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J-83-943 Amendment No. f6o ordinance No. 9534 ORDINANCE NO. 9756 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIA- TION ORDINANCE; AS AMENDED; INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR SELECTED ONGOING CAPITAL PROJECTS AND ESTABLISHING APPRO- PRIATIONS FOR NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TO BEGIN DURING FISCAL YEAR 1983-84; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 9534 on December 9, 1982 establishing resources and appropriations for the implementation of capital improvements in the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 78-712, adopted by the City Commission on November 9, 1978, authorized the Planning Department to review and update the Capital Improvement Program annually; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2-136 of the Miami City Code (1980) the Planning Department has prepared and submitted to the City Commission a Capital Improvement Program, that identifies the sources of funding of all proposed capital projects valued at $20,000 or more for the program period 1983-1989; and WHEREAS, the administration has abstracted certain projects proposed to be undertaken in fiscal year 1983-84 with General Obligation Bond Funds, Enterprise Funds Retained Earnings, Capital Improvement Funds that include Florida Power and Light Company Franchise Revenues, and with some federal funds, as required by Sections 30 and 34 of the Miami City Charter, and included them in this proposed amendment to the existing appropriations ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Capital Improvement Program 1983-1989 has been reviewed and, in some cases, ongoing capital project totals have been revised and respective appropriations increased in this ordinance; and WHEREAS, this ordinance includes new capital projects scheduled to begin during fiscal year 1983-84 and appropriates the project funding totals; and WHEREAS, provisions have been duly made by the City Commission for a Public Hearing on the proposed City of Miami Captial Improvement Program 1983- 1989 before the Commission and said Hearing thereon has been held; and Whereas, the City Commission has reviewed the City of Miami Capital Improvement Program 1983-1989 and Capital Budget 1983-1984 and has approved. appropriations as herein set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section I., Section 1 of ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 19820 as 1 amended, is hereby amended in the�foliowing.particulars: "Section 1. The following appropriations hereby made by fund and project title include previously authorized projects and fund appropriations for implementation of all municipal capital improvements of the City of Miami, Florida. The source of revenues to support the herein appropriations are hereby identified by fund and project: Appropriation (in thousands of $) I. 1970 Pollution Control and Incinerator Facilities General Obligation Bond Fund A. Resources: from Fund Balance -76:3- 195.3 TOTAL RESOURCES -764- 195.3 _ C. New Projects: 2. Solid Waste Mobile - Radio System 303014) 120.0 TOTAL APPROPRIATED -76:9- 195.3 IV. 1975, 1976 and 1980 Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund A. Resources: room a -Transfer from Item lnticipate on Sae 500.0 TOTAL RESOURCES 14,868.6 Q. Continued'Projects: 10. West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment - Phase II (302050) (Transferred from Item XX.B.)J 600.0 Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. =2- Appropriation (in thousands of $) TOTAL APPROPRIATED -44v368t6- 149,868.6 V. 1970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Pund A. Resources: from d Balance 14,627.E TOTAL RESOURCES 41v864:6- 140627.6 B. Continued Projects: 4. Orange Bowl Pumps Station Modifications (301043) -8A-9- 100.0 5. Local Drainage Projects (301034) -I1219:9- 2,010.9 C. New Projects: 7. West End Storm Sewers- Phase II (301064) -25979- 600.0 -8r-West-Eed-Stepm- -Sewers--Rhase-11I --E39�966�1- -369-9- 12. Manor Storm Sewers 301068 360.0 13. Alia attah Industrial Area 5 reet improvements- 301069 (Transferred to Item • i 300.0 14.'East Little Havana'Street Im rovements - Phase I 30 0 rans�rred to Item * IX: C.'J l l .' (b)) 600.0 15'. Design Plaza Street Improvements i ) (Transferredo 11:em 100.0 - 16. Overtown Street Im rove - men s - Phase TT—ransferred to Item • 150.0 17. SW 16th Street Improve- ments' (301073) _ TTF—ansfermd to Item • • 433.0 TOTAL. APPROPRIATE© -44t864:6- 14;627.6 r �� �o= fi_ y n IX. Capital Improvement Fund A. Resources: from 1970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund Balance from U.S. Department of the Interior Land and Water Conservation Fund from Miley Property Rent from State of Florida Boating Improvement Fund from 1980 Hi hwa General - Obligation Bond Fund Balance from FY 1984 Florida Power ana Light Franchise evenues TOTAL RESOURCES-47T638:4- B. Continued Projects: (i) Projects Funded with Multiple Sources of Revenue: 7. Jose Marti Riverfront Park - Phase II (350101) (c) $352.8 - U.S. Department of the `Inter o Land and Water Conservation Fund 16. Coconut Grove Exhibition Center - Additional` Work (350033) (A) $30; 0 FY ' 1984` Fl on da P0W6 ^ "and 'L b * Franc ise eve ues 17. Downtown Comonent of Metro - rail (350Q34 -Is288r8- -2;b66:9- Appropriation (in thousand of $) 5.469.1 1,074.5 251.0 .W O 3,517.0 6,418.8 59,684.0 1 ,172.3 n 1,230.0 3.612.9 _4�. (c) $1s007.9- FY 1984 -`For. , a ow`r and Llght,FranChise Revenues 25. City of Miami/University of Miami - James L. Knight International Center and Parking Garage (350103) (c) $3, 998..2 - M 1984 on a . gwer .an tig evenues. (Transferred to Item (ii) Projects Funded with Single Sources of Revenue: 5. Acquisition of Miley Property (350019) (a) $426:9 -242.0 - Miley Property—ent 24. Government Center Parking Garage (351112) $1,382.7 - FY 1984 Florida Power an Light ranc ise Revenues ransferred to Item C. New Projects: (i) Projects Funded with Multiple Sources of Revenue: 10. Allapattah-Industrial .Area reef mproyements- P ase1 51113) a . - Highway General a ion Bond Fund Balance ITransferred from Item (. (. B. I . (b) $300.0-1970 and 1978 Appropriation (in thousands of $) -43289-9- 8,207.2 242.0 29*016.6 900.0 Appropriation (in thousands of $) (b) $600.0 - 1970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General at onl6nd Fun7 al ance rf-`an rreir -from em_ 12. Design Plaza Street Improve- ments 35 115 600.0 a 500.0 - 1980 Highway General 1 aton and Tund Balance ftans erred rom I tem (b) $100.0 - 1970 and 1978 form Sewer. GeneraI Obligation Bond Fund Wake (Transferred`i from item 13. Overtown Street Improvements - ase I 351116 500.0 a - 190 Highway General Obligation Bond 1152MM1XIM from Item V.C.16.) 14. SW 16th Street Improvements 3l, 00.0 a 8 .0 - 1980 Highway General —05l i ati on fond Fund Balance (Transferred rom em (ii) Projects Funded with Single Sources of Revenue: 7. Marine Boatramp Improve- 60.0 ments 350107 (a) , fate of Florida —"coating improvement Mund TOTAL APPROPRIATED-47=63574- 59,684.0 X. James L. Knight Convention Center Enterprise Fund A. Resources: from Capital Improvement Fund, FY 1984or a ower an�igrant ise avenues TTranSfe-r:red"'— TOTAL RESOURCES -72r sr8T 76 -6- -.i B. Continued Projects: 1. City of Miami/University of Miami- James L. Knight International Center and Parking Garage (420001, 420002 - Garage) TOTAL APPROPRIATED XII. Government Center Parking Garage Enterprise Fund A. Resources: from a ital Improvement Tu-nd, FY 1984on a Power and Light Franchise Revenues (Transferred rom em iT}Z2F.-(b) TOTAL RESOURCES B. Continued Projects: 1. Government Center Parking Garage (425002) TOTAL APPROPRIATED XIV. Miamarina Enterprise Fund A. Resources: Miamarina Retained Earnings TOTAL RESOURCES B. Continued Projects: 1. Miamarina and Watson Island Marinas - Ma or Maintenance (413003� C. New Projects: _ 1. Riverfront Marinas n ancement 413004) TOTAL APPROPRIATED XIX. 1980 Highway General Obligation - Bond Fund A. Resources: ram Sale of Bonds TOTAL RESOURCES B. New Projects; T I. A11apattah Industrial Area St'reet Imp0byeffi6hts ) "*srred to item . . ) ,a -14 s833=9- -I4;833:9- -83-8- -83rfi- -6gr8- -69s8- Appropriation (in thousands of $) 76,679.1 76 J76. 