HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-1009J-83-958 P.ESnLUTInN NO. 83r-1009 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY I -TANAGER TO EXECUTE A CITY/CONSULTANT CONTRACT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE. FORj� nF THE AT- TACHED CONTPACT SI?BJ►;CT TO THE CITY ATTnpNEY'q APPROVAL AS TO FOP.m ANT) COP.RECTNE.SS, Fnn Pn.OrFSSIONAL SIT VTCFS BY T?IF FIT?m nr BOE.RF''tA, BIETKTELLO, KURRKI AND VEPA TO PREPARE. A DINNER KEY DEST('N AND DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN IN AN AT),-InUNT NOT W EXCEED . 95 , 000 FUNDED FROM SnECTAL PROMAMS AND ACCOUNTS. I-THEPEAS, Commission Resolution No. 83-696, Julv 28, 1983 authorized the Citv Manager to enter into negotiations with those nlanninc firms found in rank order most oualified to nr.ovide pro- fessional services for preparation of. the Dinner Kev Design and Development Master Plan; and 1?HEREAS, the rIanaper has negotiated a contractual scone of services with the first ranked firm of P.oerema, Bermello, Kurki and Vera to provide such nrofessional planning and design services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CONY.ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1: The Citv Manager is herebv directed to execute a CITY CONSULTANT CONTRACT, substantially in the form of the attached contract, subject to the Citv Attornev's approval as to form and correctness, for nrofessional services by the firm of BOERFMA, BER14ELLO, KURKI AND VE.R.A to nrenare a Dinner Kev nesiRn and Develop- ment !-!aster Plan. Section 2: Funds not to exceed an amount of $95,000 from Special Programs and Accounts and herebv authorized for a con- tractual consultant fee not to exceed $90,500 and a final report nrintinQ by the Citv not to exceed $4,500. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCT 27 1983 RE`.,0L000.i nu.0�r��o� RE MARKS PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of October , 1983. _ Maurice A. Ferre _ MAURICE A. FERRE ,•IAYnR. ATTEST: QUAZIIHl G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: JL IIAXIJELL STANT CITY AT ORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORPECTNESS: OSE R. GARCIA-PEDROSA CITY ATTORNEY 83-1009 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To Howard V. Gary City Manager. Ile "ROM I odriguez, Director 1 ing Department DATE October 19, 1933 FILE SU`3J ECT Dinner, Key Design and Develop- ment Master Plan Contract - Request for. Commission Approval Agenda I tern City Commission Meeting October 27, 19e3 It is recommended that the attached contract for professional consultant planning services for. the Dinner Key Design and Development Master Plan be placed on the Commission Agenda for October 27th with a recommendation for Approval. By Commission Resolution 83-696, adopted July 28, 1983, your office was authorized to negotiate a contract for professional ser•v i ces w i th the three p l ann i ng consu 1 tan t f i r•ms recommended in rank or -der by the Dinner- Key Consultant Selection Committee for preparation of the Dinner Key Design and Development Master Plan. The Planing Department has negotiated with the firm of Boer•ema, Ber-mel 1 o, Kur•k i and Vera, f i r•st r•ar, k%�J by the selection committee, the attached master planning contract for a fee of $90,500 with an additional project cost of $4,500 for City printing of a final report. Total project costs are recommended as $95,000. The planning study contract is for approximately six months. The anticipated source of funds for this study is Special Programs and Accounts in the General Fund. This contract provides for professional services to address, within greater Dinner Key, recommended policy and specific design and development solutions for future land development and use, recreational facilities, parking facilities, landscaping, auto and pedestrian circulation, lighting, signage, lease management, market feasibility of alter -native development options, and environmental protection and enhancement. SR/JL/vb Attachment cc: Law Department 8 3-1009 a 0 wr,nr-rmw kn- THIS AGREEMENT made this day of___ , 1983, by and between THL CITY OF MIAM19 a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter- called CITY and BOEREMA, BERMELKO, KURK1 AND VERA, Planners, hereinafter called the PRINCIPAL. WITNESSLTH WHEREAS, the C11Y proposes to prepare a comprehensive Design and Development Master- Plan for the Dinner Key bayfront area bounded by and including Peacock Park on the west, the Dinner Key Marina and spoil islands on the south, Kennedy Park on the east, and Bayshor-e Drive on the north, hereinafter called the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CITY has programmed approximately $95,000.00 to finance the professional fee and other expenses of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage a planning firm to render the necessary professional and technical services, hereinafter called WORK, for the design and planning consultation of the PROJECT, upon the terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Miami by Resolution No. 83-696 adopted July 28, 1983, authorized the City Manager to negotiate a professional services agreement with the consultant firms recommended in rank order by the Dinner Key Consultant Selection Committee, in compliance with Ordinance No. 8965 adopted July 22, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and the PRINCIPAL, for the considerations hereinafter set forth, agree and covenant, one unto the other as follows: SECTION I - GENERAL A. The PRINCIPAL and the CITY are fully aware of the project schedule requirements and will therefore proceed with all diligence to carry out the WORK to meet such requirements. The PRINCIPAL shall proceed with all applicable dispatch in a sound, economical, efficient and professional manner, to the timely 1 83-1009 0 9 preparation of the PROJECT. all necessary documents