HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0041J-83-1135 tZi Sc)LU`PIr)iI idO. 84--41. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING + THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND i iJDI`,t 11U.�L CO:"31 L1:1 TUAL t•;I'iH EIGHT (8) ;�; I �.. _' . ; "t. " i_'r''J;: ),•lI(. i)i 'i E.- LOPMENT 0R(;A,I1ZATI07'•1: , IN THE FORM ATTACHED, HEM. P), TO D ITE BY WHICH THE R1: QUIRI:D C; :N:E i'':1Vr F,:)N GF FUNDS NDS IS TO BL COMPLETED AS PEh `i';?-::' COiI::`_._"i' wI N TI{E CITY OF MIAMI FOR TEE, N ; INTI1 `1 Et'1R CO3*,1:'•1U- NITY DEVELOPMENT :3LOCK GRANT. 0'4i:LPv,F,s the CZ*t~ r-%mrtl is cc*�mi_ "_`__°d to econuru.ic ..ev•a LOn:;ent a -id the e}•pa:lsio:i o` t:..,ie ,::r.J, cc:= arse; a_,ca WHEREAS, the prc)Totion of econo<<;ic revit.: _. i Zati on in the neighborhoods of the Lit-Y of Miami is an important part of the City's econol;iic &!velopmerit strategy; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is desir-)us of ccn:inuing Lh,%t neighborhood economic deg, :�lcpment programs; and w T-,'HJ.REAS, eight (3) ne ic:hborhood economic dt�vc i cr:nent Organizations have been unable to meet t ie-z contract,.;al -:,_,q tirasionts cf. g:2ne.r_ating $12,250 in project revenue by January 1, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COi•IMISSIONT OF THE CITY OF MIA,11, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to amend eight (8) i ndi vidua1 contract agreements to extend the du-? datf� for generating the required project revenue as speci`ied in Article 6.2 of the agreement, in the amount of $12,250 from Janu- ary 1, 1984 to April 30, 1934 with the following neighborhood development agencies: Original Completion Amended Contractor _ Date C:om7)letion Date 1) 11I%inwo-Id Commuriity Eco-io- January 1, 1984 April 30, .1984 mic Development, Inc. + 2) Downtown Miami Business .January 1, '.984 Ar.)ril 30, 1984 Association, Inc. 3) Allapattah Busin,-� s Development Authority, Inc. January l., 1984 April 30, 1984 +) SM-:111 B::s;.ness OpportuJanuary 1, IJ84 Aprii 30, 1984 nity center, Inc. CITY COMMISaiON MEETIi'�G OF J AN 19 1984 RESOLUTION No. 84--41 5) L,it:tl` il a lop- January 1, 1984 April 30, 1984 Autlnori1_.-, inc. 'u..:;nut ,,r.ovc: Lc.cal Jan: _ 1, 1`a94 Ypri._ 30, 7) Al. lapattah �i��ch.i��ts Januaryt, 1��8 i i�prii 30, 19%ice Association 8) Mart -in Luther King January 1, 1984 Aprii 30, i924 Economic Development C,rporat.ion, Inc. �.::S-D AND ADC)PTED THIS 19th ;ia o£ January , 1984. 1 ONGIE, CITY CLE_Jd PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: • ROBE.RT F. CLARK, DEPUTY CITY A1TORN Y APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: /o 4%01�L JE GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY -2- Maurice A. Ferre _ Maurice A. F'erre, Mayor 84-41- AMENDMENT An AMENDMENT to a contract agreement dated July 18, 1983 between the City of Miami, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR". WHEREAS, the City Commission passed Resolution No. 83-627 on July 18, 1983, for the provision of services for economic development, and; WHEREAS, the contract agreement states in Article 6.2 that the "CONTRACTOR is required to generate funds in the amount of $12,250 by January 1, 1984....", and; WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has informed the CITY, in writing, of its difficulty in generating the required amount by the date established. WHEREAS, the City Commission passed Resolution No. on January , 1984, authorizing the amendment of the above referenced contract extending the date for generating the required project revenues as specified in Article 6.2 of the Agreement: THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the covenants made herein and in the agreement of which this is an amendment, the parties hereto understand and agree as follows: That the Agreement between the parties, above stated, is hereby amended to extend the date at which time the required revenues, to be generated, are due, from January 1, 1984 to April 30, 1984. 84-41 It is understood by the parties that attachments I, II, and III are hereby incorporated by reference. It is further understood that all the terms and conditions outlined under the original agreement of July 18, 1983 and all subsequent amendments thereto will remain in full force and effect without modification. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instru- ment to be executed by the respective officials thereunto duly authorized, this the day and year first above written. WITNESS our hands and seal on this day of . 1984. ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK ATTEST: SECRETARY City of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida: By Howard V. Gary, City Manager PRESIDENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: DOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTOR -2- 84-41 ' P RO G.gi1 DIRECTIVES i.? CWWflMffM ATTACHMENT I c.Ci'IV '!D. SUBJECT" REQUIRED REVENUE GENERATION FOR 1983-84 POL ICY IMPACT ' ILL CBOs -� r - �.r war • GENERATIMG OF REVENUES - Article 6.2 '3"Con�ractors are required to generate funds in the amount of $12,250 by January 1, 1984 from ,ape -over+ revenue generating projects. Funds generated by grants (federal, state and local) P'jill not be considered as generated revenue. In the event that a Contractor fails to i#generate the above mentioned amount by 1/1/84, this contract will be terminated and all " ;lvutstanding unencumbered and unused monies will be returned to the City." i#;s a resul t of the C30 meeting held on Wenesday, November 2, 1983, it he been brought to aly pttention that some of the Executive Directors have requested that an extension of time be a;,3i'/en, in order to satisfy Article 6.2 of —the ninth year (1983-84) contract agreement. !IJ-11ore an extension of time can be reviewed by this department and a recurimendation made to ittn2 City Manager and Commission, I am requesting that each of the organisation's presidents 1_;ubmilt a formal request to me, requesting the extension of time. The following items should addressed: i e Why the organization will not be able to satisfy the stated contractual requirement by January 1, 1984. ►r o 'How much revenue has been generated to date? o What projects have been identified as a source of generating the additional revenue? f! o ,'Than (specify date) will the corporation'be able to satisfy the contractual obligation i;Tne deadline to submit a request for extension is November 30, 1983. If your request is not •eceived prior to this date an extension request will not be entertained by this department. s i i . FECTI`JE DATE EXPIRATION DATE November 18, 1983 November 30, 1963 -3NT,,c; PERSON AUTHORIZED BY: .r3rJ,'..3 Aibury & Albert Ruder (589-3324) Charlotte Gallogly, Direca \ OF f.CONO UC 0iVE 0F1-%1;:NT / New L:•.,:!,! 7u..cr, :loor ' Miami. H.-Ir;.!. W32 ! j rlt•+RLOITE A '.'.LL0(,;1LY.0:rr;tor V4-41 0 11 ATTACHMENT II COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 3582 C-AAND AVENUE • P.O. DOX 75 COCONUT GROVE, EL 33133 • (305) 446-3095/6 ` Decembea 2, i983 , M'J. Chan lv.t.te Sal.loglly D.iaecxo,z Gepu4tr c t of Economic Develvrmen.t 174 6ai.t F.laglea St.,zee.t, 7-th Flova Miami, Floaida 33131 Dean M j. Sal log.lzy: 9n 4e4pvn4e .to cyoua p.zogaam diaec.tive, CSLDC lj zeque4ting an ex.ten4.ion of .the deadline foa the zequ.iAemen.t of $12,500.00 undea oua cur✓ent ecunwm�c,. Deve.lopmen.t Con tAac t. CSLDC ha j 7ai jed ?und j by opelzat ing booth-j at jeve.zal jtlzee.t ,f ea.ti va.1A, - aece.ived a yaan.t .in .the amount of S2,000.00 ,favm .the Mott Foundation and ha4 come 4everuue geneaa.ted by oua New.jle.ttea advea.tia.ing jalej. We aae ac.ti velzy .:eeking ,fund4 on an vngoZr*ig Gae.i 4 by geneaa.ting p4opo4ale 1v v02ivu4 cvapvaate dvnv44 and ,foundativn4. 44 v; GecemGea 1, 1983, we have 4a.i4ed appaoxima.te.lg $7, 000.00 of which $1, 000. 00 wa4 paid .to .the n1S. 114 you binow, we aae -4cheduled .to zepay a pavm.i jvazy note .to .the City of Miami -in .the amount of S3, 117. 00 Gy Decembea 31, 1983, theaefoae oua abili.tcy .to meet .zequ.iaemen.t-j i4 rultthea dimin.iAhed. On behalf of .the Boalid of Diaec.toltA, -7 am aec;ue sting an ex.ten4ivn of vua deadline un.t.i.l .the fund] aize aa.i•jed, which we anticipate will r-,ccalz cf.ten paattic.ipa.tion .in jeve-zad ee4.tival j dufzing .the lfi z4z half of 1984. ihunb you f0a ;:vua cvvpelzatiun .in thi'j ma.t.tea. celzelcy, p � jev zge S<mp.sun, ML' Chr,•i lzman 1 � . ' •, - �tom:, !� !