2 1,382.7 12,416.6 186.5 186.5 146.5 40.0 186.5 600.0 E 2. East Little Havana Street Improvements - Phase 1 (31�5�Qp5) ,(Transferrdto Item a 3. Design Plaza Street m rovements 315006 (Transferredo em i a 4. Overtown Street Improvements Phase 3l 07) (Transferred to Item IX.C. .a 5. SW 16th Street Improvements 315008(Tr ans erre to Item I . C. a 6. Allapattah Industrial Area Street Improvements - Phase II 315009 7. Edison Street Improvements 315Q10 8. Rebuild Sidewalks and Scree s 3 5003 9. Citywide Paving Improvements 3 5004 TOTAL RESOURCES XX. 1980 Sanitar Sewer General Obligation_Bond Fund A. Resources: --�` fro'^ m Anticipated Bond Sales from a Transfer to Item N.A., Anticipatea BondSales TOTAL RESOURCES: B. Continued Projects: 1. West Fla l� er Street Sanitary ewer Improvement - ase t1ransferred to Item�Iii.B.TO.) C. New Projects: 1. Citywide Sanitary Sewer —'Extensions Improvement 2. Citywide San_i_t_a_U_Sewer Lateral Mod1fic ions (3140031 3. Fla l er Sanitary Sewer -"'-mprovemen . 4. Winona Sanitar Sewer —Im rovemen (' 4�T TOTAL APPROPRIATED -8- -5A;A- Appropriation (in thousands of $� 19200.0 500.0 350.0 867.0 50.0 50.0 500.0 250.0 4,367.0 7,485.0 500.0 7,985.0 500.0 500.0 25.0 3,700.0 n 19 Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, insofar as they are in conflict, are hereby repealed. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 27th day of October. , 1983. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 18h day of November , 1983. ATTEST: PLANNING REVIEW: .mom P NG DEPARTMENT FINANCE REVIEW: rLls(e3 FINAACt DIRECTOR BUDGETARY REVIEW: ' '-MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET D PARTMENT LEGAL REVIEW: Z, , Y.- &M0 0 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: / 1 CITY ATTORNEY -9- Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE M A Y O R 1, Ralph G. Onbie, Clerk of he City of Miami, Florid t, hereby certify that on the..o5t�..........day of...od/rl b,444 ?l A. D. 19..., a full, true and, ,porrect copy of the above and foregoing ordinance was 'posted at the South Door of the Dade County Court douse at the place provided for notices and publications by attaching said copy to the place provided therefor. WITNE'S my hand and the official ,5c4l ,of said City this...: of.... A. D. 19.,1,, . .• City Clork H it TO: Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM: er r gUBZ, Director n5ning Department CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: October 12, 1983 PILE: . SUISJECT: Emergency Appropriations Ordinance: 1983-84 Capital Budget, Amending Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinance No. 9534 REFERENCES: Agenda Item for City Commission ENCLOSURES: Meeting of October 27, 1983 (companion CIP resolution) It is recommended that the attached amendment to the existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance ?To . 9534, adopted ' T;1982, as amended, be approved as an emergency measure to appropriate funds for the 1983-84 Ca i__ta___ Bt�u e_t establishing new cap to improvement projects to begin during Fiscal Year 1983-84 and increasing appropriations to continue certain previously approved capital improvement projects. In a companion item to this appropriation ordinance, the City Commission is being asked to consider approval, in principal, of the City of Miami Capital Improvement Program 1983-1989 and Capital Budget 1983-1984. The attached amendment to the existing Capital Improvements•Appropriations Ordinance appropriates funds for the 1983-84 Capital Budget. New capital improvement projects are established to begin during Fiscal Year 1983-84. Appropriations have been increased to continue certain previously approved capital.projects. The majority of the projects in this appropriations ordinance are funded by City general obligation bond funds and the Capital Improvement Fund, - The Department of Management and Budget estimates that there is $6,535,777 available in the Capital Improvement Fund during FY 1,984, comprised of FP&L Franchise Revenues and payments to Fund Balance, after the transfer to the General Fund to support the FY 1983 Operating Budget is made. The following list of projects is recommended for funding during FY 1984 from the .Capital Improvement Fund and are further described in the attachment. Capital Improvement Fund: 'FY'1984 Project .