HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09776t 3-83-706 8/25/83/rr ORDINANCE NO.9 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 111, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CORRECTING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL, AND LINGUISTIC ERRORS; ELIMINATING OBSOLETE OR REDUNDANT PROVISIONS; AND RESTRUCTURING AND RENUMBERING CHARTER SECTIONS AND PARTS THEREOF FOR CLARITY; INSTRUCTING THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF SAID PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON MARCH 13, 1984; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission hereby submits the following proposed Charter Amendment to the qualified electors of the City of Miami at a special municipal election on March 13, 1984, for the purpose of amending the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, by correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linguistic errors; eliminating obsolete or redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering charter sections and parts thereof for clarity. The herein proposed charter amendment shall become effective upon its approval by the electors: CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1 The Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, Chapter 10847, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, 1925, as amended, is hereby amended by correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linguistic errors; eliminating obsolete and redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering charter sections and parts thereof for clarity, to read as follows: NO "Be It Ordained by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida: Sec. 1. Body politic and corporate name; NOTE: Unless otherwise seal; right to Contract, sue, and be indicated, all changes are sued. intended to correct grammatical, syntactical, The inhabitants of the City of or linguistic errors; or to Miami, Florida, within the bound- eliminate plainly unnecessary aries hereinafter designated, or material; or to provide greater within such boundaries as may clarity. hereafter be established, shall continue to be a body politic and NOTE: All marginal notes corporate under the name "The City are purely explanatory and of Miami," and as such shall have do not constitute part of perpetual succession, may use a the legislation. common seal, may contract and be contracted with, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the courts of this state and in all matters whatever. Sec. 2. Corporate limits. The corporate limits of the City of Miami heneeferth shall inceeperate e"d include all the territory and inhabitants within the following area, and no other;-to-w#t: [See attached Exhibit "A".) Sec. 3. Powers. 1 The City of Miami shall have power: (a) Taxes and assessments: To raise annually by taxes and assessments in said city, such sums of money as the commission hereinafter provided for shall deem necessary for the purpose of said city, and in such manner as shall be hereinafter provided for, and in accordance } with the constitution and laws of the State of Florida and the United States; provided, however, that 4t she-11-impese no tax erg-the-bends-ef tie-e-ityT or other evidence of city indebtednessT shall be imposed on the bonds of the city. (b) Streets, parks, bridges, sewers, grade crossings, speed of vehicles; services and rates of motor vehicle carriers: To pave, grade, curb, repave, macadamize, remacadamize, lay out, open, close, vacate, Transferred from former discontinue, widen, and of erwise Sec. 3(5). improve"streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards, lanes, sidewalks, parks, promenades, and other Words or symbols stricken through are to be deleted; words or symbols underlined are to be added. 4 -1- f public highways or any part thereof, and to hold liens therefor as hereinafter provided; to construct and maintain bridges, viaductst subwaysi tunnels, sewers, and drains, and regulate the use oT all such highways, parks, public grounds, and works; to prevent the obstruc-tion of such sidewalks, streets, and highways; to abolish and prevent grade crossings over the same by railroads; to regulate the operation and speed of all-eaps and vehicles using the streets, highways, and save-as-well-e-e-t- h epees 3eR-aR -speed-of-ail-eRgiReeT eaee-and-tpa4me-e€ railroads within the city; to regulate the service be be rendered and rates ke be charged by busses, motor cars, cabs, and other vehicles for the carrying of passengers and by vehicles for the transfer of baggage. (d) Contracting of debts and borrowing of money: T-bjeeb be the peey4- 8 eRe e€ the GeRst4twk4eR of plee4de and of tb}e 6bepbegT To contract debts, borrow money, and make and issue evidences of indebtedness. (e) Expenditures: To expend the money of the city for all lawful pur- poses. (f) AegwIF4Rg Acquisition and d4spes!Rg disposition of property and services: (i) To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, condemnation, or otherwise, real or personal property pea-ee-pepseRa r or any estate ee interest therein, within inside or w}kbewt outside the city, and for any o ie purposes `of the cityT; and to improve, sell, lease,, mortgage, pledge` or otherwise dispose of bbe-eame such property or any part ereo T ad feet to a.11 eegeIeea ORbs-e€-law. (ii) To acquire or dispose of by _ peeebaseT 94ft eg Oth"WIse services withiR inside or WithOUt outside the city, and b urchas' egift, or other - Wise, Tor any purposes or=e c y. Transferred from former Sec. 3 (5) . The-elty-sha44 To lease to or contract with private €4pma-ee persons for the commercial use or management of any of the city's waterfront property, but only in compliance witFi �e other requirements s of this c ar er and on condition ME:' ka4 (A) the terms of ea#d the contract allow reasonable public access to the water-y and reasonable public use off` aaeh the property, and compl w th other 69aetee charter waterfront setGack and view -corridor requirements; and kb4 (B) the terms of Bald The contract result in a air return to the city based on two 424 indepen- dent appraisals; and ke4 (C) the use is auth- orized under the then existing master plan of the City city a€-Mlam4; and kd� (D) the procurement methods- as shall be prescribed by ordinances are observed. Any such lease or management agreement or proposed extension or modifica- tion of an existing such lease or management agreement which does not comply with each of the above conditions Pegelpe- meR�s-and-sae-e��es-�egdl�e- w►eRs-e€-bale-6he�eg shall not be valid unless it has first been approved by a majority of the voters of the G#ky city of m4aml. Nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect or apply tot k43 the city of M#e�+#,�dp#vere#�y-e�€-M#aa#-dames �t-14R#glib-�R#erRak#eRa#-GARbei' and-ae�e#-€ae###tyT-�Reldd#R e�:#-#mprevemeR�e-�beaesR;-k�� any projects the financing of which has been provided by the authorization of bonds to be issued by the City city of Miami, (g) Public property �and improvements: To make snntain, w#thiR inside and without outside the FTYy, public improvements of all kinds, including municipal and other public buildings, armories, markets, and all buildings and structuFes necessary or appropriate for the use of the city; and to . 3- Obsolete; project completed. acquire by condemnation or other- wise all lands, riparian and other rights and easements necessary for such improvements; and to rent or lease from any person* €iemy BeP�ePa�ienr-er-p9iib4eHi-eebdivi- 949nt any land or building within or without the city or any spaee within any sueh be4id4nq part thereof for any municipal purpose. (h) Public service: To furnish any and all local public service. (i) Public utilities: To purchase, hire, construct, own, maintain, operateL or lease local public utilities, including street railways, electric light, telephone and telegraph systems, and works for supplying the city and its inhabitants with water, ice, gas for illuminating and heating purposes, and electric energy for illuminating, heatingL or power purposes. (j) Water supply: To acquire in any Iaw€wi manner in any eeun€y of inside or outside the stater or w-Moug the a a er such water, landsL and lands under water as the city may deem necessary for the purpose of providingi piping,and conducting an adequate water supply or say he city; and-a€-pip4ng-ee eeRdwebing the semet to lay all necessary mains; to erect and maintain all necessary dams, pumping stations, and other works in connection therewith; to make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for promoting and arotecting the purity of ibe-sa e water supplyL eRd-€er-prebeeb- *RI the same from pallwk4ent and for this such purpose to exercise full police powers and sanitary patrol over all lands comprised within the limits of the watershed tributary to any such supply wherever such lands may be located in this state; be impose and t- eR€see s-edegdabe-penalties-€er-bbe vieiabieR of any sdeh reifies and t regulabienst and to prevent by injunction any pollution or threatened pollution of such water supply and any and all acts likely -g to impair the purity thereof; and for the purpose of acquiring lands or material for any such use, to exercise within the state all powers of eminent domain. For any of the these purposest aforesaid said th"e city may acquire by condemnation, purchase, or other- wiseT any estate or interest in such lands, er-any-of-themv-er-sny s}9hb-er-oaaor�eR#,-bhoeeinT-sr-mey aeEjai�e-abeh-�BRd8-9P-@Ry-a€-bhexe -4- #R-€eeT-isese�M3Rg-te-the-ewneP-eP ewRaps tbaPee€ sdeb Fights of easements tbePe*R as may be pPesePibed in the afdiRanee p�►evlding-€eP-sdeb-eeRdemnet�eR-eP pdPehase, subject to whatever conditions or reservations may be reason9ble. Tfie said city may sell or supply to persons* €ipmsT 3RddetPlea eP mdRle#pel eePpePe- tlens residing or located outside of the city limitsT any surplus of water it may have over and above the amount required to supply its own inhabitants. (k) Rates of public utilities: To establish, impose, and enforce weteP-Pates -eRd reEes and charges for water, gas, electricity, and all Ether`public utilities or other services or conveniences operated, rendere-J, or furnished by the city or by any other personT pePsensT €!Pm-eP-eePpePet49R. (1) Telephone and telegraph wires: To require the placing of all elec- tric, telephone, and telegraph wires end also -all telepNeRe eR telegPapb in underground conduits, dRd6F9FawRdT and to prescribe and enforce rules and regulations Torr e construction and use of said such conduits, including, when necessary, the cons ruc ion o an to eR epee eemp 4aRee ePewithy and-in-ease-a€-falluPe-BP-Pe€deal e€-the-publie-ut}lines-eempeRies to-pleee-sdeb-w}Pes-wRdePgPewRd-and eemply-with-the-Pelee-eRd-Pegdle- tlens tbePeafT to eeRatPdet such conduits and pleee the placing of the wires underground; and maiRt6IR in such cases, to claim a lien against he franchise and property of sdeb eempeniaev the persons failing to comply with S-57 requirements. (m) Harbor and shipping facilities: To establish, construct, maintain, and operate, both inside witbia and outside wltbedt ie city, public an _ngs, wharves, docks, and warehouses; to dredge or deepen the harbors eP and rivers, or any branch -'or parrion thereofT; to install turning basins, and guild jetties, and otherwise improve the harbor and shipping facilities of the city, inside within and without outside the city and inside witb}R and w4theut outside harbor lines where such improvements outside of harbor lines are approved by the United States Government or its proper agencies; to acquire by condemnation or otherwise all lands, riparian and other rights and easements 5 .- 0 LI reasonable duties or wharfage fees on vessels coming through or using said landings, wharves, docks*-and to--- eel 4set er storage in eueb warehouses} to lease-er-grant-the-use-o€-eny-one er mere of Bush publ4e land}RgeT wharyeay desks OF wareheuBeeT OF part thereaft, or warehouses; to regulate the manner or using o her landings, wharves, docks, and warehouses within the city; to prescribe and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for the protection and use of Its said property; to advance to the Government of the United States or to the Seeretary of War, with or without interest, funds to be expended in the-preseeuten-a€-eny werk-e€ harbor improvements to be made by the government in OF adjeeeRt to or near the city, or directly affecting the city within Miami Harbor and the approaches thereto, if such work has been duly adopted -and authorized by laws of the United States.; and to issue bonds or notes to obtain funds for such advances. 3n-the-manner-that 3e or may be prev4ded by th4s Charter er ather law €er the 3ssaanee-e€-bends-and-Retea-a€-tha e4tyt and to impose end en€eree adegdete-pena�t�ee-€er-the-v�e�a- t4en e€ sueh ruteo and regula- t-is ReT (n) Franchises: Sdbjeet to the pre��s�ene-e€-the-CeRet�tut�en-e€ 919Flda- and -9€-this- Char ter.-beth #Reluslye. To grant franchises for _ public utilities. (o) Sewage, offal, ashes, garbage, etc.: To collect and dispose of sewage, offal, ashes, garbage, carcasses of dead animals, and other refuseT; and to acquire, OF construct, aAd to or operate incinerators and other plants for the .disposal or reduction of such matter or the utilization thereof of of any part thereof.; and to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise any estate -or interes'E er-sasemeRt in any water, land, and or land under water within the city or within any county in the stater so-may-be-deemed-neeessary, for such disposal, reduction, utilization, construction, or operation. (p) Abatement of nuisances, etc.: To compel or cause the abatement and removal of all nuisances within the city or upon property owned by the city beyond its limits et the eapenae-of by the person ea-pePeeRS. causing the same. or Of by the -6- 0 it owner or occupant of the 9psuRd-ep ppemises-whepeen property where the same may ber; andin the event the city incurs any cost or expense for such abatement or removal, the -same shall aeAsk4twts and Psma#R to claim a lien against the any real property involved; wnt4l-pa}d-w4th }Rteeest-ts-aeeede-at-the-eats-e€ al% k64 peeeeRt aRnwelly; to require all landaT late eP eth@F premises real eroperty within the city to b7e-kept, clean, sanitary, and free from dilapidated, deteri- orated, dangerous, or unsanitary buildings or structures, and weeds, undergrowth, rubbish, debris, trash, 6Rd or unsightly and unsanitary matter; end-if-the-swnee e�-eWRei�BT-e�-pe�seRa-lRteeeeted-#R adeh peepeety de Rat eemply with any adeb eegdlFemsRtT adeb week shall-be-eawsed-te-be-aeeempl#ehed and the east thefee€ shall be eaused-te-beeeme-e-14eR-aga3Rat-the feel ppepepty lRvelyed in the maRRee-pPev}ded-#R-latee-seetleRs of this Chaet8FT the Cede., eg applleable-eedlReReest to regulate or prevent eladQhtehedsea-e�-ethee Re#seme not X, unsightly, or offensive -business activities or conditions within said the city -le ppev}de-€ee-IRapeet!Rg-eRd-pegdla- k1Rg-the-8anitafy-e9Rdit! 8R-e€-all da}F}eeT-butehee-peRe-and-sladgh- teehawass within and withedt the e#ty-l�m�te-where-the-peeddete-e€ 4he-same-aee-sell-w4th3R-the-e4ty llmlts-eRd-te-pgev}de-peRaltles-€ee the-�}eletleR-e€-adeb-eegdlatleReT te; to regulate or prohibit the keeping of animalsT P""Py eP ethee-€ewl-theeelRT or the exepeles conduct of any dangerous or unwholesome businessT teade of empleymeRt-theeelRt-te-Fegdlete-the teaRspeetatisR e€ all aptleles th�edgh-the-steeets-e€-the-eltyf-te eempel-the-ebatemeRt-a€-smske-end ddetT-eRd-pFeveRt-WAReeesaapy-Re3se these}Rf-te-gegdlete-the-lseatleR e€-stables-and-the-maRReP-iR-wh}eh they-shall-be-Dept-and-eeRstpdeted activity; and generally to define, pro i i , abate, suppress, and or prevent all things detrimental the health, morals, comfort, safety, convenience, and welfare of the inhabitants of The city. (q) Weights and measures: To inspect, test, measure, and weigh any commodity or arFicle of consumption or use within the city, and to fix a standards for eRy such semmedtty commodities or articles; end to es a is , regulate, license, and inspect weights, meters, measures, and scales; and to make reasonable cheraes there or. -7- Incorporates former Sec. 30) . 0 4 owner or occupant of the gpewAd-ef ppam4ses-whefean property where the same may bey; an-J in the event the city incurs any cost or expense for such abatement or removal, the -sage shall eaRetltdte and fema4R to claim a lien against the any real property involved; wA44l-paw-w4th lRte�es€-te-aeefde-e€-the-fete-e€ six 464 pepeent aRRwally; to require all landat lets of ethef ppemises real property within the city to be kept clean, sanitary, and free from dilapidated, deteri- orated, dangerous, or unsanitary buildings or structures, and weeds, undergrowth, rubbish, debris, trash, and or unsightly and unsaniI ary matter; and-i€-the-ewae 8F-ewRe3PaT-Bf-pefe8RS-3Rtefeated-lR sweh pfapepty de Rat eemply with any awah FegeigemeRtT Bush week shall-be-eaesed-te-be-aeeempl}ehed and the east thefee€ shell be eaesed-to-beeeme-e-lieR-a@alRet-the feel pfepefty iRvelved }R the mBRReP-pfevlded-lR-letef-BeetieRe 8€ tale GhefteFT the GedeT ep applleable-epdiReReest to regulate or prevent sladghtefhedseB-of-etheg Relaeme noisX, unsightly, or offensive -Ft siness activities or conditions within said the city. -la pfevlde-€af-iRBpeet!Rg-and-Fegdla- t}Rg-the-aanitafy-eeRdltleR-e€-all da4fiseT-butehef-peRs-and-slawgh- t8fhedse6 within and withedt the elty-llmlts-whefe-the-pfedwete-e€ the- Bame -afa- field-wlthlR-the-elty 1}m}ts-and-te-pF8Yide-p8Raltl88-€6f the-1f3elatleR-a€-Bdeh-fegdlatleaeT te; to regulate or prohibit the keeping of animalsT pewltfy of ethef-€ewl-thepe4RT or the exefelse conduct of any dangerous or unw('Tsome businessT tfade of empleya+eRt-tMeg84Rt-te-fegdlete-tag tf8R8p8Pt8t4eR e€ all aftlelee thfekJgh-the-Btfeete-e€-the-eityt-te eempel-the-abatement-e€-smoke-eRd ddBtT-and-ppeveRt-wnReeeeeafy-Relee thefelRt-te-eegulete-the-laeetleR s€-stablee-and-the-FRaRRev-lR-whleh they-shall-be-kept-and-eeRstfdeted activity; and generally to define, prohib. , abate, suppress, and or prevent all things detrimental To the health, morals, comfort, safety, convenience, and welfare of the inhabitants of The city. (q) Weights and measures: To inspect, test, measure, and weigh any commodity or arFicle of consumption or use within the city, and to fix a standards for any such eemmedity commodities or articles; and to es'�iis-R regulate, license, and inspect weights, meters, measures, and scales; and to make reasonable Incorporates former charges therefor. Sec. 3(3). -7- s 4" (r) Fire prevention; dangerous build- ings; fire limits: To extinguish and prevent fires and to compel eitiaena persons to render assis- tance to the ire department in case of needy; eRd to establish, regulate and control a fire department or division; to regulate the size, materials, and construc- tion of buildings, fences, and other structures heFea€teF-eFeeted in such manner as the public safety and convenience may require; to designate fire limits within whicF wooden buildings may not be construe e , removed, added to, or enlargeT—,-and to removeT or require to be removedT any building or structure eF-additieR theFete which by-FeSaeR-a€-dilsPi- datiaRT de€eet Of stFwetwFeT sF etheF eawsesT may have become dangerous to life or propertyT or which may be erectedT contrary to lawt to eetalalieh eRd designate €FSR tine to time €iFe liRitsT withiR-whieh-lim4t8-w8edeR-bw4ld- 4Rga shall Rat be eeRstFdetedy FBRevedT-added-te-SF-eRlaFgedT-eRd to d4peet that aRy eF all €wtwFe buildings-within-adeh-limits-shall be-eanstFdeted-a€-eteReT-Retwpal-eF aFti€ieislT-eaaeFeteT-bFieky-ifeRT OF etheF €iFepFee€ RateFielt pfavidedT-hewevepT-that-by-a-vate e€ €ewp-€i€the 44A53 e€ all the ReRbeFs-e€-the-eaRRissieR-peFRie- aieR Ray be gFeRted €aF steFage sheds-eeRetFeeted-eR-pile-pieFs-eF whaFVeS aR the wateF€FaRtT the sides- eRd- Fee€a -a€-whieh-shell-be eSVeFed with eaFFwgated iFSR eF etheF-€iFepFse€-RateFialt. (s) Public assistance: To provide for the care, support, and maintenance of orphan, depend-ent, delinquent, or de€eetive sick childrenT; and of sick, aged',insane, or indigent persons. (t) Libraries: To organize, support, and administer public libraries. (u) Detentive or penal institutions: To provide and maintainT-eitheF-withiR inside or withewt outside the cityT cc i—F-771able, recrea ive, curative, corrective, detentive, or penal institutions. _ 4V)--RadpeFa and andeeiFableet TO �FeVeRt-peFseRs-haViRg-Ae-Visible ReaRs Of SWRPSFtT padyeFST and paFsaRa-whe-Ray-be-daA�eFedo-te-the �eeee-eF-oa€sty--e€--the--eity-€Fen GaMiRo to sold eity €F®R withoat the-sane#-and---€eF--tbio-�dFpoea is FegdiFe aRY FailFoad eSmgeRyT IM w the Mostee of any ship OF vessel 9F the owneps of any eonveyaneeT-be#nglRg--sdeh-pe�oen to the eltyT to take sdeh peeaom baek to the place wheRee he was beeeghtT or eRtee into beRd with eats€aeteey sseep}ty that sdeh peeasR shall net beeome a eha:?ge upon-ea#d-•e#ty-w#thin-one-4l3-yeee €ee�r-the-dote-o€-h#e-aye#vel f-end else to expel these€eem eRy sdeh peeeaR. (v) 4w� Health: To provide for the preservation of the general health of the inhabitants of said the cityT; to make regulations =o secure Eh same, inspect all foods and foodstuffs, and prevent the introduction and sale in said the city of eRy aet}ele OF th#Rg anything intended for human c`onsumptionT which is adulterated, impure.- or otherwise dangerous to healthTi and to condemn, seize, and destroy or otherwise dispose of any such art}ele of thing without liability to the its owner theeee€; to prevent the introduction or spread of contagious or infectious diseases, and to prevent and suppress diseases generally; to provide and regulate hospitals w#th}R inside or without outside the city '*N s, and to enforce ie removal of persons afflicted with contagious or infectious diseases to hospitals provided for them; to provide for the organization of a department or bureau of healthT-te have the pewsee of a beeed s€ healthy €ee said eltyT with the sethse}ty-Reeessaey-€ee-the-p�ea�pt and 8ff4e4eRt pee€epmeRee of its ddtieaT-with-pewee-to-IRVest-any-op all- the -o€ fie #ala-ee-empleyees-e€ sdeh-depaet:aent-e€-health-with-sdeh peweee as the pel#es o€€}espe of the e4ty keys; to establish and maintain a quarantine ground within inside or w#thewk outside the city -M- 8, and aw—FR quarantine regulations against infectious and or contagious diseases as-the-elky nay-see-€#tT-eab�eet-te-the-laws-e€ the-state-and-e€-the-I�R#tad-States; and to peeyide-end keep records of vi al statistics and eempel the eetWFR-of require persons to report all birthsT and deaths and -provide other necessary informai`on Reee66ePy-�6Feta, (w) Ex3 BurialT stevy of dead: To acquire real property inside or outside e ciy,-- by —purchase, g I f F , ev se, condemnation, or otherwise, landsT-elthee-witI4"R-se w W;swt-the-e#tyT to be used, kept and improved as a place for the interment of the deadT; and to -9- make and enforce all necessary rules and regulations far the protection and use thereof; and generally to regulate the burial and disposition of the dead. (x) 4y� Police power and division of police: To exercise full police powers and establish and maintain a department or division of police. (y) 4e3 Promotion of general welfarev eke*: To do all things whatseavee necessary or expedient for promo- ting or maintaining the general welfare, comfort, education, morals, peace, government, health, trade, commerce, or tRdwete4es industry of the city or its inhabitants. (z) kaa} Enforcement by ordinances, rules, and regulations; penaltiesT; limitation on penalties: To make and enforce all ordinances, rules, and regulations necessary or expedient for the purpose of carrying into effect the powers conferred by this Chapter charter or by any geaeeel lawT; and o provide and impose suitable penalties for the violation of such ordinances, rules, and regulationsT of SAY 8f tbeiT by €iRe Ret emeeediAg give husdeed dellase $599T99�-eF-impFlaeRmeRt-et-h8fd �ebee-eR-the-eteeeta-es-ether+-weei�s e€-the-e�t}�-€e�-a-teen+•-Ret-exeeed- iRg-ai�tjR-�68�-deysT-e�-beta. (as) 4bb3 Licenses and privilege taxes: To license and tax privileges, businesses, occupations, and professions carried on and engaged in within the city limitsT; and to fix the amounts of such (licenses anT the amedR€ e€ oweh lie8Ree taxes eha��-Ret-be-�epeRdeRt-apeR-a independently of general state revenue laws. (bb) 4eeMunicipal trade commission: To create a municipal trade commission e6Reiet4R@-Sf-eRe-41�-BP more members similar in purpose, plan` and authority to the Federal Trade Commission. (cc) kdd� Municipal board of concilia- tion: To create a municipal board of conciliation with authority to investigate and report on disputes between employers and their employeesv-eaeh-Papeete-te-be-fop the-kRfaVMS tieR-e€-the-pablie -eRly aR�-Rat-b#RdtR�-eR-the-paPt�ea. (dd) (ree3 Aircraft; To the extent permitted bX law, to lice a and regulate ai:P, vea6e46 aircraft -1 p- operated over the city and stipulate the height at which and the manner in which same they may be operated above the area 4Reluded kR within the city limiter; and to icense and register the pilots thereof. (ee) Alcoholic beverages: To regulate or prohibit e sale, transportation, or possession of 4Rtew4eat4Rg-l49d9raT wines-eRd-beeea alcoholic beverages within the limits of the city. (ff) �g@� Bird sanctuary: To declare that all territory embraced within the corporate limits of se4d the city shall be a bird sanctuary; and to adopt all ordinances necessary to Berry tb}e power #nte effeet enforce same. (gg) 4hh3 Street sales; hawkers and peddlers; beggars; carriages, drays, jitneys, and other vehicles; traffic; vehicles for hire: To license, control, tax, and regulate traffic and sales upon the streets, sidewalks, and public places wlth4R inside the city and the use of space in such places; and to regulate ewppresa-and or prohibit hawkers, and peddlers; and or beggars —upon such streets, side- walks, and public places; and to license, and-eause-to-be reg4stered and register, control, tax, regulate, or to prohibit 1R de819"ted atreeteT or parte e€ "Fe"ST carriages, omnibusses, motorbusses, cars, wagons, drays, jitney busses, and other vehiclest, and te-}eenseT-taT-eRd-reuse-te be reg4stered end eeRtrel the drivers thereof; and to fix the rates to be charged for the carriage of persons and or property w4th3R inside the city; a d-te-the pdb14a-werTe-b8y8Rd-Fie-11m4ta-af se#d 84kyt eRd to awther3ae the eaCy maRa9erT or the ehl8€ of pollee to make end pramw1gete eeSelatteRe €er tre€€}e OR the streets of pasta 6€ the streetsT dk/riRq sdeh hears 'es may be R8ee88ery Of 88RVeR48RtT and to provide for and �regulate parking spaces on the stre�T; and-te-et eRy-t}me-d!eeopt !Rue -tlie-right-be the-bee-a€-sueh-parktRg-epeese-and to regd16te er Vaeete or d4eeeR- tRue-the-use-e€-the-eaa+et-and to require all vehicles for the carriage of persons or ropert for hire to execute a ion be conditioned as ragwlred by sedi- RaRes for the protection of pass- eRgera and Of the pablie and be Make edeO beRde tRwre to the beRefit 6€ persons or property - 11 - which may be injured or damaged by the operation of such vehicles for hire; and to require such bond with such surety to be furnished. by all vehicles for hire operating upon the city streets,_ e€ the City e€ M4aml whether such operation be wholly within the �c�i�t_yy limits of the city Of Miami or-6etween the City Sit of-M!a►Ri and other eit4ee eRd-bewRs-op places outside of the city city s€-m4eM4. 4414--Reaegved,r (hh) 444� Outdoor exhibitions, games, and contests: To use parks and playgrounds wbieb-may-befea€tee-be aegd}eed-by-the-city-a€-P4ia�a#T-}R wh4eh to give outdoor exhibitions, games, and contestsT; -with-pewee and edthepity to ebapie-and collect a reasonable admission fee for each person eRtep4ng ewsh papk ee pieygee�+nd-ddeing-the-time-wgen-tMe save-eha��-be-seed-e�-em�ieyed-€eg sweh pdPPese attending such events. (ii) 4kk� Railways: For the develop- ment and extension of the port and other shipping and transportation facilities of the city, to con- struct, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, and to equip, own, and maintain a single- or mul'Eiple-track line or lines of railway, and-alse as well as yards, terminals, stations, warehouses, team and other tracks, switches, turnouts, and all buildings and appurtenances deemed appropriate in connection therewith for the receipt, transportation, housing, and delivery of passengers, freight, mail and express from, into, and wit*in the city and the zone lying outside of the city and not distant more than ten 4493 miles from the city limits as now or hereafter constituted; else to extend or connect with such lines or facilities, or with the lines of any common carrier, the lines or facilities of shipping or transpor- tation now or hereafter owned by the city; to place said line or lines of railway Way be upon or along the public highways, or said 4tRe op iiRee of eeilway eRd €eeklities may be upon lands or easements now owned or hereafter to be acquired therefor, located in any part of said area; a-lse to acquire by denatieRT gift, pur- chose, condemnation, or ot-h rwise all land, easements, rights or property deemed necessary therefor by the eity esmmissieR; and to opersteT or cause to be operatedT said line or lines or facilities, -12- • a - or to leasev or grant the use of any part thereof, or any part of any port, terminal, or transpor- tation line, wif1h facilities appurtenant thereto, now or hereafter owned by the city, to any common carrier or carriers, for such time and upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the city commission by ordinance; provided, however, that no ordinance making any such lease or grant shell become effective until approval thereof by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at a general or special election to be called by the city commission, notice of which election shall have been published in a newspaper published within the city once a week for a pepled e€ €4fbeen-E153-days two consecutive weeks. (jj) 4113 Codification of ordinances: To codify its ordinances into a "Code of Ordinances of the City of Miami," and by a single ordinance to adopt such "Code of Ordinances of the City of Miami" as a complete revision of the existing and applicable code and ordinances on the date of such adoption; and to amend such code or ordinances, may be amended €peg+ tome to taRie by pe€epenes t-a any seetlaR ep seet}eRsT-eRd-ea-maRy-seet4eas-ae des#pad may be amended by one eed#ReRee. Sdeb "cede of 8pd3Raneee-a€-€be-G4ty-a€-M}am4T" as-amended-€pem-44me-to-t4meT-may be-pay4sed revise it, and eedif4ed codify or pees a led, and adeh pevased eede may be adapted recodif it; to adopt such revised co e by a single or inanceT; aR wpeR-adeb-pe�3eieR-sk�a��-be-�n-€b�� fares-and-a€€eek.--Zke to have the city clerk of the G}ty of 44ami shell -Dave exercise the power and authority T 76---F-Fa i F y any duly adopted ordinance of the 94ty of M#am} and assign proper section numbers and headings to various parts of such ordinances, and so that thereafter such sections shoal Be —cited in referring to such ordinances. (kk) fmm� Self-insurance and insurance trust fund: To establish and maintain a trust fund known as "The City of Miami Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund" for the purpose of providing funds for a self-insurance and insurance program; to include in said fund monies from other trust funds of the G44y city of M#sm4 when awthapteed- aw; and to disburse monies from said fund to accomplish -13- J the purposes of the self-insurance and insurance program; to authorize Inclusion in said fund of monies from' other funds previously appropriated for the purpose of paying premiums to insurance carriers or for the purpose of paying liability claims and judgments; to establish a self- insurance and insurance committee composed of three 43) members to be appointed annually by the city manager to administer the said fund and to recommend to the city commission annually the amount of reserve to be accumulated and maintained and the amount to be contributed for maintenance of the fund. (11) Seev 3E4)v Sane --Airports and landing fields: ;be-elty-eemmisaiea shah pave pewee and Is beeeby aathaploed to To acquire by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, lands within inside or witgeat outside the city 1 m ids for use as landing fields or airports fop-a}eeea€tT-and; to construct and equip thereony or on other property of the city 94tbee with4R ee witbewt tba eity 14Fa4taT such bdildiRQ-and/ee-etbee improvements as may be deemed necessary for that purposeT; eweb pdepesa beiRg a mwR4e4pai-pdepeee-a€-se4d-e4ty*-The Gity-a€-M!aml- shall -have -pewee to operate and maintain such aiepeety facilities; to provide rules and regulations governing ite their use and the use of other prop�erTy or means of transportation within or over the sameT; and to enter into contracts —or otherwise cooperate with the €edepel other government entities or other public or private agencies in all matters relating to such aiepepty and facilities; otherwise to exercise such powers as may be required or convenient for such establishment, operation_ and maintenance; toDlevy taxes ms be levied for any such purposeT; and, unless such eiepeipt facilities shall have been acquired y ease, ee4d e}ty may to issue bonds iR-seeeedaRee-with-p�esv#aieRe e€-��stieR-SB-e€-the-Gity-6aa�eteP to pay the cost of such eiepeft-and baiid#Rgs and impeeveReRte and egaipmeRtr facilities; and to rant, deed, or d a d i c a t a an s, with or without consideration, tF other governmental entities for use as landing fiel2s or airports. See:-) O.-Reeerved. See:-�1��3.-Reweee--Wa#�I�t�-aAd-me�sde�s. �e-}Repeet;-testT-s�eeed�pT-eRd -14- Incorporated from former Sec. 3(11). Incorporated into Sec. 3(q), we#gM- eR �►-eer�a�ed#ty-ee-ae€#e#e-e€ eenadmpt#eR-se-dse-w#th#R-the-e#ty and-te-€#�-a-etenda�d-€e�-any-eweh esm►ned#ty ee aet#e#e and to astab##abT-peg alate I-##eense-end #Rspeet-we#ghteT-aleetp#eT-gae-end watee-meteesT-meaadeee-and-see#ear and to Make PeaasRab#e ebapges thepe€ee, (mm) See. 344Same-- Building and zoning: �e�--€qe-eaa�c�#se#eR-e€-the E4ty-a€-M4am4-mayT-by-ePdaReReSy (i) To provide by ordinance Incorporates former building, planning, and zoninq Sec. 3(14). regu a ions and restrictions governing the height, number of stories, method of con- struction, typeg and size o buildings and other struc- turesT; the percentage and portion of the lot or site that may be occupie Tie size of the front, rear, and side yards, cour s, an o er open spacesT; and the loca- tion, use rof buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residences, apartment houses, and other purposes,; and t-Re widening and future wide ing of streets in zone sT_re__eT areas that the city may establish. Suc regulations may provide €e that a board of appeals or the city _commission to may determine and vary tbe#F Fe application of building, Tanning, or zoning or finances in harmony with their genera purpose and intent, eRd #R eeeeedaRee with 414e geReea# peev4648Re-9€-the-eed#Renee. (ii) 4b4 In order to preserve the city's natural scenic beauty, to guarantee open spaces, and to protect the waterfront, anything in this Ghaptep charter or the ordinances of e city to the contrary notwithstanding, neither the city nor any of its agencies shall issue building permits for any surface parking or enclosed structures located on Biscayne Bay or the Miami River from its mouth to the N.W. 5th Street Bridge, (A) 414 which are not set back at least €fifty-4503 feet from the seawall (where the depth of the lot is less than twe hwRdped 42003 feet, the setback shall be at least twenty-€ive-k25� percent of the lot depth), and (8) 424 which do not have average side yards equal in aggregate to at least twaRty-flye-E25� percent of the water frontage of each lot based on average lot width. the above setback and side -yard requirements may be modiTied by the city commis- sion after design and site -plan review and public hearing only if #t #s the commission dekaFmiRed deter- mines that the modifications requested provide public benefits such as direct public access, public walkways, plaza dedications, covered parking up to the floodplain level, or comparable benefits which promote a better urban env promote a better urban environment and public advantages, or which preserve natural features. Wherever setback, side -yard, or site -plan review requirements of zoning ordinances are greater than the foregoing requirements, such greater requirements shall govern. (iv) These requirements shall not apply to docks and appurtenant structures+, single-family residences and appurtenant structures+, and waterfront industrial uses along the Miami River and at the ,Port of Miami+; ee ke pebl}e and Rip#vate €ee4l4t4ee eR e4ty- ewRed ppepept4asT Nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect or apply to: the City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight Interna- tional Center and hotel facility, including all improvements thereon, or to lands and projects which the city commission has approved prior to September 18, 1979, by development order pursuant to chapter 380 of Florida Statutes of a planned area development pursuant to article XXI-1, City of Miami Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, or which have received site and development plan approval, and including Plaza Venetia, Phase II, Resolution No. 72-113, April 200 1972; Resolution No. 72-114, April 20, 1972; and Resolution No. 72-416, July 20, 1972. -16 - See.-���3.-Save--6lesiagT-uses}#qe�-e�,d- d#se�gt�gdiq�-st�eetsT-ete. The-E#ty-a€-Miam#-ahall--have pewee to pave* geadeT eepbT eepaveT -mseadamieeT-eemaeadamleeT ley eetT 9peRT aISSST vaeat eT diseaRtlnueT-wideR- and-ethepwise IMP eev8-etPeetsT-all eyeT-aye" "T baulevapdaT laResT 94dewalker pa�ksT-pe9rnenades-and-ethep-pdblle highways -Of -aRy-past-thePe9€T-and to -he ld-li9na-}bees€oe-ae-heeeiR- a€tse-peenided}-te-eeRatedet-end maintain bpidgeav v}adeekaT subwayev tWARelsT aswees and deaigsT-and-te-eegdlate-the-dse-o€ all-awah-highwayaT-papksT-pdblie geeunds-and-weeke}-te-peeveRt-the eb9tede448R of sueh sldewalk9T stseet9T-end-highways}-ebelish-and peeveRt-geade-eeeea}Rge-eves-the same by eailpeads} eegdlate the speeetien and speed of all saes and vehieles d9iR19 the samey as well-as-the-epepatiea-and-speed-e€ all eRgineBT ease and tealRs Of ealleeade within the eltyT to eegdlate the sepvlee to be eendeped-end-pates-te-be-ehaeged by bwssesT metes eaper eats and athep-veh#elee-€ee-the-eaeeylRq-e€ passengee9-and-by-veh}else-€se-the teens€e�-e€-baggage? (nn) 5ee.3463. Same-- Borrowing to erect and add to public buildings:} hospital s?-e€€lee-buildlRgaT-ei y halls? ate, The City a€ Miemi shall have the pewee to To borrow money for the erection, construction, and furnishing of public buildings, including espeeially hospitals, city office buildings, city halls, and other municipal structures.; IT shall also have full powep and lew€wl adtheeity to borrow money for the purpose of building additions to public buildings now owned by the City —cityy; a€-MismiT iReIWdiRg-espeeialy-e ditiene-te hBBp4tale-R9w-ewRed-and-eeRtee4led by-said-pity.--lt-.shell-Mave-€dll pewee and lawful edtheelty to execute notes and other evidences of indebtedness, and to secure the same by a mortgage upon said buildings se-eeeeted and the land upon which the buildings ehall ma be eenetpdeted.--lt-shall-have-€ pewee-and-lawful-eatheeity located; to pledge and hypothecate the net revenue, after the payment of all operating expenses and fixed charges, including interest on sash the debt so created and on all oTier debt created in the construc- tion of such building, as well as to pledge and h potheca a the neT revenue derived trom such u ngs an a land upon which they stand, - 17- Incorporated into Sec. 3(b). all for the purpose of securing aRy sRd all the repayment of money meneys borrowea toBeusea in suc construction,-.; lt-shall-have-€wll pewee to issue certificates of indebtedness secured by the net receipts from the use or rental of the buildings or additions to present existing buildings erected or to be erected for public purposes,o lReluding eapeelally the said Ret 3ReSMS Sf ee}d Ret eeYeRde6-€ee�+-pes�ltsla-and-eRy-aRe all additleaa whleh May he e9R- et�detee-te-hesp�:tsls-Rew-ewRed-hy the-elty*--Bdt Notwithstandin the foregoing, no Fax shall ever be levied, nor meR4ee money taken or diverted from the general funds of the city for the payment of awsh the indebtedness eeea4ad landee authorized by this section. (oo) See, 347�, game- Borrowing to provide adequate waterworks system,: the 64ty e€ Miami shell have pewee Ce To borrow money for the purpose o7'"providing an adequate waterworks system, including new water lines, and/ee for the purpose of repairing, improving, and extending the peeSSRt existin waterworks system; MIaRIT It Shall TAeve €dll pewee eRd lawful awtheelty to issue promissory notes and certificates of indebtedness, and to secure same by an assignment of all net rentals and net revenues, after the payment of all operating expenses and fixed charges, including interest on sweh the debt so created, and all debt created for the construction of such work, derived from said waterworks system or any portion thereof, until moneys so borrowed shall have been fully paid,_ It shall also have full pewej7 aRe law€wl awtheelty to mortgage its the entire waterworks system or any portion thereofT-€ee-the-pdepsss-e€ sei.SlRg swff1e}eRt weRey to make necessary repairs_ te-eels-system 9e SRy poet theeeS€T SRd Mayr #R eed}t#eR-tMeeetsv and to pledge all said the net revenue derived from said system, until said money shall have been fully repaid. swt Notwithstanding the foregoing, no axes tax shall ever be l9viedy nor McReys money taken or diverted from the general funds of the city for the payment of saeh the indebted- ness eeeated uRdee auhorized by this section. (pp) See, ;kl�v Same-- Borrowing to purchase, hire, maintain, operate, or lease public utilities.: Tk 6lty-a€-Mla�l-SMa�l-Move-€del-pewee eR�+law€�l-edtMeelty-te To borrow -18- all for the purpose of securing any and all the repayment of money moneys borrowee tobeuses in`succn constructionvo It -shall -Hoye -€all pewee► to issue certificates of indebtedness secured by the net receipts from the use or rental of the buildings or additions to present existing buildings erected or to be erected for public purposesy. iReleding espeeially the aeid net inesme a€ said set EeyeRlea-€eam-bespitele-and-eRy-and all additioRs wbieb may be een- atfueted-ta-Meepitals-Rew-awned-ay the-eityv--Sut Notwithstanding the foregoing, no ex shall ever be leviedy nor meRiea money taken or diverted from the genneraT funds of the city for the payment of sweh the indebtedness epeated uRdee authorized by this section. (oo) See. 30), Same-- Borrowing to provide adequate waterworks systemv : -he city e€ Miami shall have pewee Fle To borrow money for the purpose oT—providing an adequate waterworks system, including new water lines, and/ee for the purpose of repairing, improving, and extending the peesent existin waterworks system; a€-abe-6ity-of Miami. It shall ']�aye full pewee and lawful sutbepity to issue promissory notes and certificates of indebtedness, and to secure same by an assignment of all net rentals and net revenues, after the payment of all operating expenses and fixed charges, including interest on edeb the debt so created, and all debt created for the construction of such work, derived from said waterworks system or any portion thereof, until moneys so borrowed shall have been fully paid. It shall also have full pewee and lawful authepity, to mortgage lta the entire waterworks system or any portion thereofT-€ee-the-pwPpese-e€ rakaiRg ewffleieRt money to make necessary repairs; to-said-ayatem ee any Past tbeFee€T and mayT iR eddit#eR-theeeteT and to pledge all said the net revenue derived from said system, until said money shall have been fully repaid. Bwt Notwithstanding the foregoing, no axes tax shall ever be leviedy nor moneys money taken or diverted from - the general funds of the city for the payment of edeb the indebted- ness epeeted uRdee auffiorized by this section. (pp) See: i463. Same-- Borrowing to purchase, hire, maintain, operate, or lease public utilities*; Iaj 6ity-a€-Mieml-eaell-page-€wll-Hawse 9Rd-l6w€dl-edtaeFity-te To borrow -18- k 0 #1 money for the purpose of construc- ting, purchasing, hiring, main- taining, operating or leasing local public utilities, including street railways, electric light lines, and equipment necessary for supplying the city and its inhabi- tants with transportation, illumi- nation, power, water_ and iceta_n_dd also-€ee-the-pePpese-a€-€upni }Rg gas for heating and illuminating; �dPpasee�--��-ek►sll-pave-€ell-Pigk+� and lawful awtbePity to mortgage the public utilities so con- structed, purchased, hired, maintained, and or operated_ by said eityr to issue promissory notes and�eP certificates of indebtedness evidencing the existence of the indebtedness created by the borrowing of said money; to pledge and hypothecate the net revenue, after the payment of all operating expenses and fixed charges, including interest on seek, the debt so created and all other ebt created for the construction of such works, derived from the operation of such public utilities so constructed or purchased, including said net revenue derived from such street railway, electric light plant, telephone and tele- graph system, and water, ice, and gas plants; the pledgiRg and 89eigRiRg-9€-9!i@k1-R@t-iR@@m@-and�@P to pledge such net' revenue to Pemain }R €dii €epee and effeet until the meRey9 mo��ne�� so borrowed shall have been fu'Ry repaid. Bdt NotKithetanding the foregoingy no tax s9all ever be leviedr nor money taken or diverted from the general funds of the city for the payment of edeh the indebtedness ePeated under autForized by this section. See .-;04'v--gone --Aequiping -and-disposing-a€ property €er governmental aviation-er-military-parpeseev �s-segeire-by-palekia9eT-gi€tT Redundant; see Sec. 3(f). deviser eandemnation OF other - OF any estate or iRtereet tktePeiRT within eP without the eity,-and-€eP-any -e€-toe-polpeeee of the eityT and to impPevOr seiiT-leaser-meltgageT-pledge-eP etbBPwise-diepeaB-e�-tire-same-eP any -part-bhePee€f-and-te-9egaiPe by pdPebeser, gi€tT dsvissr @eRdemnatieR OF etherwiseT property-Peal-eP-peraeRalT-se-any estate OF iRtePest tkiePeiRT With iR-eP-Wit k+9Ub-toe-eibYT-RRd to impPever 9e1ir 1069sr asrt- gager pledger at athe rwise dispose-of-tk a-same-eP-any-part -19- thereof fop state AP dn44ed States gevarnmaRta} av4at4eR sRd�eP-r�4}3�ary-garpeses� Sae*-��t9�.--Resel�►ed . See*-��t��:--Powers--Arpese and }ending fielder �k�e-6ity-a€-Miea�4-Hbe}�-bave Incorporated into pewee-and-ie-bePeby-eetbePieed Sec. 3(Emn) te-aegdire-��►-pdPehaee7-}ease* aand emnat49A-eP-ethePwisa-}ends within er w44beat the eity Iimike €er landing field and aipperk gap a4Peea€t and to @eRekPeek-flRd-egbip-theP9eR-@P en -other -pPepePty- Cap -the-6ity of Miami? eathop within OF without, the e4ty }imiber sdeb �u aldiRgs-and,�eP-etb@P-}MpPAVe- �nHRts-ae-n+ey-be-deeMed-ReeesH ery €eP-kbet-purpeeeT-Hueh-puPpese beaRg a muR4e4p996 peppese of: said eakyt the Gity of Niemi shall-have-pewee-ke-epepate-end maintain Hush 64Ppept and }and3Rg-€i@ldsT-te-ppHvide-PlileH and Pe jmlatasns gsvePRiRg its u9e and the use of other pr9p9Pty7-aP-me ORa-a€-tPBRspar - tat }on-wathaR-eP-eveP-the-same* and to enter into eeRtlaekeT agPeementeT-}essear-ealso-with the-€ederal-gevePRmeRt-and-with the based of esunty eamm4e- 93enePa-e€-Dade-GaFJRtyT-eP-ekheP pub-lae-er-pPavate-ageneiesT-an aRy-and-el}-mattepe-Pe}ataRt]-te landing-€ae}de-and-8arpsPke-and otherwise ke ewepe4se sueh pewees as may be required OF @eRVeRaeRk-€er-sliBh-eskablash- MoRtT-sperab4on-and-meiRteRORes 8€ eveh landing fields and HiPpePt9T-either-by-kbe-6aty-e€ MiaM4T-kh@ -€adore}-gBvePRMeRtr-eP the booed e€ esunty eemmis- sieners e€ Dade 6auRtyt to �laRtxT-Ada@�-eP-ded3@8tr8-}andB-tse the-€edera}-gevePRmeRtT-skater eP-beard-a€-eeunty-8eNlAli8s3enepe of-Dade-6euntyr-with-eP-wakheut esneidelakiaAT peevadedr' howevery amok lends sho}} be used for €ederalT stake OF esunky puppeoset taxes may be levied €er amok purpose and !rRleas-st!@�i-H�lpoPke-oP-}and�Rg fields shall be sequined by }ease* the G ty e€ Miami. may issue-tondo-aR-6esePdane9-wata pPaviaion a-a€-seekieR-S8-e€-the 6haPke!-a€-tha-6ity-e€-Masai-te pay the east of sdeb }andiRg €welds -and - aiepelter-bualdaRge and-alpp$aVBtRdRta-and-equap�eRt. -2p- the-pews-eRd-aetheeity-heeeby 9PBAtad 9Ad eeR€eVPed by this set is sapplemeRtal eRd addi- t#eRal-te-the-awthepity-Rew-ep hepea€tee-exapeised-by-saki-City (_qq) See. 1k423, Save-- Registration and voting.: The 64ty of M4ami shell -here-tie-pewee-end-#e-heeeby awtheeieed to To prescribe by ordinance a-Rew- sty the registra- tion €ep-all-the of persons who are qualified under tFie law to register and vote in all municipal elections held in the City _c�ites� a€-mla�a}; to provide and prescrRe the number of voting precincts; and }t-!a-€wPkhee ewthopiaed-and-empeweeed-with-the fight to prescribe by ordinance the 9wsl4€4eet4eR6 Fagw4s4te to be eligible-te-Pegietee-and-veteT the time for registration, the-gwali€l- eatieRe-a€-pegiotefed-vetepeT the method and procedure of registra- tion, the establishment and keeping of the registration records, and the establishment of reasonable rules defining when and how persons become disqualified to vote, tegethef-with-the-ppesepibiRg-e€ as well as the procedure of for tFie removal rom the regisT-ration records of the RGMe ee names of sweh persons so disqualified. The-pewee-eRd-awtheeity-heeeby g�sRted-by-this-set-}s-edpplementel eRd-additienal-te-the-aatheeity-Rew ee-bases€tee-exe�+eieed-by-the-said Eity-a€-P4iarai* (rr) See* ;44;�: Rewep to beeeew Borrowing money for engineering work necessary to effect public improvementsv: When the issuance of revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the construction of a public improvement has been authorized and has been validated by judicial proceedings but such revenue bonds have not been issued because of the necessity of additional engineering work pertaining to such public improve- ment being doge pgiep to the e€€eeiRg-o€-adeh-eeveRde-bends-€e:e saleT the City —kit__� a€-Miae+i shall have power and-aeeity to borrow money, in an amount not to exceed three 0; percent of the aggregate principal amount of such revenue bonds, for the purpose of doing or causing such additional engineering work to be done, and to issue, for the purpose of providing for the repayment of money so borrowed, its certificates of indebtedness bead,�Rg-iAte�eest-et-s-gate-net-to exeead-€ewe-�4�-pe�eeRt-pay-eRRam and payable iR-eRRdel-iRataiimeRts - 21- Superseded by Fla-Stats. §98.091. Obsolete. M'" within a period e€ Rat Map# than ten-���}--aRgda-iRetBllmegte within a period of not more than ten-E104 years from the date of issue thereof, subject to prior payment under such conditions as may be prescribed by the city commissionT (i) 4a� from the proceeds of such revenue bonds when sold, or kb� in the event that such revenue bonds shall not be issued or their issuance shall be delayed, from such proper source, except ad valorem taxes, as the city commission may determiner; !ne1ud4Rg surplus water Feveswes eeeruing to said eity under the-pre�risieRs-a€-seetieR-l2 e€ aetiele lV of the trust iRdeRttli�e-between-the-Gity-e€ aiiHPR�-end-tkiB-GhaBB-NatieRel BaRk-a€-the-G4ty-of-New-VerkT as-trueteeT-dated-9eeember-lT 1948T-seeupiRg-Gity-9€-M!atR4 watep-reveswe-besdat provided that no such certificate of indebtedness shall be deemed to constitute a pledge of the faith and credit of said the city, nor shall the issuance of any such certificate of indebtedness directly, indirectly, or contin- gently obligate said the city to levy or to pledge any form of taxation whatever therefor or to make any appropriation of tax revenues for its payment; and provided further that said-e4ty-i6 hereby peeelwded and prohibited €rem there be no levying or €psm pledging of any form of taxation whatever Tor the payment of any such eert4f4eate-e€ indebtedness. See.-;444;v--Pewee to regulate huildingT pleRRiRg-a1Rd-Z8RiRgv lMe-eor�rei66ieR-e€-the-6ity-e€ �4ieaa#-a�ay-by-erdiaaRee-adept-the Reeo6eary-baildiRgT-plaRR3Rg-6Rd eeR4Rg-regulatieRer-I4M4tett8R6 and- Fee tPiet i6R6-g6V8PRSRg-the Method 6€ eeR6tFWetiaRT typeT he}ghtr-Rua�ber-a€-sterieer-and size of buildiRg6 and ether strueture6t the pereeRtage er pert}6R-s€-the-let-er-site-that e►ey-be-eeeup#ed-Icy-a-building-6r ether-6trueturest-regulatieR-e€ the-star-e€-the-€zARtT-rea#+-HRd e#de-yardeT-eeuete-er-other-span spoeset the leeatieRT uses of huildiRgsT-etruetures-and-land for-tPGdeT.-iRdustryT-reaideReseT h6tel9T apartMeat houses 6Rd ether purposest establish building-llRee-€sr-€eeRtr-tilde - 22- Obsolete. Incorporated into Sec. 3(nn). and peep e€ any peal estate whethee-impeaved-ae-wRiFRpPevedt and to establish named eteeet li�►ea-that-Bey?-ee-�aey-Ret-b@T the-aame-ae-the-bwildiRg-l#Rest eat ablish-Boned-8teoet-apeas-to peeVlde €op the widening and €wtupe-widening-a€-eteBets-end oweb-oases-a�ay-be-the-a9R1eT-iR exesaa a€T oe lees than the existing eteeet width, Sweh eegwletiansT limitations and easteletieRa-fey-peevide-€ep-e baapd of appeals ore the eity eemm4as4eR-te-detaFmiRe-and-vaey the epplieatlen of bwildiRgT pleRRiRg-and-Bening-eediRanees iR hapmeRy with thele geRepel pwgpeee-and-intent* (as) Seer-3414,13, Police jurisdiction over lands own ea or leased in county.: The 64ty of Miami shall have the pewee and ewtheeity to To exercise police jurisdiction over all lands owned or leased by the said city in unincorporated Dade County, Flora a, and a l by enforcing all city ordinances eT Ted-} y of iami eR€opeing con- taining police or sanitary regula- ions and prescribing fines and penalties for the violation thereof with whieh have been adapted ee will in the €atwee be adapted by the -city-a€_M!emi-shall-be-e€ the same force and effect evep the peP68RRel an the a€eeesaid lande and-evep-said-lends as if the said lands were within the corporate limits of the City of Miami,. and €wethee pe8v4d4Rg that the Taee- g84Rg peevisioRs shell Rat apply wham-the-peetieae-a€-88id-land-lie withiR- the-eappeeate-limits-e€-aRy ethee-mwRieipality, (tt) See ,-34453,-Aether#ty-to -exeeetee peltee Police jurisdiction over persons -in county,: The 6}ty of P4la�+}-heviRg-taken-a-peeseR-legally 3Rte-ewetedy- €ep-the-VtSlattSR-e€ aRy-eediReRes-shall-have-the-pewee eRd-awtheeity-te To exercise police jurisdiction in any place in Dade County, Floras, over an person i�vi laion taken Zy� the cty the of any ordinance; Sold pePeeR WIMS in side -ewe edy-#R-aRy-plaee-iR-Bede 6eaRtyT-Fleeiday to transport said person from or to the corporate limits of said city, or to or from any place in Dade CounTy, Florida,` eye to retake in Dade County, Florida, eRy-sweh-perssR without a warrant any e _e_rs�on who has bSOR-iR legal ea`sta�Ad be€Bee b8tRg Be1eesed-by �0Vd8e-e€-spy-eaRpeteRt esupt has escaped such custody,; and to enforce all city ordinances -23- containing 89 the Gity of: Miami BR€Hre4AI police or sanitary regulations with respect to such shah-be-iR- w - ores-eRd':Mse`€ ever said persons while in such custody in any place in Dade County, Florida, as if the said custody was solely within iR the corporate limits of tRe G3ty city. of -Miami: See.