-'.. A NON-PP.OFIT CORPORAVON FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMcNT 84-41 0 E. M BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Brazlaysky President Armando J. Sucelo, Jr. First Vice President Roy Kenzie Second Vice President Oscar Gaetan ,Secretary Ray New Treasuref DIRECTORS Tony Alonso Henry Berger Ana Man Brechner Emilio Cruz Eli Fomberg Jack Kuper James E. McDonald Manny Palmeiro Tom Post Michael Rice AngelRodnguez Herb Spahn EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR a Witredo Gort November 30, 1983 Ms. Miranda Albury Department of F=nomic DeveloMent 174 E. Flagler Street 7th Floor Miami, FL. 33131.. As per the Program Directive received by the Downtown it&= - Business Association from the Department of Bconar is Deve_opwxt-, I hereby request an extension of tine in order to raise `ha required matching funds of $12, 500. 00 for the NEDP grant. The organization (DMBA) will not be able to satisfy the con- tractual requirement by January 1, 1984, due to a decrease of membership renewals and renewal delays in the downtown retail sector. This form of revenue generation is a major source of income for the match. ire, another major source of generating revenue is the 1YA' s First Annual Membership Banquet which has been reschedaled for the month of May, 1984. Projects which can be identified as a source of generating revenue past the January 1, 1984 deadline are as follows: - An increase of membership with a certain percentage allocated to the match. - Rental of a booth duriM Fiesta By The Bay Festival, December 31, 1983. - First Annual Membership Banquet an May, 1984. I r1/�U �'�iCr`�f��nn In�a�ra• ni iiln 7nOG minmi iln 771 •71 /^/l:: \ :.'7fl GC'. C 84-41 0 E r r.- Page TVv November 30, 1983 1.1s. Miranda Albury If all these projects are successful, the mM will be able to satisfy the contractual obligation by May 31, 1984, with the addition to the $3000.00 which will be raised by December 31, 1983. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Sincerely, Mike Bra zlaysky President Downtown Miami Business Association r-- 84-41 i A•LLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. November 22, 1983 ` City of Miami •- Department of Economic Development Charlotte A.Gallogly, Director i74 Fast Flagler Street Miami, Florida .. 3313i Fie: Directive No.83-023 - 11/18/83 CFN✓'RATING OF RTIF•NUES -Article 6.2 Dear Bliss Gallogly:.::._..... `e hereby -request:an' extenti:on••'of-.'timie-:-be-: given us-ir. or de.r to-comply.:�with Article 6. 2 of •' she --City Contract;' as ,a CBO- The "reasons' for '`the ..peti•tion "of a67-extension • are' as4J fo•- "I. :Being a:.new organiza.,ion our;°pro,jected :membersh�g^ 'drive .has: •fallen; short of ---'our expectati.ors .so fz_--s •. and::there:.are- many reasons'' for:=th'is'�'. the' main_are• - ,'is that: the", area:we• represent; 1o6ce° a very,-prospe .• '. �' M' ..>. •• .. ::........: :rous com:ne:rcial ones'-has'•-become---a�'blythe-arear_:�..he'` :_ : - foreign buyers.'that' used to "come- in from 'latiti-a.�s new restrictions ..in importing..merchandi- .Pro1m= our ::country; , devaluation of cu_rrenc=es : 2n t a1Z..of those, .countries; has -brought' about ' an exodus; ..___.q�.,.businesses:frorrr •o.ur..Dsh:ctj:-:-tQ:; :the • po�..at that: , about' 80% of our members are:*no longer :in exis.tance, or;liave relocated "in ;1ii:a1eah:°or. Broward: Count-y. ate have had to change our• target "and direct 'our mem- bership•. -;drive to.the food -related industries and bu- "sinesses In the:, area, and'•although we..have been-sucz. cesful so far,'.we need' more; time: to : reach our.. goa? ,: 2, As of today, we. have generated the amount of t2t254. 53 3: ••-0ur pro j e c t of 'organizing a r4ational• College Stu;:en't.,% Seminar in the: Ci.ty'of Miani got a late start, 6e .havu been meeting with bs.Sol Geltrman of the Columbus :o- tel, Dr. German Munoz of the (Miami -Dade Community Colle- ge, trr. :Tilly' Gort of the Downtown Merchants Assoc: u- - tion.and with -airline representatives to help us put together .a "package" . 'de have had the enthusias tic cao•- Feration of Pil,r. Albert Ruder -of your Department as .yell but up to this time, we have not gotten started. 