HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0427J-84-220 RESOLUTION NO. 64T2t0f A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES TO ALAMO CARTING CORP., PASQUALE WASTE SERVICE, INC., PER- MITTING `HEM TO COMMENCE DOING BUSINESS UPON FULL COMPLIANCE WITIi CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, (1980). WHEREAS, the City Code of the City of Miami, Florida provides detailed requirements for the issuance of City of Miami Waste Collection Licenses, and WHEREAS, it appears that Alamo Carting Corp., Pasquale Waste Service, Inc., have applied for such a licence and have met or have represented under oath that they will meet, within the required period of time, the requirements of said code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF .'TFTE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The License Section, Finance Department, City of miami, is hereby authorized to issue a Waste Collection license to Alamo Cartinq Corp., Pasquale 1�,aste Ser,,,ice, Inc., and the said companies may commence doing business thereupon upon full compliance with Chapter 22 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, (1980) . PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS Sth day of April ,1984. MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R ATTEST: 50 CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY A`'"� OPIIFY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: fS E GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY CITY COMMISSION MEETINC OF U' R t PL..'t;i.S 73 ' CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Howard V . Gary City Manager FROM: Carlos E. Garcia r� Director of Finances "J ow DATE: March 1, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: Applications for Commercial Waste Collection Licenses REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the enclosed appli- cations for commercial waste collections licenses be approved by the City Commission for Alamo Carting Corporation, 12555 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida 33181 and Pasquale Waste Service, Inc., 1820 S. TV. 100th Terrace, Miramar, Florida. Section 22-40 of the City Code requires City Commission approval on the issuance of commercial taaste collection licenses after appli- cation has been processed by the Department of Finance, Police, and Solid Waste, and found to be in order. The enclosed applications have been so approved by the referenced departments and are hereby recommended for the City Commission appro- val for the following two companies: Alamo Carting Corporation 12555 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 874 North Miami, Florida 33181 Pasquale Waste Service, Inc. 1820 S. W. 100 Terrace Miramar, Florida 33315 cc: Law Department 84--421 i'1(`)'d_:t ;r'; $ (£ a5 r t-(_.;)( _�{ (,'4' 32�$ PA I 1 I f TV OF AMAT�11. FL0 RUN PI EAR(_ `AGN rtiF.F Pf-vf_IV,F) ACID PF T(III`I rt:l_; FfI rI ?E A.rrI_ICAT ION t?11744 A I eesr_>( rAYAF! I J7 O ME CITY" Or- 11.4Aklf TO 7HF LICENSE SE(:TICIrI, CITY 01 k9l'A41t, 65 ".tAI IST SIPE.E.T, nittnFA1, FLORIT.)!i 31130-160A FO11I'ISCT=3PtiA nmi, ["mmE: 579 6713 PLEASE CORR[CT ANY!A(STAKE-S IN TFir f{1I.I.n.lylydG V1IF01rIp4ATif7P1At1DS1IE'F1-Y11?4YIM-ORIAATIOM Ak (A No I II .I ra";t 10 '! I `I It A! PA1;(.)1IAI.1: 1i.,1:5'1'I: ';1;t1`JIC1: (SLJStNt S`i 1vf L I( lit I;h L flt I I ::,IrI'_,t f OWNER E..1(2) PARTNERSHIP L (3) CORPORATION OV:NI H NArM 11 I1 115UrI. I I:,I IN III! ti! t , I A,I NWA[. 