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We are here today because wee need .,,crk. ke are _,nemcloyed w,)rkcrs
and members of 4CCRN looking for or. lyment. we are Fecal.: w~o want to
work, and need tc wcrk tc frier and house our f�„ilias. .e havf_ organized
:with-+CLF%,, a ;,::,unty wise .cmrunity --rcanizaticn of low and rOdurate
income people with more t`an 1,1CCO Tembcrs hcure in Cade LI-eunty.
City ;,tanager, �-ou:ard :,ary is about tc ^sake a decision adout which
developer; will not thu city contract fer the new cayeide develepmuntr
Rouse and iNS Fuderated are tote- scramtlina to Qut this contract.
We want Mr. Cary to assure us that whichever developer he does recommend
for the job is committed to hire the long term unemployed from fliami.
Our tax dollars area going into this project, and we deserve the jobs
that coma; our of it. The city manager rust get these assurances from
the developer befcro he awards the contract.
zany other cities have what is called a First Source Agreement which
guarantees that longtarm unemployed residents obtain jobs out of major
developments that are reciivino taxpayers mcney through loans or grants.
A First Source Agreement means that a ccmpany will hire an agreed
upon number of people directly fror the CETA elicible list as the First
We need these assurances because companies that recieve suL-sicies
usually do not hire the unemployed. In a national survey of 17 cities
who have recieved federal urban development action grants, over 70;b of these
cities hired fewer than one out of four people from the ranks of the
unemployed. According to the federal ^onitorine report, of the a5m.illion
in Urban Development Action Grants given out iari in 1979,
0 jobs have been created and 0 ::ETA eligible Miami residents have been
hired. In Miami we have heard alot about minority niring for city
contracts. The 25-25 erdinanco that the city has deals with minority
contractors but does nct address permament jobs that are created
by the project. "UDAG (Urban Development action Grants) just
isntt creating the job opportunities HUD pronised," note$ Ed Gramlish,
a UDAG specialist with the Center for Community Change. "Developers-
goals for hiring the unemployed are too low. An HUD dcesnit event
monitor davelopers to ensure that their projected jobs are really created.
Without an effort by HUD or Longross to target jobs created by these
subsidies to those who need them melt, the LDA� program has little
"This is a scandal --these tax dollars should be going to those who need
it most --the economically disadvantaged," said Herrman Ross, ACCRNts
Executive Board dclegate. "Reagan hzs cut jobs programs more that 60 claiming
private enterprize will take up the s1_ck. 'cut the ZAP numbers tell the
story. Developers simply don't intend to hire aicificant numbers of
the unemployed after getting their sucsidies. Ae need a clear
tip tetween receiving public aSsistarce and nirirg the unemployed."
For more information contact ACORN
561 icE 7Sth =tract, �_:uita 22C
oiani, Flcrica 331'.
M07-iOA) 83-1018
FIRST SGURCE -- FACT SHEET prepsred by NCCRN / icbs Campaign
What is First :.ounce?
First Source means that C ETA -eligible unemployed pecple from our community
will 5e hired 5y companies whenever new jobs open up. Ccnpanies would hire
directly from the CETM-eligible list as the First Source of any new workers
they need.
What companies would be First Source er-clovers?
For starters, inv comoanv that receives up blip assistance -- like industrial
revenue bonds and UDAG grants. After all, a main reason these companies get
government assistance is to create more jobs -- and those jobs should go to
unemployed people in our community. Over 1,000 new '_robs Per year have been
created through public assistance for the past few years -- we need those jobs
to go to the people in our community who need them the most.
Why do we need First Source?
Because it guaranteesbat the new Jobs created with public funds will go
directly to iobless people in our neighborhoods -- and gives us a way to hold
the companies accountable. To take just one example, less than one out of
every six now 'lobs created through the UDAG program nationwide went to CETA-
eligible people. And here in Miami, a report obtained by ACORN from HUD in
Washington, CC says that none of the 600 jobs created through UDAG rg ants
went to CETA-ell ig ble people. We need First Source to start getting those jobsi
Now can we pot First Source in Dade County?
The county and city commissions must make First Source a requirement for
any comoanv that nets public assistance through industrial revenue bands,
UDAG grants, or any other kind of economic development assistance supported
by tax dollars. Local governments have already adopted First Source policies
in Denver, Portland, and Minneapolis. It is being considered by many other
cities around the country. oe n d First Source in Dade County now!
I -ow can the county and citv commissions make First Source a requirement?
Easy. They can vote to pass an ordinance making First Source a condition
that must be met if a ccr,pany is to get public assistance, such as industrial
revenue bonds or UDnG grants. There is no good reason for delay. Either they
are willing to see that CETr,-cligible people from our community get those jobs,
or they are in favor cf ignoring the :agent job needs of cur community by doing
nothing. :-,,e must .cork to win adoption of First Source by the county and the city.
ACORN 561 NE 79th Street, Suite: 220 - 7liami, FL 754-0342 Grganizel
ATTE.%TI&� - K•-L-U.N;G .-A Y
We have been trying to :et an appointr.ent with ycu I�eccuse j.E, are concerned
about J023 Ii\l
Accordino to the federal me nitorina report, of the z6 Tillion in Lrban
Development Action Grants given cut Yiami in the last 5 years, 0 jobs
have been created and U' CETA eligible Miami residents have been hireC.
We are concerned that something be done to ensure that the company that
develops the 8ayfront area hires long term unemployed people from
^'iami. Gther cities have First Source Agreerents to guarntee that o
long, term unemployed residents obtain jobs out of major developments
that are recieving taxpayers money thrcuoh loans or Grants. A First
Source Agreement means that SETA -eligible unemployed people
from our community will be hired. Companies would hire
an agrred upon number of kpeople directly from the CETA-eligible list
as the First Source.
H•tr. Gary will be making a recommendation on whether to ac with
Rouse or JD-8 Federated for the development of it.iami's 6ayfrcnt.
^finority goals and projections are not jobs. we need the First
Source Agreement so that we have a way to hold the developer accountable.
The 25-25 ordinance that the city has deals with minority contractors
but does not address permanent jobs that are created by the project.
We are requesting a meeting with you, `Cr. Gary, for as soon as possible.
561 NE 79th St, Suite 221
_ "iami, Fla 33136