1837 N.W. 20th STREET - SUITE #207 / F30JLEVARD OF THE AMERICAS 1 MIAMI• FLORIDA 33142 1 TEL- (305) 326-1655 • 0 %Ie are sure that this project will b4: a cuccess,and confidant also based on the experiencj3 c`r our, Ex- ecutive Director on a similar seminar of 3,' cf J Black History, organized in New cork in 1 -76 .,-tb t e J riiniSter of Touri3:�i of the Republic or ^." - ir, :eo5 Africa. This project will be beneficial to the -:an �b jec tives we seek: a) activities in the City oz' bJ the'p.ide of showing our City Government making :' i ,;o^; ;yiZh suc- cess after the unfortunate riots, c) rLcre ; a new appearenee in the reduction of crime that wo,.;ld override the bad publicity created by the .+Media in the past. 17e would generate a fee of rl0• per 1caC:.a?4 Soid, :.:'t3t' will help us reach the amount stipulated in ou_ lconc t. 4. Through your Department, we became involved in the G. Barton Scott & Co. project, and we believe that by b + :-,.^.- ging a Solar -Windows Industry to our area, would a- .liviate the unemployment situation in our area by hiring 110 nonskilled employees, plus the fact brat by using So- lar energy in our city, it could reduce the cost of elec- trical power to the entire community and it would be con- sidered an important industry, not only for doines` a con- sumption but as the center of export of that product to central, south america and the caribbean. :'ie have been promised that if the pro jec 4 is succestul w may operate out of the same building rent-free, and 'the seller of the property promissed a contribution to A304 if it is considered legal within our Contarc : with the City of Miami. 5. By late April or the beggining of May 1984, we should be able to satisfy our contractual obligation With the Ci- ty of Miami, and thus, be able to comply with Article 6. c+f same. Please take into consideration also that our membership dues become payable after January, and that ussua?ly the checks start comming in by the end of February. Also that we are co,-- tinueing our membership drive, and as we demonstrate the re- sults even partially of our projects, more of the merchants become trustful of the benefits in joining our organization_. .. Thanking you for your cooperation, the remain Res tfully yours _ "Morrie Pels:�az c. �c I;s doro Rodriguez , Press. ent� •: xeDi:� , - 84-4,1. 4 Ncnenber 29, 1983 Ms. Charlotte Gallogly, Director _ Dept. of Economic Development City of Miami 174 Fast Flagler St. Miami, FL. RR: Required Revenue rpeneration :198.3-84 Dear Ms. Gallogly: In response to your Demoranclum dated November 18, 1983 regarding the abm-e subject, I would like to inform the following: 1. The LHDA_ will not be able to fulfill the contractual requirements by January 1, 1984 because of the short time frame recnrired to satisfy. Article 6.2 of our contract. Also one of our staff members.is alreadv working with the Little Havana Tourist Authority (CAWAVAL MTAmi) in order -to generate $6,250 from the S12,250 required. Because -our staff is small we hereby request that we be qiven that extension so that we can work towards achieving our obligations. 2. We have entered into an agreement wif h the LFiTA by which they will pay us $6,250 for office services (letter of agreement attached). 3. In addition to our assistance to (.arnaval Miami, the TEA will be m ttir•.c out a brochure called "A Suing Experience in Little Havana." The pia. -pose of the brochure will be not only to attract shoppers to the area, thus increasing the revenues of the cc mercial establishments, hat also it xdll serve as a source of generating revenues for the LHDA. 4. Our organization will be able to satisfy our contractual agreement by April 30, 1984. If you need further information, please let me know. Yours fly, Ange I de P :L Chairman, UIDA 84-41. • i• i t t 1 , September 26, 1083 Mr. Angel De Pedro Chairman Little Havana Development Authority 1301 S.W. First Street Miami, FL 33135 Dear Angel: We are confirming our commitment to pay $6,250 to Lit tle Havana Development Authority for temporary office services for CARhAVAL MIAMI that will be performed by George Mattox as follows: 0 3 hours per day (from October 1st to December 159 1983) . o 7 hours per day (from January 15 to March 15, 1984) E nriqueta informs me that she has already discussed this matter with Hilda and they have agreedon the schedule specified above. If you think that there are any points that need to be discussed or clarified, please give me a call. Best regards, Leslie Pantin, Jr. cc: Hilda Rodriguez, LHDA Enriqueta Fernandez, LHTA 84-41. A� /i o Small Business Opportunity Center Inc. - (S.B.O.C.) j 1 1417 W. FLAGLER STREET. 