1114S1 NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, SUFFIX OR, SR., ETC.) 1"A:;0(jA LE t.A.S'PT7 .;BRV I r: i•, , I bUS hAml at" a04 R IN x 1111014L NO tfUSIrILSS ZIP 11'A3Q1[1aI.li i'.AS`L'I: 51:1:V1('I:, !:;(: 02b30.1 33'3020 MAII ING Alit -lit::, LfUSINLSS APDHESS PAL;QUt1 L.l? l:A:;'1'1; SE,RVIC:E, T Ill..'. 1320 514 100 TERR APT L820 SW 1 1J0 TERR DISCOUNT CLAIMED (PLEASE ATTACH PROOF) (CHECK ONE) 111RAT•1AR FL, i ](I) DISA©LED VEFERAN (2) FULL (OVER 65, PHYSICAL HANDICAP, OR <'IP WIDOW WITH MINOR DEPENDENTS) ThE FLALOWING INFCFMATION ICI FEGM5(EC: PRINCIPAL OWNER WI1LCK ONE 1 � i) h9A.t_E L_ 1 (2) FEMALE A F(Pl is AQAAA 1(1) BLACK _1(2) WHI Ft 1_I (3) AMERICAN INDIAN 0(4) OR,IIENTALIASIAN AMERICAN 2AWA IAA i .J (1) HISPANIC 4�t�AH E D � x#1'�� e�hYi��V l �t�� �� AAI*�4 ❑ (4) OTHER NO OF YEARS NO OF EMPLOYEES TOTAL FLOOR SPACE A CURHLNT LOCATION FULL-TIME PART-TIME (SQUARE FEET) IF RENTING, RENTAL RATE (CHECK ONE) _ PER I (1) WEE [ (2) MONTH E(3)YEAR t (; ROSS SALES LAST YEAR (CHECK ONE) L I(1) LESS THAN $100,000 L' (2) S1U0,000-$500,000 C7(3) S500,000-$1,000,000 ❑(4) GREATER THAN $1,000,000 PERCENTAGE OF SALES WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BUSINESS PLANS FOR COMING YEAR (CHECK ONE) L , (1) BUILDING EXPANSION (2) BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ❑01 RFIOCATIoN ntimm CITY nF MIAMI n (4) NC)N� TYPE OF BUSINESS Dl_VLL0I)MLN1 ASSISTANCE THAT YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI L (1) ADVERTISING A5SISTANCI'll RAINING (_ (3) LOAN APPLICATION ASSISTANCE ❑ (5) POLICE SECURITY SURVEY L J (2) MANAGEM 14T ASSIfSIANCEITRiAINI1:G ;`� 0) MARKET STUDIES 011iER iD(T) NONE CITY CODE 3'E -28 () REQUIRES THAT THE NEXT SEC[ EOE°d OF THE APPLICATION BE COMPE_E.E.ED BEFORE THE LICENSE CAN BE ISSUED. PLEASE LIST UP TO THREE INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE ABLE TO ARRIVE AT THE BUSINESS LOCATION WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF NOTIFICATION OF FIRE, BURGLARY, OR OTHER EMERGENCY. IDEALLY, THESE (NDIVIOUALS SHOULD HAVE KEYS TO DOOR LOCKS AND ALARM SYSTEMS. TYPE OR PRINT ONLY. NArrE OF ,NCIVlDUAL ALIDFTt 5S CITY PHONE re4-kcls 4� M4z�,& Z02-� IF THE PREMISES ARE PRO TECTED BY A BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM, PLEASE PROVIDE THE PERMIT NUMBER. DO NOT TEAR A- . u.. OCT 1 , 198 3-!)EP'P ur ' I' 1­1 I ICI NSI t'I •111 1;A:STE L't. U.Fc<rior-i 17900 I .• tit PA.3Q11A LF. 1,11:i'1'I.: . )':}\V 1 (~ }: PASQUALl: L,A1,'1'}: .;)-:I.V1C1: 1820SW 1 ` 0 TER11 tv► NJIVIi,IIAR FL. E NU uI UNIlb PHI V ACC:IIM CHARGES I AL, r YI AR t-HAHQLS CUR11LNI rLAHIEL UISCOIINI ALLOVuED IOIAL IF PAID tiLF.IRE OCI I 10rA1. IF PAID hLI .IHL NOV I TOIAL it VAID Lit F.JHL LIES I • TO i AL IF PAIL' lit t ON, J AN 1 ►DIAL IF PAID At I t H JAN I UNI7 UESC r 190.90 -J I L A%1 14 Al ; II'I<I I •NI . 11 111 i•<IU SI'.N THE HI VLH:,I. !`�IPt 011- It1Ib APPLICA 10 M 8 — 2 f 0 I TD rykx��;?