- Recommended Funding Aquisition of Miley Property 1179000 Miami Convention Center 3,�9Q$,218 - Downtown Component of Metrorail - 1 `QQ7,882 Downtown Government Center Parking Garage 1 382,677 Coconut Grove Exhibition Center - Construction of Restroom Facilities 30,000, y NS TOTAL ,53,77 Li x ,ter 6 4 ..._ ... W.,. _ - y - Ax� t t *04 i Howard V. Gary October 12, 1983 City Manager It is requested that the attached emergency ordinance be scheduled on the City Commission meeting of October 27, 1983 as a companion item to the Capital Improvement Program Resolution so that City departments may proceed with capital projects expeditiously. SR:AW:dr ATTACHMENT '• ATTACHMENT , . i 3 - !,,3iis ' � r . ♦ 3 , : 3 i i PURPOSE AND BENEFITS OF PROJECTS • FUNDED FROM THE CAPITAL. IMPROVEMENT -FUND � '! This section provides a short narrative explanation of the purpose and presumed bene- fits of the projects proposed• to be funded a- LJ from -the Capital Improvement Fund, primarily the Florida Power and Light Franchise Revenues. -.: Project Title Purpose and Benefit's Acquisition of Miley Property (8055) Implements the purchase of the Miley Property on Dinner Key as authorized in City Commission Resolution No. 78-434. ?� Miami Convention Cen�. ter (7034) ' Provides additional funds to offset an initial 1 operating: deficit at the Convention Center. Downtown Component of Metrorail (7031) Provides the City's'funding portion of the projected: cost a of the Downtown Component of Metrorail that will inte interface with the Metrorail rapid transit system. t __ • Government Center Parking Garage,(8071) Provides additional funds to offset an operating deficit at the newly constructed parking garage. Coconut Grove Exhibition Center-- Construction of•Restroom Facilities (8080) ' Provides funding to construct restroom facilities in the West Courtyard Extension of the Exhibition Center. r A . MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily egal HSaturday, Sunday and Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. _ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Bstore the undwsigned authority personally aPP*sf*d of Leg VV .who on Oath of the Miami Raviwn and Daow 00 Is dw �Record, a of Legal Ad Sat Saturday, Hoiidaye) newsP@Iw, pul shad at , Sut+dafl ,F flat the attached prrblislnd al AAiatrd M Dada Comb. Florida; t of Notice copy of edvwusw en% being a La9al AdaMisennn in tin matter of CITY OF MIAMI Re. ORDINANCE NO. 9756 IntM ........ X . X . X ......................... Court, was published in add newspaper In the Issues of Nov. 28, 1983 and Daily A county. or@ boon "ch day offke In one Vw 2aith..qV..• • •a= A.D. 10r1... v B \' Dun StuW Of Florida et Larpa (SEAL) //�►t�nntRi�itVt` ��� My Commission expires Aug. 23, 19Efi. t ot� of fiohcii�t lAl ii< fvf3 '' tl� 1 ! of (an an is vit1!'Atu6�!Ifttai arl Edlit' ppl- t�t9 -; gtfHB�f:fs�d-: 73 ltiat Fltgaax onsida t fhe tpbiicr►f:iona V" "IOU tf?f�.. p�r�ii+g lift! tTsaA► viiiitwA iEtat t1 dt3 Hg sguittions find �tatria+tcas ; , im af:sa r►f fJadr Cbtlittyt atiil 1 biilttlAtft i' iit . bAi h - `; ,.; „ „�. t. ty, ' '!ht zsetf. _ ,i1;1 ►i�l+lit;afrio�; to:. itipesa t ft nidttal .t is�it a ttittt =,- k3 a. "qb taL€: this ►li ntststtAiWi+id td tot Tht tsi !thf4 A rth ;he Coda bz , H6tid0clitan rub je4t to fiviev by : tbs pu>Fpcd+# elc3.9 t info' hr�dt Eii1± t c it foeo ba , appa ta t .pliri�bat rithiri 14 daytt ift the totAi bf'i� ptb�itrl f� t and zodinfff DatotrtmAt. (2) NON. -USE VARI.INCB OF ,OVE?tBER 9, 1983 :Towf.thin. THIS 4 , the afbrementbiled pintfi r► Depirtment• S'UB.fECT 4,R0Py-RTT1 1bt9 16' �wingi iiaok lf;`i�igo 33. VAR1,1 a . AE SUBDIV.SLON. 