3rd FLUOR, MIAMI• FLORIDA 3313S - TELF.643.1555 Dccunbe,-.6, 1933 A5 . C1ux-Meat.-ttt Gaeeogt y, DZ%ecto.t PEEPARTME.W OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPME'JT Oiump.ca n^uZed&zg 174 Ea.6•t F.eagtex SViceet Miami, Ff-on i,da 33131 DecA As. GaUog.ey: In onde,% to 6atiAJy .the hequi ternent6 o6 :`AAticf-e 6.2 o6 theninthe yeaa Cont�xaet Agaeeme st at tfLiz .time we &e,6pee t ju U y %eque6t an extension oS the dead Zane .to meet 6ueh-tequitements. Th.i,6 extenaion wouCd be due to .the Sottow.rng n.ea.6on6: 1- A.s o S today, oun wtacuuzat.on haz obtained on.ey $5, ::18. 00. 2- Due Co' the shoat time Ptame o6 6 month6, the $12,250.00 pnognumed aevenue .us gneatet than the .-Lezuets o6 .the eSSoaYtz made to match 6aid Sund�s. 3- We have 6u.bm,i tted a pnopo6ae to the City oS Miami Son a type- setting bu4iXze66 which, in the event oS an rzrptovae, 6ai d bua.cne66 wowed geneAate a good po&ti.on o5 to amount pencf,:ng, beSo,%e June 30, . 1984. 4 - In onde,% to obtain add i tf ona.e income, a Sund .%zZ6 e& wiU pZaee in the in6ta.2.ea ti i,on o,S the new SooAd o u 'OZ%ectox s o S -he S. B.O.C. 6aid event .c,6 paog,% med So,% th.i s morzh. Once mate 1 keaeAato that the /ceverues gaareed by such cap- event wia s,ct be su6 ji i.e -Y t to meet out needs dun i ng ttr i,s yew-,. In view o5 the above mercti.oned we state .t1::�,- we caLe.e have the tLotae amount of $12,250.00 by May 1, '984. Yours L;&ab e cons-i.dehati.on to t►hiA matter. tv.itt be apptee fated. _ S.bzceneey, Pn.uidejzt A PROGRAM FOR SMALL BUSINESS MINORITIES 84-41 .4% I WYNWOOD COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, INC. 2601 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33137 / Tel.: (305) 576.0752 BUSINESS .! �►�. o December 5, 1933 o Il L y f 4 lLi PROGRAM bIs Charlotte Gallogly Executive Director Board ofDtnetor. Department of Economic Development EtocuHw commin•. City of Miami cnst.pWVM 174 East Flagler St., 7th Floor A!t'nso1rui'1to Miami, Florida 33131 Vk. G4by.r•on Joseph Fem.ndez Dear Ms Gallogly : 116sunwr Me.. Clavfe As you well know, for the past year and one-half, the Secretary wynwood Community Economic Development Program, Inc. Nicnot•sJ.O•N!s has unsuccessfully attempted to gain a 501 (c) (3)• tax tit."nbw•atexempt status from the U.S. Department of Internal Re - Antonio No-91,d.o venue. Most recently, November 30th, 1983 we failed at Nq�•tys No�+l Y Jcsi.s9.ror.te the federal level to have our appeal for reconsideration Angellooda favorably ruled upon. Anger Ol+d• An intricate part of our ability to solicit the $12,500 in funds required to match our grant from your department is our tax exempt status. With this our major corporate/ public fund solicitation could begin and we could easily reach our goal by June 30, 1984. Your staff has recently begun to provide us with assistance regarding our application for 501 (c) (3) status. In the interim, however, we are forced to asked for an extension of our December 31, 1983 commitment to you to havcit the $12,500 in funds raised and on -hand. We have also put.a freeze on purchasing our Word -Processing equipment until such time as we are able to resolve this issue;. (Cont.) E.+cut-.e n.rector STATE OF FLORIDA FUNDED PROGRAM 84-41'. La Ms. Charlotte Gallogly Page 2 We appreciate your consideration and look forward to a favorable response. Should you require additional in- formation, I would be more than pleased to provide it. Very truly yours, ;ot9he Alf o Cha i ` ` anoard AT/av cc: Jose R. Mendez Executive Director 84-41'. 6 1�j.. `:t•xa �a.rr�C z7s.�R'i = ir..ns--r. �.�w ��.�a.�.. ��.+..aii. iWii"inn.i�Yi••�•�•:i�yrFain.�.nrrr7ar.maw:4L�i:........c�w.�.o...x'w�+m..1ft,.:. •x ya- -sy- .�r.m•• _� .iw.a�.� w.- •-.z�. w -- --.-+�.�•... :..._ ,e..- •. ' "�`' . "': aa....r. 71 Ncnreniber 28, 1983 }: .. G'iarlotte Gallogly Depar-,.mnt of Economic Development Me h•tr „n City of Miiarri t 'j'u"'� 174 rasa: F1agler Sweet, 7th Floor R.:rrd %lemhen Riau, Florida 33131 11 S ot./t, t ^•;• -:-, F f4-;,:" Dea- Ms. Gallogly: i.� .. ;u�c.tr• K,,r,et nit IPM : Subject: RE REJL*TJE GFNM- ATION 1983 - 1984 t.r:.