_� LICENSE NO. AMOUNT$ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ISSUED APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL WASTE COLLECTION LICENSE (As pr�pr+ded by Ordinance No. 7434, Code of the City of Miami) 1. Name of license applicant _�C' i ��% _ ` j�T �j �Lle 2. Business address 3. State whether business is a corporation, association, partnership, proprietorship, or other. _If/o 4. Names of all owners of applicant's business%�,< <'/ 4 ' Gl t/ 4; J 5. 6. Name the Manager or person in charge for each location under this license application. 7. Have any of the above named individuals ever obtained a license for the operation of a commercial waste collection service or similar type business? _If a license ha been obtained, give the location, the date and period of time the business was operated.t �)%1/J(� j `� _/�'�Gr J1—_— _ ___- _• 1.1 Has the license ever be�jn )uspended, local or Stcte laws?_1 If so, give particulars._ 9. Have any of the i If so, where? _ / revoked or been the subject of suspension, revocation or violation of the lamed d�vl ugLteyer worked for a commercial waste collection business? 10. List dates of employment. _ 1 i:&V ICE,. / �JJU �/j % j 11. Have any ever been charged with violation of lace r state laws pertaining to commercial waste. collection? If so, give particulars. 12. List the number of vehicles to be used :n the commercial waste collection business. — n 13. Has the applicant, or any person whoye name appears in this application, ever beeconvictea of any cry-n—ie—or—oT- fense involving moral turpitude?_✓� v� If so, list the name, the arrest and conviction record of each person. THE APPLICANT COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: 14. That he shall present each of the vehicles to be used in the business, for which this license application is made, to the Director of the Department of Sanitation for his approval on this form that said equipment meets the require- ments of the ordinances of the City of Miami. 15. That a copy of a certificate of insurance for all pultc:es written :n the applice,tt's name, and in the name of the business, with an endorsement thereon that the C,iy cf f.!:jmi shall be furnished 10 days' prior written notice be. fore cancellation cr cny material change in the pelic:es shall be deposited with the City Clerk of theCity of Miami after this application has been apjprcyed b the �rFy Corrxrlss:on-- 15a. Name of insurance carrier 15b. Name of local agent__ 15c. Amount of coverage on applicant's bus ness ter. (� 16. That the al:pl:cart agrees that nc, person shall dtive or move any truck r other vehicle operated in behalf of the applicant's business, unless such vehicle has been first approved by the Director of the Department of Sanitation for waste collection use and said ehicle :s so constructed and loaded as to prevent any load, contents or wuste from being blown or deposited upon uny street, alley yr ether p 'ul:c place, and that the wheels or tires of sold ve- hicle sholl first be cleaned before entering any public place to prevent any deposit on any street, alley or other p�bl:c place of stud, dirt, sticky substance, waste ur foreign matter of any kind. 7. That she vehi.les used by the applicuni for waste collection purposes operating within the City limits shall be r•ur1(ed on both sides of the vehicles :n stencilled letters in cn area of not less than 30'' by 14" with the follow. inlurmat.oil: "City of Miami License Number _ ", and on the next line, the name of the company ob set forth in this license application. 