'LOCATION ' 21. S+W. ll+le r# )tic street or .road and itreet: to waive same, to family residence r to .be THE: ViLLOW140--liEARINC tr1AS 1)H a proposed lot with=the SATE. ; 7 lereon to be.setved>by an HEaRI:1G NO.. APPLICANT:. I iTERLubG$ COiilfC�i pernit the aforementioned 2sidence` thereon u{th a (1) USE VARLANC11 tP pe ti zpne as, iiould b�& {►ecm the font inued use Of. an t �) NON USE Vi\It1A�IC Dl€ -re w, `the 9 rom .ired) with a > >�onkd$a A - b.53',.(2.V required); _rom , 11SE VALt A�tC�� Uepar.ment entitled Jr.. dated- last f'evised' ` i . 1►lans ;area• Ei1e and tday ,be °•,r or`Anterlgdge € Zn1=r as 14, 1983, con`siatirilpL 3?� of .the 5W 4 di the being more ,part{cularly SUBJECT.VRQPE)LTY " � �ukE`EDgD PLAT _Og ,E`liitAflw')R,1s�'. h s�ut3� 6b g�►, :Ebllowr ra 4 :tip ht of -Way line of N:+ From the i39rt ep� --%��Q laid vully x o;-way4a Rape !k,�Jauttt «;; nce ri n S'ri./Lj a1Qn8 the I �W/1Y ,right-ztY,rte d ..the Rivt-�ba- ,ugh, a : de Xp any}. is oni $'a rf Itbi3tt�� dint .bf bs$ianipg. `,sad. Tatgihm3ca;k i or said citcuiar curvo; whiia paxaflrb run south ^t2.J2' --. Cen[er• As ntionb¢ Is of IV MR 1116 tit* 60 MAN boll ei!`umI M�1�ii�1l All Interested Will take 1161106 NM Oft II1la: lSth 1983, the City Co#hffitsbiaii Of Mittmli iRdt)tlil lISt9 tS Lltf titled 6rdindheas: bA61NAND 01 AN EMERGENCY ORDINAN0 rVi ii�tii�a ► FOR Nt.DOWNTOWN•OEVPLCifSiul Ni ► �. ,�, MAY t1l SHALL OF THE _CITY O% M)AMJ ANY SECTION, CLAUSE DECLARED UNCONSTITU T14F REMAINING PROVIS MIAMI REVIEW ORDINA AND DAILY RECORD AN ORDINANCE Aiw NI Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and ORDINANCE NO. SM01 TP Legal Holidays CITY OF MIAMI, FLORibi Miami, Dade County, Florida CLASSIFICATION OF A NOi�'I'HWEST 64TH StAt STATE OF FLORIDA -= 1939E NORTHWEST-12 COUNTY OF DADE: (MORE PARTICULARLY DSI Before the undersigned authority personally appeared PLANNED DEVELOPMEIN SI Sookb NIBMams, who an oath says that she Is the VIN Preefderd FR DI GIS; A iCIAI• ., Mi of Legal Advertising of the Mland Review and Daily Record, a FINDINGS; ,AND pY M/ delly (except Saturday, Sunday artd Legal H~) newspaper, CHANGES 'ON, PAGE NC puMh*W at MWW In Dade County, Florida; that the attached MADE A PART'OF ORDIN4 copy of advertleement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice AND DESCRIPTION WAN In the matter of CONTAINING A REP] CITY OF MIAMI SEVERABILITY "Ut;I . Re: ORDINANCE NO. 9756 ORDINA AN ORDINANCE- AM9kl ORDINANCE. NO.9500, Th amOF.'MiAMI, l:LC)Riiy� In the ........ X . X . X ......................... Court. CLASSi1=1CATiON O1 was published in said newspaper In the Issues of SOUTHWEST•X ERF PARTICULARLYV,.b -ESCR Nov. 28, 1983 GENIERALAESIDENTiAL:JC COMMLERC:IAL i�ESll)�11 FINDINGS,. AND BY'`Ml CHANGEF16N PAGE; NC MADE �4 PARTtC1i=0 .u1N, Affls turtle- says that the said f rd In Review and Daily ANDiDESCRIPTiON d 1-9 Raootd b a putrlhirad at MbrM M said Dada County, - Florida, and that saW nawapapar has heretofore been C O N TAI N I N G A A EP I continuously published in sold Dada , Florida, each day SEVERABILITY CLADS (axpPt 6aturday, Sunday and Lpol Hol ► and has been arra-sd ee aaoond class mace matter post office In Mlarol iv said Dade County. Florida, for a parfod of aM year OID NA rext the first publication of the attached of AN ORDI�IAN- AAA��ti and asti turthsr says. det aha ha ni the- ORDINANCE iJ0 9D T Paid mar any parson, fine at aorporstbn any discount, or /pr gropes of securing this CITY QF MIAMI, FLOiiID, for 1� nwsPapa► CLA$SIFlRiATTC`!,'C3F 11 STREET ``����,' # �® '• (� _before ma thisMA CHAtGES3 *PAti $ $th.. •... v... � . * .i „A.D. 103... D) A# 2P NNNNNN U B -"CON I ' a ' • • ... • • D 6tuYaf t N,.� 'r -'A ��MetMiL'I+ubYep6of Florida at Large ;'' ,,� (SEAL) ., '�Ay�f►nuntttt�t�� AN My Commission axpires Aug, M 1966. ,0Ap1.