HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-83-1014CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA J INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mr. Mann- Alvarez DATE October 12, 1983 TILE Assistant to the City Manager suB.,ECT ITE.yI TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NOVEMBER 10, 1983 COMMISSION AGENDA =ROM Miller J. Dawkins ✓ REFERENCES City Commissioner ENCLOSURES Please include the item described on attached correspondence in the agenda of the November 10, 1983 Commission meeting. sd Attachment cc: John James Morgan M 0 Ti 0, / 83-014 0 G 'O :.cwar-- 7. -ar' Mar.3., e r :emar='"ent _f Recreation CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE..MEKORANDUfM - C, :aTE ni:C115t _. r .. ae3 le SUBAC' Fest-. Tal, Theatre 31ack Vats . _` 4EFERENCES. ENCLOSURES. The ;:oGrove -Festival Theatre is requesting S3,300 frcm the City cf Miami in order to present six �6) eerfcrmances of "31ack Nativitl 1983" at the Ousman Cultural Center, Cecerter 1-4 thrs l' 1983. Their request consists of S3,000 for pri^.ti_nq serriices from the City's print shop, S3,0100 for media 3dvertisinc and S2,000 for the purchase of tickets to be distributed free to members of the ccmmunity at 'large. The Citl funded this pro-Ject in Fiscal 82-23 in the amount of S3, 300 and the results were beneficial tc the cc:tmiritl. The UoGrcve Festival Theatre croup show no cash match in their cro- posal or a lire item budget. This depar-trient reccmmends the purchase of tickets not to exceed $2,000 and the Citl's in -kind services for -printing for an ,amount not to exceed $2,000. The applicant :mist present a full line item budget as well as show proof of a dollar for dollar cash match For S4,000 in order to be considered Fcr ffunding ay the City Co:r-fission. yr:3i nF�.I3r Enclosure 83-1013 0 9 FACT P . BOX 012,527 Miami, Florida 33101 573-1268 Chairperson: ;ohn j. Mor?an xecutive director Amount Requested . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 Amount Approved Festival Committee . . . . . . - o - Amount Now Recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 (Tickets) 2,000 (Print Shoo) Type of Event: BLAcx NAT-17,= 1983 Sites: GUS:4M CUL=PAL CENTER Dates: December 14 thru 17, 1983 Cash Match: - o - Audience Expected: The JpGrbve Festival Theatre is requesting $8,000 from the'Citi of :4iami in order to present six (6) performances of "Black Nativity 1983" at the Gusman Cultural Center, December 14 thru 17, 1993. Their request consists of S3,000 for printing services from the City's print shoo, $3,000 for media advertising and $2,000 for the aurchase of tickets to be distributed free to members of the community at large. The City funded this project in Fiscal 82-83 in the amount of $3,500 and the results were beneficial to the community. The pGrove Festival Theatre group show no cash :Hatch in their pro- posal or a line item budget. This deaar--nent recommends the purchase of tickets not to exceed s2,00o and the City's in -kind services for printing for an amount not to exceed $2,000. The applicant :gust present a Pull line item budget as well as show orcof �f a dollar f=r dollar cash :Hatch for $4,C00 in order to be considered for funding by ,`:e City Ccr.-nission. �— zloer= S. cNa-x�t.,r 0eoartnent of recreation 83-1014 0 4 RUNAWAYS Sept. 1981 "- A strong and enjoyable Show" Christine Arnold - Nfiarai Herald Dr. Antonino Hernandez-Lizaso Director City of Miami Cultural Division 2600 South Bay Shore Drive Miami, FL 33133 Dear Dr. Lizaso: 1J pGrove Festival Theatre P.O. Box 012527 Miami, Fla. '3101 Your Act Opens The Show Support the UPGROVE FESTIVAL THEATRE August 1, 1983 n :' :, Cyr^ - AUG 08 'IQ —PI • .4 The UpGrove Theatre Company would like to chank_you for helping make BLACK NATIVITY 82 a success.. We are presently working bn plans for BLACK NATIVITY 83 in Downtown Miami. although the -audience was small for last year's presen- tation, those attending the performance enjoyed the show, including