84-427 E 18. List the name of the refuse dump, iicinetotor plant pther places means or location to be used by the applicant for the final disposal of waste,. ._ % t 1 >•J �' 19. The applicant agrees that the name and address of each of the employees of the company will be suppled to the Miami Civilian Identification Office. 20. The applicant agrees that all employees shall be fingerprinted. New employees shall b* fingerprinted within 15 days from the date of his employment. 21. The applicant agrees that he or it shall adhere to the Code of the City of Miami, and comply with each of the terms and conditions, and that the license applied for herein may be suspended at any time by the City Judge of the City of Miami upon conviction of a violation of any City ordinances pertaining to commercial waste collection. 22. The applicant has read the ordinances pertaining to the regulation of persons engaged in the business of commer- cial waste collection, and is familiar with the terms and conditions thereof, and agrees to abide by said ordi- nances. The undersigned, after being duly sworn, states that the information contained in this application is true and cor- rect to the best of his knowledge and belief, and in the event there are any changes, alterations or additions to the information furnished in this application, he shall so notify the License Division of the City of Miami, or its successor in duties, within 15 days from the date of said change, alteration or addition. Signature of 4plicont d Title Sworn to and subscribAd before Ins this C9 day of 19 /� D Not��ibltc My Commission expires: '• T E OF FLORIDA MY G 'WAIS51 N EYPiRES AUG 27 1980 SCGNDED THRU CXNER'-L INSURANCE UNp I Section II 23. Comments and/or endorsement of information supplied by applicant in number• seven (7) through eleven (11). fox & License Supery sor ? 24. Comments and/or endorsement of information supplied oy opal;cons in numbtirs thirteen (13) and twenty (20). All persons listed in numbers four (4), five (5), and six (61 riv- be fingerpr'ntec and police records attached hereto. A monthly record of all employees will be kept by the Civil an Identification Office to assure compliance with Ordinance No, 7434. R^;,-�•ri I'7, ;�'� \. ;i7tspar•mr'rtt o Pcr-,4- 25. Comments and/or approval of equipment to be used, annerol operations, aind information provided by applicant i numbers twelve (17), four'-w•i (141, sixteen '1h1, seventeen (17), and eig',tocr+ (1R), Tho Dcportm+rnt at Sanitation w"l keep an accurate record of all trucks Inspected and p•ov;ce or rmnsocction \,r-hen trucks arc rcpIaced. Inswction was mde on one (1.) n-)II-•Off C--i l�ngc 'j"'jAi c it_11,- 1 Lr-31id � :3. t1r1 aU aLrecdl to 1?^ inc.00d, t:t�r)cirta coridi ta.ati.~ _ 7epo Tent of San fo•;on 26. As equired by Ord nonce No. -434, tfte above -format on must be presented to 'he City Comm-ss on for •ev-ev. and 000roariate action. After o decision 'nas - r-ac•e,4 t,, the Commission, tree application w 'i be rett,rneo the Tax e. License Suoerv;sor. 2' Be$afe ' cerise , ss.,ec oy the Tax and L tr., se Svicer sr lettering must oe provides on o� 'icen%ed t►jtts and ;nsuron.e coverage must Se ocqu••ed as uro. r ad by 04no ce'/ -d. o. Adegvc•e nsuronce coverage is 5e••• wvv,ded and attest—ent to numbers 150, b, c, is pxe sto•ed, as Pow Ord ,'S'•, T City C.eri[------ ----• b• P-oper lettering has been orov Beef in actorda,, .