�. �.•..^,r,, 11 r•_�. in reply to your memorandum dated 11/18/83 - subject . E%rcuttsc t)treerw "Generating of Revenue" Article 6.2, Mart -in Lu he.'r King "...''r' Economic Development Corporation has been involved in so.tra exciting things as it relates to improving the welfare and well-being of the Model City Area. We have had a major parking problem which we have resolved with off street parking try reiZdeli.ng the parking lot situated in the back of MLK's building at an estimated SLni Of $75,000. We have also generated real estate .1ocate3 : the 7th Avenue corridor tram Capital Bank with an estate value of $150,000 and a market value of $200,000. Also, wee have contacted Wells Fargo in Pennsylvania and Neva Jersey and are presently speaking about rent acquisition wizhir, a price range of $65,000. As your office requested, we have applied to t-he South Florida Employment and Training Consort -ion. Two proposals were submitted both of which range over roijahly S20C,000 each. We believe that we should be successful with : least one of the proposals. -V : In terms of generating funds in the amount of $12,253, we woald like to request an extension of t1hree months f:_am January. Our reason for making this request is because so nuch of our energy has been put forward into these projects that are mentioned above. Finally, we would like tc inform you that air package for the state grant has a so bees 84-41. Y--s. Chaxialte Gallo^lr p3clZ 2 Nave-r-ber 28, 198-3-0 Kea of [fartin Luther King E;conanic Develoaient Corperation hope ttiL3t these things will be taken into consideration in granting car request. v5amel ,Mason Executive Director cc: Ms. Miranda Albu_ry Mz . Albert Ruder 84-41, I r] ✓411apattalt T11eiPc4anb_AjocWibn �,, OFFICERS: a ` ItaLt'II I':u 1:tKCcll:1M 1•Itt•r�laml.vr' ARTLWR %V. K %RLIC K Sti:Rf /'iRl November 23, 1983 FUGUAE SOROSRY 10 IS1 HIR i1s. Charlotte Gallogly, Director City of ,,!iami ,concmic Development Department 174 East Flagler Street, 7th Floor Miami, FL 33131 Dear Ms. Gallogly: This Association has been diligently putting forth every effort to satisfy all requirements of its economic development contract with the City of Miami. We feel that all the requirements of this contract can bg met given a reasonable amount of time to carry them out. However, the requirement to generate $12,250. by February 1, 19814 with a contract beginning august 12, 1983 does not allow adequate time. The intent, as we understand it, is to make the organization self sufficieirt by a given time. This is agreeable and necessary. However, the reduction of grant allocation simultaneous with this requirement is not practical. This does not create true self sufficiency in that the organization must utilize its generated revenues to match its grant amount in order to satisfy the program budget. At the end of the funding period, the organiza- tion not only has no grant to draw from it also does nct have its generated revenues to continue operation. Ulti- mately, the demise of worthwhile organizations for the commiun.ities they were serving. While this Association has initiated certain revenue generating projects, they have.not been in operation long enough to net the required amount by the time indicated. We are presently publishing a bi-monthly newsletter for our community, with advertisement sales. Also, we offer word processing services. These projects are in their very early stages and due to a severe shortage of staff, have not reached their ultimate potential. In addition, we anticipate another revenue generating operation to be effective December. 1, 1983. This will moderately increase our present revenues. 