[+1A! 0 e4 TONAL, IT SHALL NOT AFFECT Dy$ OF T #�RpiNAC; f ca NO. ING .THt EbNiNC#; 1 I:Ax is BONING 6 ROINAIdirE't'3Ftr , i» t#Y CHANt31NG tH �ON�NG PROXIMATELY 11tl0 =1;Si1 ANb APAA0111MAi`El�f i 'H ,AVENUt,-MiA1M,L t=i:ORMQAi CRf9EO HEAMN) OMI rHI+aHWAY COMME4�IAt" FD , ,ENTLAL (COMf(tO , M' ING KING ,ALL.:THV _t E#a$A iY z 17._ OF 5A10 kONIN(i �►ttAS NCE NO. II 00, WAEfERL,NCE CL:E % SEC, Z14-i EIiE 7Fi i ALER •PROVISIOJI AMA,& A �Y za � rt �r 0 Argo CITY. �CLAS '.$TFIE STRE - D EIJI! -RE NORTHEAST 51ST STREET. STREe'r � .,.MIAMI, FLORI DESCRIOED HEREIN)'- F PETACKEQRAPQ.ENTI SECTION .340,TRERE PROVISION AND A OF AN ORDINANCE AmEi NO;: ..MIAMIv'-FI.9FlIQA, P, ORDINANCE 914TITLEE DISTRICTS,' MORE'N L,12V T; ,I f LASTO• nCMIAM4 A REPEAL um ing ! I AN OqPIj gals. ORPINANI ers,; CITY OF 0 AVENUE ,, he FLORIPA, FROM R P114TRICT, DISTRICT; 4'� &1a"AI 983 -AT Mj EiEFERENI AND 404, AN ORDINANCE XTY CLAUSE. NO, I)TW"'.. 'HE TEXT -OF'' q OPPINANrW" ORDINANCE NO, 870, .!E AMFNPiNQ THE -4 950, THE ZQNINQ OR NO:-4634, };ORDINANCE NO 9757 C :OFTH E 9.15VAM(1f. QR)Dt,"; BYA MENbING*ARTICLW.2D OF -0 ol N I XLED �NSR AN i - ON& 4Y4AM LATI 040415AA* U, M114. cil"gooduLv to r.HANGE' HE DEFINRION *A0NTlAR0,BA$EO,ON THE RED SDWIDTH A dENTMATERWAY, 2068.7 TO. PROVIDE THAT, RV, EL ORMENr, Ift WATERFRONT' YARDS SHALL SE : fojg$lftLf 6Y-4LAS4-.06PECIAL PERMITS SUBJECV, T REM QQIR MEOT4,L1 - ITATIONS AND, E*CEPTI N" UM'10 FOOT MEASUREMENT MgpQILINE, LONGOhESIDEOF Lt LQ!00 IT 181 iTRIANG M= W AND 201.Z TO PROVIDE _0 A FAOM`EXTERIQRWINDOWS, 2017,41 ,0 EMEAt TO V-!D- F-JHA'r` BACKING A- VEHICLE INTO A PUBLIC'., ALLEY:IS'PERMISSI'LE: BY CLASS c SPECIAL PERMIT TO PROVIDE THAT M 84:94 HOMES MAY' RE'UTILIZED FOR TEMPORARY . fP)o OR:OTHER PURPOSES SUBJECT TO A CLASS 8 ;j L ARAIT, 2034.3,79 PROVIDE THAT, PERTAINING 9PTIFICAfE OF.use, NEW OWNERSHIP SHALL, -APPROVED,'BY CLASS 8 SPECIAL PERMIT; .BY � -A-41*01146 ARTICLE 21 ENTITLED -NONCONFORMITIES" 2103.3 AND 2104.6 TO 1i�-�WARLIFY Jkfi: TIME PERIOD PERTAINING TO IsCONTiNUANCF- OF A NONCONFORMING USE; BY "NOING ARTICLE 23 ENTITLED "SPECIAL` PERMITS; ERALLY EtHBY, AMENDING SUBSECTION 2301.6 TO CrLARIEY. PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR VARIANCES PROCESSED UNDER A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT: �VRTHEI;t, AMENDING SAID ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY MENDING THE OFFICIAL SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT 'REGV.ATIONS MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3 BY rAMRO-3 PRINCIPAL USES AND ffijt4q, PAGE 3, 0_1 fgfRNCF ,? '4 - 00 - , UOTUPW -f-71A, -L'AQlENT%-.TO- _L��B-AND'TRAVF CA a I %f.. MV AUI:?JnIN RAGES. CBD-1. SPORT VETERINARY OR PASSEN PRMITTED 5 AND STRUCTURES, BY 6q,LET, ING CG-1 TING IN LIEU THEREOF CR-3 AS THE STRICT, DELETING REPAIR GARAGES NAS, FRONTONS, RACE TRACKS: CILITIES AND PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES Ft VANS FROM THE LIST OF USES NOT 'HE DISTRICT; BY ADDING 11408 PRINTING' PUBLISHING AND THE LIKE' AS BEING ENIERALI,Y, AND DELETING CG-1, AND 119U THEREOF, OR AS THE REFERENCE R LIMITATIONS ON U-6gsj FURTHER, 1AGE1, PR,- PRINCIPAL USES AND Ry PROVIDING FOR "ACTIVITIES WHICH op AL WF-R, PRINCIPAL p(jRPC*E%l' AND jf,TI)RF,i BY ADDING "RIETAILSPECIALITY f .j;p USk, CONTAINING P A AM6ft9j.MIXONA REPEALER TY CLAUSE" RALPH G. ON4319 CITY CLERK r �.ITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 0112825M Afth OF ` ME City OF MIAMI, FLbI lbk 4: COMME-ACIAL ARIA HEt ItAC3E LAY DIMOMD Ift "SALVATION )+bA W At APPAOXIMAMY 40 ITOEET, MOM .PAI�MILANLY AAKINdI F1�1tW1`, A MY MAKM , V CHAN61 iiN . 0 N6 M ho BI41TY�l1 WtUM �" WON id- 'lieiHNl}AtL �ON►Nt4i�ii�AN� I13���'I�IL DYhiANlytHtSNIN13 $_> MY ?i242�9 Vit1:St i Wd ST,001 'AM i1U � Mt '16 dl`14 _Iv6MMENCIALv .�Ati .y1I MAXIMd 'MbIN08- AWI) i. Anl'4:A'S :�MAOir' �►;,`PAiii�` tip ;., , EftAMOI= AND bdWhiftoN 01 tFli=At0P- VbNTAINIhG A `.. b A 6Vt . 1 j ' L1,USE 'ROXIMATELY 2939.2999 MIAMI, FLOAIDA, (MOMS i tAFIN) FROM FD-H&? T-HI,GAWAY TO_:Ca=21i jbOMMUN`1TY); MAKINd G='ALL'THE;14 0MARY OF `SAID TONING .ATLAS'. NOS g500, BY REFERENCE 3, SECTION At THEREOF, CWPAOVISFON':AND A , - Nb`�756 Iv :ik WNiNo ATLAS' OF �NINQ OfibINANCE'OFtHE '. 