HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-10501f1"11'td3'rr R f 5111 11 T I 0 N till . ''' 5() A RF7,nI_HTTf]N APPROVING 111 F SFLFCIION A\1D USF OF A l'OmmUNI f1' OUTRFACH CI-NIFR 13Y Thf DIRECTOR OF THE OFF ICE OF PRl)FLSSIFIN AL 1'014PL IANCF, AI NO I'i)SI TO THE CI I OF HI AM I, IN WHSTANIIAl- ACCORDANCE WITH IHF IF=RMS AND P130VIc,10N5 SFI FORTH IN IHt 41 f ACHFI) I F: TTFR 10 !11 AM I - DADS COMMON I T Y COLT. FGl . 1011-RF-AS, t h r- Office of Professional Comp i in cc (0PC) was created as an nrlency of rjo%t�rnment, for monitoring police invest ir)at ions against sworn personnel, and for receiving complaints (Iirect. ly from members of the cnmmunity; and WHF"REAS, Section 42-63 of the Citv Curie states "Cit izens may f i le complaint s of wron(ldoing arlainst pol ice off icers at the poIire complaint center lorati,d at police headquarters or an outreach center that is to be established within each of six (6) sectors which are geographicaI areas of the city so designated by the police department for the purpose of patrol activity."; and WHEREAS, the Director of the OPC has surveyed 43 prospective centers using predetermined crit.eria, and has selected one of the said Centers as a replacement for a previously selected center, the Spanish American League Against Discrimination (SALAD) which is now financially unable to provide this function; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami will not be responsible for costs of rental space, property, and/or utilities for the newly -selected Center; and WHEREAS, the OPC Representatives will provide a staff function at each Center for a minimum of four (4) hours per week per Center for the purpose of receiving complaints against sworn personnel of the Miami Police Department and in the absence of an OPC Representative, the said Center would receive complaints through a trained staff person and immediately notify the OPC; CITY COMMISSION MEETI1� 12 OF NO V 16 1983 1101% N.). 83 1 a 1'0'��l, 111FPF 1 0RF, RF I 1 RE501_A'Fh 13Y T H I Cnl•1HISS10N OF IHC� CI TY nF t•1IAt1I, FI ORIDA: Sect inn 1 The S(-�1Pct. inn of t•tiarni-7nrnmunity Cnllerie, Division of Ri 1 inrtual Si udic3, A(-w Wnrld Center Campus, Roval Irust. Tower 13ui lding, 701 `)W 2 0 t h 4VPnue, innzzanine Level, by the 1)irertor of the Office of Professional Compliance as an nut reach Center for the Purpose of receiving cnrnpIaints against sworn tie rsonnr I of the Miami Police Department, at no cost to the City of Miaini, is hereby apprnvr'd i n suhst ant i al acc.ordanCe wi t h t he t r-� rms anti provisions set forth in the attached letter to 1.1iami-Dade Community College. PASSEL) AND ADOPTED this lbtli day of November , 1983. ATTEST: RAL H G. ONGIE, CITY Cl _�K PREP ED AND APPROVED BY: 1 g . ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: c/ tlz j5NJ1- (A. unn,, i m- !L'ITY ATTORNEY -2- Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R 83-1450 79 s CITY OF MIAMI. FL-ORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM -� Howard V.. Gar.: DATE October 18, 1983 rILE Cit.: 'tanager SU8_EC_ RESOLUTION OPC OUTREACH �CENTER Rom" ^4\`osepR A. Ingraam, Director 0EFERENCES Office of Professional Compliance S NCLCSUAES Due to the lack of funding of the Outreach Center, Spanish Ameri- can League Against Discrimination (SALAD), located at 2260 SW 8th Street, #203, Miami, Florida, the Office of Professional Compli- ance has had to acquire new facilities to replace it. A new location has been acquired pending the formal approval of the City Commission. The new location for the Center is Miami -Dade Community College, Division of Bilingual Studies, New World Center Campus, Royal Trust Tower Building, 701 SW 20th Avenue, Miami, Florida, Ms. Yillian C. Coppolechia, Associate Dean. The terms of the agreement with the aforementioned and the City of Miami are still at no cost to all parties involved. This is indeed a very positive reciprocal relationship for the entire community. JAI/elb 83-1050 a 01 t It ;._� ....,�t� �.;:,�:�.' l,•� <<�: `q ,. , k ,� `.,r .�. ill, . �:r ,.... ..,,} 'o e i l'. I 'j l_ .. I _,+,_n r SI' f'.11' ? t,li.'y't5 l: i 1i. _ ,)1 t l i..fo - .is :? i ... ,:,;Ity i�tl'.1•�'..�_i} ��_ -•i.i' f,Jr Uf ice, Vr. __ram:'• :i l' il.it', ? rUl' .t. ,' :'C•:`, n of '�'.•7r :i�'ri`�;.`n illy L'%, i�--:� t:.,,jll �.1;lly 27, 1'_'F4 IT,; s : i�_ 'i,ll) . r 1 ilf .:JI? un all ;;li;;l ..u5:5 t' ill} ']r_ - 'ot i]y ',",u ,:.IiLj l,,e City. ji},: I.:S Vf hi5 'i. ..:'if% _:lt 1'? :S r 'i• .'s. 1 YOU, as a (,.'_ a (-' :iy U all cc-lr:plaints for a r.timmum of thirty L34) clays, at v,hich time they shall be for`,:arded to the Office of Professional Cor-,pii nce (OPC) Repr'cs.;ntati`•e assigned to the center. 2, �:nd 1 spurt$ to the iw ke ser\'ic'_s harforl„ed as a of this be sub' -t tc' the Public nrcurds l.a'., s, Ckapter t t 9, F'uri{ia Statutes, anc shall r.-::-.ain the property of the City and shall not be .-sed by the Ct:rit`r for any purh:_ scs v, iV-c':-jt the cons, nt of tea City. 3. The 01fice o: an GPC Repr�:��ntat;\ e to sL-rve as the li,,ison L,:tv,-:!en the C f ; i,-e of Frofc'-!�io ai Ccmpllanee and the Canter, lie or �il'.e Ue rc<persi�:e fir the in,,:he prot-css at your t:c:itcr, �c: •� n tie i}'urs u: ?:C°-0 a.m. '0 1:00 p.m. on - S. .I"-.I;cIb,'046 8 3—ILO SO