for the construction of E:. The PRINCIPAL shall perfor-rn the professional services as hereinafter set forth and in general accordance with the i nstr-uct i ons of the CITY. C. The CITY had budgeted the amount of $95,000 for. the total pr-oject. This amount includes the following: 1. $90,500 for planning and design services, 2. $4,500 for printing of the final roaster- plan document. D. The CITY agrees to pay and the PRINCIPAL agrees to accept as payment in full for all professional and technical s er v i cep. r-ender-ed, as, outlined in SECT-IOI-J Ill - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, hereof, the PROGRESS PAY11ENT Fk'.E of NINETY THOUSAND F 1 VL HUNDRED DOLLARS ($90, 500) . SECTION II - DEFINITIONS A. CII Y - hereby def i ned as The City of Miami , F 1 or- i da. B. CITY MANAGER - is her-eby defined as the City Manager. of the CITY. C. DIRECTOR - is hereby defined as the D i rector•, Planning Department of the CITY. D. PRINCIPAL_ - is hereby def ined as. Boer-erna, E:er-meI Io, liur k i and Vera, P 1 anner,s. E. PROJECT - is hereby defined as the Design and Development Master Plan for- Dinner- fey, as indicated on F_>:.h i b i t "A". F. WORK - is hereby defined as all the professional and technical ser-vices to be rendered or- provided by the PRINCIPAL for the PROJECT, as described in SECTION III - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, hereof. G. PROGRESS PAYMENT FEE - is hereby defined as the amount of money the CITY agrees to pay and the PRINCIPAL agrees to accept as payment in full for- all the professional and technical services rendered pursuant to this agr-eernent, to complete the WORK as further defined in SECTION III PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, hereof. 2 83-JL009 0 0 H. PROJECT MANAGER - is hereby defined as the Manager of the PROJECT for. the CITY. I. EXHIBIT "A" - is hereby defined as PROJECT AREA, dated October , 1983, which shows the Dinner hey Pr-oject Ar-ea in its entirety and which shows the boundaries of the PROJECT to be planned under. this Agr-eernen t . SECTION III - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The PRINCIPAL in close coordination with the CITY shall perfor-m the following professional and technical services c.ornpr^ i s i ng the WORK and shall be fully r-espons i bl a for all the professional and technical aspects thereof. The CITY's r-eview and approval of the WORK wi11 relate only to overall cornpliance w i th the general r-equ i r-ernen is of the PROJECT and whenever- the term "Approval by the City" or like ter rns are used in this Agreement, the phraseology shall in no way relieve the PRINCIPAL fr orn any duties or r-espons i b i 1 i t i es under, the terms of this Agr-eement and f r-orn using the best planning ser-v i ces and pr-act ices. The PRINCIPAL shall, in the preparation of Plans and Design Guidelines, comply with all Federal, State and Local codes, or-d i nances and r egu 1 at i ons per -to i n i ng to the design and construction of the PROJECT. Attention is invited to the Federal Wage --Hour Law, Walsh -Healy Act, The Occupational Safety and Health Act, The National Environmental Policy Act and Equal Employment Oppor-tun i ty Legislation. PHASE I - SURVEY AND ANALYSIS Task 1. Regional and Historical Conte:;:t The conte;•::t area ( i . e. Coconut Grove) of the pr-oject site w i l 1 be analyzed both in ter-rns of its historical development and e::•::isting conditions r-egar•ding its demographic, economic base, land use, transportation and envir-onmental characteristics. Distinct functional areas within the con te::::t area w i 11 be def i ned and their, relationship, if any, with the project site. A wr• i tten nar-r-ative plus supplemental graphics depicting location and sub- area relationships shall be prepared. 3 83-1009 Task 2. Other Studies Previous studies and other planning efforts including but not limited to the 1972 Dinner Frey Master Plan and the 1983 Dinner Frey Marina Study, will be reviewed and analyzed for purposes of identifying specific goals which may have been established for the project site and surrounding region as a part of such efforts. Relevancy between these studies and the project site will be analyzed and documented through a written narrative. Task 3. Existing Trends and Conditions the project site and its most immediate environs will be described in terms of existing trends and conditions. A description of the following elements will be recorded both in terms of text and graphics: 3.1 Environmental The project site will be analyzed in terms of its soils, subsurface hydrology, topography, vegetation, shoreline conditions, (i.e. natural, rip -rap, bulkheaded, dock access, etc.) basin and soundings, navigable channels, unique features and site irrigation. 3.2 Transportation, Parking & Utilities The project site will be analyzed in terms of the following elements: a. Existing vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle flow patterns and signalization if any. Also identify present traffic volumes from available traffic count data. b. Identify parking demand by existing uses and time of the year. C. Identify existing available underground and overhead utility services. Indicate condition of service, if appropriate. d. Identify number, type and location of boat slips, wet and dry boat storage from information supplied by the City Office of Marinas. e. Identify current demand for boat slips, wet and dry storage. 