1�.GhIANt3ING.TNE ZONINti , .. .ROXIMAfE :Y UW2298'1 IE'ANO APPIXIMAiELY : . T APAC'E-AIAM1, 'IORIGA IMED H�RElN).i= idLHWAY.:COMMERCIAL ' iTIAl '(CtIirIN1UNiTY), MAKING W`. ALL THE- :NI:CE8 ARY :..t 2 O ING ATLAS E t!10.95D0, HY REENCE 3, SECTGiN'+IEREOF, EfI;'pRQY��lON AND A .,. IOrtaANCE NO.953A, <; EX15TiN6 ,CA '. AL ., Ri/4TON pf�DIAlt opfu -ions NANCE, AS Al#�TL 0Ot J►N IM OMS fO.1t:NVNA�1TAL t 8Ei3)N ,pllialNG§F.1$CAL �EPj J0.i.ER PROVISION AND t MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE- Bohm the wtdersWied mdxmlly personalty appeared Dianna Shaer, who on oath says that she Is the Aseletud to the Publisher of tM Miami Rwdew and Daily Record, a dolly (except Sah day, Swtdny and LOOM Holidays) newsPapsr, published at Mlannl in Deb County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, belt a Lapel Adverdsornent or Notion In the matbr of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. X X X Court, waa published in said newspaper In the Issues of Nov. 8, 1983 Afflant further says dirt the sold MWN Pad" and Daily Moon,,- a Wh" ,red Sill' In acid Dads county, Florida. and thaj Vo a" hasherebfore been owummsty publialted In said Dodo • Florida, each day used Legal Hand has wooed do" mail and it fast oflbe in MIaN In eaid Owo IM Coonty, Rod" for he a period oonosyaw py pprer andsays that she hn nNfMr paid�� ed any Parson. am or OOffleraden any dNoouN. for the purpose of m amoatoanra forep "aatlon IntM sold mwqwW ...... . .� t ........................ t%O R tafore me dds 3t Nov. } A. tg 83 V. F .� FAG a t of at large My . tfifb 1� OW y� y,y TMf .BA�� i3f�►�if+l'T1i'i lIW� r - w h ' Ndi'ICB_ IS HSgESY,aiVEN lhaf the dt lty ti IOAL-oif $ti: of Mlami, Florida, on Novemb6t4t.190, fhrfl 061h{f the City Conirtdfaaton Chemtret ttt 35b0 yeti Ar�+rftl[it Florida, Will 00ftieid0l'the ftlllowln 'Cirdir48ht;il(s +oft i ,� ? a the adoption theteot. � .0 bihANCP NO, - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TiiS `iMA ` NO.9W. THE ZONiNd OADINANI tt1 fiHE:t3iHI'O MIAMI FLORIDA, BY AMCND1140 ARTIOLE tit= SAII�I�TS ENTITLED'•OENEAA1t*Nb 6UPPLEM BY AMEWINO SUMECTIONS'tb66" tO. "elf, , E NITION i3.. NTXAftlOft3�!tBE�X WIDTH or THAT ALL D VELOWNIN ` iN WA'Tt:�if WNT YA ID 8 — p.ERMISSiBL•E BY•,C C"BPEt 1 t�P.q�I� i3f q�UttI'_`�1lii�l'tfl,•LI1�iG)Nf3 ANbS(C,- t PAOVibE A uiINIMUM.10 FOOT M UFiEj� ENV � 14 BASE BUtLDINd, LINEi ALONC3 ,1<iNE 8lDt SPA ,Is'�Ilt<f TRIANGL _c9012 31_aNtb, iolis.2. TO 1w)V►69 M�E=A�3U1�Ei�wek", r,PRONEE)MRIOHWIN. DdWS,201t.1.1 TO PROVIDEB ING� A VEHICLE INT(J A •OU13LiC ALLEY IS PEA Wi; LE BY . CLASS C SPECIAL PSRMIt SUBJECT TO,REQUIREM 1 TO, PROVIDE tNAT,MOBILE HG)NMAY fl.R TEMPORARY OFFICES OR G)rHtAi1;S PURPbS,gES SIS i t,,I,'A; CLASS 9SPEGiAL PERMIT, 2034.3, Pt� PROVIbI1HAi EEiTAfNINt3 7�J A CIr13TIFiG,ATE OF USE; -NEW �W St i IP SHALL 6CAPPROVED„B1l CLASS I SPE IAI. 1`�EfT''1# Y. _ AMENDINGi#Aflt`LE,21.tt4T'ITLED'.NOt4CONi' 30$4 11'Ii ty AMENI)IN0 SUSSi CT10NS. gio .3 ANTS 16b i �G�_,SIMPLif=1f THE.TIME;PERIOD: PERtAINiNG`a.1`O. DINa'INU%Fl�tiR,i�i_ NONCONFOF MIN( USE;; BY AMENblf�lf3 AtiTliri:E,NT1•' TLED."SPECIAL . tFiM1TS; GENERALLY" 19YAM fi11Jt; f�$•' SECTION 2301.6 TO CLARIFY PROMOUI; SAND iANf34►fTC PERMIT; FIIRTHt BY AMEi�DJ '0 0LATIONS:MA : E A AND: DESCfi1PT10' PRINCIPAL_ USES REFERENCE LAB REAMITTED GENE C.IPAL USES ANS StiTUTJNG3' I _ DISi1C7, DEL,E7 LIST OF USES NWPERMITTED 1N THE DISTRICT ;S "JOB PflINTIN(3.I.ITHOGRAPHY, PUBUSHING A L1 .. . AS BEING PERMITUO 49NERAlLLY,:AI PATE IN$ERTI.tIySa.fiat,tEtl,THtclEliF,GR�A,$THE':�E Yfltc:T4FAA fa�►gl>AT1010:0N USEsS,� s;;PR, PRIM .PAI �JSESi 10 J .. t P14' FOR "ATIVM til.H-FU_ AND IIVF-Ais PP "USES... '1RETAN.EIr 131r:1�$MO B R1 S CONf@A�MiiNQW�,'f!l 'P,BAJL VISiQN 4-CLAI A►Sl�;NJy�r.�,t/��/'tlH� APPf1OPAIAT "A M401_. >, , f V, AP.Pl�O ...'flI�I�S.�t.SE,(�f•�,��� �� ECtB O $ I OtA, R , A�1M Ems' P 3 F 40MA41UTY u y $ O_ 10. r t'�.i' YaF 9 t Yz efi .:awl./1Oi11�lA\I/RIIiA\�GIi.