HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1983-11-16 Marked AgendaCITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE November 16, 1983 CITY HALL • DINNER KEY 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance DELIVERED. Approving the Minutes of the Regular APPROVED. and Special City Commission meetings of September 7, 12, 16 and 24, 1983. 9:15 A.M. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW NOT TAKEN UP. A. 9:45 A.M. NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS TAKEN UP. B. (One Hour Discussion) 10:45 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE C. Discussion on funding for the Florida M 83-1012 Exporters and Importers Association Moved: Plummer Conference. Second: Dawkins Absent: Carollo D. Discussion on the Ed London housing Perez proposal. E. Discussion on proposed City of Miami Not Taken Up neighborhood newsletter. F. Discussion on the Miami River Not Taken Up Management Committee. G. Discussion of the results of the Not Taken lip study concerning the Dupont Plaza Baywalk/Riverwalk. H. Discussion of the recommendation for Not Taken Up the final dispensation of the main library building to be presented by a representative of the Library Relocation and Utilization Committee. I. Discussion of the Virrick Boat Ramp Not Taken Up parking study. J. Discussion on issuing the Liquor M 33-1013 Stores Businessmen a permit to remain Moved: Carollo open on the Sundays in December. Second: Plummer Absent: Perez K. Discussion on the criteria for defining and regulating video game Not Taken Up arcades. L. Discussion of funding $8,000 to M 83-1014 Upgrove Festival Theatre Black Moved: Plummer Nativity in order for them to present Second: Dawkins six (6) performances of "Black Absent: Perez Nativity 1983" at the Gusman Cultural Center on December 14 through 17, 1983. M. Discussion of the Affirmative Action Deferred to Semi -Annual Report. December Meeting 0 4 f CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CONT. N. Certifying and Canvassing the results of the recent Municipal Election (s); swearing in ceremonies, and appointment of the City Attorney and City Clerk. 0. Use of seven minutes of fireworks at the conclusion of the 25th Anniversary Mass to be held at the Orange Bowl on Friday, December 9, 1983. P. Discussion on Acorn proposed jobs campaign. Q. Discussion of proposal submitted by Professio, Inc. Comprehensive Services Center. 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1. Presentation of Commendation to the Outstanding Officers for the month of August 1983, Officers Pete Gutierrez and Luis Lopez. 2. Presentation of Commendation to the Outstanding Officers for the month of September 1983, Officers Kenneth Dinter and Oscar Vargas. 2:39 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS (3 thru 7) 3. RESOLUTION Ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the City Manager by a four -fifths vote of the City Commission in authorizing the expenditure of $5,810,60 for the emergency repair of the uninterruptible cower supply system at the Miami Police Station; with funds allocated therefor from the Police Department Operating Budget. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 2 M 83-1015 Moved: Carol to Second: Plummer Absent: Perez ?1 S3-1017 "•loved: Carollo Second: Plummer Absent: Perez M 83-1013 Moved: Dawkins Second: Plummer Absent: Carollo Perez I: 3 3 -1019 Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Absent: Carollo Perez Not Taken Up Presented R 83-1021 Moved: Dawkins Second: Plummer Absent: Perez 4 0 FA CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT. 4. RESOLUTION Ratifying, approving, and confirming, by a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, the actions of the City Manager in finding the tree and sod planting projects funded by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Parks and Recreational Area Development Program to be Emergency projects and in authorizing the issuance of Emergency purchases for the implementation of said projects to Olive Nursery and Landscape, Inc. for $53,300 and to Grove Nursery, Inc. for $35,545 at a total cost of $88,845, with funds therefor allocated from SBA Park Development Funds. City Manager recommends. 5. RESOLUTION Appeal of variance granted to aermit the creation of a lot 41111 average width of 28' and street frontage of 251.111 acceptance accepting the plat entitled "GRANT SUBDIVISION". 6. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Lanzo Construction Company at a total cost of $1,005,013.94 for Koubek Sanitary Sewer Improvement in Koubek Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5477- C&S (Centerline and sideline sewers); and authorizing a final payment of $110,017.06. City Manager recommends. 7. RESOLUTION Waiving, by a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission after a July advertised public hearing, the prohibition against the appearance of a former City officer, official or employee before the City Commission within 2 years after leaving City employment as such prohibition applies to Laura Tindall - Howell, who last served as Chief Zoning Inspector on October 8, 1982 and who has since been engaged as a consultant in Zoning and Land use matters and who now seeks to appear and represent clients in matters coming before the City Commission for its consideration. PAGE NO. 3 P. 83-1022 Moved: PlurlI er Second: Carollo Unan i rZous Wi t i raven 11 R 93-1023 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous R 83-1024 Moved: Plummer Second: Carollo Absent: Dawkins MEETING DATE: Noi CITY COMMISSION AGENDA r 16, 1983 3:00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 8. Laventhal & Horwath report on the "Evaluation of Market Support and Operating Potentials for the Dade County Convention Center Complement." 9. Representative of the Theodore R. Gibson Oratorical/Declamation Contest. 