-�E363r--41rbaR-ReneWe}-ieAW-e€-the-Gity-9€ Miaeiv ir--ShsPt biter Tkie seetieR of bke Obsolete; functions were GhaFter-$9-the-Gity-8f-Miami-shel} transferred to Metropolitan be k R@ w R a n d m a y be e i t e d as b h e Dade County by Ordinance - UWP69n-R@Rewel-6awrU No. 7576, adopted July 17, 1967. ,}r--FindiRge and deelePatieRe of Reee@eityr--it-io-hereby- emAd-and dee}aped that there ekiets iR the Gity of Miami slum and blighted areas Eas hepeiR de€iRed4 whieh eeRatikuke a aspiewB and gpewiRg meRaesT iRJwPiews to the pwb}ie heH�thT-eH$BtyT-M@PH}@-And-w@}€HPe e€-the-Fee idente-@€-@Hid-mwRieipe}- ityt that the ewisteRee of: sweh epees-eentribatee-ewbstaRtie}}y-HRd 4RereHeiRg}y to the spread 9€ disease and ePim@T eeRatitutes an seeRemie and seeia} }iebi}ity �lRpe83Ag-@Rep@li5-p1!!R3@ipA}-btlPdeRa whieh deeresee the tape base and Pedwea-tall-P81isRMeBT-swbBbBRtie}}y ie+pHiPB-eP-HPpe8t8-the-eewRd-gpeWth of said MwRieipa}ityr PetaPdo the previeieRB of housing see@MmedH- tri@ABT-aggPHVHb@8-tPa€€i@-prat}BM8 HRd-8wb8t8Rtia}}y-iMpaiPB-eP-APP@8te the-9}iI11iRHtiBR-@€-tPB�€i@-heaflrdB and the improvement e€ tre€€iee €aei}iti@et-end-that-the-prBventieR HRd-@}iMiRHti@R-a€-@}k181H-end-blight is a natter e€ pwb}ie peliey and eeReepn in apdep that the said ewRieipa}ity-she}}-Ret-eeRtiRwe-te be endangered by areas whisk are €eeal Santora of diesessr promote �wVeRi}9-d8}iR�weRByT-HRd-@eRawMe-HR Me1te 988iVe-prBpertiAR-@�-its-P@VARdeB ' - ouse of the extrps servies Pequiped-pep-polieer-€ireT-eeeideRbv hoop italiaetien- HRd-ether-€ermo-e€ publie preteetieR 'sopvisee and _ €eeiiitiser It is €wrtker €ewRd and de@}aced that-eertaiR-a}wm-er-blighted-ereaeT er peetiens theree€T May PBgdiPe aegeisitieRT-elesrHne9T-and-d#apeai- tieA-eFlb�eet-te-was-reetrietieneT-as ppay id0d-in-this -aeetieRT-aine6-the prevailing esnditlen e€ deeay may make-i�ppaet,ieable-the-raB}amatieA of the apes by BeRsePVstrieR BP PehBbilitHtieRt-that-esker-8reaa-eP partien@ thereof mayT throwgk the me9Ra-pPeV#dad-R-this-59etaRT-be sweeeptible of esRservation of -24- rehabi}itab}eR-iR-sues-e-mapper-taab the eandibions and svi}e herein- be€ere-enumerated-may-be-a}iminatsdr remedied a pPevenkedf and that ea}vat}e-a}u�+-end-b}fight-erase-ean be sonserved and rehabilitated through-appropriate-publie-aebieR-es a@rein-autheriP@dt-and-the-eeepera- tieR and ve}tlnbaPy, aetien a€ the owners and tenants of pPapePty in swop-aPeaer }t fie €uPtheP found and deeloped that the pewees ean€erred by this se@tieR are fee pub}ie bees and puPpseea-€er-wh4eh-pub}ie-msRey-mey be-expended-and-the-pewee-a€-emiReAt d�m�iR-and-ps}iee-pewee-oxereiaedt and-bash-the-R@eeeaity-iR-bae-publie interest-€eP-bae-pPeviaiene-her@iR ensebed is hereby dee}ered as a matter 9€ }eg}s}ebive deb@Pmina- tieRr �r--SReeuragement-a€-priYste-eRtePpr}aer the-eity-a€-NiamiT-te-bae-greatest extent- it-determines-ts-be-€easib}e in earryiRg eat the provis}ens of this-�e�tieRT-sae}}-a€€erd-maximum eppePtunityr eensietent with the seuRd-neede-a€-paid-muRieipa}ity-as a wholer to the rehabil4tatisR er PedevelopmeRt-of-the-tlrbaR-PeRewa} area by private eRterpPiser ;he eity she}} give eonsidePatieA to this ebje@tive in exereieiRg its _ pewees-under-tail-eeetisRT-iR@lading the formulation of a workable pregramy the appPeve} of urban PeRewe}-p}ens-FeeRsietent-with-the geRHra}-p}aR-@€-tee-mtlR3e@spa}ity3T - tee-exereise-a€-its-PeRiRg-psweraT _' tee-eR€ereemeRt-a€-etaeP-}aweT-sodas and- regu}atiens-Pe}atiRl-te-the-use of-i-and-and-the-use-and-eeeupaney -of buildings and impeovemeRtay the _ disposition o€ any property aeguiredy and the previsien of ReeoseaPy-publie-imprevemeRte* 4r--Workable pregremr The Gity e€ Nismiy For the purposes 9€ this seet}eAv may formulate fop the muRiaipa}ity-a-werkab}s-pregram-gap uti}icing appropriate private and pub}ie ressureea te.eliminate and proveRt-tee-dove}epmont-eP-spread-e€ slame-and-urban-b}ightT-te-eReeuregH needed urbaR Pohabi}itabis"T to previde fee the Pedeve}opmeRt e€ slum and ,blighted aPeasr or to undertake eueh of the aforesaid aetivities OF ether feasible muRieipe} aetivities as may be suitably employed to sehieve the eb�eetiveo-e€-sues-werkab}e-pregramr Sueh-werkab}e-pregrem-may-ins}tldoT withetlt-}imitetienT-prsYieieR-€ePt the prevention e€ the spread e€ -25- blight -iRba-erase- a€-the-muRieipa�- iby whieh are epee €Pen+ blight thpough diligeRt eR€ereemeAt of heuoiAgT e9R4Ag and seeuponey eARtpe�9-and-eteRdapdet-the-rehebi�- itetiAR-eP-eeRBePvebieR-a€-B}Um-9Rd b�ighbed-aPeae-eP-portions-thePee€ by -pop Ian RiRgy-PemoviAg-eevggesti9AT providing papkey playgpounde and ethop publie imppevemet%49T by eReeUPaging-velwmtapy-Pehabilitatian and by eempell4Rg the pvpaip and PehabiiibabieR Of detePieeabed AP deteP49pabiRg etpuetwpos and the aleap one 9-and-Pedeveiopmenk-e€-alum and blighted apses OF pePbfeRc theree€r 5r--PiRdiRg 9€ Reeeseity< by the eity< eemmiosieRr--the-6iby-e€-Miami-obeli Ret-exereise-the-authePiby-hePea€tep eeR€opped by this seebieR until after-the-eity-eemmissieR-shall-have adept@d-a-Pee9lNtieR-€iRdiRg-that} i 14 one OF mope alum OF blighted apeas-9*494-iR-the-muRieipai4tyt-and E23 the rehabiiitatieRr eeRserva- t}eRT-Pedeve}opmeRbT-er-a-eembins- biAA-bhepee€T-a€-sueh-srea-ap-epees is-Reeessspy -iR-the-iRtspest-e€-the publie healthT 9a€9tyT mepale OF wel€ape of the pesideRta of: the MuRieipalityr 6r--RPepaPab4eA and approval of upbaR PeRewel-ppejoete-and-UPban-penewaI plaRa. �a3--The 6iby of Miami shall Rot apppeVe OR upbaR Ponewal ppejeet-€er-aR-upbaR-PeRewai apea-unlese-the-eity-eemmie- aieR hasT by peseiutionT dotePmined-sues-apea-to-be-e slum-epee-sr-a-biigated-area ep-s-eombinatieR-thepeo€-and deeigRated sueh apea as appPeppiate For an Urban PeRewai ppejeet* Said eemmi9a•ieR-9kai4-Reb-apppeve aR-upbaR-PeRewai-plaR-until-a general-plan-€eP-the-muRiei- pa�iby-hes-been-ppepaped.--Far Chia puppese and etaep munieipai-peppesesT-authepity is aepeby vested in said munieipa}iby i9 ppepaper to adept-and-te-revise-Fpem-time to timer a general plan €er the physiesi development of the muRieipaiity as a whole lgivimq due pegepd to the eRViPeRe and metPepOIitaR suppouRdinge3T to establish and maiRtaiA a plaRRiAg and nORiRg beaPd and a p40RAiRg depeebmeRt €oF hush paPpeoo $Rd-m1sted-muRiO4pai-piaRRiRg aetivitiesT and to mare eveiiabie-and-to-apppepr}ate -2b- 97 RAA88sary-€uRde-th@re€err-5sid muaieipe�ity-@hell-Ret-9eguiPe P@al pPepePty €8P a urb8A renewal ppejeet unless the eity-eAmmiAeieR-Figs-eppPeved the-urban-renewal-ppejeet-in see aPdamae-with-papal paph-Ed3 heree€* Eb4--The munieipality may itself prepare er @odes to be prepaped an WPbaR renewal plaRr-Ap-any-pePssR-ep-ageReyr publie-er-pPivster-may-eubmit @deb-e-plaR-to-said-muRieipal- ity,--RpieP-te-ito-eppPevel-e€ an-urban-PaRawal-pPajeetr-the eity-esmmiesieR-shall-submit auah-plaR-te-bee-pIaRRing-and PeRiRg-beard-e€-the-munieipal- ityr if aRyr fop Peview and PeeemmeRdabieRs as to its eenfenmity with the geRepal plan gap the development e€ the-muRieipality-so-a-wheler The-plaRRiRg-and-PeRing-beard shad submit its wpitten PeeemmendatieRs-with-pespset te-the-peepesed-upbaR-PeRewal plan-ts-esid-eemmissisR-withiR thirty-�;94-days-a€tap-Peee4pt e€-the-plan-€eP-pev3ewv--Upon Peeeipt-e€-the-PeeemmeRdatieRs e€ the planning and asRiRg based epr if Re reeemmeRdH- tieRe-HPe-Peesived-withiR-said thiPty-00-daysr-theR-witheut 8ueh PeeemmendatieAsr said eamm3asieR may peseeed with the hearing on the proposed upbaR renewal ppejeet pro- sepibed by papagpoph �e3 hepse v �e�--The-eity-eemmissieR-@hall-held H-publie-hBaPiRg-eR-Hfl-tiPbHR reRow al-pPei seky-a€tee-pub lis netiee-there@€-by-publieatieR iR a newspaper having a general eipeulatieR in the area of spepatisn of the muRieipality. The Ratios shall-desePibs-the-time?-dater pleas and purpose of the heap3Rgr shall generally identify the -urban P@R@wel Hpea-eever@d-by-the-planr-and shall outline the genapal seeps as the urban renewal prejeet-uRder-esneidePatieRs Ed4--FellewiRg sueh heariRgr the eity-esmmieoieR-may-epppsve-eR urban renewal ppejeet if it finds that E;4 a €essible method-e*iste-fee-the-leeetieR s€ families who will be displaeed from the urban PeRewol-epos-3R-deeeRtr-ssfo -27- and-sanitary-dwelling-seeamme- datieRe-within-their-means-and without-undue-herdship�te-3M@h €emi�iesf !r�} the MPban aenewsi-p�eR-e9R€arms-te-the �@RePB�-p�aR-e€-the-muRieipe�- ity as a whelat and E3} the MPbaR-reReWa�-p�aR-will-a€€ePd MAlfiWllil#-9�FleP�rEiR3�yT-28R8$9- teRt-w44h-the-9euRd-Reeds-e€ the-mwm4eipaliky-as-a-wheley €er the rshab4litatieR or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by pPivate eRtePpPise,-PPevidedy-that-iF the WFbOn Penswely area sensists of on epee of spen land to be aeguired by the munieipelityy-sueh-area-shall met -be -se-aeguired-uniesa444 }€-}�-is-te-be-deve�eped-€eP PeeideRtial Massy said eemmission shall determine that-a-shortage-a€-heueiRg-e€ sound standards and design whieh is desenty safe and saRitaPy exists iR the muRieipaiityt that the Reed fop-heasiRg-aeeemmedatieRs-has been-op-will-be-iR@Peased-as-a result of the elesraRes 8€ siums-in-ether-aress 44Relud- ing ether portions of the urban-PeRewel-area3.t-that-the esnditiens of blight iR the area and the shortage, of deeeRty safe and saRitary heusing-eeuse-op-eeRbe4bute-te an-iR@Pease-iR-and-spread-e€ disease-and-ePime-and-esRsti- tute' a manses to the publie healthy sa€etyy meralsy eta we-I€are;-end-that-the-segui- sitisR 9€ the area FOP residential uses is an iRtegral-part-of-and-eseential te-the-pregram-e€-the-muRiei- paiityy-eP- deve&eped-€sr-noRresidenb4sl wooer' said eemmissieR shall dBtePmiRe-that-SMeh-R8RPe8i- doRtial-uses-are-ResessaPy-and eppeepriste-te-€aeilitate-the prepeP-growth-and-deVelepmeRt e€-the-eemmunity-iR-seeoPdeReo with-seund-plaRRiRg-standards end ieeai seeimunity ebjee- tiveor-whieh-sequieition-may Peguire the owereiae of. governmental aetieRy as provided in this seetieRy beeause o€ de€eetive or uRuoual-esRditieRe-a€-titley diversity of ownershipy tape doliRqueReyr improper sub- divisioRer outmoded street pattePney deterioration of eitey eeememie diousey uRswitable topography or - 2 P - €ee�ty-Lek-�Byaete�-the-Read fop the eeppelataeR 9€ the ease-with-eth9P-epees-e€-the mwmieapaliky by strooke and medePR�trA€€ie-regeiramaRkeT eP 8Ry @eMbin8tiOR 9€ eeeh €eeteps eta ether eandakieRs whaeh retard development of the-erear �B�--AR-upbAR-PeReWai-p�flR-maY-bB modified at any tame} pPevidedy thek i€ modified e€ter-the-Jesse-op-sale-by-the muRis4pa1ity-a€-Peal-prepepty iR-the-wpbaR-PeRewal-ppajeek areal-aweh-medifieatien-may-be esRditiened-epeR-oueh-eppreva� 9€ the ewRepr lasses OF sueeessep-in-imbePesk-as-the munieapaiaky-may-deem-advas- ab}e-and-in-any-event-shall-be subjeet-te-eueh-Paghte-ak-law eP in eguiky as a lessee or perehesepy-eP-hie-sueeessep-sP sweeese9Pe-iR-intepestr-may-be eRkitled-to-eeeeptr 494--ripen the approval by the MwRisipaaaky of SR wpbaR reRewal plan or a€ any magi€ieataeR thePee€T ameh pIan-eP-me da fie ataeR-shall-be deemed-to-be-iR-full-€epee-and e€€eek Fee the Peepeekave urban renewal apes and the mun4e4oality may then eauee eueh-plan-eP-magi€aeakaon-te be-eappied-out-in-aeeepdanee with-ite-termer �g3--Netwathst6RdiRg any etheP previsions of this, seekaeRr where the eiky eemmiaeieR septa€ies-that-en-Hpaa-ie-�R need of PedeveaepmeRt of Pehabilit akiaR-as-a-pesuat-e€ H €woody €irey huPPiesRer eaPthguakOr stsPmv Of skheP eakeskesphe-Peepeeting-whieh the-geverRer-e€-the-stake-has semi€ied tee need Fee disaster HseaetaRee WRd9P Rublie-6aw-875r-Eighty-€iPst CengPeseT OF ekheP federal' aawr-the-eity-eemmiseieR-may Oppreve-aR-urban-PeRewel-plaR and-an-upbSA-PeReWal-ppejeek wika Pespaet to oueh apes without-regard-te-the-pPevi- saeRs-e€-paragpeph-Ede-e€-this sub-sestieR-and-the-ppov4sa9na e€-khio-sub-sestien-Pegdaping a general plan for the muRieipalaty and a publie heeriRg-GA-the-uPbaR-PeRewaa ppejeetr -29- 1" P ;.--RSWePe* ;he 641by of Miami shall have all the powers nee@saaPy or aenY9R�ent-to-sarPy-eat-and-@€€a@- tuAtA-the=purposes<and-previsions-s€ this egotism, inelwdiRJ the €ollewiRg powers iR additieR to eth@Pe-herein-granted} {9�--Ts undertake and eaPPy out klPbaR-PBReWaI-pre�e@t8-Within ito-epee-e€-operation}-eRd-te ma{!e-and-ewaeute-eeatraets-and atheP-iRstpWm eats-ReesseaPy-eP aaRven4an4 -to -the-a*ereise-af ie-pow@Pa -under-thee-seetieRf and to disseminate slum elespaRes and urban PeRewal 4R€aPmat39Rf �64--le provide se to arrange or eentPaet-€eP-the-€uPnishiAq-eP repair by eRy person er egeneyT-pablie-eP-privets?-e€ serYieeaT-pPivilegesT-wePksT Streator reader publie utilities-eP-other-€��ilities €eP-oP-iR-eBRRe@tieR-wlta-eR urban Penewal pPejeetf to iRetalIr eensbpuetT and reBeRstruet Streeter utili- tie9T-parks r-playgPeuRdsT-eRd ether-publ3e-imprevementat-end to agree to any oenditiens that it may deem PeaseRable end appropriate attaehed to €edePal-€iRaneial-aseiatanee and imposed pursuant to federal law PelatiRg to the determination of prevailiAg selepiee-er-weges-er-esmpli- anee-with-laber-standardsT-in the undertaking or eapryiRg out o€ an urban renewal projeotr-and-te-inelude-in-any eenkpoet let iR esnReetisR with sweh a pPejeebr pPsYi- e}one-to-€ul€ill-sash-e€-said eeRditieRs as it may deem reaeeRable-and-apprepriate. Ee3--Within-its-aPea -a€-epePat, ienr tA-enter-into-BRy-building-Ap pPopAP4y-iR-8Ry-WPben-PARewel epee-iR-ePdeP-ts-male-inapee- tieRsT atlPveysr appraisals? BBtlRdiRgA-BP-te9t-beriRgBT-and to obtain an order fee this purpose From a esurt of HempeteAt-�uPi8d3etieR-�R-the event entry is denied OP resisted; to aequire by purehasAT-leaser-option?-gi€tT gPSRtr bequestr deviser eainent-domain-eP-otherwise? any-Peal-pPepspty-�eP-perseRal property-€ep-its-admiRietra-- tive-pdppeeea�-tegethep-wits aRy-improvemenke-thePee"t-te heldy iMPPevOr eleap of -30- pP@peps-€sr-redeYelepmeRt-aRy east-prepePtyt-te-diepeae-e€ aRy-real-pr@pePtyt-te-i"9ure eP-pr@Vide-€er-tb@-iR@uPaR@e e€ any Peal or personal prsperty-eP-Aperetisne-a€-the mklnieipality-against-aRy-Pis�lB or hamarday ineludiAg the pewee-te-pay-ppomiNma-sR-aRy p4sk-insuPaReet-a"d-48-9R4er 4"t@-aRy-eeR4Pae4s-Rsee9saPy ts-a€€eetuate-the-purpe9es-e€ this seet4emv RPevidsdr beweVePr that R9 statutory prAYieiARB-with-Pespeet-to-the aequiaitieRT elearaRee or diepesitisR e€ property by publie-bediea-shell-Peetriet the muRieipality iA the ewsPeise of ameb €uR@tisRe with Pespeet to a webs" renewal pPejeetT unless the 1e1491sture-shall-speei€4eally se-atatet �d4--le invest any urban renewal pro�eet-€undo-held-iR-PeaePMea eP-eiRifiRg-�u"ds-er-aRy-9tieh funds Rot PaquiPed fop immediate disbursementr in property or 9eem*it4ee in whisk savings banks may legally-invest-€unds-subjeet to their eeRtrelt to redeem sash-bends-es-heYe-been-issued puPsueRt-te-subseetieR-lB-e€ this-seetien-at-the-redemptieR priee-established-thePsim-er te-purehase-sash-bends-at-less than PedemptieR priser ell eueh bends as redeemed eP purehaeed-ts-be-eansellsdt �e3--le-bePrew-money-end-tA-apply €er and seeept advemseer leans?-�r8Rt8r-@@RtributiARa 8Ad-aAy-ether-�erm-a€-€iRaR- sial assistaRee €Pen the €ederal-geVePRmeRtT-the-state? eBURtyT-eP-ether-publie-bedyT eP-€Pen-aRy-aeureear-publie-eP private?-€er-the-puPpesoa-e€ Ibis-aeeteeRT-end-to-giMe-sash seourity as may lawfully be Pegs}red-and-te-enter-into-and earry out ,eeRtpeeke in eeRReetisR therewith* the munieipality may iRelude in any eeRtPaet for €iRensial assistenee with the federal gaverRmeRt fop, am uPbaR roRewsl projeet Gush eandi- tleRG imposed pursuant to €ederal-laws-ssthe-muRieipal- ity may deem reasonable and appcepriete-and-whisk-ere-net inBeRGiBtent-with-tee-puPpasaa of-this-seetieRj -31- E94--Within-its-9pe@-a€-epepab3eaT to make or have made all edr�►ere-and-�►�aRe-Reeeeee�r-fie the eappy#ng e44 OF the puppeses-a€-bhls�seek3en-aid be-esRbpaeb-wikh-eRy-peeseRT pwblie-op-ppivater-in-making and eapryiRg Out sueh plans and be adept or appPever modify-and-ameRd-sweh-plans* Seek plans may inelwder without lim44ab4eR+ F 3 e geRBPaI-plan-€eP-the-6�by-B€ M3amii as a whe-ler E2} wpbaR PeRewal-plangr4 jj-ppellminary plane-ewtllRlRg-wPbBR-P@Rewal eet3v�t�es-€eP-Rs�ghberheede be-embpase-twe-ep-mere-upbaR renewal-apeaer-E4�-plaRa-€eP aappyiRI out a ppegpam of velunbapy-er-eempulsepy-pe;ra}r and Pehob4llbab3eR e€ bwi-ldiRgs and imprevemeRbeT 44}-plaRe-for-the-.eR€ereameRb of-stake-and-leeal-lower-esdee and regulations pelak4ng be the use of land and the wee and-eeewpaney-a€-bw}ld}Rgs-and improvements and be the eempa�seP�►-repa3pT-rek►ab��}ta- k�oRT-demel�t�enT-er-Pemeval e€-bwt�d6Rgs-and-#mprevemeRtaT and E6} appralsalar bible searehesT surveyor sbudleer and ether plane and work neeessapy-te-ppepape-gap-bhe wRdePtak3Rg-a€-wPbaR-renewal ppejeeksv--The-mwRlelpal}by-is eubhoviaed-te-develepT-testr and report methods and teehRigwesy-earpy-ewb-demeR- HtPat3sne and ether aekivi- tieBT-€ep-the-ppeVeRk3eR-8Rd the-ellminat4on-e€-slums-and wpbaR-bllghk-and-bs-apply-€err eeeep4-and-wbll4re-gFaRte-9f funds From the Federal geveenmeRk-€ep-sweh-purpeaeat Egg--Te prepare plans fee the PeleeatleR-a€-perseRs-FlRelwd- lRg €amiliser bwe}Rees @eReBPRa-HRd-ethePe�-dleplaeed by-an-opben-P@R@wal-prejeetT and be make PeleeatleR paymenbe-to-er-wibh-peopeek-be gush pereeRe' pep mev}ng ewpeRsae end losses of proPat ty-fee -whleh-pelmbwpse- menb or eempensakaeR is Fist ekMerwlae-mHdeT-}nelwd}ng-the making of sweh paymeRhts €4ReReed by the federal gevepAm entf Eh3--Te-apppgpplake-sash-�uRde-and make-Hueh-ewpeRdlbdpes-sg-hey be-Reeeeeary-te-eaPry-eat-the puppoaes-a€-khle-aeakleRT-and -32- 97 It, te-}evy-ta�eea-end-aaseaemeRte €eP-etleh-ptlrpeaeat-te-PeRe-eP PeBaRe BAY pePt of th8 munleipality or mane eweop- t}eRe €Pam building Pegtl#a- 448met and to enter into agreemente with an tlrban renewal ageney vested With tlPban-PeRewal-pPejeet-pewePe under etlbaeetieR 4$ of thia seetieR-Fwhieh-egreemsAts-may extend ever any period AStW4the tend iRg-aRy-pPevi84oR or rule e€ law to the eon- tpaPy�r-peepeetiRg-aetieA-te be-taken-by-the-mwR4e4pal4ty pWPetlaAt-be-aRy-e€-the-pewePe gPaRbed-by-this-saetieRt eleeer vaeater plan or rep-leR Streeter reader, eidewalksr ways or ether PIeeest -end-tB-piBA-eP-Pep�aR aRy-pert-e€-the-mtlRieipa�ityt 46�--Within -it a-area-a€-SperotieAr to ePgaR}aer Beard}Rate and direst-the-edminietratieR-e€ the-previeieR9-a€-tkie-@@etieR as-they-app�y-te-the-mtlRiei- pality iR order that the ebjeetive Be remedying slum and-bighted-ePeH-and-pPevoR- tiRg-the-eetlses-thetas€-within the-maRieipality-may-be-moot e€€eetively peemeted and sehievedr and to eetabl.ish etleh-Row-a€€iee-eP-a€€3ees-e€ the mtlRieipai}ty OF to PeergaAiee-ewistiRg-B€€lees-in order to Barry out sweh purpese-meet-a€€eetivelyt-and �k�--�S-e�eereise-eii-eP-aRy-part-er eembinatieR-a€-powers-herein granted. _ 8*--�miAeRt-demein.--she-6ity-e€-Miami ehe�}-have-the-right-te-aegdire-by e9Rd9mAatieR HRy interest in Pool pPepertyr iReitldiRg a €ee simple t}tie thereber whisk it may deem _ Re@@88ary-€8P-8P-iR-BARR@BtieR-With aR-wPban-Pon swal-pPejeet-wndeP-this seetieA. Said mdnisipaiity may e�eereise-the-pewee-a€-eminent-domain in-tee-manner-provided-in-Bhapters �3 and :;4r FiePida Stattlteer and acts-ameAdatery-tkAre•€-eP-stlpp�e- - msAtary-thereter-er-it-may-e�eereiae tpe-pewee-a€-emineAt-d�m�iR-iA-the manner-RBw-or-wk4ek-may-be-hereafter provided by any ether Statutory prev�8aens-€eP-the-elfePe36e-a€-tbe power-a€-em�A9Ab-dema�R�--Property e�ready-devebed-te-a-pab�ie-ass-may be aegtlired in like manRert -33- # 01 prev idedT that R9 P981 property bel9R64Rg ke the statay @r any p9litieal-9bbdivi9i9R-kh@tee€T-m@y be-8egd3i�9d-with@bt-its-e9aseRtr OW—Gispesal of peepePby iR urban PeRAwel-spear (94--;he 64ty of Miami may sellr lease se Otherwise trana€sP Peal-prsperky-OP-any-iRter@et khePeigT-ae�biPed-b�-itT-sqd may-eRtor- into-eeRkraeta-with r@ape@t-therekAr-iR-aR-urban PeRewel-area-€AP-Pesidenk4ely re@PeatienalT semm@P@4alT iRdwstPial of abhor uses OF €eP-publie -wBeT-sP-may-PateiR awe h-ppepaPty-eP-iRbsPeat -Far pub�ie-weer-iq-9ee9Pdagee-with the WPbaR PaRewal plaRr subj@et to aweh e9v@ReRtsy @9Rdit49Re-and-P@atri@44enay iRelwdiRg e9VORaRk@ PwRRiAl with-the-�andy-as-it-may-deem te-be-Reeessapy-ar-desiPable be e89484 in preventing the dove-lepmegt or spread Of €ukbPe-slwme-eP-blighbed-areas er-be-ethepwise-eare)-Awt-the pwppeeee of this se@tient ppevidedr that sueh sales leaser ether trans€opy OF PeteRtieny-and-aRy-agreement PelatiRg-thspeb@T-may-be-made eniy�-a€top-the-approval-e€-the bPbaw-PARAWaI-plaR-by-the-eity eemmissieR.--The-purehasepe-se leesees-and-their-sweeessere and-aeaigne-sham-be-eb�igated te-devote-sash-Peel-peepepty enly-be-the-wees-epeeified-in the urban renewal plaRT and may be obligated to eemply with-sweh-ether-rAgwipemeRts as the muaieipaliby mey dAtePmiRe-te-be-iR-the-pwblie iRkOPSSty inelwdiRg the ,ebligatieR-te-begiR-wikhiR-a PeaseRabie-time-any-impreve- mente eR awsh Peal property Pegwired-by-the-WPbOR-renewal planr--Sweh-real-prepee ky-ep interest shell be seldy leasedT-otherwise-traRa€speedy AP-PetBiRed-eta-net-lase-then its €Hip ValwO COP WOOS iR aeeeedenea with bhe wPbeR renewal-plaA.--iR-determining the fair vaide 9€ Peal ppepePty-€eP-base-iR-aee9Pd- anes with the wrbaR renewal planr-the-mwnieipality-she}} tame iRte aeeeaRt ORd give aSRaideratieR to the "see provided iR awsk► plant the PoOtPietieRS wpORy and the seveRantey eenditians and ebligatieRS aeaamed by the -34- ptlgeheeeP-eP-�eeeee-sP-by-the mw"494pai4by P6484R4Rg the pPapePty;-end-the-eb�aebivee @�-9kleh-plan-€eP-the-pP,ev@R- tiaR�9��the-Pa@tlPPBRee-9€-Bit�Nl or blight ad areas+ The MNRieip8Iity-4R-aRy-iRe4PWMegb of senveyanes to a private ptlPehaeer or lessee may ppevide-that-sweh-ptlpehaseP-op leasee-shall-be-withetit-pewee be selly lease or ethepwiee tpang$9p the pea.1 pPap9Pby withetlb the pPieP wpibteR eeneoRb of the mwRieipaiity WRtil he has eeMpleted the eenetpmetieR of any sp all. iMpPeveMeats whieh he has eb�igatd-hiMse�€-te-eenebPtlet thoPeaR* meal ppepepty, aegtlired-by-the-MtlRieipa�iby whiehT-iR-aeeerdaaee-with-the peavieieRs of the wPbaR renewal p.1aRT ie to be tPaAsf8PP84T-shall-be-bPaR9- €agPed-es-Papidly-as-€eesibIa iR the pdblie iRtspe9t e9neioteRt-with-the-earPyiRg etlt-e€-the-pPevieiene-o€-the wFbaR Penewsk p.IaRv Any @eRtra@t-€er-8tl@M-trans€@P-oRd the wFbaR renewal plan E9P amok part eP petits of stleh eeRbPeet or plan ae the Mtlnieipaiity May deterMiRe4 may-be-reeepded-iR-the-a€€lee of the eierk e€ the eirewit eetlpb e€ Dade GedRtyy Fierida. Ebb--T.ha-mwnieipaiity-Ray-diapaa9 9€-P9H�-property-iR-aR-tlPbaR renewal apse to private persons Only tondep smeh PeassRabie-esRpetitive-bidding prseedwpea as it ehal-I ppeoeeibe eP as hereinafter provided-iR-this-otlbaeetieR* The mwRieipaiity MsYr by ptlbiie-netiee-by-pdbiieatieR iR a newspaper having a geRepai eirouiat}eR iR the eeMn�anity-thirty-days-prier to the eReetlt}eR 9€ any seRtrastT to eeiir 18099 eP otherwise tPaRefor Peal, pPepePty and prier to the deb}Very-e€-aRy-3RetPtlillent-@€ eeRveyaRes with Pospeeb thereto-tlndeti-the-pPevieiene Of this stlb9set4eR3 invite pPepeaaie €tieM and Mahe available ail portiRent information to private redevelepops of any persons interested-iR-tlndartal�ing-te redevelop-sr-reae�i�}fate-an urban renewal araBT or any part theree€v &eeh Renee -35- shall identify the area? AP pePb -ieR bheeasfr and shall ebabA-that-p*epoea�o-eha��-be made by these inbepeabed with}R-thirty-E�9�-days-a€bap the date Of pwb1.ieatieR e€ said Reb}eer and that swdh fdrbher information as is eva4Iab1e-may-be-e6ta4Aed-sb swsh a€€iee as shall be designated in said nebiee* The mwnieipaliby shall eensidep-ail-sweh-redevelep- Mont er pehabilitabieR proposals and the €4Rane4a.1 and legal ability e€ the popseRe-makiRg-sweh-prepesaie be eappy them ewtT and may Regabiate-with-any-pepeene-€ep ppepesale gap the pwpehaser �AA6A-AP-ether-tP@R@�eP-e€-aRy Pool-prspePby-asquiped-by-the mwR4e4pal4by in the wrbaR PeRewai-apeav--The-muRieipai- iby-may-aeeepb-oweh-ppepeeai as it deems be be iA bho pub -lie interest and in €wPbhepenee-of-the-purpoeee-of this-seebieRt-pPAvidedr-that-a Reb4€4eekoR of iAteRtieR to aeeept-sweh-preposel-shall-be €3ied-with-the-Aity-eammiBBieR Reb-�eee-then-thirty-f�8}-days pPiep-to-aRy-sweh-aeeeptaRee* Thereafterr-the-muAieipality may-emeewbe-sweh-sewtrast-iR eeespdanee-with-the-previaieRe Of paragraph Ea3 hereof and deliver deeds? I -eases and ebheP-iRstPwmeRte-and-take-all stepa-Reeessary-te-offeetwebe ouch-eARtreebw Eel--�hA-mwAiedpaiiby-may-tempepar- iiy-epePa#re-HAd-m83AtaiR-Peal property-eBgwiPod-�R-aR-wrbHR renewal area pending the diapooitieR-e€-the-property-as authopired iR bhia aeebienT without-regard-be-the-prewi- siena-e€-paragraph-�a�-ebeveT €er-sweb-woes-end-pwppo@ee-as may -be -deemed -desirable -even though -Re b-iR-e9R€epm3ty-with bhe-urban-PARewaI-p&aRv �8.--�aewenee-e€-tondo+ �a3--the-6ity-a€-Niami-eha��-have pewee-te-issue-bends-€rem-time ta-time-iA-its-disepetieA-to €iR@Res-the-wRdePbal�iAg-9�-any a066A renewal projest wRder this aootiORT iReludiRgT wi#rhewt-bbmbtiRg-the-genera}- iby theree€r the paymeR& of ppineipal, and interest upon aRy-ad1►@R@ea-€eP-awPVeya-and piaRBr GAd Shall a1-9e have -36- } p9weP-te-#gees-re€uRdiRg-geode for -th9-paymewt-oP-PetiPeAlenk of amok bonds ppeviemely 4semed-by-��.-Smeh-beads-she�� be made peyabler as 'te both priReipe�-sRd-iaterestr-e9�@�y from the ineoRer pposeedsr P9VeAm98r and €WRds Of the a�mnieips�ity-depiVsd-€Pena-er held iR eaRneet4ea with its mAdertak4Aj-and-eappyiRg-emb of urban renewal ppejeebo under-tgie-aeeti9Rf-proVidedr heweVePr-tgHt-paya�9Rt-e€-smog bender both as to priRsipak and-4RtePeabr-Roy-b@-€mPtgeP assured by a pledge of aRy ieaRr grant or eentpibmtieR €pearthe-€edepa�- jei/erRllleRt-eP other asuPeer in a4d 9€ any mPbflR-P@ReWfli-pPe�este-9€-the Munie4pslity under this 8eet49At Ebb--89Rde issued under this 8mb9eeti9R-9hQ4l-Ret-e9R944- tubs OR 4RdsbtedRee9 WithiR the-meaR4ng-e€-aRy-e9Rs44tm- tienal eP obstmtery debt l4M4kat4eR-er-pO9kp4et4eAr-ORd shall Rob be subjest to the ppev494eAa-e€-aRy -ether-1,aw-er shorter relating to bhe amthep4zOb49Rr i88manes or 8a-1e 9€ beAde. Benda 48SWOd ' under-the-previsieRa-e€-this e9e439R are dee-laced to be issued-€eP-aA-easeAtia�-pmb�4e And-geVePRM8Rt8i-purpose-eRdr together-with-interest-theP9eA end-4Reewte-there€Pea+r-aha��-be eWe�aptsd-€Pews-a��-te�rea. �03--BHRdfl issued under this smbseetieA-sqA��-bs-at�tgePtaed by-reae�utieA-er-ePdiAaRes-e€ ' the-eity-eew��wieeieR-and-way-be 4aemed-4R-eRA-eP-w19Pe-BePieB and shall bear amok date at datesr-be-payable-upon-damoRd of mature st amok time OP t�tweAr-heap-interest-et-seek Pate-er-PateBr-Ret-e�eeeed4wg e4�e-per-oentm�w-�6fC�-per-aARtl�r be in sash dORealiRat4eR ee deReAtinatensribe-4R-atleq-€erwl e4thaP-eempeR-eP-PegiatePedr sappy gush @eRVersinR eP Peg3stratieA-pPiVi�egear-gave amok rank eP pPiePi&Yr be oweeated in amok MaARerr be payable in Omsk Mod4wM of payaeRtr at gush p}ase of, � p}Aeesr-sod-be-edb�aet-te-Desk bePaO-O€-redew►ptieA-Ewith-er witheat-pPewtim�w�r-be-Oasared 3R-BkFeq-a@AAePr-and-k@Ve-e�leq ether-ekaraet@P�ati@Or-es-wRay -37- 0 be-ppav3ded-by-sweh-teas€at�eR eP-tPaet-iRdegtwpe-eP-MeptgBge �9aued-pwPsaagt-th@rate, �d�--Sash-beRde-May-be-9@Id-at-Rut leas-bhaA-par-at-pwb44e -so lea held after Reties publ4shed pPieP to gash sale iR a RewepapeP hRYiAg H 9eRePe4! a4Pewleb-ian in the apes of epePab48A and in gush ether mediwa�-a€-pab�eet}ARe-eH-the MaRie3pe�ity-Mey-detepM}Re-eP may be ewehaRged see ether bends eR the bee4a of papt ppa*idad r-that-gash-bends-may be sold to the federal geVepRm@Rt-et-privets-ease-at Ret-�eea-then-pHPr-andT-eR-the eMent -1ege thaR all of tyke ewtheP}red-pr�Reipa�-emewRt-9€ Aweh b9Rdg is Geld to the €9depol geverRmegtr the balsReo-May-be-seld -at-private sere-Hb-Ret-�eHe-tkaR-pap-at aR interest seat to the Muw}e�pe�ity-@€-wet-te-eweeed the iRtePest east to the MwRie3pa��ty-e€-tyke-pePt�en-e€ the-bends-seed-te-tyke-€edePa� gAVAPRMBRb� �e4--iR ease SAY 9€ the pwblie o€€4eiale -9€-the-MwRie4pality whe99-949RatwPe8-8pPeBP-eR-HRy beRde-eP-eswpens-}seued-wRd@P th4s-9eet4sR-Shell-eeaee-te-be gash a€€4@3als be€ere the de�3�ery-@€-sash-beRdsT-sash e4gRstwPe9 ehalir nevePthe- leaaT-be-Valid-and-9a€€isieRt fee- aII-puppese@T-the-same-es �€-adeh-a€€ieie�a-hgd-Tema#Red in-a€€iae-wRt��-sash-delivery* Any preV494eR as any law to tho-eentPeer -netwithetHRd}wgr eRy-beRde-isawed-pwraueRt-te this seetieR shall be fully Regetiablev eRy 9u447 ashen a preeeediny involving the ve�idity-er-en€9Peeabiiity-o€ any band 499usd under this seeds" eP the gesup4ty there€err aMy sash .bend Peening-in-swbetanee-that-it has been issued by the Mwnieipality in e9RReet4gR With-aR-urban-PBRew6i-pPe49etr as herein de€inedT shall be eeRelwaively deemed to have been-igeaed-€aP-gash-puPpese and ewsh prejset she-11 be eeneiasiveiy, deemed to have been plannedv losebod end ��reied-set-in-aesaPdanee-with the provisions of thio a9944ORW -38- as legal inveatmeAbs. Al} baAka? tPuat @empaR}ear baRkorar savings banks &Rd inetitwtiener ba#ldiRg and lean 888e81844eAar savings and loan aseo'@iatiBRar investment eempsAiss and ether persons saPryiRg eR a banking OF iAve9tmeRt-bWgiRe98 f -all-iRsHPaReB @empaRieer inowranes a9se@i8ti8A8r8Ad ether popeens eaPryiRg-oR-BA-iRewPaR@@-bwBiRe@sf aqd-ell-elEeotlberer-BdmiRiatret@rsr eupataPer tPwateser and ether €idweiarieer-may-legally-invest-any sinking €ender m@R@yar er Abhor funds beleRging to them er within their-@eRtPel-iR-any-bands-eP-arbor obligations }sawed by the Gity of Miami-pwPBwaRt-be-Chia-aeetieR-or-by aR-wPban-Pon ewal-ag@Ray-veeted-with urban-PeAewal-pPejeet-powePa-under subseetion 4.5 of this seetieRf previdedr-that-eueh-tondo-end-ether obligations-shall-be-aeeurad-by-aR agreem@Rt-bebwoeR-the-hewer-and-the federal government in whi@h the issuer agrees be borrow From the €edaral-$8v8PRMOAt-end-the-€edePal government agrees to lend be the ieauePr prier to the maturity of sueh bends OF other sbligatieRsr mgAsyo-in -aR-amount-which-�kagebheP With aRy ether moneys irreveeably eemmltbed-te-the-payment-a€-iRtereot eR-such-tondo-er-ether-ebligebiene3 wil.}-au€€lee-t@-pay-bha-ppineipel-e€ aueh-beads-er-ether-ebl3gatieRa-with inbePee t- two -matupiby-thereeml-whleh meAeys under bhe terns of: said agreement are required be be used gap the purpose of paying the pr3Re4pal of and the inberest am adeh-tondo-ar-ether-@bl#get}one-at their maturity. Gush beAde and ether ebligabiens shall be eathePiaed-seeurity-€er-ell-public depealte.--lt-ie-the-purpeae-a€-this seetioR to outheripe any papseAer pelitieal-subd}vleieRs-oRd-e€€#sera? publie-OF-privater-te-use-eRy-€WRds ar, ether ebllgsb#eAs. MebhiAg eeRtained iR this seetlen with regard-te -legal-inveotmeRts-shell-be eeRotptled-as-re}loving-any-pepsaR-e€ any duty of exopsising reasonable ears-iR-oeleetiAg-aeQup}Cleo. lB.--Rreperty-e�rempb-€pem-tewee-and-€rem levy and sale by vietwo 6€ an oweeutieR• �a4--All property of the Gity e€ Miamir-iR@}tldiRg-€under-awned er-bald-by-bt-€er-the-purpeaes 09 this aestien small be scamps -€rem -bevy -and -eels -by 1f3rtwe+9€-aA-elteStltieRr-sRd-Re eifeek/tien or ether judielal presses shall issue against -39- the ssMe RAP shall Jd41M@Rt soGiRat-the-MWR#eipslity-b@-a ehaPge er 140A tlpAR eaeh property;-prAV#dedT-hew@Veer that the pPAV#s#eRs 9€ this seet#eR-shall-Re6-apply-te-eP ##�+#�-thA-P#�ht-a€-ebl#geeA-te Pursue any Pemed#es for the eR€eP@AmeRt-A€-any-pledge-eP ##eA g#VoA pursuant to this seat#eR-by-the-IRtlR#e#Pa##ty-AR 44e PeRteT €8e8T gPaRtsev PAVARwoq €P8M wPbaR PeReWal projeeter Ebb--lhe-property-o€-the-mtlR#@ipe#- #tyr-sego#red-Ar-held-€eP-the ptlPpAees-A€-th#8-seat#ART-#8 de�lered-te-be-ptlb##e-property deed-€eP-assent#a#-ptlb##@-and geVerAMeRta#-ptlPpaBeA-and-atlAh prOROPty-eh all-be-exempt-€PAM Bll-taxes-A€-thfl-mtlR#e#pa#ityT the-e9tlRty.T-th@-state-sP-eRy po##t#ea#-8dbd#V#9#eR-thePeo€; pPevidedT that sweh taw ekeMpt#en-shall-tePmiRate-wheR the-munis#pal#ty-selleT-lesees OP-stherwise-dispeaee-of-eweh ppepePty-#R-oR-wpbaR-PARewfl# ape a-te-a-PH rehaaer-es-lessee wh#eh is RAt a ptlblie body entitled-be-taw-ewsmpt#eR-with respeet-te-smeh-pPepertyw 1�:--6eeperat#eR-a€-ptlbl#e-bed#es� Eat--For-the -Pwppese-a€-a#daRg-#R the-plaRR#RgT-tlRGertalE#Rg-er earpy#Rg stlt of OR tlrbeR PeRewal-pPeJeet-leeated-with#R the area #R wh#eh it is atlthar#fled-to-eetT-the-6}ty-e€ M#aM# Mayr WPeR etleh tePReT with-eP-w#thetlt-e9neaderat3eRT a8 #t May detePM#nef 4}4 ded#eateT sellT eeAvey er lease-any-a€-#t@-interest-3R aRy< preperty eP grant ease- meRtBT 14e9Reee OF ether P#gate-eP-pP#V#loges-there6R to the wp6aR PeRewal ageRey establ4ehed-wRder-@tlbsee44eR 46 heree€t F2� }Remy the eRt4re-ewpeRs9-e€-any-ptl6l3e }mpr@VBMBRtB-Made-by-etl.eh-ea#d City at: Miami* iR emspois#ng the power@ gPeAted iR this swbsestient-4;3-de-aRy-and-fill thiRge Ressesery to aid eP BeopBPate-iR-the-planning-eP carrying out of OR wpbam PeAeWBI-plaAt-%;i�-IARdT-gPagt of OaRkpibtlt@ €tlRds to said urboR PeRewal ageneyt ko� eAteP-into-agP9eMeRt@-�Wh}eh may ewtead ever any PeriedT RetwithetandiAg-sAy-preVias9q of pale e€ law to She eeR- �j 1� #�►arY3-with-Aa}�-dPben;PeRewal Ag9ASy 9r ether pdblie body P99p9@tiRg-9@tiAR-bA-be-tele9R PUPS" &At-be-any-s€-the -pews re gPeAted by bh4.s 99e448Rr 4Ae}dd3Rg the €WPR48h4Rg e€ �dRde-Ar-eth9r-$seiebaRee-$R eenneetieA with OR drbaR reaewa}-pre�eet}-end-�6�-eaase pdblis buildiAlS end pdblie €ae}}ibiesT-inelddiRg-parieer playgrew"day Peereationelr eemmdRibYT-eddeatisne�r-watery eewePT-er-dye}Rage-€ae}}ibieeT op-any-ether-werles-whieh-ib-is Otherwise empowered be dAderbake 49 be €upniehedf €drRishr dediAeter elessr Veeater-paver-}Asiallr-grader Pegrad9r plan eP PeplaR Streeter Peadsr sidewa}leer ways-sr-ether-plseset-plaR-eP PepleRT PARR or PeaARe eRy part -A€-the-area-a€-9aid-city of Miami or make a%eepbieRs �P@m-bdi}d3Ag-PogtllatiARsf-slid ead9e-admiRietratlVe-slid-ether 9erViees to be €urAished be the-Said-dPbAR-Pawewa}-ageRey. If at eRy time bible be or peosessieR 9€ SAY uPbaA PeRewal-pr94se4-iS-held-by-eRy publie body eP govePRMoRtal ageneyr other theR the said drbaR-P9R9wal-ageReyT-wh4eh-is authopiaed-by-lew-be-engage-in the-dRdePtaleiRgj-eaFFyiRg-sdtT 9r admi-RiatPabiV9 of dpbeR FeRewel prei9ets 4iRelddlRg eRy-egeneY-er-inetPumeRta}itY e€ the URited stakes of AmePiea3r the ppeVieieRs of th@-agPAeQlents-Pe€@Prod-te-iR this-edb8eetioR-shall-iRtlpe-te the-belie€it-e€-eRy-etleh-ptlbl3e belly OP g9vePRmeAta} ageRey and may be sAfspeed by Omsk ptlblie body er gaVerRmSRtal ageRoy� Fb�---Any-sale,-eeRV.yHR@eT-}ease-eP agreSmeRt-pPSV}dad-€er-in-this atlbaeebiaa-may -be -made -by-the city Of Miami without appraiselr publie Retieer adVarbisameRt OF pub }is biddiRgr ' F04--999 the puppeses of thia sabseotieRT-ep-€er-the-ptlrpeBS eP aiding iR the pl8ARiRgr dRdoptakiRg-ep-eBPPYiRg-etlt-e€ an urban renewal prsjeet a€ the MuRiOlpalltYr said mum iaiPali ty-may4iR-sdditieR to aRY amtherity to issue bends-ptlPatlaRt-to-oubs8etien 163-iaetle-and-self-its-genera} Obligation-bends.--Any-bonds -41- keewed by the MwR#eepaleby pwrauank-ke-tb#e-e9ek�en-ehe�� be issued 3n the manReP and w4th4iq bhe l4m4kat4eRs ppeseP3bed-by-the-lows-99-4hte abate €eP the ksawspee and autheP3s8t3en-a€-beRde-by-eueb Muntekpat#by €eP pwbl4e puPpeos@-geneea��y-eweepb-ae to ea"okikdbieRel P9gdiPs- Mentor $4r--;kkIa-a€-pwPekaeePr--Any -#RetpumeRb emsewted by the Giby of Mtamt and pwPpePk}Rg be eenvey HRy p4q%kr title or 4R49Pee4 kR any pPepapty MRdoP-bh}e-age t4sA-shell -be-eeRelu- e}vely pPeeumed be have been eReeuted in eemplienee with the pPeV484ORa-a€-bhie-see449R-iRe9€eP as 64419 ell abhor iRbePeeb of. DRY beRa €ode pwP@hasePeT 1-989998 OF br8R8€9Peee of eueh preperby j!e e9ReePRedw ape ias -of -pow ape- iR-eaPPyiRg-auk wPban-PBRewal-prejeebr l:a�--she-6}ty-a€-N3am�-Mey-�kee�€ ekere499 4b@ WF68R PeReWal pre6eet powers ;as hePe*R de€�Red3-eP-mayT-�€-the-e�by eemMtseteR by resolution d94srm4Re9-9ueh-seb4eR-be-be iR-the-pwbI4e-}RkePee4T-eleek te-have-Dueh-powers-e�eere#sod by the urban renewal ageRey �r@P@Ht9d-�R-91ib6eeQieR-�63r-i€ one-ew}ab@eP-ka-aubeegweRt�y sobob 14shed -}R-the-eemmwF44y. ZR-the-evepk-the-eity-esmM49- s�eR-masEea-sueh-detePm�Rak�eR� the-urban-PeRewal-ageReY-shall be vested with all e€ the WPb8R-reRewal-prejeek-pewePe �R-the-@HMB-manner-aB-though all gush powers were e9R€ePPeden eueh AgsAsy 4Retread-e€-the-muR4e}paIiky. If the eety eeMm4894eR aloes not sleet to make Dusk dot@PM�RHt�eRr-the-muR�e�pet- 3ty in }k8 d4eePek4eR may 9*9Pe4ee irks urban PeROW&I pPejeet-pewePe-through-a-beard or eemmise4eRoP at threugk eu@k-a€€�eePg�e€-the-MURie}- Pali ty-as-tke-eaky-eemmt@sien May-bY-Pege�dk38R-dokerMeRe. E63--Aa used in this subseet}eny the teem nuPban renewal pre�eek-pewePea-ghH��-}Re�ude the-P#gkteT-pewePDT-€uwekaeRe HRd-dut�eg-@€-the-MUR�eapa�aty under-tk}e-eeet�eR-ew@apt-the €ellewkRg+ the power to dekePm�Re-aR-area-be-be-s-alum er-t►�}gkked-area-er-eembiRB- -42- t,isR-the ree€-aad-t,e-designate eush-area-ae-appPepP�at,e-€eP 8f1-1#Pb�R-PeRewe�-pre�Bet,-and be held any publie heaPiRgo Po4wived-with-Pespeet-baerobet the pewee be approve urban Penewal plane and Modi€iea- 44ona thePeaft bae power be eebeb�isa-e-geRera�-plan-€er bae-1ee814ty-as-a-wholet-bbe pewsP-te-€ormulabe-a-weekable pregPam wader sdbeeet,ien 4t bao-pewee-be-make-bae-deboP- miRabieRs and Findings provided-€eP-in-etibeeet,ieR-�� eub8eebieR-€r-6nd-oubssek4eR-6 4d�t bae pewsP 49 isoas geRePBi-ebi3gab3en-beRdet-gad the power to epprepriabe ;under to levy tames and assesemeRbsT-and-be-exaPe4se ether-powers-pPevided-fee-in subseek4eR-7Eh4* 4-6r--dPbea-RoRewal-Ageneyv �a3--€sere-is-hereby-ereat,ed -iR-bae Ciby of Miami a publie body eePpePabe and pslitie be be {mown as bae uuPbaR renewal ageneyn-e€-bae-8it,y-e€-Miam4+ RPovidedr that, sues Ageney aha.11 Rek tpaReaeb aRy business or swePeise its powers hereunder ua441 OP uRIesa the I-aeel. geverRiRg body has made the finding preeeribed-iR-suboeet,ieR-�-and has -else ted-be-have-the-uPbaR renewal pPs4set, powers eeePet,eed-by-aR-aPbaR-PeRBwaI ageRey as provided iR sub- 8ee44eR-:�5r 4b}--�€-tan-urban-renewerageRey-ia authoriaed to tPaRsaet bueiRe66-end-ekerei9e-pew@ra hereuRderT-the-e�t,y-esmmissieR shall appoint a beard e€ eemmiasienere of the urban renewal ageRey waiea sae}} eeRsiat,-e€-seven-��3-members. seek member shall. be a resident-e€-the-eity-and-sha�� save-the-quasi€ieet,�eas-e€-aR e�eet,er-t,aere�a*--she-members e€-the-€fret-ageRey-she��-be appointed as €ellews+ ;we members for one yeast two members-€er-4we-yearef-three members for three yeargy in - ardor-t,e-provide-t,aat-the-term expiratiea dates will be otaggered. All oubeequsnt appointments, shall be for three yearn. Terms e€ the first appointees shall be deemed-te-save-eemmeneed-ae-e€ aeRaary-�T-�p6�.--�R-t,he-event -43- 9 e-vasaRey-seetlle-due-te-deatbT roo4g"at4eRT PemevaiT eP inability of the Member to peo€srm his dutieeT said vesaney-shell-be-€411ed-W4bh4A ten--€eP-the remainder OF the onekpiled termv, @�--A-@ammiseieReP-shah-Pee eive Ra eempeRaetieR €eF tie servieeaT but 8%aii be eRtibled to the Reessesry ewpeR898T-ipeiddiRg-tPBve�iRg e+epeRseaT ineuPred iR bae diaeherge-e€-bae-duties*--taeh 9emMieaieAeP-eha��-bead-a€€lee tlRti�-hie-sueeee9eP-ass-then appeiAted-and-bes-quaff}€led* A-eelti€ieate-e€-bae-appeiRt- ment-er-reappeiRtmeRt-a€-any som missieReP shall be filed with-bae-e�ePk-a€-bas-6iby-e€ Miami and sae% eerti€ieete shall-be-eeRelweive-ev4deRee e€-the-due-end-preps!-eppeiRt- meRt-a€-sues-eemmiaeieneP* The pewere of the urban PeRewal ageRey shall be e�eereieed-by-bae-eemmieaienePs taolee€* A majority e€ the ee�mieaieners-a%ail-eenetittlte a quePum €er the purpeas e€ eeRdtleb3Rg business and e�ealeieiRg-bae-pswers-a€-tbe ageaey and €ep all ether pwPpeses.-Aek!eR-may-be-takeR by-the-ageRey-tlpen-a-vote-e€-a ma�elity-e€-the-eemmieaienePa presentT unless in any ease the by-laws shall require a large! Rumber. Any persons may be appeiRted as eemmis- sisnere-i€-they-reeide-within the area Of sperateR of the Ageney FWhieh shall be esterminews-with-the-arse-of speratien-e€-the-nuRieipat3ty3 and-ere-etasrwiae-e�ig}tie-€eP stle%-appeiRtmeRta-under-tale Aet. The eity semmissien shall designate a eaairman and vise-sheirman-€rem-among-the ageRey gommiesieners. The ageaey-may-emp�ey-eR-eWestltive direeterr teehnieal, eWpePts and stleh ether ageRts and eRpiayeeeT permanent and temperaryT-ae-it-may-PeQtlireT and-ao-the-city-eemmiesien-may atlt%9li+�eT-and-determiAe-their gtlaii€ieationer duties and eempensatieRv The ageRey autheriaed is tlen9eet btleiRe88-and-ewereise-peWelB tlnder-this-seetieR-el�aii-€iie� -44- w4th-the-e4by-e9mmie949Ar-9R OF before Nareh J*r of gash yeas-a-PepsPt-9€-��@-aet3v#- t4e8 far the pPeesd}Ag eelender yedP* whieh report shall inelude a eemplete €4RaAe491 9babeM@R4 S9bt4Rg €ePth-Abe-agaeteT-llabilibiesT i"eeMe-end-epereblRg-e!lpBRse ae-@€-the-a"d-a€-oueh-gale"dar rear~--Rb-the-time-a€-€��#ng the-PeportT-the-age"ey-shall publish in a newspaper 9€ general eiPeuiatien iA the munieipality-a-netiee-te-the offset that gush report has bee"-€filed-with-the-mtlnieipal- ity and that the Peperb is available for iRepeetioR dtlPiRg-btlaiRe9s-hBUP@-iA-the a€€ies-e€-the-eity-elepk-and in-the-o€€iee-a€-the-ageney: Ede--Fep-i"@€€i@ieRey-er-Aogleeb-e€ dtlty-ep-mise9ndtlet-iA-a€€ieeT 9-eemMiBai9AeP-May-bg-PeMAved aAly-s€ter-a-heariAg-end-a€ter he shall have been given a espy-e€-the-ehepges-at-least beA k4G4 days prier be gush hearing and have had an epperbuRity to be heard in popes"-BP-by-@emReelV ;I*--iRbePesbed pub lis a€€ieisley eammiesionspe or employees, No publie-a€€ieial-ep-empleyee-o€-the 6ity-a€-Niami-4er-beard-eP-eemMie- eioR-th8Pe9€�T-aAd-Re-eemmise4eRep OF employee of the urban PeRewal age Rey -wh4eh-has-beeA-vested-by-the MwRisipelity with urban PeRewal pre4eet-pewere-uRder-subseetieR-�$ shall valwAkerily sequire any pePaoRal iRkepesky direst or iAdiP@str in any urban Ponewal ppe�eebT-eP-iR -any-ppepePty -i"eluded of pleRAed to be ineluded iR any mPbaR Penewal prejeet of said mmAielpelity-eP-iR-any-e9Rtpaet-ep prop@6@d-88RtPaet-iR-@@RRe@tiBR-with .Bush -uPbaA-Po"ewal-pPejeet.--where gush-aequioitieR-is-Aet-velmRtaryT the iRberest &squired shall be - iMn�edlately<-diseloeed-lR-wP}tlAg-te the oity eeMmise,49R aAd emeh dleelesupe-shall-be-entered-ups"-the MiRtlteo-e€-the-eity-oeMMiasiaA.--l€ aAy-sueh-8€€ioialr-oeMmiesie"eP-sP e�playea-preeaAtly-swAe-eP-eeRtrela, OF awned or sentralled within the ppeeoeliRg-tws-yeaPOr-aAy-iAtaPesky direst -9P-indireety-in-aRy-peopeety whieh he kR.ewo is i"elwdad or plaRAed-te-bo-i"elwded-in-aR-Upba" Pe"ewal ppejoety he shall immadi- ately-disolose- thia- ast- iA-wpitiRg is the eity eommissis" and amok dieelaedPe-shall-be-entered-mpaR -the -45- - IDT- M3gklte$-9€-aflid-e9MM�8839R-end-BRy sweh 9€€4e4alT eeMM4ea4eReP or employee shall Ret part#@}pate 3R any - set }9n-by-tha-mwR4etpaI4ty4er beard or eeMMies4on therea€3T or wpbaq-Ponewal-agegey-a€€eet3Rg-9wah property.--Agy-d3se�esere-regd}red te-be-Made-by-this-edba9@t39g-te-the e4by-eemmisaieR-shall -eenewPPeRt1y be-Mads -t@-the -wpbaR-P@RewaI-agegey wh4eh has beeR vested With drbaR renewal prejeet powers by the MWR3e#pa.1tty pdroeant to tha prev4e49RO of sebseet#sR 4€r No eammias4eger-er-a4heP-a€€4eer-of-the wpban r9Rewal sgeReyr beaPd OF eeMMiesieR eeePe4s4Rg powers peredaRt-te-this-Aet-ehe��-held-eRy ether-peb�}e-s€€gee-ender-the-6�ty e€-M}eM3-aP-ether-governing-body-}R Dade-GedRty-ether-than-his-e9MM}a- s4eRereh4p-er-a€€ies-with-respeet-te 9u@h-mPbaR-Penewa}-ageneyT-bssPd-OP eeMmiesieR* Any vielatieR of the prev3a49ns-a€-th4s-edbseet}eR-shalI eeRs44,tdte-M3seenduet-iR-a€€4ee* �Br--Be€iRitieRe�--the-€e��ew�Rg-terM9T wherever-axed-er-Pe€erred-te-iR-th3e seet4eRr shall have the following MeflR3R�8r-lig�988-8-di€€@rent-mBflR�Rg is elearly 4Rdieated by the eeR- teet♦ �a3--uAgeReyu or udrbaR PeReWal. ageReyu shall Mean a puhl4e ageRey-ePeated-by-aebseetien �6-e€-this-aeet�eR. Eb3--uMWRire 4pal tyu-sha��-Mean-the 6tty-a€-MiaM3v Ea3--uReb�te-bedyu-sha��-Meng-the stater or any munie}pal}tyr tewReh4pr villager besPdr eemmessis"r suthsrityr diatrietT OF any ether edbdav3e�9R-er-pdb�te-belly-e€ the -Stater kd4--UGGMMjosieRu shall MOOR the e�ty-eeMMtesteR-e€-the-6}ty-e€ Maem#* le4--dFoderal gevePRmeRtu shall inelwde-the-61R3tod-States-e€ Ameries OF any ageRey OF iRetrdMeRtalityr-eerperate-eP othorwtseT a€ the United States-e€-Amer}ea* �€3--uS�wM-areau-ehe��-MeaR-sR-epee iR-wheh-there-is -a-prod eM}- RflRae-e€-bdt�d}Rge-er-tMprsve- McRtBT-whether-PeB�deRtiai-Ar neRrea}dontialr whieh by reason of dalap}datteRT deter}era�ktaRT-sge-eP-ebeo�ea - eeneer inadegdete prevision -46- €or-veatiiatlear-�ighbr-pity saAitatienr OF open spaseer high-deaeity-a€-pepw�atieA-Sad evePePewdiRgr-eP-the-e�eiebenee s€-eenditieAs-wbieb-endanger �}€e-er-property-by-€ire-and ebhep-eawossr-eP-aRy-eembina- bieA of Sweh f a a b a p a is esndwebive to ill heaibhr tPasomissieA of dissaaer infant mopbalityr jwveniie deliRgweAeyr-eP-gPia�er-9Ad-ie de4p4moRtal be the publie healbhr sa€ebyr mePals Be wel€ere. Eg4--uBlightad-apsea -Shall-mean-aR area whieh by reason of the pPeseRes of a eabebaAtial Run+beP-a€-alwa�r-detePiePabed eP-deberiePebiRg-sbrwebuPeer pPedemiRanes-a€-de€eebive-eP inadequate Street layeubr €aulty-lob-layewt-iR-PelatieR to @iaer adequeeyr aeesesi- bility-eP-use€ulReser-iReaai- baPy OF wRsa€e eeadibienar debBPisPabieR-a€-sibs-ep-ether imppovemeRber divePoiby of swAsPehOr ban of speaial assessment deliRgweRey exesediRg the fair value of the-�endr-de€eetive-eP-wAwewal eeRdabiens of tibler OF the ewiebeRee-a€-eeRd4bi9Re-wh4eh eRdaRgeP-life-eP.-property-by €ire-and-ether-eawsear-aP-aRy eembiRatieR-e€-swab-€aetePer ewbetaRbially impairs sr aPpeate-the -sewAd-gpewth-e9-e mwR4e0a�ityr Petards the ppeviaieRs-a€-hewsing-aesemne - datieRe or eeAstibwtes an seenemie-eP-aeeial-liability and-ie-a-moRaee-be-the-publie healthy sa€Styr mepelar ep welfare iR iba present eeRd}tieR-and-waet-ppevidedr that is sweh blighted area eeRsisbe of epeR land the eenditispe sentained in bhe proviso in aubseebieR 6 Ed4 shall applyt and provided €uPbherr that any disaster ape a-Pe€erred-to-in-paragraph E93 of subseetieR 6 shall eenabibute-a-obligated-Steno. �h3--udPban renewal ppejeebu may inelude wRdeetakinge and aetivities-e€-the-muRieipaliby iR-aR-wPbaR-PeRBwal-area-feP the elimination and for the pPev9At4OR-9f-bae-develapmoRt eP-spread-a€-slwma-and-biightr and-may-involve-alum-eleaPaRee and-PBdave�epMeRb-iR-BR-l1PbaR renewal-spear-aP-P9aabil�te- tieR BP 6eRoervatieR in OR -a7- r urban PeRewaI aPea* eP any eelRbiRab3AR-@P-park-th@reA€-in, ae@ePdaRes with an, WP68R P@R9w8I plant sash uRdeP- 4aaiR99 and 9e44v4b4ee May ine�ude+-F��-a@quie#�ieR-A€-a e�b�-�areA-eP-a-�►��gk�ked-►epee AP 0904ieR th@P9e€t F24 deM@1444eR and removal of bu41diRg@ and iMpPevemantet F;} iRatallabi@RT e9RetPtle- bAoRT or P@eeRebPuet4eR e€ ebPeekey ub4l4bie9T papker playgPeuRdaT and ether improvements R@eeAaBPy pep eaPry4ml gut in, the WPban PARewal-Area-tree-urban,-PeRewai eb�eekives-s€-this-seetieR-in, aeeOPdaaee with the UP66R pone wa-1-pIant-�4}-d4epee ikieR of any prepePky aequiPed iR the urban renewal area 44neiudiRg sale* iRibia1 1ee94Rg OF rekeRbieR by the mupieipH1.iby it9el€� at, its €aiP value cap uses iR a@eePdaRee with the urban, PeRewal-plaRt-F�}-saPPyin,g-eub Plans for a pP@gPQM 9€ velunbePy-eP-eempuleePy-repeiP and P@hab413tab4AR @€ bu4ld4RIS eP other iMpPeve- ReRba-iR-HeeePdaRee-with-the urban renewal plant and F6� aegW4O4t4eR-9€-aRy-e4her-Pea1 pPOP ePby-in,-trhe-uPbaR-PBRBwai apes where ReesseaPy be eliminate unheaith€uiT iReaR34aPy OF unsafe eendi- tieReT 1-99e6R deR9ityr 614m4Rate obsolete aP etcher e��e-detPin�eRbei-te-tee-pub��e- welfHPeT eP Otherwise t9 PeiReMe-BP-preVeRb-bee-apPead e€-bi�gbt-eP-debePiePakieAT-er be prev4de land fee needed publie-€ae4l4kiee* Fi3--adrbaA-PeRBMHi-BPean-IIIeaAB-8 aloe-area-eP-a-b�igated-eras eP-a-eeMbiRHtieR-thecae€-welsh the-e�ty-een�n�iea}en,-deeign,atas as apprepriato fop an urban PeRewal-prejeetr F �--ul�rbaR- Don ewaI-pIan u-means -a p�aRT-ea-bt-ex�ake-€Pelll-tin,e te-time * -go P-aR-uPbOR-POAewal pro jaatr-whiea-plan-F4;-shall eeR€opm to the general p.1aR gap tee MWA464paiiky as a whole ekeept as provided in subeaetieR-b�rg3t-an,d-Fri-aha�� be ow9figionbiy eamplote to iRdisate aaeh }and aegdisa- t�teRT-de�eiek�oR-and-Per�eva� 9�-BtPkJet4lPeaT-PedBVeieplReRtT #MpPeve+�eRteT-9Ad-�eeha(�iiiba- tbeR-as-nay-be-pPepeeed-be-be -48- SaPP490 Atlt #R khe NFbaR renewal great PBF14RIP and pleRR#Rg-ehang9er-i€-eRyr-lend tl999r Max4mum denAii}ear btllld�Rg-FegtllremeRtsT-end-the pl&R1B Pelakionshap to de4R449 legal objeek#ves r9ap9e63R9 apRrepPlete land tlee6T-lmpre�ed-tPa€€}er-peblle kPaRepePtekieRT pablle tl441.441eaT reereak49mal eRd eammNR3ty €6e3lik4esr and ether-pdblle-#mpPe�eMBRter E1�3--uReal-pPep90kyu-shall-ine4dde ell - lender -lReludlRg-}Mpre�e- Menks and pixtrwPas thePeeRr and property of any nature appuFteneRt-th9PekeT-BP-tlaed iR-e6RReekieR-thePewikhr-end eye Py-ask ate *-iRker9etT-right and-u9er-legal-er-@gwikabl9T therelRr-iReltldlRg-terms-der years and liens by way of JHd§meRtr-mePkgage-eP-etheP- w498r �13--u8endeu-shall -mean-any-bends kiRelad4Rg-P9fwRd}Rg-b8Rd8}r RObO9T-iRteriM-e9Pti 3eateeT e9Pk4€ieate8-a€-iAdebk94Re99r debeRktlres er ether, ebliga- kieRs. �m4--uAbl4geeu shall iRelude any bendheldeFr-ageRka-eP-trustees €eP-any-beRdheldereT-eP-le9seP deMlalRg-te-the-Muwielpality Property deed in eenneeklaR with-aR-tlPbeR-renew8l-pPe3eekr OP-any-eesigRee-eP-saeigRses e€-etleh-lee.ePse-interest-eP any part kheree€r and the €edePal-gevePRMemb-when-ik-is a-party-ta-any-eeRkraet-with the-MWnieipaliky, ER4- 11poresRu shall Mean any indi�idualT-€iPMr-parkRePshlpr eerperatismy-eempaRyr-aaeeela- t3ART-�AiRt-stook-aeaee}akleRr sr body pelikiet and shall inelude-any-tPuekeer-Peeel�ePr asslgneer or ether persen hetiRg-iR-e-siM}laP-PepPeaeR - tative-espesityw �e4--uAree-a€-eperat4enu-shal4-Mean the -area -within-the-eerperate l3make-a€-the-muRielpal3ky. �0--uBeardu OF 11eeMMissismur .- e�eeept-when-they^appear-€P9M the eeRtomt ke have another M9aRingr-8hH}}^Mean-a-beardr eeMMi9eienr deportment, davlsisRT s€€leer body of ether uRlk 9€ the Gity of MisMa. -49- �011Reblie offiAePl, shall mean BRy-@€€�@ei+-WbA-is-iR-@bAPg@ e€-any-department-eP-bPaReh-@€ the-government-@€-th@-6#��-A€ Miami Palatine) to healthT €i�ar-be�ld}ng-PegelatieneT-oP te-ebh@P-aetiVib#@8�@9R@Bening dwel14nga in the mwRielpol- ityr �19r--6epePsbilityt-a@eb#eR-eAntPellin�r Netw#thatand4mI- any -at heP-@v#denee 9€-legislative-iRteRbT-��-ie-hereby deelaPed to be the sentPell4mv legislative iRteRt that if any prevision a€ this seeb4Anr or the appli@BtiAR-thePee€-te-BRy-peP9en-@P @iPe�msteneesy-}s-held-inva�idT-the remainder of the seetieR and the appliestieR of sueh previsieR to persons-eP-eiPedmsteneeo-ether-than these as to whieh it is held invalid~ shall Rob be a€€eeted thorebrr a9r--rh€€9a4ive-dates--lhia-amandmaR4-to beesme a€€eetive aanuaPy 4'T ArBr :t963r Sec. 4. Form of government. (a) General description. The form of government of the City of Miami, Florida, provided for under this GharteP charter shall be known as the "commission -manager plan~". and the eammiesien shell eeneiai 9€ five- �6}-eitiMORST-who -sPe-gW8li- €ied voters of the eity and who shalt be gloated at large in the manner-heroine€bee-pPevidedr The commission shall constitute the governing body with powers (as hereinafter provided) to pass ordinances, adopt regulations, and appoint a chief administrative officer to be known as the "city managerr".and exercise all powers conferredupon the city except as hereinafter provided. Eb}--fileetieR of eemmisa}ent terms of e€€feet Peeall! she eemmiseien shall-eeneiet-e€-€ive-43}-members whs-ohall-be-sleeted-€rem-the-eity: at large in groups numbered l thr��gh-Kr--9ne-��}=s€-said-eema�ie- sionsrs shall be the mayor and shall-be-sleeted-by-the-peeple-from the-9Psup -to -be-numbered-l-end-all persona desiring to gaali€y, as eandidete-for-maysr-shall-file-iR group-3r--3he-mayor-ohell-have-the pewee-set-€girth-iR-the-6hartsr-e€ the-City-o€-Miam4-iR-9ade-GouRtyr �lePida:--All-persons-doe}ring-te qualify for somMiesieRers shall €#le-'kR-grewpe-Rambered-li-through ur-6emmieeienera-iR-grsapo-Rklmbered -50- Incorporated in Sec. 7(a). Incorporated in Sec. 7(a). �I-and-t&I-Shall -be -81eeted-at-the �eRePai-e�eetieRB-te-be-k4aid-iR-the year 49$9 and at seep gesePal eleetisR sash €SUP F44 years Chorea€ter. GeMM48e4eRoPB in gPeupe-RUMbePad -IV -and -V-ehSII-be e�eeted-at-the-geRerei-e�eetieRs-te be held in the year 49.5; and at sash-genePa�-eieetieR-sash-€9uP-F4} years-therea€tee.--€he-meyeP-aha�� be-e�eeted-at-sash-geRera�-e�eetieR and-she�i-held-a€€ioe-€er-a-term-e€ two-F�}-yearn.--the-MayeP-and-s�� e9Mmi8eiaRePe-Fare-te-hs�d-a€€lee uRtii-the 3P-euesesoars-ere-eieeted and-quasi€led-€rem-twelve-ele�eel� Ass R-e€-the-day- aft aP-the-eaRvass e€-the-vote-and-the-dee�aPatieR-e€ the Peault 9€ the eieetieR* ;he meyeP-and-a��-ether-mEmbePs-e€-the eemmissieR shell be subjeet to PeealIV--VaeaReiea-shall-be- €illed ae-provided-iR-aeetieR-��-R-e€-the 6hertoP-e€-the-6ity-a€-MiHmir €-a-eandidete-€eP-e€€tee-e€ Meyer 8P sommieaisRoP Pseeives a Majority of votes in the pP}maPy e1ee44sm- his-gPedpT-ho-ehe��-be gene}tiered-e�eeted-apeR-and-a€ter the eaRvess e€ the vote and the deslarab4sR of the result of the e19e4ion-se-hereina€ter-prev4ded* If there be Re melarityr two F24 eandidetes fop RemiRatieR to the o€€iee-of-mayeP-er-eemmieaieneP-wks Passive the greatest veto in the primary elsetieR in seek group shall be plaeed an tke ballet at the-Rust-regular-muRieipal-elestioR €e��ewiRg-tke-pr}Mary-aa-provided iR-aaetieR-6-a€-Chia-6hePtePT--�ks eand4date-€er-Rem4Ra4ieR-roesiviRg the greatest vete tR the regular munieipal e1ee44eR €e}lewiRg the primary eleetieRT if etkerwioe quali€iedT shall be eleeted to e€€iee-€rem-tke-group-iR-whiek-he is-quail€iedw, RRy iReumbeRt aemm4saioRer deeiriRg-te-PUR-€er-the-a€€lee-e€ Mayer-eha��-preaeRt-aR-iPreveeab�e Fes igRatiaA-of -hia-9€€ies-a€-eity eemm3asieReP-ta-the-eity-e9MMiea�eR Ret lose theR Rinsty F99} days prier to the date• of aleetioRT whether primary GoP geRePSIr 8Ad said PasionatieR shall become a€€estive OR the date of the sleetieAr UpoR reesipt Of said resignatieR the eemmissieR shall make pubi4e aRRswneemoRt of the tooignatieR- and-iRetruet-tke-elerk te-eeeept-gaaii€isd-eand#dates-te FUR -got -0i0etieR-€®P-the-URellpired term-e€-the-eemmi6aieReP-PeaigRiRg Far the purpose of punning €er MayeP. IF any mayor or eammis- -51- Incorporated in Sec. 10(c). Incorporated in Sec. 7(b). e # 9ieReP-aleeted-Flgder-to@-pPevieiaRe a�-th 39-8e�i-�@93PeB-�A�P13R-€9P-6@1#@ eleebive @€€4ao ether then the maygP aP eity eemmieeienert than under -sues-e4Peumetensse-he-sae}} Reb-be-pequired-be-Pe9ign-hie-eiby 9€€lee-F1Rleae-end-FlRtil-aA-a88-�@eR eleebed be sdea ether eleetive e€€ie@v iR the eveRt that sues IMMByeP-aP-e9111M�ae3@ReP-i9-A�9e�A�-�'s@ gush ether eleetiva 9994ee ether thBR-that-e€-mays:-eP-eammie9ieRaPr he Shall immediately Pe84gR hie a€€iee as mayor eP sommisaignePr eRl�-k/�AR-ai @-•€9��HPe-eP-Pe€usa�-ire de as he shall be disehaPged and eusbed gram his a€€ies and said e€€iee deeleped vaeaRt by a majePiby veto of the rem84,RiRg membePa-e€-the-eity-eemmiesieR* �e4--Quali€4eatisRs 9€ eemm4884eRt semmiesieRere and other 99€4eePe and-emplaya9a-Reb-te-be-iRterested in ebRtreetaT stew} €reAkeT free tiekstsr-paaeee-eP-serviee.-NembePs 8€ the eammiesion shall be Pesi- dents 9€ the eiby and aeve the guali€ieabieRe-a€-eleebsre-thereiRT Commissioners and ether a€€isePs and employees shall Reb be iRtePesbed in the pre€its or emelameRte 9€ eRy e9RtPeatT 619br work or eePviee fop the muR4ei- pal4ty►T--ARy-eemm4as4eReP-whe-shell seers to peseess eRy of the quali€iestieRa herein required shell-€arthwith-€er€gib-his-a€€ieeT and-any-saeh-eeRtreeb-iR-whieh-eRy membeP-ie-or -may-beeeme-iRberesbed may be deelaPed veld by the eemmiseieRv ae-eemmiesiewer-er-ether-9€€leer-er empleyee-of -said -eiby-shell-seeept any €PaRkr free tiekoky peso eP servies diesetly eP iRdireetlyr €rem-eRy-psrBeRT-€irm-er-e9PpePe- bien-open-terms-mere-€aver able-baeR are granted be bae public generally: Any vislatien of the - pPeMieiena-e€-tale-aeebieR-shell-be -a-miademeaRer.--Sueh-pPehibibien-a€ €ree eervioe shell not apply to pelieomen -aP-€iPemeR-iR-uni€Arm-er weariRg their a€€isial bedgesr where same ie -provided by ardiReRee• �d3--Cemmieaien-te-be-3udge-e€-its-ewR olosbient-Reb-te-dietate-appoinb- meRbs by or interfere with eity maRageP.--T-hs-eemmission-shall-be the judge of the oleetien and guali€ieatieR-a€-its-awn-members: ewbJeet to review by the eeurter Neibher-the-eammie9ieA-ReP-eRy-e€ eemmitbeea-eP-members-aaell—dietate the appgiRbmant of any person to -52- Incorporated in Sec. 9. Incorporated in Sec. 7(b). Incorporated in Sec. 9. Incorporated in Sec. 9. Incorporated in Sec. 10(d) and in Sec. 4(c). _ 9 1° , e 10 o€€#ee ae empleyment by the elty manages#-eP-IR-any-maRRei�-iRte�€epee with the elty maaegep ee peevent him €pam eweee4aiRg hla swR judgment I the ePpelRtment e€ a€€leaps and employees #a the ada+lR#stgat}ve-seevleeT--�weept-€e� the puppese a lRgeleyT the eemra4se4ea and its membeea shall deal with the adm4n4skPet4Ye aepvlee solely theedgh the elty maRagep.-eRd-nelthef-the-eemmlesleR Ree-eRy- membee- theeoa€- shall -glue e�+dees-te-aay-e€-the-sebsed}Rates e€ the elty maRageFT elthee pwbllely ee pplvatelyT ARy sseh dletatlaRT peeMeRtleRT sFdeFs BE ethee-later€e�enee-oR-the-past-e€-e membee-e€-the-eemmissleR-with-the BdtAiRletipatieR-e€-the-elty-shall-be deemed to be vlelat18R e€ the 6hapteeT-sRd-wpeR-eeRv4etleR-be€ege the elty eebgt aRy membee as eeRvleted shall be subjeet to a #'lRe Rat eweeedlRg €lye huRdead del laps- {$599,99�-se-lmpeleeRment €e�-e-teem-e€-net-eweeedlag-slaty 4693 days BE bethT and lR the dlaefetleR of the eewpt shell €eg€elt-his-e€€leer (b) 4e4 Election of officers by commission; rules of commission; quorum. The commission shall elect a city manager, a clerk, and a city attorney, e-judge-e€-the-mdRle}pal eedet-and-elvll-seFvlee-eemmlasleRT but no member of the commission shall be chosen as manager eye -se -a membef a€ the elvll seevlee eemmlee4sR or to given any other city office or emproyment. The commission may determine its own rules of procedure, may punish its own members for misconduct, and may, compel the attendance of members. A majori�—of all the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number mad adjourn from time to time. (c) Appointment or interference with employees. Neither the commission nor any of its members shall dictate the appointment of any Person to emp oymen y e ci y manager, or in any manner in er ere with the city manager or prevent him from exercising his own judgment in the appointmentapRointment o employees in the administrative service. Except for Ehe purpose o in uiT , the commission and its members shall ea with e administrative service soleTy tF;rough the city manager, an neither a commission nor any mem er thereor shall give or ers, -53- Obsolete. Incorporated from former Sec. 4(d). 