�1\VS:A�iY►llff/fL��►1I\'W.lYr..a.. r f :Y?tilt wiY� :<t , i fi r,s N"td ,•^� ::k ..� a c•-r''e'r.� o-rt�Y.. kY`V�'� +'�'s -�w n th.•,�a yam" _ io E ESSARY CHANGE ON,PAIi#�' F(% SAlvzvn�nc�=wrslw MADE A PA T oI IR51JUAN N�3_ IWY REI=1:i%d AND DESCAll tId IN:'AATIC'LE 39 SET OW' 9ASO CONTAINING A APEALEFf' PAOVISIflN AND A,SEW hAb LP, CLAUSE. ,., OA 11RANCE NO. AN ORDINCE AMI=NOING 1 HE �INTEXT OF ORDINANCE NO. l 500; TFIE lONIN ' A RDINANCE • OF" THE CITY OF MIAMI, PLC)RIDA, elf AMENDING ARTICLE 15.01` SAID ORE�INANCE ENTITLED' SPI: SPECIAL PUBLIC. INTEREST DISTRICTS;" MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING A NBW SECTION 15110 ENTITLED 11SPI-11: COCONUT GROVE RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT,' PRO• VIDING FOR INTENT, SPECIAL PERMITS, PERMISSIBLE PRIN- CIPAL USES AND STRUCTURES, PERMISSIBLE ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES, TRANSITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS, MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS,. FLOOKAREA LIMMA�NS,MINIMUMOPENSIACEPPEW EMFNT3 P NG PROVISIONS, HEIGHT,LIMI'1'ATIONS AND. LIMITA111ONS:ON SIGNS; CONTAIN, }1 REPEALER P4&ISION AND A BEVEq• ABILITY CLAUSE.:. , - ORDINANCE N0:', ,L RESIDENTIAL); OF ARP ST ,STREET..AND 125.131 STREET.. MIAMI, FLORIDA (MORE PARTICULARLY. DESCRIBER HEREIN (FROM RS-212 (ONE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL), , TQ, RG-315-(GE(+IEI AL FIE,SIDENTIAIj; BY MAK(N4` IlVID11 GS.; T AND BY, MAKING ALL.THE NECESSARY' CHANGES ON-PAQR,, N0.18 OF,SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART QF-ORDINANCE_ NO. 9500 BY,REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN,ARTICLE 3; SECTION 30D, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER-PROVI-- SION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE -AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDI- NANCE NO. NW, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING •GLASSIFICA- TION OF APPROXIMATELY =12 27.29. DARWIN'STREET MIAMI,. FLORIDA, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RG-M, GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO RO%% RESIDENTIAL OFFICE; BY MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING' ALL THE'NECES- SARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO, 45`OF, SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO.9500 BY REFERENCE: AND DESCRIPTION ,IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION° 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A.REPEALER PROVISION) AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING THE'20NING-ATLAS-OF`ORDI- NANOE NO.8500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY'OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION, OF APPROXIMATELY 2815.2851 'SOUTHWEST-22ND TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RG-113: GENERAL RESIDENTIAL (ONE AND TWO FAMILY) TO, CR-217:' COMMERCIAL_ RESIDENTIAL (COMMUNITY)' BY MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO.42 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. -OW BY RLFER- ENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 309 THE CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCEAMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE, ZONING CLAPAIFICeA? TION OF APPROXIMATELY 185 SOUTHEAST 14TH TgRRAC9 AND APPROXIMATELY 200 SOUTHEAST 14TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, (MORE PARTIOULARLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN) FROM RG•3/7 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI . BRICKELIa M AMI RIVER RESIDENTIAL. OFFICE DISTRICT; MAKING, FINDINGS, ANB BY MAKING ALL. THE NECESSARY CHANGE$ ON PART; NO Jt OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE N0, 9Q, BY REFERENCE AND DI ORIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, 690PON M. THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVSSOOf* AND A SEVERAPIL.ITYCLAUSE. , ARNKIANPF tin Asna; Iron , VAWWI ittL aws Ars i 4 JU F Amy E 4-4