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rr'D-5 Ej CFRTIF- ICAr[ON AND DF,:CLARAI]ON `.NAIL 01 FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADE CITY OF 111AMI ) [. I, RAI Pit f;. ONGIF, I'tl t'Ir^rk f ,4Iami, Flop id-t, do h::?rebv rr:?rt ifv Ih:al at1 norr,rary 1F-Ia1 steles were taken in cnnnection with Ilia r.nnrlucl of a City of Miaini Reqular flr?rtion November 15, 1993 includinq the following: IorIir and ar.rucacy tests were held on November 14, 1983 at P.M. w3inq dummy halIots to determine that Ilse computer was funct-ioninq currect.ly, and a Siini1ar test was conducted on November 15, 1983 at. 1).M., ()n e I e c t i n n night; and I do hereby further r-r�rtify that all dor.uments concerninq these logic anti accuracy I r�st.s showers the computer to 1)e fund. inning correct ly and are in the 1)ossession of Llie Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, under sealed vault. I further rertify and declare that the results of the Reqular Election held for Mayor (Group I) after a canvass of the vote are as follows: CUMULATIVE REPORT - •B5 PRECINCTS PROCESSED CITY OF I4IAMI PRIMARY AND SPEC[AL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ELECTION RESI11_TS System #1 6� 66GBALLOTS PROCESSED/TURNOUT c� REGISTRATION GROUP I MAYOR POSN COUNT o RK 004- S1'y/' fie d/ MAURICf A. FERRE 00+` �t�Os�o,y�2 QL XAVIER L. SUAREZ 7 4!�Ic v7j 10 ,h-'t 0 7®/ OA/ 83-1.01.S 0 I I . POST-ELEC T ION LO(I It: & ACCURACY TES n I Ftjrt h o r r o r t i fy t hat a f nst-f lect iOn I_ i-lir ", Accuracy Test. was rnndur1.ed after all F3'; frorincts hr,lii repnrIi-d which verified the runt i11111 Af-ijV;W V computer. III. PRE-ABSFNfEE NALLOT TEST I certify that a Pre -Absentee 11aIInt Logic Accuracy Test was con dur_ted on 'November 15, 1983, which verified the continued accuracy of the computer. IV. 413SENTI E BALLOT COUNT ABSENTEE REPORT CITY OF MIAMI PRIMARY AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOVEMHER 8, 1 1985 ELECTION RESULTS System #1 BALt_OTS PROCESSED GROUP I MAYOR POSH COUNT °6 RK 0�0 r jrZ/ $7' O MAURICE A. FERRE ♦06 3p9 � d Q1. X A V I E R l_. SUAREZ ++ �...--100. ro30 V. I further certify that the total number of ballots cast, includinq absentee ballots, at said Regular Elect ion in the 85 vot ing precincts was 199., V7 3 VI. I further certify and hereby declare that in GROUP I (For Mayor) ".4vAlee A. Foe received the greatest number of votes cast in GROUP I, and shall be considered elected to hold said office for a term of two (2) years from Noon on November 16, 1983. 2VM Q3-1015 A WITNE`iS MY HAND anti the nff'irial �?aI of the Cttti of Miami, I-Inrid.i, this 1 5th day (if Nn,(,rnher, 19)3. r AL Pii G TING f E f' T T Y C I T R !\ SWORN TO AND 51_II1SCR Tilt. D BEFORE ME HIP 1 5 TI-I DAY OF NOVEL "R, 1983. _ MATE OF FLORIDA AT LAFX fly COt•11,1I5SION EXPIRES.` -3- 83-1015 a rr'D-5 CERrIFICATION AND DECLARATIOti STATE OF FLORIDAl COUNTY W DADE CI TY (IF 0IAHI ) I. T, R A L P H G. 0NGIF:, i)f, Cit of i•ti;3mi, Fa, do herehv r(-rt 1 fv I hat al 1 [It.1, ;sary raal st ep9 were taken in ronner.t inn with thr- rondu(•t. qF a City of 14iami Primary Flertion and a City of tdiami Special I:ln~t ion heed on November 3, 1983 including the fullnwinq: lnrlic and acr.uracv tests were hem on No�emher 7, 1983 at 3:0+1 P.M. us i nrl dummy haIIot.s to determine that the computer was functioning corrr-rtly, and a similar test was r_onducted on November 8, 1983 at F,:3U P.1.1., on elertion njght.; and I do heri:hy further certify that a I I documents concerninq these logic and accuracy tests showed the computer to he fund ioning correctly and are in the possession of the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dada County, under sealed vault. I further certify and derlare that the results of the Primary Election held for Mayor (Group I) and Commissioners, Groups II and III, as well as the results of the City of Miami Straw Ballot Lottery Question after a canvass of the vote are as follows: CUMULATIVE REPORT - 85 PRECINCTS PROCESSED CITY OF IIIAIII PRIMARY AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOVEMRER 8, 1983 ELECTION RESULTS System #1 55655 52.2 BALLOTS PROCESSED/TURNOUT 106565 REGISTRATION GROUP I MAYOR POSN COUNT °o RK 027 22630 42.5 01 MAURICE A. FERRE 02B 615 1.2 05 ROSA (JACKIE) FLOYD 029 211 .4 06 EDUARDO LAMBERT 030 1008 1.9 04 WELLINGTON ROLI_E 031 6343 11.9 03 MIKE SIMONHOFF 032 22429 42.1 02 XAVIER L. SUAREZ ++ 53236 100. 