City Manager, Howard Gary. This year BLACK NATIVITY will be presented in Gusman Cultural Center, Downtown Miami on December 14, 15, 16 and 17 for six performances. In an effort to make BLACK NATIVITY 83 a success, we are appealing to the City of Miami for your support in the amount of $8,000 to be used as follows. $21000 in tickets to be distributed to members of the community at large. $3,000 for support materials; flyers, posters, letters, brochures and booklets, all to be printed possibly by the City print shop. $3,000 in promotions for media advertising. Ne are hopeful that the City of Miami will grant its support in presenting this exciting performance in Downtown Miami this Christmas. We look forward to this event with ;reac a-thusiasm and with the coQ=fitment of helping to revitalize Downtown Miami. 83--1014 Art I K{x � '} ..• Y� :� S � t� �,��� '� r• _ w - 0 9 Dr. Antonino Hernandez-Lizaso (_; august 1, 1983 City of Hi.ami Cultural Division Thank you for consideration of this utter. if further information is needed, please contact me at 634-8823. Sincerely John J. Morgan, Executive Director cc: Honorable Maurice Ferre Mayor - City of Miami Howard Gary City Manager 83w-1414 0 0 UpGrove Festival Theatre P.O. Box 012527 Miami, Fla. 33101 r," �' f •', ab ,9 305) 573-1268 _ - I 1� Your Act Opens The Show Support the UPGROVE FESTIVAL THEATRE RUNAWAYS Sept. 1981 ' `- A strong and enjoyable Show" Christine Arnold - Miami Herald September 23, 1983 The Honorable Miller Dawkins, Commissioner City of Miami P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33133 Dear Commissioner Dawkins: I want to thank you for agreeing to sponsor a resolution to support UpGrove's first full season of plays to be presented in downtown Miami. We further thank you for helping to make Black Nativity 82 a success. We are presently working on plates for Black Nativity 83 at Gusman Cul- tural Center. Although the audience was small for last year's presenta- tion, those attending the performance enjoyed the show, including City Manager Howard Gary and Commissioner Barbara Carey. This year's Black Nativity 83 will be presented in Gusman Cultural Center, downtown Miami, on December 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, for 7 performances. The remainder of our season will be presented in our new home located at 49 Northwest 5th Street, downtown Miami. In developing this center city site, which is now an empty disco restaurant, into a full-fledged functioning theater, we will be helping the Downtown Development authority :hake 5th Street a gateway to the arts for the whole down- town area. Cherefore, we are appealing to the City of Miami for sup- port in the amount of S25,000. to be used as follow $ 4,000 - for tickets to be distributed to disadvantaged youths and adults for performances of Black Nativity 83. S 3,000 - for support macerials: posters, flyers, letters, brochures, and fund-raising information aackets (for Black Nativity). 3 3,000 - for advertising and promotions 315,000 - toward rehabilitation costs of a new home in downtown Miami which will be a cultural resource for both residents and visitors. 83--1014 0 The Honorable Miller Dawkins �eptembrr 23, 1983 .;e realize that there are linited funds available, however the request is so minimal, and the impact will be so far-reaching, that we are confident the City will join with CpGrove in presenting its first full season in downtown Miami. We are hopeful that the City of Miami will grant its support in pre- senting this exciting season of performances in downtown Miami starting at Christmas. We look forward to Black Nativity 83 with great enthu- siasm as our commitment towards helping revitalize downtown Miami. Thank you for your consideration. If further information is needed, please contact: John Morgan, at 634-8823. ilyE, DaveFnher an of the Board ti o J s organ E• ecu v roducer JJ�i: jw 83--1014 11 Religion 4 sww w."WW Verborah Frazier as Mary and Virjes Moultrie as Joseph, members