4 either publicly or privately, to any of the subordinates of the city manager. Any such dictation, seven ion, orders, or other interference on the part of a member Gf the commission with e a minis ra ion o e city sSall be deemea to be a violation of the arter. (d) E€O Meetings of commissions` to set by epdiRaRes sp peselutieRs €epm a€T maRRep e€ Paseage eRd publieatieR of eed4RaRee8v At twelve o'clock noon on the day the commissioners take office, they shall meet at the city hall. Thereafter the commission shall meet at such times and places as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution. The meetings of the commission and all sessions of committees of the commission shall be public. The eemteissieR shall set only by epdiRaRee ep wpitt8R peselutient-and-all-epdiReRese-eRd peselutieRss eweept eed}ReRees mak4Rg epppeppietieRes shall be eeR€iRed-te-ene-kl3-subjeet-whieh shall-be-eleaply-ewPpessed-iR-the titleT The epdiRaRees mak!Rg epppeppiatieRe-shell-be-eeR€iRed-te the- eubjeet-s€-aPppePpistieR8v--NG epdiReRee-shell-be-passed-uRtil-it has-beeR-peed-eR-twe-k2�-sepapate days-ep-the-pequipsmeRt-a€-pead4Rge eR-twe-E24-sepaeate-deys-haa-6eeR diapeRead with by a €eup-€i€the 44/5. vote of the membepe of the esmmiesieRT BediRaRees shell be peed by title eRlyv Gepies of ppepesed eediRaRees shall be €upRished-te-eaeh-eemmiseieRep-and shall be made available to all iRtepe8ted-pepseR8v--lhe-ayes-eRd Rees shall be tekeR upon the paesege 6€ all epdiReReea ep peselatieRs and eRtered upeR the jewFRol-e€-the-ppeesedings-e€-the eemmis84eRs-and-evepy-eediR8Ree-ep 988e1ut4eR-sh8ll-pegu1pe-eR-€iRal pas sage V-the-a€€ipmotive-vete-e€-a majepity of all the membeps, We membee-shall-be-emeueed-€pem-vetiRg emeept GR mattees iRVelviRg the e6ReidOPGtieR-s€-hi8=ewR-offic4al eeRduatT ep whepe hie €iReReial iRteeeate-ape-iRvelved, (e) 4g3 Powers and duties of mayor. The mayor shall preside at meetings of the commission and perform such other duties, consistent with his office and this Charter, as may be imposed by the commission. He shall be recognized as the official head of the city for all ceremonial purposes, by the courts for the purpose of being served with Incorporated in Sec. 4(g). -54- eepv4my civil process, and by the governor for military purposes, to time of public danger or emergency, he may, with the consent of the commissioners, take command of the palice.L and maintain order.L and enforce the laws. During his absence or disability his duties shall be performed by another member appointed by the commission. (f) �h4 Salaries of commission. There shall be paid to the mayor and to each esmmiss}eRepo commissioner of �e-6}�y-a€-M}an+}T- erg a�r-�k►e C}ty-9€-Miam4 as compensat.iont the sum of five thousand dollars �$5,000.99} per year gap Sash eemm4ssieaepT payable monthly in twelve-�12} equal installments, and there shall be paid by-the-Gity-of Miami to the Mayop-eemm4se4enep-aa mar the additional sum of net -to eweeedwe Eheueand €ive` twRdred dejjaps-E$2,500.993 annually to be used by-Eke-mayep-eem mies4eaep to cover any or a.11 entertainment expenses of the office of mayep- esmmiss4enep mayor of the City of Miami, Florida. The-sa4d-eempensat4sR-a€-€4ve thousand dollops E$5t988*99� Per yea p-ia-to -be-pa4dT-sa-Prev}ded-in oeet�eR-�-the-Preeed�Rg-ParagpaPh� horse€T-begiRRa:Rg-Boeet�bep-�t-�949t to the there F3� semmissieneps eleeted in the pejulap munieOal ejeet4en to be held 4A Nevembept �t949f-and-the-9a3d-esmp eReat4eR-e€ €eve-tkauoand-de��epe-E;5T988*89� 3s-to-be-Paid-bBg ARiRg-9ee9111bep-;r 4954-t €er the ether two �2} semm4eaigRepe-whe-w}l1-66-elested st -the-regulap-muRie4pal-eleebieR te-be-held-�R-Mevex�bept-�9`��•--art �o-uRdepeteed-that-Eke-edd�t�ona� eempeRest4on-a€-twe-theueand-five hundred-do��ap8-F$�T�88�9B�-te-be Paid-te-the-nteyer-e9111N1ieeenerT-ae Provided in seeEiieR I. Ekhe ppe- eed#Rg-Para�roPh�-horse€T-oka��-be Pa�td-beginning-9eeen�ber-}T-�949*- ( ) Ordinan es and resolutions; voting. e commission shall act oniX b ordinance or written reso u ion and all ordinances and reso u ions excep ordinances making a ro ria- tions s5all be confined to one subject, which shall e clear expressed in n the title. Urdinances making aeEroaria ions shall e conrined to the subject of a_PpPpro- ria ions. No ordinance Shall be passed until it has been raid an two se ara e days, buE an emergency ordinance maX be passed on one reading only by s our- i e vo e -55- obsolete. Incorporated from foster Sec. 4(f). of the members of the commission. urdinances shall be read_ i e My. opies of fr�o oosed ordinances shall be Furnished to each commissioner ind shall be ma e Mi a e to a I I interes ed persons. The clerk shall record e vote of each commissioner on all ordinances and resolutions. assa e oF ever ordinance or reso u ion- shall require the affirmative vote of a ma on o all the members. No member s a1 e excuse from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his own official conduct or on matters in M ch his FinanclaT interests are involved. o ordinance sRall _goo into effec until-30 days after itspassage unless it is declared o be an emergency measure on the group o urgent -public n9ed for I the prre_s_e_r-_ vation 0--peace, health, saetor pro erty, and unless it is approvezr y a vote of not less -than our - fifths of --the members of the commission. No measure 2ranting or amending any public utility measure or amending or repealing an measure adop ed b4 the people at the PC or a commission in c—o�melianci" e`wi an initiaM petition s a e r eg armed as an emergency measure. Sec. 5. The initiative. (a) Power to iRakibwke ado t__ ordinances. The people electors shall have power at their op ion o propose adopt ordinances, including ordinances granting franchises or privileges and to adopt the same at the pods, such power being known as the initiative,". A petition? meeting the requirements hereinafter provided and requesting the commission to pass an ordinancey therein set forth or designatedy shall be termed an "initiative petition" and shall be acted upon as hereinafter provided. (b) Preparation of initiative petition; affidavit .of genuineness of signatures. Signatures of initia- tive petitions need not all be on one � paper, but must include the residence address of each signer. e The circulatorr or every such paper shall make an affidavit in �k►e�-assa-s�gAa�ere-appeR�a�-fie-sae Paper -is -4be-@ORWiAa-sigRatwpo-of sae-pereaA-waese-RelRe-�G-pdgper�a o 697 wb}ek a€€-i9aVitl shall be substantially in the following form: -56- Incorporated from former Sec. 6(b). 1977 6 STATE 01 iLORIDA ) ss. COUNTY OF DADE ) . . being duly swornt deposes and says that he .(or she) is the Circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing . . . . signatures* and that they said signatures appended tbepebe were made in his (or her) presence and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be. (Signed)............ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... day of ...... ...19... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notary Public W}fib-eaeb-s}�Ra�d�e-eaall-be-seabed the plaee s€ FaaldeRes e€ k h a 6i@RaFT-94V!R9-th8-atFeetT-RUM68F ep-atbee-deeeF4pk1aR-swff4eleRt-te ideRki€y t-ha pleee. A11 aweb papers pertaining to any one 443 measure shall be filed in the office of the ci y clerk as one instrument and Shall ave written or printed thereon the names and addresses of at least €iye 45} registered voters who shall be officially regarded as filing the petitionT and who shall constitute the a committee of the petitions Tor the purposes hereinafter named. All-sweb-papeee-abail-be-€fled-is the`-a€€}ee-a€-the-eiby-eleek-ae-eRe 44T-iR8kFWFReRt* (c) Filing of petitions. Within €weRty i 420� days after the filing of the a petition, the clerk shall ascertain by examination the number of registered voters whose signatures are appended thereto and whether ! th4s said number is at least teR 410� percent of the total number of the registered voters as shown by i the city registration booksT_ eRd be The clerk shall attach to said petition }e a certificate showing the result of `said examination.-l€T by the eleek!a eeeti€leeteT e€ whieb and give notice thereof in writing shall -be-94VeR o one 44) or more of the pepseRs-designabedT members of the committee of the petition. a number o signatures supporiin`gthe pet i ion is shown to be insufficient, the Petition ib may be amended once within eR-4104 days from the a e of said certificate by the filing of eapplemeRbapy pebitieR papers walib additional signatures. The clerk shall, with beR 410} days after such amendments, make i -57- examination of the amended peti- tion+. aR�-€-b4e-eert4€4eate-aMell a hew 4he-aame-ts-be-inawf€4e4enbT the •aIGok-shaII-F41e-tba-pek4b4sR 4R-h4e-a€€lee-eRd-shall-Ret4€r-sash Member of the eemM4btee e€ that €eety The- final finding of the insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of anew petition for the same purpose. (d) Submission of petition to commis- sion. l€ the Upon ascertainin that a petition eta-be--ew e is supported by a sufficient number of si natures, the clerk shall so cer ify.L and he shall submit the proposed measure to t commission at its next meeting. Upon receiving the proposed measureL the commission shall at once proceed to consider it and shall take final action thereon within thirty 4304 days from the date it the vetition is filed -with them certi ie y fee clerk. (a) Election on initiated measures. If the commission shall fails to pass the proposed measure, or -shall if it passes it in a form differenF mom thaE set forth in the peti- tion, then the measure shall be submitted in its original form by the commission to the vote of the electors at the next election occurring not lose fewer than 45 thirty-094 days fro-F-Me date off' the final action by the commissionT. and-if If no election is to be held within six 463 months from such date, then the commission shall call a special election to be held not less fewer than 45 thirty 4;8} days nor more than 10 €erty- €4ve 445� days from such date. WheA-aebM}btee-tke-Ille9ckfre-shall-be 4R-}49-ere94Ral-€erm. (f) Initiative ballots. The ballots used when voting upon any such proposed measure shall state the substance thereofT in clear concise lan ua e, without ar umen or prejudicey and below-} - e- we -prepea•� ac+Re shall provide only for a vote "for the measures and or "again -the measure.". iMM0 - lately at the right - of seek prepce4t4eR-there-shall-be-a-egdara 4R-whisk-by-Marl�4Ag-a-eresa-4?4�-the voter-May-wets-€ar-er-aga4Rst-tyke proposed -measure. If a majority of the electors vot ins on any such measure Me in favor thereorp� shall ereu on become an ordinance of the city. WRen a measure proposed by initiative petition is passed by the commission, but not -58- To conform to Code requirements. See Sections 16-8 and 16-9 of Code. er r in its original form, and-is-be-be submitted to a vote of the eles- bgrsr the measure as passed by the commission shall not take effect until after gush the vote? of the electors; and if-tTie measure so submit ad is be approved by a majority 'off' electors voting thereon, it shall thereupon become -an ordinance of the city and the measure as passed by the commission shall be deemed repealed. ;9 a maker+by-A€-bhe-eke@here-veb3Rg-en any gush measure shall vebe iR € ever -the Pee €T-it-ghat.1-bhereupen b@some-an-erdiRanse-e€-bhe-e4ty! Xho €ellew4Rg &4tle shall be substantially the form of the ballet+ T;T6-BR-M%A6WR6-W1TW-6EN&RA6 6;A;6M6NT-8F-6d66TANC6 TN&R68F TTIlTIYTITITTlTTlIlTIlYTTlY RQR-;NC-MEA&WR6 TTITYYlTlTTTlTlIlllTT♦TlTTT ASA;N6T-;ICE-MEA6dR6 ! T I! !ITT ! T I T T! T Y! I! T T T Y T T! T (g) Number of measures to be initiated. Any number of proposed measures may be voted upon at the same election in accordance with the provisions of this Charter charter. Sec. 6. The referendum. (a) Power of referendum. The peep -Is electors shall have power at their option To approve or reject at the polls any measure passed by the commission or submitted by the commission to a vote of the electors, such power being known as the "referendum?". whi9h power shall-6e-inveked-e7md-exere4sed-as herein-prev4ded! Measures submitted to the commission by initiative petition and passed by the commis- sion without changer or passed in an amended form shall be subject to the referendum in ,the same manner as other measures. Eb3--6im+bat49Re-en-ew€eeeeaeRt-of erdineReeal No measure shall go 3Rte-offgot-until-th}r#►y-��A�-days after ite peseage unless 'it be deo�ared-�R-ouet�-erd3ReRee-to-be-aR emery oney-me asure-aR-bhe-greand-s€ urgent-pubs}e-Reed-€er-the-'reaer- vet�ew-e€-peaeer-heath!-ea€etyT-er Property and the mosswee be-ing paeae�-�y-a-veto-e€-wet-�eee-than €ode-€�€the-4k�=��-a€-the-�ren�bera-e€ -59- Incorporated in Sec. 4(g). the eemmissien• But Re mesewpe gPaRkiRg OP 8meRdiR9 any PUbkie eki1.iby me asMLas eP ameadiRg eP PepeaIing amy meas"Pe adepked by khe-PeeoIa -at-the-paIIs-aP-by-khe eemmiseisA in eempiienee with an iRikiakive PekikieR shaII. be Pegaeded-as-en-emergeney-measdPev (b) fie} Referendum petition. If within 4aiPky-004 days after the final passage of any measure by the commissionL a petition signed by PegiskePed vekeea e€ khe eiky ke eke-nembeP-a€-ak-�eaek-€�€keen-�15� percent of the total number of registered voters as shown by the city registration books, be is filed with the city clerk reques- ting that any such measure or any seekien part thereof be repealed or be submitted to a vote of the electors, 44 that measure or Ea.t shall not, except in the case of an emergency measure, become operative until the steps indicated herein have been taken. (c) Ed4 Signatures to petition. ;he sigRatupes bhePek9 Signatures of referendum petitions need not arT e on on ; paper, but the circulator of every such paper shall make an affidavit that each signature appended thereto is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. With each signature shall be stated the place of residence of the signer?. giving the abPeeb and nembee OF et'aeP deser4pb4eR see€€ieieRk be 4deRt4fy toe plasew All such papers shall be filed in the office of the city clerk as one �4} instrument. A referendum petition need not contain the text of the measure or part designated-kbePeiR and of whicN e repeal is sought but shall briefly describe the ordinance or part bberee€ sought to be repealed. (d) Ee3 Certification of petition. Within twenky-E20� days after the filing of the petition,_ the clerk shall ascertain whether-er-net-the Petition is signed by registered �►ekere-a€-toe-eiky-te-�k►s-r�dmbeP-e€ by examination the number of registared voters whose si na ures are appended tKere o and whether said number is at leastesR 054 percent of the total number of registered voters as shown y e ci,y' y registrationbooks? end he. The clerk shall attach to suc'f"i petitio"'n`his certificate showing the result of such examinations and give notice thereof in writing—fo -50- +r r the eeMM4894en. Buk Re measure jraAk4Mj or ameRd4R9 any publ4e wb4l4ky measure er amend#ng or repealing any Measure adopted by the -people -at - the -palls -sr-by-the eemm4so4on in esmp4ianee with an initiakiYe pe4444en shall be ragarded-se-en-emergeney-measwrer (b) �9� Referendum petition. If within kh3rky-F303 days after the final passage of any measure by the commission.La petition signed by re949kered voters e€ the e4ky to the-number-a€-ak-feast-€�€keaR-�15� percent of the total number of registered voters as shown by the city registration books, be is filed with the city clerk reques- ting that any such measure or any seet4sn ppaar�r�tt thereof be repealed or be aubm-i=ed to a vote of the electors, 44 that measure or Cart shall not, except in ta case of an emergency measure, become operative until the steps indicated herein have been taken. (c) Fd4 Signatures to petition. The 949nature9 therebe Signatures of referendum eetitions need not arT e on one �- ; + paper, but the circulator of every such paper shall make an affidavit that each signature appended thereto is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. With each signature shall be stated the place of residence of the signer?. 'Jiv4R9 the street and number or ether deeeripk4eR 9044sioRt to ideRbify the place. All such papers shall be filed in the office of the city clerk as one 44} instrument. A referendum petition. need not contain the text of the measure or part desgneted-there#R and of w ie repeal is sought but shall briefly describe the ordinance or part thereof sought to be repealed. (d) E&3 Certification of petition. Within twenty420� days after the filing of the petition, the clerk shall ascertain whether=or-wet-the petition is signed by registered +�etere-e€-the-e}ty-te-the-RUMber-e€ bz examination the number of registered voters whose signa ures are appended thereto and whet er said number is aE leasta een percent of the total number of registered voters as shown y e city regis ra ion books* and he. The clerk shall attach to sudg pets ion�his certificate showing the result of such examinationv and give notice thereof in writing-T -60- 7I H, the circulator or circulators of the p_atiti�_ I f the number of signatures supporting If- Gy e e er a-eep a bea e the petition is shown to be insufficient, 44 the etition may be amended once wit=Ln en days from the date of said certificate by the filing of eappI@menbery-peb3k eR-pepepe-w kk additional signatures. The clerk shallt within keR-F104 days after such amendment.L make 14ke examina- tion of the amended petition. and eerk�€�►-kae-Pesd�b-kktepee€T (e) F94 Referendum election on etitiona. ;f the Upon ascei- taining that a petition be $;ewnd sw 4ei Rtyr is supported by a sufficient number of si na ures e commission snall proceed it reconsider at its next meeting such measure or such eee•aeneree€ part as the petition shall specify. TT -upon swek► reconsideration such measure? or such part is kperee€T be not repealed or amended as demanded in the petition, the commission shall peeM4de €ep swbm4444Rg submit the same, by the method herein provided, to a vote of the electors at the next municipal election occurring not leas fewer than 45 th4r ky-E;94 days after-'L'9e-Peee4pT by-kkte-eemmise}en of the elerkle eerk4€4eakey and sdeb-meaedPeT--er-aeek�-peek-bkeree€T shall -bhep supeA-6e -swap eRded-Fpem 1e3Rg into offset wR441 said eleek}eR-and-shall-bhen-be-deemed repealed unless appreved by a me�er�by-s€-bk3ese-�ek3Rg-bktereeR. said next meeting of the commis- sion. no a ec ion is to be h=e within six months from such date-, e commission shall call a s ecia elect Mon o e held not fewer than a s nor more than 60 days from e date of saia next 'meeting. 77 e semm}se}eR by a edr- kk+e �4f�i-vebe-may-edbm}b-sdea-measdre er-perk-bkteree€-w�kq-��ke-a€€eeb-be bh e-elsekere-sb-a-spee4el-eleekion be-be-ealled-by-ea4d-semm}as}en-Reb lose then th4pty �;9} days a€ter 4 h a Possipb e€ . sand elerkse eerk4f4eaber (f) Referendum elections or submissions bX the commission. Measures submitted to referendum bye commission may a submittedo e electors a a generalor special electiont as he commission may deem approeria e. -61- See Code Sections 16-8 and 16-9. Egg--Title-a€-ballets--�A�-pespesed meaadee shall be aWbmittad by ballet-titter--lases-shall-sppeag upas-the-a€€lelaI-ballet-a-ballet title- a€-asy-sueh-ppepesed-meeaupe and whieh shall be �a4 eleaeT eeReiee-statementT-witheut-argument ee pps4udieev deaepiptive e€ the adbetaRee e€ sueh meaeuee* The ba��st-title-shall-be-p�+epa�ed-by the-eemmittee-s€-the-petitieRe�a-}€ €ee-eR-iRitietive-ee-a-ee€e�eadum measure BP by a eemmittee e€ the eemmiesleR wheR submitted by the aemmisa4aRT ( g Eh3 Form of ballot. The ballots used when voting upon such proposed measure shall state the substance of the measure in c lear, concise language, witnout argument or prejudice, and shall specs y whether the measure is being submitted for approve or or re2eal. If the measure is bean submitted for approval, the ballot shall provide only f or a vo te deaigRate the same? and 6818W IV the-twe-E23-pPepe84tieRaT "for the measure" and or "against the measure". If the measure is being submitted for repeal, the balloF sTall provide only' or a vo a or repeal" or against repea . (h) 444 Emergency measures. Measures passed as emergency measures shall be subject to referendum like other measures, except that they shall not be suspended from going into effect while referendum proceedings are pending. 1fT-wheR-submit4ed-te a vete e€ the eleetepaT as emeP- geRey-meaeu�e-be-Ret-app�eved-by-a ma�eeity-e€-these-vetiRg-thePasRT �t-shell-be-eeaside�ed-gepealedT-ae eegaeda-eRy-€u�the�-aetieR-the�e- dRdee-and-ell-eights-and-peivilegee eeR€e�eed-by-it-shall-be-Kull-and veldt-peevidedT-hewevePT-that-seeh An emergency measure as subse- quently repealed shall be eeme sufficient authority for any payment made or expense incurred in accordance with the measure previous to the ee€ePeRdum veto theeeeR repeal. (i) 1j4 Conflict of referred measures. If two 424 or more measures adopted or approved at the same election conflict ks with respect to any of their provisi no s, they all non - conflicting provisions shall go` in o ef �R-Teepee -e€-sash-s€ these ppevrs4sRs as efe Rat 48 eeR€llet and the sRe 444 The -62- e� r provisions of the measure receiving the highest affirmative vote shall prevail 4ess€ap-as-04e4p over the conflicting provisions o o-E her measures. eesfliet. (j) Adoption or. repeal. If a majority of the electors voting on any re eren um vie `to adopt or repeal any measure or par ereo , suc measure or part shall ereupon be -d—eemed adopted or repea ed� as the case may e. Seer- +--Siee ieae set to be held an holiday* ae-geAepal-ee-seeeial-eleetien-e€ Incorporated in Sec. 8. the -bit y-a€-P4ie�}-egall-be-bold-eR a-legal-holidayw Sec. 7. Composition of commission; resigns - on. ( a) Seats a n d terms. T h e commission Incorporated from former shall consist of five citizens who Sec. 4(a) and (b). are qualifiedvoters o e city an who have resided in the City o Miami o r s i x months next preceding Incorporated from former t e e ec ion at which ey seek Sec. 8,. e 1 ection. Commissioners shall e e ec a rom the city at large in groups num6ered I through ne o said commissioners she ll be the mayor and shall e elected by the Eeople at each general a ec ion, or a term of two years, from the group to be numbered . Commissioners in groups numbered and III shall e elected at the general elections o be held in the year 1955 and at each genera electioF-each rour years there- after. Commissioners in groups numbered and V shall e elected at the general elections o be heTU in the year 1157 and a eac general election each our years thereafter. The mayor an commissioners are to hold office until their successors are elected and quallfied from 12 o'clock noon of the du after the ec ara ion o e result or the election. (b) Resignations required. Any Incorporated from forcer f—nFumbent commissioner desirino Sec. 4(b). run for t5e office of mayor shall Erebenf an irrevocable resignation of the ofrice of city commissioner o the city commission not fewer Man ays r f o r o the last as yy Zb conform with §99. pl2 , Fla. or qua 1 yin or the office Stats. sought. 5sidresigns i5­n__s_h=s ecome effective on the date oF the election. Upon receipt of said resignation, the commission shall ma a ub is announcement o e resignation and instruct e c er o accept ue i e can i 8 8 ti O run or election or the unex ire term of Ehe commiss loner resign ng -63- for the purpose of running for mayor._ An commiss over who ceases to po sess any of the qua ca— tions tor ottice shall _required T—orthwith forteit the pff ce. See:-B:--Regular tend primary eleetiens of eemm4ss4eners; A regular mtin4e4pal eleet4en ter the-election-ef-eern2niss�erers--aba�� be-held-en-the-seeond-Tuesday-after the first Monday 4n November in add-numbered-years:--A-nonpartisan primary -election -fort -the -nomination of candidates ter the eemf4se4on shall -be -held -en -the -first -Tuesday after- the- first-Menday-in-November 4n edd-numbered years: Any person who-shall-possess-the-qualifieatiens requ#site to an eleeter at the general state eleet4on and shall have resided in the e4ty of Miami for six {6+ months next preeed4ng the-e4ty-elect4en-st-wh4eh-he-offers to veteT and shall have been registered - by- the- city-reg4stratien beaks-that-have-been-preser4bed-by erd4nanee7 shall be a geal4fied eleeter of the eityT and all eleetiens-held-in-said-city-shall-be eendueted-end-held-aeeerd4ng-te-the previsions -of -the -general -election laws-of-the-State-of-Pler4daT-except as otherwise prev4ded for 4n the eharter of the elty of M4am47 and exeept that the city commission shall- bP- substituted-fer-a- beard- ef eeunty-commissioners:- -the-name-ef any elector of the e4ty shall be printed -open -the -primary -ballet -as —a eand4date for nomination to the of f 4 ee- of - eemmiss4 ever- open -paying te-the-e4ty-ef-Miami-the-sem-of-one hundred dollars {$186-86} to be depes4ted-with-the-e4ty-elerk-as-a qualifying fee net less then forty-five +45} days frler to the date-ef- seeh-primary-eleet4enT-and said eleeter shall submit eoneur- rently- therewith -a- sworn- statement of his or her name= address= eeeapatienT and willingness to serveT-4f-eleetedT -64- Incorporated in Sec. 10(a). Residency requirement for electors deleted to conform to case law and to 998.091 F1a.Stats.; residency requirement for commissioners incorporated in Sec. 7(a). All-sueh-gea14fy}Rg-Fee s-shell -be depasitad-w3kh-the-@aid-eiky-elsPk As later than 60-99 p.M. an the €ePty-€lath day pPi9P is the eleek#eR. 8. Disti ction between general and soetisi municipal a ec on; h011Oays. All elections held for the election of. commissioners shall oe known as qeneF-;l municipal elections. other elections e d under he rovisions of this charter sRall be known as s eciaI municipal elec- tions. No general or s ecia election of the Lity Ot Miami Shall be held on a legal holidaX., See*-9*--FePm-e€-ballets?-what-e9Rd3dates-�R primary-elsebleR-€sr-eemmlealenePe plaeed 904 ballett wham Re primary heldr All ballets used in, any primary eleetieR se general eleetleR held under 8ukheP3ty er this 6haPter shall be without party marls or deslgRatleR-end-w}kheut-aRy-�R83gRlH or mark of any assseiakleR or ergaR3rat3eR-thePeeRT-end-shall-be substantially in the same farm as the sleekleR ballet used iR all general-state-eleekleRev The eandldates fee ReminatleR to the-e€€lee-of-eemmissioReP-whe-shall Peseive the greatest vete lR the primary -elset}eR-shall-be-plaeed-eR the ballet 8t the next regular maRleapel-�leetieR-iR-RumbeP-Ret-te O*eeed-deuble-the-RumbeP-a€-eemmis- sleRere-te-be-eleetedy-but-where-net mere than six E6} eandadatee have been-Rem4Reted-eRd-le9ally-quell€led gee the a€€}es of semmissieRer as required -kind primary eleetlen is heldr as Provided hePsiRr all the said eandldatee shall be pleeed an the ballet-at-the-Re�tt-regular-mdRle}pal eleet�eR. Sec. 9. Certain prohibitions. Commissioners and other officers and employees shall not be interested in e profits or emoluments 5f an contract, o work, or service tor e mun is i p s 1 i t y Anysuch con r ac in which Any member is or may ecome interested may a declared void e commission, No commissioner or other officer or em o ee of sai city shall accept any,._Frink, free ticket, ass, or service irec ly or indirectiXg from any Rersonyirm or corpora ion upon terms_ more -65- Incorporated from former Sec. 11. Incorporated from former Sec. 7. Incorporated in Sec. 10(b). Obsolete; contradictory of former Sec. 4(b). Incorporated from former Sec. 4(c). - ■ 9111- 7_, _ � favorable than are qranted to the public generally. Any violation of the provisions of this section sSall e a Misdemeanor. uc pro Ibiflon of free service shall not apply to police officers or fire ighters In unl or�T wearing lair official badges, where same is provided by ordinance. See.-19,--what eemmissionees deelaeed ejeetedf-Mew-tie-vete-dee}dew* At-eAy-ee9dlaf-mum4eiF?al-else 419R Obsolete; contradictory held-uRdep-the-pe8Y4e4aRe-e€-th4s of former Sec. 4(b). 6haetSFv the eandidetee €ee the e€€3ee-a€-eemmseieReeT-iR-R�mbee equal to the Rdmbee e€ eammie- a}eReea to be eleetedy whe shell heve- eeeeived-the-geeatest-Rdmbee e€ Yates eaetT Shall be deel8Fed eleeted*--A-tie-betweeR-twe-42)-BP Incorporated in Sec. 1O(c), mere-eSRdidates-€ee-the-e€€lee-e€ at end. eemmiesieRee shall be deeided by let-dRdee-the-d}�eetiSR-s€-the-elty �ddge. Sec. 10. Election of commissioners. (a) Regular and primary elections of Incorporated from former commissioners. A re u ar municipal Sec. 8. e ection for the election o commissioners shall be held on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November in o -num ere ears. A nonpartisan primary election or the nomination o candidates for the commission shall be held on the first Tuesday after e f irst Monday in N6vember in o -num ere_ -ears. Any person who possesses the qualifications requisite to an elector at tHe general state election, and who registers to vote as may be prescribed y or finance shall e a qualified elector of the city. All elections a in the city shall e conducted and heldaccording o the provisions of the general election laws of the 5tate of Floridap except as otherwise provided or in Is charter except a e commission shall a substituted t-or a board of county commissioners. e name of any elector of the city shall e printed primary B—allot as a candidate for nomina- ion to the office of mayor or commissioner upon paying o the city a sum of $lU0. to be �epositea with the city clerk as a qualifying fee not less than a s prior to the date of t e primary election; said elector shall submit concurrently therewitTT -66- a sworn statement of his or her name, address occupation, roup in which the elector wis es• o run and willingness to serve, i electea. All such ua i inrees sh;ll Ge deposited with the said city clerkElerk no later than p.m. on the or y- i th day prior to the election. (b) Form of ballots. All ballots used in any primaryor general e ec ion shall be without party mark or designation, without any insignia or mar of an4 association or organization, and shall e substan- tially in the same farm as the election ballot used in all s a e general elections. (c) Vote re uired. If a candidate for Of ice of mayor or commissioner receives a majority or votes in the primary election in his or her rou , he or s e shall e considered elected upon t e declaration of the result of the election as hereinafter provided. If ere is no majorit4q the two candidates For nomination to the office of mayor or commissioner w o receive the greatest votes in e rimer election in each rou shall be placed on t ballota e next re u ar municipal election following he primary election. the candidate for nominat-ion receiving he greater vote in each,such grou in the regular municipal election following ta Rrimary a ec ion i o erwise qualified? Shall e elected to office tram such group. tie between Two or more candi- dates f or any oFrice shall e decided -by o under the direction of --the city clerk. Incorporated from former Sec. 9. Incorporated from former Sec. 4(b). Incorporated from former Sec. 10. (d) Commission to be judge of election Incorporated from former and ualification. T g" commission sec. 4(d). shall e the judge of tRe election and ua i ice ion or its own members, Subject o review e cour S. 3Reb}ism between genera-1 and speeial-aen#e}pal-eAeetieRv A��-e�ee�}eRe-i�e��-€eP-tbe-e�eet#eR e €-89111111 �66 i eRePe-eMe��-be-iERewR-ae g@meP&I-muRisipaI-aIeetienev--All ekhOP a19etieR8 held WRdOP tsbe pPei►ie3eRe-a€-tape-6gaPbeP-ebe��-be known as speeial MwRiaipai eieetiaRev -67- Incorporated in Sec. B. tTif See.-��*--the-reeel�. Ea}--RPeeeduee fee €iIiAg resell Obsolete; superseded by dff4dav4t* Any member 9€ the Fla. Stats. §100.361. eemmieeien may be Peealled and removed-there€rem-by-the-eleetePs e€-the-6ity-of+Niam4v-FlePidar-as hcPeiR-pPevided. ARy tweRty-€ive E25} qualified aleetars -a€-the-eiby-May -make-and file with the eity elook OR affidavit sombeiRiRg the name eP names of the eemmiaeieReP eP eemmissieRePs whose Pemaval is seught and a statement OF the greuRde-€er-Pemeval. Eb}--RrelimiRery-petitieRing*--ripen-the filing of said a€€idavit by twenty-five E25} qualified elce- toPeT-the-clerk-shall-immediately designate a teR-day period whieh shall begin to FwR net 1e99 thsR beR-�48}-days-ee-Rare-then-€i€been �4S} days €Pem bbe date of the filing of said a€€idavitT during whieh -ten-day-peried-st-leeet-two E��-peeeeRt-e€-the-tetel-Rumbee-e€ Pegiotaped-Vetere-a€-th@-eity-shall Retitien that they fever the hold iRg-a€-a-Peeell-else tisR* The sleek sheiiT thePeupeRT make eYeilebl@-€eP-aueh-petitieniRg-iR his-of€lee-eP-iR-sueh-etheP-o€€4ee eP-pleee-ae -he -Shall -des ignate-iR the-Dade-6euRty-6eurtheuee-YotiRg maehinee-er-paper-belleteT-regis- tPAtien-beef s-sRd-ether-equipment and personnel Ree@eeAPy to Barry But-said-pet3taeRiRg: The -ballet -for -the-pot itien-shall e9RtAiR-the-€ellewiRg-etatemeRti-ul €aver-the-balding-a€-aR-eleetieR-te dotoPmina-whother- any-6ity-6emmis- siener should be Peealled and Pemoved. Be€ere-any-eleater-shall-east-hie ballet -go P-tha-pot itieAT-ho-shall be-qua4i€lad-iR-the-same-manner-as is Raw provided Fee in regular eleetiene. At the end of the designated teR-day pePiadT the @Ieek shad within twonty-€our �24} hours semi€y-the -total-Rumbor-e€-votes registered on said maehiRes all paper-ballake. Fe}--Final-petitieRiRg*--l€-said-total RumbsP-a€-eleoters-iR-the-prelim- iRepy-pet}ties-is-two-E�}-pereoRt or more of the total registered vstero-s€-the-6ity-a€-NiamiT-then the eity elePkT without €upthep -68- 6 authorityT-eha}}-€ePthwith-deeig- Rate -9-day -As b- less -thaA-teR49� R9P MOPS than €i€teeR '0 55 days €Pets the date of aueh eePti€iea- tieRT-en-whieh-day -the-elseterate shall detePmiRe by way of final patio@A-as-hePeina€teP-previdedr who 4heP-s-Peesll-eleetiep-is-te-be held-€eP-aRy-eRe-(�l3-ar-a+ePe-B�-tae ei4y-eemm4984eRePer 914 the deeigAated dayr the eity pPeeiRets shall be Opened SA VetiRlj-IllAek►3Re9T-PB�iA�SPA�rieR-be@{E8 and-BtheP-e�IfipMeRt-and-p@PBBRRBI shall be made available and used €@P-tae-deteP�aiRetieR-@€-whetheP-a Pee a}}-aIeetiaA -of -aRy-eRe-04-OP mere of the eity eemmissisAsPe shall-be-aeldr the voting maehiRO ballet shall stabe-sepaPately-€oP-eaea-eemmie- siORer saught to be Pemeved the €ellewiRg-atatemaRb+ i €avee the helding of an e l e@ t 3e R- te-detePM4Re-waetheP 68mmi8aieReP-r-r-r-r-r-�iReBPt prepeP Rame4r . V. should be Peea}led and Pemeved €Pea+ e€€ies iR6ePtiRg-the-peep@P-eemmi8si8Rerse name-in-the-blaAkv Ed3--6a1}iAg-e €-Peesll-eleetiener-A€ter adea-detePm3natieR-by-tae-eleeteP- eteT-the-eity-a}ePi�-Shall-serf}€y te-the-eity-eeminieAieRT-et-its-Rekt regular OF speeia} meetiRgT whiehever is €iretT the total e€ the eleeters appeaPiRg OR said voting-mfleaiROer l€ fifteen 44$4 pereent e€ the Pegistered voters of the Gity of Miami-have-deteem}Red-that-a-Pees}} eleetien-shed}d-be-Meld-€eP-eny-One { 44-eP-hope-o-the-eemmieaieRePer then the elty eemmissieRT at the MOO king -whePeiR-eaea-eerti€ieatiem by the elerit is Paeeivedr shall eall an eleetieR to be held Fiat,, lees-then-thirty-(r19�-days-neP-were than-�ePty-€lve4454-days-€rem-aR4 a€teP the date e€ .the Peeeipt of said eertl€}eats F-rem the eity e}ePiir-RPevidedT-hewevePT-that-i€ any-etheP-mMRieipel-eleetieR-io-te 9eebP-within-e}sty-i:69}-days-€rem Psee ipt-e€-eaea-aePti€ieatien-€Pem the-eity-e}ePi�T-the-eemmieaieR-mayT iR-ito-diaePetieRT-pPevide-€eP-the Me}ding-a€-tha-Pemeva}-eleetieR-eR the date of emeh etheP munieipa} i eleatieRr . 69- FAQ}--�ePm-B�-PAea}}-bH}}@tr--Ike-�ePm-e€ ballet at seek removal e}aetien shall beT €eP eaek eeMmiseieAeP whose removal is 99ugatT as €ellow$* shall-6emmiseieReP-r-r-r-r-r-r F4RasP4-ppop PAea}}ed? iRBePtiAg-tee-pPe�@P-eemmie- eiBReP18-RHme-ifl-kk@-b}aRl�r eke-bA}}et-shall-else-e9Rtain-bae Ramos e€ the eandidates to ba alasted-iR-bae-p}see-e€-aRy-eRe-Fl3 eP-�►ere-a€-tee-eemmiesieflePe-sought te-be-paaa}}adr--}€-tears-ie-mere then eRe F.$} eemmissieRop whose PAmBve}-ie-eeugktT-bae-eandidatea seekiRg-a}eeb}eR-seal}-pan-at-}sPQe and-met -iR-p}aes-e€-aRy-psptieulap AemmiesieRop whose removal is seughtr ;he eemmiaBieReP sp eemmiesieRArs whose removal is being-eeugat-kaki}-Ret-be -}fated-as eandidates-eR-suekr-ba}}etr F€�--Qua}}€ring-a€-eandidate6r--Ike-ReHI@ of any guall€ied e}eebep of tke eity-saa}} -be -ppint ed-aa-A-GAN94- 9A;S F9R 69MM}SSI9N&R at suek P9ea}}-A}eetieRT-upeA-said-a}aeteP pay}Rg-te-the-6ity-a€-Miam}-the-sum of one hundred dollars F09Ar9A} said sum of: one hundred de}}are F$}98r88�1-te-be -depeoited-with -the eity-elark-e€-bae-6ity-e€-Miami-net }84eP-thaR-€i€teeR44-;}-days-ppier to the date of said removal e}eetieR-as-€}wed-by-sand-eemmis- aieR.--Eweept-ae-te-the-payment-e€ kis-gua}i€yiRg-€ee-end-time-witaiA waiek-saea-aR-e}ester-may-Qua}�€y as a eand}dete Fee the removal e}eetienr-ae-she}}-a}se-gaa}i€y-ae }s-etaerwiae-provided-iR-aeet�aA-8 of the GhaPtep of the Gity of M}emir F94--Remeva} of eemmiosioneP and a}eetieR-a€-eendidete9r--iR-ease-a me�ePity-e€-these-a}eetePe-vetiRg �R-the-rasa}}-B}eetiBR-a€-BAy-eRe F43 eemmissieneP shell vote in favor as reselling saok aemmie- e3eRorT-Said-eemmis8ieR8P-shall-be thereby-removed-€rem-e€€}ear iR tke event of the removal €rom e€€lee-a€-eR}�+-one-Fla-e9mmise�eRer iR-9uBh-aR-@}9etieRT-the-@andidate who - peso 4vee-the-highest-number-e€ votes-she}}-be-thereby-e}sated-te the-a€€lee-a€-e}ty-eemm}es#eReP-€ep the-IiRAltpired-term-a€-tee-removed eemmissiomerr -%0- in-the-@Mont-e€-the-remover-e€-mere than one eemm4e84eRePT the candid ate -who - Fee eave9-the-highest Rumber of votes shall be thereby eleeted to the a€€see of eaty eammise4sReP gap the leRge9t llRe��aped-term-e€-the-eemmiesieRePs removed! The eandidabe wae reesivee-bae-ReYEt-highest-number-e€ votes -shall-be- thePoby-eleebed-to the-a€€see-e€-airy-e9mR1i98leReP-€eP the-A914t-leRgeeb-uRe'k�aPed-term-e€ the-eemmaaa4aRep a-removed.-6andi- dates-Shall-therea€tar-be-eleebed te-the-PemBaRaRg-uReitpiPBd-termB-B€ eemmase3enera-PemevedT-se-that-the eandidete wae Peeeives the Rext, highest veto shall be eleeted to the-neilt-Ion ge8t-bReflpiped-teem-e€ any e€ the removed eemmio83eRePe %Rtil-all-vaeoReaes-esueed-by-sueh Pemevel-eleetieR-have-beeR-thereby €illedv Fh4--Re sigRatieR-a€-eemmisaiener-seugat to be reealledr l€ any eemm48- eienep-sr-eemmiseaenere-sought-te be-Pemeved-Shall?-s€ter-the-€iliRg e€ the affidavit seek4Rg has removal-ae-herein-set-€epthT-peeagR €rem-Mae-a€€ieeT-the-vaeaney-eR-the eity eemmaeeieR ereeted by sueh PeeagRatien shall be filled by a Pemevel-eleetion-as-ppevided-hePeaR aR the Same manner 88 a€ Said eemmaee48AeP-eP-eemmissieRere-had Ret resigned and he had been removed from effies by the else- ksFsr ether pPeviaieRs s€ this ihaPteP to the eentPaPy Retwith- standingw 4a}--RPeeedure-en-re€deal-a€-eemmiesaeRT Should the eemmissieR fail OF, refuse to erdeP an elestien as herein Provided within the time reguiredy sueh eleetien may be ordered by any state erupt e€ geReral-juriodietion* See.-12-A.--Reserved. See.--l�.--Reserved. Sec. 11. Zee. #3-A: Filling vacancies in commission. A vacancy on the commission caused by death, resignation, or other causes shall be filled within -ten E49} days after sues vaeeney eeeure by a majerity of the r@maan�Rg-@8i11m�SBieABPB-aAd-the a majority of the remaining commissioners within"10 days arte'r such vacancXoccurs. a term o o r t ice o Ti—e person ee appointed shall be until his a successors in office are is elec-ted and quali- -71- fled at e3thop the earlier of: (1) the add-yeap first general election for commissioners held pursuant to seet4eR 4 of the 6hartep-of-t.he-Glby-of-Miam+ this charter, or (2) the even -year ka t. a of 9 1 a P i d a first state general election. ac w 3e eleelieR Ra�4sAalT 8i6ie eRd eeeR�y-e€€fees-ape-€#11edT whiehevep seewpa €irat. In the event that the remaining commis- sioners shall fail or pe€wae to fill such vacancy within t,eR-�10} days after it occurs, as-ppevlded hePe4RT-GheRT-and-iR-that-eveRiT the city commission shall immedi- ately call a special elec ion o be held at a date not less than 45 thirty 098 or more than €ert - €ive �45} 60 days after the expiration of —The said t8R- 10 day period, for the purpose of having the electors seleetaRg sdeW esmmisaisRer or esmm4aeieRepav fill the vacancy. Persons other- wise qualified For o ice shall have 10 days from the call of the election Within which o File thg statement and pay the fee require of candi a es in regular municipal elections. a person who receives the greatest number of votes in said special election shall is be deemed to be elected aA7a=aikall e- e`-e} y-eemFRiSe4eReP sRd-h4o for a term of office shall be wRkil en in�whe_nhis or her successor +R-ems a is elected and qualified at the €*P8t next general election fee-eemm4ssieRePe held pursuant to see64eR-4-a€-the Charter, of the City 9€ Miami eubsequeRt-te-the-spee}al-eleetieR held tie €ill sweh vaesRsy, this charter. If there is 5hewld-there-be more an one7)-swop vacancy on the commission, theRT eRd 1R that eveRtT there shall be only_one election, and— Ffie - pePesR eP persons receiving the highest greatest number of votes iR-sweh e ee *eR shall be- the 94ky 89MM4864eReP or e9MMi8e49RePs* elected to fill the vacancies, for terms ending aFthe next genera e ec ion. Liect ions h971d subse- quent o the Fillingo vacancies s h a I I , i necessary, b a or shortened terms, in order t o preserve the sequence of s a ere terms orovi ed for in this cnarcer. -72- See Code Sections 16-8 and 16-9. tR the eveRt the eaMmiseieneee shall €eil to eemply with their dwt#es- ae-eet- fepth-hepelnT-theRT eRd 4R that e4eptY the eampt le hepeby-empeweped-and-aethepleed-te eR€epee-eempllanee-with-tale-aet ep-te-eell-aR-eleetieR- itsel€ -to €41l-awah-vaeaRay-ep-vaeane4ea-eR the-eamm4se4eRT See*-l3-S.--Floe itGA whOR tepme Of €edp Of maps eemmlaeieRere expire almelteReedely. When the tepme of faup 44� of IRS pe eemmiesleReps expire almwIteReedely at ese genepal eleetleny then the Rumbep e€ eemmiseleRepa pegdlped to eeRstltete-a-eemmlaeieR-a€-€ive 45)-membepe-shall-be-eleeted-fep the-tepme-ef-a€fiee-ppesep}bed-Ny seetien-4-e€-the-Gheptep-of-the 94ty-a€-m4aml. Sec. 12. See:-44v Commission may investigate official transaction, acts, and conduct. The commission, or any committee thereofT duly authorized by the commission so to do, may investi- gate the financial transactions of any office or department of the city government and the official acts and conduct of any city official, and by similar investiga- tions may secure information upon any matter. In conducting such investigations the commission, or any committee thereof, may require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and other evidence, and for that purpose may issue subpoenas which shall be signed by the presiding officer of the commission or the chairmen of such committee, as the case may be, and which may be served and executed by any pellee- meR* police officer. Sec. 13. See.-l16. City Manager --Appointment; qualifications; term; salary; sickness or absence; removals; Powers and duties; examinations. (a) Appointment; qualifications; term; salary; absence. Ine commission shall within j:p y-430� days after taking office appoint a city manager, who shall be the adminis- trative! head of the municipal government and who shall be responsible for Eie efficient administration of the city. of -all depeptmeRts-and-mad- a-sf+e-head-e€ s+Deb-department-es-t.ha-sem�+lealaR may by ardiReRes previde. He or -73- obsolete; see note to former Sec. 12(a). t she shall be chosen by a vote of the majority of the members of the commission on Me Seals owe ex-";Zutive and administrative qualifications. He or she may or may not be a resident of the 6irky of M#em} cit or of the State of Florida. Vo—member of the city commission shall be appointed city manager. We The city man_ager shall hold office �a the wi of the commission. We and shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the commission. In case of the sickness or absence of the city managers the eity commission may appoint another qualified personr Rot a membep e€ � eir eemM4s- sieRr to act for the city manager, duping-his-oieknese-se-absenee-and bbe-person-se-appeiRbed-may?-dupiRI bbe-abseRes-op-eiekRese-e€-the-eiby maRagepT set fee aim eRd per€spm all-h4s-dwt3ee and all such acts of the person so appointedTll be as valid as though performed by the city manager. The person appointed by the sib), commission to act as city manager during the absence or sickness of the city manager shall not be eRt4kied to op paid any additional compensation for his services as sweh acting city manager. by -the -city -09-M sm}* (b) Fa4 Removal of city manager. The commission shall appeinky by a ma jepity-vote-e€-its-memberer-the e4ty maReger fee sR iRde€inite bermr and may remove thecicit� manager b}mT by a majority vote of members. At least ta4rby-0 03 days before such removal shall become effective, the commission shall, by a majority vote of its members, adopt a preliminary resolution stating the reasons for his removal. The city manager may reply in writing and may request a public hearing, which shall be held not earlier than bwenby-�204 days nor later than thirty (303 days after the filing of such request. After such public hearing, if one be requested, and after full consideration the commission, by a majority vote of its members, may adopt a final resolution of removal. (e) See*-36.-Same-- Powers and duties. e powers and Mies of the ci y manager s a be: - (� Fa4 ;e to see that the laws and ordinances are enforced.; -74- WIT T. ': ' (2) Eb4 €e to appoint and remove, except as herein provided, all directors of the departments and all subordi- nate officers and employees in the departments in both the classified and unclassified service; all appointments are to be upon merit and fitness alone?; and in the classified service.L all appointments and removals are to be subject to the civil service provisions of this Charter* charter; (3 Fe4 xe to exercise control over all— departments and divisions created herein or that may be hereafter created herein or that may be here- after created by the commis- sions; (4) E44--T-e to attend all meetings of the commission w4kh the right to bane part and p�ar�ticipate in the discussion buthav}Rg-Re not to vote._ (5) fie} T-e to recommend to the commission for adoption such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient._ (6) Ef4--T-e to keep the commission fully wised as to the financial condition and needs of the city; and (7) F93--Te to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter charter or be required of him y ordinance or resolution of the commis- sion. (d) See: �7v Same --Examination of affairs of departments, officers, or employees. The city manager may, without .notice, cause the affairs of any department or the conduct of any officer or employee to be examined. Any person or persons appointed by the city manager to examine the affairs of any department or the conduct of any officer or. employee shall have the same right to require the attendance of witnesses and production of books #nd papers and other evidence as is conferred upon the commission by this Charter charter. -75- Sec. 14+ seeT-19z Departments eeteblished of the city. __.. The fellow#ng adrn#n#strat#ve departments- are- hereby- establ#shed by-th#s-ehArter- fl}--Bepartrnent-ef-law f�}--Hepartment-ef-ptsb##e-sorb#te : Obsolete. f 3}--Bepartment-ef-pab##e-we#fare : Obsolete. f4}--Hepartment-ef-ptab##e-safety.- Obsolete. f5}--Bepartmer►t-ef-f#ranee (a) Established. This charter estab- Incorporated from former is es a department ,ot Aaw and a - Sec. 19-A. department of finance. The commission maw, y or finance adopted by majoritym#jority vote of its members, create new departments? d scont nue any. I department so created, and determinercombine, or istri ute the functions and dutleii of such departments or sub .visions thereof.' (b) Power to appoint boards or commis- Incorporated from former sions of citizens. The commission Sec. 88. ma , at the request of the city manager, appoint boards or commis- sions, to be composed of such number of citizens as the comm s- sion Way deem ex edient, to act in an advisory cap.Rcity in_conjunction with any one or more of the 3-epartments crea,ted or aut orize hereby. The members of all suc oar s and commissions shall serve wit out com ensM on and may e removed at Any tirne.by a majority vote of the commission. bee: -#9 : --Reserved: see:-#9-AT--erection of new departmental Incorporated in Sec. 14(a). _ d#eeentinnanee-ef-departments= The- ce>s►se# ss# en-may=-by-red#nSnee adopted -by -vote -of -at -#east -three f 3} members of the e0mm#s54e"7 create new departments or discontinue any department and determ#neT-eemb#neT-and-d#str#- i bate-the-fanetiena-and-dot#es-ef � departments Sind subdivisions thereefr see:-�9-Bz--Aather�tty-te-create-and-dfstesl- Superfluous. tinue departments by ordinance net limited by ether charter provisioner The force and off eet of any ordinance passed and adopted paraaant-te-this-Set-she##-net-be 44m4tedT subject toT er can- -76- tpalled byT any limitatiengv de€iRitieRsT or deiegetieRe of powers a 4 4 h a ityT ddtiea a fwnskiene iR other seetiens of the-Ghapter-of-t4e-6ity-a€-Niamir Sec. 15. See*-29v Directors of departments. The city manager shall appoint a director for each department and, in his or her discretion, may consolidate`two E2} departments under one � director. Each eeeh director shall serve wR441-pemeved by at the will of the city manager; or wR *1 949 sweeeseer has been appointed and gdali€iedr shall conduct the affairs of his the department in accordance with rules and regulations made by the city managerT- shall be responsible for the conduct of the officers and employees of his the department, for the performance of its business, and for the custody and preservation of the books, records, papers L and property under its contro r ; and, subject to the supervision and control of the city manager in all matters, shall manage the department. None of the provisions of this sectionr hewevepT shall be applicable to the department of law or to the department-a€-watep-and-sewepe•. Sec. 16. Seer-24r Department of law. The city attorney shall be the director of the department of law and-on-attorney-at-law-admitted-to the praetiee in the Stake of Florida. He or she shall be the legal advisor of and attorney and counsel for the cityT and for all officers and departments thereof in matters relating to their official duties. He or she shall prosecute and defend aIZ suits for and in behalf of the cityr; and shall prepare all le islation' contracts, bonds, and ins ruments in writing in which the city is concerned; and shall endorse on each his or her approval of the form and correcf- ness thereof.; and supervise_�__t control and be res onsi a for all of the legal work or the city. The city attorney shall be the praeeeeting attorney a€ the mwn4eipai-e9wrtr-Me-obeli have such number of assistants as the commission by erdineRes resolution may authorize. Me-ehaii-p eseow ai k-eases-�eedght-be€ore-eweh-eeerrt -77- Obsolete. Incorporated in last paragraph of this section. Unnecessary, since budgetary matters are approved by ordinance. a� • end-per€arm-the-same-datteeT-se•€aP Obsolete. ae-kbey-or e-appl4eable-thee@be?-as aPe P#gMiPad of the preeeewt4ng attAPRey-a€-the-eeaFityr When required to de as by the Peee�at�en-o€-the-eemm�aeieR?-the a4ky attorney shall preseewte aP defend fop and 4R behalf of the e3ty all esmpla#RtaT suite and @antral►aPH399-�n-wh3eb-tine-e�ty�-}e a party? and sueh ether ad4ter Matters and @entPevePeie9 as he eha��T-by-Pes9�dt3oR-sr-oPd�ReRee? be-d}reeted-te-preasedte-er-de€end. The commission, the city manager, the director of any department, or any officer or board not included within a departmenty may require the opinion of the city attorney upon any question of law involving their respective powers and duties. The city attorney shall be a member in good standing of The or! Bar. He or she shall e a u - ime governmental employee; shall not engage in the private practice of law; and upon his election by the city commission shall serve dRti�-the-t}me-€eP-t�e-e�eet�eR-e€ the eity off4e4als spee4€4ed in seek 4eR-4Ee3-e€-the-GharteP-wh4eh €e4lewa-the-newt-general-mum4eipaI eleetien, for a term of two years, endins on the a of each re u ar municipal election in ovem er o each odd -numbered year. _ See.-���--Departwewt-a€-pdb��e-asrv�eeY Sd64eet to the supervision and eeRtPGI-e€-the-e4ty-manager-iR-Sik matterar the 44Peeter of pdbkie serv}ee shall manage and have aharge 9f the eeRstruetaeRT 4mprevementr repsiPT mairRteRanee and eperetoieR of stPeetsr aide- walkaT alleyer lanser br4dgeer v4adeets-and-ether-pubkae-h4ghwayet of sewerer drainer d}teheey edlvePtsr eawalsr etPeams and wateresursesT of a.11 pub.13e bu4444Rga- and -bedlevarde?-Squares and -ether-pub lae-p�aeos-and-greuRd be�eRg�Rg-ts-the-e�ty-er-ded�eated is pdbIte user emeept perks and playgreuRds.--We-shall-maRege-and have-@h urge-and-@antral-a€-!!!9P{Eet heusee-and-pleseer-sewage-disposal Plante-and-sll-pdble-utlltlea-e€ the-eikyv--Ne-ehall-have-ehePge-o€ the m84Rk9A8Re9T sperst4eRr imprevingr @eRatPdekiRg end PepaifiRg �Gfg publ}e landinger pdbl4e whervear warehouses and deeker aReherage 6863R8 and harbour-ehaRRele-and-watereedraee: -78- Incorporated paragraph of section. from first this Obsolete; functions were transferred to other departments pursuant to authority granted in Sec. 14(a). a We shall heve ehaPge e€ the en€ere#momt-a€-e}}-the-ebl#gatieRe Of privately 'awned elk operated publ#e-ttt#l#�iee-eR€ePe9able-by-the eityr Fie-ahal l-have-eharge-s€-the-makiRq and pPeesrvatien of all auPveyar maper-plaReT-draw#Rqs-and-eatimates fee publ#e wepkt the eleaR#Rgy opP#Rifling- and- light ing-a€-atpoets and-peblie-pIseeat- the-eelleetisR and-diapeHHl-a€-weateT-garbage-end o€€elt the pPeservatieR of eeR- tPaeteT-pepePeT-plsReT-tselsT-end applienees beleRginq to the eaty and-pePta#RiRg-to-the-depart,meRtr Fie-shall-have-ehaPge-e€-all-publie buildiRget the SklpePvisieR and #Rep@e$ieR-e€-the-eeRetPuet#eR-sRd send#t#eR-e€-ell-bu#ldlRgaT-pdblie eP-privet@r See.-22-A:--Department -of -web er -and -sewers; water -and -sewer -beard. �a�--CPeetieRt eupePvieleRr--T-hePe is hereby-ereated-and-astabl#shed-as HR egeRey end #RetPWmeRbal#ty of the-City-a€-M4am4y-a-Row-depaPtmeRt to be Raved and kRewR as the uBepaFkmeAt-a€-Water- and -Sewers-e€ the City of Miamiu �hePeina€ter seRet#Res-ealled-the-adepaPtmeRt-of water-end-sewePau-se-the-udepHPt- x1eRt�;T-and-by-that-RHlRe-it -Is ay -see and be suedT plead and be iRpleadedr e9Rtraet and be ean- traeted-w}th-and-have-sR-a€€3eial eealr--the-dBpHPtNIeRbT-whi@h-Shall epePHte and €MRebieR wRder the supervisory eeRbPel Of the beard ereeted-and-aetabllehed-iR-subsee- tien-Ebb-hares€T-shall-eeasist-e€-e ehie€-eweedtive-e€€leer-te-bo-itRHWR as- the-uD iP eeteP-e€-tine-DepaPbReRt o€-WateP-and-SewePau-�hePeiRa€ter semetlRes-eelled-bhe-udioeeter-e€ bhe-depaPtmentu-eP-the-ud4reetePu4 and sueh ether e€€#eery and employe so-as-shall-be-Reeeaeery-be exereles-the-pewere-and-per€opm-the dub#es and €uRet#eRe e€ the departmeRt. i b�--Beard ePeatedt gttal#€aeetiens of eemberst appeinkm@Rb and beRdt e@ter#eat-Pellleval.--there-is-hereby spooked -and be kRewR as the uWater and Sewer fisaPd of the City of M#aeiu �rhePeiRa€ter-eeaeb#ones-salted-the uwateP and aeweP beaPdu Be the 46e9rdu3r whieh shell eews#ab of five-membere.--Sash-member-of-the beard-shall-@lbheP-reside-@r-have ha@ -pPine#pal-pleee-a€-buaiR@@®-iR the-elty-end-eiaall-b@-an-�:Rdlvidua� @€ eutsbeAding Peputatian fee -79- obsolete; transferred to Metropolitan Dade County pursuant to Resolution No. 73-225, adopted March 22, 1973. 4At@�P4tyT P@spena4b4l�ty and busiReas-eb4l4tyr-bat-Re-pePseR-who 48 an a€€4ee0 OF employs@ 8€ the e4ty-4R-any-atheP-eapae4ty-shall-be e-membeP-a€-ths-bBePdr The -be aPd!-whieh-shall-aePve-€Pam the-a€€eet4ye-date-hePee€T-shall-be eampesed-of-the-€allewiRg-members+ Alv4R g. FullePT whe shall serve until Jane 39T 1947T Feed W. aaP4eRT-wha-shell -sePve-aRt4l-4wRe 39r �949r W. StHRley 9eddr who shell sePys until Jane 39r '"949r 6harlee-A.-lhemeaT-who-shall-9ePys uRt4l Jane 39r 4959r and Jahn Sr RPeateRT-who-shall-aePve-until-Jana 3Dr-l9�lr eP-uRt4l-the 4P-pea peek iva-sueess- aePa-shall-have-basR-duly-eppeiRted and-gaal4€ied. At least ten days pr4ePs to the date-a€-s�ep4rat4eR-e€-the-term-o€ any-membeP-a€-th@-beaPdr-eP-within ben-days-a€teP-the-death!-Pee4gRa- tien-eP-Pemeyal-e€-any►-sash-membePT his saeeeseeP shall be named and appe4Rted-by-the-Pema4R4Rg-members e€-the-board -and -sueh-appe4RtmeRt shell-be-yal4d-and-beeame-a€€oetive unless within ten days after serv4ee-e€-Raties-e€-ameh-appe4Rt- ment upon the e4ty elePk the eemm4aeieR-e€-the-eity-shall-adept by the a€€iPmat4ve votes 9€ net less then €euP e€ its members a Pea8iat48R-ellpPeaa4Rg-di$appPeVHI e€-edeh-appaaRtmeRt:-In-the-event that-HRy-sash-appeiRtmeRt-shell-be se-diseppreved-by-the-eemm4se4eRT the appeiRtmeRt shall €erthwith beeeme-null-end -ve4dr -and-thePeupeR the-P@meiR4R�-members-e€-the-beaPd shall mere a Raw appointmentr eP sppeiRtmeRtar-eeeh-a€-whieh-shall likewise-be-su6jest-te-d4eeppeovel by the eemmiso4en in the same maRRev as here4nbe€ore pPevided. 