• w-t requirements as stated in number t4. Deportrr«,nt of Sonitat-nn 71. :icons@ Ncmber_,_ issue Date — Expiration Date 84--42 i �� r 4 fr( J -W 1 L) r p. it t- I. f I r I kj in t! I 0 0 y j J V j, 14 .4 1 A.j _W A L L It,A; I L 1 oil- 6 14 LA 14 - W . i1 JL,, w, ur* i tj zi Ud. o *Al Cr3 CoMPANY 1Cy0 1 lilt I I tl..i... lit the r4biwe Oeuctiplitoll of op_�rmion/veh!cloi-ft/ pro", T1,Y_ FC M #I Truk ype atid 1 04 d1io'l of Plopetly 7 ed arage Perfls/ fOrflls it of Insuraincs Ded ray Litila Pre: jitAs t I n on4ed NU L 1) Y 6. 1 Ulm Y bilit Coverage/ Forrili Limits of Lia Type of 1116i.11,411ce I I ExchOccurrencAlt A re tali® t bodily lii,wy A I I r kit -ldlitill . UVri,do0t, G 1,pluledUijuldhollb- tudi 111 14-1 ',pc( dy btloto% t I M. P'ly A U Nt,o - u%NI led De(hi libitt Ivi1::III ]I I"iyllic 1b UNIPEN, AHON ILip- Y Buddy hilury & I Propeity D.wiage Comu'Lled , "A JOA 0 13 C1 C Persond, 1111LIfy F----TEodilyl11of (-13t _1 Perm)' _ IBurllty hijuly Acclocnt) 00 O,Ifndge 50 1044 U & f1f.tpVrIv A . Colll� Iled LMIILUyERt, I IAbILI I Limit SPEi IAL CONDITIONS/OlItER COVILRAGES S-il-,ject to MVH3 ne 4u ir* a P RLM 1 , 69 3 QGuiplete-4 loppliCAtIon alonis dith a ADM.FEE: nigned UM rejectlon Cures and .3 35;L d*po31U TAX: or properly ex- ouLec pretalum finance agretesent wh1ch must be rtacelved by III ---h nAgr La C, At 1111 r14 j 1141 t -AN limi Mil 11 Jan hondley V Mom' 4,6V 2 644- ,,kit ljlult: 1, Dat him 16 84-427 AP" ICATICIM VOR I-CCLIP T IOMA ', I c F7,CITY OFNIMAll. FLORIDA.- PLEASE GIGIA (SEE REVFRSF) ANn RI'TURrl THIS FtlTII1E ArrLICATiO`4 VAATIi .A CII?'C�-, rAYr tm.E TO THFE CITY OF MIAMI TO TI+!E I,GENSE'SECTION, CITY OF F.91AA:91, 65 SAY. 1 ST STREET, MI ,mI, rLORIOA 331 ?n 1YipA, ron Ir,;f_ onmAA TIO'=kl, riiomr: 570-6713 PLEASE CORRECT ANY MISTAKES IN TIIE FOLLOW RAG WrOnVIATION`ArlO SUri'I_•Y ANY "ISSItIn WFOPMAT!Oy, ACCT. NO. LICENSE HOLDER y� BUSINESS TYPE (CHECK ONE) . LJ (1) SINGLE: OWNER 0.PA, RTNEASHIP; L'..i(3) CORPOR ON _.. TI OWNER NAME. IF PERSON, LIST IN THEORDER-LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, SUFFIX (JR., SR., ETC.) ,y yy,4,-s0 CUSTOMER PHAONE - ZIP / �iDDRESS �7 /•� ( G� %� EiU�S�INES-SS A .6 4/v,C APT. 67 7y X� S'S—S" , �,DISCOUNT CLAIMED (P!L—E�A39ATfAC14 PRQ(5F)`(tV4ECKONE) (i) DISABLED VETERAN - L_,I.Z,F.ULL;(OVER`65,.PHYSICAL HANDICAP, OR ZIP,lt/. 1,7 /04141f PRINCIPAL OWNER (CHECK ONE) ❑ (1) MALE ❑ (2) FEMALE, -t , (CHECK ONE) ❑ 0) BLACK 0(2)WHITE, ❑ (3) AMERICAN INbIAN °' (9) ORIENTAUASlAN AMERICAN. ❑ (6) OTHER (CHECK ONE) ❑ (1) HISPANIC-CUBAN O (2) HISPANIC -NON CUBAN ; �? IQ ($) HA�AN `� I ' ' O (d) OTHER NO. OF YEARS NO. OF EMPLOYEES::',, - ' � r• r. '<>a` r TOTAI. FLOOR SPACE AT CURRENT LOCATION FULL-TIME PART-TIME . 1 ,;,(SQVARE.FEETQ IF RENTING, RENTAL RATE CHECK ONE)!�-••! T I '.. ` ' ' ` ` ` ' c + PER ❑ (1)' WEEK L.•I (2) MONTH CJ (3);YFAR �+ r t . +• -� f 1. t - aROSS SALES LAST YEAR (CHECK�E) - a r s (1) LESS THAN $100.000 (2) $100,000•$500,000 7(3) $500,OQp-$1,000,000 ; (4) GRtIq'T'EIiTIiFrCd.$1,000,000 PERCENTAGE OF SALES WITHIN THE CITY OPVIAM1 t :! VSINESS PLANS FOR COMING YEAR (CHECK ONE) L I (1) 13UILDING EXPANSION E] (2) EIUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ; :.