of Universal Productions., danced the trials of trying to find a place to have the baby Jesus. Play a gospelis music leve�r's delight The Black walked out on stage singing In Tfines Like Although his company lost money on company of 10 singers burst Into "New play, These, there was "Crockin in Jerusalem." Black :nativity (only about :00 persons at. Born." a rounag song heralding the birth Natluity, is no Black Nativity. staged in Miami last tended Sunday'a performancel, "We're of Jesus. Then Gusse E. Brown Jr. sang "Sweet weekend at the Joseph Caleb Community going to have to keep trying," he said. Little Jesus Boy." ordinary story of the Center's auditorium, was a gospel music "Many people are not accustomed to Robert McDonald was an eloquent por- lover's delight with its fast•moviog, live theater,' he said. "We're lust going to trayal the shepherd who had nothing to T birth of Christ. It is hand -clapping pace. have to keep trying to get people to come ove a gift to the baby Jesus, but his the birth seen through The play depicts the birth of Jesus Christ through the eyes of the late play. out ;to the theaterl. Upgrove is currently putting together a The play does not show the birth of Wright and poet, Langston Hughes. He season of four plays to open in the fall of Jesus as a quiet, sacred happening, but ai the eyes of Langston d+ed in 1967 and has been called the most 1983. At least one of the plays. said Mor• a joyous. hand -clapping event.The play to rD Hughes and the play Prolific black writer in America. The play was presented by Upgrove gan. will be presented at the Caleb Audito- rium ctuded some traditional songs as "Silen Night" and "D Come All Ye Faithful' 'heater Company Inc., a nonprofit organt• The actors, singers and dancers in Black done in a not so traditional manner, Stil %Vas a fast-moving, :aeon directed by Jonn James Morgan. Nutii tty, all members of Universal Pro- the message was the same: Peace on earn nand-clapping gospel it was the fourth theater project pre. sen tea by Me three-year•old theater cam- Suctions of SavMMn. Ga., had strong backgrounds in gospel music and it to the goWhee All. y did such gospel fi music version of old party. Featured were dancers Verborah Frazier is Mary and Vlr)es Moultrie as Jo• snowed during the performance. In the scenes. "No Room at the Inn" and vontes as "Go Teti bt On The Mountain and "Old landmark." the audience pine Christmas favorites, seph. Morgan, who studied drama at Miami. "Most Done Travelin'". Framer and Moul• the danced he humiliation the earthly in with singing and hand -clapping. Morgan and Upgrove gave Liberty Cis Dude Community College North Campus parents of :esus faced in trfing to And a and.:ndeed, Dade County, a joyous gift iy BEA L HINES and it the Dramatic 'Norkshop in New prate for their child to be born L.he performing arts. 11-4 "bn'WY [" YorK. wants to bnng the theater baf:K to When :oseph tinily found in ox stail It :s tw tied there were w few clhze From the moment Lila Allen Altingnt the ofack community !or shelter and the cluld was born. the there to receive it. Is .c The MIAMI HERALD 'n1X54p Gdcemor 23.:982 83-1014 0 UpGrove Festival Theatre Presents *hM- COMING TO MIAMI FOR CHRISTMAS JOSEPH CALEB AUDITORIUM OPENING NIGHT GALA FRIDAY, DECEMBER IM 8:30 P.M. rickets: S1295 includes champagne reception. S8.95. $7.95, S6.95 Saturday, December 18th 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $8.95. S7.95. S6.95 For further informarion call 573-1268 GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER (DOWNTOWN) Sunday, December 19th 8:30 P.M. 83-1014 0 Ll 2-for-1-Discount! Present this card at any Bass Ticket Outlet and get 2-for-1 discount on all $8.95 tickets. Any questions con- cerning tickets call 573-1268. ABOUT THE DIRECTOR _ —e ^C!� =C•'_ - .?.. ..'h _ ..-erg -e =7,e Dark Symphony, Raisin in the Sun, The Lion and The Jewel, Simply Heavenly, r rJ ;Three- penny Opera zea.: : _ _ _ Sesame Street •reZge _rcr; The Amen Comer ABOUT THE PRODUCTION The Black NaM* s = A Child Is Sam --!