4 83-1009 3.3 Land Use & Urban Design The project site and its environs will be analyzed in terms of the following characteristics and development constraints. a. Land utilization of City owned property and related regulatory framework as a result of lease terms, deed restrictions, etc. Facilities to be described in terms of Public Use Facilities (i.e. City Hall, Convention Center, City Docks, boat launch, parking, etc.), and Private Use Facilities ( i . e. Pr- i vate Clubs, tnar, i ne repa i r-, r estaur-ants, etc. ) . b. De•=cr i be the characteristics of the e:>:: i st i n1g bo;:: i ng gyrn and rnar i na ser v i ceF, structures in ter-rn-, of type of construction, age, condition, number- of stor• i es, use, suitability for renovation and historical or. architectural significance if any. C. I dent i fy primary site and building entry points in terms of service, vehicular-9 rnar i ne and pedestr• i an . d. Identify land use restr• i c t ions such as ut i 1 i ty easements, rn i n i rnurn flood level cr i ter i a for 100 yc=ar i=lood plain. e. Identify proposed pub I i c acid private i rnprovernents within the project -5ito and vicinity. f. Identify e:::isting activity centers and recreational facilities and e?::isting patterns of open space util ization and recreation. g. Identify e.cisting infor-mational systerns, if any, in terms of type, style, condition and location. h. Identify the type, style, condition and location of lighting; and street fur•n i tur•e. i. Identify view corr i does and the sequence of visual images and a ;:per• i ences from Bayshore Dr i ve, plus major and minor• vistas from within the site. 3.4 Preliminary Econorn i s Market Analysis A. Retail A pre l i rn i nary retail space analysis w i l l be conducted for the project site. First, a trade area w i 11 be defined as J 83-1009 i being an area from which 80% or more of the sales support will be generated for proposed site retail facilities on a sustained basis. The trade area configuration will be influenced by such factors as the types of activity centers moat likely supportable based on a reconnaissance of the area. Second, data (i.e. U. S. Census) will be collected to construct trade area trends in population, household formations, income, household expenditure characteristics, etc. Trends wi 1 1 be projected to the year 2000. In addition, an inventory of competitive retail nodes will be untablished through field investigation. Third, a preliminary analysis of market potential will be conductQd in terms of type of retail mix; and retail demand as per projected expenditure potential by retail category. The market potential will be determined on the basis of trade area growth characteristics measured against the strengths and competitiveness of eyisting and planned retail facilities of a comparable nature and size. Included in this consideration will be the ability of Dinner Frey to capture a satisfactory share of retail sales as a result of household and employment growth, inflow and other economic factors. Retail sales potential for the study area will then be translated into square footage by individual retail categories, which are needed to ,justify the available market potential. The floor area potential for the various retail categories ,justified by the market will then be reviewed in terms of what should be recommended in order to create balanced retail activities which will harmonize and be compatible with other land uses projected for the area. The growth of hotel space currently committed in Coconut Grove shall be analyzed to determine the need for and amount of meeting room and banquet facility space to serve such hotel space. E. Marinas and Eclat servicing Facilities A preliminary analysis will be undertaken to determine the market potential for additional marinas and boat servicing facilities. 6 83-1009 This will involve an analysis of slip occupancy, cost and volume of boat servicing capacity currently in e.::istence and projected by the Dinner- Key Marina Study. Major attention will be given to pr ese: t boat ser-v i c i ng facilities fr orn the standpoint of location and efficiency. C. City Owned Land/Leases An inventory of cur-r-ent land leases on City oWned proper ty will be documented and analyzed. Ter-rns and conditions of the subject land leases, as well as revenue str-uctur-e will be analyzed against cornpar ab l e land leases for s i rn i l ar- pub l i c 1 y owned proper t i es. PHASE II PRELIMINARY PLANNING Task 4.0 Goals and Objectives A cornpr•ehens i ve 1 i st i rig of goals and objectives i►) i 1 1 be inventoried and documented based on the following sources of information: 1. Pr-ev i ous studies, reports and ordinances which r-ef 1 ec t City adrn i n i str-at i on policies concerning the pr-ojec t E,ite and its development. . Inter v i ems w i th City Uepar trnent Heads, the City Manager, other key staff personnel and elected cif ficials in the Commission. 3. Inter v i ew-5 it) i th individuals and/or- cor•por-at i ons presently leasing land fr orn the City. 4. Inter -views with i n ter-est groups which may have either a vested business or- civic interest in the project site and its environs. Wher-ever the goals and objectives as documented in a particular• r•epor-t or- a ::pressed by a par t i cu 1 ar- entity, conflict with one another, they w i 1 1 be so identified. Fur ther•rnor-e, goals and objectives i►i i 11 be qua l if e ed in terms of broad or- 1 i rn i ted support. Task 5.0 Pr-ob 1 erns and Oppor-tun i t i es A graphic and statistical documentation of e::::isting and projected pr cab 1 erns and oppor-tun i t i es w i th i n the project site and its env i r-ons w i 1 1 be pr epar-ed. The pr-ob 1 erns and opportunities to be c ons i der-ed i►) i 1 1 i nc 1 ude but not be 1 i rn i ted to the fol 1 ow i ng: 7 83--1009 9 0 A. Env ir-onrnental 1. Need for re -vegetation, landscape buffers and shoreline r•estor-at i on. 2. Reinforcement of bay vistas through landscaping. 3. Opportunities for unique landscape features and amenities. A. Identification of e:.::istinq inappropriate landscaping tr-eatments and ma intenance procedures. E:. Transportation, Parking and Utilities 1 . Identify the tr-a f f i c circulation problems in terms of f 1 okra, roadway geornetr y and capacity, s i gna l i zat i on, etc. 2. Identify opportunities for- a more efficient circulation system interconnecting public and private facilities. 