� (3)'{iLI.DC411Rf! DJTSIDE CITY OF,T.11,R1,!I: n (4) NONE PE OF OUSINE.SS DEVF;LOPfr4LtgT ASSISTANCE TH(,T YOU %%?QULC BE INTERESTED )N, Rl Cl:.IvIP;C f frCah; 111E Gli�,(,f L,(1)ADVERI`ISlfr!C�/tS$ISiR4�CC/rfYAItv14lC.' '. 7(.9);IO?i'-PLic/,TI�1t1A8,S1STAN''Cs.( ..11.L').`Pi�L9`JF'iY[Y" ' r•I—!(2)?f.�ANAGEI,SWi F,,rai,T/;1?C�ITRldP�1fI .: v 11),•�14I�R�CF',7Slli 1f n CITY CEDE 1-26 (9) REQUIRES THAT THE NEXT SECTION OF THE A PPS,, CATION BE CCiMPl_I TEE BEFORE THE LICENSE CAN BE ISSUED. ,-,.. ..., ..,. y ..... .,..., P,•``.,,<.:,._..Y,y.,,,,..:�.+7,�fd'f'•,'}1.:Fj 'I" {zu w�4e'tj ••f+r.�r,�M,� •,». . PLEASE LIST UP TO THREE INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE ABLE TO ARRIVE AT THE EUSINESS '. � v LOCATION WITHIN 15 rt91NUTES OF r10TIFICATION OF FIRE, BURGLARY, OR a�'�:,, r' , r • ,.. + "�_ '' ' I � OTHER EMERGENCY. IDEALLY, THESE INDIVIDUALS SHOULD GAVE KEYS TO i DOOR LOCKS AND ALARM SYSTEMS. TYPE OR PRINT ONLY. -' NAME OF INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS CITY PHONEr IF THE PREMISES ARE PROTECTED BY A BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM, PLEASE PROVIDE THE PERMIT NUMBER. ACC I NU YLAH IYI'E OF LICENSE T UIM. TYPE LICENSt HUt ULR ,4 /,4.,1,o �.v,e TO ► DO NOT TEAR LICENSE CODE / 7 900 id ss- s , ,6 /���-�, T Qa; K L/`� + .-14'.4.r 10, 1 NO. OF UNITS UNIT DESC. n PREV ACCUM. CHARGES LAST Y EAR CHARGES CURRENT YEAR FEE DISCOUNT ALLOWED l TOTAL IF PAID BEFORE OCT I t� TOTAL IF PAID BEFORE NOV I TOTAL IF PAID BEFORE DEC. I TO TAL IF PAID BEFORE JAN. I TOTAL IF PAID AFTER JAN I PLEASE READ. 6UPPLY INFORMATIGW 1 WHERE HL(,UES IED), AND SIGN THL REVERSE SIDE OF THIS APPI ICA TION 84-42r ICENSE NO, AMOUNT CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ISSUED APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL WASTE COLLECTION LICENSE (As pruvidt+td by Ordinonce No. 7434, Code of the City of Miami) 1. Nam* of license applicant_ fir`%/ "- 2. 0vetnesls oddr®sa�/ �2 t z`;� --13 /� 7 OX e' 3, State whetheer business is a corporation, astioeiotion, partnership, proprietorship, or other. cpee fq,,2gT")n) _ _ iJ. NQm,ta of all ov>iners of applicant's business-� - S. If o corporation, list the names and addresses of all oificers thereof, Name drwss 6, Noline a seer or person i car ® or va ocation under this icatrtse application. a! r� i i Ld fa ✓ 1. Haveo any of this above., ne".d individ,ials over obtained a license for tile, operation -v4 a ec=mmorc,ic,,l wcota collection service cl Gin, Ile-r tyrcr but:-inet s? f��I�fa^ lice-ine has bec.-n c-Stained, pivo 6o locptl", (fin 6:ito trad poriod f tiro th/ t~utInc rr. v at o ratc (t1 1. ' r f➢, list, the Ilcenre+ over (,con tuff indcd' fevo.�cd 6r her'n t11M^11 Ivbjcet of sur.f� iar.icrir re v�.�cfi cr iltlr: icra c tile 1�,iL 1 f , t? i V P_� l7 C� f (l C IJ I clF , Q..,,.. .,...-.« .m,.... -.. s,-®u...e-..��.c-7-o................�... _ _ _ c+o,.e....,..mew,..•....�..,......-....,..,...,.a -,..-.:,.,.-....z.............n..:�,...,.,.__,.,,..,...�..,,..-.,....,...-.._.-..,.«..,�._,,, _ �.....«.....-..,.�..,... trr,r-.. ,r,z,,.1.�n ,..,.-.,vim ;�..,.>..,n...,.,..an,�,s S�. Inc r cry cif t9i4 rRtoa�et netted In iwi t,rgla ever ���s fer a com r;orci2 ve"Otin coll2cflr' llfflti(�fhf tf tcT, rTltcr€:7 0. List dafas of employment. 