^rsT TMe seccrc -cif This Word Is Spread. mcves •rTc --,)err, *r-e .%r" e =�. v r-, !srcrtz=c^ ::` —e c,Cc,V .vOrC The Black Nativity c•Lr erec .. .ti^JIG • .. �.. �.'ei �.$ '^� .^..PC' .ay :.r• - '^G New York Times _ -_.._ Block Nativity, 83-1014 El 83-1014 0 Fresh produce. Fine meats. Quality brands. Tasty specialty items. There's no place more pleasant to shop for D t� I 83-1014 John James Morgan Stephen H. Messer Executive Producer Associate Director presents Langston Huges' blac3c starring Verborah Frazier VerGes Moultire Ughdng & Settings by Musical Coordinators Micas Whitaker Alton West & Spencer E. White ill Costumes by John Alexander Choreographed by Verborah Frazier VerGes Moultire Directed by MICal Whitaker Miami premiere performance December 17,1980 This production originally produced by Universal Productions. Producer, A. Eugene Hagans, Jr. Graphic Design and illustrauun By GEG-GRAPHICS CG �� Director 83-1014 r 0 0 MUSICAL NUMBERS ACt I 'Listen To The Lambs' .......................................................Company ?raoltlonal)., "in Times Like These.................................................LUla A. Albright Rum cave Jones) "My Way is Cloudy.......................Gussle E. Brown Jr. and Company 'No Room At The Inn.........................................................Company ,,Most Done Travellin ...................... Shaunta Ellis, Robert McDonald and Company -Oh Jerusalem'..................................................................Company 'New Born (Fanfare)'........................................................Company "Sweet Little Jesus Boy.......................................Gussie E. Brown Jr. Rooert Mat cimsevl "What You Gonna Name That Pretty Little Baby .............. Company "Rise Up, Shepherd ..............Gussie E. Brown Jr., Bernard Williams, Spencer E. White III, Jimmie Alan Smith, Robert McDonald and Company "Go Tell It On The Mountain"...Alfreda Washington and Company UOnn W Work 1111 "0 Come, All Ye Faithful"...Gussie E. Brown Jr., Spencer E. White III etBgnMymn ism century Trans. Jimmie Alan Smith, Robert McDonald ovFreoenckoakeievi and Company intermission Entre Acte ,.Silent Night.............................................................Angela Burnett UoSeon MOM Poetry, "Montage Of A Dream Deferred..........................Company ungston ►+ugney "What We Need Is Love......................................Spencer E. White III 6oencer White to ano Effie oawsonia v ACt ti "Old Landmark ............ Shaunta Ellis, Barbara Green, and Company "Christ Is Born'...................................Louis Johnson and Company "Poor Little Jesus..........................Robert McDonald and Company "Away in A Manger ......... Jimmie Alan Smith and Robert McDonald (1•2 Anonymous. 3•Jonn Thomas wFanano) 'Wasn't That A Mighty Day ............. Shaunta Ellis, Robert McDonald and Company "You Can't Beat God Giving...............................Gussie E. Brown Jr., toonllAkeM Spencer E. White III, and Company "Joy to The World................................Effie Dawson and Company 'From Psalm 98 Isaac Waco) all arrangements ov Musical oirector Alton West unless amerwlse moicatea. arranged by Spencer E. 'whet! III 83-1014 0 CAST Narrator .................................................... JA Jahannes Mary ..................................................Verborah Frazier Joseph..................................................VirJes Moultrie The Company ................................. Lula Allen Albright Gussle E. Brown Jr. Angela Burnett Effie Dawson Shaunta F. Ellis Marla Claudia Joiner 14LRle �.JV-Lolt Robert McDonald Jimmie Alan Smith Alfreda Washington Spencer E. White III Bernard Wyatt Williams LET'S MEET AT AINDRE'S AFTER THE SHOW TOWN CLUB. INC. 116,48 N.W. SEVENTH AVE. 83-1014 E 11 UpGrove gratefully acknowledges our Supporting Cast of 1983. Patrons of Black Nativity Susanne Allen Merdesta Wilson Keith V. Whitbeck Marta Bouche