3. Identify the opportunities for beautification of driveways, access points and the establishment of scenic routes. 4. Identify specific parking related pr-oblems in terms of type, rn i :::, lot con f i gur-at i on, access, use restr- i c t i ons and available capacity to rneed demand; and identify park i ng-r-el ated oppor-tun i t i es for• the development of new facilities or expansion and enhancement of existing surface lots. 5. Identify the oppor-tun i ty for the e:•::pans i on and/or- more effective and efficient utilization of rnar•ina related faci 1 ities (dockage, repair•, etc.). C. Land Use and Urban Design 1. Identify those areas most susceptible to change due to present intensity of utilization; type and condition of e-:., i st i ng i rnpr•overnents; lease and other• use restr• i ct i ons or- lack thereof. . Identify oppor-tun i t i es for• new development of public, private or- public -private facilities, recreation facilities, and special activity centers, and describe these in general terms of size, possible uses, and support facilities. 8 83•-1009 3. Identify opportunities for adaptive r-e-use, rehabilitation and r-estor-at i on of e::•:: i st i ng publicly omned improvements. 4. Identify planned pr i vate i rnpr-overnents of s ign i f i cance to the project site and evaluate potential problems or- oppcor tun i t i es created by such i rnpr-overnents as consequences to surrounding activities. 5. Identify opportunities, for the establishment of effective pedestrian linkages throughout the project site, interconnecting the various a>::isting and proposed activity centers. 6. Identify opportunities for the treat i on of outdoor- and i nfor-ma 1 peop 1 e-or i ented open spaces for- roar- i ne- c.cimmer c i al -pass i ve enter to i nrnent act i v i t i es. D. Economic As affected by the findings of Task 3.4, determine the opportunities and constraints on further development of the Dinner Key area. These possibly include, but ar-e not 1 i rn i ted to, the a :pans i on of the r-eta i 1 , ea t i ng and dr- i nk i fig activity centers within the pr-oJect site, and roar i ne r-elated ser-v i ces. Task 6.0 Formulation of Alternative Concept Master- Plans Following a r-ev i ew and appr-oval of Tasks 1-5, by both the City and a to be established Dinner- Frey Citizen Task Force, a ser- i es of alter -native plans and r-ecommendat ions will be pr•epar-ed for. the project site. The alternative concept plans will present viable options including but not limited to str-ateg i es for- new development of public, pr• i vate and/or joint fac i 1 i t i es; str-ateg i es for. the r-ea 1 1 oca t i on of existing uses within Dinner- Frey if appr.opr- i a te; str-ateg i es for r-estor-at i on and enhancement of public parks and buildings; str-ateg i es to i rnpr-ove tr•aff i c access to the project site circulation and parking facilities within; strategies to provide better pedestrian and bikeway linkages throughout the 115 acr-e site; strategies to enhance public access and utilization of open space amenities as wel 1 as water -front and roar- i ne r-elated 9 83-1009 0 0 facilities; strategies to assist in the development of a unified roar- i ne or- i en ted cornp 1 e•:: of public and pr. i va to cornrner-c i a 1 and recreational activity centers; and strategies to enhance the aesthetic and urban design quality of the open areas. PHASE III MASTER PLANNING Task 7.0 Dinner. Key Master Plan Based on the selected alternative concept plan, a final roaster. plan will be prepared documenting the pol icy r ecommenda t ions far - each of the roaster plan e l ernen is (i . e. env i r onrnenta 1 , tr-an-=ipor-tation, parking, utilities, land use, urban design and e(_onorn i c ). Each of the el ernents w i 1 1 adequately i l l ustr ate the var- i ous plan r ecommenda t i ons in graphic ter rns wher ever appr opr i ate. In addition the? roaster plan w i 1 1 be camp 1 ernented by a sect i on of planning and design guidelines which will addr-ess both public aiid pr i vatE actions in connection with the following areas: a. Landscape tr-eatments according to d i ffer-ent prototype situations. b. Shor-el i ne r•estor•at i on. C. Paving rna ter• i a l s and standards. d. Lighting and street fur n i tur e. e. Graphic standards. f. Irrigation guidelines. cl. Maintenance pr-ocedur-es and guidelines. h. Parking guidelines. i. Pedestr- i an, bikeways, and dr- i veways according to prototype situations. Finally, a Land Management Pr•ogr•arn (LMP) will be i ncor•por•ated as a par-t of the Master- Plan. The LMP will document r•ecommenda t i ons pertinent to the continuation or, modification of cur-r-ent land leases by pr- i va to businesses of City owned pr-oper•t i es. The r ecommendat ions w i 11 address the lease ter-ms, values and special r.egL1 i r•ernents. The LMP will outline the most cost-effective land -use allocations and business rn i :>:: based on projected trends of mar-ket potent i al and support for the DINNER KEY area. 10 83-1009 0 0 Task 9.0 Irnplernentation Measures Eased on the Master Plan r-ecommendat ions, an i nventor�y of the implementation rneasur-es r-equ i r ed to satisfy the objectives of the plan will be for rnu 1 ated. These rneasur-es will include but not be l i rn i ted to a capital i rnpr overnen is l i st for pub t i c i rnprovernen is based on construction cost estimates; regulatory and adrninistr.ative actions including leases and zoning; and i dent i f i cation of state and federal funding sources. Task 10.0 Final Report and Appendi:.-.