HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-83-1022J - 8 3 - 7 8 7 `),'20,'83,'rr R[')*OLIIT I U N NO. A RFSnLUT[ON RAIIFYING, AP11R11VING, AND CONFIRMING, BY A 4 ")fHS AFF IWIAIIV[ VOIF OF IHF MEMHFRS 01-" 1 H F CI TY C014MISSION, THE ACIIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER IN FINDING THE IPIANO I,(11) PI A % I I N G PROJECTS F[IN nFi) I I II fi•111 riW)l\i_')'i I'l`. SRA1 PARKS ANI) RECREATIONAL AREA DEVELOPMEN I PROGRAM TO BE FMERGFNCY PROJECTS AND IN AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF EMERGENCY PURCHASES FOR IHF IMPLEFIFNTAT ION OF SAID PROJEC IS TO 0L I V E NOR5ERY AND LANDSCAPING, INC. FOR $539300 AND TO GROVE NURSERY, INC. FOR $35,545 AT A TOTAL COST OF $88,R45, WITH FUNDS 111EREF0R ALI- Or- ATE1) FR014 S R A PARK f)FVFI. nPMFN I FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City Commission, by Resolution No. 83-631 on July 1B, 1983, accepted a $198,7013 Grant from the Small Flusiness Administration (SBA) Parks and Recreational Area Development Program; and WHEREAS, the fundinq for the aforementioned program was made available by the Emergency Jobs 13i11 and carried the requirement that all work be completed by September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS, the next non -planning and zoning City Commission meeting was September 7, 1983, thereby preventing the award of contracts based on regular procurement procedures due to insufficient time to comply with work completion deadlines; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has made a written finding that a valid emergency need existed for the herein purchases in order to meet the Grant requirement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE II RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager's written finding that a valid emergency need existed for considering as emergency projects the herein tree and sod planting projects, funded, CITY COMMISSION MEE'riNc OF NOV16 1983 RESOLUTION NoS3@mm1( REMARKS. 0 Recreational Area DeveIopment Program. and h i s aut hor i 7at inn (3f emergency Purchases rnr ,nirj rfrnjects are herehy rat i Find by an nFFirmat i v P vote of not less than 4,'Sths of the rnemhers of the City Commission, Section 2. The City Manager's art ion in authorir_inq the Purchasinq agent to issue emergency purchase orders to Black Olive Nursery and t.andscapinq, Inc. For $53, 300 and to Grove Nursery, Inc. for $35, 545 at a total cost of' $88, 845, wi t h Funds therefor hereby allocated from SBA Park Development Funds, is hereby ratified, approved and r_onfirrned. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16tti day of November , 1983. Maurice A. Fer.re MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R ATTEST: c1- lam/ ��' • � � RAL G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ITY ATTORNEY -2- 83 -1022 -1�r , 0 -%CTICN CITY OF MIAMI• FLORIDA r f INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM -� =oward V. Gary DATE August 19, 1983 ME City Manage-- a Resolution Ratifying the Action SUBJECT Taken by the City Manager in Find- ing the Projects Funded by the Small Business Administration Parks and Re- �ipnal Area Development Program to be cgO.q Carl Kern F� an Emergency Director Agenda Item for September 7, 1983 Department of Parks ENCLOSURES City Commission Meeting "It is recommended that the City Commission ratify, approve and confirm by an affirmative vote of not less than four fifths (4/5) of its members the action taken by the City Manager in finding the tree and sod planting projects funded by the Small Business Administration Parks and Recreational Area Development Program to be an emergency; and in authorizing the use of emergency purchase procedures for the imple- mentation of said projects, in accordance with Ordinance No. 9572, adopted on February 10, 1983, which ordinance established procedures for emergency purchases." On July 18, 1983, by resolution No. 83-631, the City Commission accepted a $198,700 grant from the Small Business Administration Parks and Recreational Area Development Program which was funded by the Emergency Jobs Bill. One of the requirements of the grant is -.hat all work is to be completed by September 30, 1983. The time actually needed by the contractors to complete their projects exceeded the time available between the next Commission Meeting on September 7, 1983 and the deadline, thus the necessity for emergency action by the City Manager and the authorization to use emergency purchasing procedures to implement the projects. - You will recall that the City Commission was on vacation wher>✓the bids were received and no Commission meetings were scheduled *-- rucust, 1983. If