HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09738AMENDMENT NO. TO ORDINANCE NO. 9534 ORDINANCE NO. 9738 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 95340 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE; AS AMENDED; BY ESTABLISHING A NEW ENTERPRISE FUND ENTITLED XXI. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND; BY ESTABLISHING DADE COUNTY OPTIONAL GAS TAXES AS A RESOURCE IN THIS LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $3000,000; AND BY APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OF $70,000 FROM DADE COUNTY OPTIONAL GAS TAXES TO ESTABLISH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF RIGHTS OF WAY AS PROJECT XXI.B.1. IN THE LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND; AND BY APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OF $3,030,000 FROM DADE COUNTY OPTIONAL GAS •TAXES TO ESTABLISH TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENTS AS PROJECT XXI.B.2. IN THE LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND DISPENSING WITH THE READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 9534 on December 91 1982, establishing resources and appropriations for the implementation of capital improvements in The City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Metropolitan Dade County, The City of Hialeah, and The City of Miami Beach to provide for the a distribution of the Dade County Optional Gas 'Tax as authorized by Resolution No. 83-552 of July 8, 1983; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish the resources for this fund; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works requires current aerial photographs of The City of Miami and its rights of way in order to plan and design various transportation system maintenance and improvements; and WHEREAS, these funds are restricted to use for transportation system maintenance and improvements to comply with Florida Statutes, Section 336.025(c); NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, as amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars:) "Section 1. The following appropriations hereby made by fund and project title include previously authorized projects and fund appropriations for implementation of all municipal capital improvements of -The City of Miami, Florida. The source of revenues to support the herein appropriations are hereby identified by fund and project: 1/ Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored works and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. 4 2 APPROPRIATION (in thousands of $) XXI. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND A. RESOURCES: from Dade County Options Gas Taxes 311.00.0 TOTAL RESOURCES 3,100.0 B. NEW PROJECTS: 1. Aerial Photography of Rights o� f Way 70_0 2. Transportation System Maintenance and Improvements 3,030.0 TOTAL APPROPRIATED 3,100.0" Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word in this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of public need for preservation of public health, safety and property of the City of Miami and upon the further ground of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its employees and officers, payment of its debts, necessary and required purchase of goods and supplies, and to generally carry on the functions and duties of municipal affairs. Section 5. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. W3- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day Of November 1983. • F'ettYe MAYOR ATTEST: APPR VED AS TO FORM & CORRECTNESS: • CITY CLERK JOSE_p CITY ATTORNEY PLANNING REVIEW: AO�7 MINTOF PLANNING FINANCE REVIEW: • rZl�fcc3 DEPAR ENT OF�FHECTOF— INANCE BUDGETARY REVIEW: �A A EPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET LEGA REVIEW: 7" Z-- le t I, Ralph G. Ongie, Clerk of t_hx City of Miami, Floridrt, hereby certi:y that on Oie.--5.......... i"y of ... P&ea i�.