10. Ms. Isa Benitez McCartney of the Council for International Visitors requesting funding in the amount of $10,000. 11. Mr. Manuel Lopez de Quintana to discuss waiver of the Community Development Home Improvement boundaries. 12. Golden Years, Inc. to get approval of usage of the Bayfront Park Auditorium for the Tenth Annual Holiday Dinner and a grant not to exceed $1,200 to support same. (Companion to Item #81) . LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUIRING A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE COMMISSION 13. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 91 1982, the existing Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance; as amended; by increasing appropriations for Jose Marti Phase I in the amount of $20,000 and Jose Marti Phase II in the amount of $20,000 from the 1972 Park and Recreational Facilities General Obligation Bond Fund balance; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 4 De erred to No:.;t Meeting M 33-1026 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Abstained: Dawkins M 83-1025 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Absent: Dawkins Deferred Deferred Emergency Ord. 9736 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous a rT� . sy CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY CONT. 14. ORDINANCE - First 1teadincj Repealing Ordinance No. 9341 as amended and Ordinance No. 9530 as amended both dealing with Minority Procurement, and substituting therefor a new Minority Procurement Ordinance to be known and cited as "The Minority Procurement Program Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida" setting forth a goal of awarding 50% of the City's total dollar volume of all contracts for the Procurement of all goods and services to Black and Hispanic vendors and Contractors on an equal basis; containing definitions and objectives; establishing a Minority Procurement Compliance Board requiring certain contract provisions and measures for implementation of said goal; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE -EMERGENCY 15. Amending sections 2 and 6 of Ordinance No. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983 the annual appropriations Ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, as amended by establishing a special revenue fund entitled Local Option Gas Tax Transportation System Maintenance and Improvements for implementation in fiscal year 1983-84 for the purpose of providing funding in the amount of $3,100,000 for specifically defined transportation projects as outlined in Florida Statute 336.025(c), revenues in a like amount are available from the Dade County Local Option Gas Tax, and can be allocated to the City through an interlocal agreement with Metropolitan Dade County, the City of Hialeah and the City of Miami Beach as authorized by resolution No. 83-552, adopted July 18, 1983; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 5 First Readi.ncl Moved: Carolto Seconu: Day.11,ins UnaI1 imouS Emergency Ordinance 9737 Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Unanimous CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE -EMERGENCY CONT. 16. ORDINANCE -EMERGENCY Amending Ordinance No. 9534, Adopted December 91 1982; The Existing Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance; as amended by establishing a new enterprise fund entitled XXI. Local option gas tax transportation enterprise fund; by establishing Dade County Optional Gas Taxes as a resource in this local option gas tax transportation enterprise fund in the amount of $3,100,000; and by appropriating an amount of $70,000 from the Dade County Optional Gas Taxes to establish aerial photography of rights of way as project XXX.B.1. in the local option gas tax transportation enterprise fund and by appropriating an amount of $3,030,000 from Dade County Optional Gas Taxes to establish transportation system maintenance and improvements as project XXI.B.2 in the local option gas tax transportation enterprise fund containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 17. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 91 1982, the Existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance as amended; by appropriating, the amount of $6,500,000 for land acquisition and site assembly for the affordable rental housing program from the anticipated sale of 1976 General Obligation Housing Bonds; containing a repealer provision and severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 6 Emercrenc-,., Ordinance 98J73 �',Oved : Perez Second: Dawkins Absent: Ferro Emergency Ordinance 9739 Moved: Plummer Second:_ Perez Absent: Ferre MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE -SECOND READING 18. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Making appropriations for the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984; authorizing the Director of the Downtown Development Authority to invite or advertise for bids for the purchase of any material, equipment or service embraced in the said appropriations for which formal bidding may be required providing that this ordinance shall be supplemental and in addition to the ordinance making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984 for the operation of the City of Miami, Florida: Providing that if any section, clause or subsection shall be declared unconstitutional it shall not affect the remaining provisions of this ordinance. (This item was passed on first reading at the September 12, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez). 19. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Relating to the towing of motor vehicles: amending Chapter 42 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida as amended by adding thereto a new article entitled "Towing of Motor Vehicles" providing for the licensure and regulation of business enterprises engaged in the practice of recovering, towing removing, and storing of motor vehicles parked on private property without permission, providing for inclusion in the code; providing for severability. (This item was passed on first reading at the July 18, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City Manager recommends. 20. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Amending section 54-39 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida as amended concerning cost for street restoration by providing for time for completion; providing for consequences of failure to complete street restoration containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on first reading at the September 29, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 7 CoIIti""—C,d Deferred to December Meeting Ord. 9740 Moved: Carollo Second: Plummer Unanimous MEETING DATE: ORDINANCE -SECOND READING CONT. 21. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Establishing a new Special Revenue Fund entitled: "Pre -School Program" and appropriating funds for its operation in the amount of $120,300 composed of revenues collected from participation fees and designated food reimbursements from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Program during fiscal year 1983-84, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on first reading at the October 25, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City Manager recommends. 22. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Amending section 1 of ordinance No. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the annual appropriations ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing_ the appropriation in the general fund for the Department of Community Development in the amount of $25,120 and by decreasing the appropriation for Special Programs and Accounts Contingency Fund in the like amount for the purpose of funding a Community Development Specialist position to work in the citizen response center and operate the information van, serving as a liaison with the Haitian Community; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was passed on first reading at the October 25, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins. City Manager recommends. 23. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled "Parks Development Fund" for implementation in Fiscal Year 1982-83 for the purpose of providing an accounting system to accept and appropziate private donations for Park Development Projects. (This item was passed at the June 9, 1983 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 8 Ord. 9741 ~loved: Carollo Ser_ondl: Perez Unanimous Ord. 9742 Moved: Carollo Second:. Dawkins Unanimous Ord. 9743 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous MEETING DATE : November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE SECOND READING CONT. 24. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Amending Chapter 22, Entitled "Garbage and Trash" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida as amended by subsections (b) and (c) of Section 22-13 thereof, Entitled "Waste Fee to Constitute Special Assessment Liens Against All Improved Real Property", providing that all waste fees due and unpaid for the period from March 1, 1980 until January 1, 1981 constitute special assessment liens; and setting forth the requirements for perfecting said liens; further authorizing the Department of Solid waste to verify the amount of waste fees due, if any, upon any parcel of real property; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. (This item was deferred from the June 9, 1983 City Commission meeting, the July 18, 1983 City Commission meeting, and was scheduled on the September 7, 1983 City Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 25. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Amending Section 18-73(b) and paragraph (2) of subsection 18-73(e) of Section 18, entitled "Minority Procurement Program" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended by 2roviding for the deletion of the work "monies" and insertion of the words "money, property or services" in said subsection 18-73(b) and for the deletion of the words "by the City" in paragraph 2 in said subsection 18-73(e); such amendments being necessary to facilitate the effective application of said program, further by renumbering said section 18-73 for the purpose of clarity. (This item was passed on First Reading July 18, 1983. Moved by Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer. This item was also scheduled on July 28, 1983 and continued. City Manager recommends. Ord. 9744 %loved Secor cl : Absent: PAGE NO. 9 Plummer Dawkills Carol.lo Perez Not Taker. Up 0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE -FIRST READING i 26. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending Ordinance No. 9478, adopted September 8, 1982, by amending the funds appropriated for the Trust and Agency fund entitled: "Recreation Activity" increasing appropriated funds for the operation of same to the amount of $100,000 to include funding transactions resulting from approved activity of the Professional Boxing and Wrestling Board, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 27. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending Section 2-308, entitled "Disclosure of Parties in interest by persons making presentations, requests, etc. for City Commission or Boards" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended bv providing for the clarification of the requirement of full disclosure in writing by all parties making a presentation, formal request, or petition, with respect to real property to the City commission or any City board, of all parties having an ownership interest, directly or indirectly, in such real property; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 28. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amendz ng subsections (A)(2) and (B)(1) and (2) of section 30-53, entitled "Green Fees" and subsections (A)(1) and (2) of section 30-54, entitled "Special Rates", of the code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended by revising the fee schedule for City of Miami Golf Courses containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 10 Not Taken U;: Not Taken Up First Reading Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Absent: Perez MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE FIRST READING CONT. 29. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 9502 adopted September 23, 1982, the annual appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1983, as amended by increasing the appropriation for the enterprise fund for the Miami Springs Golf Course $40,000 by increasing the anticipated revenues in the same amount from the FY183 rental revenues from said golf carts and pro shop operations, for the purpose of allocating $30,000 for the leasing of 65 electric golf carts and $10,000 for the purchasing of pro shop inventory; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 30. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending Section 39-15 of Chapter 39, entitled "Peddlers, Itinerant Manufactures, Locksmiths and Tool Grinders, Ice Cream Vendors", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended by repealing the provision of said section which prohibited retail peddlers to solicit business within 300 feet of an established business selling similar or like goods, and to authorize impoundment by the police of the wagon, truck auto, pushcart of other vehicle being operated by any peddler upon his or her arrest for a violation of said section; containing a repealer provision and a severab.ility clause. City Manager recommends. 31. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending Section 19-45(b) of the City of Miami, Florida which deals with fees for fire reports that are public records, by providing for an increase in said fees: containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 32. ORDINANCE- FIRST READING Establishing a New Special Revenue Fund en to ment Fund" for thy.. Ahl" roviding an account accept and appropriate private donations for Park Development projects. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 11 first Reading %loved : Dawk i n s Second: Pl uru-icr Absent: I1or. c? 7 First Reading Moved: Carollo Second:' Dawkins Not Taken Up Withdrawn a; y CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE -FIRST READING CONT. 33. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Setting forth a proposed Charter Amendment, known as "Charter Amendment No. 111, amending the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida by correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linguistic errors; eliminating obsolete or redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering Charter sections and parts thereof for clarity; instructing the proper City officials to take all necessary actions for submission to the elecorate at a special municipal election on March 13, 1984 and containing a severability clause. (Companion to Item #49) RESOLUTIONS 34. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Shafer and Miller, Inc. for Downtown Government Center and authorizing a final payment of $403,631.32. City Manager recommends. 35. RESOLUTION Allocating the amount of $3,117.29 from, the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund to the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation (CGLDC) to satisfy the financial obligation of CGLDC with reimbursement to the City of Miami on or before January 1, 198•1 City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Requesting financial assistance in the amount of $455,000 from the Florida Boating Improvement Program; accepting said funds from The Metropolitan Dade County Commission; and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the appropriate agreement. City Manger recommends. PAGE NO. 12 First Reading Moved: Carollo Second: Pe,rcz Unanimous R 83-1027 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous R 83-1028 Moved: Dawkins Second: Plummer Unanimous R 83-1029 Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Unanimous CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 ORDINANCE -FIRST READING CONT. 33. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Setting forth a proposed Charter Amendment, known as "Charter Amendment No. 111, amending the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida by correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linguistic errors; eliminating obsolete or redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering Charter sections and parts thereof for clarity; instructing the proper City officials to take all necessary actions for submission to the elecorate at a special municipal election on March 13, 1984 and containing a severability clause. (Companion to Item #49) RESOLUTIONS 34. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Shafer and Miller, Inc. for Downtown Government Center and authorizing a final payment of $403,631.32. City Manager recommends. 