6aeh-membsP-e€-the-beaPd-shall-be eligible for Peappe4RtmeRt* T,he saeeesser in seek ease shall be appe4Rted-and-shall-held-a€€iee-€eP a-teem-a€-�iye-yea;Pe-€Pam-th@-date of expiration of the teem of his predesesseer-egeept-teak-aRy-pePseR appointed -te-€ill- a-vaeoney-shall eeeye-eRly-€eP-tie-une�rp4Ped-toPm. dpeR &hO 9€€eet4ve date of his appeiRtmeRtT-oP-a8-8e6R-kkePea€teP a►e-pPaetieabieT-sash-membeP-s€-the beaPd-shall-onto P-upeR-hie-duties r but-be€see-deiRg-se-shed-tape-the each pperaeribed by seet4en 9l as the -Gity-6hePtea-end-she}i-ewseate a bond in the penal sum of ten _80- the wee Ad -do hape -F$49T8gg3-pay able te- the -deparkmen4-and -eoadlk#ened bran the faithful pee€ormaRee of; the dukleo of his o€€leer wh3eh bond shall be approved by the e9mm48e4eR s€ the e}ty and filed with the elky elerkr the east of the-premlam-eR-any-eaeh-bend-te-be treated as part a€ the seat of epereklnQ-the-deparkmeRtr lhe•membere►e€-the-beard-shell-eaeh be paid a salary of silt hundred del laps -F$6993-per-eRRemT-er-eaeh larger-sum-ea-th@-eemm#as3eR-e€-the e}ty may establish by erdlnaneeT payable-lR-menthly-inekallmenter Any Member of the beard may be removed by khe semmise#en of the eity €er geed eawee and a€ter, prep9r-haar4Rg-by-the-eammisa4eAY bat-3€-se-p@mevedT-may-apply-to-the elrewit esupt of the eleventh judleael elpeult 3n end €er gads, 6santyr F}erldaT far a review of the-aek3AR-A€-the-eemm4ssleRr ke4--Rewspe and dwk3es of beardr--lhe beard-ohall-have-the-pew@per-dates, and responsibilities etlstemarlly vested-3R-the-beard-a€-dlrsetera-9€ a private Aepperat4aRT and shall ewerelee-sapeavleery-eentrel-ever the eperatien of the waterworks eyeten�-e€-the-e}ty-and-the-sanitary 9eC+fer-system-e€-the-eltyr-end-all sate-8€-the-depaptmeRt-and-a€-tbe dlreeter with reepeet to eaeh systeme shall be eubjoet to the apppeval-a€-khe-beardr--€he-beard shell-sleet-Ane-e€-ate-members-ke serve as ehalrman of the beardT shall mane appreppaako rules and regtllat}eRS-€or-}te-awn-geverRmeRt and preeed€uper and shall held a regular meeting at least enoe a menth-and -eaeh-epeelal-meeklRge-as, }t-may-deem-Reeesaepyr-end-all-eaeh meetings shall be open to the publ4er Ede--Reweps-end-dakles-s,€-department.-- Rrom-sRd-a€ter-the-e€€estrus-date heree€T rho department shall operator manage and eeRtrel the waterworks-system-e€-the -elty-and the eaR3tapy sowep system of the airy-and-ell-prepertase-pertelRlRg ts-eaeh-e€-said-systems-new-awned OF hereafter aeguiped or sea- _ otpaeked by the eiby OF by the departmenkT and shall eueseed to and-ewepelee- all-pewepe- vested-ln and eueesed two and Perform all €aRekeane-and-dtlt3ea-�mpesed-tlpeR the-daportm9nt-o€-waken-and-sewers of the elty by and andep the provision$ -of -the -trust-indenture -81- 7 10 daseP#bed -in-the-pPeambIa-heree€-W All pewepor €unekie"o and dwk4ea Pe1644R9 to etleh watePwerks and 98Rit8ry-sewer-syetema-and-ppepeP- ties-eRd-vested-iR-the-city-er-tA eRy-a€-its-depePtmeAke-eP-a€€ieepoT ineluding bwt Rot 14m4ked to the eHeretse of the power of emiAARt demaiRT-are-hereby-tpSAS€ePPed-te the depaPtmeAtr and all bask sT Fees Pdo- and -pepePo-Rew-eye}ek3Ag-ep hepea€ter-aeguired-iR-the-speratieR and Me3A4eAaRee 9€ Said syoteme Pelat4Aq thereto shall bA the property-a€-and-under-the-�up3ed}e- kieA-end-eentPe�-e€-the-deparkmeRkf pPeridedT hewerePT that- nothing BeAta4ned-�R-this-se�tieA-eha��-be deemed ke rest in the department the pewee to eetabl4eh and fix Pates-and-eharges-€er-wakeP-sepses €wpnished-by-the-waterweeks-system 8€ the eity OF fee sePries €WPR48hed by the saRitaPy sewer system-a€-khe-efty?-er--the-pewee-te issue PereRus bande WRdeP the pPAVisie.AH-A€-Haad-tPtlet-iRdeRtePer The depaptmeRk shall have €tlll power and autherity to sequiPer ew"r-tlasr-h4PA?-leaser-epee ate -and dispose of Peel property and popeenal property and of any 4RteP884 thepe4RT iA@ludiA@ the pewer-ke-segtlipe-by-eminent-demeiA preeeediAga-�aAde-op-any-iAkePest therein? and Pights-e€-way and ea8@meRtH-tlpeRT-inT-a�sAg-ep-a@P968 any-ptlb�ie-streetT-read-eP-highway of any MURieipal eepperatieRT eetlAtyT-distpiet-er-Athee-pelitieeI subdirieien of the State of ��opida?-wikhetlt-iks-eoneeAtT-€ep the purpose Of esnakewetiRI? maintaining or Operating water meinsy sewer 14Resr wakePwerker water-and-sewage-tpoatmeAk-p�anta and-ra��Pead-tPaeka-te-eRy-e€-the piantH-@p-property-e€-the-depePt- meRt when the seRstraetieRT ma4Rtenanes or epapatjam 9€ aush water mainST sewer linger Weber- wePksr-wakee-and-eewage-tpeatmemk p�ante-and-rai�pead-traeks-sha�:�-be Aseeeeapy in the jwdgmenk e€ the water and sewer beardt and to aeguiPeT eORe4FvekT pPeddeer maRa€a@turOT atiliaeT sell OF otherwise dispose of any and all prodwake and €aeal4ti9er and by-ppedtleta 8€ seek preduets and €eeilities?-used-ee-wsofwl-iR-the prOdtlek}oR-eP-treakment-e€-water-eP iA the treatment OF disposa-I of 8ewal sr-t8-make-and-entep-iRbo-ali sent tee ke-Reeess8Py-oP-ineidentai te-the-e�lereise-a€-its-pawera-end the-prep€erml�Aee-a€-3ta-datie8l-and fenekieRe with respeet to the 9p8l�ekBR?-msR6�9meRt-QREi-@eRltsr®i -@2- e€-aa�el-s�►s�e�,-eR�-�e-gPAa+�}gene BRd��fq€AP9e-appP9pPiatB-Proles-and PugulatiAne-geM9PRiRg-tb@-diBtPibu- t4eA and sale of water and the utilirHki9R-@€-thA-9@PMie@$-@�-the 9aR4bapy-sewBP-aystem-9€-the-eibyr Abe-depaPtmegt-shell-eperake-said systems-iRdepeRdenkly-e€-sash-ether aaeept-iR-oe-€aP-sA-the-beard-may deem-�9iRt-eperakieR-theree€-ke-be advisable-end-seenem#eel,-iR-whieh event expenses ineuPPed iR su@h J04Rk-9pePab4on-shall-be-pPeraked between-BHid-Ayateme-iR-Suoh-manner ae-the-direeter-with-th9-epprevel e€-the-beaPd-may-pPeseriber 4e4--9ireekeP of depaPkmentr--;he diPeekOF-shell- be-appeiRted-��-and shall held e€€lee at the will of khB-beaPd.--ae-eaal}-be-H-person-e€ good moral ehaPaetreP and have an eweellenk-reputatieR-€er-iRtegrityr PeopeReibiliky and business ability,-but-Re-memboP-a€-the-beaPd shall-be-eligible-€eP-eppeinkmenk as direekeer the direekeP shall Passive-sees-salary,-payable-ke-b}� iR-equal-semimsRthly-installments as-shall-be-€iwed-by-kh@-beaPd,-but awsh-salspy-shall-Rek-be-lase-thaR Bin taeusand dollops POP aRRwm. Before entering upon his duties, the direeker shall tale the eakh and eweeuke the bend pPoseribed hereiRbe€ere-€er-eHeh -m@mbar-a€-the beardT--lbe-direekeP-Saa}}-set-ae kae-ehie€-eseeutiy@-9€€i9@P-e€-the department,-Shell-d@vek9-his-entire time-and-akteRkieR-to-kae-duties-e€ his offlee and shall Ret eRgage aekively-iR-eRy-ether-buHine9a-eP pPs€essieRV 5ubjeet to the diPeetion and approval Of the beaPd, k h a dirsekaP steal} have general supervioien Ayer and be _ P@8peR8ible-€eP-the-eperakien-and maiRk@RaAeo 9€ the waterworks System-e€-the-eiky-end-the-sanitary hewer-system-e€-kae-eiky,-and-shall eRereias-kae-pewerS-vested-iR-and perform the €wnetieRe and duties imposed wpeR the direetor of the departmeRk-s€-wet er-and -sewers-in and-by-said-trust-iRdoRkwr@r--laB direeker-shall-at�eRd-all-moetiRge e€-the-beaPd,-shell-€wPRiaa-ke-the beard- and-te-khe-eemmissien-of-the eiky-a-monthly-Pepert-with-Deepest to-the-operatioR,-maiAteRaReo-and €iRaReial-@andi'tieR-a€-shah-e€-said sysk@me, and Shall €Psm time to time have prepared and shall €wPRish awes reperke, audits and akaee-iR€APmatieR-Pe}atiAg-te-said systems-as-may-bo-regwiged-by-the beaPdw lR the eyeRt that the direeker shall fop any reason be temperarily-ineapable-of-exereisiRg -83- 00 1 the powers sad of per€arming the dbties-end-€tlRekieRe-a€-bis-a€€ieeT the board may appoint OR aotiRg dipeekap to amereise stleb pewees and -te-pee€epm-stet- €unetiens-end duties-unt}�-saeb-iReapaeity-e€-the dieeeter-stall-be-terRlinetedr (�€�--fmpleymeRt-s€-ee9ietanter--�tlb�eet te-tbe-sppr@val-a€-th@-beard?-tbe direetep shall employ saeb addi- kieRal exoewt4ve and spepat}Rg ass iskamas7-iReIwdiRg-eRg4Reep4Rg and-otter-elEp@rt@-8Rd-pre€eeeieRal aesietaReeT-es-abed-be-R@eeseery to provide Fop the a€€ieieRt eperatieR OF the depepkmentr ;neladed in the pereenRel to be empleyedr there shall be the €ellewing-sabepdinate-a€€ieeps* ���--A-kr@HetlrepT-who-stall-psr€epm the €aRetieRe and duties etlatomsrily-per€ermed•by-tbe kreesupep a€ a private eerpepatien-and-shall-e�4epeise all powers vested in and gep€epm all €WR6448RS and dakies imposed apeR the dipeekep of €}RaR@e of the eity in end by said kpuek iadeRktlrer and whepeVer re€epeRee is made in said trust indenture to the dipeeker of €inaReeT saeh re€epeRee-shall-be-deemed-te apply-te-the-tpeaearepr--lhe keesewper-shall-be-reepensible €ep-all-€uRde-e€-the-depark- mentT €er all eeeeuRke and aeeswRkimq-p9eerde-pelskiRg-te the department and its operation? and Fop the proporakioR-e€-all-eheeks-aR4 voaehers requisite to the sperskieR-a€-khe-departmeRtr E2�--R-seepetapyT-wbe-shell-per€erm the €tlRekieRe and dwties euetemaPily-pep€armed-by-the seepokary e€ a private eerperekieR-and-abaci-eRepeiee all powers vested in and perform all €unekieRo and duties-impeeed•upon-the-ehie€ eeeeaRkamk-a€,-the-eity-iR-and by+said-trust-indenture?-aid wherever - pe€ereR@e-is-made-iR said kpwsk indenture to the ehie€ asesaRtankT swop re€eeeRea-ehe�l+be-deemed-te apply-ke-the-seeretary:•-lho aaeretapy shall have sharge and owskedy of the o€€ieial seal eRd of all books? — rees�edsT-deoax�enks-and-papers e€•tho-department-ekhor+khan these required to be iR khe easterly-e€-the-kreBawPerr-+No -84- Shall attORd iR person all �eetlRg@-a€-th@-beards-steal} keep=a-eerreet-Poesed-of-all the -pPaesod iAge -e€-the-be aPdt had-eha}}-per€arm-shah-ebh@r ddtl@e-as-may-be-aee3gRed-te him as seePetapy by the beard* 43}--A-generaI-eedReelr-who -Shall be-e-praebi9iRg-abbePney-eb- }aw-a€-sw4table-ewpep4onee-and shall ewepelse all Sewers veated in and per€erm all €kJR@�}eR9-and-ddb#sa-�mpesed open-the-elty-sttePRey-9€-the eiby iR and by said trdet 3Ad9Rttlr9r 8Rd whereVeP Pa€@reAea la made iA said trust indenture to bhe e#ty etbePRey�-sash-Pe€erenee-steal} be deemed to apply to the geRePal-e9uRaely--We-She}}-set as general eeeReo} fee the departmeRb-and-€eP-the-beard in all matters e€ law whieh may-aPisey-and-shall-preseewte et-de€and-all-setts-bpedght-by' e)? agalReb the eiby or the departmeRt-er-the-beard-whieh Pe}ate to the waterworks eyatem-sf-the-eity-eP-te-the sanitary-sewer-system-e€-the eibyv. �g�--BadgeteT-€SRde-and-seeeeRbs.--All bddgetey Funds and a@eeuRts poptaiRiRg-te-the-waterwerke-eystem of the elty and be the sanitary sewer-system-s€-the-eiby-shall-be a99Page bed -€rem-a}l-ether-badgeteT €dnda-and-aeeAwabe-e€-the-eityT-and shell be se kept that they shall re��Aet -the-€iRaR@i8}-@eRd3tiAR-8Rd the operation e€ the watePwerke System of b h a eity and of the Sanitary -sewer-system-e€-the-eity separately. �h3--6�rpARaes.--�}}-ewpeRseo-iReuPPed-by the-department-and-by-the-beard-iR elle0ei6iIR their powers and Performing their €unatiens and duties shall be paid solely €ism the revenues of the waterwerke system of the elty Sr from the revenue* of bhe Sanitary sewer system-e€-the-eiby-eP-€rem-bath-A€ swab-rehires?-and-ne-}lability-et obligation Rob payable €rem the toy Saw as-S€-,ebtaee-eP-bath-A€-raid syetems shall at any trims be iRew9red it" AeRR6etieR with the operation-bhoree€* �i3--Ret€ermenee Of dwtlae and preteetiew Of tights under trust .indenture: --All tights of the be}date-e€=the-City-e€-Miami-water -85- POV@Rde bands Seeded and be be i@ade�-dRd@p-Paid-tPdet-iRdBRtdPe ePe-€dl�y-pPeteeb@d-kerebyT-eRd-all ebligatieAa-@P-dutiaa-@€-the-eiby aP-a€-aRy-a€-the-a€€ieera-eP-ageRbe thereof Feweept dobiea or ebIigat4aAa-a€-tee-eemmieeieRT-tee mayeP and the eiby elerk3T whiea OPo-Pegdiped-b@-b@-per€@Pored-dRd@r the pPevieieRe of said tPdat, iRdeRtdreT shell be per€ePmed by the -depaptmaRt -OF -the-beapd-er-by the peeper a€€ieeP a offieers thepeafr Ej4--RewePe and Fights edditieRal and supplemental, --All pewePe and Pighte eeR€upped by this seek4en shall-be-iR-additiBR-and-@dpplemBR- tel-tA-these-eeR€ePPed-by-aRy-Athep general-eP-speeial-lflw-and-shell-be liboral ly-eeRetrwed -to -a€€eetdate the purposes heree$# and the department-and-the-beapd-shall-heve pewepT in addition is exePeising the -pews Pe-expeesely-eeR€epped-in and. by this seekienT to de all things-weeeaeepy-eP-eeRveRieRt-te Peppy-eat-tee-purposes-beree€. Seer-�3.--DepertmeRt-a€-pmblie-wel€@Per Obsolete; functions were transferred to other The mead of the deparbmeRt e€ departments pursuant to publie welfare shall be kRewn as authority granted in the-direeteP-a€-publie-wel€ape. Sec. 14(a). 5ubjeet to the supeevisieR and @eRtrel-9€-th@-Pity-maRageP-iR-all matterer he shall administer the a€€aipe e€ his departmentT whiek shall iRelade the management and sklperVieieR of all hespitflle and ehapitabley earpoetieRal and Pe€ormatePy institmtieRa and ageneise-beleng4Ag -te-the-elty#-the was -e€-all-Fee poatieRal-€oeilitiee of the eityr iReludiRg paPke end playgrounds ether than seikeel playgreunds# the maRegemeRt and eapeVVieieR 9€ semetePies# the m eiRkeneRee and preservation of shade trees and shrubbery# the iRapeetleR-and-supervieieR-e€-all publie amusements and eRtePtsiR- meRtsT-and-e€-tee-please-wasps-tee some-are-held#-tee-oR€ePeemeRt-e€ all lawsT erdiRaReee and reguls- tisae-relative-te-tee-pPeoervatieR HRd-promotion-9€-tee-pdblie-kealta# and-pPeVeRtieR-and-Peatpi@tieR-e� all-diseesey-iReludiRg-the-engePee- meRt in time of threatened epi- demisT of amok gmaraRtiRe and iselatieR PogdlatieRs as are apppepriate-te-the-emepgeRey#-tee ppeV@RtieRT-flbfltemeRt-and-euppPea- HieR Of RmieBRees# the Sanitary 4Rapeetion-and-smpePViaieR-e€-#she predmetioRT-traRspertatieliT-stePage -8b- MU s Povenwe beRds issued and to be isawad -WA de--said-tpmet -iRdentupe ere-€u}}�+-ppebeeted-hepebyT-and-s}} ebligatieAa-ae-duties -8€-the-e}bar eP-a€-sRy-a€-the-e€€}sere-ep-egenbe thepeof Feweepb duties OF 8bligatiBRe-e€-the-eBM1M4884ORT-the mayse and the eity elepk-}T whieh ape-peQwiPad- be-be-per€ePmOd-dRdeP the ppeviaiens of said bPusb iRdenbuPeT shell be per€ePmed by the-depaPtM+eR4-ep-the -beapd-eP-by the ppepop offieeP OF off4eepa thepen9v �44--RewePe and Fights additional and supplemental --All pewees and pighte eanfupped by this seetien shall -be -in -ad dition-and-suppleMeR- te}-te-these-eeR€upped+by-sRy-ether geRepsl-ep-speeia}-law-and-shell-be }ibePally-e6RatPwed-te-a€€setuate the puppsees hepee€f and the depaptM�eRt-end-the-beapd-she}}-have pewePT in addition to esePeieiRg the-pewePa-ewpPasaly-eeA€erped-in and. 6!► this BeetisnT be de all thiRge-Reeessapy-eP-eBRveRieRt-to eaPPy-ewt-the-pwrpesse-hePee€* Seer:*--DepaPkaswt-a€-publie-wel€aPe� Obsolete; functions were transferred to other the head of the depaptimenb of departments pursuant to publie we}€ape shall b8 kRBWR as authority granted in the-d4poetep-a€-pw6lie-wel€ape. Sec. 14(a). Subjeet be the awp@PVieieR and eeRbpel-e€-the-eiby-iMeRagep-iR-a}} MabteFor he shall s4m" 494se the a€€aips a; his depap4menty whieh shall inelude the management and ewpepvieien e€ all hospitals and ehar4tableT eePPeet4sRal and Pe€epmakepy institutions and ageReisa-belonging-te-the-eibyt-the use -of -all-PeepsatieRal-€se}litiea e€ the eikYr iReludiAg parks and playgPeunds ethep bhaA seheel playgpeandst the MlaRageMleRt and ewpepvieieR of esmekepieet the ma4RbeRene@ and presePvatieR of shade bPose and shrubbery; the }Repeat}eR-and-euperVieien-a€-a}} publi@ S Mus8MleRte and eRtePtaiR- rMentsT-and-e€-the-please-wheys-the sa�Me-are-heldt-the-eA€epeeM+eRb-e€ all laway BPdiRaRees and Pogula- taeRa-eel atave-te-bhe-pPesePvsk4oR and-pPBMlekieA-o€-khe-publie-healbht and-ppaV@Rki@R-eRd-PeabPietleR-Of all-diseaBe?-inaludiAg-the-eR€ep@o- MoRt in time of threatened epi- daMieT of Gush guapaRtiRe and 48e1644OR Pegulst4eAe as are appPepPiabe-be+the-emGPgeneyt-the pP@VBRb#BRT-abatelMeRb-and-auppp@8- 8i@n a€ Ruisamseet the SaRibePy _ inspGott 3eR-and -Bwperv*Bien-of-bhe pP6dki@tieRT-bPBAepBpbBb�eRT+9�reP8lj@ -86- aim and sale of feed and €esdetw9got the-iRepeetiRQT-te9tiRgT-moe9uP3Rg and woigh4Rg of any eammedity OP er44el9 of eeReumptieR eP was within the eityT as well as the iRepeet4eR-9€-we4ghtaT-messuPea-and meters deed €9P the pwppese a€sposa4d-and-sueh-9theP-dut4es-as may -b9-pPev}ded-by-epd4RaReev--The said department shall keep a eamp Ia4a and seeurate system of vital-statistieer The-dipeeteP-a€-publie-wel€are-eP gush ether person within said department as he may desigRater shall Pepreaent the eity on the 69aPd of direetepsT beard of manegere-ep-ether-gevepm4Rg-body-e€ any-eharity-te-whieh-publie-€uRds shall have been eenkpibwted upon the-eenditiena-efspeesidr See.-23-Ar--Beard of trustees of daekeen Memepial-Nespitai* NOTE. --Jackson Memorial Hospital was transferred to Dade County by a contract dated June 14, 1948. Section 23-A, added to the Charter by Special Acts of 19290 C. 14234, § 7, is therefore not set out, but is being stricken in its entirety. See*-23-A-:�r--9epaPtment of off-street papk4n.gt off-street parking beard* 5ser-�4:--9epartmeRt-a€-public-ea€etyr The head of the department e€ publie ea€ety-shall-be-kRewm-Be-the-dipeeter-99 publie-sa€etyr Subjeet- te-the-eupePvisieR-and-eeRteel of -the -eity-manager-in- all-mattereT-he shall be the eweeutive head of -tie division -a€-pelieey-and-€ire.--We-shall b@-the-ehie€-admiRietrative-authority-iR all -mat top a-pertaining-t9-the-ereetieny maintenaneey PepaiPy Pemevalr Paeingr seeuponey and iR@peetisn of buildings under sweh regulations as may be erdaiaed -by-the-eemmissieRr {e3--9ivigieR-a€-pelieer The-relies-€arse-shell-be-eempeeed-e€-a ehie€-and-sweh-o€€iesper-patPelmem-and other-empleyees-es-the-eity-manager-may det@PmiRer The ehie€ of pelies shall aaV@ -tad+immed#ate-dire@tieR-and-@eRtPel of the peliee €eve9T subjeet to the supervision of the dlp@eter of publie sa€etyy-and-te-sash-rule@T-Pegulet#ens and orders as the said dlpeeter may proseribey and through the ehief of peliesy the direetor of pwblie safety shall-promulgate-all-ePderey-Pules-and -87- Obsolete; transferred to Metropolitan Dade County by contract dated June 14, 1948. Renumbered as Sec. 29, below. Obsolete; functions were transferred to other departments pursuant to authority granted in Sec. 14(a). regulatiena gap the gevepRment of the Relies Pepe@* We shall devete his eRtipe time to the disehapge of his e€€ieial-duties-eRd-aha}}-net-be-ebeeRt €Pam -the-eity-eweept-iR-the-pep€ermaRee @€-hie-a€€ieia}-duties?-anises-gPSRted-e written leave as abeeRee by the eity maRegepv--Wia-a€€iee-she}}-be-kept-epeR at-all-hedge*-day-ep-nighty-eRd-either he-ep-H-etlbePdiRat@-shall-be-in-eenetHRt attendsReer--}R-ease -e€-the-disability of the shie€ of Relies by peaseR as aiekRessr-absenee-€pen+-the-eity-sp-ether eaussr bhe diPeeter of peliie sa€ety shall -designate-eRe-e€-the-eaptaiRe-ep }ieut@Rants-of-peliee-te-aet-Hs-ehie€-e€ pelieA-dklPiRg-s!!eh-diBebil3tyT-8Rd-the e€€ieAP as designated shall serve without additional eempensatieR* The members -e€- the-peliee-€ereey-ether-than the ehie€T shall be seleeted gram the list-e€-eligibles-pp@pared-by-the-eivil sepviee beardT and in aeeapdaRee with edeh Pulse as the said beard may ppeeep4,bet provided, that in ease e€ Piet er emergeReyT the dipeetep of pwblie safety may appeint additieRal patpolmen and a€€ieeps fop tempepapy espviee T-whe-need-Rat-be-iR-the-elessi- €ied-sepviee.--Seeh-member-e€-the-peliee €epee, both Pank and €}ley shall have ieaued-te-him-a-wapPHnt-e€-appointment sitjRed-by-the-eity-menegepT-iR-whieh-the date-e€-hie-eppeiRtmeRt-shell-be-stated, end-sueh-swell-be-his-eemmisaien* Eaeh member of the said €eree shally be€ere entering URSR his duties, subsePibe to an Seth that he will €with€ullyT without fear er €avepr per€epm the duties as his a€€ieer and aueh -eat h-Shall-be -€iled-eRd-pPesePved with-the-peeePds-e€-said-depaPtmeRtr Wa-�ePaeRT-exeept-ea-etherwiee-ppev}dad by genera} low or this ehaptepT shall set as speeial peliee or spe.eial deteetive-e*eept-epeR-writteR-autbepity €Pam the direeter as publie Safety* Sueh-autherityr-wheR-eeR€eppedr-shall-be _ Owereiaed-SRly-WAdep-the-dipeetieR-eRd een�Pe�-e€-the-ehie€-a€-Relies-and-€er-a time-apeei€ied-iR-the-appointment. The -me mbera-e€-the-peliee-€eree-e€-said eity shall be iRvestad with all the Rawer and eutherity neeessaPy gap eR€ePe3Rg-tke-ePdiReRsee-of-said-eityv The -Obis€ -Of -Pe }lee-ep-eRy-pelieemaR-e€ the Gity of Mismir may apreat witbSut WePrflRtT-any-RePeoR-violating-eRy-e€-the aPdinaAso a-e€-the-eity-eemmitted-in-the peeseRes of sueh ofgieepT and when kRowledge of the vie}atieR e€ any BPdiRaR@e-e€-said-eity-shall-eeme-te-the said-ehie€-e€-peliee-eP-pe}ieemenT-net eamaibtad-iR-his-pr88eneeT-he-she}}-make -88- a€€#davit-be fete -the-fudge-er-elepl�-s€ muRie#pal eeupt against the person e•harged-wany-whereupoAy said judge a elepk shall issue a warrant-€er-the-erreet-a€-sueh-pere9nr Eb4--94v494en-e€-€}Per The fire €epee shall be eempesed of a ehiaf-and-eueh-ethaP-a€€leepsT-€apemen and empleyess as the e3ty manager may detepmiRer The gips, ehie€ shall have immediate -dip Oak 4on-end -eeRtpe€-s€-the Said-depaPtmeRtT-sub�eet-te-the-supaPvi- sieR e€ the d4reeter, of patlie safety and to sueh Puleor regulations and orders as the said direeteP may ppe- seribe and through the Fire ehie€ the diPsetor-a€-publie-as€ety-shall-ppemul- late-ell-erdepey-Pulse-and-Pegulatiens fop-the-geyepRmeRt-eg-t-he-fi-pe-depapt- meRki. The members of the fire depaPtmeRty ether-than-the-ehie€T-shall-be-appeiRted €rem-the-list-o€-eligiblae-prepared-by the-eivil-serviee-based-and-iR-aeeePd- anee-with -sueh-Pelee-and-pegulatieRs-as may be pPesePibed by Bald beaPdt ppevidedT-that-iR-ease-a€-PietT-eeR€lag- ratisR ep emePgeneyr the dipeeter Of publie safety may appeiRt additional firemen and e€€leers Fop temporary sepv4ee-whe-Reed -Ret-be-in-the-elaesl- €ied-sePviee* she-sale€-@€-the-€ire-depsrkmeRt-and-hie sssistante ape autheriaed ke exereise the pewere of: pe}lee o€€ieere while going ter attending eP returning from any €ipe at alarm e€ €iPer The €ire sale€-and-eeeh-e€-his-aseistaRts-shall have-leaded-te-him-e-warrant-@€-epeeiRt- ment aigned by the eiky managePr iR whieh-the-date-e€-his-eppeintment-shall be-statedT-end-soak►-warrant-ohe��-be-k►�s eemmieelenr WheAeveP-any-bui}ding-in-said-eiky-shall be-eR-€firer-it-shall-be-law€ul-€eP-the shie€ of She sire department to order and. di -Poet such building at any ether, buildiAg-whieh-he-may-deem-haPerdeus-end likely to eemmun4eate fire to ether, buildiAgar OF any part e€ sueh buildinger to be pulled dawn OP destroyed and Re aetien shall be maintained against said ehie€ or any peP9eR asking under his aathepity there€QPr Seer-2t:--Super yls *OR -ire-divisiene-a€-peliee Obsolete. and -dire. €he-ehie€-e€-pelies-and-€ire-able€-shall have-the-PighS- and-pewee-te-ouspeRd-any e€-the -e€€leeta -sod -empleyees-iR-their Pespeetive d�visien whe may be ender the ir-management-and -eentPe;-€or-}Ream -89- f peteneeT negieet of dutyT immsPalityT dgunksnnesor €a41upe to obey ePdere given by peeper autherityr er fop any etheP-�tiBt-and-Pea@eAab�@-eau$@*--�€-eny o€€lees eP employee be auspended as herein previdedt the shie€ of the division eaneePned shall €ePthwith in wPitiAg-eerti€y-the-€aet-tagether-with the-eedae-a€-aNapeRBieRT-t@-the-dirBeteP of publie sofetyr who shall render judgment-thereBRT-whieh-judgmeRtT-�€-the ehaPge-be-austaiRedT-May-be-a-Pepeimandv €iReT-etlapeRaiBRT-PaduetieR-in-PaRi�-oP dismissaiv The direeteP as publie safety in any inveatilatien shall have the power to adminieteP-Baths-and-aeeure-the-atteR- danee-e€-witnesses-9Ad-the-pPsduetieR-e€ beers-and-papopov The-employee-shall-be-aiiewed-the-same appeal-peeeedePe-gig-set-€girth-iR-seetieR ba��a�-9€-the-GhaPtePT-pPBVidedT-heweVBPT in-the-evBRt-th@-a€€�eea-a€-eity-manager and-direetop-a€-pwbiie-sa€ety-ere-held by the same pePseAT the eity manager- direeteP of publie sa€etyr before paaaing-upaR-the-gdi}t-eP-iRAeeenee-e€ the-pereen-auapendedT-may-atltherise-the eivii-seeviee-beard-to-e@Rduet-a-heaPiRg upeR-the-euspeRsieR-eharges-pee€erred-by the ehie€e of fire eP pe k es and to repaPt-its-€iRdings-and-PBeemmemda43eRe beek to said eity maRegeP-diPeeter of pub -lie sa€sty. _ The eity menager- direetgP of pdbi}e safety than shall pass-�udgmeRt-upeR-the-perseR-suepeAdedr a€ber aeRaidering the findings and PeeemmeRdatieRs of the eivii sereies beard* See.-26.--Smop &noion -and-remove}-a€-ehis€-e€ Obsolete. pei�es-and-€ira-ehie€� The eity manager shall have the e�eeivaive-right-te-suepeRd-the-ehie€-e€ pei3ee-eRd-€ire-ek4of-€eP-iReemp@temear Regleet of dutyT immePalityy drunkennesay failure to obey orders given by proper autherityT er €er any Other Just and reasonable gauge* T€ either of gush ehisfe be as suspended the-eity-menager-ghaii-€erthwith-eePti€y the €eetr together with the souse of ougpensieRT-to-the-eemmiseieR-whe-withiR €ive-� $4-daye-€rem-the-date-o€-reeeipt of gush RetiseT shall preesed to hear Bush ehargas and render judgment thgreeR�-whieh-judgment-gaeii-be-€iRai. Sec. 17. Finance, department of finance. SAe.-27.--Finanee and taaatien --;R eharge e€-d3reeter-a€-€inaReA . { (a) Department director. Subject to the supervision ang con rol of the city manager, the director of finance 1 i -90- i E i 97 T.. shall have charge of the department of finance and kbe-a4m4R4eteak4eR of shall administer the financial affairs of ESe cx y, including the keeping and supervision of all accounts, the levy, assessment and collection of kamea and etbeg revenues, the making and collection of special assessments, the custody and disbursement of city funds and monies, the control over expendi- tures, and such other duties as the commission may by ordinance provide. (b) Seer_29v--6ame--Form and manner of keeping accounts and making reports. Accounts shall be kept by the department of finance showing the financial transactions of all departments and offices of the city. The forms of all such accountaT and the financial reports rendered to or by the department of financev shall be prescribed by the director of finance with the approval of the city manager. The accounts and accounting procedure of the city shall be adequate to record all cash receipts and disbursements, all revenues accrued and liabilities incurred, and all transactions affecting the acquisi- tion, custody and disposition of values. and &e The director of finance shall make such reports of the financial transactions and condition of the city as may be required by law or ordinance. Financial reports shall be prepared for each quarter and fiscal year and for such other periods as may be required by the city manager. (c) See:-29.--Same--Budget estimates. Not later than one f44 month before the end of each fiscal ye-ari- the city manager shall prepare and submit to the commission and make available to the public a btu -ggeT estimate of the expenditures and revenues of all city departments, divisions, and offices for the ensuing fiscal year. This estimate shall be compiled from detailed information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices on uniform blanks furnished by the city manager. The classifi- cation of the estimates shall be as nearly -uniform as possible for the main functional divisions of such departments, divisions_ and offices and shall give in parallel columns the following information: (1 ) �e4 A a detailed estimate of the expenses of conducting each department, division_ and office.; -91 - (2) expenditures for corresponding items for the last two F24 fiscal years*; (3) expenditures for corresponding items for the current fiscal year, including adjustments due to transfer between appropria- t ions, plus as well as an estimate of tF—ee expen i urea necessary to complete the current fiscal year.; (4) �d}-;be the value of supplies and materials on hand at the date of the preparation of the eatimatev.; (5) Fed ;Rereasse increases or _ decreases of requests compared with corresponding appropria- tions for the current fiscal year, with reasons for such increases or decreases*i- (6) �€� A a statement from the director of finance of the total probable income of the city from taxes for the period covered by the estimateYi (7) E9} An an itemization of anticipated revenues from other sources*; (8) ks3--The the total amount of the outstanding city debt, with a schedule of maturities of bond issues,; (9) ki4--The the amount required for interest on the city debt, for sinking funds and for maturing serial bonds*; and (10) EJ4--Suek such other informa- tion as may be required by the commission. �{�3--6ep}ae-a€-euek-esb�n�abe shall be €urRisked be bke newspaper of bke eity and seek 14beary of tyke eity wk-ieh is ' open to tyke Publber (d) See: JGv same --Appropriation ordinances; fiscal year. T-he 9amaiaaien-shall-be-€urn}eked-with a budget estimate not later kkan >:aa-€ire#-McRday-iR-auReT-end-tyke The commission shall prepare an appropriation ordinance, using the manager's estimate as a basis* and Prevision shall be made €erjil=o public hearings on the proposM appropriation ordinances before-bhe -92- eemM}es#sR-s�bt:�Rg-es-a-eeMa�3�t:ea e€-%sae-wbe}e*--�ba-eAAIlM3993P1R-sba}} Rst adept the asprepP3eE4em eed4Rewes pp4or be ably #i hwt shall adept: said ard#Ramee Rat, het+e�+-isbaR-trMe-�weRE�►-e�gbt:b-deb►-e� J"Iry in accordance with state law. The f local year o e city ;hall e9R€een�-tfe-bat:-e€-gads»r edRt;y-Efbe €}seam►eag-s€-t:be-eeaA�y-ee�+�+eR- e}Rg commence on the first day of October and end3Rg end on the thirtieth day of Septe— er of each year4. (e) Seer -}}*--Same--Appropriations for current expenses prior to passage of annual appropriation ordinance. Before the annual appropriation ordinance has been passed the commission, upon recommendation in writing of the city manager, may make appropriations for the current expenses of the city, chargeable to the appropriations of the year when passed, to in an amount sufficient to cover the necessary expense of the various departments, divisions and officers until the annuat appropriations ordinance is in force. No other liabilities shall be incurred by any officer or employee of the city, except in accordance with the provisions of the annual appropriation ordinance. (f} See: 232* Same --Transfer of appropriations. Upon request of the city manager., the commission may transfer any part of an un4Aeum- bered unencumbered balance of an appropriation" to a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year hae-peeved is insufficient, or may authorize a transfer be -be -made betvTeen items appropriated to the same office, department or division. (9) See*-3;.--Same--Appropriations of accruing revenue and unexpended balances. Any accruing revenue of the city, not appropriated as hereinbefore provided and the balance at any time remaining after the purposes of an appropriation seal} have been satisfied or abandoned, may from time to time be appropriated by the commission to such uses as will not conflict with any uses for which epeeifiea}ly, Z such revenue accrued. (h) See* ;4s Same --Necessity for appropriation; reversion of aR}A- aumbered unencumbered balances; work not to bee —"comp eted within year. No money shall be drawn from -93- Made to conform with state law. See Fla. Stats. Sec, 200,065. i the treasury of the city, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money be incurred, except pursuant to appropriations made by the commission; and whenever an appropriation is so made the clerk shall forthwith give nofice to the director of finance. At the close of each fiscal year the wR4Rewm- bered unencumbered balance of each appropriation -'shall revert to the fund from which it was appropriated and shall be subject to future appropriations; but appropriations may be made in furtherance of improvements or other objects or works of the city which will not be completed within the current year. (i) See*-;;.--Same--City not liable on contracts unless appropriations made; contracts extending over one year. No liability shall be enforceable against the city upon any contract not supported by the prevaews �a prior appropriation.?; nor shall city be liable For any services, materials, or supplies furnished to the `city or to any department, office or division thereof, the financial requirements of which are to be met out of the proceeds of taxes or of any other funds controlled by the commission, unless the commission shall -previously -have has made'an a prior appropriation EEerefor. In TTie event that contracts are -made be extend ever-a-peried-lenger-baaR ene �44 year and whiea are to be met beyond the end of the fiscal year and require monies from current receipts o e city, it shall be lawful for the commission to make appropriation sufficient to answer the requirements of any such contracts for only one years; and the contract shall be legal and binding upon the city notwith- standing the absence of an Re appropriationhas- eeR-ma a for the ensuing years ever-whieh-ib-is-be be-eperativeT and }b-af♦a��-be-bar duty-e€ the commission shall have the duty to make appropria ions mom year to year. as required for the purposes of such contracts. The obligations of the city under such contracts shall not be considered to be a part of the indebtedness of the city. (j) Seew ;6. Same --Accounts of appropriations. Accounts shall be kept for each specific item of appropriation made by the commis- sion,t and every warrant on the treasury shall state specifically against which of such items the -94- warrant is drawn. Each account shall show in detail the appropria- tions made thereto by the commis- sion, the amount drawn thereon, the unpaid obligations charged against it, and the dR4Raumheged unencum- bered balance to the credit ereof. (k) Seer 97T Same --Payment of pay- rolls, bills, and claims. No claim against the city shall be paid except upon a voucher certified by the head of the appropriate department or other division of the city 99MepnmeRtT and by means of a check or warrant on the city treasury, issued and signed by the director of finance and counter- signed by the chief accountant of the department of finance; provided, however, that in the event of the illness or the absence €gem the eity of the director of finance or the chief accountant of the department of finance eF-49th swab-effleees, the city manager may designate aRetheF-eF other officers of the city to sign and countersign such checks or warrants. The director of financeT of b}a awthsp4aed depetyy shall examine all payrolls, bills, and other claims and demands against the city, and shall issue a check or warrant For payment only 0: be €-iRds upon finding: that the claim is in proper rormg correctly computed, and duly certified; that it is justly and legally due and payable; that an appropriation has been made therefor which has not been exhausted or that the payment has been otherwise legally authorized; and that there is money in the city treasury tv make payment. We The director of finance may require any claimant o math as to the validity of a claim, We may investigate any claimv. and for that purpose may examine witnesses under oath. awd 4f he €anda a elaim t, �e €Faadd�eR�T-eFFAReeHaT-eF-e�Merw�ae }aµa��dT-k►e-saa��-RAC-�eaee-a-ebee{� eF-W$FFaR�-�k1eFe€AFT (1) See. 38, Same --Liability of director of finance for issuing warrant without appropriation or sufficient money in fund. If the director of finance issues a warrant on the treasury authorizing payment for any item for which no appropriation has been made, or for the payment of which there is not sufficient money in the proper fund, or which for any other cause should not be approved, be the director and his or her surer ei s -95- shall be individually liable to the city for the amount of such warrant if paid; provided, however, that where Bader-the-erdiRapeee-e - ae eiky a department of budget is has been created, the director off' budget and his or her sureties shall be liable to the city for issuance of any such 4€-he-isauea-a warrant, an the treaeePy 8ukh9P444A@ peym@R4 gap aRy ik9M €eP-Wh♦ieM-RH-appP8pP39�ieR-hla9-�9eR �+edeT-ep-€or-the-payment-€eP-whieh th9Pe 49 not awff4e4eRt momey in khe-pPepep-€updT-eP-wh}eta-€aP-eRy ethoP-eeuae-eheald-Rek-be-approved €eP-the-emeuRt-a€-9e�eh-wePPaRt-}€ pa�dr 6ee.-J9v--6ame--6evy-a€-kame9r Obsolete; function is now performed by Net later than sRs El4 week after the Metropolitan Dade County beard of 8gW6142643AR Shall have pursuant to Sec. 4.04 e9Mpleted-4te-work -the-eemm#ee}eR-shop? of the County Charter. by-ardinepee T-levy-9ueh-tames-se-may-be See also Fla. State. Reesseapy to meet the appPepriations Sec. 193.116. made F1999 the estimated amount e€ revenue from ether soupee84 iReludiRq all sums Pequired to be Paised AR aB@euRk-9�-the-8ity-debt.--lR-€imiRg-the tam-lateT-the-eAmmi88iAR-Shell-d@BigRake what -pert ion 9-e€-the-ketal-file-€er-e}ty debt-and-€Ar-geReral-puPpeeee.--if-the BemmiBAiBR-ehflll-€sill-Pe€!!He-eP-R@§}get 46-pass-flR-9Pd4ReRee-lavyiRg-the-tames -fop-aRy-yeaPBT-the-epdinaReo-leek-passed levying tames shall be seReidered in €epee and a €e4lupe to pass suss an ord4Rapee shall in RA wise invalidate the-ealleetiem-e€-aRy-tameer 6eev.-4Ar--6ame--;aw-assessep. Obsolete; see note to former Sec. 39. ;he @iky manager shall appoint a taw assess@P-who-Shell-be-ap-a€€ieeP-iR-the depaPtmepk-a€-€iRflRee-and-HklbePdiwate-te the -4ireetaP-tkepee €r--lt-shall -be-the duty-e€- the -ks%-as asees P=ke-assese-all tom, flble-pea pop ky-withiR-th9-eity-at-its sash value &Rd fllee to a89e96 all 1409RaesT privilegsT rsliskPsklaR and other, speeial tames whieh the eity is suthepiaed ke levy and selleetv the aeaessep shall have the power to admiwieteP-Aathe-iR-e9ppeetieR-wikh-khe valuation-a€-ppspePty-+i=9P-eiky-tamatieR and-in-reapeet-te-aRy-a8eesemeRt-4e-is aathepiaed-to-make. Seer -ply --Saws --Beard-a€-e�daliaatieR. Obsolete; see note to former Sec. 39. 3ho e9mmiAsiSR shall 89Retitute the beard-a€-e,da}iaakisRr--lhe-eity-eloPk 9ha}l-be-elePk-a€-said-beePd-and-keep-e pePmapeRt-Psesrd-A€-all-its-plHeeediRgH. A-majoPity -9€-said-beard-shall-espati- tuts a querum to do businese. Said beard shall meet at the city hall of Miami An the seeepd Monday ip ably of -96- eseh yeapt at whieh time the assesseP shall stlbMit to the said beard the lJ9ReP8�-ass@89NleR�r-PAS}T-wh�eh-sfl�d-Pe}} shall be eamplated and Filed by the assessor in his a€€iee Five 04 days priap-ta-the-moating-a€-the-said-board A€-egtlaliaatienT-where-dwp3Rg-the-said five 444 days it shall PeMein Open to pwblie iRepeetiBR, 9tlp4Rg the first three E;4 days of its meetings said board-9€-ee)tla}3PHti8R-Ak1H}l-@ena3dAP-any written sbjeekieRe filed with it in Peopeet to any assessment that shall have been wader and may oR its awn motion?-reYise-said-as8e9HmeRt-Pell-end may iRerease er diminish valtlekiems thepe4nj add the names of pepeeRe and desepiptieRe of prepeptyT improperly oMitted from said poll and €iw the Ys}tlakiBA-a€-Said-pPopeptyr-end-it-shall eeppeet all spears and stlpply all de€ieieReies-€etlnd-therein.--Said-beard shall eeRtlRtle its session after, said €}pot-tapes-4�3-deysr-as-long-eo-may-be ReeesaaPyr-but-Ask -leRgeP-than-twO42; weeps-€psM-the-day-e€-the-€ipst-meetingr dwping-whieh-kimaT -upsA-the-pegaesk-e€ any pepaART his agent or atkAPReyr eeRsidapiRg himself aggp}evedr an sw€€ieleRt eatlse being shewRT it may podwee-the- assessmeRk-ke-ameh-aA-HmotlRk as-ke-sweh-beapd-shall-appeap-itlak-and egtlal. It may swami -no on oath any person-ketlehing-the-metkep.--the-beard shall have Re power, ke raise any assesomeRk-iR-said-pelf-withewt-Re*4es ke the party a€€eeted thereby. Any member, -a€-aaid -be apd -may -adm3Riakep-aR seta-and-ewemine-wikneseea-iR-relakioR kA-the-matt@p8-Pe�tliPiRg-iRY@etigatiAA be€epe said beard. Said beard shall {oesp a Peeerd of its ppseesdiRge in inePe9siAg-th@-YaltlatieR-A€-any-property assessed-upon-stleh-pail.--;he-membePe-e€ tho-eemmieoieR-shall-be-paid-khe-sum-e€ €ive-dellaPs-�$�.GA�-per-day-eP-€raetien thepee€-€er-eeeh-dayse-aet"l-ekteRdaRes as a member a€ the based of egwaliaa- tieRT whieh eampeReekieA shah be in additieR to their salaries as esmmis- sieRBrar the-beard-a#-egtlaliaekieR-shall-have-khe power to sdmmen any property swReP of the -eity-be€ape-them?-te-take-tesk3meRy ender -oath?- and -to - pegtlips-khe-ppedtle- kien of beekeT papersr aeeouRts and ether evideRee OF the ownership and value-of-pPepepty-within-the-eity.--Any person failing to appear before the beapd-when-atlmMenedT-eP-€ailing-ke-give ep-ppedtles-etleh-kestimeRy-er-evideReer shall be guilty, of OR offense against the-eaty-and-wpon-eeRvistien-be€ePe-khe eity-eeePk-shah-be-pdR}shed-by-e-€ins net emseeding Five hundred dollars 4i�eQ.aa3—eP-iMpPi9eRMARt-Ret-A+eeeediRg _ eimky �694 days. The assessment 96 -97- property gap e4by peppasse as revised and-detepa+3ned-by-like-beard-a€-equel3re- tieR+ahlall-b@-€3nalr (m) Audit and investi aton of accounts Incorporated from of officer when office vacan . former Sec. 55. Upon the death, real na son removal, or expiration of the term o an o icer o e ci o her an the director of finance,e direc or of finance shall cause an ;udit ana investigation of the accounts of su I ch offiser to be ma e and shall report o the FU y manager. (n) Seer 42r Same --Applicability of State law. as-lie-tames-app Seer the general Taw of Florida upon the subject of taxation shall apply to and govern in the assessment, levy, and collection of taxes in the City of Miami and in the return and sale of property delinquent therefor; and shall also apply and govern in respect to the powers, duties, and liabilities of the persons and property touching and concerning such taxes, and shall have full $epee and effeet in said eity as €ap-as-the-some-may-be-appi4eabley except that this provision shall not repeal of the Charter, prev4- sleRaT-be4ng-ekapter-188437-6aws-e€ Fl@p3dHT-19�3r-as-aseRdedT-eR-like 9ub3@@t-B�-t@mHtiAR-HRd-€iRaR@e-n@P ekaptep 22391T Spee3al Aete of: Flerldsr �943 4prev}dlRg €er publ}eat3@R-by-the -elty-a€-nekiee of-sale-o€-Peal-estate-€ee-Renpay- meRt-eF-poet-due-mwnle}pal-tomee lr any non -conflicting provisions of this charter nor any other spec —Ma legislative act applicable to the City of Miami on the subject of taxation and finance, except as herein otherwise provided. See.-42f64v- Same--Okeesunte if taxes paid Obsolete; see note to be€ass-esstaln-t#mar former Sec. 39 and Fla. Stats. Sec. 193.41. AR-all-tHmea-easeaeed-eR-like-e�ty tam palls and eellested by the eity-tam-eelleeteer-d}sesuwte-for early-payment-thereef-skell-be-ot the Pets e€ twq k23 pepeeRt in toe-IIIeRtk-e�-November-HRd-one-�l3 pepeent-iR-the-mentk-a€-Boeembery the tames being payable in aaRuary-w4tkeut-d4seeuRt. See*-4�lrb�*--Same--When-tames-beee+we-delln- Obsolete; see note to quest; interest rates an former Sec. 39. delinquent -Causer All unpaid tames upon real estate-@hall-bases@-deliRgkleRt oR-Appal-l-e€-like-�►eap-€ellew3Rg like year in wkaek mush tames -98- wave assessedT and shell beer }wbePeat-€rom -aweh-date -at-the rabe-a€-bwenby-€}ve-4�5}-peraeat per-aRRwm-€ee-bbe-€�ret-year-end eight-��;-pereBRt-per-enRwm-€ar bbe-time-a€bar-tbe-€iesb-year.- Seer-4A4e�•--5ems--haw-eertt€ieates�-inbeeeet Obsolete; see note to Pate-bhereeR. former Sec. 39. Ab the sale of -land sold far tawssT-the-tape-eelleeber-shall g��re-be-Ebe-pwrebaseP-a-eePb�€- }eabe-9€-9wes-safer-4eeee4b4R9 the kands pwvehased and the amewnb paid bbore€ePT whieh amewnt-shall-bear-}nkeeeeb-€eem the date a€ the eept4€3eate wR44l-ApP5l-5-e€-the-€ejjew4R9 year-at-bbe-rabe-of-tweRty-€}ve 4254 pereeRb per aRnwm 4eP at swab-fewer-pate-o€-}Rterest-as may be bid by any pwrehaser gibber-than-bbe-eity}-eRd-at-bbe Pabe a€ eight 48} pdPeeRb per aRRUM-tberea€tep. See.-43v--6ame--Assess9r to have power of Obsolete; see note to aeeaty-aesesserf-gewera�-aeaesse�ent former Sec. 39. rs��* The assessor shall pessess all the pewersT-dieebarge-e��-bbe-dwtiesT-eRd-be swbjeet-be -all-the -liabilities-inT-€eP and-te-the-eityT-that-ere-eon€erred-end imposed wpen eewnty assesseps? by the prev'ieiene of the law mentioned and PB€erred to in the pPeeediRy seetieR jeeet4eR 484T in reletien be the assessment-and-tawatieR-a€-ppspertyT-se Far as the same may be applieabie and eweApt-ae-herein-previdedr--Ne-shaii-}n eweb-year-prepare-a-genera-as8esemeRt Pei I-€er-the-eity-and-eemplete-the-same before the time €i*ed by this 6harter €er the first meeting of the beard of egwa-Iiaatien-iR-eaeh-yeary See .-44v--Sa+ae--S gw3ng-sad-enders ng-general 'Obsolete; see note to assessment reli-t return and former Sec. 39. presuwptisa-a€-vai�d3ty* A€t:er the said beard of equaiiaatien shall have sompleted the revision of said-re��-the-eity-eiePi�-eba��-endorse and sign a statement wpeR the Peii to the-a€€eet-that-the-same-ie-the-genera assessment roll for the eity fee the year-iR-whieh-4t-bae-beeR-prepePedT-a8 approved-by-the-beard-a€-e�waiiretiens Swab-statement-may-be-in-ewbetaRtia��y the-€e��ewiRg-€ermT-v}at SSA€G-A�-FLAR�DA-} -99- 1-heeeby-es Pk4€y-khat -the-B9A1i9-9r- SgdAt4AA€19N of khe G}ty e€ Miam4 has P9v4ewedr equal4sed and eePPeeted the w4kh4R-AeeeeBmeRk-f�e�4-and-has-�dedueked €Pem-eP-added-ke-ae-kh@-ease-mey-be}-r-r -r-r-*-del lar@-4Pem-eP-ta-es-the-ease may-bed-the-va�uat4eR-a€-bhe-PeH�-eakeke mad e-by-bhe-AsseseaP-end-hae-dekePm4ned bhe sggPegake e€ value e€ Bush Peal eakete to be r r r 9ellaPs and a teka�-ve4ue-a€-t,he-pereene�-pPBpePky-ke b@-r-r-r-r-r-r-88�iHP8-�eP-thB-y@aP�r-r r-r �8k8d--r-r-r-r-r r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r 41pen-the-eemp�ek4sR-s€-Bush-Ps��-and-4ta eRdePB@meRt-4R-kh@-maRR@r-9€ePeBa�dT-�k shall be PO4UPRed be the aeseseeP and shall be pessumed by all, eeuPke and kP4buna�e-t,e-be-va�4dT-and-eha4�-Reb-be set-saider-eweept-for-eauaes-meRbieRed 4R bhe geRePOI Taws e€ the stake FeIat4Rg-ta-bhe -asses sment-a€-prepePty and the levy and eelleekieR e€ taxes thee@eRr--l:he-em4ae4eR-s€-Bush-eRderae- meRkT hewevePT shall Re& a€€eeb the va44diby-a€-aRy-sueh-PelIr (o) See. 45r Same --Assessment made Obsolete; see note to aeeePd}Rg-to-valeatieR-eRtePed-by former Sec. 39. beard e€ equalizakient tawea as debte and liens. dpeR the equa- 44a4Rg-a€-khe-ea4d-assesameRk-Pe4I by-the-beard-a€-equa�4Pet�eR-a€-khe 64ky-a€-M�am4-and-khe-€4�e4Rg-e€-the m4}-lage by the eemmissieRT the aaaeeaer shall preeeed ke assess the &awes aeeerd4Rg to and 4n prepert4en-te-the-valwatieR-eRtered by-t,he-beard-a€-equa�4aak4eR-4R-khe assessment, e€ the e4ky €eP the yearn ;he fetal- e€ all &awes aesesesd-aga4Rek-any-eRe-pareel-of property shall be €eeked up and eerP4ed-euk-iR-t,he-Oast-es4umw-eR khe-r4ghk-slue-e -sash-Pe�4er All the taxes there assessed shall become at once a debt to the city from the persons to whom they are assessed. All personal taxes shall be a lien upon the personal property of such persons so assessed from and after the assessment thereof, and remain a lien thereon until paid, and shall be superior to the rights acquired under any sale, assignment, or chattel mortgage, levy or lien upon any such personal property executed or made after such assessment, except when such personal property is sold in the regular course of trade. The amounts assessed on any real estate shall become a lien on the first day of January of the -100- 9 .. year in which the assessment is made on such real property and the lien for such amount and for all interest and charges thereon shall continue until payment thereof. See.-46*--64ss--6epy a€ assessment Pell 8Raoxsd to werlank essmand#Rg selloet6ew* The-sesseseP-skull-t-aepempen-mane-a-espy of -seek► -ass asomeRt-Pell-wiikb-seeb-t-axes ex�eaded-�,gepe9n*--Ne-ekte��-annex-t�Me� to a waPpeRk signed by him sammand4ng the-dapeet@P-a€- fin aRee-tre-eelleet-tke several sums meRk}ened in the last, ee�tln�R-a€-�k,e-said-Pe��T (p) See*-47r--6ame--Collection of money by director of finance; payment into city treasury; deposits; interest. All taxes, special assessments, license fees, and other monies accruing to the city shall be collected by the director of finance unless otherwise provided by State law. All money received by any officer or employee of the city for or in connection with the business of the city shall be paid promptly into the city treasury and shall be deposited with such responsible banking institutions -as-€wpRiah furnishing such security as the commission may determine and shall alpee to pay Paying the highest rate of interest deemed advisable. All interest on money so eposited shall accrue to the benefit of the city. The eemmissieR shall peev}de by 8Pd4Ranee fee the prempt and PegulaP-paymeRk-and-depesit-of-alb eity monies as esquired by this se@44en. (q) See*-48.--6em9--Assessment of all ro erty, levy.s�., and collectio'— Fazes. wRdeP-Pk/fe@-es tabl@bed-97 ePda Reef-Re��ee-be€ePe-e��aek►m@R� @€-p@Ra��y-�aP-�si�tlPe-is@-Pe�rtiPR f .Rat, delinquent until sixty days €rem-due-datef-ppevisieRs-eeRbiRwed in €@pee. Except as otherwise provided in this 6barkeP charter, all property within the cityl be assessed, and all city taxes shall be levied, assessed, and collected under such rules and regulations as may be established by ordinance and by applicable state law. Sit@i-rtl es-and-PeBd�e- aon pPev}de penalties fee bkleiP ReReb89PV8Re6 and msyT in this-and-all-etktee-pespeetaT-mere pPeVieieR fee tk:e assessment of pPepep�y-eRd-the-�evyT-asaeasmeRt and-ee�6est�eR-a€-Abe-e�ty-taxes-ae €d�6y-aa-m�gMt-be-done-�y-e-haw-e€ -90`t- Obsolete; see note to former Sec. 39. Obsolete; see note to former Sec. 39. the--.et@-a€-F}@Pidar--Be€sPe-_4y penalty shall atteeh Fop the €eilupe k@ Pot tip A ppepePky FOP kewekienr-nekise-she}}-be-given-by pbb}3eAtien-at-leAak-€sup-F4�-dimes iR-@ne-F1•�-eP-maps-da}}�-pepepe-e€ the-eikyr-e€-the-lime-within-whieh said PekuPR musk be Mader The €}Pak pub14eak4eR of seen Reties she}}-be-ak-leA@t-thiPky-F38�-dare be€@Pe-the-lest-day-€ep-ma{�iRg-sdeh P@tupRr--ai@-Pule-ep-PegulatieR-Mad@ by-ePd}Renee-she}}-ppevide-that-s tee-be-e9neidePed-de}}RgeeRk-99eneP than suety E69; days a€kep it besemes due and payabler All ppayieiens fop the assessment of peepepty-end -the - }evyr- assessment and-eelleetieR-of-taxes-iR-€epee-at the time of the adoption of this GheptePT and net in aaRaiskeRt thePBWithr-ehe�}-eeRtinue-iR-€epeB WRkil-eltePedr-Popesled-ep-supeP- seded-by-this-GhaPkeP-eP-by-Peilee and Psgelat}eas established as ppeMided-by-this-seetieRr (r) Lien for costs involved in closing, Incorporated from removing, reRairing, or emolishing former Sec. 130. unfit buildings. Upon the failure of the owner, owners or Rersons int;rested in property within the city o _complX with the a ermina- tion of the officer, oar or o empowered he City Code or ffy or finance to re uire the c osin , removal re sir or demo lit ion -'or any buMingor structure an erous o the health, morals, sa et , or general we are of the Eeople o he city, after reasonable notice or such compliance has been giveng such officer, oar or body ma cause suchui in or structure o e closed, removed, repaired, or demolishedor maX contract ere - or, after advertisement or an receipt of bids. a amoun o (1) abstracting and title search fees or charges, expert witnesses' ees and a ver- ing charges incurred, an (2) the cost of such closing, remove re arr or demolition, i any, shall constitute and remain a municipal ien a ains the rea eroperty involved until ai wi interest o accrue at the rate o six percent annually. Suchliens may a enForced and collected--F- any of the methods provided by an s- a e or other applicable law. -102- 977 G Sear-43*--Same-���aes#�r�R+�wbes�r�eseeaT-ai�e.� €g�=��eeRaes* (s) Classification of businesses and occGpa iOns� ee,e..i n providing or licensing and regulating persons, corporationst and assee4atieRe entities engaged in businesses, occupations, professions, and trades, the commission may by ordinances classify businesses and arrange the various businesses, occupations, trades and profes- sions carried on in the city into such classes as may be just and proper and fix by sedinaRee the license fee payable by each, without regard to the state law fixing such fees. See.-SA*--Same--�aR-deeds-es-ev3deAee� Deeds made by the 6jAy, e€ Miami pdPekiBR�r-�e-�a�-eager-eP-ae�e-under deeees-graRked-fop-the-eelleet4eR of I-eeel. asessomeRLsr shall be adMiss 464a-4R-eM4denea-sR -the -same bapme as deeds made PULsaent ke sales-fop-tamse-due-the-ekete-apd e9uR�ryt-bud-��-sba��-be-eespe�eR� €ee-peeeeRs-deRy�RQ-ape-vat}d}�y-e€ sueh to* deeday ee assessment deader to put, iR ev3deRse the peeeeed4Rgs peelim4naey to the exeeutieR-kheeee€*--The-puppese-of this peevis4sn is to give sueb deeds -and-a1I-reeikals-kheaeiR-the se�+e-pr�rna-€ae}e-€area-eRd-ve��d3�y seeeeded to tape deeds made by offiesge-a€-the-state-eRd-eeuRty* (t) See* 5;. Same --Limitation as to levy of ad valorem taxes generally. The city shall have the right to levy ad valorem taxes not to exceed bwelve412} mills on each dollar of the assessed value of all real and personal property in the city, for the purpose of raising such amount as may be necessary for carrying on the government of the city, and in addition thereto shall have the right to levy such additional ad valorem taxes as may be necessary: (1) to pay the maturing principal - of and the interest on the outstanding bonds of the city and such additional bonds as the city may from time to time ' issue, and to provide a sinking fund therefor?; (2) to pay for the lighting and hydrant rental of the city?_ (3) to pay for the operation of such public utilities as the city may construct or acquiretj and -103- Obsolete; see Fla. Stats. Sec. 92.24. (4) o provide a publicity fund, the levy for eeea-€wRd which shall not be exceed bwe� m' 111; on each dollar of such assessed value. 4�3:--Samoa»-64m44at46"-ae-4e-1evy-e€ Obsolete; see note to ad vo4orem bares for pabl4o former Sec. 39. library-and-13brary-sysbomv ;he 63by as: M4am4r Plepidar by and thpeegh its gayepR3Rg bsdyr is aepeby arilra@r#aed-b@-bevy-eR-9RRlie�-beR-R@ts-b@ eweeed-kw@-eRd-eRe-aelf 42-;�24-roil is-sR eeea dellap of the assessed baxeble v�a�ae-a€-ail:-ppepep�y-iR-sa}d-e�byr-beta peal and pepseRair fee the peppese of establ<saRgr-@p@PatsiRg-eRd-mB�rRt@3RiRg a pdblie 14bpapy and pebl}e 1.4bgepy system-baeeeiR* Sec. 18. Seer-52.--Same--Chief procurement officer. (a) The city manager shall appoint a chief procurement officer* ;he ehie€ ppeeepemeRt eff4eep ep his designee who shall supervise all purchases `ror the city in the manner provided by ordinance and who shall, under such procurement meohods as may be prescribed by ordinance, supervise sales of all real and personal property of the city 'not needed for public use or that may have become unsuitable for use. The chief procurement officer ee-kia-dee4gRse shall have charge of such storerooms and warehouses of the city as the commission may by ordinance provide. Before any purchase or sale, the chief procurement officer sp-hie -designee shall require that all prescribed procurement procedures ape be followed. Supplies shall not F—e furnished to any department unless there be to the credit of such department an available appropria- tion balance in excess of all unpaid obligations sufficient to pay for such supplies. (b) No contract for furnishing supplies Incorporated from or services or he ci exceptas former Sec. 92. otherwise provide In this c ar er, shall be made for a period of more Egan one year. (c) k63 The chief procurement officer Bp-tie-des}gRee shall be-pespeRai- b�B-€BP-seBbPaRg-Bemp}HReeT-by see to it that all persons seeking=o do business with the cityT-wits-bae �eeglliP9m@AbsT-as-m8y-be-pPeeBpibed by StdiRaAeeT that they will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, -104- LN religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or marital status,• and that they will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or marital status. (d) �94 The chief procurement officer -` eg-his-designee shall be responsi- ble for developing a such minority procurement program as may be prescribed by ordinance and permitted by law. Sec. 19. See. -S3: Same --Contracts for personal ro e�rt , public works or impr.ovemen s, unified development projectsprojectsy and real property,;= sa eguar s. and-peeeeRsl-ppspepty► (a) Personal property. Any personal property, including but not limited to supplies, equipment, materials, and printed matter, may be obtained by contract or through city labor and materials, as provided by ordinance. All contracts for more than €eup khemeand five huRdsed dellars E$4,500.99� shall be awarded by the commission to the lowest responsible biddery after public notice and using such competitive sealed bidding methods as may be prescribed by ordinance, but the city manager or his designee shall have the power to reject all bids. Nothwithstending the foregoing, the city manager may waive competitive sealed bidding methods by making a written finding which shall contain reasons supporting his the conclusion that competitive sealed bidding is not practicable or not advantageous to the city, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the commission after a properly advertised public hearing. When competitive sealed bidding methods are waived, other procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. A11 invitations for bids, requests for proposals or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject all offers. GeRkraete All contracts for personal property N excess of $4 500. shall be signed y the city manager or bee designee after approval thereof by the commission. This section shall not apply to transfers to the United States, or any department or -105- d� agency thereof, to the State of floridap or to any political subdivision or agency thereof. (b) Public works or improvements. Any public work or improvement may be executed either by contract or by the city labor force as may be determined by the commission. There shall be a separate accounting as to each work or improvement. as eNeeeted Before authorizing the execution by the city labor force of any work or improvement or phase thereof, the city manager shall submit to the commission a descrip- tion of the anticipated scope of work and related cost estimates. All contracts for more than ken khousand dellage �$102000.A93, which shall include contracts under which improvements valued in excess of teA theweend dollars �$10,000.983 are to be constructed for the city, op-on-lands-leseed €rem-khe-emir shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after public notice and using such competitive sealed bidding methods as may be prescribed by ordinance, but the city manager or his designee shall have the power to reject all bids. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city manager may waive competitive sealed bidding methods by making a written finding that a valid emergency exists or that there is only one �4-4 reason- able source of supply, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the commission after a properly advertised public hearing. When competitive sealed bidding methods are waived, other procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. All invitations for bids, requests for proposals or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject all offers. Contracts for public works or improvements shall be signed by the city manager or his designee after approval thereof by the commission. ' When it becomes neces'sary in the Incorporated from a anion of the ci mane er to make former Sec. 54. alterations or modirications in a contract or a7;y public work or imRrovement, such alterations or mo a ice ions shall a ms a on when authorized a commission upon the written recommendation o e city manager. No such altera- tion "shall a valid unless the race to s Md for the wor or material, or bothlun er e - t 06- 0 • altered or modified contract shall have been a reed upon in writing a- nT-Mned by the con rac or an the city manager _prior o such a aullroorrization y the commission. (c) Unified development projects. A unified Wn4f4ed development projecT 'ghall mean a project where an interest in real property is owned or is to be acquired by the city, and is to be used for the develop- ment of improvements, and whape as to which the commission determines tRat foF the development of said improvements it is most advanta- geous to the city tbet-the-elty to procure from a private person, as defined in the Code of the City of Miami, one 444 or more of the following integrated packages: (1) ki4 RIaRn4nq planning and i� design, construction, and leasing; or (2) kii) RleRRIR@ planning and design, leasing, and manage- ment; or (3) planning and design, construction, and management; or (4) kly916RRIRQ planning and design, construction, leasing and management. So long as the person from whieb whom the city procures one 444 of TTie above -mentioned integrated packages provides all of the functions listed for that package, such person need not provide each listed function for the entire unified development project nor for the same part of the unified development project. Requests for proposals for unified development projects shall generally define the nature of the uses the city is seeking for the unified development project and the estimated allocations of land for each use. They shal71 also state the following: (1) ki4--The the specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the geographic area the city desires to develep- meRt develop pursuant to the unifie—d-deveiopment project*; (2) 4ii4 T.h9 the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned certified public accounting firm; -1Q7- 0 () F444� The the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned review committee+; (4) E4v4 The the extent of the city's propss d commitment of funds, property, and services; (5) Fv}--The the definitions of the terms "substantial increase" and "material alteration" that will apply to the project pursuant to subsection (e)Eiv�(4) hereof..; and (6) fv4�--A a reservation of the right to —reject all proposals and of the right of termina- tion referred to in subsection (e)�iv�(4), below. After public notice there shall be a public hearing at which the commission shall consider: (1) �4�--Tire the contents of the request for proposals for the subject unified development project; (2) �443--Tbe the selection of a certified public accounting firm, which shall include at least one member with previous experience in the type of development in question; and (3) 444i�--Tbe the recommendations of the city manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the review committee. Said review committee shall consist of an appropriate number of city officials or employees and an equal number plus one 4�� of members of the public, whose names shall be submitted by the city manager no fewer than five 45� days prior to the above -mentioned public hearing. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the commission shall authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint the members of the review committee only from among the persons recommended by the city manager. The procedure for the selection of an integrated package proposal shall be as follows: -1Q8- (1 ) 44�- .All all proposals shall be analyzed by a certified public accounting firm appointed by the commission based only an the evaluation criteria applicable to said certified public accounting firm contained in the request for proposals. Said certified public accounting firm shall render a written report of its findings to the city manager. (Z) Fi4,_-The the review commit- tee shall evaluate each proposal based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said review committee contained in the request for proposals. Said review committee shall render a written report to the city manager of its evaluation of each proposal, including any minority opinions. (3) 44iO ;Rk4Ag �tt a�kk i__into consideration the in ings of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluations of the aforemen- tioned review committee, the city manager shall recommend one 4}3 or more of the proposals for acceptance by the commission, or alterna- tively, the city manager may recommend that all proposals be rejected. If there are three 0� or more proposals and the city manager recom- mends only one 413, or if he the city manager recommends .rejection or all proposals, the city manager shall state in writing the reasons for h4s such recommendation. In transmitting his recommen- dation or recommendations to the commission, the city manager shall include the written reports, including any minority opinions, rendered to him by the aforementioned certified accounting firm and review committee. (4) 4i%�--All all contracts for unified development projects shall be awarded to the person whose proposal is most advantageous to the city, as determined by the commission. The commission may accept any recommendation of the city manager by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members. In the event the commission does not _1g9w 0 accepc a proposal recommended oy the city manager or does not reject all proposals, the commission shall seek recommendations directly from the aforementioned review commit- tee, which shall make a recommenda- tion or recommendations to the commission taking into account the report of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluation criteria specified for the review committee in the request for proposals. After receiving the direct recom- mendations of the review committee, the commission shall, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its membersf: (1 ) Aeeepk accept any recommenda- tion of -preview committee; or (2) Aeeepk accept_ any previous recommendation of the city manager; or (3) Rojeet reject all proposals. All contracts for unified develop- ment projects shall be signed by the city manager or h4a designee after approval thereof by the commission. The city manager or his designee shall be responsible for developing a minority procurement program as may be prescribed by ordinance and permitted by law in conjunction with the award of contracts for unified development projects. The provisions of this Ghaplier charter section shall supersede any�o 'h r 6Marl:er charter or Gods code provision to the contrary. —'- (d) Sales and leases of real property. Except as otherwise provided in this 6harter charter section, there shall be no sale, conveyanc a or disposition of any interest, including any leasehold, in real propertyr owned by the city, the department of off-street parking or the downtown development authority, unless there has been prior eublic notice and a prior oppor uni y given o e public to compete as-parehaseye-sg for said real property or any interest. tkofsiR. Tkore shall be public net ies prier 4e any amok ss.:eT eeRveyesse-se-disposi&ionv Any such sale, conveyance or disposition shell be conditioned upon compli- ance with: the provisions of this section; such procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance; -110- and arty restrictions that may ve imposed by the city, the department of off-street parking, or the downtown development authority, as appropriate. Further, no right, title, or interest shall vest in the purehasep transferee of khe above such . prope` r y`un-iess the sale, conveyancer or disposition is made to the highest responsible bidder, as is determined by the city commission, or the off-street parking board, or the downtown development authority board of directors. The city commission or the off-street parking board or the downtown development authority board of directors, as appropriate, may by resolution waive the requirement of sale, conveyance, or disposition to the highest respon- sible bidder by means of the following procedure: the city manager, the director of the off-street parking authority, or the director of the downtown development authority, as appropri- ate, must make a written finding that a valid emergency exists, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the commission after a properly advertised public hearing. When the requirement of sale, convey- ance, or disposition to the highest responsible bidder is waived, other procurement methods as may -be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. The city or the depart- ment of off-street parking or the downtown development authority shall have the power to reject all offers. All invitations for bids, requests for proposals, or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject_all offers. This section shall not apply to transfers to the United StatesT-be or any department or agency thereof, op to the State of Flarida.L or to any political subdivision or agency thereof. (e) Safeguards. (1) F44 All pardons contracting with the city under this section shall be required to certify their compliance with the antitrust laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and to hold harmless, defend, and indem- nify the city for any noncom- pliance by said persons with the above laws. t 0 e (2) , fib All persons contract og with the city under this section shall be obligated to pay whichever is the greater of the following: E*� (i) all applicable ad valorem7`axes that are lawfully assessed against the property involved or 42� (ii) an amount to be paid to 'The -city equal to what the ad valorem taxes would be if the property were privately owned and used for a profit - making purpose. Such taxes shall not be credited against any revenues accruing to the city under any contract that may be awarded under this section. (F440 Any proposal by a potential bidder or contractor that contemplates more than the estimated extent of the city's proposed commitment of funds, property or services shall be ineAigible for acceptance by the city commission. (4) 44v4 Any substantial increase in the city's commitment of funds, property, or services, or any material alteration of any contract awarded under subsection (c) of this section shall entitle the city commission to terminate the contract after a public hearing. Prior to such public hearing, the commission shall seek and obtain a report from the city manager and from the review committee that evalu- ated the proposals for the project, concerning the advisability of exercising that right. Seev-64l--Sewe--AIter abieno-er-medifjostione Incorporated in Of eeRbraeba for publie works or second paragraph of .imppevewenbs. subsection (b), above Whom 3b beeemes ResegeapyL in the apiRieR-a€-ape-a}��►-x:anegep-�e-a:eke a��eeab�:eRe-ee-med�€�ea��reRa-�R-a eeRt*paet pep any publie weep OF imprevemeRtr sdea alterat4eng se m944€4eakioRs shall be made eRly► wt�eR-ea�kepaaed-b)`-�l�e-een�n��eeieR MPOR-tsae-wp i kteR-reeemmeRdatrien-of 6be-e��y�-AlaRagep*--PJe-sdea-a��epa- kieR shall be valid UR}ege the ep ee to be Said for the work or maberialT OF beta? VRdep the g��eped-ep-meth€ied-eeR�raetr-eba�� have been agreed bpeR in writing eRO sigRsd by the eeRkpeotep and the eiky manager prier to gush a�t�i�er�pa�ieR-br-bae-ee+��+�ae�eR* • 11 Sear-�►�*--� sme--Awd #� aeeawnt's of MalankV and inveatigek4en of off4se:r when offige UpsR the dea4hI. pesil"844eRr P$mevaI-ee-amp pat4@R-of-the-keen: of -any -a€ #eep-a€-EMe-e4kyy-ekbep than d4peekep of €imeResy the d#peetop -of -€:Ranee-shall-eswse-an addib aR4 iRVeStigS44en of the asesuRbs-a€-seeb-a€€4eep-be-be-made and skull pepept be the sity MoRalepr Sec. 20. See.-$6v local improvements. (a) FAQ Definitions; divisions into classes. In this section eepba4n the following words and phrases will be used with shall have the following meanings; un ess some other meaning is plainly intended: The main divisions of this section are sometimes herein termed paragraphs; and the divisions of paragraphs are sometimes herein termed subparagraphs. A local improvement is an improve- ment defined by this section and made under the provisions thereof. The word commission shall be deemed to refer to the city commission of the City of Miami. A highway is a public way embossing _! such as a street, boulevard, avenue, lane, alley, parkway, terrace, and or place. A sidewalk is a path for pedes- trians along a highway. A storm sewer is a conduit above or below ground for the passage of storm water, SRO-embpeees including a pumping station and outlet w ere deemed necessary; and it may also embpoee include the building of culverts over s reams or enclosing of streams where n~ecessaryr or advisable to carry off bk3e storm water. A sanitary sewer is an underground conduit for the passage of sewageT and may embpaee include a pumping station and out e where deemed necessary. The word "sewer" includes both sanitary and storm sewers unless a contrary intention is shown. A curb sewer is a sanitary sewer at or near a curb, instead of at or near the middle of a highway. -113- Incorporated in Sec. 17(m). Incorporated from an of paragraph definin class 4 improvements below. r, -3 0 13 A lateral is a pipe connecting a sewer main with the line of adjacent property or the curbline, as the commission may prescribe, being either a sewer lateral or a water lateral, but does not include a building connection, that is, a pipe extending from a lateral at the property line or curbline to the house or plumbing fixtures on the property to be served. Improvements authorized to be made under the provisions of this eat section are divided into seven c asses as follows: Class 1. Highway improvements effibeaee include the grading, paving, repaving, macadamizing` and remacadamizing, sanding, and oiling of highways, with necessary drainage, sewer inlets, manholes, and catch basins, and, if the commission so orders, nay-embpaes curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping, which improvements may be financed with funds available for highway construction. Highway improvements ma include as a means JGF drainage of highways improved—, `a well or we s sunk to a point below reshwa er s ra a and so cased in throughout freshwater.strata as to prevent seepage to or from sucT strata; ur er, in the3"iscre ion 37 the commission, ant such well or wells ma cons i u e the w o e or a part of a storm sewer improvemen under class 4 below. The reso u- ion ordering such an improvement shall include the location of thi well or wells wiEh reasons e aef ini eness. Class 2. Sidewalk improvements embeees include the grading and construe ion of sidewalks and, if the commission so orders, ms} embgaes curbs and gutters. Class 3. Sanitary sewer improve- ments embeses include the construc- tion of sarnitary sewers, the relaying where necessary of streets and sidewalks necessarily torn up or damaged, and, if the commission so orders, the laying of sewer laterals, as a separate improve- mentT or as part of the main improvement. Class 4. Storm sewer improvements embraee include the construction of storm sewers, the relaying where necessary of streets and sidewalks necessarily torn up or damaged, and, if the commission so orders, the laying of sewer laterals, as a -114R Incorporated from former Sec. 117. Incorporated from former Sec. 118. 0 separdi.e improvement► or as a part of the main improvement. Storm sewer improvements may also emigpeee include the building of culverts over streams or enclosing the streams�'wtiFer`e necessary or advis- able to carry off storm water. The weed-uaeweru-iAelwdes-beta-saR4kary and-StePm-sewers-wnleas-a-eeRtrary inte"44eR-is-sbewRt Class 5. Waterfront improvements em6paee include the construction of bulkheads, 'seawalls.L and other retaining walls along a bay, river, canalL or lake, with necessary fills and dredgingL and may em6pase include the acquisition by pur—eiiase, condemnation.L or other- wise, of land, rightsL and ease- ments therefor. Incorporated in list of definitions, above, Class 6. Street developments Incorporated from include the o ening, wideninq and former Sec. 115. extension o highways and i he commission so orders, the gra in thereof. Class 7. Water main improvements include the laying of water .mains e Maying where necessary_ o highways and sidewa ks ecessarily orn uR or damaged 11 an if the commission so orders, the laying o water isterats. = Incidental expense em6paees includes the following items, inc uding reasonable sums paid or credited to the city or any department thereof for service rendered by any department or *employee officer or Sleek thereof in connection with any such items: T Rrelr}e+iRary preliminary and other surveys. IRapeetien inspection and superin- tendence of work*; _k RreparatieR preparation of plane 'imatesvj specificationsL and es - PpiAtinq printing and publishing of notices and proceed-ingsv; Rreparat}ea preparation of bonds:; ;Atereek interest during construc- tion.; 6egal le al services and abstractsT;-ee* and Any and other expense necessary or proper in conducting the proceed- ings and work herein provided for. -9 9 5- Incorporated from former Sec. 116. *I t Railroad includes all forms of transportation by rail however R�ow�...,.e..r,ed, not owned by the City of Mismir. whakhep ppepelled by e1ee4p*ey geee14ReT ep steam pewepr (b) E94 Authority of 6ity .c..itYY. The 644r-a€-Mani city is aut o zed to make local improvements and ppevide fee-pay4mg top�s the cost thereof as herein provided*1 except that the commission shall have no power to or er the making of any storm sewer improvement as a local im rovemen under a rovisions o this section; rovide however, that any special assessments already levied and any proceedings a ready taken in connection With storm sewers shall not be re ea ed or afFected by thisprovision; and proviaed further, that all such rocee in s may a ontinuea an completedy an s ecial assessments eursuant to such rocee in s may e levied under the provisions oF this sec ion. (c) {G6 Initial Peeeeed}Rgs proceed- ings. by-Peseletien-a€-Gemm4estieRr �e=�R�b�a�-peeeeed}Rge-€ep-a (1) A local improvement hereunder shall be begin with the passage at a regular or special meeting of the commission of a resolution ordering the same to be made under this section, indicating the location by terminal points and route, and either giving a description of the improvement by its material, nature, character and size, or giving two �2} or more such descriptions with the direc- tion that the material, nature, character.L and size be subsequently determined in conformity with one 4;4 of such descriptions. A single resolution may embrace only one 43� improvement on-ly or one F}4 improvement of each of two 424 or more classes of improvements. An improvement need not be continuous and may be in more than one E;3 locality or highway, but a highway or sidewalk improve- ment shall be practically uniform in cost and kind throughout the improvement, and a sanitary sewer improve- ment shall not provide for a curb sewer as a part of the improvements and a sewer at or near the middle of a highway -1 16- Incorporated from former Sec. 131. as another part. NothAng herein contained shall prevent the commission from excluding from any highway improvement that portion of the highway which has been improved by any railroad or any portion which the city may, under the franchise or contract with such railroad, require it to improve. If the resolution shall orders a waterfront improvement or storm sewer improvement, it shall desig- nate the property which the commission deems will be specially benefited thereby, and, if a waterfront improve- ment be is ordered, the resolution shall indicate the proportion of the cost thereof which shall be borne by the city at largey and the proportion thereof which shall be specially assessed. A resolution may give any short and convenient designation to each improvement ordered thereby.-epd-tie The property against which assessments are to be made for the cost of such improvement shall be designated as a district, followed by a letter or number or name to distinguish it from other districts, after which it shall be sufficient to refer to such improvement and property by such designations in all proceedings, assess- ments, and bonds, except in the notice provided by paragraph fE4 (e) of this section. (2) Desi nation of benefited _ _ proert ; a or ionmert o nost If the initial S reso u- ion shall order' a street Zeveropment or a waterfronT or water main or storm sewer i, imerovement it shall esi - ' na e the ro er f which e commission deems will e specially ene ited tRere some imes h4rein re e red to as the area of special - ene i s and shall indicate -!the proportion or part BF the - cost thereofwhich shall e borne by the city at large an e Rroportion or part t9ereor whichihich shell e speciall j assessed within tRe area o I agecial benefits. The city -shai I bear one-third of the c oat 6F storm sewers inc u in any eumpingstation and outlet but exc u ing storm sewer -117- Incorporated from former Sec. 120. Aaterals, and shall bear riot more than 15 percent of the cost of street deve-10 menu and no more than 15 percen o he Mt of waterfront im rovemen s Ina nGt more tRan ercent of the cost o wa er main im rovemen s, an the "remainder shall be s e�cia,ly assessed witSin Ehe area of special bene its.= e reso u ion shall also, as it may in t e discre zon o the commission s a e Ehe opinion of the commission as to the relative ro or ions o s ecia benefits as between the severe to s and parcels within such area or as between aifferent classes or di erent locations o property within such area, such statement of opinion shall not prevent the ci manager from stating di eren ro or ions in a re iminar a - asessment rail,nor prevent the commission from changing any such proportions in sustainin2 or modifying such assessments indicated by said roll in the manner an under e conditions orovi e erein. Ri �� F s 4r ¢03 Plans and 8pee3 #eat,#eae Ppeparsd s ec_i f icat ions re ared by 64ky-Nanagep ,city manager an *Ied filed with 64y-G� rk city clerk. X; ;'ism as may la�e Promp� Y a�fter the passage of said resolution., the city manager shall prepare and file with the city clerk plans and specifications of each improvement ordered thereby and an estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of each kind of improvement if the resolution provides alternative descriptions of material, nature, character.L and sizeT. wh4eb Such estimate shall show the eskima4ed amount of cost and incidental expense to be assessed against propertyT and.L except in the case of a storm sewer improvements, the estimated amount to be assessed against each foot of abutting property. The estimate made bX the city manager o the cos 'of a street eve o men or a storm sewer or waterfront or water main improvement shall show the estimated amount of ME an inMental expense o be assesse a ains a 1 propertyin the area o special ene i s, but shall no show any estimated assessment against any particular property within the, area, or against an frontage or portion o F such Property. (e) Cost of improvements. The cost of improvements shall include: (1) labor and material; (2) in waterfront and street develop,ment improvements, the cost of any property urc ased con emne , or - otherwise acquired, including ZourE costs,, attorneys' fees and other ex enses inciden o suc acquisi ion; .M damages paid or to be paid for injury topropeUE properby change o grade or drainage, inclu- ing court costs, attorneys' fees, an d vther expense i—idAntal to tRe e ermins- ion of damage; (4) the cost of retainin walls sidewalks, or fences built or altered in I lieu of cash Payment or such ro er or acquisition, .damage including tha cost or movin or a Eer ing any structure; an -119- Incorporated from former Sec. 121. Incorporated from former Sec. 119. (S) the cost_,_whether in tote nature of dame2e;"' or o er- w�se o f establishiR75 a building se ac i n e or lines. (f) FED Publication of Wetiee notice of Weeping hearing. The city clerP, upon the Filing with him or her of such plans, specifications.L and estimates, shall publish once in a daily newspaper of general circula- tion pwblkabed in the city a notice stating that at a meeting of the commission on a certain day and hour, not earlier than ken �10� days from such publication, the commission will hear the objections of all interested persons to the confirmation of said resolutionT. whieh Such notice shall state in brief ann general terms a descrip- tion of the proposed improvement., shall state with the location thereof, s all clearlz describe an area of s eciabenefits,and shall also s ate that plans, specifics- tions.L and estimates of the cost thereof are on file in the office of the city clerk. (2) 44 Hearing 8bjeek4eas objections; Repeal Repeal repeal or 6eR€'efeb4en confirmation. At the time named in said notic`er or be whieb at an adjournment mays-be-takeR thereof, the commission shall receive any 71 objections of interested persons and mays-kheR-ep- theeasfbeg repeal -' or confirm said resolution with ' such amendmentsr-if-sRyr as may be -� desired by the commission and which do not change in any wayr the location of the improvement or improvements; provided, however, that such resolution shall not &NOR OF therea€bep be confirmed if it the estimate or im rovement to ;his;hicg it relates con alns items Zicg cannot be properly cnarged to the property owners, or it-ik-isr €ep eRy de€aults OF -ie€eeb in the passage er ehapeebeg of the re"Im"sR OF estimater ,has ��any defect which renders it void or voidable in whole or in part, or it it exceeds the power of the commis- sionT. and-if-eny-ebjeekien-sheik be made be the reselut4an an any sdea gredRd ae Reevided by thq R` paragr8ph4;14-beeee€. (h) �G4 Recordation of Resolution resolution and Satimabes estimates. Within '£`wo �24 days aftee'rr s ch confirmation, the resolution confirming the same, together with the estimate submitted, shall be recorded by the city clerk in a -120- Incorporated from former Sec. 122. special book to be kept for t,.dt purpose, which book shall be known as the "improvement and assessment booOr and which book shall give the description by lot and block number of,all pieces of property affected kheoebyr together with the esti- mated amount assessable against each lot or portion thereofT which abuts upon or is benefited by the improvement or improvementsT. wh4eh Said book shall be puled kept in such a way that any person can readily ascertain the assessment against any piece of property affected. (i) �W} Manner of Naming 8bjee€lens making objections. Al objections o any improvemenE resolution or to the estimate to which it refers on the grounds that it contains items which cannot be properly charged to the property owners or that it 4!sr far has any de€ewlt-er defect which renders it iR the passage ap e ageebep e€ the reseJwtisR se eeb4m ekeT void or voidable in whole or in part, or that it exceeds the power of the legislative bedy e€ kks-muRie4pal4byT commission shall be made in writing, in person or by ,attorney, and filed with the city clerk at or before the time or adjourned time of such hearing. Any objections against the making of an improvement not so made shall be considered as waivedy. and 4€ aR s6jeebieR aha!1 be— made and evepowled eP shall net be eus- kaiRedT-bbe The confirmation of the resolution —a—Fall be the final adjudication of the issue all objections presented unless proper steps shall be are taken bthe objector in a court of compete�n juris action be eseuee relief within bet 4103 daysw to secure relief. (j) �;4 Publication of Webiee-6ell4tg notice callin for Bids bids. As soon as practicable artr the confirmation of any such resolution ordering work to be constructed the city clerk shall publish at least once in i newspaper of general circulation published in the city, and if the estimated cost exceeds €3Ve bheueaAd de}larS 4$5,000.893 in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the state, a notice calling for sealed bids to be received by the commis- sion on a date not earlier than €ifteeR 4153 days from the first publication in the local paper, or if said estimate exceeds Five tkeueand delkees 4$5,000.694, in -121- each of said two 42� newspapers, for the construction of the work, unless in such resolution the commission shell -have declared its intention to have the work done by the city labor forces without contract. The notice may refer in general terms to the extent and nature of the improvement or improvements and may identify the same by the short designation indicated in the initial resolution and by reference to the plans and specifications on file. If the initial resolution shall-have-glveR gave two 42� or more alternative descriptions of the improvement as to its materials, nature, charac- ter, and size, and if the commis- sion shall did not have-thepete€spe later determined upon a definite description, the notice may call for bids upon each of such descrip- tions. No contractor shall be required to take bonds, warrants or certificates in paymentyj but payment shall be made in cash upon monthly estimates of the city manager to an amount not greater than 97-1/2 percent of such estimates, and the balance due shall be paid in cash within 9-ixty 4603 days after acceptance of the workT, and the Bald Ret4ee may state Bush eeRditleRe as to paymeRty Bids may be requested for the work as a whole or for any part thereof separately, and bids may be asked for any one � or more improvements authorized by the same or different resolutions, but any bid covering work upon more than one improvement shall be in such form as to permit a separation of cost as to each improvement. The notice shall require bidders to file with their bids either a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company for two and one-half k2-1/2� percent of the amount of thele Pespeet#ve the bids or a bid bond. The bid bon-- shall be in like amount with corporate surety satisfactory to the city attepRey to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with such plans and specifications and to insure the filing, at the making of such contract, of a bond in the amount of the contract price with sureties satisfactory to the city manager conditioned fee on the performance of the work in accordance with such contract. The commission shall have the right to reject any ee all bids., and readvertise so may or determine to do the work by the city labor forces without contract. -122-- - (k) EJl "Preparation and GoAtrames contents of Rrel4minspy -Asses amaAk Roll Prlimjnary assessment roll. After a contract e ehave has been entered into for an improve- ment embreeed ordered in any resolution, orr-i - e-eit-y-eaall ds bbe week itae1fI after an authorized improvement to be done by tNe ciE 's labor force his Geen 9a�hep��e�- y-spy-pass e�#ep-sae have beep completed, the city manager shall prepare a-spel4minapy assessmenk-Fell and file the-eame with the city clerkT whieh a preliminary assessment roll whicFi shall contain the Following: (1) Description of lots and lands within district. A descrip- tion of the lots and parcels of land within the district, which in the case of water- front and storm sewer improve- ments shall include all property declared by the commission in such improvement resolution to be specially benefited thereby, and in the case of the other improvements shall include lots and lands which abut upon the sides of that part of any highway to be improved or in which a sanitary sewer, except a curb sewer, is to be laid and the lots and lands which abut upon that side or sides of any highway in or along which side or sides a sidewalk is to be constructed or a sanitary curb sewer is to be laid. Such property, lots.L and lands shall include city propertyy and land within the city which abuts upon an intersection as herein defined; there shall also be given the name of the owner of each lot or parcel, where such can be ascertained, and in all cases save storm sewer improvements, a state- ment of the number of feet of property so abutting, which number of feet shall be known as the frontage. In the case of a street development' ova storm sewer or waterfront or water main im rovemen , e said preliminary assessment roll shall escri e the propert in the area o seecial benefits but need no s a e the num er of feeto property abutting an suc improvement unless suc itatement is necessary..,in escri to ro er ine area of specia""benefits. wll.- -123- Incorporated from former Sec. 125. (2) wescription of railroad tracks. In the case of highway improvement, a description of any track or tracks of a railroad as herein defined already laid or for the laying of which any franchise shall -knave has been granted, within the portion of the highway or highways to be improved, giving the number of tracks, the distance between the tracks.L and the distance between the rails. (3) Total cost. The total cost of the improvement which, if made by contract, shall be include the price named stated herein or the price computed the unit prices named stated therein, taking into consider- ation minor changes and alterations found necessaryT and incidental ex enses, acEual or estimated. ba -* the city shall is to do tF—e work itself, the cost shall include the actual cost of said wworkt and in all eases the amswRt e€ incidental expenses, estimated ee actual. or estimated. If the preliminary assessmen roll is prepared and filed with Ehe city clerrc after M com e- tion of the work, whether the work he done b city forces or by can ract, the otal cost o e improvement erein s a e 'shall'ghall be the ac ua cos . (4) Apportionment of cost. An apportionment to be computed as follows, of the cost of each improvement: 4Reidemtal eepeRse-tte-be-apSertieRed-in the-same-prepept-isn+ IN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS (i) �s3 To railroads --To any railroad as herein defined, the track or tracks of which may be in or upon any portion of the highway or intersec- tion to be improved or to which any franchise for such track or tracks shall have been granted, there shall be appor- tioned the cost of such improvement between the tracks and between the rails of each track and for the distance of gi9k ten �184 inches beyond each outer rail, -124- Incorporated from former Sec. 124. including switches efnd turn -outs; and when an assessment of such apportionment shall have been confirmed against any such railroad, it shall constitute a lien upon all the franchises and property thereof to the same extent as other assessments herein provided for constitute liens upon abutting or benefited property; provided, however, that where any such railroad shall operate or be about to operate under any ordinance, contract or franchise which provides for the amount, manner and condition of the payment of cost by such railroad, the foregoing provisions as to such railroad shall apply only to the extent the same may not be inconsistent with any such ordinance, contract or franchise. �b� To city —To the city shall be apportioned the cost of highway improve- ments at intersections, except that part of such intersection cost as is apportioned to railroads, and to the city shall also be apportioned three -fourths E3f4� of the cost of the highway improvement abutting property. The word "intersection" shall be deemed to include not only that part of the highway which is common to another highway, but also that portion of highway which would be embraced within the extension, if extended, of another highway entering into it or meeting. it. In the preliminary assessment ro E,F�ere s h a 1 1­67e apportioned to e ci such—partsuch-part of the cost Of a street eve o men as ma have been determined e initial reso u- ion, and to the o s an Parcels -within the area of special ene ere shall e a or- ione a remaininBatt 0 -such cost, -125- Incorporated from former Sec. 126. fie; To abut ,og owner --To abutting property shall be apportioned the remaining cost of highway improve- ments. IN SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS (iv) �d4 To abutting owner --To abutting property shall be apportioned one-fourth �4�44 of the cost of sidewalk improvements, and to the city shall be apportioned the other three -fourths 433 0 of the cost of the sidewalk improvement, the lots within a block deemed to abut upon a sidewalk although the latter extends beyond the lots to the curbline of an intersecting highway. IN SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (v) fie. For improvements at intersections --To the city shall be apportioned the cost of sanitary sewer improvements at intersections. (_vi) k f 3 For pumping station or outlet --To the city shall be apportioned the cost of any pumping station or outlet. (vii) �§� For laterals --To each lot or parcel to the property or curb line of which a sanitary sewer lateral is laid shall be apportioned the cost of that lateral. (v_.i.i. ) Eat To abutting owner --The abutting property shall be apportioned either (a) three-quarters �;�44 OF the cost of a sanitary sewer except at intersec- tions, or (b) three-quarters 43A Of the cost of an eight -inch sanitary sewer except at intersections F is R L - l Zf7• as such cost is estimated by the city manager (whichever be the lesser) not including herein the cast of laterals, pumping station or outlet. {.�}--�e9ePvedr ���--�88@PV9Eir kJE}--�89ePMe�r JIN9 WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS (ix) F14 To city --To the city shall be apportioned such part of the cost of waterfront improvements as may have been deter- mined by the initial resolution. (x) �m3 To lots and parcels --To the lots and parcels within the district shall be apportioned the remaining part of waterfront improvements. JINg ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS (xi) fin} According to special benefits or frontage --The amount of the cost of waterfront improvements and storm sewers, excluding laterals, so apportioned to lots and parcels of land, shall in said roll be assessed to the several lots and parcels within the district in the propor- tion which the city manager deems to be in the proportion of special benefits each such lot or parcel will receive, and the amount of cost of each highway, sidewalk and sanitary sewer improvement, except laterals, so apportioned to abutting property shall be assessed in said roll against such abutting property according to frontager^ rov ided f *eepk y that in the se of highway and sidewalk improvements, the corner rots shall be apportioned the cost of the improvement abutting -127- that portion of the long side of the lot in excess of fifty 00� feet in addition to the cost of the improvement abutting the short side of the lot. Notwithstanding the foregoin , the amount or Th e cos of a s ree devel6pmenT or a storm sewer or a wat-erfro6E or water main improvemen exclu ing storm sewer a era s in the storm sewer improvements) w is n the preliminary assessment roll is apportioned to lots an parcels of land in an area of special benefits, shallghall in said roll e assessed o tRe severe lots and parcels within the area of specia benefits in proportion to e a cial benefits �Which the city manager eems each suc o or parcel wil:1 receive. (1) 4K� Preliminary Rsll-AdvlseFy-AAIy roll advisory only. The preliminary roll shall be advisory only and shall be subject to the action of the commission as hereinafter provided. (m) 464 Notice of MeeF4ag-A€4eF-9ll4Rg Rpel4rPlRaey-Asses8ReRt-Rell hearing after filing preliminary assessment Moll. Upon the filing with the city c erk of the preliminary assessment roll required by this section, the city clerk shall. publish once in each of two 424 successive weeks in a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the cityT a notice stating the class of the 'mprovement and location t ereo , an further s a inq that at a regular meeting oo7th'e commission held on a certain day and hour, not less than twelve-4124 days from the date of the first publication, all interested persons may appear and file written objections to the confirmation of said roll. (n) 4M3 Nearing Bb�sekiess objections and AetleAe-€hereeR actions there- on. At the time and place stated in such notice, the commission shall meet and receive the objec- tions in writing of all interested persons. aa-stated -in-said-Retieev Then or —thereafter, the commission shall either annul or sustain, or modify in whole or in part the prism facie assessment as indicated -128- Incorporated from forme' Sec. 127. Incorporated from former Sec. 123. on s - mod roll, either by confirm..ng the prima facie assessment against any or all lots or parcels described therein, or by cancelling, increasing] or reducing the same, according to the special benefits which said commission decides each said lot or parcel has receivedy or will receive on account of such improvement. If any property which may be charge- able under this section shall -have has been omitted from said prelim- inary roll or if the prima facie assessment has not been made against it, the commission may place on said roll an apportionment to said property. The commission may thereupon confirm said roll, but shall not confirm any assess- ment in excess of the special benefits to the property assessed, and the assessments so confirmed shall be in proportion to the special benefits. Forthwith after such confirmation said assessment roll shall be delivered to the director of finance, and such confirmation shall be final and conclusive except as hereinafter provided. (o) Assessments a ai st lots in excess Incorporated from of 50 percent of value. =e former Sec. 128. commission shall not co;firm an specialPp;cial assessmen s agai-nsE any lot or paEcel of landin excess of 50 eerc.ent of the value ereo as last fixedor taxation by or on behalf of tRe ci n de ici from he a ica ion o is ro i i ion shall e c ar e o the ci y as a general c arge. (� EN4 Appeal to Gedrt court. If the owners of any railroad, or-aRy lot, or parcel of land so assessed shall' within ken-E4-9� 20 days from such confirm,ption f1Te a written verified petition in 40e-a€€iee-e€ the-elerk-a€-the-e}revit a court of Dade GeuRtyr com etent �urisdic- tion, setting forth that the amounF so assessed against any property of the petitioner exceeds the amount of the special benefit the peti- tioner has sustained or will sustain by reason of such improve- ment, or is out of proportion to benefits, or that the assessment is invalid for any reason whatsoever, and shall at the same time file with said the court clerk a written undertaking n at least the sum of two-hwRdped-del Lare-�$200.99}, with a good and sufficient surety, to -be justified ke€ere and approved by the-said-eierky to the effect that the petitioner will pay to said the -129- 11 city all costs and damages to be sustained by it by reason of such proceeding, and shall, within ten 410� days from such confirmation, deliver �to3 the city manager OF 1eeve-in-his-off4ee a copy of said petition, then the validity of such assessment against said property shall be determined in the judicial proceeding so begun. as ePeiR- a ee peeva e T Within ten 4103 days after the delivery of said copy of petition to the city manager, ee-at-his-e€€leer the city manager shall appeaF-and answer the said petition, and the case shall be heard upon such petition and answer and upon such evidence as may be presented to the court. The �ed�e-s€-the-eed�t-ehe��-base-and detepm!Re the eauseT 4R tefm OF �raeet�eRT-giv�Rq-sdeh-Mea��Rg-and detepminat4eR-ppeeedenee-eves-alI ethef-eases-se-€aF-as-the-same-may be pFeet}eable. The dee!64eR of the-eebet-}R-sdeh-peseeedinl�e-shaft Igo f3ReIT and an appeal shall be ellewed-sRIy-kf-pFspeeIy-peayed-and peffeeted ten 449� days €FaM the date-e€-the-e�deet-�€-bbe-ssaese- r�eRt-aga�net-aweh-p�spe�ty-eha��-be #e-seats}Red-ee-Seddeed-e�-abated by the eekiFtT the d4eeetee e€ €}RaAee-aha��-Bete-that-€see-en-the esaeasmeRt Pell apposite the desePipti8R-e€-the-peepeety-whew assessment was as eantestedt the eeste-a€-aRy-sdeh-peeeeed}Rge-shall be-paid-by-the-pasty-eerRpla}R}Rg-e€ saeh assesemeRtT WRIe66 the said as as a am aRt-1s-abated-ee-is-eedaeed by the eedet ten 449� peeeeRt OF meFey and 4WdgffieRt shall be eeRdefed-age4Rst-h4M-8a4d-pasty-€ae the-srsedRt-e€-sdeh-esetat-#R-ease sdeh-assessment-shall-be-ke-abated of shall be eedaeed ten 449� peeeeRt OF meee r sdeh Seats and e%RSRasa-ahall-be-paid-by-the-e4ty and jddgmeRt shall be eRteeed a�a�Rst-�t-€e�-the-sa�edRt-theses€* (q) 49� Amount of Assessment-Set-Aa4de assessment set aside by cedet-Way go -Charged cour may be charged to city city or New Assessment ;r8l; Way-Be-12Pepaped new assessment roll maybe prepared. The amount of the special assessment against any lot or parcel which may be set aside by the court, unless the assessment upon the entire district be is set aside, or the amount by whicE-such assessment is so reduced, may by resolution of the commission be made chargeable against the city at large; or, in the discretion of the commission, a new assessment roil may be prepared and confirmed in the manner hereinabove provided for -130- Obsolete in light of abolition of municipal courts; superseded by Fla. Rules of Civil and Appellate proceedings. f city all costs and damages to be sustained by it by reason of such proceeding, and shall, within ten 410) days from such confirmation, deliver tog the city manager ep leave-In-his-efflee a copy of said petition, then the validity of such assessment against said property shall be determined in the judicial proceeding so begun. as RePeln- e ep pgev} e r Wittiln ten 410� days after the delivery of said copy of petition to the city manager, the city manager shall appeae-and answer the said petition, and the case shall be heard upon such petition and answer and upon such evidence as may be presented to the court. The hedge-e€-the-eed�t-eha��-base-and detepm!Re the eawaeT iR to.FR eg vaeatiaR7-giving-emeh-heae!Rg-and deteF aiRet3eR-peeeedeRee-eVef-alI e they -es se e-se-€a�-ae-the-sa�+e-�aay be ppsetteablev The deeleleR e€ the-eed�t-�R-edeb-p�seeed�Rge-easi� be finely and eR appeal shall be a��ewed-eR�y-�€-p�epe��y-peayed-end pee€eeted ten 449� days €eem the date-e€-the-egde�t-�€-the-essess- fAeRt-agaiRst-SWeh-pPepePty-shall-be 48-8d8t6#Red-eF-gedweed-ap-abated by the eewpty the d}eeetep e€ €�ReRee-ahat�-Rate-that-€set-eR-the easessmeRt Pell eppes}te the deeeeiptieR-e€-the- pgepeety-where assessment was se eeRtestedt the eeets-s€-aRy-aweh-pgeeeediRgs-ehalI be-pa}�-by-the-pasty-�ampl�3RiRg-e€ sweh assesemeRtr wRless the ea4d asIse ssraeRt-is-abated-ef-#s-eedaeed by the eadet teR 4493 peeeeRt ee mePe; and jddgMeRt shall be PeRdefed-8g64Ret-h4R-said-p6Fty-€es the-SMOWRt-a€-saeh-eestet-IR-ease saeb-assessmeRt-wall-6e-18-ab6ted ee shall be Fedweed teR 44e� pefeeRt eye mapey seeh esets and e�cpenees-eha�i-be-paid-by-the-e�ty and jddgReRt shall be eRteeed ega�Ret-tt-€e�-the-a+sedRt-the�ee€. (q) 494 Amount of AseeseMeRt-Set-Ae4de assessment set aside by 6edgt-May e- hapged court may b-e charged to 64ty city or kew AesesemeR e1-1 May -Se -Re paped new assessment roll may be prepared. The amount of the special assessment against any lot or parcel which may be set aside by the court, unless the assessment upon the entire district be is set aside, or the amount by whicT7-such assessment is so reduced, may by resolution of the commission be made chargeable against the city at large; or, in the discretion of the commission, a new assessment roll may be prepared and confirmed in the manner hereinabove provided for -130- Obsolete in light of abolition of municipal courts; superseded by Fla. Rules of Civil and Appellate proceedings. the p. eparation and confirmatior, of the original assessment roll, except that no notice of hearing upon such roll need be published or given as to any property unless the assessment against it is increased. The commission shall take prompt action as herein provided in case of the reduction or invalidation of any assessment, and any such action shall be noted by the director of finance on said assessment roll, unless a new roll shall be made and confirmed, in which case the former roll shall be a nullity and the right of petition to the circuit court as to the amounts apportioned by the new roll shall again be in force as to such new roll. (r) EP� Time and NaRReP manner of RaymeRte payments. Thirty�,M ays after the confirmation of the assessments.L the amount apportioned and assessed shall be due and payable at the office of the director of finance, except as to any property, including railroads, whose owner shall have filed a petition in the circuit court as hereinabove provided, which assessments shall be due and payable elevsR-014 days after the decision of the court thereupon but not within said kh4pty-E303 days; but it shall be lawful for the commission to provide by resolution that if the owner of any lot or parcel assessed in excess of kwsRky-€ive-dellrars-�$25.99� shall file with the director of finance ion3 such date on which full payment is required his a written undertaking waiving all irregular- ity and illegality in connection with the said assessment against such lot or parcel, be such owner shall have the privilege of paying the same in equal annual install- ments in each of the Uen E10; succeeding years or such period as may be fixed by the commission, at the time in said years at which the general city taxes are due and payable, with interest upon such deferred installments at the rate of Five 45} percent per annum, payable annually from the date such assessment would be due if such undertaking were not filed; and upon the filing of any such under- taking, the assessments embraced by it ahaAl be payable at the time or times so fixed, and with such interest, but any assessment whose payment shall be so deferred may be paid at any time when accompanied by the payment of interest accrued thereon and that which will accrue -131- to the next succeeding annual date for payment; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent the commission from extending the time in which such undertaking as to any one E4, or more lots or parcels of land shall be filed. (s) EQ} Assessment 6eRs€ikwkes-6ieRt Railwpe-Te-Ray-;Re4allmeRtse consti- tutes lien• failure to a insEallments. The said assessments ;hall constitute a lien upon the property so assessed from the date of the passage of the resolution ordering the improvementT. The lien shall be of the same naEur`e an tie -the -same extent as the lien for general city taxesT and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfeiture as city taxes are collectible. Collection of such assessments may also be made by the city by proceedings in a court of equity to foreclose the lien of assessments as a lien for mortgage is or may be foreclosed under the laws of the stater; and it shall be lawful to join in any b4-11. €eg foreclosure suit any one 443 or more lots or parcels of land, by whomsoever owned, if assessed for an improvement ordered by the same resolution; provided, that failure to pay any installment of principal or interest of any assessment when such installment shall beesme is due shallL without notice or other proceedings, cause all installments of principal remaining unpaid to be forthwith due and payable, with interest thereon at ei%-�6� percent per annum; but if before any sale of the property for delinquent assessmentsr the amount of such delinquency shall -be is paid with all penalties, interestand costs, further installments of the principal shall cease to become due and payable and shall be due and payable at the times set forth in or contemplated by said written undertaking. ' (t) �R� Assessments Pledged ple��dqq__e�dd to Ray RFiRe4ps� aaypr_i_nc��and 4Rkseest interest or kieeRde bonds or Depesited deposited to credit of AR"t'aI-;MPFeVeMeRt dean capital im rovement fund. All such assessments made un er this section since the twenty-first day of August, 1923, and hereafter to be made, for local improvements financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of bonds issued under -132- t the p.ovisions of this sectionr -re hereby pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds authorized by this section and issued since the twenty-first day of August, 19239 or hereafter to be issued, and shall when collected be placed in the fund now known as "improvement fund no. 19r"4. which fund shall make no distinction or separation as bekweeR-bbe among assessments for different improvements and shall be used solely for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as the same shall fall due. All or any of such assessments made under this section for local improvements for which bonds shall bs are issued under any other section ofk�e-6baPtieP-a€-Me-6�► e€-M4emi this charter or under any other genera or special law or for which any other funds may be made available by the city may be placed in said improvement fund no. 19, or may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds, or may be deposited to the credit of any capital improve- ment fund of the city, as the commission shall may determine. (u) E64 Authorization of issmanes issuance of BeRde bonds. On or a er he confirmation of the resolution ordering an improvement or improvements, the commission may by resolution issue bonds of the city for the payment of the entire cost or any part thereof, including incidental expense, and for the reimbursement of any fund of the city from which any part of such cost shall have theretofore been paid, in an amount not greater than the estimate herein provided of the cost and incidental expense, which estimate, if the initial resolution shall have given two �23 or more alternative descriptions of the improvement by its material, nature, character_ and size, with estimates as to each description, shall be the lowest of such estimatesr; but n.o bonds shall be issued in excess of the contract price and estimated cost of incidental expenses unless such bonds shall have been delivered or sold or advertised for sale prior to the making of such contract. if bonds shall -be are authorized after such contract is made, they may be issued to the full amount of such contract and the amount paid, or the amount awarded in eminent domain proceedings, for any land, rights_ and easements necessary to .133- be acquired for the improvement, and the estimated incidental expenseTj &Rd a finding by the commission of the amount of a contractT or of the amount so paid or awarded for land, rights or easements, or the amount of incidental expenses, shall be conclusive for the purposes of this paragraph. An issue of bonds need not be limited to one k;� improve- ment, and bonds may be issued in one k$3 or more series for all or a part of the cost of any one E44 or more improvements. Each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments on such date in each year and in such amounts as the commission may determine, beginning not more than two �24 years from their date, nor extending beyond trwelve-�12� years- from their date, and no option of prior redemption of such bonds shall be reserved; they such bonds shall bear interest not greater an six kb} percent per annum, payable semiannuallyZ and with principal and interest 99—aaI be made payable in such medium and at such place as the commission may determine. Such bonds shall be the absolute, general.