83--1015 U GROUP II COMM ISS10NER POSN COUNT RK 037 Z7198 53.7 01 )Ot CAROLI-0 0 3 A 2421 4.8 04 J.4000F1_INE 'JACKIE) GARCIA O39 1710 3.4 05 I'DWARD NORDARSL 040 16409 52.4 02 fill-[. PERRY 042 2936 5.8 03 CALVIN SCOFF ++ 50674 100. GROUP III CUMMISS[ONFR P05N COUNT °b ItK 048 6792 14.2 02 HRUNG BARREIRO 049 1246 2.6 04 PEORU ENRIQUE MORA 050 34338 71.6 01 J. L. PLUMMER, JR. 051 5574 11.6 03 CARLOS RODRIGI)EI QOFSADA ++ 47950 100. STRAW BALLOT QUESTION PUSN COUNT yrj RK 063 56233 88.0 01 YES 064 4961 12.0 02 N0 ++ 41194 100 II. POST -ELECTION LOGIC & ACCURACY TESTS I further certify that a Post Election Logic h Accuracy Test was conducted after all 85 Precincts had reported, which verified the continued accuracy of the computer. III. PRE -ABSENTEE HALLOT TESL I certify that a Pre -Absentee Ballot Logic & Accuracy Test was conducted on November 8, 1983, which verified the continued accuracy of the computer. IV. A1SENTEE BALLOT COUNT ABSENTEE REPORT CITY OF MIAMI PRIMARY AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER 8, 1983 ELECTION RESULTS System #1 896 -2- BALLOTS PROCESSED 0 83--1015 Y \ L GROUP I MAYOR POSH COUN T °o RK 027 344 41 .9 01 MAU1i I CF A. I RRE 1) 25 2.FJ 0`.> I,0 A ;JACK II 1 FL1)YD 0 2 q 8 1. 0 06 F DUARDn L AMHE R I 050 35 4.3 04 WC(.I_TNGTON R 0 L I F 031 150 18.5 05 M I K L 51M1)NN01-1 052 26l 31.9 02 XAVIFR I . S I J A R I 1 ++ 921 100. GROUP I I C1)MMIS5IONF:li P1)5N F1)UNT RK (137 316 40.1 1)1 JOE CAROLLO 039 54 6.8 04 J4C(dlll L INE �JACKIE) GARCIA 1139 32 4.1 05 EDWARD NORDAR5E 0411 29.5 37.1 02 HTLI_ PERRY 042 94 11.9 03 CALVIN SCOTT ++ 789 100 . GROUP III COMMISSIONER PnSN COUNT 0, RK 048 55 7.6 05 BRUNO BARRE IRO 049 24 3.3 04 PEDRO ENRIQUE MORA 050 552 76.0 01 J. L. PLUMMER, JR. 1151 95 13.1 02 CARLOS RODRIGUF:Z QUFSADA ++ 726 100. STRAW BALLOT QUESTION POSH COUNT "o RK 063 600 82.2 01 YES 064 130 17.8 02 NO ++ 730 100. V. A. I further certify that the total number of ballots cast, including absentee ballots, at said Primary Flection in the 85 voting precincts was 55,655. B. I further certify that there were 36,233 votes cast for approval of the question appearing on the ballot in said Sptic ial Election and 4,961 votes cast against said question, and hereby declare that said question was approved by the electorate; further, I certify that the total number of ballots cast, including absentee ballots, at said Special Election was 41,194. V I . A . I further certify and declare that in GROUP I (For Mayor) no candidate for office in this group received a majority of votes and the names of MAURICE A. FERRE and -3- 8 3-1015 X.AVIER L, 911AREI were d i i I y placed elpnn t11e hallnt in aIpllahetiral order as canfiirinies for the off' i(,Fr of t4av!)r in GROUP I at the Redrrlar F Ier_t. ion heIri nn November I59 1983, t h r, se two (-andidaI e-, h e i n q here1)y de,r 1 arpd t u hrive rt�rvrd the greatest vote in said Primary rlt-r1 inn. H. 1 Further (,.ert ify and der-laro that in G,R0UP II F o r Cornm i ss i n n e r ) JOE CAROI.1.O rF CP i ved t he rlreat e:3I nUinher of votes r_a9t in GROUP 11, and shaI1 be considori,d eIF-rte(I t hold said office for a terin of four ( 4 ) year:i from Noon on November 16, 1983. C. I hereby certify and der Iarr� that in GROUP III (For Commi,,ioner) J. L. PLUMMER, JR. received the greatest number of voles cast in GROUP III, end shall he considered elected to hold said office for a term of four (4) years from Noon on November 16, 1983. WITNESS MY HAND and the Official Seal of the City of Miami, Florida, this 15th day of November, 1983. SWORN TO AND SUI3SC13IBED BEFORE ME THIS 15TH DAY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES f<;tAKY PLTUC SLAT; ri ILC AV CU!:MISSIUIq E..CPr;.; S:PT 27 19c5 6: ,,VLD iNRU c1ri-VAL II;) . Ut;D: c',yRI IF, j lsM • VW—IALPFH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK 83-1015 Delq*je Haskins Sells Cert!hed Publpc Accountants 0 r Honorable Mayor and Members of the Cite Commission of the City of Miami, Florida 0, IS T�, ;n,,,• F .i3�1?1 Novemhe r 10, 1963 We have performed the procedures requested by you, as described below, with respect to the City of Miami Primary and General Elections held on November 8, and November 15, 1983. This report is solely for your information in determining, with reasonable assurance, that the ballots processed by Alpha Ballot -Tab System (the "System") were counted accurately. The procedures we performed and our findings are summarized as follows: 1. On October 25, 19g3, we met with Dade County Elections Department officials and personnel to obtain an overall understanding of the automated portion of the election process. During this meeting we: .. obtained documentation relating to election night processing; .. received a demonstration of the System processing test ballots. 2. Obtained and read the "Compilation of the Election Laws" of the State of Florida for further understanding of the election process. 