-. Following the r-ev i ear and appr-oval by the City and Dinner Frey Citizen Task Force of the Master. Plan and irnp1ementatiun measures, a final report will be prepared documenting in both te::::t and graph i cs the purpose of the study, a surnrnar-y of r-ecornrnendat i ons, the methodology ut i 1 i zed i n the study, the analysis and full body of recommendations, guidelines and implementation strategies. Support data will be included in an Append bask 11.0 Illustrative Site Plan An illustrative site Master Plan drawing, both in color- and E/W r•epr-oduc i b 1 e, will be prepared for- purposes of ser-v i ng as a tool i n en 1 i st i rig commun i ty support fur the Master- Plan r•ecornrnendat i ons. Task 12.0 Docurnentat ion Cornpr-ehens i ve proper ty and topographical base maps w i 1 1 be pr-epar-ed based on available pr-oper-ty maps, topogr•aph i ca 1 sur•voys and maps, underground and overhead utility plans and aer.ia1 photographs. In addition f i e l d surveys w i l l be per-for,med to compile complete i nfor-mat i on r-egar-ding under-gr-ound and above ground physical features. Vertical and horizontal controls will be established as required. Al 1 of the graph i s i nfor-mat ion w i 1 1 be r-ecor•ded i n F./W r-epr•oduc i b l e for -mat suitable for- photo-r•educt i on and pr•eparat i on of c arrnE,r a -ready ar twor-k for- the final r-epor.t. In addition, one- of -a -kind, color- i l l ustrat i ons will be pr-epar-ed on base maps to be utilized for pr-esentat i ons before the Dinner. trey Citizen Task Force, any Public Hearing or- as requested by the City. 11 83-1009 i 40 the City will be provided with camera-ready art --work at each milestone submission in accordance with the project schedule (to be incorporated as a part of the contract). the City will be responsible for the printing costs associated with both draft or preliminary reports, as well as final report. A summary report consisting of a reduced version of the illustrative site plan (fold -out format) accompanied by the Master Plans summary findings would be prepared for public/or wide distribution. The City would be provided with camera-ready artwork and be responsible for final printing. Citizen Participation/Public Meetings and Hearincis There shall be not more than two (2) public meetings during the preparation of the planning study at which the PRINCIPAL. shall present through graphic and verbal presentations supplemented by summary written documentation as necessary, the study findings and/or recommendations of the PRINCIPAL to that point. The first meeting shall be held following completion of the PHASE II PRELIMINARY PLANNING, TASK S - Problems and Opportunities. The second meeting shall follow the completion of PHASE II, TASK 6 - ALTERNATIVE CONCEPT PLANS. The PRINCIPAL shall assist the City in presentations to the PL.ANNINb ADVISORY BOARD and City •— Commission at public hearings for adoption of the Master Plan. SECTION IV - CITY'S SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY shall furnish the PRINCIPAL with the following services and information from existing CITY records and CITY files: A. The CITY shall provide information regarding its known requirements for the PROJECT. B. The CITY shall furnish all applicable base maps, surveys, aerial photos, construction drawings, leases, planning studies, capital improvement project information, utility and underground maps, and data from existing records on file in the Departments of Public Works, Parks and Planning of the CITY pertaining to the project area. The PRINCIPAL shall not be held responsible for they completeness or accuracy of City -supplied information. 12 83-1009 C. The CITY shall be responsible for- creating a Citizens Review Committee for. the Dinner Key Design and Development Master - Plan. All not i f i cat i ons, scheduling, meeting space ar r-angernents and advance pr-ov i s i on of supp 1 ernen tar-y i nfor rnat i on to the Citizens Committee shall be the responsibility of the CITY. The Pr-oject Manager shall coor,d i nate al l ar-r-angernents for- C i t i zees Committee meetings and related presentations by the PRINCIPAL. D. The CITY shall provide an inventor-y of all a> -.A st i ng parking within the Pr o,jec t Area by type, r-estr- i c t i ons of use (if any), location, and physical condition (paved, soft -surface, code cornp 1 i ante, etc. ) . E. If' the CITY PROJECT MANAGER observes or. has been notified in writing of any fault or- defect in the PROJECT or - nonconformance with the Contract Documents, pr-ompt written notice thereof shall be given to the PRINCIPAL. F. The CITY MANAGER or. his designee shall appoint a PROJECT MANAGER to act as liaison between the CITY and PRINCIPAL, and the PRINCIPAL shall not start work nor- incur• any expenses for - any Phase of the WORK, special conditions or, change or-der-s without having received written authorization from the CITY's PROJECT MANAGER to do so. Nothing contained herein shall relieve the PRINCIPAL of any r-esponsibility a provided under- this Agr•eernent. SECTION V - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES For profess i ona 1 and technical ser•v i ces for- the Survey and Analysis Phase, Pr el i rn i nar y Planning Phase, Master. Plan Phase, and Citizen Participation/Public Meetings for the PROJECT, as outlined in SECTION III hereof, the CITY agrees to pay, and the PRINCIPAL agrees to accept, as a full payment for- his services the PROGRESS PAYMENT FEE of NINETY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($90,500). FEE will hereinafter- be called the BASIC FEE. This oavment will be made monthly in pr•opor-t i on to. the ser-v i ces per formed so that the compensation at the completion of each Phase shall equal the following percentages and amounts of the total BASIC FEE: 13 83-1009 0 9 ACCUMULATED VALUE AT THE END OF PHASE Fee % % Fee 1. Survey and Analysis $269500 29.3 29.3 $26,500 2. Preliminary Planning Phase $26,500 29.3 53.6 $53,000 3. Master Plan Phase $34,000 37.6 96.2 $S7e 000 4. Direct Costs/Final Report $3,500 3.8 100.0 $90,500 SLCTION VI - SCHEDULE OF WORK The PRINCIPAL agrees that time is of the