- and direct obligations of the city and shall be issued only in denominations of give hwRdped dellar94$500.99� or eAe-trMewsand dellage-�$1,000.994, with interest coupons attached. They shall be sold by the commission after publishing at least keR-�104 days before receipt of bids therefore a notice calling for such bidsr and shall not be sold at less than par and accrued interest; provided that by unanimous vote of all members of the commission they such bonds may be sold at private sale wi, out advertisement and may be sold at a price not less than AiRety-seven eeR49 4$0.97� on the dollar f$4*994 and accrued interest. They may be made registrable as to principal alone, or as to both principal and interest, under such conditions as the commission may determine and shall, with the ,coupons thereto attached, be executed as provided by the commission. F;3 Levy of ;am ;e Rey, ;Rkerest. tax to pay a interest and PP4R94pal principal Of eR abonds. Notwith- standing the provisions made herein for the conservation and pledge of special assessments for the payment of such bonds and interest, the commission is hereby authorized and required annually to levy a special tax upon all taxable property -134- with.n the city over and above all taxes authorized or limited by the Ghae4ee-e$-th9-e44y this charter or other laws.L sufficiet�'pay the interest and principal of all such bonds at their several dates of maturityT; the proceeds of all which taxes shall when collected be paid into the fund referred to in paragraph �R� (r) of this section, together with `Effie special assess- ments in said fund containedT; and said fund shall be used fdT no other purpose than the payment of such principal and interest; provided, however, that the amount of the annual tax levy herein required may be reduced in any year by the amount then contained in said fund, it being the intention hereof to provide that such bonds ehe-11 be payable by general taxation as other bonds of the city, but that the additional security provided herein by way of special assessments will reduce the amount of such general taxation. (w) �d4 Issuance of Bends Wet, Sub- - m4tted bonds not submitted to Vetere voters. It ;hall no be necessary to submit to the voters the proposition of issuing any such bonds or making any such improve- ments or special assessmentsT or any other matter or thing herein authorizedT_ and the initiative and referendum provisions of the Chaeker charter shall not be applicable; all roceedings of the commission herein provided for may be taken by resolution, which resolution shall be in force from and after its passage. (x) EV3 Bonds May Be Issued may be issued to Amount amount of npa3 ` s7 sseeMenba unpaid assessments. In all cases in Which assessments or charges against property have heretofore been or shall be made for improvements authorized hereunder for which assessments or charges the city shall hold liens upon abutting or benefited property not pledged to the payment of any bonds or other obligations, bonds of the city may be issued to the amount of such unpaid assessments or charges, of the character and in the manner in this section provided for other bonday; end the proceeds of such bonds Phall be used in repaying to any fund of the city any amounts which shall have been paid therefrom upon the cost of the improvement for which such assess- ments or charges are made, and in paying any sums remaining due upon -135- such cost; and after the issuance of bonds under this paragraph such assessments and charges when collected shall be placed in the fund referred to in paragraph 49} (r) of this sectionT and be subject rorthe provisions of this section concerning said fund. (Y) �W4 Ratification of Reselmtiema resolutions and 6eRtraeks con- tracts. All resolutions heretofore passed and confirmed and not repealed which have ordered improvements which might be initiated under this section as amended in 1925, and which declared the intention of the commission to proceed under section 56 of the Ghapter this charter, and all contracts heretoFore made for the construction of improvements ordered thereby are hereby ratifiedT_ eRd the improvements so ordered may be made and the procedure therefor continued under this section as so amendedT; the provisions of whieh this section shall apply to the advertisement and letting of the contracts, the making of assessments, the signing of waivers, the issuance of bonds, and all other details herein, save isse€as except as any of said steps shall-beret;€ese may already have been taken. (z) FX4 Proceeds of geRde bonds in kxeess excess of Gaeta costs. WFiere the proceeds of bonds issued or to be issued under this section have been or shall be found to exceed the costs of the improvements for which such bonds were or shall be issued, such excess may be trans- ferred by the commission to a fund to be created by it for use only in paying the city's share of the costs of other local improvements made under this section. (as) E*� Notice of Neapipq hearing of Abjeeb#eme objections to e7� eepbaamee acceptance o m�avemente improve- ments.,e-s soon as any improvement ske -have has b&en completed, the commission s gall cause a notice to be published in a newspaper pwblished of 5eneral circulation in the city, -Mating a a a mee ing of the city commission to be held at a certain day and hour, not lose fewer than &sm-�10} days from the publication of such notice, the commission will hear any objections of persons interested in or affected by the said improvement as to the acceptance thereof by the commission. At the time and place -136- mentioned in said notice said commission shall hear such objec- tions, if any, and may then or thereafter accept the said improve- ment. bb) �&4 Allowance and Gpedik credit for 4mppsysm9n4s AlpeadyMaio i-m�vements already made. The commission may make allowances and grant credit to property owners for improvements previously made by such property owners to the extent, and only to the extent, that said existing improvements shall be of value and utility as a part of the improvements for which such assessment is mader; and the commission may prescribe a plan or system for fixing and determining said allowances and credits. (cc) FAA4 Description by Re€epeRee reference to Swbd4v4s3en subdivi- sion. in fixing the assessments Sere -in provided for, whenever any such land shall keys has been surveyed or subdivided an=platted into small tracts designated as lots or blocks or otherwise, and the owner of any land embraced in the said survey or subdivisions shall gave has recognized such survey or subai-vision by reference thereto in making any conveyance of land therein, or by selling any lands therein by reference tkepse€ ithereto4, then, and in that event, the land embraced in such subdivi- sion may be described for assess- ment purposes by reference to such subdivision whether or not any plat thereof shall have has been recorded. ep-weber (dd) 4984 Surface Rp4v4esy-6ep4}e-;eRka rivies, septic tanks, e4e v and the i e. Ihe commission shall have power to authorize and require the use of surface privies, septic tanks and other devices for the disposal of sewage where connection with sanitary sewers is deemed by the commission to be impracti- cabley; and to regulate and control the —location,- construction, maintenance, care, and use of the samer and to compel the payment to easel he city of reasonable charges for ids sanitary services in connection therewithr; and to make the said charges a lien upon the houses, lands and premises servedTL and bke-eemm4ssieR-sk►all nave pewee where connection with sanitary sewers is deemed by the commission to be practicable, to -137 prohAbit, destroy, and forbid she use of surface privies and cesspools and all other devices for the disposal of sewage, except sanitary sewers. (+ee) 4GG� Immaterial -1rregelae4k4es irre_gq_uularities and 411egal4k4es i11e aal�i"�ir s; - The purpose of this act being Eo provide an economical method by which local improvements may be made, it is hereby declared that no irregularity or illegality in connection with any of the proceedings herein authorized shall in any way affect the validity of the orders for such improvement or special assessment or bonds or contracts, unless such irregularity or illegality shall substantially affects the rights of said city or its inFiabitantsr or the owners of property assessed for such improve- ment. (ff) �994 Supplemental Assessment To Geeeeek-gmissieRay-6Pgee assessment to correct omissions errors and }ska es mistakes. In case of any omissions, errors, and mistakes in making the assessments, or in case of deficiencies_ ee etherwiseT theRT unless the commission or the court shall-have-detePm4Red deter- mines that the assessments a rea y mane fully equal the amount of special benefits, a supplemental assessment may be made for such deficiencies, errors, omissions, or mistakes; and such supplemental assessments shall be made in the same manner and after the same notice hereinabove provided for the original assessmentsr and shall be a lien to the same extent., and be payable in the same manner, draw the same rate of interest, and be subject to the same penalties, and be in force and collected in the same manner as such original assessments. (cam 4993 Copies of Assessments assess- ments as rividenee evidence. copy c p of a assessment certified as correct by the director of finance shall be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie proof of the amount of the assessment and the property upon which such assessment is levied. (ham �99; Real &stake property of GouRkyT Gebeel Ois�P*etse count school districts and PeTTtioal a iv*easne political subdivi- sions. Dade Countyr aandaa"ny scioo dietrictr or other political subdivision, wholly or partly -138- a within so4d the city, shall possess the same power and be subject to the duties and liabilities in respect of said assessments affecting their real @stake ro Rert that private owners of pool.- to possessT or are subject to hereunder, and such real estate roPe.e..r.t..YY of said county, school istrriics and political subdivi- sions shaft be subject to liens for said assessments in all cases where the some property would be so subject had it.L at the time tFie lien attachesZ been owned by a private owner. ¢GG� Sidewalks; Rv6bishy Weeds rubbish weeds and ;gash trash. e commission s all have the power by resolution or ordinance to prescribe the width of every sidewalk in the city and the material of which the same shall be constructed?. amd The commission shall have power on ';uch notice as may be prescribed by resolutions to require owners of property to lay, construct, or repair sidewalks in front of Their propertyt. the The commission shall also Piave power on such notice as may be pre- scribed by resolutiony to require owners of property to clear the same of, and destroy weeds, undergrowth, rubbish, debris, trash.- and unsightly and unsanitary matter; to fill in unsanitary excavations or depressions?• and.L if the owner or-ewRers-sbalf does not comply with any such require- ment ment within the time l4m4ted provided in the resolution, the commission may cause such work to be done? and may make the cost thereof a charge and -lien against such property respeetivelyT a lien of the same extent and character as the lien herein provided for special assessmentst, which charge shall be forthwith due and payable unless the time for such payment shall be is extended by the commission, with the same penalties and with the same rights of collection and awls and forfeiture as obtain for city taxes. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the city from constructing sidewalks and providing for the payment therefor as elsewhere provided in this section. (ji) �WW� Connection with Date@@-1s laterals. Where laterals shall have " been constructed or shall be ordered, the commission may require property owners to connect their premises with the laterals and may -139- e provide by general ordinance that in case of their refusal after notice is given, the said connection shall be made by the city and that the cost thereof shall constitute a lien upon the house, land and premises thereby affected. the notice last above provided for may be by service on the owner of the property or the agent who collects his rent, or the occupant of said property, or in the case the said property is unimproved, by posting such notice on the property. The city commission may provide by general ordinance that upon application and showing of finan- cial hardship by the property owner, the connection of the property owner's premises with the lateral may be made by the city and the costs thereof be provided for from any funds available for sanitary sewer construction and shall constitute a lien upon the house, land, and premises thereby affected. The said lien shall be payable in equal annual install- ments with interest for any period of years provided for by the city commission in the general ordinance. Said equal annual installments with a rate of interest as provided for in the general ordinance shall be due from the date such lien is filed at the time in said years in which the city general taxes are due and payable. 4114--RessFyed, (kk) F994 Apportioning Past cost of SaA4taey sanitary or StepnTewee 6eteeala storm sewer laterals. In lieu of apportioning thW cost of each sanitary or storm sewer lateral to the lot or parcel to the property or curb line of which it is laid as provided in this section 46-a€-th4a-set it shaT a lawful for the city commission to provide in any resolution ordering the construction of two.424 or more such laterals, for the apportion- ment to each lot or parcel to the property or curb line of which any such lateral is laid, of the average cost of each lateral, computing such average by dividing the total cost of all the sanitary sewer or storm sewer laterals ordered by said resolution, including incidental expense, by the number of such sanitary sewer laterals or storm sewer laterals, as the case may be; provided, however, that the provisions of -140- 0 this section shall not apply to sanitary sewer laterals connecting with a curb sewer; and provided, further, that any provisions of this aa#d section 56 not adapted to the apportionment of cost authorized by this sectionT may be disregarded in any proceedings which contemplate such apportion- ment. Sec. 21. See*-57* Temporary bonds. The commission of the City of Miami, by resolution, may issue from time to time revenue bonds of the city, bearing interest at not more than six 46; percent per annum, payable at the time of issuance or thereafter, for the purpose of providing funds in anticipation of current revenues, and may issue revenue refunding bonds, with like limitations as to interest, when deemed necessary to provide for the payment of any such revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds at their maturity; no such revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds shall mature later than the close of the fiscal year in which the same are issued, except that revenue refunding bondsT issued in the last three 0� months of any fiscal year may mature either in said fiscal year or at any time in the ensuing fiscal year. Before the passage of any resolu- tion authorizing revenue bonds, the director of finance shall submit to the commission a statement showing: (a) the amount of uncollected taxes and revenues of the preceding fiscal year, (b) the amount of uncollected taxes for the current fiscal year, if theretofore levied, but otherwise the amount of the tax levy for the preceding fiscal year regardless of what part thereof shall -Mare -beeA remains collecte8, (c) the estimated amount of the uncollected revenues for the current fiscal year excepting taxes, and (d) the amount of all taxes and revenues embraced in (a) and (b) and (c) above, which are sinking funds for the payment of bonds maturing after the current fiscal year, and -141- 0 (a) the Face value of all bonus, notes, warrants, judgments and other city obligations to pay money then outstanding or authorized, which have no fixed time of payment, or which by their terms are payable within one �4� year and three 0� months from the date of their respective issuance, except notes issued in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of bonds. The substance of such statement of the director of finance shall be recited in said resolution and no revenue bonds shall therein be authorized whose face value together with the amount of item (e)L abovet shall exceed seventy- five_1753 percent of the remainder obtained by subtracting item (d) from the sum of items (a), (b).L and (c), above. Such revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds shall be sold by the commission upon such terms as it may elects but shall not be sold at less than par value, except by a vote of at least four �43 members of the commission, and then at a price of not less than niRety-R3Re dekjape-�$99.99} on the eRe-hwRdeed del-I8re $100.88�t; but said resolution may authorize the director of finance to sell the bonds authorized by itr at one time or from time to time in his diseretrien as he deems for the interest of the city, bd provide - that any such authority to the director of finance shall - specify the maximum amount of bonds to be issued, the maximum rate of interest, and the minimum price for which they may be sold. The proceeds of revenue bonds shall be paid into the treasury of the city to the credit of any one �44 = or more of the funds for which the uncollected taxes and revenue anticipated are to. be collected L in such amount and to such fund or funds as may be specified in such resolution, but the commission shall not appropriate any greater amount of such proceeds into any one 44� fund than can reasonably be repaid therefrom to meet the payment of such bonds at their maturity; provided, however, that the validity of any such bonds shall not be affected by failure of the commission to comply with the lest -mentioned direction. The -142- �t " t proceeds of revenue refunding bonds shall be applied solely to the payment of the bonds for whose retirement they shall 4e are issued. For the payment of sa- revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds, and the interest thereon, the place of payment shall be at such place or places M rloridi or elsewhere as may be designated by the commission. The commission is hereby authorized to levy sufficient taxes upon all the taxable property within the City of Miami over and above all taxes authorized or limited by law, and said bonds shall be the absolute, direct and general obligations of the said city. In each year at the time of the annual tax levy, there shall be included therein a tax for the payment of the principal and interest of any revenue bonds which have matured and remain unpaid, and any revenue refunding bonds, whether matured or not. It shall be the duty of said city, after the authorization of any revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds, to reserve from current revenues, as received, except revenues for sinking funds for bonds maturing after the current fiscal year, a sum sufficient to meet the payment of such revenue and revenue refunding bonds at maturity, and the interest thereon. Authority to issue any or all bonds authorized hereunder by resolution may be revoked by resolution of the commission, thereby reducing the amount of authorized bonds and pro tanto reducing the amount of current revenues which must be reserved for their payment. It shall not be necessary to submit such bondsr or the resolution authorizing the same to a vote of electors or taxpayers, and the resolution authorizing the same shall be in force upon its passage. All revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds issued by said city and now outstanding are hereby ratified and validated. See. 222. Seev-;Sv General bonds. (a) Power to issue; amount. The e4ky commission shall have power to issue bonds of the city for any municipal purpose, except for maintenance and repairs, and except -1A3- ntm 0 for the running expenses of the city, to an amount, including debt then outstanding, of €lfteeR-415} percent of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the city limits as shown by the last preceding assessment roll of the cityT;� provided, however, that bonds for street, sewer, sidewalk, and other public improve- ments, which are paid from special assessments, to the amount for which the city shall hold liens for uncollected special assessments, and temporary revenue bonds as hereinabove provided for shall not be subject to such limitaton of amountT nor be considered when computing the amount of bonds that may be issued under this section..; and provided, p�r�ovided, R$evided further, fiat before the issuing of any bonds under this section, the proposition of issuing the same with the statement of the maximum amount and the purpose thereof shall be submitted to and ratified by the vote of a majority of the electors who are freeholders of the city voting thereon at an election called by ordinance, notice of which shall have been published once a week for a period of 15 days in a newspaper published in Ehe City of Miami eRee a weep Cap a pegied-a€-€#€�eeR-{��3-days. (b) Denomination; interest; maturity. Said bonds shall be in such denominaton as the ordinance shall prescribe and shall bear interest not exceeding the rate provided for in the statutes of the State of Florida, both principal and interest to be payable in legal tender of the united States. The principal of such bonds is to be due and payable at such -Time or times, not exceeding tb}gtry 003 years from the date thereof, as the eity commission may, in said ordinance, determine, but not longer than the probable life of any improvement for which the same are issued, as estimpted by the eity commission and declared in such ordinance. Subject to the provisions of the respective ordinances authorizing such bonds, the eity commission may by resolu- tion consolidate into a single issue all or any part of the bonds authorized by any two k2,1 or more such ordinances and approved by the freeholder electors of the city. (c) Sale of bonds. Such bonds, when tshO!F-iDGWe-ktas-b©eR-pFevided- forT aa-kOPOiRkOe€OFa-pFevidadT-and -hoe 6eeR approved by the electors of -144- 0 the - ity, .,#r wbeA soldr shall be sold by the eik'y commission after first advertising for bids thereforl.- provided, however, that said bonds shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest, except that by vote of four -fifths k4, 55 of the commission said bonds may be sold for not less than A}Aeky-e}gbk dellape-W8.993 on the eAe-huRdred de146fa W 00.99} and accrued interest. The e44y commission may reject any or all bids and readver- tise. (d) Ordinance effective at passage. The said ordinance and any subsequent ordinance or resolution to carry out the purposes of the section shall go into effect immediately upon passage and shall not be subject to the right of referendum except as hereinabove provided. Eel--Resepvedr (e) �94 Taxes to pay interest and principal at maturity. The e4Sy commission shall in each yearL while any issue of bonds shall -be is outstandingL levy and collect a general tax upon all the taxable property within the city sufficient to pay the current interest tbeee- wpew thereon and sufficient to provide`foor the payment of the principal thereof at maturityT; provided, however, that if, at the time of any such levy, the city shall -have has received and skull holds moneys from any sources applicable to the payment of such principal and interest and for which payment such money shall -have has been pledged, such annual tax evy may be reduced in like sum. (f) E94 Borrowing in anticipation of proceeds from sale. At any time after ratification of a bond issue for advances to the United States Government or-Seeeekagy-a€-Wer for harbor improvements, at an election as in this section provided, the commission may borrow money for the purposes for which the bonds are to be issued, in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bondsr. amd-the The commis- sion may barrow money for the purposes for which the bonds are to be issued, in anticipation of the receipts of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds, and within the maximum authorized amount of the bond issue. Such loans shall be paid not later than three 0� years after the time of election. The -145- f 11 c om III ASSion may in its discreL.Lon retire all or any part of such loans through government appropria- tiona, current revenues, proceeds of the sale of property.L or other funds in lieu of retiring the same by means of the bonds, but in the event of any such retirement of any such loan by any means other than the issuance of the bonds so voted, the commission shall amend or repeal the ordinance authorizing such bonds, so as to reduce the authorized amount of the bond issue by the amount of the loan so to be retiredy. and-oweh Such amendatory or repealing ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Neither such amendatory or repeal- ing ordinance nor such resolution authorizing a loan shall be subject to the right of referendum. Negotiable notes of the city shall be issued for all such loans, which notes may be renewed from time to time; and money may be borrowed upon —new notes from time to time for the payment of any indebtedness evidenced thereby; but all such notes shall mature within three 0 years after the election upon the bonds. No money shall be borrowed at an interest rate exceeding six k6} percent per annum. The said not&s may be disposed of by public or�private negotiations, without advertisement. The resolution authorizing any such notes shall fix the actual or maximum face amount of the notes and the actual or maximum rate of interest to be paid, and the commission may delegate to any officer the power to fix such face amount and maturity and rate of interest within the limitations prescribed in this section, as well as the power to dispo7of said notes, which shall be executed in the manner prescribed in this section for the execution of bonds and which may have interest coupons attached, in the discretion of the commission, to evidence interest to be paidv; Provided r��ovid,,ed, however, Ohat no 'bond anticipation notes as herein provided shall be issued against bonds voted except against bonds voted for the purpose of harbor improvements in or adjacent to or near the city or directly affecting the city within Miami Harbor and the approaches thereto, and the said bond antici- pation notes as herein provided for are applicable only and limited to harbor improvements and shall not be issued for any other purpose. -146- The said notes shall be submitted to and approved by the city attorney` and his written approval shall be placed upon each note or endorsed thereon. For the payment when due of the principal and interest upon such notes all the taxable property within the city shall be subject to the levy of a sufficient tax to the same extent as is herein provided in the case of bonds authorized by this section. �h4 Papkieulep issue Obsolete; Issue awtbePiped*--lk►e eiby eemmisoion completed, shall have pewee at, OR@ timer er From t,ime be timer but, Ret 1849F than July lT 1929r t8 }saes♦ E84 met- ewesediRg-seven-hwRdPed-€i€try theueand dell -ape F$;597999rgg} bends-e€-the-eiby-€eP-aRy-mwRieipal puPpeae-er-pwPpoeesT-iRe}tiding-t,kle payment e€ debt, t,MePebe€ere }Rewpred Fop aueh purpose eP puPpesest-and-Eb3-Reb-eweeed4ng-ane millien-bwe-IiliRdred-€i€t,y-bkteusflRd dellOPe �$lTlS8rgggrgg3 bands 9€ th e-eiby-€eP-aRy-pePmeneRb-mwniei- pal impreyemenb ep property seguiped khope€spy iReluding PeesnekpuetieR and repair of muRieipal ppepepby and ineluding the -payment, -e€ -debt,-lRewPped-pPieP to May lT 192;T fee any ameh purpose. Sue% bands shall be swbjeet to the some debt, limits- ' biaRe-provided-by-this-6MarteP-€er bends issued pursuant be an eleStieRT but it, ehell Reb be ReesseaPy khat b,ha some be authePiaed or Paki€led at, an eleetiHRT and the initiative and Pe€8P8RdWM previeieRs OF the Chapter, shell not apply bbepetew Swek► bands shall be iR saes deneminatieRT aba11 be dwe and payable-at,-eeeh-time-eP-times-net, eweeediRg-ten-�l8�-years-€rem-tkRe date -the roe€T-ehall-bear-sueh-Fake of-iRberest-Reb-eweeeding-ei*-pep e@Rtr �6%� POP anRumT payable semi: annually T-and-okall-be-peyable at, sueh bank or trust, eempany in kha- Sty ate-99-Flo rida-er-alaewherer ae-tkhe-eemmission-by-ePdiRHRee-eP Peselutien may determine* Beth pPiReipal and lRtePost 8€ eweh bends-8p@}}-be-peyab}e-iR-geld-eeiR _= a€-bke-l�Rlted-5tabee-a€-tk►e-present abandapd-a€-we�gktb-end-€iReReeS-and sdskt-bende-shall-be- signed -by -the mayor-and-tee-eity-eierkT-etteated by-the-eity-maRager-@Rd-sealed-with the Heal-a€-tkt8-eity�-sae-interest eedpeRe-tktePete-ettaeaed-sktal}-bo signed by the eity elapk whose signatwee-may-be-in-€eesim}le.-Sdea bends shall be said by the eity -1 A7- a amM*aaion -a erbs*Rg fop b4da tkepofset provided? heweyept that they shall not be Bold- €op-less-thaR-pep-and-aeerwed 4Rtspesky emsept that by vete of �ewp-€�€the-F4���-a€-the-eemm4aeieR oe4d-bsRde-a+ay-be-held-€eP-Reb-�:eea 4han-Aine4y-eight-deIIRPs-F$98419� oR the one hwRdped da14aPa {$4-81;*994 and seepwed 4Rtereakv ;he-e44y-eemmiasion-may-Pejeet-any se-all-64de-and-PeadvePt4ee*--;he spd4ReRee-eP-peaelwt4en-aethoP4aing seek beRde shell eje into of -feet 4mmed}ebeiy-open-psoeager--Any-e€ ewok-beRde-may-by-ePdinanee-o€-the e4ty-eemmiee4en-be-Pegieteead-ae-to RwmbeP wRdep swek t-opme and eeRd4kiens and at oweh p-Iaee or pioees-w�th4R-eP-w4thewt-the-64ty of Miami as the e4ty eemmies4eR may?-iR-eeeh-opd4ReReeT-dstepm4Rer the-e4ty-eemm4ss4oR-shall-4R-sash ysaP-wk44@-eRy-4eswe-o€-owek-bsRds shall be eetatand4RO 4eVy and eeIIas4-a-g@nepal-tape-wpeR-all-the taxable ppepepty within the e4ty, sw€€4e4ent to pay the earpeRt 4Rtereat-tkeeewpeRt-and-sw€€4e4eRb te-ppev4de-€eP-the-payr�eRt-e€-the pp�Re4pai-thepee€-et-metwP4tyr Sec. 23. Eeer-69-Aw Anticipation notes. she-eemmise4eR-e€-the-64ty-e�-Miami shall have pewePT at At any time and from time to time after the issuance of bonds of the city shall have has been authorized, whether such bonds be general, special, revenue or other obligations of the city, and, if the approval of such bonds at an election is required, after the holding of such election, the commission shall have the power 0 orrow money for the purposes for which such bonds are to be issued in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of such bonds and within the authorized maximum amount of such bond issue. Any such loan shall be paid within three �;} years after the date on which the issuance of such bonds shall have beeR is authorized or, if such bonds sheTT have beeR are approved at an election, wi=ln five �;4 years after the date on which such election is held. Bond anticipation notes sTiall be issued for all moneys borrowed under the provisions of this section?; and such notes may be renewed 'From time to time, but all such notes shall mature within the time above limited for the payment of the original loan. Such notes shall be authorized by resolution -148- of the commission _ which reso,u- tions shall rescr a ee P 990 iR-eweh denomination or denominations, shall bear the interest at awsh rate or rates not exceeding the maximum rate permitted by law or by the ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds, whichever shall be the lesser, shall-be-iA-aweh the form, and shall-be-emeewtee-i-n =9weh the mannerT of execution of the not'es. aiI as 9he eemm}aMn she ppesepihs, Such notes may be sold at either public or private sale or, if such notes shall be renewal notes, they may be exchanged for notes then outstanding on such terms as the commission shall determine. The commission may, in its discretion, retire any such notes by means of current revenues, special assessments, or other funds, in lieu of retiring them by means of bondsT; provided, however, that before the retirement of such notes by any means other than the issuance of bonds, the commission }b shall amend or repeal thg ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds in anticipation of the proceeds of the sale of which such notes ehail-have beem are to be issued so as to reduce ERe au horized amount of the bond issue by the amount of the notes so retired. Such amendatory or repealing ordinance or resolu- tion shall take effect upon its passage and need not be published. All powers and rights conferred by this section shall be in addition to and supplemental to those conferred by any other general or special law and shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof. Sec. 24. See*-88-8* Execution of bonds. (a) E4} As used in this section, the word "bonds" shall include all bonds, certificates, notes and other obligations of the Ci3Ey of Miami, whether payable in whole or in park from the proceeds of taxes, revenues.L or any other source. (b) �23 All bonds hopeke€ape op hereafter authorized to be issued by the city under the provisions of this Ghepbep charter or under the provisions of any general, special, or local law heretofore or hope= 8€$ep eR8etrOdr and any interest coupons attached thereto shall be in such form,. shall be executed in such manner,. and shall bear such -149- endorsements as may be provided by the e}ty commission; provided, however, that each such bond shall be manually signed by at least one 444 officer of the city. In case any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appears on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he the person had remained in office` uunt11 such deliveryr. and any A4n bond may bear the facsimile signa ure of, or may be signed by, such persons as at the actual time of the execution of such bond shall be are the proper officers to sign suTbond regardless of whether although at e date of such on such persons may net have been remain as such officers. (c) F;� Any bonds issued by the City of Miami may be in coupon or in registered form or both, as the e4ty commission may determine by ordinance or resolutionT, and provision Provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest, and for the interchange of coupon and registered bonds. (d) No commission or brokerage shall be Incorporated from si ei her direc y or in irec Y former Sec. 103. or the sale of an bon s or other evidence o indebtedness or=e city. =ee.-�9:--MwR�e�pe�-eedrt.. �a3--6eteb�takMeRt;-appeiRtment-a€-�ddge or jddges*--there i.a hereby established a muRieipal eeuPkT wbish -erupt-shall-b@-preeided-eMee by-ens-er-mere-3d�9@e-te-be-kRewR as-meRieipai-�e�d�ee-sR�-wk►e-ekai� be appointed by �be sity semmis- sieR• �b�--berms-a€-eetiPt;-tr�e�-witaetit-�dryf 6eRt8R@8r--it-slaaii-be-t�+e-daty-e€ toe-mdRieipa�-3adges-to-I�ei�-terms e€-eedrt-st-sash-tim@e-aREI-iR-saes piasaa -as -may.-be- des ignated -by -the e9mm498ieR €eP &%9 tp481 Of ail pePseRs-ek�arged-with-vieietieR-e€ eRy-er�iRaRees-@€-the-eityT-wk�eb 4P464 wall be without jmryr and -150- Obsolete; Municipal courts were abolished by amendment to the Florida Constitution, Article V, Sec. 20(d)(i adopted in 1972. Ml�elrl-!!"'8eP1Yie�i8P1"e��9aElki-�A�9An�AP pope aAa-ta-impeee-upon-him -ep-them eaeh-peRa�ty-es-Mey-be-ppev}dad-by ea@h►Ard}R8Re6t Eel --Rowers of jedgeet esAkempt of aeNrtY--aNdges of the mHRieipal eeart shall have power to sammeR witnesses+ issue warpeAks fop apeeet of pepseRs Won affidavit duly-€}�edt-te-adm�Rtetep-Bathe-end de-a��-ethep-sate-Reeeeeagy-€ep-tk►e pee€Apmanee as their duty! ;bey ehe��-a�ee-hav@-the-pewee-te-paR�eh €ee-eentempt-a€-eawpt-by-impeeiRg fines -Pat -exeeeding-€4€ty-dellaps k$S9�8A�-ep-by-}mpp�eeRMent-Ret-te exeeed th}pty days ep bath saeh €}Re -and- imp p4ceRmeRt.--;he-eeste e€-preaaaNt en- n-said-sour+-shall be -the -same -as -ape -aIIewed-by-the law 3R the eipeu4t eeuPt s€ the State e€ Rlep}da and sweh seats shall -be- tax ed-ageiReb-the-pepseR sp-pepasne-eenv4etedT-eeileeted-by the -dip astoP-a€-€4ReRes-and-by-him pa-id-eves-to-the-eity-tpeaeapyr �d�--Absenae-ep-siekRess-a€-3ddgev--;R ease of the obeeneeT 94ekneee ep d3agaa��€teatteR-e€-any-man}e}pat judgey the e4by @emm}ssieR may designate-same-ethep-pepseR-to-set fie *WR}e}pal judge duping sueh abseReeT-s4eknese-op-d4squali€ies- trio" dUr}Rg-th@-s ekneesT-abeeRee er-d4equalt€ieation-a€-alb:-muR4e4- pa- 3udgeer the mayep shall have the-power-and-may-pee€egm-a��-the duties-a€-MuRieipal-judgew 494--6lepk of esupt*--The e}ty sleek sha��-be-the-e�erk-e€-the-sear+-and shall keep a r@eerd e€ all, its prseeed}Rgs. �€3--auven��e-a€€eRdepe�--the-eemm}os}eR may-by-end}Ranee-ppev}de-that-e�� juvenile a€€endees as de€4Red iR the statutes of the state estab- lishing a juveR41e esuetT who violate A3ty eedeRHReea shall be separately deeketed and tried ppivately be€ere the muRae}pal judge. 4gi--Fog€att►pe of gam644Rg equtp- McRtt--;he muRteipal judge is aathep4ged and empewsped to ad�udaeate-a-€ep€e�tuge-te-the-6}ty of MtaMt e€ all SUMS 9€ meR4e6 bakeR €peM gamb.ItRg tmplemeRteT de+r�ees-ep-appa�rataST-eg-eeaged-tR jamb Iing- Pei da-by-peg ee-a€€#eePeT @p-iR-BeRRBot�eR-with-any-gemb�}Rg devise 7-ask emeT-1ettegy-ep-game-o€ ehaneeT and Need }R evidenes -151- d�!l4nst-9pj+i�9�91��I9R��g��de€�f1dH�;�� ONOr§e4- Wt4h - OM y -V401 64 4 OR-e€jeer aPd4ROReO-eP-@Pd4Rageee-e#- the -64ty$ of-M48m4r Eh�--�seuenee-a€-eeapeh-warrants*--the �vdgeo-s€-the-mdn4e4pal-eedPb-shell he+re-pewee-�e-4seea-eeePek-waPPeR�e upeR either of the €e4lew4Rg gPOwndes 4r--When the ppepepby, shall have been ateleR ep emberpled in V4elab4eR-Gf-lawn 2r--WbeR any ppepePby shall have been -used+ �a4--As -a-me aRa-be-eemm k-enyf m4edemeanspT-op Eb3--4R esAAeeb4sR with gembl4Rlr 9ambl4Rg 4mplemeRts and app14- aReser-ee �r--k�heR-aRy�-pPepePby�-4e-be4Rg-held sr-peaee8sed� 4s4--;R V4elab-ieR of any of. the -Iowa msRufaeburer sale and braRepestab}eR of 4Rbe%4eat4RQ-IlgdsPs; Ebb--IR Vie1644eR 8; aRy+ Of the-law8-es-erd4RaAees-e€ the-64ty�-a€-M3eam4r ' 4v--A seepeh warrant eaRR@t be -issued eweept vpeR probable eauoe-suppsPted-byF-a€€-idav4t-er a€€-idaV4tsT naming or des- er4b4Ag the pereeRT plwes ev th4Rg to 69 searehed and pept4evl8Ply deaep4b4Rg the property►-ep-bb4Ag-be-be-8e4aed; Re-sueh-wereank-shall-be-4asued 4R-blHRiE-HRd-BRy`-8kleh-warrant 9148l1. be retuPRed with4R to" days-a€tee-4esuanee-theree€w b:--lhs muR4e4pal judges, be€ere iseu4Rg-the-werraRtT-must-save the-appl4eat4eA-e€-some-p@roan fee-said-wappeRt-daly-ewepn-te and-subser4bedy-and-may-rese4Ve €apther teet4meRY €psm w4t- Reeses er supporting a€€4daV4tsT-ep-Beres-it4eA8--iR wr444RgT to support tke appl4eat3eRr--4he-a€€4dav4t-end €tlrther-prae€T-}€-same-be-bad er-pegu4ped�-mast-set-€sPbh-the €nets-teRdaAg-te-establ4eh-the greaAds-s€-the-app�4eet4eR-ep probable eaves for believing theb-they-ea4et. -152- 6r--,-A8 judges of. the mwA}e.,,al e,amp ?-NPOR-**amiA84}eR-of-khe appl}eakeeR and ppee€e swb- M#tkedT if eatis€ied that, PFob able -Same e-ewiata-€aP-the i8suing-a€-the-sespeh-weepant T ohaII-thaFew pan- issue -a-sespeh War Pan 4-Big Red Range-anti-a€€3eeT-te-any-eaeP�€€ and hie 4eput4e8 OF Re14e9 e€€ieeP Be ekheP pePseR autbeP4aed by law to eweeuke pp9eeesT-eer�n+eRd 3Rg-the-a€€peep ep-Rep9eR-€ePkaw�ka-ke-ee9peh kae-PPepePty-dsaep�bed-iR-the waPPeRk 6P the ReP6eR Rarnedr €ep-kae-ppePePky-epee#€�edT-anti to -bp iRg-tbe-sen►e-be€sPe-aiAtr ;*--;he seepeh wappenk Shelly 3R all-easesT-be-served-by-aRy-of the-a€€ieepe-nleRkiened-!R-ike d}PaatisRT-but-Re -ethsP-PePaeR eweepk in aid e€ the a€€ieeP Pegw3PiRg it? said effiesp be#ng-pPeseRb-eRd-sebiRg-iR-}ks exeewkieRT 8t--The-a€€ieep-may-bPeek-epeR-aRy outer deser iRRep deep OF w�Rdew-e€-e-aetieeT-ep-eRy-papk e€-a-aeuse-eP-eRykaiRg-kaepa}Rr ke swastika the waPreR4r if e€kep due Reties, of his aukhep3ky and puPpeasT be is Pe€used adm4ktanee ke said aewse or sesess ke aRyth}Rg tbePe3R* .--A-seeped-waepant -iseaed-wRdep kae-ppev}e}ens-a€-ka}s-seetkeR subs as448A�-RseyT-}€-ewPpess�y aukMePkaed-iR-dash-warrant-by tae-badge-}aeti}Rg-tae-saReT-be ew6euked-by-being -SOP lfed-a}tbep in tae deyt4me or in the R}gakt}n+eT-as-kae-ew�geRe3es-e€ the seeas4en me), demand or regtiis,e. seeped warrants sae-11 be issued R dup-1}eats* ;he dwP��teaise-aha��-be-de���►eped-ke tae-a€€�es,p-w�rka-bae-eP�giRa� warranty-and-waeR-tae-o€€peep serves khe warranty he Shall deliver a espy to kae pePseR RSJRed-�R-isae-warranty-eP-}R-hie abseRea to some PePGOR in ebeP99 a€y OF luring OR the ppeR}sea. When PrepePty is taken under kae waPPaRk the e€€deer-sbe��-de�a+raP-ts-stied pePOOR -a-wP3tkeR-inventsPy-64: tine-Pr6porty-ta{�oA-and-reee�Ptr 6€-6a�ney-6pee�€y}R�-the-aen�e-}R dekaily and if R6 person }e -153- v rownd 3R possession of she p�+elM�aes-whePe-eaeh-pPspeP4y-�e €@wRd* shall leave the said P®ee3pt-eR-4he-prey+}sesT 4�r--upeA-the-P9t,WPM -a€-the-WaPP9Rt the a€€}esp a h a I I at4aeh thereto or thereen a tPus iRM@RtePy-A€y4he-pP@pAP4p-tHiEaR uRd@P-the-waPPaR4r-and-at-bhe €set Of the iRveRtePy shall vePi€y the sane by affidavit, 4ak9A before some a€€ieeP au4heP}red-te-AdM4R�ater-eathsr eP-be€ere-the-ieediRg-eff4eePr as-id-veri€4ea44en-4e-be-te-the following a€€ee4+ ;r Tr+**vr the-a€€}eeP-by-whew-the-WaPPaRt wee-eweeutedr-de-sweep-that-the shave-�RveRtery-eeR4a�ns-a-true and-de4H��ed-aeeeuR4-a€-H��-the pPeperty taken by nee OR said waPPHRt* ��r--the-fudge-te-whew-the-warrant 3e-PetuPRedr-upeR-the-PegdAHb @€-BRy-a}H31RHRt-er-any-pe�e9R €Pen wham said property is takeRr or the a f4eeP whe ewesuted the seaPah waPPaRtr eha��-de��veP-4@-sa}d-Hpp��eaR4 a-trtle-@spy-a€-the-iRV@R4ePy-e€ the-peep@Pty-R@Rti@Red-3R-4h@ Pe4WPR-OR-said-warPARt* i4 appears to the judge before when the waPPant is PetwpRed-that-the-pPepePty-er papers-takeR-are-Ret-the-same as-deseP46ed-3R-the-werfoRtr-er that-there-}e-Re-pPebab�e-eause €er-6el4eving-the-e*iatenee-e€ the greuRds upon wh#eh the warrant-wee-#saaedr-the-Judge may ePdeP a PotuPR of the- ppepePty-tske,Rv :�4r--WheeveP shall 4onewiRgly and wilfully ebstruetr res4ob 9P appose any a€€ireer or pePeeR a}d}Rg-eaeh-e€€}eery-}R-serving OF attempting to serve OF @lteeklbe-BRj�-9@8p@h-wBPPARtr-eP shall asseultr beat eP wound aRp-pePeeR-@P-a€€�@@Pr-eP-hie deputies-eP-ase4staRtay-knew4ag him to be eaeh an off4eeP or pePeeR-ee-eu4heP�eedr-eha��-be €3Red Re4 mope than give hundred-de��aPBr-eP-iMpr46eRed fee Rot, mere 4hHR sixty 469� days. ��.--aRp-pePeeR-who-�a��eaeue�p-and w64hed4-pPebab�e-eat�ss-pPoeuPee a-seareh-warrant-te-be-4ssued and-swasuted-eha��-be-€Red-Re4 x�e�re-than-€eve-hundred-de��ars eye-�apg;eeRed-€eP-Re4-McPe-thaN a�wbp-�C6Q3-daps. -154- See. 25. Saes 69* Civil eervic9.6Peak4&..-of `.. �....�`-... beapdt ePPe6RkMoRtf bepme 96 e€€#eat vaeonsiest Pules and Pegwlatieae. a) Creation of board; appointment; arms OF of ice; vacancies; rules and regulations* A civil service Mr of the `6*tr of M}am}r a redR6e��e�-eePSePeb6aR-a€-bk�e-Sheba a€-Rlopida.-be,-and -bke-eame city is hereby created and established}. and-baere There shall be five �57 members cons 1 uting the said civil service board. Three 04 shall be appointed by the commission and two �2� shall be elected by the employees of the G4�y-a€-M}am4 �cc�itt__yy with civil service status, o said employees with such civil service status. The two E24 so elected shall become members of the board when confirmed by the city commission. All members of the said civil service board shall serve for two �2� years, and they shall take office as soon as appointed and qualified. The commission may remove any member of the board for cause, upon stating in writing the reasons for the removal, after allowing him or her to be heard by the e4ty commission in the6r his or her own defense. Any vacancy shall a filled by the commission for the unexpired term. The city manager shall ber-and-be 48-hePeby.r authorized to prescribe the rules, regulations, and procedure for the holding of election for the purpose of electing the two E2� members of the civil service board by the city employees with civil service status. (b) See, 64.* Same--6kaipmeR Chair- ears�on; examiner; subordinates: immediately after appointment, the board shall organize by electing one 44.4 of its members eha6PmeR chairperson. The board shall appoint a chief examiner who shall be a member of the board and who shall also be act as secretary. TFe Board may appoint such other subordinates as may by appropria- tion be provided for. (c) See*-62r--Same-- Unclassified and classified service. The civil service of the city is hereby divided into the unclassified and the classified service. (1) The unclassified service shall include} the following osi- tions or-79eir functional equivalents: -155- A A) Fs4 The city manayer, his assistants, and secretarial staff. ( �b� The heads of departments, members of appointive boards, judges of the e#by eewrkr the city clerk, chief of police, chief of fire di*494aR department, and bbe superintendent of communications division. (C) Fed Assistants to .� department heads; A9e4e- traRk assistant chiefs of the po'lice.L lv}e#eRt All all ranks in the police division above the classified position of police captain; Ass4staRkr assistant chiefs of the fire Mis4sR department; 6bie€ chief of fire prevention; 94reeker director of training in ie fire division; BetkalieR battalion chiefs; Gh4e€ c ie o fire rescue; AeT a A t assistant to the super- intenTn of the division of communications; and 94reeter director o corrections. (D) Ed3 All attorneys employed by the city. The city attorney shall be the supervisor of all attorneys employed by the city.--l:ke-a}y-e�erRey and shall have exclusive au �hority regarding, but not limited to appoint- ment, removals and salary as to of assistant and deputy `city attorneys ;be- popego iAI-pgevisioRe of subseetieR 4d4 shell Rot apply top except those attorneys in the classified service of the city on November 1, 1972. AtkerReys Employeeseswith permanent civilservice rights appointed by the city attorney to SAY applieable wRelessified the position of assistant Z—rdeputy ci attorney sbover a a 'i retain accrued civil service righ in the position from which the e��wore selected. as mej► kav; aeesweo: — -156- 'JOPO9RFie I Employees . _tlt permanent civil service rights appointed by the city manager to unclassified positions shall retain said accrued civil service rights in n` ge position Fro which they were selected. as may`have seereed* (2) The classified services shall sompriee include all positions not specifically included by this 6Marker charter in the unclassified service. There shall be in the classified service three 433 classes, to be known as the competiFive class, the noncompetitive classj_ anU-'ne labor class. (A) �a� The competitive class shall iRelwde consist of all positions an employment for which it is practicable to determine the merit and fitness of applicants by competitive examina- tions. (B) �64 The noncompetitive class shall consist of all positions requiring peculiar and exceptional qualifications of a scientific, managerial, professional_ or educa- tional character, as may be determined by the rules of the board. (C) �e� The labor class shall include ordinary unskilled labor. (d) See.-6;*--Same-- Rules; examina- tions; eligible lists; eerk4€),}Rg certification of vacancies. €be ear T ed ee Sub 'ect to the approval of the commission, the board shall adopt, amendL an'a enforce a code of rules and regulationsr which shall have the force and effect of law providing or appointment and employment in all positions in' the classified service, based on merit, efficiency, characterL and indus- tryy; whisk shall have the gores and 9;feet, of bawt shall make investigations concerning the enforcement and effect of this article and of the rules adoptedw; and 6t shall make an annual reporT` To -the commission. �a3 The chief examiner shall provide examinations in accordance with regulations of the board and maintain lists of - 1 17 - eli,,.bles of each class of , he services of those meeting the requirements of said regulations. Positions in the classified service shall be filled by him from such eligible lists upon requisition from and after consultation with the city manager. As When posi- tions are filled.L the employment officer shall so certify` the-€eebr by proper and prescribed form, to the director of finance and to'the director of the department in which the vacancy exists. (e) See.-64*--6ame-- Promotion. The board shall provide uniform rules for promotion to all positions in the classified service. (f) See .-65*--Same-- Power of suspen- sion, removal, fine or demotion. (1) Any officer or employee in the classified service may be removed, suspended, fined, laid off, or pedweed-in-gpede demoted by the city manager or y the head of the department in which be such person is employed, for any cause which will promote the efficiency of the service; but be such a�person must be furnished with ten statement of the reasons therefor within five �54 days from the date of the removal, suspension?* fine, layoff or pedeeb*en-A:A-gpade demotion, and be allowed a reasons le time for answering such reasons in writing, which answer shall be made a part of ie records of the boardt. and ae-mey-be-saspeRde�-€pets-bMe date when sue% wpibbe" ebatietaent of peasen is €danished himv No trial or examination of witnesses shall be required in eeeh ease except in the discretion of the city manager or the head of the department. Any employee in the classified service who deems that he or she has been suspender; removed, fined, t=edweed in gradey laid off or demoted without just cause may, within €}€be,en E154 days of such actions by bbe depapbmenbelr �4rsetepT request in writing a hearing before the civil service board to determine the reasonableness of the action. The board shall, within baieky 00� days after appeal of the employee disciplined, proceed to hear such appeal. After -158- k•X nearing and considering the evidence for and against the employee, the board shall report in writing to the city manager its findings and recommendations. The city manager shall then sustain, reverse, or modify the action of the depap4meR6al department director. Any member of M-e civil service board and the director of personnel may administer an oath to wit- nesses appearing before said board or before said director in an investigation, disci- plinary or appeal proceedings, and they shall have the power to issue witness subpoenas and to compel the attendance of witnesses. (2) �b3 The civil service board shall also have the right to remove or redwee demote any official or employee n the classified service upon written charges of misconduct pee€eeeed made by any citizen, but only —meter reasonable notice to the officer or �empto ee aeewsed and afEer a full hearing. It shall also be the duty of the board to fix a minimum standard of conduct and efficiency for each grade in the services. aAd-wheAevee Whenever it shall appears from the reports of efficiency made to said board for a period of six 464 months that the conduct aad or efficiency of any employee has fallen below kh4s such mini- mumT standard that employee shall -ge calfed before the board to show cause why he or she should not be Femsvedr-ate e- disciplined. If upon hearing no reason is shown satisfactory to the board, be the employee shall be removed, suspen e , or redeeed iR geede,r demoted, as the board shall may determine. (g) See* 66r Same-- Present employees. All persons in the employ of the city holding posi- tions in the classified service, as established by this 6Maebee charter, at the time it takes effeCE-9 shall, unless their position be is abolished, retain same until el"T'scharged, redaeedT demoted, promoted, or transferred, in'accco dance herewith. -159- 0 (h) See, 67,E Same— Certificate of board on payroll account necessary before payment of classified service member. The treasurer or other public disbursing officer shall not pay any salary or compensation for service to any person holding a position in the classified service unless the payroll or account for such salary or compensation shall bears the certificate of the board, by its secretary, that the persons named therein have been appointed or employed and are performing service in accordance with the provisions of this Charter charter and of the rules established MeFeunder. (i) See.-68.--9ame-- Investigations* and hearings. In any investigation or hearing conducted by the board or by a department director, any U—Bard member and said director, as e case may bet -it sfiall have the power to issue subpoenas and to require the atE ndance of witnesses and the production thereby of beaks and-papera documents pertinent to the investigation or hearing, and to administer oaths. to sweh Witnesses* ( See.-69.--Sae+e-- No discrimination in classified service.f-selleite- tiBR €er pal4t4eaf_ PdrPesee peen}bated;-pe�itiea�-eet#v�t�esT No person in the classified service or seeking admission thereto shall be appointed, redweed demoted, OF removed, or in any way favored or discriminated against because of political opinions* or affilia- tions. We effle8F er eMPieyee Of the eity e14e11 direetly OF 3Rd4reetly-selleit-er-reea4ve-er-be iR any MORRBr a8ReerR8d !R se14e4t4R@ OF Feee4Y!Rg eRy e66e88M8Rtr subeeFiRtl8RT OF eentr}hdtieR €er any pelitleal party OF any politieal Pdrpeae whatever. No person holding a position in the classified service shall take part in political management or affairs or in political campaigns Buri�ngc�ity wor ing hours or with personal ro er y Fe -Tonging to toe ci y. 9wrther than to east his V8 a 8r e�Preefi-Pr6vate�y-h}e-ep�R#eR. (k) See.-79.--Same-- Penalties. The civil service board, subject to the approval of the commission, shall determine the penalties for the violation of the civil service provisions of this Charter charter. '1.60- Obsolete; held unconstitutional in City of Miami v. Sterbenz, 203 So.2d 4 (Fla. 1967). `-7 4 0 0 (_1) See.-;*r-Same-- Salaries of board -� and employees. The salaries of the civil service board and its employees shall be determined by the commission, and a sufficient sum shall be appropriated each year to carry out the civil service provisions of this Glue€ee charter. Sec. 26. Pension funds. (a) The commission of said citz shall establish a Fund or funds for the relief or pension of persons in the clas;ified service of the city. The commission, on behalf of the ci , may receive 1 s devises, an be -guests of M.oney or property for the benefit of such and orfunds; may Me contributions of public monez thereto on Such terms an conditions as it may see fit; an shall make rules and regulations forthe mane ment, itivestmenty an a minis ra ion of such Fund or f. un d. as . (b) The commission shall have power to make contracts o insurance With any Ansurance companX authorized to transact business in this s a e, insuring its em o ees or any ass or c asses thereof under a po is or policies oF groupinsurance covering life or health or accident insurance or any two or more o such c asses of insurance and may contract with any company ran in annuities or eensions an au=orized to transact business within the state or the pens ion in of such employees or any class or classes thereof; for any and all such purposes the commission may appropri.ate the Funds necessarX to Ray remiums or charges incident o e carrying on or such policies or con rac s. Sec. 27. See.