1400 N.W. 36th STREET • SUITE 201 a MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142 • TELEPHONE: (305)633.6874.75 84-41. As a result of our, engagement in these projects, a total of $2,028. has been generated with $5,500. pledged by members of the Board of Directors. This Association will be seeking to publish an area business advertising directory for distribution throughout the city. We have a preliminary target date of March, 1984. It is unknown at this time the probable net amount this project will generate. In view of this project, as well as others, we are requesting an extension date of April 30, 1984. We appreciate your concern and understanding in this matter and are hopeful that a concerted effort by the City of Miami will be made to reach an amicable decision in this matter. If you require further information, please advise., sinc rely, , f // Ral h Packingham 84-41. ..0 36 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Howard V . Gary DATE: December 21, 1983 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT: Amendment to Contractual Agreements with the Community Charlotte Gallogly Based Organizations FROM Director tENC NOES Department of Economic January 12th Commission Development Meeting Agenda Item ORES: "It is recommended that the City Com- mission authorize the City Manager to amend the individual contract agreements with eight (8) neighborhood economic development organizations, in substantially the form attached, hereto, to extend the date by which the required generation of funds is to be completed as per the contract with the City of Miami for the 9th year Community Deve- lopment Block Grant." At the July 18, 1983 City Commission meeting, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 83-627 authorizing you to enter into indi- vidual contract agreements with the neighborhood economic develop- ment organizations for the implementation of a 9th year Community Development Block Grant program. As you know, for the past two years the contract agreement be- tween the City and the community based organizations has stipulated that each CBO generate project revenue funding in order that they will become self-sufficient by 1985 and no longer depend on funding from the City of Miami. Article 6.2 of the FY 183-184 contract agreement stipulates that each organization is required to generate funds in the amount of $12,250 by January 1, 1984 from approved revenue generating projects. It further states that "in the event that a Contractor fails to generate the above amount by January 1, 1984, this contract will be terminated and all outstanding and unencumbered and unused monies will be returned to the City." On November 18, 1983, this department generated a Program Directive to all the CBOs regarding the status of their revenue generation and requested a formal request from their Board president if an extension was required and that they address the following items: o Why the organization will not be able to satisfy the stated contractual requirement by January 1, 1984; t34-41. Page 2 o How much revenue has been generated to date; o What projects have been identified as a source of generating the additional revenue; o When (specific date) the organization will be able to satisfy the contractual obligation. (See Attachment I -Program Directive) At this time, this department has received requests from eight community based organizations for an extension of the date to generate the required $12,250 (See Attachment II). After com- pleting a comparative analysis of the information provided in the letters from the CBOs (See Attachment III), an extension of the date of the original contract requirement for raising the revenues should be granted for the following reasons: 1) It is obvious that the majority of the organizations have not raised sufficient funds to meet the required deadline; 2) The consensus among the CBOs is that the original timetable established in the contract agreement was not adequate for them to generate the required $12,250. Therefore, I am recommending a new date for the completion of the revenue requirement to be no later than April 30, 1984 and that the following CBO contracts be amended: 1) Wynwood Community Economic Development, Inc. 2) Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc. 3) Allapattah Business Development Authority, Inc. 4) Small Business Opportunity Center, Inc. 5) Little Havana Development Authority, Inc. 6) Coconut Grove Local Development, Inc. 7) Allapattah Merchants Association 8) Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation, Inc. It is important to note and comment .upon. the .fact that_ the Little River Chamber of Comnerce and the Overtown Economic Development Corporation were successful in meeting the contract requirement to raise the required $12,250 by the due date of January 1, 1984. CG/EB/ju Attachments 84-41.