� A. D. I� -93 a full, true and co -ect copy of t„,; and forq!oinp ordin:mcc- was po! tEQd at :Iut !;otth i•'.;i of tlt . DaJ;. County Couit Jiu:;se at th,: pI :c: pro., for notic s anu pub`ications by attaching sai.i copy to tits plu•:, pruvi;led therefor, WITN''F'S'SS my hand and the official wal of City this... ........day .......... A. D. 19_. s' c' CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIOA 16 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Howard V. Gary DATE: October 22, 1983 me, City Manager SUBJECT: Amendment to Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance No. 9534- FROM: REFERENCES: (For Commission Meeting Donald W. Cather of November 10, 1983) Di ector_ of—P_Vb ic Works i i ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the attached Amendment to Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, as amended, be approved on an emergency basis to establish an enterprise fund entitled 11XXI Local Option Gas Tax Transportation Enterprise Fund" and to establish Resources and Appropriations within that fund. We are requesting that the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance No. 9534 be amended to establish an enterprise fund entitled 11XXI. Local Option Gas Tax, Transportation Enterprise Fund" in order to appropriate those revenues acquired from that source. We are asking that this amendment be accomplished on an emergency basis due to the fact that one of the projects to be appropriated (Aerial Photography of Rights -of -Way) needs to commence as soon as possible, and will require an appropriation in this fund. The background information on this project is included in a separate memorandum. This new enterprise fund will include a resource, Local Option Gas Taxes of $3,1000,000; and two new projects to be appropriated. The first of these two projects is the aforementioned Aerial Photography of Rights -of -Way with a requested appropriation of $70,000. The second, entitled "Transportation System Improvements and Maintenance" would include an appropriation of the balance of the resources, $3,030,000. Page 1 of 2 I =I Howard V. Gary October 22, 1983 Based on the State law that allowed the imposition of these taxes, the County Ordinance that imposed them, the Interlocal Agreement that provided for the distribution of the revenue and our estimate as to the amount of collections to be received, we foresee receiving revenues to this fund of $3,000,000 or more annually for the next five years. Also, these funds may only be utilized for certain specifically defined transportation expenditures as outlined by Florida Statue 336.025, a copy of which is attached. JHO:gc Page 2 of 2 ic (7) For the purposes of this section, "transportation expenditures" means expenditures by the local government from local or state shared revenue sources, excluding ex- penditures of bond proceeds, for the following programs; (a) Public transportation operations and maintenance. (b) Roadway and right-of-way maintenance and equipment. (c) Roadway and right-of-way drainage. (d) Streetlighting. (e) Traffic signs, traffic engineering, signalization, and pavement markings. (f) Bridge maintenace and operation. (g) Debt service and current expenditures for transpor- tation capital projects in the above program areas, including construction or reconstruction of roads. 0 MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holiday* Miami, Dade County, Florida. - STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE, Before 11he wWwsloned wUwdty personally pp - blanne Shww, who on oath says 09 she Is dw Assistant to the PuMMmofthe Milani Rowlemand Daily Rsno addly (wo pI Salsonlay. Stawley and Leo Holldoys) nwwaiwimr, KONeW at Mind In Deft County, FWft that to sftschad L'om of edmilsmont, beloilelslialAdvertlewnentorNodw In the niann of CITY OF MIAMI Re: ORDINANCE NO. 9738 In the ......... X . X . X ........................ Court. me published In mak! nrospapor In the bows of Nov. 22, 1983 4 further as" that the said 11114W :dnw= P"UNId iwat=kw"hleme as one ono not proprorer w am an or q N 1, uon satdwoomm =00mmewon qr= for ft "wpoes, of "wrinil no pofts" in ow am nswo11w %bh, 140 roe th Is 83 at LWQI city aft MIAMI, .. , I I - I bAbil tftftv, Pi OMOA LOCAL 1116"Ok All Interested will take notice that on the i8th dky'bf N&W'ber, 1983, the City Commission of Miami, Florida fidoi0t6d1hi titled 6MIninces: OA15INAWt No. 9736 AN EMERGENCY 006INANCE AMENDING MINANdW OU, ADOPTED 0EtEMqtR 9, Iggg TAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATION OADINANU AS AMENDED: BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS-r6hibit, MARTI PHASE I IN THE AMOUNT OF $260 ft- AND404t MARTI PHASE 11 IN THE AMOUNT OF SRZ FROM ikir-L 1972 PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACIMES GENERAL 013U- GATION BOND FUND BALANCE; CONTAIMT40 A4190tALak- PROVISION'ANDASEMABILIYI�CCAU6t. `­ !