1. Have any eves boom charged wit violation of local or state laws parfolning to co4minercial wants caltoetlon?+�Q If so, give particulars._ 2. List the nimber of vehicles to be us I the co; matcia waste collection Lusinoaa. c�aJL' 3. Has tho applicant, or any person whose name appears in this application, ever been convicted oF any crime or fines involving rsrisprol turpitude? NP if to, list the name, the arrest and conviction record of each person. THE APPLICANT COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: t. That he shall present such of the vehicles to ba used in the business, lot whtch this license application is made, to the Director of the Department of Sanitation fear his approval on this (orrn that said equipment masts the re,quire_ monts of the ordinances of the City of Miami. S. That o copy of o eertificule of insurance for oil policies written in the applieont'a name, and in rite name of the Lviiineos, with on tt�ndors6ment thereon ihut they City of Miami sholl be furnished 10 days' prior written notice be. lore cuncellotion or any malertol change in the policies Shull be deposited with the City Clerk of the City of Miami altar this application hot been upproved lry the City Commission. 5,o Name of ,nturunee eutr,er ,,,;��i ,�. � tZ. 5b Nume of Iucal agent Sc Amount u( coveioge c.t opplicont't businosa�'. i r 'S.��i�,t 'r> > '.1ks,� p Thai thk upplicunt ugreee dial no parson shall ,give or move any truck or oths viihicla dperaled to ba all of the upplicw•it's business, unless such .elitcls hus been lit►► upptoved by ►he D,reclor of the Dapartrnenl of Sonitotiun fur osib cullsrtlon use, and said vrshicle It so cunsiiuciod and loaded as to piovani uny loud, consents or waste tram bairn; blown u deputtit.d upun uny titeet, alloy ur uitirw public plucs, and that the wheels or ►,lei of toid we. hide shall litil l.it cleaned bsiore kntF,cing any public ploce to prevent "ay dcpot,t c,i any ►irett, alley or whe public pluce ul nwd, dirt, sticky tubstunctu, vuste. cr foto,Vn rtiuiter of any Lind. 7 shut cite veh LIes utm.{ by ihro applicant for wostti collecticirt purposes ofasrut,ng within Itir, City Iift'lli thulLe moiked �ii both sides of the vehicles in atencilis,d leolriis in an area of not liras thon 30'' by 14" vv,ih thefo— .ny nfula-w oun; "Cott of Miami License Number ", and on the next line, the name A ttit curany us set foiih In this license application. S4— " 18. List the name of the refuse jAump, incinerator p1r. or other -mf place, ew-no of lacmion to be 0 fA blr. the opplicant for thaw fined dis"nal of The14, epplicent P.9-rots% that tho nvrmoa and vMr— of Poch of thgn rrnplqyrmPA of thm corsir--ny will Atirpl,ed to the MiOmli Civilian l4mPntiflcntion. Offico. 20. The np- plicont ogrens that all L -rlrwlo"o mo shall " fing-mrprinte-rw e- d. Nmployc-As shall br,! fing-mrr4in"d within 15 dqys fro flhm clato of his arnplay-niNnt. 21. Tho, erplicont apt"m that he or it shall adhem to the Code of the City of Miami, and comply with t-ach of the t"MA anel conditions, rend that th," licenses appli-r-A for hofein may be suspnd#A at any time by the City Judge of the City of Miami upon conviction of a violation of any City ordi.ionc®s p@r-tolning to comm"clal waste collection. 