essence in the achievement of the PROJECT and further agrees to execute the professional and technical services promptly and diligently and only upon and in strict conformance with specific authorization from the CITY MANAGER or his designee in writing. It is understood and agreed by both parties that the following schedule for the WORK will be strictly followed by the PRINCIPAL. A. SURVEY AND ANALYSIS PHASE The Survey and Analysis Phase shall be delivered to the CITY MANAGER or his designee within seventy-five (75) calendar days after written authorization from CITY MANAGER or his designee to begin WORK on this Phase. B, PRELIMINARY PLANNING PHASE The Preliminary Planning Phase shall be delivered to the CITY MANAGER or his designee within sixty (60) calendar days after written authorization from the CITY MANAGER or his designee to begin WORK on this Phase. C. MASTER PLAN PHASE The Master Plan Phase shall be delivered to the CITY MANAGER or his designee within fifty (50) calendar days after written authorization from the CITY MANAGER or his designee to begin WORK on this Phase. D. FINAL REPORI The Final Report shall be delivered to the CITY MANAGER or. his designee within ninety (90) calendar days after written authorization from the CITY MANAGER or his designee to begin WORK on this Phase. 14 83-1009 16 V E. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE In the event the PRINCIPAL is unable to complete the above services because of delays r-esul t ing fr-orn Acts of God of untimely r ev i ew and approval by the CITY and other gover nrnen to 1 authorities having ,jur- i sd i c t i on over. the PROJECT, and such delays are not the fault of the PRINCIPAL, the CITY shall grant a reasonable e:::tension of time for completion of the WORK. It sJiall be the responsibility of the PRINCIPAL to notify the CITY promptly in wr i t i ng whenever a delay i n appr ova 1 by a g0vi:,r nrnental agency is anticipated or e::iper i enced, and to i nfor-m the CITY of all facts and details related to the delay. SI ('11ON V1I 1ERMINA1ION OF' AGREEMENT The CITY r-eta►n-s the right to terminate this Agr-eement at any t i me pr i or to completion of the WORK without penalty to the CIrY. In that event termination of this Agr-eement shall be in writing to the PRINCIPAL and the PRINCIPAL shall be paid for. his services render ed in each completed PHASE pr i or- to termination in accordance with SECTION V - COMPENSAIION FOR SERVICES, provided however. that the PRINCIPAL is not in default under- the ter-ms of this Agreement. If, however, the termination of this Agr-eement occurs during an incomplete PHASE, then the PRINCIPAL_ shall be paid at the rate of two and one-half (2.5) times Direct Technical Salary E::,::pense for those ser-v i ces rendered in such incomplete PHASL provided that the PRINCIPAL is not in default under- the ter-ms of this Agr-eement. In no case however., wi l 1 the CITY pay the PRINCIPAL a greater amount for his incomplete PHASE than would have been paid had the termination been made at the completion of this PHASE. In the event of termination, all documents, plans, etc., as set forth in SECTION XI - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS shall become the proper-ty of the CITY, with the same provisions of use as set forth in said SECTION XI. S1.t.1ION V1II - PRINCIPAL'S SPELIALI�T the PRINCIPAL. proposes to have the following specialists, either fr-om his organization or as his consultants or. associates, to per forrn the ser vices indicated: 15 83-1009 A. Cornpr-ehens i ve Planning B. Urban Design C. Traffic/Tr.anspor-tation D. Economic/Market Analysis E. Landscape Architecture The PRINCIPAL will be responsible for all the WORK of his own organization, and of his consultants or. associates. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual r-el at i on between any of the specialists working for the PRINCIPAL and the C:IIY. It shall be understood that the PRINCIPAL is in no way r-e1 i eved of any r-espons i b i 1 i ty under the terrns of this Agreement by virtue of any other pr ofess i ona 1 who may assoc i ate with him in per forming the WORK. c—)ECIION IX - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All tr ac i ngs, plans, dr-am i ngs, spec i f i cationE-i, field books, survey information, maps, contract documents, reports and other - data developed as a re�:ult of this Agr-eernent shall become the property of the CI1'Y without restr iction or. I imitation on their. use. The PRINCIPAL shall not be liable for- possible damages r-esu1 t ing fr-orn the CITY's use of the Contract Docurnents on any other project. It is further stipulated that all information developed as a part of the PROJECT shall not be used by the PRINCIPAL without written consent of the CITY. It is further understood by and between the parties that any i of or -mat i on, maps, contr-act documents, reports, tr•ac i ngs, plans, draw i ngs, spec i f i cations, books or any other matter whatsoever - which is given by the CITY to the PRINCIPAL. pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times r-emain the proper-ty of the CITY and 0iall not be used by the PRINCIPAL for- any other- purpose whatsoever without the wr- i tten consent of the CITY. It is further understood that no press release or- publicity is to be issued by the PRINCIPAL without prior. submittal to the CITY and ►•►r• i t tern appr-oval fr-orn the CITY. SELTION X - AWARD OF AGREEMENT The PRINCIPAL. warr-ants that he has not employed or. r-eta ined any company or- per sons to Solicit or- secure this Agreement, that tie has not paid or agreed to pay any company or. person any fee, 16 83•-1009 Comm i ss i on, percentage, broker age fee, or gifts or. any other - considerations contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. The PRINCIPAL also warrants that to the best of his knowledge and belief no Commissioner, Mayor or