101.7. ",he area is bounded by 2;•1. 1 Street, :. 1. S . River Ori-ze, S. I.4 'renue, S.W. 5 Street and S.W. 9 Avenue. JOB SCOPE: Escirrated Construction Ccst:I70,000.00 Est_Mated 'Total Cost: SI?6,000.00 REASCN FOR ','IORK: Deteriorated cond:.tion of existing severs and the Manned street rebuilding of these a,reets by t:e Ciz . :.I.. "p-roximate acres - 20 Approximate Population - 2,780 SOURCE ' :eneral :b l i=sat a on Ecn< s — =t San ary S e :.r er 1 Fp T7 C� m u� z"41 . T 1 r .e , 080 $45 �?7_J JCJ e�.v .,J funded! .�.. �r1 ,000; 00! 3ond Issue. 83-910 L2 lj CITY MANAGER'S ESTIMATE OF COST OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -EAST LITTLE HAVANA SR-5498-C (centerline sewer) ORDERED BY RESOLUTION NO. 83-790 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 7th, 1983 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST OF IMPROVEMENT. . . . . . . $170,000.00 ESTIMATED INCIDENTAL EXPENSES: Surveys; Inspection and Supervision of work; Preparation of Plans, Specifica- tions and Estimates; etc. . . . . . . .$22,000 Printing; Publishing of notices and proceedings; Preparation of bonds; Legal services; Abstracts; etc.; and other necessary and proper expenses .$ 4,000 Total estimated incidental expenses. . . . . . . $ 26,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $196 , 000.00 DISTRIBUTION: Estimated cost to be paid by City of Miami. . . . . . . $ 91,000.00 Estimated cost of all items to be assessed. . . . . . . $105,000.00 Estimated cost of 120 Average Lats. . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,000.00 Estimated cost of 6,000 L. Ft. of Frontage. . . . . . . $ 84,000.00 Estimated assessment per front foot . . . . . . . . . . $ 14.00 Estimated assessment for average centerline lateral . . $ 175.00 WITNESS my signature at Miami, Florida this , A.D., 1983. day of HOWARD V. GARY CITY MANAGER 83-91a