22. The *pplicont has reid the ordinoncv-% pertaining to thm regulation of parsons ongoge-d in the business of conimp-r- cial waste collection, end In familiar with the t@rrns and c"ditions thereof, and agreps to ahlJo by soil ardl. nvnces. The undersigned, after being duly swam, states that the information contained in this a "�� lication is true and cor. rect to the beat of his knowledge end belief, and in the event there are any chanva, alterations or o MIltions to the information furnished in this application, he shall so notify the License Division of the City of Miami, or its successor in duties. within 15 days from the date of said change, alteration or addition. S-&om to and subscrI6"1'f tlris_to2 of � V-"� M day , y — Natcry Public 1Ay CommIssion empiriost > Section II 23. Comments and/or endorsement of information supplied by applicant in numbers seven (7) through eleven (11). ax & License Supervisor 24. Comments and/or endorsement of information supplied by applicant in numbers thirteen (13) and twenty (20). All persons listed in numbers four (4), five (5), and six (6) must be fingerprinted and police records attached hereto. A monthly record of all employees will be kept by the Civilian Identification Office to assure compliance with Ordinance No. 7434. Mlami Y�ur:6r �/ Civilian Identificatian ^ p. p. Bo:c 016777 Micimi. FL 33101. De artment o P Uce p 25. Comments and/or approval of equipment to be used, general operations, /and information provided by cpplic . t in numbers twelve (12), fourteen (14), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), cnd eighteen (16). The Depertment of Sanitation will keep an accurate record of all trucks inspected and provide for reinspection whcn trues a:e reploced. 1t]5pection was made on one F"a!L!Jiise t.:rucl<. 1t to be in good working condition. r Department of Sanitation 26. As required by Ordinance No. 7434, the above information must be presented to the City Commission for review and appropriate action. After a decision has been reached by the Commission, the application will be returned to the Tax & License Supervisor. 27. Before license is issued by the Tax and License Supervisor, lettering must be provided an all licensed trucks and insurance coverage must be acquired as provided by Ordinance 7434. a. Adequate insurance coverage has been provided and attestment to numbers 150, b, c, is here stated, as Rev. Ord. 7551. City Clerk b. Proper lettering has been provided in accordance with requirements as stated in number 17. Department of Sanitation 28. License Number Issue Date Expiration Date 84--427 rotec!ive Insdrence Company 11P 31v North Merldlan Stre@t Indlanspolla, Indlans 46208 ti IrUTINCV'r. Jf LAVIRAUF Pl.. 114 r(l e,-;7MFY TO " P! Y 6' i4 I ij A foltowinr policy nr polirten hive bob-efi L98u011 to -c and A4drose I vwur-t' s ALA' f c.,,rt i 'i—kcate or ve.-Ific3liel-, of' jet vot nn incurrrr'i, puli.-iy .-vnd .4ove n-)i. by illn pnlicipA lii".vl �Pros,.r. !l I, r" On c c' n t t' a r r r r 1 .1, r, L w, v h c, t h I 4 c4 tjor r) f I w�v c, r .7.*ty p-- 1) r),3 t c r i F, n u t; Y rl f :r,v.r telr).c -,r, :nly for IF A? FuLicy MUCT 9111 PY.R EXPIRAT103 VA—J'T '.,F L14FLUTY in thouls-!rds -ohi It Llnbt I Lty F A 1 C3 -.1.41 v 4 LOSS PAYABLEICERTI F1 CATE HOLDER # 1