- I'tl- I.. ORDINANCE NO. 9737 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO, 9W ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29,1983, THEANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER W, 1984, AS AMENDED BY.. EZOWBLISHING A, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND -ENTITLED, "LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MAIN- TENANCE AND IMPROVEMENTS" FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN FISCAL YEAM'1983.84 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVID4 ING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,100,000 FOR SPECIFI- CALLY DEFINED TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS AS OUTLINED IN FLORIDA,STATUTE 336.025(c), REVENUES, IN A LIKE." AMOUNT ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE DADE COUNTY LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX; AND CAN BE ALLOCATED TO THE CITY, THROUGH, AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH METRO-: POLITAN DADE COUNTY, THE CITY OF HIALEAH AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AS AUTHORIZED:BY RESOLUTION NO. `83-652, ADOPTED JULY 18, 1983; CONTAINING, REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 9738 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO: 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPI.. TAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE; AS., -AMENDED! BY ESTABLISHING A NEW ENTEIRPME:FUND.. ENTITLED XXI: LOCAL OPTION GAS tAX'TRANi;pfiRTA TION ENTERPRISE FUND, BY ESTABLISHING DADE COUNTY OPTIONAL GAS TAXES AS A RESOURCE IN THIS LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION :ENTERPRISEFUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,100,000; AND BY APPROPRIATINIG,--`' . AN AMOUNT OF 370,000 FROWDADE COUNTY OPTIONAL, ..i GAS TAXES TO ESTABLISH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF. -RIGHTS OF WAY AS PROJECT XXIAL11 * 'IN THE LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND; AND BY- _-APPROPAIATING.AN AMOUNT OF S3,030.000TROMDADE1 COUINTY'OPTIONAL GAS -TAXES TO ESTABLISH TRANSt.%.: " ' PORTATION SYSTE14, MAINTENANCE -AND IMPROVEMENTS -:XXI.B.2r IN THE LOCAL OPTION--GAS.rTAX,;;%-, AS :PROJECT: TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISE FUND.; CONTAINING,A' REPEALEA PROV1S10NAND;A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE,; AND— DECLARING-ANIEMERC3ENCY.ANO.DISP.ENSWO.WITH'T"F.,.;,,,i. READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS _BY A-_-VOTE°01F, NOT LESSyTHAN FOUR -FIFTH$, OF ITHE COMMISSION ,i4DRI)INANCEN0. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE cjkqAr Amgn=n n=r%.wuncn a dooft- 'rLJC AMMUtW, MY AFFMFMA'"N(A I FOR LAND'ACOU151TION-AND'A ItENTAV N AFFORDABLE: HOUSIl ANTICIPATED SAtr,OF1 97111 , z .00, IN BON06g7 0 INIING:A-01 URASIL 4ZSE, SJE -" ORDINANCE # A Ac t-VOININANCE N ORDINANCE NO..9741 AN ORDINANCEESTABLISHING ANEW ZPECIAL4REVE•i NUE FUND- ENTITLED:' "PRE-5CH0©L:.Pf10QRAM"=ANQ` APPROPRIATING. FUNDS FOR>ITS OPERATION 1K?THE AMOUNT OF_$120,30Q COMPOSER_OF.REVENUE bdLI , LECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEE4,ANRrDESIQCIATEP FOOD REIMBURSEMWTS' FROM, THE.UN.1TES0ATAXEB; DEPARTMENT Or AGRICULTURE. FOOD PROGRAM. DUR- • LNG FISCAL YEAR 198384, CONTAINING:A REPEALER'PROW SION AND A'SEVERABIL'ITY CLAUSE.,�u ; ORDINANCE NO 9742 AN ORDINANCE, AMENOING,'SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO, 9884 ADOPTER SEPTEMBER 29,,1983 .THE ANNUAL m9T7llvv%j"l;mrrvI DvCGfAwp.v r.Val civiv'IVvvvn,%`fvv s'•a THE CITIZEN RESPONSE CENTER AND OPERATE THE INFO R MAT16N.VAN, SERVING AS A LIAISON WITH:THE HAI-TIAN. COMMUNITY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE No. 9743 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVE- NUE FUND ENTITLED "PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND" FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AN ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE PRIVATE DONATIONS FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. ORDINANCE NO.9744 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ENTITLED 'GARBAGE AND TRASH" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SUBSEC- TIONS (b) AND (c) OF SECTION 22.13 THEREOF, ENTITLED "WASTE FEE TO CONSTITUTE SPECIAL. ASSESSMENT LIEN$ AGAINST ALL IMPROVED REAL.. PROPERTY", PROVIDING THAT ALL WASTE FEES DUE AND UNPAIQ FOR THE PERIOD FROM MARCH 1, 100 UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1981 CQNSTL TUTE SPECIAL A$$E$SMENT. LIEN&; ANR 41EMNQ F ATH THE REQUIREMENT$ FOR PERFEOTING 41Q1 WgN% EIJ,R THER AUTHOR)zINCa THE QEPARTMEN'( QF SQLID,IA 4TE TO VERIFY THE AMQUNT.Of WAUE FEES DUE, w ANY, UPON ANY FARQE.I OF REAL- PROPERTY; CI %TAiNIN; REPEAL -ER PRQvISI?N ANC A &1/1-ITY , . ftAiOPIi.O. ? CIE