35. RESOLUTION Allocating the amount of $3,117.29 from, the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund to the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation (CGLDC) to satisfy the financial obligation of CGLDC with reimbursement to the City of Miami on or before January 1, 198•1 City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Requesting financial assistance in the amount of $455,000 from the Florida Boating Improvement Program; accepting said funds from The Metropolitan Dade County Commission; and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the appropriate agreement. City Manger recommends. PAGE NO. 12 First Reading Moved: Carollo Second: Pe,rcz Unanimous R 83-1027 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous R 83-1028 Moved: Dawkins Second: Plummer Unanimous R 83-1029 Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Unanimous e Yr g y CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 RESOLUTIONS CONT. 37. RESOLUTION Transferring the Right-of-way of SW 12th Ave. and NW 12th Ave. between Coral Way (SW 22nd Street) and NW 8th Street within the City of Miami to the jurisdiction of the State Highway System in conformance with Section 337.29 Florida Statutes and shown on Right-of-way Plat to be recorded in the Public records of Dade County, Fla.; and authorizing and directing the City Manager and the City Clerk and the City Attorney to execute the Plat. (This item was scheduled on the October 25, 1983 City Commission meeting). 38. RESOLUTION Ratifying and confirming the payment of $20,000 from the Special Programs and Accounts Contingency Fund, to Coronado Studios for the production of a ten (10) minute film of the inauguration of the Miami Convention Center on October 1, 1983. City Manager recommends. 39. RESOLUTION Waivina the complimentary ticket limitations (500 maximum) as :mandated in Section 53-141 of the Code of the City of Miami for the Partners for Youth, University of Miami, City of Miami Program in which an average of 4,000 youth are granted free admission to each University of Miami Hurricanes Home Game, thereby exempting said program from the required Orange Bowl Admission Tax, retroactive from September 17, 1983. City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Urging Metropolitan Dade County Board of County Commissioners to amend or revise The South Florida Building Code to incorporate more specific requirements and safeguards for storage of piled materials on construction sites, e.g., sand, gravel, rock, upon due study and recommendation by the South Florida Building Code Board of Rules and Appeals, and instructing the City Clerk to deliver copies of this resolution to the Dade County Commission and the family of Jamie Kaylor. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 13 'q0t Taken UT) R 83-1030 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Unanimous R 83-1031 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous Not Taken Up 0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 RESOLUTIONS CONT. a 41. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City a Manager to execute an agreement for professional consultant services, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with the Institute for Public Policy Opinion Research (IPPOR) to conduct a recreation needs assessment survey for the City of Miami at a cost of $23,380 with funds therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1983 Department of Recreation General Fund Budget. City Manager recommends. 42. RESOLUTION Naming The Brickell Plaza Mini Park at S. E. 1 Avenue and 10 Street, The "Allen Morris, Sr." Mini Park. 43. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute individual constructual agreements with eight (8) Neighborhood Economic Development Organizations, in substantially the form attached hereto, for the amounts specified for each, for the purpose of implementing a commercial facade treatment program, with funds allocated from the Ninth Year Community Development Block Grant. City Manager recommends. 44. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, which has been negotiated with Bosworth Aerial Services Inc., for aerial photography of the City of Miami and its rights of way; using previously allocated funds in the amount of $49,850 from the Local Option Gas Tax Transportation Enterprise Fund to cover the cost of said work. City Manager recommends. 45. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached professional services agreement with the George Bolotin Quartet for live musical performances at both the City of Miami Legion Park and Stephen Clark Building not to exceed 104 dates at a total cost not 'to exceed $10,920, using funds therefor generated from dance admission fees; said agreement being subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 14 R 83-1032 Moved: Pere Second: Carollo Unanimous R 83-1033 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Unanimous R 83-1034 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1035 Moved: Carollo Second: Plummer Unanimous NOT TAKEN UP MEETING DATE: 2 _mi ; CITY COMMISSION AGENDA er 16. 1983 RESOLUTIONS CONT. 46. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed $5,000 in support of the October, 1983 meeting of the Pan American Health Organization to be held in the City of Miami with funds therefor allocated from Budget Reserve, Department of Management and Budget. City Manager recommends. 47. RESOLUTION Ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's acceptance of a grant from the State of Florida: Department of veteran and Community Affairs the amount of $16,009 to conduct a child day care program; and further authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary contract(s) and agreement(s) to implement the program. City Manager recommends. 48. RESOLUTION Expressing su port to the Miami Heart Institute proposed research on hypertention among the elderly. 49. RESOLUTION Calling and providing for a special municipal election to be held on March 13, 1984, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Miami for their approval or disapproval, a measure known as "Charter Amendment No. 1", amending the City Charter by correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linguistic errors; eliminating obsolete or redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering charter sections and parts thereof for clarity. City Manager recommends. (Companion to Item #33) 50. RESOLUTION Prohibiting all contacts with City elective or appointed officials or employees by Grove Market Proposers representatives or their agents; further requiring that the substance of all such contacts be reported in writing to the City Commission and City Manager prior to the award of contract; further providing that this resolution be construed and interpreted so as not to conflict with the Florida. public records act. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. Not 'Taken Up R-83-1036 `tOl'I;D: CAROLLO S[.COND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Not Taken Up t CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 RESOLUTIONS Fn OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS 1-1 i 51. RESOLUTION Item: Grand Avenue idewalk Improvement Location, Grand Avenue Sidewalk ou las Road- ajd.Street) Company: i4ruction Co., Total: $183,7 1 00 Funding: Highway General Obligation Bond Funds Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a a contract on behalf of the City of Miami for GRAND AVE. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT in the GRAND AVE. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, H-4483. City Manager recommends. 52. RESOLUTION Item: Allapattah Industrial Area Highway Improvement Phase I B-4485 and City- wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement-Allapattah Industrial Area B-5497. Bids "A", "B", and "C" Location: Area bordered by N.W. 20 Street, N.W. 21 Terrace, N.W. 17 Avenue and N.W. 27 Avenue. Company: Fre Construction Co., Inc. Eng. Est.: $837,000 Low Bid: $799,962.50 Funding: Highway & Storm Sewer GO Bond Funds Capital Improvement Ordinance Sect. IX.C(i) 10 and Sanitary Sewer GO Bond Funds Capital Improvement Ordinance Sect. XX.c.l. Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 16 Withdrawn R 83-1037 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 AWARD OF BIDS CONT. 53. RESOLUTION Item: Approx. 95 Fire Nozzles Location: Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Company: Harold's Sales and Service Fireline, Inc. Jacksonville Fire Equipment Co. Low Bid: $10,835.10; $9,947.00 and $1,601.40 (respectively) Funding: Prior Year Reserve Fund Accepting the bids and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. 54. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Better Construction, Inc. in the proposed amount of $907,943, base bid plus additive alternatives #3, #5, and #7 of the proposal, for Jose Marti Riverfront Park -Phase II (2nd bidding); with monies therefor allocated from the "Jose Marti Riverfront Park -Phase II" Account in the amount of $907,943 to cover the contract cost; allocating from said fund the amount of $17,751 to cover the cost of project expense; allocating from said fund the amount of $11, 331 to cover the cost of such items as advetising, testing laboratories, and postage; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. City Manager recommends. 55. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid from Motorola Inc. for the purchase of one (1) radio paging base station to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of 512,200; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 Operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. PAGE NO. 17 R 33-1038 Moved: Carollo Second: Pe1-0Z Unanimous R 83-1039 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 33-1040 Moved: Carollo Second: Perez Unanimous M py CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 AWARD OF BIDS CONT. 56. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of American Seating Co. for furnishing approximately 4,000 stadium seats, backs and parts to the Department of Building & Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $35,920.00 allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order for these materials. 57. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. in the proposed amount of $85,235, bid "D" of the proposal, for Citywide sanitary sewer improvement - Allapattah Industrial Area district SR-5497-C (centerline sewer); with monies therefore allocated from the "Citywide sanitary sewer extensions improvement" account in the amount of $85,235 to cover the contract cost; allocating from said fund the amount of $11,080 to cover the cost of project expense; allocating from' said fund the amount of $1,705 to cover the cost of such items as advertising, testing laboratories and postage; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. City Manager recommends. 58. RESOLUTION 4 Accepting the bid pi";'RE Construction Co. Inc. in thaLM�` sed amount of $799, 962. 50, TS!'M� , "B", "C" Of the pro,�"for Allapattah Industri ighway Improvement phase -,. "Allapattah Industrial area hig improvement district H- 4485; wit*h monies therefq allocated from the "Allapattah In al area street improvements" a in the amount of $799,962.5• over the contract cost; all from said fund the amount 3,995.50 to cover the cost ect expenses; allocating frock,. � and the amount of $16,000 to co• the cost of such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 18 R 83-1041 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous M 83-1042 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous Withdrawn MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 AWARD OF BIDS CONT. 59. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of FRE Construction Cp. Inc. in the proposed amount of $159,795 total bid of the proposal for Grand Avenue Sidewalk Improvement in the Grand Avenue Highway Improvement district H-4483 with monies therefor allocated from the "Grand Ave. Improvements" account in the amount of of $159, 795 to cover the contract cost; authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. City Manager recommends. 60. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of R.P.M. Diesel Engine Co. Inc. for furnishing one (1) truck transmission to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services at a total cost of $11,692.00; allocating funds therefor from the prior year reserve fund and the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 61. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the Arts in Public Places Committee, to serve a five year term, from the date of appointment. (This item was scheduled on the September 7, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 62. RESOLUTION Replacing two (2) individuals on the Office of Professional Compliance Advisory Committee. City Manager recommends. 63. RESOLUTION Nominating and appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Festivals Advisory Committee. City Manager recommends. 64. RESOLUTION AUO"tment or reappointment of members to the Planning Advisory Board and the Zoning Board. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 19 F? 83-1043 Moved: Ca ro l l o Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 33-1044 Moved: Carollo Second: Plummer Unanimous Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Not Taken Up X S ' 1 l CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT. 65. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Heritage Conservation_ Board. City .`tanager recommends. 66. W11N0RA*-; 67. RESOLUTION Confirming the selection of individuals by certain bargaining representatives of City employees and recognizing said individuals as members of the City of Miami Affirmative Action Advisory Board. 68. iy'ITHDRAW'1111 69. RESOLUTION Resolution appointing one (1) member to the City of Miami Health Facility Authority to serve a full term thereon. 70. RESOLUTION Resolution appointing one (1) member to the City of Miami Health Facility Authority to serve a full term thereon. 71. 72. RESOLUTION Resolution allocating an amount not to exceed $12,500 from budget reserve, Department of Management & Budget, to partly defray costs in conjunction with the staging of the half-time show nationally televised during the University of Miami/Notre Dame football game September 24, 1983 PAGE NO. 2 Not Taken Up withdrawn Not Taken Up Withdrawn Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Withdrawn Not Taken Up MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT. 73. RESOLUTION Resolution appointing individuals to serve as members of a Design Review Committee which will evaluate and report back within 90 days its recommendations to the Commission on the proposed design and location of time and temperature displays incorporating commercial advertising proposed to be located along City of Miami streets as approved in principle by Resolution No. 83-619, Adopted July 18, 1983. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 75-89 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion"...that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 75-89 be adopted. Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 74. RESOLUTION Directing the City Clerk to publish a notice of public hearing for objections to the acceptance by the City Commission of the completed construction by Russell, Inc. of Manor Highway Improvement -Phase II (bid "A" -Highways) in Manor Highway Improvement district H-4473. i)e`erre` PAGE NO. 21 MEETING DATE: Novembe CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 16, 1983 Z] CONSENT AGENDA CONT. 75. RESOLUTION Accepting from Wometco Enterprises, Inc., a Covenant to Run with the Land relating to the installation of a computer duct bank within the dedicated Public Right -of -Way of NW 4 Street and directing the proper officials to record said Covenant in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. (This item was scheduled on the October 25, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 76. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for professional consultant services with the Institute for Public Policy Opinion Research (IPPOR) to conduct a recreation needs assessment survey for the City of Miami at a cost of $23,380 with monies therefore being allocated from the Fiscal Year 1983 Recreation Department's General Fund Budget. (This item was scheduled on the September 7, 1983 and October 25, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 77. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to to exercise the renewal provision contained in the existing lease agreement with Metropolitan Dade County for the lease of office space at the Culmer/Overtown Neighborhood Service Center, located at 1600 N. W. 3rd Avenue, for use by the Department of Community Development, Overtown Jobs Program; said renewal being for a one year period expiring May 31, 1984 for an annual cost of $7,327.63; and further providing for expenditure of 9th year Community Development Block Grant Funds for the above purpose. (This item was scheduled on the October 25, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 78. RESOLUTION Transferring the dedicated Public Right of Way of Southwest - Northwest 8th avenue and Northwest 7th Avenue between Southwest 8th Street and Northwest 36th Street, located within the City of Miami, to the jurisdiction of the State Highway System in conformance with Section 337.29 of the Florida Statutes and shown on the Right -of - Way Plat to be recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and authorizing and directing the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute the Plat. PAGE N0. 