other- officer• or• ei.riployee of the CITY is interested directly or indirectly in the profits or- emoluments of this Agreement or the ,job, work, or- services for- the CITY in connection with the contract or construction of this PROJECT. The PRINCIPAL shall not engage during the period of this Ayr-eerrnen t the ser-v i ces of any professional or technical person whu has. been at any time during the period of this Agreement in tiie employ of the CITY. This does not apply to retired employees of the CITY. The PRINCIPAL is aware of the conflict of i nter-est laws of both the City of Miami and Dade County, Florida, and agrees that he shall fully comply in all r-espects with the terms of said laws. SLCTION XI - EXTENT OF AGREEMENT This Agreement r-epr-esents, the ent i r•e and i ntegr•ated Agreement between the CITY and the PRINCIPAL and supersedes all pr. i or. negotiations, r-epr esentat ions or- Agreements, either wr• i tten or, or,a 1 . This Agr-eemen t may be amended only by wr• i t ten instrument by both the CITY and the PRINCIPAL. SECTION XII - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS The PRINCIPAL shall make no assignments of transfer- of this Agr-eemen t, or- sublet, assign or• transfer any par-t of the WORK und�•r this Agreement without the written consent of the CITY. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, legal r-epr esentat i ve, successors and assigns. SECTION XIII TRUTH IN NEGOTIATIONS The PRINCIPAL hereby certifies that wage rates and other• factual unit costs supporting the compensation ar-e accurate, complete and cur -rent at the time of contracting and that the original contract price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted to e::>::c 1 ude any significant sum wher-e the CITY deter -mines 17 83-1009 the contract price was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete or non -current wage rate and other factual unit cost. Such adjustments roust be made within one year following the end of the Contract. KF CT ION _ X IV _- _ R_I GHT_ T0__AUC_ I T_ The CITY reserves the right to audit the records of the PRINCIPAL any time during the prosecution of this Agreement and for a period of one year after final payment is made under this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, in no event shall the payment of the PROGRESS PAYMENT FEE under SECTION V herein, enable the PRINCIPAL to earn a profit of more than TWENTY PERCENT (20%) of the PROGRESS PAYMENT FEE. At the time the final increment of that PROGRESS PAYMEN"I FEE. is due to be paid by the CITY to the PRINCIPAL, pursuant to the terms of VKC1 ION V herein, the PRINCIPAL_ shall submit to the CITY a certification of his total costs incurred and profits realized in providing the basic services as outlined in SECTION III herein. If such certification indicates profits in excess of the maximum set forth above, the PRINCIPAL_ shall simultaneously remit any overage to the CITY. The CITY reserves the right to audit the books and records of the PRINCIPAL and to adjust the amount of any such repayment in the light of said audit. In calculating the total costs incurred by the PRINCIPAL's own staff, the PRINCIPAL shall use a percentage overhead applied to the DIRECT TL-CHNICAL SALARY EXPENSE as defined in SECTION II herein. The percentage overhead shall be equal to the actual percentage overhead pertaining for all of the PRINCIPAL's work in the last twelve (12) month period preceding the date of this Contract for whiLh data is available. All services provided by subcontractors to the PRINCIPAL shall be included at the actual cost paid by the PRINCIPAL and the percentage overhead shall not apply. St C'. I 1 UN XV - INSURANCE AND i'ADEMN I F I CA7 I ON The PRINCIPAL shall not commence work on this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the CITY. HAK 93-1009 The PRINCIPAL shall indemnify and save the CITY harmless from any and all claims,liability, losses and causes of action arising out of effort, omission or negligent act of the PRINCIPAL, its agents, servants or employees in the performance of services under this Agreement. The PRINCIPAL shall pay all claims and losses of any nature whatsoever in connection therewith and shall defend all suits in the name of the CITY when applicable, and shall pay all costs and judgements which may issue thereon. the PRINCIPAL shall maintain during the term of this Agreement the following insurance: A. Public Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per accident for bodily injury and $50,00.00 per accident for property damage. B. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non - owned, and hire vehicles in amounts as indicated in Paragraph "A" above. C. Professional Liability Insurance in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 covering all liability arising out of the terms of this Agreement. D. Employers Liability Insurance in amounts as indicated in Paragraph "A" above. L. Workman's Compensation Insurance in the statutory amounts. The insurance coverage required shall include those classifications as listed in standard liability insurance manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the PRINCIPAL. All insurance policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laces of the State of Florida; and which are approved according to specifications of the Property Manager of the CITY. The PRINCIPAL shall furnish certificates of insurance to the CITY prior to the commencement of operations, which certificates shall clearly indicate that the PRINCIPAL has obtained insurance in the type, amount and classification as required for strict compliance with this Section and that no material change or. 19 83-1009 cancellation of the insurance shall be effective without the thir-ty (30) days written notice to the CITY. Cornp l i ante w i th the f or ego ing r-equ i r ernents sha l 1 not r el i eve the