3. Contacted the State of Florida, Division of Elections, to determine that the System had been reviewed by the Florida Department of Elections and approved for use in the State. We were informed that the System nad been reviewed and approved. 4. Contacted personnel at Computer Election Systems (CES), Berkeley, California, the System vendor, and performed the following procedures: U3-1015 IF Honorable Mavor and Members of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida November 16, 1983 Z .. we reviewed a copy of the System documentation to obtain an understanding of the manner in which ballots are processed; .. one of our consultants from our San Francisco office met with CES personnel and their subcontracted programmers to perform a general review of the Svstem source code. 5. We utilized our audit software, AUDITAPE and manual procedures, to perform independent tests of the System. These tests were performed at an independent computer service bureau and included processing of several hundred test ballots within two test precincts. The test ballots were comprised of: .. a group of test ballots containing various mathematical combinations of valid votes; .. the test ballots to be utilized during the Logic and Accuracy (L&A) procedures to be performed by the Dade County Elections Department immediately preceding and following the actual ballot processing on each election night; .. a group of test ballots containing various combinations of over and under votes to test how the System processes multiple votes or the absence of votes in a particular group; .. a group of test ballots with votes cast in (card) positions where there were no candidates indicated. 6. We processed the test ballots described in procedure 5 above through the System, compared the results as determined by our independent test, and found them to be in agreement. 7. On Monday, November 7, 1983, we: .. observed the L£,A test performed by Dade County Elections Department personnel, compared the results to the results determined in procedure 5 and found them to be in agreement; U3-1015 Honorable Mavor and Members of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida November 16, 1983 3 .. entered our independently prepared test transactions, compared the results to the results determined in procedure 5 and found them to be in agreement; .. observed the securing of testing materials including reports, test ballots, header cards, etc., and determined that such items were appropriately secured and given to the City Clerk for safekeeping. 8. On ?Monday, November 14, 1983, we: .. observed the L£,A test performed by Dade Count) - Elections Department personnel, verified the results and did not note any exceptions. .. observed the securing of testing materials including reports, test ballots, header cards, etc., and determined that such items were appropriately secured and given to the City Clerk for safekeeping. 9. On Tuesday, November 8 and 15, 1983, we: .. submitted our independent test data described in procedure 5 and found that the results were in agreement with our predetermined results; .. observed the precount LtA test of both systems 1 and 2 that were utilized to process the ballots and found that the test results were in agreement with the results obtained in procedure 7; .. observed the operation of the computer equipment during the actual election process and did not observe any unauthorized intervention into the election process; .. observed the post -count L£,A test and resubmitted our independent test data described in procedure 5 and found that the results were in agreement with our predetermined results. Based upon the procedures and findings described above, we believe that the System, and related control procedures, provides reasonable assurance that ballots processed by the System were accurately counted. Our procedures were limited to those described above, and were directed toward the computer processing of the election ballots and did not constitute a review or examination of the procedures for the handling and controlling of the ballots prior to entering U4s-1©15 Honorable Mayor and !Members of the City Commission of the City of ;Miami, Florida November 10, 1983 4 into the System, manual balancing procedures, the manual processing of mutilated ballots and absentee ballots, and the official reporting of election results. We are pleased to have been of service to the City of Miami and would also like to acknowledge the fine cooperation we received from your personnel and of the Dade County Department of Elections. If you ►.•ould like to discuss this letter in further detail, please call Howard Kershaw or David Rosenstein at 358-4141. Yours truly, DELOITTE HASKI NS AND SELLS cc: Mr. Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk 63-1015