-72v City planning and zoning board. (a) Comprehensive planning. The commission a€-kbe-6r-a€-Nam} is empowered to plan for the future development of the city and, as an integral part of the planning process, to take all lawful actions necessary to implement plans made. In furtherance of this authority, the commission. may undertake continuing comprehensive planning programs and may adopt comprehen- sive plans to guide the future development of the city in order to preserve and enhance the present advantages of the city, to overcome -169= Incorporated from former Sec. 89. present handicaps, and to prevent or minimize future problems. Continuing comprehensive planning programs and comprehensive plans that may be adopted may include, but are not to be deemed as limited tor: (1) principles and policies to be followed in future development of the city?; i r (2) location, relocation, and character of the various uses of land and watery; (3) location, relocation, and character of public and private open spaces for recreation, amenity, and cultural lifer; (4) modes and means of travel and transport ationT; (5) location and character of public buildings, services, and facilitiesy; (b) provision of necessary utilitiesT; (7) conservation, rehabilitation, i or replacement of housingT; (8) density of populationT; (9) methods and policies for encouragement of cooperation of private persons and groups in the accomplishment of adopted comprehensive plansT; (10) taxing and financial arrange- ments and long-range capital improvement programs deemed necessary to implement the 'i planning programs` and (11) land -use control and regula- tory measures and other instruments deemed necessary to accomplish the aims and objectives of adopted compre- hensive plans. (b) Authority to implement comprehen- sive plans. The commission a€-tNe &4ty-a€-M4ami is authorized to use all lawful powers conferred upon the city to implement comprehensive plans that may be adopted and to provide for the status of such adopted plans. Particularly, but not in limitation thereof, the commission is authorized to adopt and enforcer: (1) controls on the use of lands and waters; (2) toning of lends and waters, (3) regulations for the develop- ment or subdivision of land; (4) building, plumbing, electri- cal, gas, fire, safety, sanitary, and other codes; and (5) minimum housing codes. (c) Creation of implementing boards. The commission a€-Abe-6�►-a€-N#a�n} shall by ordinance create the such appropriate board or boards as it may deem necessary to carry out the functions as set out in subsections (a) and (b)i above. The commission may by ordinance provide for the establishment and method of composition of the board or boards; the number of members; the qualifications of 449 members; Tie staggering of terms to insure Hoard continuity; the method of filling vacancies; =e method of removal; the compens'a�ion, if any; the- parts xc pation of alternate members, if any, in board business; the general rules of organization, procedures, and conduct of business; the giving of notice and necessary public hearings on matters relating to the functions of the board or boards; and other matters deemed necessary by the commission to the proper functioning of such board or boards. The commission may by ordinance make provision for the functions, responsibility, advisory or quasi-judicial duties, and authority of the board or boards created by the commission. The commission may by ordinance set out the standards and limitations under which such board or boards -shall operate; the relationship of the board or boards to each other, to the commission, or to the courts as provided by law; and the method of review of any decisions of such board or boards. (d) Administrative support and appro- priations. The commission a; -the Gity of Niem4 shall provide such administrative arrangements, support, and appropriations as it may deem necessary to enable the board or boards established under this section ke properly to perform their functions and meet their responsibilities and to insure that proper and necessary liaison is maintained between them and with the eiby commission. (a) Task forces or committees. The commission e€-bqe-Giby-s€-Niarni may by resolution appoint task forces or committees to serve as advisory or recommendatory agents to the board or boards established under this section on particular problems relating to the areas of responsi- bility and authority of the particular board. kf4--;PaAg4b4eRV ;he ppevisieRe e€ eeebieR-��-and-a��-ad�niRiebPabi�eT Pegwiabery -and- legal-aPPeRgemoRbe as they existed OR gebebeP 34-r �9;2T @mall POMsiR in €wll gapes eRd-e€€eeb-wabi�-bk+e-eem�niee�eR-k+ea by erdiRaRee ppeeseded wRdeP the awbMepiby-seb-€ePbk►-iR-ewbeeebieR Ee4 ebeve and aeeempliahed the ReesesePy ehaRges iR eiby epd4naRese as awthopiaed by this eeeb�eRT-bwb-�R-Re-elPeRbT-eas��-bk►e passage-of-apppeppiabe-epd4ReReee €ep-t,he-ereetieR-and-appeiRtmeRbe of ouch based sp beaPdOr if aRyT eRd Reeeseepy ePdiRaRee ehaRgee Pegw}ped hapewRdePT be delayed beyeRd-eRe-�;4-yeaP-beyeRd-bkre-date of rabi€ieabieR of this Ghapbep emeRdmeRkv Sec. 28. See. :;;. Franchise and public utilities. (a) Requirements. No right, title or interest or the Gbby-a€-Mex�}--eP — aRy PHPb bklePee€T c��itin and to the waterfront, wharf property, public landings, wharves, docks, streets, avenues, parks, bridges, and other public places and its gas, water, eleebpie electricity, and other works, shall be sold except by authority of an ordinance passed by a recorded affirmative vote of four -fifths E4f;� of all the members sleeted be of the commissions and under such other restrictions as may be imposed by law. 6ee.-14.--6ass--Apppewal of epdinanse by VebepBt -� illli�'r a�'r ieR-eR-dbl pHb�eR-9€ spank* lie-ePd�RaRe@-gPHRb�RgT-P@R@Wing-eP iessiRs the pigklb be was the ebpeebeT-a��eyeT-pwb�ie-gpewRdeT-eP bw�}d�Rge-a€-bkt@-Giby-a€-Nbam}-be aRy-pP�Vabe-�ePBeRT-pep98ReT-€iPdl eP-eeppepab�eR-ekFa��-tea@e+e-H-haw eP-a€€eeb��e-iR-aRy-way-wRbi�-bktie same kFas bseR appPeved by a -164- Obsolete. Obsolete; limitations held to be nullified by Fla. Stats. Sec. 166.021(4), providing . for municipal home rule See State v. City of Miami, 379 So.2d. 51, (Fla. 1980). maje�ity-e€-the-gull€€ied-vete�e-e€ the City e€ hlieaaIy vetlRg et aR elsetien held tkege€ef and the gaeetlea 8f lte being QFaRtedT eeRewed of leased shell Ret be eabmltted-fie-seek-vets-exeept-upeR depesit-with-the-eity-eleek-e€-the expense-e€-seek-saba+lseleR-4te-be dete£miRed by the eemm4seleR4 by the spplieamt fee eaeh gpastT ieRewal e£ leeaef and Ra eaeh @£entT Fenewel eye lease shall be fee a leRgeF peeled than thlety 419� yeses and Re eaeh geankr FaRewal ee lease shall be teens- €eeeble-exeept-with-the-appeeval-af the eemmiesieR expeeaeed by e£dlReReef and espies e€ all teaRe€ees and megtgages ee ethee deeemeRts a€€eetlRg the title ee use e€ eaeh @FaRteT eeRewele ee leeees-shell-be-filed-with-the-eity eleek within 48R 4494 days a€teg the-exeeatieR-theses€T (b) Powers confirmed. peevided that Reth4R@ Nofhing herein contained shall be construed as limiting or applying to the power of the city, which is hereby expressly con- ferred, to grant franchises or to enter into franchise contracts for the construction, maintenance, and operation of any general railroadr over, along, or upon or across the streets, avenues, alleys, and public places of the city , Pdethee provided, however, that no fran- chise or franchise contract for the construction, maintenance, and operation of any general railroad over, along, upon or across the streets, avenues, alleys, and public places of the city —shall become effective until approval thereof by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at a general or special election, to-be-held-by-the-elty-eemmleeleRT notice of which sleetien shall have beeR be published in a newspaper of general. circulation in the City-sf M4emi city for a period of at least €4fteen-_M,i days. (c) See. War Same-- Rights of city retained. All grants, renewals, extensions, or amendments of public utility franchises, whether it -be so provided iR-the by ordinance or not, shall be sub jecT to the right of the city: (1) 4e4-le to repeal the same by ordinance at any time for misuse or nonuse or failure to begin construction within the time prescribed, or etkeewiseT other failure to comply with he terms prescribed.; -1b5- i: 7-x4. ( ) 444. -T@ to require proper and adequate extensions of plant and service, and or the maintenance of the plant and fixtures at the highest practicable standard of effic iencyrL, (3) to establish reason- able stan'Jards of service and quality of products and prevent unjust discrimination in service or rates.; and Ed}--te pPe9eP36e the €ePm of aseewRte and at aRy time to eRem�Re-and-awel�t-tMe-aeeedRte eR�-etbeP-P@eePde-e€-aRy-ewek► dt}�}ty!-�€-a-peb��e-se�ea}ee eemm}ee}em OF aRy etbee awtkeP�ty-�8-g�veR-tk�e-pewee by-iaw-te-pgesepibe-the-€ePm of seeewRte €eP pwbl-}e wtil#tie@ theoughowt the stater-4ho-€ePme-se-preseP4bed eaa��—be-eeRtsPe���R�-ee-€aP-as they joy but the eemmiso4eR may proseP4be mePe deta}led €erns-€eP-the-wtil4k4es-with4R ate-�aP�ed}et3eRr (4) Fed --fie to impose such other regulations as may be condu- cive to the safety, welfare] and accommodation of the public. (d) 6eer ;br Same-= Extension of public utility. All extensions of public utilities within the city limits shall become a part of the aggregate property of the public utility, shall be operated as such, and shall be subject to all the obligations and reserved rights contained in this 6barteP charter and in any original grant here�afEer made. The right to use and maintain any extension shall terminate with the original grant. In case of an extension of a public utility operated under a franchise hereafter grantedi- such right shall be terminable under the same condi- tions as the original grant. (e) Subject to terms of rrhaPter charter; commission and electors not imi ed. Every public utility franchise hereafter granted shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this 6aarter charter, whether or not such terms are specifically mentioned in the franchise. Nothing in this 61haPtev, charter shell operate to limit in any way, except as specifically -166- Obsolete; provisions held to be superseded by Fla. Stats. Sec. 366.01 et seq. See Florida Power & Light Co. V. City of Miami, 72 So.2d 270 (Fla. 1954). stated, the discretion of the commissions or of the electors of the city 4n i- pse4mg to im ose terms and conditions in connection with any franchise grant. (f) See*-S.--Seme-- Copies filed and recorded. Within six kfi} months after this rahapter charter takes effect, every public u i ity and every owner of a public utility franchise shall file with the city Eae mays be ppeset+tbed by erd}AeRee3r certified copies of all the franchises owned or claimedr or under which any such utility is operated. The city shall compile and maintain a public record of all public utility fixtures in the streets and other public places of the city. (g) See. ;9V Same-- Accounts. Accounts shall be kept for each public utility owned or operated by the city, distinct from other city accounts, and in such manner as to show the true and complete Finan- cial result of such city ownership and operation, including all assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses. 4a3 The accounts shall show the actual cost to the city of each public utility owned; the cost of all extensions, additions and improvements; all expenses of maintenance; the amount set aside for sinking fund purposes; and, in the case of city operation, all operating expenses of every description. ;key The accounts shall show as nearly as possible the value of any service furnished to or rendered by any such public utility by or to any other city or governmental department*; ;bey they shall also show a proper allowance for depreciation, insurance, interest on the investment and estimates of the amount of iaxes that would be chargeable against the property if privately owned. The commission shall annually cause to be made and printed for public distribution a report showing the financial result's of such city ownership and operation, which report shall give the information specified in this section and such other information as the commission shall maw deem expedient. (h) See. 68* . Same-- Effect on previous grunts. Nothing contained in this Chapter charter shall ''"'b deemed to abrogate or terminate any right or franchise heretofore granted by the City-a€-Miamij �cit.� to any public utility, provinz -167- a� e that all public utilities now in existence shall comply with the requirements of this Ghapkep charter and all ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. l� See* 6�r Same-- Exclusive fran- chises prohibited. No exclusive franchise or extension or renewal thereof shall ever be granted. Sec. 29.. See: 23-A-4. Department of Incorporated from off-street parking; off-street former Sec. 23-A-1. parking board. (a) There is hereby epeaked and established as an agency and instrumentality of the City of Miamir a Raw department to be Raved and known as the "Department of Off -Street Parking of the City of Miami" (hereinafter sometimes called the "department of off- street parking" or the "depart- ment"), and by which that, name it may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be con- tracted with and have an official seal f. prea►3�edT-kewe�►epT-ba-be depaPTmont shall Rehr eemmeRee hkwo4neae or, elleveise any of the pewere-geaR�ed-br-�kie-6��y-a€-M3am} eba3�-b�+-erd�RaRee-dee�ere-�k►e-Reed €er bqe department and pep the off-stspeeb paPk4Rg beard of the 6i,ty-of-M-iam}-hepeiRa€bep-epeatedw The department, which shall operate and function under the supervisory control of the board created and established in subsection (b) hereof, shall consist of a chief executive officer to be known as the "director of the department of off-street parking" (hereinafter sometimes called the "director of the department" or the "director") and such other officers and employees as shall be necessary to exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the department. (b) There is hereby greeted and established a board to be known as the "Off -Street Parking Board of the City of Miami" (hereinafter sometimes called the "off-street parking board" or the "board") which shall consist of five 44� members. Each member of the board shall either reside or have his principal place of business in the city and shall be an individual of outstanding reputation for integ- rity, responsibility, and business abilityr; but no — officer or employee of the city shall serve as a member of the board while employed as such officer or employee of'the city. -16A- Obsolete. Witt,in kh4rky-00� days after the c.itY, commission of khe 94by as *e4 M} shall have adopted an ordinance declaring the need for the department and for the board, 44 the Commission shall appoint the memGer;'-Gf Ege oard, two f2� of whom shall hold office for a term of two k2� years, two E2� of whom shall hold office for a term of three k3� years, and one �4� of whom shall hold -office for a term of four �4� years?; and thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of five E5� years, as herein provided. At least teR-¢104 days prior to the date of expiration of the term of any member of the board, or within teR �10} days after the death, resignation or removal of any such member, his a successor shall be named and appointed by the remaining members of the board, sub.'ect to confirmation by the commission. of the e4ky* In the event that -any appointment so made shall not be confirmed by the commission within ten �104 days after notice of such appointment has been served upon the commis- sion, the appointment shall be null and void, and therewpeR the remaining members of the board shall make a new appointments ep appeinbmeRte?-wh4oh-shall likewise be -subject to confirmation by the commission. and-eae% Each member of the board -shall be eligible for reappointment. ;he swesesser in eaek ease shall be appe4Rted and shall hold of;lee €er a term &f €iv* 0� yeage €eem the date of e%pirak4en of the term of his predeesseee? eaeept that any Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term. Upon the effective date of his or her appointment? or as soon there`- aMer as practicable, each member of the board shall enter-wpeR-k►as dwtieey assume office but before doing so he shall a e the oath prescribed elsewhere in this by seetiOR 94- Of e 914y Garter charter and shall execute a bond in the "-penal sum of ten tkoweand deliare W0,000.993, payable to the department and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his the office?• whisky Said bond shall-'ge approved by the commission of the eity and filed with the city clerk?; the cost of the premium on any such bond shall to be treated as part of the -co t of operating the department. -169- s The Each member of the board shall eeeh be paid a salary of fifty dellepa-4$50.003 per annumv or such larger sum as the commission of -the elty may establish by ordinancev. payable-iR-maRthly-instal4maRtst Any member of the board may be removed by the commission of the elty for good cause and after proper hearing. by-the-eemmisslenT bwt-}€-ee-eeme+redT-away-eppty-te-the G4PeWit 6eaet e€ the Eleventh Jwdlelel 54eewit in and €ee Bade GeeRtyT Flee#deT fee a paylow of the-aet}eR-e€-the-eemm}esleRT (c) The board shall have the powers, duties, and responsibilities customarily invested in the board of directors of a private corpora- tionT and shall exercise super- visory control over the operation of the off-street parking facili- ties of the cityT. and -all All acts of the department and 7r the director with respect to such facilities shall be subject to the approval of the board. The board shall elect one 444 of its members to serve as chairman of the board, shall make appropriate rules and regulations for its own government, end ppeeeddeeT and shall hold `a regular meeting at least once a month and such special meetings as it may deem necessaryT. and all eaeh-meetlRge-shall-be-epeR-te-the publiev (d) deem-and-a€tee-the-date-a€-eppent- ment 9€ the first member of the beeedT the The department shall operate, manage, and control the off-street parking facilities of the city and all properties pertaining thereto now owned or hereafter acquired or constructed by the city or by the department. and-shall-seeeeed-te-and-e9eeelse` all-peweee-seated-}R-and-seeeeed-te and pee€eem all €dRetleRe and datles-l�apeBed-open-the-depe�tmeRt of -off -ate eet-paeklRg-of-the-elty by-and-URdee-the-peeVleleRe-e€-this art. Upon the adoption by the commission e€ the e#ty of an ordinance declaring the need for the department and the board, all powers, functions, and duties relating to such off-street parking facilities and properties per- taining thereto then vested in the city or any of its departments or officers, including but not limited to the exercise of the power of eminent domain, shall be and are keeeby transferred to the depart- ment, and all books, records, and Superfluous; open meetings guaranteed by Florida's "Government in the Sunshine Law" F1a.Stats. Sec. 286.011. -170- papers now eN4e44Rg er hopea€t'ep acquired in the operation and maintenance of said facilities or relating thereto shell be the property of and under the jurisdic- tion and control of the department; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to vest in the department the power to establish and fix rates and charges for off-street parking service furnished by the off-street parking facilities of the city or the power to issue revenue bonds. The department shall have full power and authority to acquire, own, use, hire, lease, operate, and dispose of real ppepegl�r and personal property and of any interest therein, including the power to acquire by eminent domain peeeeed}Rge lands eP any }R4ere94-tbeeeiR-and rights -of -way and easements upon, in, along or across any public street, road or highway for the purpose of con- structing, maintainingL or operating off-street parking facilities as shall may be necessary in the judgment of the off-street parking boardr; and to make and enter into all contracts necessary or incidental to the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties and functions with respect to the operation, managementL and control of said facilitiesT_ and to promul- gate and enforce appropriate rules and regulations governing the utilization of the services of the off-street parking facilities of the city. (e) The director shall be appointed by and shall hold office at the will of the board. He or she shall be a person of good mores character and have an excellent reputation for integrity, responsibility and business ability, but no memsber of the board shall be eligible for appointment as director. The director shall receive such salary, payable to him . in equal semi- monthly installments, as shall be fixed by the board but such salary shall not be less than ten-twhoweand de-Ilave F$10,000.09} per annum. Before entepiAq wpeR his ddtviesv assuming office the director shall a ethe oatkltnd execute the bond prescribed hereinbefore for each member of the board. The director shall act as the chief executive officer of the department, shall devote his eRtriae full time and attention to the duties of his the office, and shall not engage -171- F actively in any other business or profession. Subject to the direc- tion and approval of the board, the director shall have general supervision over and be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the off-street parking facili- ties of the city and shall exercise the powers Meeked in and perform the functions and duties imposed wp@R him as herein provided. The director shall attend all meetings of the boards; shall furnish to the board and the commission e€ khe e}ky a monthly report with respect to the operation, maintenance and financial condition of the depart- ment of off-street parkingT_ and shall from time to time have prepared and shall Furnish such reports, auditsL and other informa- tion relating to said facilities as may be required by the board. In the event that the director shall for any reason be temporarily incapable of exercising the powers and of performing the duties and functions of h-is the office, the board may appoint an acting director to exercise such powers and to perform such functions and duties until sue% the incapacity of the director shams- be kepmined. terminates. (f) Subject to the approval of the board, the director shall employ such additional executive and operating sssistaReey assistants, including engineering and o er experts and professional assis- traResT assistants as shal.-I may be necessary to provide for the efficient operation of the depart- ment. Included in the personnel to be employed, there shall be the following subordinate officersL whose positions shall be in the unclassified service of the city: (1) A treasurer, who shall perform the functions and duties customarily performed by the treasurer ,of a private corporation. The treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the department, for all accounts and accounting records relating to the department and its operation, and for the preparation of all checks and vouchers requisite to the operation of the department. (2) A secretary, who shall perform the functions and duties customarily performed by the -172- � 6", secretary of• a private corporation. The secretary shall have charge and custody of the official seal and of all books, records, documents and papers of the department other than those required to be in the custody of the treasurer. We The secre�tau shall attend 4!gsom all meetings of the board?; and shall keep a correct record of all the proceedings of the boardT_ and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to-h4m-as-ssegebaey by the board. (3) A general counsel, who shall be a practicing attorney -at - law of suitable experience. He or she shall act as general counse`I for the department and for the board in all matters of law which may ariser and shall prosecute or defend all suits brought by or against the city or the department or the board which relate to the off-street parking facilities of the city. (g) All budgets, funds, and accounts pertaining to the off-street parking facilities of the city shall be segregated from all other budgets, funds.L and accounts of the city and shall be as kept that -they shall so as to reflect separately the financia condition an the operation of each off-street parking facility of the city` seperabelyv Not later than one � month before the end of each fiscal year, the director, with the approval oaf' the board, shall prepare and submit directly to the commission of -the 'eitry for the commission's a roval a budgeE estimate of expenditures and revenues for the ensuing fiscal year in the same form and like manner as all other departments of the city. €ea eppeeval. br the eemmisaieA with the eweeptieRT keweverT-�bab-edek►-bwd�ei�-esbin�abe wi��-be-adb�n3b�ed-�ipeeb�y-be-sae 9emmission of the eitry €er its OPPPAva-IT (h) All expenses incurred by the department and by the board in exercising their powers and performing their functions and duties shall be paid solely from the revenues of the off-street parking facilities of the cityi and -173- no liability or obligation not payable from the revenues of said facilities shall at any time be incurred in connection with the operation thereof. (i) Should there occur in any fiscal year an excess of revenue over expenditures required for opera- tion, maintenance, required reserves, and debt service, then such excess revenues shall? be paid into the general funds of thee city,^ iubj ct to the provisions of any ordinance of the commission a€-t-Me eity authorizing the issuance of parking facilities revenue bonds of the city, and sub 'ect further to the provisions of any -rust indenture or trust agreement securing such bondsT. be-pa}e-inte akoe-�eAega�-€aRee-a€-Abe-a}��►* (j) All powers and rights conferred by this section shall be in addition and supplemental to those conferred by any other general or special law and shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof; and the department and the board shall have power, in addition to ewee- eis4Rg-%he-pewees those expressly conferred in and by F "is section, to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof. Sec.. 30. Subdivisions. (a) Plat requirements. Anx owner of lots or grounds within the City who Subdivides same foi sale Shall cause to be made an accurate Plat of said su6division escri in with Nrtain_ty all grounds laid ou or granted or streets or other public uses, Lots Mended a or sale s a e numborea by progressive numbers or described by the squares -` in whicK si ua a an a precise lengEh and width shall e given o each lot sold or intendedor sale; suc a s a be gubscribed by the ownerp ac know ed ore an o T f icer. authorized o take the acknowledgement of deeds, approve by e director of public works and recorded in the ortise or the clerk of circus 'court in and for Dade County, rloriaa. No sucR pla SM811 be approved unless it clearly Ives �an accurate escrip ion of the --property s owinR section corners or quarter -section corners or a eas in a ra er o one or more sections or quarter - section corners or government mono - men s"E s :_'�`_._.�.... �... ,.. -9 74- Incorporated from former Sec. 99, �_:.: 9 Supervisor of plats. The director Incorporated from o _ pu_ _ic works shall be r e sup ___viso._r former Sec. 100. of piats at the city and shall provide re u a ions governing the platting of all lands so as to require all s ree s 5nd alleys o e of proper,width,to be cotermi- nous with adjoining s ree s an a1�I e ' a�n 3' o erwise"to conform Eo e —regulations rescri e . Whenever said irector shall deem i expedient to plat any portion o territor4 within the city imi s within which the necessary streets or alleys ave no -already een accepted bX the ciEyq so as to become Eublic streets or alleys, or when any person plats land within he corporate limits or within two miles thereof, the director o public works shall, rF such plats are in accordance wit the" pre- scrib;d regulationt endorse his or her written approval ereon. No plat subd iv id in ands wi in he cor ora a limits of the city or within Ewa mi es thereof shall e entitled to record in the oFfice o e clerk of the circuit court In and forDade- County, on a, without suc written approval. (c) Streets or alleys not accepted Incorporated from unless laid down on plat. - --No former Sec. 101. streets or alleys excethose-- ai down on the plats referred o in this section and bearin2e approvalappr-oval of the director of u is works, as Egreinbefore provided for,. shall su se uent in a-ny way e Acceeted as Rublic streets or a e s by the _city, nor shall an public funds be expended in e re air or improvement o s ree s and alleys subsequently ai out and not on such a is restriction shall not appl Eo a s ree or al ey laid -out e cy nor to streets, alloys, or ublic grounds laid out on a plat or with e aeproval o e director o pub is wor s. (d) Acceptance and confirmation of Incorporated from street or a ey e iea ion. No former Sec. 102. streets or al e s hereafter dedicated o aublic use by the owner o-ground in the city, shall e deemed a public street or alieX, or under the care and control 0 he commission unless the e i ion be provided in the elat or warranty ee or other ins rumen `=srant ; unless the grant be accepted and confirmed reso u- ion passed 7or that purpose; an unless the�provisions o is charter relatin t subdivisions shall have been come with. -175- 191111 Sec. 31. Zees 82,r Beeks r ressoder seer Conduct of a cit business comeensat on# du ies _and 09thS Or officers and emp oyees. (a) Books and rec rds. All books, records and documents used by any city o�ficer in his office or pertaining to his dutiesT shall be deemed the property of said the city, and the chief officer n charge of such office shall be responsible therefor. Any such officer or person made by this section responsible for the keeping of such books, records and documents shall, within three k;} days after the end of his or her term of office, or within three days after the date of his or her resignation or removal from of` i` as the case may be, deliver to the city clerk or to his or her successor in office all such books, records, and ocuments. Any such officer or person failing to deliver such books, records or documents as required by this sectionr shall be deemed guilty of an offense against the city.L and upon conviction thereof be€epee-trMe eiky-eeapk shall be fined not more than €ive-hwRdPed-de11aee 4$50O.9Q� or imprisoned for a eeriod not exceeding s4xtry- ays. b) Office hours; availability of books Incorporated from and records. 'The commission. former Sec. 94. hereby authorized an_d_ empoow�ere a-r riate`ordin nc�`fix days and hours (luring which all public offlices of the city shall e kept open f9f business. All books and records o ever o rice an e ar men shall e open o e inspection o ;ny citizen at an time urin suc usiness ours subject o the proper er rules" an re u a ions for the efficient conduct Ot t5e business o suc department or office., (c) See.-B;v Bonds of officers. Except in the case of officers whose bonds are specifically provided for by this 6k►arterr cha-rter, the commis- sion shall determine, by resolu- tion, whether edea officers, clerks, or employees shall give a bond and if so, 0 e amount or penalty thereof. All officers required by this 6aaekeg charter to give bond, and all officers, clerks, and employees of whom bond is required by the commissions shall before entering upon their respective dutiesT give bond with surety to be approved by the commission, conditioned fee on the -1 76- E e faithful performance of the duties of their respective officesr. whieh Such bonds, unless otherwise specificalry provided by this Gbarterlr charter shall be payable to eald he ci yr and iR shall provide such penalty asis commission may by resolution prescribe. The commission shall accept as surety on any such official bond a good, solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The premium on any such bond shall be paid by the city. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this GharterT charter, all such bonds shall be filed with and `preserved by the city clerk. Incorporated from former Sec. 90. officers and em o ees except as otherwise Qrovi a in is char er. 'fide salaries 'or compensations so Fixedshe be 'uniform or i e service in e a c: h grade of the _service as the same shall be 2raaed or classified a city mane er in accordance wi a ru es an regula ions ado to dbythe civi service board. All fees and money receivea or collecte,a by of cers and emp-logees";hall be paid into TE`e ci y reasury. Oath of office. Every officer of Incorporated from e CiLy snaliq beFore entering former Sec. 91. upon the duties of office? taWe an su scri'ue to an MR or a Firma= ion o be filed and kepti tRe office -of the clerk, a e or she will su or rotec , and defend e constitution and laws of Effie United Sa es an of the State o on a and in all res ec s Mthfully discharqe the duties o e orrice. (f) Clerk may administer oaths. The Incorporated from city clerk of e -City of Mismio former Sec. 91(a). Florida,a,shahave the 2owe and is ere y au orize_ `o a- minister aQT s. See 84,--General-laws-te-apply. All SeRepal laws e€ the etater epplieeble to MmAisipal eerpere- tional kerete€ere or hereafter epaeted and wk}eh ape Rot iA eeR€list wit'k the prov4siono of th}e-6karter-er-w#tk-epd}ReRaeeter r000lut4oRe hereafter eReeted by -177- Incorporated in Sec. 33(e). thke eaMM48e4eR p"POWARt t-A aabb8r4by e8R€spree by this Chapbspy shall be applieeble to seed-e}by f-prevededT-kewevepT-bheb Rats�iiR�-e9Rtsa3R8�•ilt1-�M39•EibF9P�reP eqa��-be-eeRe�rde�-es-�ir�iGiRg-SHe power of the esmo4se4eR to Onset any-ePdiRaRee-er-peeolwkien-Re k-in @BR€iie4-wi4h-tke-aaR8444W4ieR-of the state or with kae empress ppeviaieRe-a€-this-Gaaebee* Sec. 32. Continuity. See. 85* SwisLiRQ epd4; anee9-een44Rwedr (a) Existing ordinances. A11 city ordinances, resolutions ' and se regulations in force at e time this Gh apbep charter takes effect, and not inconnssist nt with the provisions thepee€T her�eof.9 are hereby continued in force until the same shall be duly amended or repealed. (b) See: 66* Gent4nwaRee of present Present officers* and powers. All persons holding Mice inT or employed byT the cityr at the time this 6bapbep charter goes into effect* shall continue in such office or employment and in the performance of their dutiesT until provisions shall have been other- wise made in accordance with the provisions of this Gh apbep charter for the performance or discon inu- ance of the duties of any such office or employment. When such provisions sha-11 4ave been are made the term of any such officer shalt expire and the office shall be abolished. The powers whic are conferred and the duties which are imposed upon any officer, board, commission, or department of the city under the laws of the state, shall, if such officer, board, commission, or department is abolished by this Cbapbep charter, be thereafter exercise and discharged by the officer, board, or department upon whom are imposed corresponding functions, duties, and powers under the provisions of this Cbaeber charter. (c) See. 67v Present contracts-eeR- -' binuee and proceedings All rights, actions, proceedings, prosecutions, and contracts of the cityy or off` any of its departments or officers, pending or unexecuted when this Charter charter goes into effect, and not inconsistent sistent therewith, shall be enforced, continued, or completed, in all respects, as though begun or executed here- under. -178- a f� d) Present titles and rights . The Incorporated from i. e7rig_ s, qna ownership or former Sec. 95. propertyo uncollected taxesj dues claims, ju. gmen s_pd_e�c�r,ees, an c o�'i sea in action held or ownedby e ci 9t Ehe' E ime o f the ;doption of this charter sRall pass to and be vested in t o municipal cor ors ion ere organized to succeed such municipality. (e) Acts under former charters. All Incorporated from acts and proceedi.ngs of the former Sec. 112. commission or of any officer of the My done or I taken pursuanE t-o—EFe- provisions of the erevious ci charter are hereby ratified. See.-88:--ReNeP-te-eppsiRt-beards-eP-eemmie- Incorporated in B3eRe-a€-eitiseRe. Sec. 14(b). The -eemmisa!OR-may T-at-the -Pegtleet e€-th@-eity-maneQePT-appeiRt-beards eP-eemmieaieRaT-te-be-esn�peaed-e€ owsh RwmbeP of eitiaeRs as the eemmissieR may deem ewpedieRt to set in an advisory eapeeity iR eeA6wRe44eR with any one eP maps-e€-the-departments-eeeated-@P etlthePired-her@by*--the-members-a€ @11 oush beards and eemmissieRe ahaii-serMe-withetlt-een�penaetieRT and-may-be-Per�e�red-at-eRy-tine-by-a ma�eP�b�►-vets-a€-bke-eemm�Be�eR� Seen-89.--ReReieR-€ande* Incorporated in Sec. 26 �a3--the-eemmiaeieR-e€-said-eity-shaii eat8biieh-@-€tlRd-eP-�tlRde-€eP-the Pe�ie€-eP-peRBieR-e�-pep@eRa-iR-th@ elassi€ied aepv4ee of said e4ty; may- Peeeive gi€taT deviseer begtlesto-of -meRey-eP-pp epePty-€er the-belie€it-e€-stleh-�and-er-€tlnde# may mare eentPibwtiene e€ pwblie meneye thereto OR sush berms and @eRditi@Re-89-it-may-see-€it;-slid shall mare pulse and PegdiatieRe OP -the -man aIemsRkr-inveetmeRt-and admin4stratieR of abeh Fund er €Under Eb4--;he eity, e@mmiasieR shall have power-te-make-eentPeets-a€-iwetlP- aRee with any iROWPaRee eempeRy etlthePired-te-tPaneaet-btleinee@-iR this -state? - insweiRl-its-empieysee or any eiees or elasses thereof tlRdeP-s-pei3ey-eP-pe�ieies-a€-gestlp iRatlPaRe@-eaVePiR�-ii€a-er-health OP sosideRt iReaveRee or any twe 42� er more of sweh eiasses of instlranee-and-may-eeRtPaet-wits-any oempamy 1PankiRg BRRwities eP peRsiona-eRd-ewthePiaed-to-tPHReset btleineas-within-the-stets-€er-the peReieRiRg-a€-sash-empieyeae-9P-eRy< eiaae-eP-eie@sae-thePse€;-and-€er -179- f, P- any and all seed puPpeees may appPepe-late-ewt-a€-�%�®-tPeaswry-end money-Reseseepy-te-pay-pPem*wma-eP ehePges--lRe#dent-te-the-eaPPy}Rg-eR e€-aweh-peg-le3ee-eP-eenteaete. 8ee4-�➢0.--Ceepeneak eR e€ offieere and Incorporated in eap�eyeee. Sec. 31(d). ;he eemm-legion shall €iw by erd-lRa"nee-bf�e-a@n�peRegb}eR-e€-bb8 e-lty-RaRagePT-heade-of-depaebmeRber munieipal judges and the eity alePkr--The -e}ty-menages-shell- €ix the-RwRbeP-and-sa�aP-leg-eP-eea+pen- sat-leR of all staee eff4eePs and empleyese* The salaP-lea eP eempeReatieRe as fixed shall be wR3€ePFR €eP like eePviee -lR eaeh gPade of the eePv-lee-as-the-ean�e-gas-l-l-be-gPaded eP-e�aes�€red-by-the-a}ty-ManageP iR aeeePdaRee with the Pulse and Pegwlat-leRa adopted by the a-lv-ll 9ePv}ee-boned.--A��-€see-and-n�eReya gees4yed-eP-eellee4ed-by-offieePs and employees shall be paid -lRte the-a-lty-tPeasuPy* See:-per--9atM-a€-a€€}ee: Incorporated in CvePy off4eeP of the eiky shally Sec. 31(e). be€ego-enter-lng-open-the-dat-lea-e€ Iz-ls-a€€}eeT-tale-end-swbseP�be-te aR-oath-eP-a€€-lP�et-lenr-to-be-€-lied and kept -lR the of Visa of the eeeta�3eaieRT-that-ae-w�-l-l-awppsPtT pPeteet-and-defend-the-eeRetikubion and-laws-of-the-13R}ted-6tatee-eRd e€-the-State-a€-!`-lep-luny-eRd-iR-a�� respeete-€a�ta€u�}y-d�eeharge-the dut-lee-a€-hie-e€€tee* Sse*-��%a�T--Clerk-gay-ads-lRieteP-oaths: Incorporated in Sec. 31(f). The eity elepk of the City of Miami r-FISPidar -Oka II -have -the pewee-and-te-hereby-awthertaed to-adm4R-leteP-eathav See.-p�:--Cewtraete. Incorporated in Sec. 18(b). �!e-eeRtPaet-€eP-€wPR�eh-lRg-swpp�-lea oP -eerv-lase- €er-the-eity-eweept-se etherw}se-pPev}dad-iR-th}e-6aaPter eae�-l-be-Rade-€er-s-per-led-e€-Nees than-eRe-�}3-yeaP. See*-'ii.--Sw�rs-agewet-tpe-e�tty. Obsolete; substantia-ly superseded by Fla. Ala-ea-lt-eha-l-be-aeRta}Red-aga}net Stats. Sec. 768.28(6). the-e��y-€eP-da�ages-aP�e9-lRg-nut-e€ eRy-tePtT-dR�ese-wr}tteR-Ret-lee-s€ eweh-e�aaa-waeT-w}th�R-a�wty-�f8� daye�a€te+e-the-day-e€-gees}v�Rg-the iR jwry-a��egedT-g�veR-te-the-eisoy s#�keeRay-w�t1�-spee�€feat-lone-ae-te t3lllereRd-p}see-�€-the-efldwPy�--�t -180- V shall be the daty OF the elty atbePReyt Upon Peeeiving aeeh RAtieeT-te-promptly-investigate-the mettsP-and-lay-the-�seter-aappePted by the evideAeet be€ere the eity eAmmieaieR-iR-9-wPitt@R-PepePtt-end the - sommiaaion-mayT-by-PeeaINt4eRr B€ter-iRMBBtigatiRgt-make-PeBBeR- eble settlement €8P the iRJWPy ad€€ePedr OF deny liability and dip eet-the-eity-attePney-te-do fend any -suit-bredght -€ep-the-PeeevePy e€-damageov. See r94*--A€€iee-heUre. the-eemmisoieR-a€-tl�e-6ity-a€-P�iami is-hereby-awthePiaed-and -empewePed bet and it Shelly by apprepPiate erdiRaReeT determine and fix the days and howpa dUPiRg whieh all pUblie-a€€iees-a€-the-City-o€-P4iemi shall be kept epeR gap besiReset and-all-beoks-and-PeeePda-e€-every Offiss 8Rd 'depaPtmeRt shall be opened to the iRepeetieR e€ OR), eiti+MeR at SAY time dePiRg sdeh bws4Reas howPaT ew6joet to the paepeP Bales and Pegulak4eRe gap the OffireieRt eeRdwet of the bUeiReas of sash departmaRt, eP off4eer Incorporated in Sec. 31(b). Ses:-CS.--Raesage Of b4ble T Plghtsr eteTt Incorporated in Under-ChartePT Sec. 32(d). the-t}flat-Pighta-and-ownership-e€ pPapePty r-dReelleeted-tamsaT-ddeet elaimsr jWd@meR4Sr deePose and ehasso-iA-aetieAT-hold -9r-ewRed-by the-City-9€-4iamlT-at -ths-time-e€ tee-edeptieR-e€-tale-6haPtePT-shall pass to and be vested in the munisipal eePpePatlen . aePeby, ePgaRio ed-te-awee Sad -awe h-mwRiei- pality. See:-p6.--CaaP3table-iRetltUtaeRer All }RstitwtleweT private or pUbliet-deeliRg-with-del}RgaeRtST OF dependeRteT or siekt shah sUbm}t-their-plane-s€-ePgeRleStleRr p@PSeRRal of eentPelliRg beaPdT m@thede-a€-�iRflReiRg-and-espfleity to the depeetiseAt of pwblie wel€sPe* Obsolete; functions eliminated or transferred to other departments pursuant to authority granted by Sec. 14(a), Sea.-9�.--ApprepsiatieA-€er-pdblie-er-private Obsolete. Also, see eaaritiwo� note to former Sec. 96. €he eemmessieR shall mare Re appeepriatieR of pablie €ands toweeds-tk@-malRteASAee-and-Sappert e€ SAY private or pablie shar}ty s�esspt-epeR-e9RditeR-that-the-eil;y shall-helix-reprEieSRtat39A-epeR-the beard of direstePsr beard of msAage�►s-er-etaeP-ge�regA�:Ag-bsdy-a€ - 1 8 1 - t 1P eweh-p��wete-ep-peb�te-ebae��y�T-end ��►et-e-deta3�ed-��RaReta�-report* a%aw4As-all -pees4pto-and-dtsbwPee- meatsiby-eweh-ekaptty-she��-be•made ts-tha-dips step -o€-pwb14e-we4€are at least ones in eseh yeas. Bwt netk�Pl�-hoPe�R-aka€�-be-eeRstPwed to pPeveRt the eity €Pam eeR- kPostiRg with any hospital OP s3m#�aP-}Rst�twt�:eR-€eP-the-saps-e€ 4n441eR4r-94ek-eP-iRjwre4-perseRsr er-€eP-e4heP-s9PM3eesv See:-9S:--Reread-a€-�ega�-aid. The -eammiaaism -skalI-have -pewee-te establish a bwPeaw of legal aid under-ewer-rw�ea-and-Pegu�at�ens-as the eemmiseiOR shall preser}be7 whieh bepsaw shall be under the dareet�eR-e€-the-d3PeeteP-a€-Rwb��e wel€ere. Sse.-�➢R:--Subd�v�a�ewa--Rat-regd�reaeRts* ARy-ewReP-of-lets-er-grewRde-witkiR the eiky who subdivides same fee sale shall eawse to be made am aeeurate-plat-a€-ea�d-aubd�v}seen deserib}Rg with sertaiRty all greuRds laid ewt sP gPambed gap sbPeebsr-OP-ether-publie-useev-Reba aRbeRded-€er-safe-she��-be-numbered by-RPogPeasive-Rumbere-op-deseeibed by the aquares in whiek situated and the pree}se IeRgth and width ahaII-be-g3vOR -of -seek -let- sold -sP intended- €eP-salef-sweh-plat-shall be ,eubeeP}bed by the @wRsPT aekRewledged be€see OR a€€ieeP authee4eed-te-take-the-aekRewledge- meR4. Of deedsr appPeved by the diFeetsr e€ pw6lie servieser and Peeerdod-iR-the-offaee-e€-the-elePk a€ a}Pewit eewpt in and Pep Bade GeuRtyr Pterida. No sweh plat shall be appPewedr unless it o�ear�y-gives-aR-aeewPate-deseP�p- t4eR Of the pPepOPty skew3Rg s@etiOR-eePRePe-se-quarter-seebieR eePRePe Or at least tying said prepePty to ape {-J, eP mere see k}sRe-eP-quarter-seetten-esrRer eP-ether-geVePRmsRt-m@RwmeRt. See*-AAA*--Lase--Sdperv�ser=a€-p�:ata. Tke d4reeter Of Rwblae• sePvtee shall be ewpePviser of plate 9€ the eiby* We shell peev4de r@gtl�at�eRa-gev@rRaRg-th@-p�att#Rg e€-a��-�anda-se-as-te-Poqu�re-a�� etP@ate-BAd-a��eya-te-be-e€-proper width-aAd-te-be-eeterm}Baas-with adje4R4mg-stposts _and-ajjoys-and Otherwise to 8eR€orm to regula- tions -Press P#bed-by-Ntm.-whenever ho-eka��-doom-}t-owped�eRt-to-plat any portion of tePPitePy wttkiR -i82- Obsolete. Incorporated in Sec. 30(a). Incorporated in Sec. 30(b). the-a}�y-}}�#teT�wlth3n-wh}eh-the neeee9aPy�etP@9t@-eP-alleyB-have not-aI#aady-been -a@aapked-by-the s#tyr 99 as k,a baeama pdblle o4peeta op allayer OP when aRy Person plebe lend w4bh4R the eePpePete-llm}te-eP-w}kb}R-two-�.�} m41e9 khePee€r the dlPeetep of publie servies Shell? 3€ Bush plate-are-4R-seeerdaRee-with-the Pule9 as pPoser}bed by h#mr endorse h4a wp4448R appPeval thoposA* No plat subd}vidi-RQ }ends-wlkhlR-the-e9PpePate-}}mite a€ the C}ky 9€ M4am4r eP w}this twe �2� miles thereafT shall be eRt�tled-ke-PeeePd-ls-kyle-a€€lee e€-the-elepk-e€-the-elpewit-eewpt 4R- and- gap -Dade -GewRtyT-Fier}der without sweh wpltkeR approval endepsed-thePeesr Sao :-:lQ�V -Sawe--Sbreeta er all -eye nob Incorporated in assented-anises-laid-dews-eR-plot* Sec. 30(c). Ne-ekreeks-op-alleye-eweept-these }aid-dewR-eR-aueh-plat-as-re€erred to-iR-the-leak-twe-E2�-preeediR@ 9eetieReT-and-beaP3RQ-the-approval of-the-dleeetee-a€-publie-aervlesr 89 hs""be ere pPev4ded €APT shell-sebeequeRkly-in-any-war-be aseapked as pu614e streets er alleys-by-the-elkyT-Rep-skull-any publle funds be ewpended 4R the peep�p-og-�mprellemeRk-a€-Btpeeke and-slleyS-Subsequently-laid-edk and Rob on Bush plabv This re9kpiekieR-shall-net-apply-ke-e Btreeb eP alley laid out by the a4ty-R9F-the-9tP89t9T-allege-R9P publl_s-�PeuRde-laid-auk-oR-a-plat byr-ep-with-the-apprevel-e€T-the d}Peekep-e€-publle-sepv}es. See.-l02:--Sase--AeeeptaRee-and-eeR€4pmat4en Incorporated in of-stpeeb-eP-8lley-ded3eat4eR* Sec. 30(d). No streets or alloys hopes€tee, dedlested to pwblle use by the owner-e€-ground-ln-the-e}ty-shall be deemed a publle stpeek or alloyr er uAdep the sees and eentPol-of-khe-eemmlaeaeRT-wRleee the-dedleaklaR-be-provided-}n-the platr-er-by-wapPeRty-deed-se-ethep iRBtPument-s€-gpeRkr-be-aeeepked and-eeA€lrmad-by-Pe6elutieA-peHsed fee that puPpeser OP unless the previsieRe of this Charter PelatitRg ke 9bbd4Vi849R9 Shall have-beeA-eemplled-wjth. Seew-�Aiw--Ne eemmission an sale of elby Incorporated in Sec. bends* 24(d). Na-eammlaelaA-oP-bre�Eerage-shall be paid either dlreekly OF lndlreetly Fee the sale OF any -183- { DTI the-a}��_}lmlt�*-w�thlR-Whleh-tha Ree@e9aPy-etPeet9-eP-alley@-ha1�e Ret-@lgeady-been-aeeepted-by-the altyr se as 4.9 beesme pwbiie stPeets @P alleys: op wheR any p@PseR plate land W4404A the e@Pp@Pebe-llmita-9p-within-twe-(r�} m4199 th@Pee€r the d4peetep of pwblle sepvies shallt i€ sweh plebe-ePe-iR-seeepdaRee-with-bbe Pwles as ppasePibed by h4mr @"dopes Mia wPitten appPeVal thopeeR* No plat ewbdiv4dinj lands -with4R-the-eeppaPate-limits e€ the Gity of Mlam4r eP with4R two �2} miles thepee€r shall be entitled-te-PaeaPd-lR-the-a€€ie@ o€-the -el epk-e€-the-94Peult-eewpt iR-and-€eP-9ede-6ewRtyT-FlePideT witheut aweh wPitteR apppeval oRdePeed-thePeeRr Soe.-lol�--Sawa--StPaets op alleys set Incorporated in aeeepted-tlRlees-la}d-dBMR-eR-plat: Sec. 30(c). We-atPeeta-9P- alleys -eWe@pt-these laid-d@wn-eR-seek-plat-a@-Pe€ePPed to-lR-the-leer-twe-E�}-pPaeed}Rg @@@tIAROT-and-�eeplRg-the-@ppPeVfll A€-the-diPeeteP-a€-publ}@-aeP�►ieer as h@Peinbe€ePe ppewlded €ePT shall -sub aaqueRtIy-la-8Ry-Way-be aeeepted as pmblie stPeete aP alleys-by-the-airy?-ReP-shall-any publie €WRd9 be ewpeRded iR the PeapiP-eP-improyemeRt-of-stPeets end-alleys-stlbaegaeRtly-laid-sut and Ret on sweh plat, T.hia PestPietieR-shall-Ret-apply-to-a stPeet @P alley laid out by the eity-Rep-the- at, peat ar-alleys-ReP publle-gPetlnd@-laid-@tlt-eR-a-plat byr-9P-with -the-apppevaI-o€r-the dipeeteP-9€-pub14e-sepvlee* Seen-:tA2:--Same--Ass opt aRes-and-eeR€}PmatleR Incorporated in o€-siPeet-Ar-alley-ded3eatleR. Sec. 30(d). No streets sP alleys herea€teP dedieated to publie use by the ewReP-s€-gPeand-lR-the-airy-shall be deemed a publis street or. alley: OP uRdeP the espe and e9Rtrel-A€-the-@emmleei9RT-tlRleas the-dedieatien-be-pre�►ided-iR-the plat?-aP-by-waPPARty-deed-eP-etheP inatPtlmeRt-a€-gPHRtr-b@-a@e@pted 8Rd-e8R€irm9d-by-P888lutleR-pee89d far that puppoesy eP unless the ppovisiens of tpie GhapteP PelatiRg to sebdivisieRs shall hare-been-eemplied-with. Ses:-lGl.--We eemmissien an sale of eity Incorporated in Sec. bewde: 24(d). Ale-9emmlasien-er-bPei�ePage-wall be paid either dipeetly aP iRdireetly got the sale e€ any -183- t bonds OF ether evidenes of �RdebtedRe99-e€-the-e3�yr Secs. 33. Seer 494# ArdAnonosst eedif4es- b4opw General provisions. (a) Codification of ordinances. All er *RaneeB of e Gity of 4am4T be gap e-they-Oh aII-beeama-a- law -eP babe- offset T-must -be-publ4shed-by 4441e-an I•y-at-Is sot -eRe-¢:��-time-in a -news papep -pubIiahed-in-the-Gity Of MiOm4r and by the e4ky elepk eadatRe-e-espy-e€-Bush-erd�RaRee-te be -Rested - at - the -deep -of-bbe-Bade Gownky Gewp4heuse at the plaee pPev�ded-€eP-Ret�e9eT-and-Rub�3ea- tteReT and eRdee84R@T eR the eP��#Rai-ePdiRHRe9T-h�9-eePt3€�eate eVideR@�R�-thB-time-8Rd-mHRReP-9€ Bush Reeting# prev3dedT that Reth}Rg herein eeRteiAed shall preveRt-the-e44y The commission may at any time appetnri"ml-same a oa a person or personsr an authePfl}R�-him-@r authorize them to arrange and cadify the ordinances of the said city and to publish4Rg publish such codifica- tion in appropriate volume or volumes, which shall become the laws of the said city upon its adoption by ordinance` pwhl4shed end-Rested-88-herein-pPev�dedt-and provided, €upthopy that in the exercise of the power by said the commission to adopt said codifica- tion, it shall not be necessary to publish said codification, but the publication and pestiRg of the ordinance adopting the same shall be bein sufficient to make 44 said ub ica ion binding as the law oT said a city. Procedure now governed by Fla. Stats. Sec. 166.041. Also, posting requirement is obsolete and cumbersome See:-�8�:--Gped}t to prisoners fop wepkt Obsolete; see note to seats-3R-er6mna�-ppeeeeut}en8* former Sec. 59. the-eemm�sa�eR-Bha��-determine-by sed}ReRee the ameunt t8 be eped4ted to prisoners fop Seek day:e week Performed beeauas e€ the-R@RPa�meR�-@�-€3Re-flRd-@e8tar ae-soata-in-epim4aal-preseeutione eha��-bS-tweed-agfl�RBt-the-e�ty-@p ps}d-by-the-eemm�sateR. Sae:-�®6:--uet6Rg-Pree�nete. The said sity shall bo divaded into €4ve Frei} OF more vokiAq pr9eiRete,-wh}eh-PP@esRete-shag be-�a�d-eat-by-thS-a}ty-eetNm}ee�eR w�th�R-twelve-��g3-ewoRths-€P@m-the date of the adep4ioR of this GhaPtert and the said e4ty oemm�ss�eR-sha��-Nave-the-pewee-to ehaRge the beuRdaP#ea and the RumbeP-a€-seed-PPas�Reta* -184- Obsolete; contradictory of Sec. 7(a). MUM It t (.b). Seat *A;* Record of ordinances; evidence. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to record all ordinances adopted by the comm s M n wi in eR- ays after Me T`Feir passage aIerdiAeReea ae'ed-by-Sloe-eeiNMlea3eR in a book kept for that purpose .L and properly 4Rdex-sa44-499kr indexed. A copy of any ordinance `Mrefrom, certified by the clerk under the seal of said the city, shall be received in evi ence in all courts of this state. (c) See:-4-98* Ordaining clause. The ordaining clause of every ordinance shall be as follows: "9e It Ordained by the Commission of the City of MiamiY". (d) See* �99r Enumeration of powers not exclusive. The enumeration of particular powers in this Ghaekep charter shall not be deemed or held to be —exclusive, but 4R add4S-ion additional to the powers enumerated erein, implied therebyL or appropriate to' the exercise thereof?_ the said city shall have and may exercise all other powers which are now, or may hereafter be, possessed or enjoyed by cities under the constitution and general laws of this stater; and all the powers of the city, wFether express or implied, shall be exercised and embraced in the manner prescribed in this Ghaekee charter, or when not so prescribed2 then in such manner as may be provided by ordinance or resolution of the commission. (e) General laws to apply. All general Incorporated from laws OF e s a e app-l-ic—able to former Sec. 84. municipal c orporat ions ere o ore or hereafter enacted and which are not in conflict with the provisions OF is charter or with ordinances or resolutions hereafter enacted is commission pursuant t-O authority conferred is c ar er a=8 be a � !cableto the city; provided, oweve E7 hatnothing contained in this charter shaiibee construea as limiting the power -o e commission to enact any - ordinance or resolution not in conflict with the cons t i u ion o e state or with a ex ress provisions o is c ar er. I (f 5esv-;;3. Effect of state law and resent ordinances. Nothing in is act shall be so construed as to alter, abolish, affect or amend any of the laws of this state now in forcer or which may hereafter be -185- It t enactedT relative to towns and cities of the state? incorporated under the general law, nor any of the ordinances of the 63t.y of N4sm4t city now in forceL dRdee-thO ON4844a$ MWR4e4pal gevepAMeAk 9€ said-C#4r-s€-M 4am4T except such as are in conflict with the provisions of this watt charter; sAd all such laws and ordinances are hereby declared to be in full force and effect. -18+6- 2 See*449Y Unconstitutionality of part of GhoptieP charter. If any section or part of a 8ee44eR of this 914aPkeP charter is declared invalid or un-`-'"cons�itu ion'-' al, the same such declaration shall not be held to inva i ate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other section or part of-s-seetisR of this GhePbePT charter, unless it clearly appears that such other section or part a€-s-eeeb}eR is wholly eP and necessarily dependent for —its operation upon the section or part a€ -a seetien wkielq is declared invalid or unconstitutional, eP-iRVs 3dr .- See*-442r--Aebs NRder €ermeP ehaPbere Incorporated in rab} ied: Sec. 32(e). All sets and preseed}RQe e€ the eamm4se4eR er e€ aRy effieep of �r�ie-a}by-deRe-eP-�akeR-pHPelieRS-fie the pPevisions of the ebaPbeP Whisb was subm4b4ed 6e and Pflb�€red-by-�Me-ve6epe-a€-6Me-e�6y ab-eR-e�ee6eeR-ae�d-iR-����T-eP-e€ 6k;e-ei�flP�ep-8r*@RdmeRts-fldbt���6@d-ire and-Patif isd-by-said-ve6ePs-at-eR epee S�eR-t�e�d-�R-�9��T-flee-bePeby Pat}€ied wibM like €epee as i€ adek-webs-and-preeeed�Rge-kaed-been deRe and kakeR uRdeP fl13thopitiy duly e8R€ePPed by 6be 1.eQ3s1-a- twper (h) See*-��3v--Ae6-be-bake-effeet- immediatelyv Effective date. This set, charter shall a e effect imm" meth— tely upon beeemiRg-@-law being a��roved b a majority oele-cTrs o he ci t y voting at an election called or e purpose o approving this charter. 6ee*-344*--6eea& }mpPevementra--Street Incorporated in Sec. 20 developments and watreP Main �/IpreveMeRta: ' 6seal impPeveeeRts whiek may be reads-by-tae-G��y-a€-Pl�ara�T-and-tk�e seat-a€-wb�e{�-may-be-prev�ded-€eP �R-a@e9PdaRe9-w3tk�-seet�eR-S6-e€ Irks GhaPtBPT Oka-11 inelwde in add�tteR-to-tae-€eve-���-e�@sees Rew-pPev�ded-by-s@�d-seed}eR-�6T two- �23-Rew-e lassesy-tse-be-kRewn as ustPoet develepmentou and �wateP-m@iR-}r�pPe�remeRts*u--f aeb of said seven F7} eI-eases of �epae�►etNaR�e-�sy-be-rAade-eRel-61�e �e eaek�-paev��ee4-€eP-��►PeagM-apee�@� -187- aesBesmeRtsT-e�:ty-@berg@er-tHk@eT bends and sth@Pwiser W"deP the pPev3e}eR9-@€-Beet}ens-��4-to-��9T a��-�Re�H83vAT-e€-the-6haPteP-end where -aet-3ReeRsisteRt-thePeW4thr the previsions of said seekien $6r S@er-���r--Same--WhOtt embPaeed in street Incorporated in develepmentor Sec. 20(a). Glass 6, Street developments smbPsee -the -apeR3RQT-wed@R Rg-end @kteRe�@R-@€-h�ghwayer-HRdT-�€-the esma�tse6eR-te-erdereT-the-grading theP@e€r See*-��6r--Sege--what-embraeed-6R-water-men Incorporated in }mprsvementer Sec. 20(a). Glees-;r--Water-main-imprevemeRt9 @mbPaee-the-toying-a€-wHteP-maiRaT the Pe6ey}Rg where ReessBHPy of highways-and-etdewa6i�s-ReeebsaP3�y tePR up of demagedT andT if the @elpl#i88ieR-8A-aPE�aPBT-t�@-68yiR� s€-water-lateralar Seer- �44r--Same--Sand ing-and-e6l6Rg-embraeed Incorporated in Sec. 6n-h4ghway-imprevementer 20(a), under definition of Class 1 improvements k4ghway improvements made WRd0P seat}en-�6-s€-the-6}ty-iharteP-mar imelude sanding and ailing of highways-as-et6-eP-e-part-e€-any alieh-6mpPeV@meRter Seer-4;Br--Same--WeIle - FOP -dPa}Rage-embraeed Incorporated in Sec. in-highway-kmprevementer 20(a), under definition of Class 1 improvements N6ghway-imprevements-aR4eP-seetioR 66-e€-the-66ty-6harteP-may-em6Paee as-a-meaRs-a€-dPa}Rege-a€-kighweys }mpPevedT-s-we�6-eP-we��e-edR{�-te a paint below freshwater strata and se eased iR thPedghewt €Peahwater strata as to prevent seepage to or from sweh stPatat ePT iR the disePekieR of the eemmaesieRT-aRy-eweh-well-or-walla may-eeast6twte-the-whole-op-a-part o�-a-etePm-aeweP-6mpPBMemeRt-kfRdoP said -seetion -56T--The -P@selutioR ePdeP6Rg-sash-aR-6mprevemeRt-aha�� 6ne�wde-the-�esat6eR-o€-the-we66 aP-welle -with-P$aseRa6le-de€6R6ke- Reaer Seer-;Sr--Same--&eat-a€-6mpPevemaRt$r Incorporated in Sec. 20(e). the-east-a€-}mpPevemeRts-}Re�ddeai �e3--toter-and-mateP66�rr (rb4--6A-wat' aP€Pont- and-at,PGot, -dove lop - menk-imp FeVaMORtsT-the -so ak-a€-any property pwPohaaedT eeRdemned or eth9Pwaae-aegd6PedT-#RelWd ift@-oeaPk seats-end-other-ekpeRBea-kRB6d9Rt to-awoh-sego}sitieRr -188- Eel--9amagss paid of, t,9 be paid gap iRJePY to pPepepty by shangs of gP ado -e r -dP s inager-iAelwdiRg-eewpt seats-and -other-eepeRse-ipeideRtal Ce'�C�7-�@fs@PMiRa�'ri@R-a€-dan�ager Edo --The east, of PetaiRiRg wailer sidewalks, eP €enees bdilt eP a�t,ePed-iR-�iea-a€-eaeh-pa�meRt,-€eP seen pPepeptr damage eP aegdioi- t,ieRr-ape}ddiRg-the-seat,-s€-mewing eP-aitGp4nq-slip-84pwetWpev �e}--the-eestr-whether-iR-the-Rat,wre-e€ damages eP ethePwiser 9€ est,ab- }iahiRg-a-bdi�diRg-setbaek-�iRe-eP pipes* See.