PRINCIPAL of his liability and obligations under. this Section ar under any portion of this Agreement. SECTION XVI - RIGHT OF DECISIONS All services shall be per -formed by the PRINCIPAL to the satisfaction of the Director. of the Planning Depar trnen t who shall decide all questions, difficulties and disputes of whatever. nature which may arise under or by reason of this Agr eernen t, the pr os�ucut i on and ful f i 1 l men of the services hereunder., and the character, quality, amount, and value thereof, and the OIRECTOR's decisions upon all claims, questions of fact, and disputes shall be final, conclusive and binding, upon the parties hereto, unless =>uch deter-m i nat i on is c 1 early arbitrary or unr•easonab l e. In the event that the PRINCIPAL does not concur- in the ,judgement of the CilRECTOR as to any decision made by him, the PRINCIPAL shall present his written objections to the CITY MANAGER, and the DIRECTOR and the PRINCIPAL shall abide by the decision of the CITY MANAGER. Adjustment of compensation and coritr•act time because of changes in the work that may be necessary or be deerned desirable as the work progresses, shall be reviewed by the DIRECTOR and the UITY MANAGER and submitted to the Citv Commission for- appr•ova 1 . SEC:'fION XV1I - NUN -DISCRIMINATION A. The PRINCIPAL will not discriminate against any employee or- applicant for employment because of race, color., religion, se::, or national origin. The PRINCIPAL will take affir-mative action to ensure that applicants ar-e employed, and the employees are treated dur• i ng employment, without regard to their race, color, reI igion, se;:, or national or-igin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Etrip l ayrnent, upgrading, dernot i on, or- transfer; r ecr u i trnent or- r•ecr u i trnent adver- t i s i ng, layoff or termination; rates of pay or. cjthc r forms of cornpensat i on; and sel ect i on for- tr-a i n i ng, including apprenticeship. The PRINCIPAL agrees to post in 20 83-1009 lb 1 conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Personnel Officer sc -tting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity Clause. El. The PRINCIPAL will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, state that all qualified applicants will receive c ons i der -at i on for emp 1 oymen t w i thou t regar-d to race, col or-, religion, se;:: or national origin. C. The PRINCIPAL_ w i 1 1 send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency Personnel Officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative or the contractor's commitments under- this Equal Opportunity clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. D. The PRINCIPAL will comply ►.fith all provisions of E::,-ecutive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by E->::ec:ut ive Order No. 11375 of October 13, 1967, and of the rules, regulations and relevant or-deris of the Secretary of Labor. E. The PRINCIPAL will furnish all information and reports required by E<:ecutive Order No. 11246 of September. 24, 1965, as amended by E:.:.ecut i ve Order No. 11375 of October- 13, 1967, and by the rules, regulations and order of the Secretary of Labor-, or. pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation of ascertain compliance with such rule, regulations and orders. F. In the event of the PRINCIPAI_'s noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations or orders, this contract rfiay be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part and the PRINCIPAL may be declared ineligible for further CITY contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in E::-::ecutive Order No. 113A6, of September 24, 1965, as amended by E.:.ecutive Order No. 11365 of October 13, 1967, or by rule, regulation or. order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. ?1 83---1009 .16 A) G. The PRINCIPAL will include the provisions of XIX A through XIX G in every subcontract or purchase order unless e:::errpted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 304 of Executive Order No. 11246 of Deptember 2A, 1965, as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 of October 13, 1967, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct at a means of enforcing such provisions, including nanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however that in the event the PRINCIPAL becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the PRINCIPAL may request the CITY to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the CITY. SECIION XV1II - CONSULTANIS The CITY hereby approves the following firms which the PRINCIPAL proposes to engage to provide consulting services for the PROJECT, as subcontractors to the PRINCIPAL: Stresau, Smith and Stresau 1601 S. Andrews Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hammer, S i 1 er & George 1111 Bonifant Street Silver Springs, Maryland Metric Engineering 11531 South Dixie Highway Miami,Florida Ron Frazier & Associates 5800 NW 7th Avenue Miami, Florida The PRINCIPAL shall furnish the CITY with a copy of each of the subcontract agreements. The PRINCIPAL shall not subcontract for other consulting services without prior written approval of the CITY. SECTION XIX - CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws, statutes and case law of the State of Florida. 22 83-1009 A i) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have, through their, proper corporate officials, e>ecuted this Agreement, the day and year first above set forth. Al TEST: (_ONSUI_ T AN I Py: — Boerema, Ber mel 1 o, Kurk i and Vera ATTEST: THE CITY OF MIAMI (a municipal corporation of the State of Florida) City Clerk City Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS 10 FORM u CORRECTNGGS Director, Planning DepaAment City Attorney 23 83-1009 EXHIBIT "A* ' v DINNER KEY DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT � - - MASTER PLAN PROJECT AREA