Esther Favole Charles Julis Fortson Williams Fence Company Eugene Donaldson Sarah Johnson Rolando F. Barvo Francena Thomas Fargson Ray Louise Yvonne Sumlia Michelle Palmer Brenda Williams Brenda Jackson Camille A. Jones Elizabeth Nash Pittman Lorraine Auaga Delores Williams Friends of UpGrove Elizabeth Nash Pitmann Frances W. Cary Vivian Owens Jean P. Saunders Kathleen F. Ward Jean Balfour John B. Aaker Barbara Cezier Commissioner Ruth Shack Allison Ragibar Darby Hayes Parthenia Day Simon Salz Lloyd Williams Patrons of UpGrove Theatre Fund Winn Dixie Stores, Inc. Peiades Stuart Landsman Mohammad AI•Fassi John James Morgan Susanne Allen Block Nativity is Co -Sponsored in part by Church of the Open Door Circle N2 Mt. Zion Baptist Church City of Miami Department of Recreation Cultural Division WMBM and Love 94 Radio Stations John James Morgan 8a-1014 0 it who's who LULA ALLEN ALBRIGHT is a native of Savannah, and a member of the St. Philip Monumental A.M.E. Church. She Is presently a music major at Savannah State College where she sings with the SSC Con- cert Choir. She is the wife of Levone Albright and the mother of one son, Brian. GUSSIE E. BROWN JR. is an active vocalist In his hometown of Savan- nah. He Is a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church, The Inspirational voices, The United Gospel Super- iors and the national and Georgia chapters of The Gospel Music Workshop -of America. ANGELA BURNETT at age 17 is the youngest member of the cast and loaded with talent. She has per- formed at North Carolina State Un- iversity, Fayetteville State College, and at Hunter Army Airfield. She has sung at Savannah State College on several occasions; a-hd, Angie Burnett is a name well-known in Savannah churches. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady F. Burnett Sr. EFFIE DAWSON hails from Savannah With strong indications of a prom- ising professional singing career. She has a strong background in gospel and rhythm and blues. She is presently an active member of the United Gospel Superiors in her hometown. Effie Dawson fre- quently solos in and around the Savannah area. Her performance In "Black Nativity" marks her thea- trical debut. SHAUNTA F. ELLIS, of Metter, Georgia, graduated from Metter High SCM00I. Shaunta also sang alto in the New Hope Missionary Bap- tist Choirs, and her high school chorus. She is an active member of her local Y-CIUb, the Georgia Assoc- iation of Media Assistants, FHA, and FBLA. She has received music- al training from the late Mrs. Elora Hendrix, and Mr. Gregroy Troy of Detroit, Michigan. She is the 18-year-old daughter of Mrs. Delores E. Johnson. Since her audi- tion, Shaunta has been considered an "Honorary Savannahian" by her fellow cast members. CHARLES KITCHENS, a native of Sav- annah and graduate of Savannah High School, has several years of experience in theater to his credit. Upon graduation, he moved to Philadelphia, Pa. and landed a sing- ing and dancing role in Pearlie. At Shippensburg State College in Pen- nsvivania he acted in Jesus Christ Superstar, Cabaret, Judas, 1775 and Courier. Returning to Savan- nah In 1976 he starred In the Sav- annah Little Theaters production of Pippin, and has directed several musicals and one -act plays in church and school. He is a teacher in the Savannah -Chatham County School system. ROBERT MCDONALD of Savannah dedicates his performance In Black Nativity to his children, Jaison, Jonelie, and Robert Jr. He was a noted rhythm and blues per. former with the touring group, Wildflower, and has shared the stage with such recording artists as Teddy Pendergrass, The O'Jays, and the Ohio Players. At home, he has performed with the Savannah State College Merrs Glee Club. VIRJES MOULTRIE'S interest in thea- ter began at the Dock Street Thea- ter in Charleston, S.C. He appeared in productions such as Child's Play, Witness For The Prosecution, and Hlddy Daddy. in college he began taking an interest in dance and soon joined the Hampton institute 83-*1014