we had waited to the first Commission meetitr'" in September, 1983, there would not have been sufficient time to . meet the September 30, 1983 completion deadline for constructi&n and the City would have lost the federal grant. C:K/SDcg 83-1022 0 9 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Manny Alvarez DATE August 29, 1983 FILE.1/ Special Assistant to the City Manager %, Carl Kern 6�l Director r2 Department of Parks SUBJECT Supplemental Material for Resolution Ratifying Action Taken in Authorizing Emergency Purchase Procedures for the SBA Park Development, Rcr e.14i— o. Project. ENCLOSURES Attached is a copy of the authorization to use emergency purchase procedures in awarding contracts for the Small Business Administration Park Development projects. The Parks Department requests that this information be added to the resolution which ratifies the City Manager's action in authorizing emergency purchase procedures for the tree and sod planting projects funded by the Small Business Administration Parks and Recreational Area Development Program. CK/SLM/cg Enclosure A, 63-1022 -� Howard V. Gary City Manager �RJM Carl Kerp, /ZDep,:�r,Em6nt 4b Director of Parks 0 dc.f✓c- CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: August 22, 1983 FILE SUBJECT Approval to Follow Emergency Purchase Procedures for Small Business Administration Park Development Projec REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES. The Department of Parks requests that emergency purchase procedures be followed in awarding contracts for the Small Business Adminis- tration Park Development Projects, to be ratified by the City Commission at their meeting on September 7, 1983, in accordance with Section 18-52 of the City Code. In early July 1983, the City was notified that it was eligible to receive funds in the amount of $198,728 for development projects in City parks from the Small Business Administration Parks and Recre- ational Area Development Program. On July 18, the City Commission by Resolution 83-631 accepted this grant which proposed landscaping and playground equipment improvements at 21 park sites arranged in 12 projects. This program carries the federally legislated require- ment that all work be completed by September 30, 1983. Bills to extend this deadline have failed in Congress. The planting and sod projects were advertised publicly and sealed bids were received and opened by the City Clerk's Office on August 12, 1983. The low bidder on seven of the projects was Black Olive Nursery and Landscaping, Inc., for a total of $53,300. The low bidder on the remaining five sites was Grove Nursery, Inc. for $35,545. It is significant to note that the Black Olive Nursery is a minority (black) owned firm. A bid tabulation is attached for your information. The playground equipment portion of the project will be advertised shortly, and handled on a separate basis. The contractors will require four (4) weeks to complete the tree and sod planting projects due to delivery time for sod (2 weeks) and the time period which some trees will have to be root pruned, a process requiring three (3) weeks. Due to the extremely short time period provided by the terms of the grant, and in order to avoid losing the funds, it is recommended that these projects be found to constitute an emergency, that their im-mediate purchase is essential to the convenience of the City, and that the Purchasing Division be directed to issue appropriate pur- chase orders to the lowest responsible and responsive bidders with 83-1022 11 Howard V. Gary August 22, 1983 subsequent ratification, per Section 18-52 of the City code. Specifically, if contracts are not awarded until the September 7 Ccm.•nission Meeting, the firms will not be able to complete the projects by the September 30 deadline, and the City will lose $198,700 worth of park and recreation improvements. APPROVED: Cesar Odio, Assistant City Manager CK/S&/pem Enclosure (Dis) Approved: 1 � 4k� Howard V . Gary City Man er 7 K 83-1022 r] 9 BID TABULATIQN 3i.d No. 82-83-112 Tree and Sod Planting Projects Bidder Project Grove T Nursery Bidder Celka Bidder Bert Newcomb 1 $ 5,509.00* No bid No bid 1 Alt. 4,495.00* No bid No bid 2 8,246.00* No bid No bid 3 8►675.00* 13,030.00 No bid 4 8,620.00* 13,662.00 No bid 5 8,953.00 No bid No bid 6 10,522.00 No bid No bid � 8,326.00 9,886.00 10,970.00 8 19,069.00 No bid No bid 9 8,295.00 No bid No bid 10 9,301.00 12,235.00 12,160.00 11 11,616.00 14,327.00 15,466.00 Totals $35,545.00 0 * Low bid SL:1/cg 8/17/33 Bidder Black Olive $ 6,160.00 6,500.00 10,050.00 9,700.00 9,260.00 7,730.00* 8,580.00* 5,070.00* 13,830.00* 7,460.00* 4,510.00* 6,120.00* $ 53,300.00 83-1022