2 R 83-1046 Moved: ccaro 1 l o Second: Dawkins Unanimous SEL•' ITLM 41 AGENDA ERROR: REPEAT R 83-1048 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1049 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous 4 $ (4 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA CONT. 79. RESOLUTION Approving selection and use -of a community outreach center by the Office of Professional Compliance, at no cost to the City of Miami, in substantial accordance with the terms and provisions set forth in the attached letter to Miami -Dade Community College. (This item was scheduled on the October 25, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 80. RESOLUTION Approving and accepting the final Feasibility Report prepared by Russell, Martinez and Holt, Architects, Inc. dated May, 1983 for the proposed Miami Design Plaza Structure. (This item was scheduled on the October 25, 1983 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 81. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed $1,200 in support of the December 8, 1983 Golden Years, Inc. Tenth Annual Holiday Dinner, for needy senior citizens at the Bayfront Park Auditorium, said amount to cover the rental fees of said City facility, with funds therefore allocated from Budget Reserve, Department of Management and Budget. City Manager recommends. (Companion to Item #12). 82. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to expend $24,778.94 for the purpose of providing funds to The South Florida Employment and Training Consortium for the payment of back wages to Armando Machado in compliance with the order of The U. S. Secretary of Labor. City Manger recommends. 83. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Manager to execute a � reement, in substantiall form attached hereto, WIANNaTI,nd Wie and, for the lea ► arkin lot located at appr ely 1629 Northwest North Riv r Drive. City Manager recommends. PAGE N0. 2 3 R 83-1050 gloved: Carollo Second: Day-•'kins Unanimous R 83-1051 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1052 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1053 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous withdrawn MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA CONT. 84. RESOLUTION Finding and- determining the Public Need and Necessity for acquiring the Fee Simple Title to certain property described herein to be used for the Right -of -Way for the Extension of Southeast Miami Avenue Road (Brickell Plaza) from Southeast 8th Street to Southeast 6th Street; and directing the City Attorney's Office to institute and prosecute to a conclusion all of the necessary legal actions to acquire the Fee Simple Title to this property as soon as legally permissible, using monies provided for this acquisition from the Highway General Obligation Bond Funds. 85. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City's participation in the American Cancer Society Golf Card Program by waiving the cost of a single greens fee for one round of golf to each bearer of a 1984 American Cancer Society Golf Card holder, during the summer season, at each of the Melreese Golf Course and City of Miami Country Club in Miami Springs, under terms described herein. City Manager recommends. 86. RESOLUTION Approving and Authorizing the City's participation in the American Lung Association Golf Privileges Card Program by waiving the cost of a single greens fee for one round of golf to each bearer of a 1984 American Lung Association Golf Privileges Card Holder, during the summer season, at each of the Melreese Golf Course and City of Miami Country Club in Miami Springs, under terms described herein. City Manager recommends. 87. RESOLUTION Authorizing the purchase of computer stock paper on an as needed basis from the Arnold Corporation under an existing State of Florida Contract for the Department of Computers at a total proposed cost of $90,000; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders for these materials. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 24 R 53-1054 Moved: Carollo Second: Da%ti,kins tnanimous R 83-1055 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1056 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1057 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous 91411'Rnm�. �—_-- CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 16, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA CONT. 88. RESOLUTION Allocating S19,000 from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, in support of Field Intership Program conducted by the National Urban Fellows, Inc., further approving and authorizing the City Manager's execution of the necessary documents to implement said program in the City of Miami. City Manager recommends. 89. RESOLUTION Ratifying, confirming and approving the action of the City Manager by a 4/5ths vote of the City Commission in authorizing the emergency purchase on the open market of required vehicular parts and supplies in an amount not to exceed $50,000. City Manaqer recommends. FORMALIZATION 90. RESOLUTION (Formalizing Motion No. 83-642 9/7/83) Ratifying, approving, and confirming an allocation not to exceed $1000.00 from the Contingency Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, to cover the cost of _ round-trip plane tickets from Miami to Santo Domingo, for five players of the Tony Taylor Baseball Academy to compete in the Caribbean Little League series. 91. RESOLUTION (Formalizing Motion 83-995 9/29/83) Ratify, approving, and confirming an allocation of $3,164.38 from the existing project balance, Special Programs and Accounts, to Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., to cover the operational cost of the Elizabeth Virrick Boxing Gym from October 26 through November 15, 1983. 5:00 P.M. 92. allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for Social Service Programs, FY'83-84 PAGE NO. 83-1058 oved: Carollo econd: Dawkins nanirmous R 83-1059 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 83-1060 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous R 33-1061 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Unanimous M 83-1064 Moved: Carollo Second: Dawkins Unanimous -------------------- M 83-1065 Moved: Plummer Second: Perez Absent: Dawkins Carollo