-:t$Ar--Same--Des#9AatisR of benefited Incorporated in ppeperbyt-appeptioAment,-a€-eoet* Sec. 20(c)(2). i€ the 4R4kisi PeselwtieR shall ePd@P a street 49veIopmeAt eP a wakep;PeRt-op-water-maiR-er-stePm sewer impPevemoRk wRdeP said seat,ieR-�6r-it,+9l�eii-desigRet,e-t,he pPepePky whieh the esmmissieR deems -will-be-speeiaiiy-belie€it,ed t,hereby-�semetimes-her@iR-re€erred t,s as the capes of speeiai bone €it,en4-and-shall-iRdieate-the pPepePtiep eP part, e€ the east thereof whieh shall be barns by the-eity-at-barge-and-the-peeper- t,ieR-er-part-t,hepee€-whieh-shah be-apeeia�by-assessed-wit,hiR-t,he arse of speeiai beRe€its: The eit,�-shah-heap-ape-t,hipd-Fb��3-e€ the-eest-of-stapm-sewers-iReiediRg aR�►-p�mpiRg-etetieR-And-eat,bet-brit, ewobddiRg etePm sewsp batePaisT and shall 6e8P Ret, mePo than €i€t,sen-�b5�-pope an4-e€-the-eest of stP@et, devAbepmeAke and Rek maps -than-€i€teep-�:tt4-pepeeRt-e€ the seat, of wataP€PeRt impreve- mARtA and Rot, maps than €i€t,9en ����-pereeRt,+e€-the-east,-9�-wat,eP main impPevemeRte and the remainder shall ba speeiaii�, assessed within the apes e€ apse ial-beRe€it's .--b€-the-ressbe- tion -shell -a}Aar-sA-�t-mays-in-t,hs disePetisA of the eemmissieRr atate-the-epinisR-e€-the-eemmis- sioR as to the 'Peiat3ve proper- tieRs of speeiai beRe€ire as betweeR the several lets and paPeeis within awe% spear or as between di€€spARt eiassee ep different, iseatieRe e€ property withiR-sweh-epeeT-sseh-statement A€-ApiRiAR-6haii-Ret-pPeweRt-the Airy me"ageP from stating dig€erent ppepepkieRa iR the pre iimi:Rar�-assessment-PabbT-Rep preveRt the eemmissien €rem a h a a A any-awak+pPAp9Ptiene-in -189- 7 aWba8iRiRq OF met4€y4Rg nWeh assessn�eRts-iRdieated•�by-ea}�-Pei} iR the maRReP and MRdOP the eenditioRe provided by said seetisn-56V Seer-���r--Same--Sstirsate-e€-sash-e€-develop- Incorporated in Sec. Mew* 20(d), at end. The estimate made by the eity manager of the east Of a street development eP a atePm sewsP eP WatePfPeRt,-eP-Water-maiR-impPeve- meRt WRdeP paragraph F93 of seetieR 56 shall show the estimated amo4R4 of east and ineidentaI-expeRse-te-be- ass @asad a@eiRet-a}}-ppop erty-iR-the-area e€-epee�a}-bone€itaT-bet-eha}�-Rot show any estimated assessment agaiRst aRy RartieWIraP pPepePty WithiR the ePeay OF against aRy frontage eP portion of swop pPepePtyr See.-422r--Sams--Nodes of heaping to Incorporated in deseribe-areal Sec. 20(f). The-Retiee -Pegw iced-by-papegraph �14 e€ said seetiaR 56 of the heaping of e43eetiens to the eeR€ipmatisp of a Peaa}WtieR arderiRg-a-street-dove}epmeRt-eP-e *term-sewsP-eP-Water€rent-er-water main, impPevemeRt shalt e}eaP}y doeePibe the area of speeial beRe€itsr 6eer-*23r--6ame--Watiee of bearing Wpen Incorporated in Sec. aseeeamewt-Pe}}v 20(m). she-Ret6ee-pegaiped-by-paragraph ' �P3 i4649 of said seetion 46 of the heaping WpeR an, assessmeRt re}}-aheii-state-the-e�ass-e€-the }mprevement and the lseatieR �' thspee€T See:-��4*--Same--Aetdai-east. i�-thB-ppe�iminaPy-as8e9emeRt-roil Pegdiped by said seetieR S6 is I� prepared-end-€lied-with-the-eity eierk-a€ter-the -eemplet ieR-99-the workr-whether-the-Week-be-deRe-by aity €epees or -by eeRtpaett the tetai east Of the imppevemeRt therein-abated-skaii-be-the-aetba} sest� Incorporated in Sec. 20(k)(3), at end. See*-���.--Same--Wambep-a€-abbttiRg-€est-weed Incorporated in Set. net-bs-deseribedr 20(k)(1), at and. ;A -the -ease -9€-a-street-dove}ep- meRt of a stepm *swap at water - grant or Water main improvement the said Ppe}imiRePy 48e9e0meRt Peii-shall-desepibe-the-ppoperty }R-the -ape a-a€-speeia&-bemofiter -190- M bwt-Reed-�@�-state-th@-RdmbeP-e€ €Bed-9€-pPepeety-ab!ltkiRk�-any-sdeh imp P@vemen4-wnleas -sash-at atom @Rt be ReeesesPy iR d9aapibiRg ppepopty in the apes of spesiel belie€itsw See+r-��6*--S@e--MspweP-a€-appe�rbeReRb. Incorporated in Sec. 20(k)(4)(ii), iR-the-pP@limiRaPy-989eeBpleRt-PAII at end. there-shell-be-eppepki@nod-t@-the eity seen park of the east of a street development so may have been determined by the 4R4t4al PeeeldtisRT and to the lets and repeals-within-the-area-a€-speeial belie€its-shall-be-appePtieRod-the remaining-perk-e€-seek-eest� Seer-427*--Same--Assessment-6R-ppepePtieR-te Incorporated in speeial-belie€ate* Sec. 20(k)(4)(xi), at end. lhe-eme�Rt-e€-the-east-e€-a-street development-@P-s-stePm-sewer-eP-a i water€p@lit-@P-water-main-impPeve- moRt �eweleding storm sewer laterals in the atePm sewer imppevemeRts} whieh iR the pPelimiRepy assessment Pell is sppePtieRed-t@-lets-HRd-papeele-e€ land iR the apes of speeial hen e€its -as -ppevidad -by-thia-aek and -by-said- seat ism -46v-shall-iR said Pell be assessed to the several lets and papeels w4th4R the apes of speeial beRe€its in 1 prep@PtieR-te-the-sp@eiel-bane€its I whieh-the-eity-maRagep-deems-seek sueh-let-op-papeel-will-peeeivew See*-188* -Same- -Assessments-ageiRet-lets-iR Incorporated in e�esees-a€-€l€ty-pepeent-a€-valde. Sec. 20(o). ;he-eemmissieR-shall-Ret-89A€@Pm any speeial assessments against aRy let or pareel e€ land in eseess of fifty k6g� pepeeRt of the value thereof as lest €iwed gap tasatleR by the beard of equaliaati@R of the eityv Any d@€ieit from the opplieatieR of this-ppehibitieR-shall-be-@haPged t@-the-eity-as-a-general-ehaPgoY See.-lS*--Same--When eon€iPmatien of Superfluous; already assessment-rell-eeReluslvew included in Sec.-20(n) lhs-song ipmatieR-a€-6n-assessment poll by the eemmissieR wRdep papagpepk-!�$3-��M��-a€-se�tieR-S6 @€-th@-6hsPteP-shall-b@-€iRHI-and ssReldsive as to the assessment against seek let and papeol assessed aRless proper steps b@ tai�eA-within-twenty-E�93-days-iA-e eedPt�-a€-een�petent-3aPiadiotien-te ssoupe-poll@€r -191- See.-�;8.--6ien for eests involved in sleeIRIT remevinIt repakr}aq or demei}saiRg-ea€#t-bdiidiagg. UpeR the €ailwpe e€ the ewnePT @MRe�►9�r-@P-�@P8@RB-�RtePe9�ed-�R pPepePtY-w3thiR-the-eitY-te-ee�+piy with the d 0 t 0 P M i R 8 t i 8 A Of the e€€ie9PT-beard-eP-bedy-design ated bY-the-6ity-Gad s-eP-by -9PdiRenes to-psqu4Pe-the -else iRgT-Pemevair PepeiPT eP derealitieR of any bwiidiRg-eP-etPHBtwPe-dBRljePewe-te the healthr mePal-ar aafotYT eP @@Rapel-wel gape -B€-the-peeple-e€ the-eityT-a€tee-PeaeeRebIs-Rok4ee gap sweh eemplienee has been giveRT-ekleh-a€�ieePT-beard-BP-bedY a�ey eaass sweh bwiiding eP stPwetwPe-te-be-eIsSadr-remevsdr PepeiPedT OF demolished OP May e@RtPaet thOPe€ePT after adveP- tesemeRt-€OPT-and-Peeeipt-a€-bidsT and-the-amew"t-e€ ��}--abatPaetiRg-and-tithe-eeareh €ee9 or ehaPgeeT emp@Pt witneseesi €eser and adveP- tieiAg-BhaPgeB-iRewPPedT-and 424--the ee$t a sweh elesiRgT PeMB1►a�T-PepaiP-BP-dBlpe�itieRT �€-eRYT shall eenstitwte and remain a mwnieipal lien agaiROt the Peal pPepePtY-iRveived-wRtii-paid-with interest-te-aeePwe-at-the-Pate-e€ eim 46} pePeeRt annwally. Sweh �ieRe-�aY-be-eR€ePeed-bY-anY-e€-the metheds provided in ehOpteP 86r FlsPide 8tatwteer a in the alterRativer €epeeIeawre pPaeeediRge-may-be-iRatikwted-and pPas9ewtad-wRdeP-the -pPevisiens-9€ ehaptop- �7;T-FlePida-5tatwteer-eP the-eelleetieR-and-eR€ereemeRt-of paymeRt-thePee€-may-be-aeeempiished bY-aR�►-etbeg-n�ethed-ewt1�BP�eed-b� law* See:-���*--Stem-sawes-iepPevemeats. T-he eemmissiOR of the 64ty OF NiamiT-F�ePida-shall-have-Re-pewee to-0PdOP -the -mBkiRg-a€-aRy-BtePm sewer impPevemoRt as a Iseal �mpPev@A18Rt+wRde P-the-pP@vi$iBRe a€-se�tieR-t6-O€-the-6ity-GhsPtBPt previdedT hsweverr that any speeial asseesmeRts tkePete€ere levied &Rd any preeeedings khoPete€ePs takeR iR eeRReetieR with steam sewers shall. RBI be repealed BP a€€eeted by thie a1RBRdR1eRt-8Rd-ail-Odeh+pPaeeediRge may-be-eawt}Rwsd-end-eea+p}stem-end spesiai essseemeRts pwgemaRt to Omsk peoeeediRge may be levied wRdeP the pP9visieRe s€ said sBet�eR-F6+a€-the-6�ty-6kertePT" -192- Incorporated in Sec. 17(r). Incorporated in Sec. 20(b), at end. Section 2. If any section, part of section$ paragraphs clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 16F__th _day of November 1983. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 19th day of Janua l 198�. PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 4(` ► DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: -193- y % y y .. ,.....�N I Ralph G. Un is Cierk of the it of Miami 10 rt hereby i), {9 rplt t`I full, true and cor:ectt copy of the abu a� ve ucij foregoing ordinance wzs posted at the South Wor of the MWe County Court !-louse at the place provided for notic.s and publications by attaching said copy to the th;refur. and the official seal of said City tills...1.......,:. City cldrir * 'T LEGAL DESCRIPTION CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF CITY OF MIAMI Beginning at a point where the North line of Section Eight (8), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-two (42) East intersects the West shoreline of Biscayne Bay; Thence run South along the westerly shoreline of Biscayne Bay thirty (30) feet; Thence Westerly, parallel 'to and thirty (30) feet South of the North line of Section Eight (8), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-two (42) East to the West boundary of said Section Eight (8); Thence, continuing Westerly into Section Seven (7), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-two (42) East, a distance of thirty-five (35) feet; Thence, Northerly parallel to the East line of said Section Seven (7), to the North boundary of said Section Seven (7); Thence West along said North line of Section Seven (7) to a point twenty-five (25) feet North of the Northeast ( N.E. ) corner of Block five (5) of North Shore Crest, as recorded in Plat Book Seventeen (17), at page forty- two (42), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence South twenty-five (25) feet; Thence West, parallel to and twenty-five (25) feet South of the North line of said Section seven (7), to the East line of Biscayne Boulevard as laid out along the East line of the Northwest one -quarter (N.W. 1/4) of said Section seven (7); Thence North along said East line of Biscayne Boulevard a distance of ten (10) feet; Thence West, parallel to and fifteen (15) feet South of the North line of said Section seven (7) to a line parallel to and one hundred eighty-five (185) feet West of the East line of the Northwest one -quarter (N.W. 1/4) of said Section Seven (7); Thence South, parallel to and one hundred eighty-five (185) feet West of said East line of the Northwest one -quarter (N.W. 1/4) of said Section seven (7) to the North line of West Shore Crest (N. Line N.E. 83 Street), as recorded in Plat Book ten (10), page sixty-seven (67), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West along the said North line of West Shore Crest to the Northwest (N.W.) corner of said West Shore Crest; Thence continuing West along the North line of Lot One (1) of the Subdivision of the Northwest one -quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Section Seven (7), -Township Fifty-three'(53) South of Range Forty-two (42) East, as recorded in Plat Book "B" at page three (3) of the public records of Dade County, Florida, to the Easterly bank of the stream called Little River; Thence Northerly and Westerly following the Easterly and/or Northerly bank of said stream known as Little River to the North bank of Little River Drainage Canal; Thence oontinuin Westwardly along the North bank of Little r g 8 Rive Drainage Canal to the West line of El Portal (said line also being the centerline of North Miami Avenue), Section.Six (6) as recorded in Plat Book Fifteen at page eighteen (18) of the public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence South along said centerline of North Miami Avenue across said Little River Drainage Canal to the Northwest Corner of Block 21 of Little River Gardens, a Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book Six (6) at Page one hundred fifty-three (153), public records of Dade County, Florida; EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE NO. 9776 (1) r <: Thence continuing South along the West line of said Little River Gardens (centerline N. Miami Avenue) to an intersection with the Easterly production of the North line of Lots ten (10) and twenty-two (22), Block Three (3)9 Everglades 5 Commercial Addition, as recorded in Plat Book eighteen (18), page Seventy-eight (78), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West along said North line of Lots Ten (10) and Twenty-two (22), to the Northwest (N.W.) corner of said Lot Twenty-two (22); Thence West continuing the above course to the East line of Minnesota Park as recorded in Plat Book Six (6), page thirty-nine (39), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence North along said East line of Minnesota Park to the South line of Lot Four (4), Block A, of said Minnesota Park; Thence West along the South line of said Lot Four (4), Block A, across Oleander Street (now called Northwest First Place) and along the South line of Lot Four (4), Block " B" of said Minnesota Park, and along a continuation of this line to the East line of Lot one (1) Block Eleven (11), Bellcamp Manor, as recorded in Plat Book Eleven (11), page thirty-three (33), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence South along said East line of Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11), Belleamp Manor, to the North line of the twelve (12) foot alley through Block Eleven (11) of said Bellcamp Manor; Thence West along the North line of said twelve (12) foot alley produced Westerly through Blocks Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) and to the East line of Lot Ten (10) , Block Eight (8), of said Bellcamp Manor; ( said line also being the west line of N.W. 5th Avenue); Thence North along the East line of said Lot Ten (10), Block Eight (8) to the North line of said Lot Ten (10); Thence West along the North boundary of said Lot Ten (10) to the East line of Amended Plat of Rose Bower, as recorded in Plat Book Thirty-two (32), page forty-one (41), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West through Rose Bower to the Northeast (N.E.) corner of Lot nineteen (19), Block Three (3), Little River Highlands, as recorded in Plat Book Nine (9), page One Hundred twenty-nine (129), public Records of Dade County, Florida. Thence West along the North line of Lots Nineteen (19) and Thirteen (13), Block Three (3), across Northwest Sixth (N.W. 6th) Avenue, along the North line of Lots Nineteen (19) and Thirteen (13) Block Two (2), all as shown by the said plat of Little River Highlands; and continuing West across Northwest Sixth (N.W. 6th) Court to the East line of Tract "a' of Francine Heights 1st Addition as recorded in P.B. 90 at Page 86 public records of Dade County, Florida; said line also being the West line of Northwest sixth (N.W. 6th) Court; Thence North 5 feet along said West line of N.W. 6th Court to the N.E. corner of said Tract "C" of Francine Heights 1st Addition; Thence West along said North line of Tracts "C" and "B" of said Francine Heights ist addition to the East line of Northwest Seventh (N.W. 7th) Avenue; Thence Northwesterly to the Northeast (N.E.) corner of Lot Three (3), Block Two (2), of Home Crest Amended as recorded in Plat Book Nine (9), page eighty-four (84), public records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West along the North line of said Lot Three (3), to the Northwest M W.) corner thereof; (2) OTTO:,. Thence South along the West line of said Lot Three (3) to the Northeast (N.E.) corner of Lot Eleven (11) of said Block Two (2); Thence West along the North line of said Lot Eleven (11), Block Two (2) to the Northwest (N.W. corner) of said Lot Eleven (11), Block Two (2); Thence South along the West line of said Lot Eleven (11), Block Two (2), Home Crest Amended to the North line of Everglades Avenue (now called Northwest Seventy-ninth Street), as shown by said plat of Hone Crest Amended; Thence Southerly across said Everglades Avenue (now called Northwest Seventy-ninth Street) to the Northwest (N.W.) corner, of Lot Seven MO Block One (1), Stephens Manor, as recorded in plat book Fourteen (14), page Eighteen (18); public records of Dade County, Florida; - Thence South along the West line Lots Seven (7) and Thirty-five (35)9 Block One (1) across Northwest Seventy-eighth (N.W. 78th) Terrace (now called Northwest Seventy-eighth Street) along the West line of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block Two (2), across Northwest Seventy-eighth (N.W. 78th) Street (now called Northwest Seventy -Seventh Terrace) along the West line of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block Three (3), across Northwest Seventy-seven (N.W. 77th) Street, along the west line of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block Ten (10), across Northwest Seventy-sixth (N.W. 76th) Street, along the West line of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block ` Eleven (11), across Northwest Seventy-fifth (N.W. 75th) Street, along the West line of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block Eighteen (18), across '( Northwest Seventy-fourth (N.W. 74th) Street, along the West line of Lots Nine �{ (9) and Twenty-eight (28), Block Nineteen (19), across Northwest Seventy-third (N.W. 73rd) Street, along the West line of Lot Seven (7), Block Twenty-six (26), across the Florida East Coast Railway Right-of-way, along thee West line of Lot Eight (8), Block Twenty -sever. (27), across Northwest Seventy-second (N.W. 72nd) Street, along the West line of Lot Eight (8), Block Thirty-four (34), across the tract marked "Proposed Spur Track", along the West line of Lot Seven (7), block Thirty-five (35), to the North line of Northwest Seventy-first (N.W. 71st) Street, all as shown on said plat of Stephens Manor; Thence southerly to the northwest corner of Lot Nineteen (19) Block Two (2), of Henry Ford Subdivision Number Two (2), as recorded in Plat Book Nine (9), at Page One Hundred Nineteen (119), public records of Dade County, Florida; thence westerly along the north line of Block Two (2) and Block One (1) of said Henry Ford Subdivision Number Two (2), said line also being twenty-five (25) feet south of and parallel with the north line of Section 14, Township 53 south, Range 41 East to the west line of the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the northeast quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East (centerline N.W. 10 Avenue) ; thence north ten (10) feet; thence west along a line fifteen (15) feet south of and parallel with the north line of Section Fourteen (14) to the intersection with the west line of the N.E. 1/4 (centerline N.W. 12 Avenue) of said Section 14; thence south 20 feet along the west line of said N.E. 1/4 of Section 14; thence westerly along a line 35 feet south of and parallel with the north line of Section 14 and 15 to the west line of N.W. 17 Avenue; thence s north along the west line of northwest 17th Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot Twenty-two (22), Block one (1), Liberty City, as recorded in Plat Book Y Seven (7) at Page Seventy-nine (79) of the public records of Dade County, Florida; thence west along the north line of block one (1) of said Liberty -? City to the northwest corner of Lot twenty-one (21) Block one (1) of the aforementioned Liberty City; Thence South along the West line of Lots Twenty-one (21) and Twenty- four (24), Block one (1) of Liberty City, as recorded in Plat Book 7 at Page 79 of the public records of Dade County, Florida; thence across Adams Street (now called N.W. 7Oth Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Black 2, across Monroe Street (now called N.W. 69th Terrace); along the West line of Lots 22 and 25, Block 3; across Jefferson Street (now called N.W. 69th Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24; Block 4; across Lincoln Street (now called N.W. 68th Terrace); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Block 5; across Washington Street (now called N.W. 68th Street); along the West limas of Lots 21 and 24, Block 6; across Richardson Street (now called N.W. 67tn Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Block 7; across Strother Street (now called N.W. 66th Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24. Block 8; across Green Street (now called N.W. 65th Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Block 9; across Jenkins Street (now called N.W. 64th Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Block 10; across Perry Street (now called N.W. 63rd Street); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Bl=k 11; across Samson Street (now called N.W. 62nd Terrace); along the West line of Lots 21 and 24, Block 12 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 24, all as shown on the Plat of Liberty City; Thence Southwesterly across N.W. 62nd Street to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of Eatonton, as recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 193 of the public records of Dade County, Florida; thence South along the West line of Lots 19 2, 31 4, and 5, Block 1 of said Plat of Eatonton; thence South to a point where the Southerly production of the West line of Lot 5, Block 1 of said Eatonton intersects the center line of Lucky Avenue (now called N.W. 61-s Street); thence West along said center line of N.W. 61st Street to a point of intersection with the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 8, Block 2 of Lot 8, Block 2 of said Eatonton; thence South along the West line of Lots B and 23, Block 2 of said Eatonton to a point of intersection on the center lime of N.W. 60th Street; thence Easterly along the center line of said N.W. 60th Street to a point of intersection with the Northerly production of the West line of Lot 4, Block 4 of Normandy Park, as recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 15 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South along the West line of Lots 4, 31 2 and 1, Block 4; across a public alley;along the West line of Lots 4, 31 2 and 1, Block 3; across N.W. 59th Street;along the West line of Lots 4, 31 2 and 1, Block 2; across a public alley;along the West line of Lcsts 4, 31 2 and 1, Block 1, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; all as shown am the Plat of said Normandy Park. Thence South across N.W. 58th Street on the continuation of the last above described course to a point of intersection with a line parallel to and twenty-five (25) feet South of the North line of the South one -quarter (S 1!Q of Section 15, Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East,; thence West along the aforementioned parallel line to the West line of the East one -quarter (E 1/4) of said Section 15, Township Fifty-three (53) Sow, Range Forty-one (41) East (centerline N.W. 19 Avenue); Thence South along the West line of the East One -quarter (E 1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East, and continuing South along the West line of the East One -quarter (E IV4 of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty -am (41) East, to the North line of the South One -quarter (S 1/4) of the Sofia One-half (S 1/2) of said Section Twenty-two (22) (centerline N.W. 38 Street); Thence West along the North line of the South one -quarter (S 1/4) of the South One-half (S 112) of said Section Twenty-two (22) to the East line of Northwest twenty-seventh (N.W. 27th) Avenue, as laid out along the West Jim of said Section Twenty-two (22); 01 (4) 9770 Thence South along the East line of Northwest Twenty-seven (N.W. 27th) Avenue to an intersection with the Easterly production of the North line of Lots Thirteen (13) to Twenty-four (24) inclusive, of Block Two (2), Garden of Allah as recorded in Plat Book Five (5) Page Seventy-five (75), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West along said Easterly production and along the North line of said Lots Thirteen (13) to Twenty-four (24) inclusive, to the West line of said Block Two (2); Thence West on a continuation of the last above mentioned line to the East line of Evergreen Lawns Number Three (3), as recorded in Plat Book Twenty-one (21) at Page Seventy (70), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence Southwesterly to the Southeast (S.E.) corner of Lot Three (3), Block Three, of said Evergreen Lawns Number Three (3); Thence West along the South line of Lots Three (3) and Fourteen (14) of said Block Three (3), Evergreen Lawns Number Three (3) to the Southwest (S.W.) corner of said Lot Fourteen (14) said line also being One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the South line of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Fifty- three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East; Thence Westerly across N.W. 30 Avenue to the Southeast (S.E.) corner of Lot Three (3), Block Three (3), Druid Heights, as recorded in Plat Book ji.. Twenty-two (22), Page Twelve (12) Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Thence West to the Southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Two (2) of said Druid Heights; j Thence West to a point on the East line of Lauraville, as recorded in Plat Book Nineteen (19), Page Seventy-four (74), Public Records of Dade ++ County, Florida, said point also being One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North 1 of the South line of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East; Thence South Westerly to the Southeast (S.E.) corner of Lot Thirty-six - (36) Block One (1) , of said Lauraville said point also being One Hundred and Forty-seven (147) feet North of the South line of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East; Thence West through said Block One (1) to the Southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot Twenty-five (25) of said Block One (1); Thence North Westerly across N.W. 33 Avenue to the Southeast (S.E.) corner of Lot One (1), Block Five (5), Thirty-sixth (36th) Street Highlands, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book Twenty-two (22), Page Seventy-three (73), Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said point also being One Hundred and Forty-nine (149) feet North of the South line of Section Twenty- one (21), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East; Thence West through said Block Five (5) to the Southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot Twelve (12) thereof; Thence West to 'a point on the West line of Section Twenty-one (21) Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East, said point being - One Hundred and Forty-nine (149) feet North of the Southwest (S.W.) corner of said Section Twenty-one (21); Thence Northwesterly to the Northeast (N.E.) corner of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Four (4), Melrose Gardens Amended, as recorded in Plat Book Seven (7), Page Ninety-four (94), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence West across said Melrose Gardens Amended to the Northwest (N.W.) corner of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3) of,said Melrose Gardens, Amended; Thence West on a continuation of the last above mentioned line to the center line of the East One -Half (E 1/2) of the East One -Half (E 1/2) of Section Twenty (20), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East, said line also being the West line of Northwest Thirty-eighth (36) Avenue; (5) ''! 12 12 Thence South along said center line of the East One -Half (E 1/2) of the East One -Half (E 112) of section twenty (20) and continuing South along the center line of the East One -Half (E 1/2) of the East One -Half (E 1/2) of Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) East to a point of intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of Seaboard All Florida Railway; thence continue Southeasterly along said railway right-of-way to the intersection with the westerly prolongation of the North line of N.W. 34th Street (as shown on former plats of Melrose Heights (17-22), Fronton Heights (81-22); thence East along the aforesaid described Northline of former N.W. 34th Street to the West line of Northwest Thirty-seventh (N.W. 37th) Avenue; thence continue North along the West side of N.W. 37th Avenue to a line parallel with and One Hundred Seventy (170) feet, South of the North line of said Section Twenty-nine .(29), (N.W. 36t-h Street); Thence East along a line parallel with and One Hundred Seventy (170) feet, South of the North line of Section Twenty-eight (28) and Twenty -Seven (27), Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range Forty-one (41) to the East line of Northwest 27th Avenue as laid out along the West line of said Section Twenty -Seven (27); Thence South along the East line of Northwest Twenty-seventh Avenue as laid out along the West line of Section Twenty-seven (27), said line being 35 feet East of and parallel with the West line of Section 27, to the intersection with the South line of Block 11 of Winter Gardens 1st addition, Resubdivision (24-68); thence West along the prolongation of said Block 11 of Winter Gardens 1st Addition, Twenty (20) feet; thence South along a line fifteen (15) feet Easterly of and parallel with the West line of said Section 27 to the North line of Section 34, Township 54 South, Range 41 East (centerlilne N.W. 20th Street); Thence Westerly across Northwest Twenty-seventh (N.W. 27th) Avenue along the North line of Sections Thirty-four (34), Thirty-three (33), and Thirty - Two (32), to the North bank of the Tamiami Canal; thence Southerly and Westerly along the said North bank of the Tamiami Canal, through Sections Thirty -Two (32) and Thirty -One (31), Township Fifty -Three (53) South, Range Forty -One (41) East and continue Southerly and Westerly through Lot One (1), and continue Southerly and Westerly through Sections One and Two, Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty (40) East to a point of intersection with the westerly boundary of the F.E.C. R.R., thence northerly along said westerly boundary of the F.E.C. R.R. right-of-way for a distance of 1889.6 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with the North line of the Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section 2, Township 54 South, Range 40 East; thence run westerly along the said line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 2 for a distance of 2.86 feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly boundary of the S.A.L. R.R. right-of-way for a distance of 836.46 feet to a P.C.; thence run Southerly along the are of a cu�ve to the left having a radius of 1860.08 feet and a central angle of 20 03'30" for a distance of 651.18 feet to a P.T.; thence run Southerly along said Easterly boundary of the S.A.L. R.R. for a distance of 651.27 feet to a point on the Northerly bank of the Tamiami Canal; thence continue Southwesterly along the said Northerly bank of the Tamiami Canal to an intersection with the West line of Section Two (2) Township Fifty -Four (54) South Range forty (40) East; Thence South along the West line of Sections Two (2) and Eleven (11), Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty (40) East to the South line of S.W. 8th Street as now laid out along the North line of Section Eleven (11), Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty (40) East; thence East along the South line of said S.W. 8th Street, as now laid out along the North line of said Section 11, to the West line of Section Twelve (12), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty (40) East; (S.W. 67th Ave.) Thence North along the West line of said Section Twelve (12), the same being the coincident boundary line of the Town of West Miami to an intersection with the North line of said Section Twelve (12), said line a?s9 Bing the centerline of S.W. 8th Street; thence East along the North line of said Section Twelve (12), the same being the coincident boundary line of the Town of West Miami; to the Range line between Range Forty (40) East and Range Forty -One (41) East; (S.W. 57th Ave.) (6) 7 Thence East along the South line of Sections Six (6) and Five (5), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty-one (41) East the same being the coincident boundary of Coral Gables to the East line of the Revised Plat of Granada Section of Coral Gables according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book Eight (8) at Page One Hundred thirteen (113), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence leaving coincident boundary of the City of Coral Gables and the City of Miami, run East along the South line of Section Five (5), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty-one (41) East, to the Northwest corner of the Douglas Section of Coral Gables Revised, as recorded in Plat Book Twenty-five (25) at Page Sixty-nine (69), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; __ Thence coincident with the boundary of the City of Coral Gables as follows: Run East along the South line of Section Five (5), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty-one (41) East to the Southwest corner of the Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables, as recorded in Plat Book Ten (10), at Page Twelve (12), Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence North along the West line of Blocks Thirteen (13) and Twelve (12) respectively of said Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables, to the Northwest corner of said Block Twelve (12); Thence East along the North line of said Block Twelve (12) to the Northeast corner thereof; Thence North along the West line of Blocks Four (4) and Three (3) respectively of said Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables to the Northwest corner of said Block Three (3); Thence East along the North line of said Block Three (3) and the production thereof to the East line of said Section Five (5), Township Fifty- four (54) South, Range Forty-one (41) East, centerline (S.W. 37th Avenue); Thence North along said East line of Section Five (5) to the intersection with the Westerly production of the North line of Block One (1) of said Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables; Thence East along the said Westerly production of the North line of Block One (1) and along the North line of Block One (1) , Two hundred Two and Twenty -Seven One -Hundredths (202.27) feet, more or less, to the West line of the Flagler Street entrance, according to said Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables; Thence North along said West line One Hundred Sixty -Five (165) feet to a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty -One (41) East, Two Hundred Two and Forty -One Hundredths (202.40) feet, more or less, East of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Four (4) to the South line of the present limits of the said City of Miami. Thence East along the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty -One (41) East 223.85 feet more or less to the intersection of the Northerly production of the East line of said Flagler Street entrance and the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section Four (4); thence Southerly along the East side of Flagler Street Entrance to a line parallel with and 165 feet more or less South of the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 4; according the Plat of Flagler Street Section of Coral Gables, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence West along a line parallel with and 165 feet more or less South of the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section Four (4) 100.22 feet more or less to the present center line of Southwest 36th Court; thence South along the center line of said Southwest 36th Court, which is thirty (30) feet West of and parallel with the West line of Blocks T, 6 and 5 of the Amended Plat of Kirkland Heights as recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 3 at Page 214 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, to the center line of Palma Court (also known as S.W. 2nd Street); (7) 7 ► Thence West along said Center line of S.W. 2nd Street (Palma Court) to the East line of Douglas Road; thence South along said East line of Douglas Road said line being 15 feet and 25 feet East of the Section lines as laid out along the East lines Sections 5 and 8 of Township 54 South, Range 41 East to the center line of Section 91 Township 54 South, Range 41 East, S.W. 16th Street; thence West to the East line of Section 80 Township 54 South, Range 41 East; thence South along the East line of said Section 8 and along the East line of Section 17, Township 54 South, Range 41 East to the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 179 Township 54 South, Range 41 East, Thence West along said North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) to the East line of the West Half (W 1/2) of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), thence South along last mentioned East line of the West half (W 1/2) to the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast (SE 1/4) of said Section 17, thence west along said South line of the North- east Quarter ( NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) to the Northwest (NW) corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 17, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, S.W. 39th Avenue; thence South along the East line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 17 and continuing South along the East line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 20, Township 54 South, Range 41 East to the North line of the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 20, (Orange Street) thence East to the center line of the East one-fourth (E 1/4) of said Section 20, thence South along the aforementioned center line of the East one-fourth W/O (Brooker Street) to the center line of said section 20 (Grand Avenue); thence West along the centerline of said Section 20 (Grand Avenue) to a point one thousand ten and sixty-seven hundredths (1010.67) feet East of the center of said Section 209 Township 54 South, Range 41 East; thence South parallel to and one thousand ten and sixty-seven hundredths (1010.67) feet East of the center of said Section 20 to a point four hundred thirty and eighty-nine hundredths (430.89) feet more or less North of the South line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 20, thence West parallel to and four hundred thirty and eighty-nine hundredths (430.89) feet North of the South line of the Northwest (NW 1/4) Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 20 to the East side of LeJeune Road, thence South along said East side of LeJeune Road as laid out along the center lines of Sections 20 and 29 of Township 54 South, Range 41 East to the North line of the South one fourth (S 1/4) of said Section 29, thence East along the North lines of the South one-fourth (S 1/4) of Sections 29 and 28 of Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty -One (41) East, and along the North line of the South One -Fourth (S 1/4) of said Section Twenty-eight (28) produced East to where this line intersects with the present Easterly City limits of Miami produced Southerly at the center line of Biscayne Bay. Thence leaving the City limits of Coral Gables run Northerly along the present City limits of Miami, said Center line being now particularly described and located hereinafter as a line produced Southerly to a point of intersection with a line running due East and West along the center line of Bear Cut, South of the most Southerly point of Virginia Key. Thence East along the last described line to the West boundary line of Section Twenty (20),_ Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty -Two (42) East; thence Northerly along the West boundary line of Section Twenty (20) and Section Seventeen (17), Township Fifty-Four(54) South, and Range Forty-two (42) East, which is also the West boundary of that certain tract of Bay Bottom land heretofore conveyed to the County of Dade, by the City of Miami, and recorded in Deed Book 3081 at Page 4 of the public Records of Dade County, Florida, to the Southwesterly right-of-way line of the Rickenbacker Causeway; Thence continue Northerly along the West boundary line of Section Seventeen (17), Township Fifty -Four (54) South, Range Forty -Two (42) East to the intersection of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of the Rickenbacker Causeway; said right-of-way line being Six Hundred and Sixty (660) feet more or less Northeasterly of and measured at right angles to the center line of said Rickenbacker Causeway; as conveyed to the County of Dade by the City of Miami, and recorded in Deed Book 2220 at Page 545 of the Public Records of said Dade County, Florida; (s) 9770 Thence Southeasterly along the aforementioned right-of-way line to its intersection with the Northwesterly boundary of a tract of land described in an instrument recorded in Deed Book 3081 at Page 4 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run Northeasterly along the Northwesterly boundary of the aforementioned tract to its intersection with the east line of Section Seventeen (17), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty -Two (42) East; thence run South to the Southeast corner of said Section Seventeen (17); Thence East along the South line of Section Sixteen (16), Township Fifty-four (54) South, Range Forty-two (42) East, which is also the North boundary of that certain tract of land heretofore conveyed to the County of Dade by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida and recorded in Deed Book 2065 at Page 454 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, to the intersection with the Southerly shore line of Virginia Key; Thence Southerly and Easterly for a distance of Fifteen Hundred (1500) Feet along a line having its Southerly terminus at the most Easterly point on the Easterly shore line of Biscayne Key, said line being the Easterly boundary of that tract of submerged land, as conveyed to Dade County by Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, and recorded in Deed Book 2224 at Page 508 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Thence run Northeasterly meandering along a line Fifteen Hundred (1500) Feet distant Southeasterly and Easterly from the low water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the intersection with the Southeasterly production of a line bearing North Fifty Degrees, Fifty Minutes West (N. 560 50' W.), said line being that same course which is described in the deed from the Internal improvement Fund of the State of Florida to the City of Miami, filed for record on August 31, 1942, in Deed Book 2247 at Page 260 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said course being described in Said instrument as, "Thence run North Fifty Degrees, Fifty Minutes West (N. 50 501 W.), on a line which is Seven Hundred (700) feet Northeasterly from and parallel to the Northeasterly side of the tract of land heretofore acquired by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund, through Master's Deed, dated May 21, 1940, and recorded in Deed Book 2065 at Page 487, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, a distance of Four Thousand Four Hundred Eighty (4,480) feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the East line of the West one-half (W. 1/2) of said Section Nine (9); Thence run North on the said East line of the West one-half (W 1/2) of said Section 9 a distance of 1,320 feet to a point of intersection with a line which is 100 feet North of and parallel with the North boundary of Fisher's Island; thence run N 880041E along said line being 100 feet North of and parallel with the Northerly boundary of Fisher's Island to a point of intersection with the southerly line of the Miami Municipal Channel; thence rui northwesterly along the southerly line of the said Miami Municipal Channel to a point of intersection with the northerly line of the F.E.C. Railway Company Channel; thence run easterly along said northerly line of F.E.C. Railway Company Channel to a point of intersection with a line which is eighty (80) feet northeasterly from and measured at right angles to the centerline of the Miami Municipal Channel, said line being the same which is described in the deed from the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida to the City of Miami, filed for records January 21, 1932 in Deed Book 1472 at Page 474 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run northwesterly along the aforesaid described line to a point of intersection with the East boundary of the City of Miami Corporate Limits, as authorized by Chapter 116117 (No. 282) 1925 Laws of the State of Florida [CHAPTER 57-1583 SENATE BILL NO. 10431. Thence Northeasterly along the said Easterly Corporate Limits of the City of Miami to a point on the center line of the General Douglas MacArthur Causeway, said point being One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventeen and Forty -Seven idundredths (1,917.47) feet Northwesterly from the intersection of the Southerly production of the center line of Fountain Street as shown on the Plat of Palm Island as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 54 of the Publiv Records of Dade County, Florida with the center line of said General Douglas MacArthur Causeway; Thence continue Northeasterly along said Easterly Corporate Limits to a point on the South line of the Venetian Way, said point being Thirteen and Seventy -Five One Hundredths (13.75) feet East of the most Easterly extremity of San Marco Island as recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 21 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and continuing northerly along the last described line to a point of intersection with the Southerly production of a line which is Two Hundred and Fifty (250) feet West and parallel with the East line of Section 8, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, as shown on the "Map of Highway Right -of -Way of Proposed Northeast 79th Street Causeway Across Biscayne Bay," as recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 70 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and as also shown on the Plat of North Bay Island, as recorded in Plat Book 40 at Page 59 of the Public Records of said Dade County; Thence continue Northerly along the last described line to a point of intersection with the North line of said Section 8; said point being Two Hundred and Fifty (250) feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 8, Township 53 South, Range 42 East; Thence West along the North line of said Section 8 to the Westerly shore line of Biscayne Bay, to the point of Beginning. t 10> 91 V- 'NT7ti.o-=?C� ,v1 �11�1QrraiVOUibI Howard V. Gary November 79 1983 City Manager " Attn: Manny Alvarez Special Assistant to Review of Charter the City Manager .lose R. :Garcia -Pedrosa E' "`" `S Memo of November 1, 1983 z City Attorney from Manny Alvarez CNCL�:SL'R�S: Attached you will find an approved Resolution calling for an election on March 13, 1984 (the date of the Presidential Primary Election) to approve a Charter Amendment (No. 1) accomplishing the City Charter revision in the following non - substantive manner: A. changes in grammar, style, and language; B. elimination of obsolete or unnecessary provisions; and C. reorganization and renumbering of provisions. You have previously received the original approved Ordinance which was on the City Commission Agenda of September 9, 1983 (Item #47). That proposed Ordinance should be placed on the November 16, 1983 Agenda and the attached Resolution would appear as a companion item on the same Agenda. JGP/RFC/rr Y�^ r CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA % 1 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM -m The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FRom: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa City Attorney DATE December 6, 1983 FILE: A-83-338 SUBJECT. Revision of City Charter REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES 2 As I indicated to you at the time that the captioned ordinance was read for the first time on November 16th, the members of the Charter Review Committee have been proposing a number of additional, non -substantive, changes which I intend to incorporate into the draft by the time of the second reading. Unfortunately, the last of the members of the committee to let me have his comments did not do so until the last week in November, and this memorandum has been delayed for that reason. Attached please find under tab "A" the replacement pages con- taining the additional changes that I propose, after receiving the suggestions of the review committee. In order to facilitate the identification of those changes, I am also including as tab "B" the relevant pages from the previous draft, with the changes hand-written on them. JGP/mm cc: Howard V. Gary with enclosures City Manager Ralph G. Ongie with enclosures✓ City Clerk v9776 M14 �r1d h; 1 REF -.zMiS%«�'£.rie.^e &Z 22 TO: Manny Alvarez Agenda Coordinator FROM: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa City Attorney i CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 10, 1984 RiLt= J-83-706 SUBJECT: Ordinance Revising City Charter REFERENCES: City Commission Agenda 1/19/84 ENCLOSURES: The attached proposed ordinance is in proper form for second reading at the meeting of January 19, 1984. JGp/RFC/rr MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared Kann Pellom, who on oath says that she Is Assistant to the Supervlsor Legal Advadising of the Miami Review and Daily 1i-61f WA All All In(dra lted *Itl 9k# f4kd thit,Ort ttte i" bt bt 19 , the:elff cofflyhIsaii5tt of i111(atrti, #60dbi4tlop4W tu CiRiiNAN�E Mrs IN ARt ASPEAI Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) 81MULA7QiZ; usiNti q'iv`i±iJul nowspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that - qi,� ,Ffieti ii !{� t-CW;`'IE r the attached copy of adwrthemertl, being a Legal AdKeftlasment �ANTAtN 1 A' AE;a F of Notice in the matter of y CIA i)SE Re:OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 9776 _ ORQiNANG A i _k� O 1I � ADO U$H i11110 "fP,DEL��i 7 �7/'► '�/WQ f':J�L irCt�►� In the..... Court, gY>I�t�l �i8[Nt X X X was published In said newspaper in the Issues of t31�I1) ND1N .tZINt�� CITY �II1Aiy�liiil#'�� Jan.26, 1984 POR"Hk 1 ► MUAi NtT � At��B';` o FV Ic -Ati1`f0'R�1tY6`. si��.Elfi1�� GONG'{� s, Afflont further says that the said Miami Review and Daily ,4AAA i :%T�Tt1 Record Is a publlatted at Mism! In said Oade County, " A 111$tGN + said newspaper has herof oforolorida. ang that been continuously published In said Dade County. Florida, each day (except 5atufdsy, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been�0 entered as second class mail matter- at the post office in Mimi ns w a Y , M1 F Mii in said Dade County, Florida, fora, period of one year `Ai+t ��'���� �l next preceding tW fifst publicatim of the attached copy of . adventssmarfh and afflant further Upthot."afle has neither : A�t ' ' - paid now pfomhed affy parson, firm or Corporation any discount, $ rebata , IssWn or refund,for.ths of securing this far publication in t newspaper• FtiN �� t "tf�llirrr .f�N�Q 13 worq't. a uQscribe0•beloi� me this 26th Of S. ,T jam, l4D 1� 6 > ttrxv?i��i'r J. Public, State of at Large My Commission expires �r�urs. airaata es Is MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Karen Pellom, who on oath says that she Is Assistant to the Supervisor, Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of abwNtssmmtt, being a legal Ad"disement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Re: ORDINANCE NO. 9776 In the ...... X. X. X.............. I ............ Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of Jan.26, 1984 Affient further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Recod Is a p� publlahed at MIMI in said Dods County, . Florida, and thh t the said nowspaper has heretofore boon continuously pubilshed in said Dads County Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class "Mall minttar at the post office in Miami In said Dada' County, Florida, for* period of one year next preceding ttW first publication of the attached copy of odvwoaomdrth enit aiNant further iayy that, ahs has neither paid nor any person, firm or corporation any discount, rotate ; ission or rotundfw. His rpow of securing this i adve f for publication In'! ,newspaper. Ze _ `wor4-to ww4- t scritall t»forA me this 26thday of .. 'fi��'O j A j'•lr: D 84 .. J Z PUNIC, State of at Large (SEAL) i��' pF f• .. • •Q�t�' ���`� My Commission expireslt1At�``�� 0 AND: HISPANIO MIN91trtM§W11`419W ! AN EQIlAt �A&lSf:NTAlNtt TiVE$; E$TA 41$i i�4 `lGtllYQ i �F of GQ FUAN`BOAftttRtN�i? RTt[:C>lT Pt;_ UTAIANA'll#1PYtV s$t1 EIS F©�1=1MP1 L rMATIQN [1V k� Ill AMFY7�.4.Fc1., , '1 FLORIDA;. sY GtsAR�4TiN' MMA'iiQ $Yt�TA `�tti AND LINUISTiC-ERR4?R$;l�11MIVATII'lQ;,l�'lQi REDUNDANT PROV1$10NS;:AND RESTRtlCTi1RINQ-.AN_O, ..:s RENUMBERING CHARTER SECTIONS AND PART8 THAROW . FOR CLARITY; INSTRUCTING THI PROPER CITY OFFIGIAi:$; . '' i TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS FOR SUSMISSIQN. OF" SAID PROPOSWCH.ARTER AMENDMENT TO THE ELEC- TORATE AT A'SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON MARCH. t 13, 1084; AND CONTAINII`IG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY OF RK MIMI 'CITY Qt' AMI, FLOiiIDA •- 1126 8012603M 14 MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. 1 ORDINANCt: NO. NOTICE IS H� Y,A#iit l o(E�if tip tot city of Misrhi, PloritAi, Sn �Itflttaly 11, f9 bf tfTisnrififi� At.11 � A:f�1; itt the City ComMlsslori CharnliAr ilk 55811 fth AM61`164h bll" Ummi, Florida, will cont3ider thi! following Ordin9fif i) On 11MAl QIhg and the adoption thereof. ORDINANCi NO. AN ORDINANCE. AM ENDING SECTION 18.73(b) ANO, , PAFIA4AAPH A DF SUBSECTION 18.73(e) OF SECTION ;1Br ENTITLED "MINbmty PgOCU(IEMENT PROGRAM" OP Nit, GODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMWIEtl, BY - PROVIDING PDA THE DELETION Of THE. WOAD "PROPORTIONATE" AND FOR DELETION OF THE WOW "MONIES" AND IN69ATION OF THE WORDS "MONEY; PROPERTY CIA SERVICES" IN SAID SUBSECTION 18.73(b) AND FOR THE DELETION OF THE WORDS "BY THE CPt11" IN PARAGRAPH 9-IN,-SAID SUBSECTION 18.7'3(s), : SUGH AMENDMENTS BEING NECESSARY TO FACILITATE THE EFFECTIVE APPLICATIOW OF SAID PROGRA►M;• FUFt EA BY RENUMBERING SAID SECWN i73 S•POA tHE FORM-- -OF CLARITY, ORDINANCE NO:: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Karen Pellom, who on oath says that she Is Assistant to the Supervisor, Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published Miami In �ng County, Legatl Adve 1d ement the attached copy of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Re: ORDINANCE NO. In the ...... X.X....... .. ..................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Jan.9, 1984 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review and Dail, Record is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County Florida, and that the le saidnewspaper Dad* pCounty, Floridas a each ore da continuously pub (ezapt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has bee entered ss second class mail rat �lod of one yei Miami In said Dade Coun a. pe next preceding the t pubiication of t attached copyy < advertfil n a flant further says at she has neithi p nor am �p� firm or Lion any discoun robats, c salon or rofu d f se of securing th ndvertl nt for publl= newspaper. M bscAbad li tore ma tl N. •sworry�o? � y. r 1 .... . day of=.* !. ... �..i • • •..1<AM. 18.. i�jt.�:.. $' Betty'J rPaks ...... �� 4,1! 9r Public, Stat Florida at t.a (SEAL) My Commission explra(a<Uatrit'i i?rl I9Sy AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ;k&& 2.3Qg, Et�T1tLED DISCLOSURE.,OF, PARTIES IN INTt �IES.T •6Y-,PERSONS MAKING PRESENTATIONS, AEOUESTS, _ ETC., "T4 CITY ,COMMISSION .Oh BOARDS'?,` �F• THE CODE OF.-THEt CITY . „OF.MIAMi,:•FLORIDA AS AMENDEb, $Y OAOVIi]INO:i. $1 THE CLARIFICATION ;OF•,THt'41t UIREMENT OF. PULL DISCLOSURE, IN WRITING BY ALL •PARTIES •MAKING,A PRESENTATION; FORMAL.•-AEOUEST, OR, PETITION; WOH RESPECT -TO REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY COMMISSION OR -ANY -:CITY BOARD, OF.ALL PARTIES HAVINGAN OWNERSHIP INTEREST, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTUy IN. SUCH REAL_PROPERTY; CONTAINING A AEPEALER:PROVIS)AN -'AND A SEVERABILiTY:CLAUSE. "ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION, 19.45(!J�OFTHE1C0DE • OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIOA, AS AMENDEiD, WHICH DEALS WITWFEES FOR FURNISHING -REPORTS THAT ARE PUBUC;RECORDS,.BYPROVIDIN'G'FCi At411�GREA&ESN SAID;FEES;,CONTAINING A'REPEALER PROVISION"AND SEVERABlLi7'f CIA USIg iNli D .' NOTICE 18 HSY:G)VIV ' 111:t1i t�lty Of MlamfFlorida, lili titiilry i�, 1 dommofid ha i t 9 fed A.K in the City bot"Misslon C h a M Ovot Ilt 066 Arhoridan brine; Miami, Florida, will Consider the followrlhd Ordina0e:s(t4) On final tOddinO and the ad6otlon thereof, ORDINANO€ NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.13(b) AND PARAGRAPH (9) OF SUBSECTION 18-7*e) OF SECTION, IE; ENTITLO " MINORI'i'Y. OW)CUREMENT PROD iAM" OF TNE, CODE OF THE Of-'" OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDO,,fay PROVIDING FOR THE DELETION Of: THE WOAb "PROPORTIONATE" AND:FOR DELETION OF THE WORD. - "MONIES" AND INSERTION OF THE WORDS "MONEY, . PROPERTY OR SERVICES" IN SAID SUBSECTION 18•'i3(b) AND FOR THE DELETION OF THE WORDS "BY THE CITY IN PARAGRAPH 7 IN SAID SUBSECTION 11843(e); $UCH AMENDMENTS BEING NECESSARY tO FACILITATE THE EFFECTIVE APPLIPATwn Ur *AIL) t-HVWHAM; f-UMIMINn 13Y RENUMBERING SAID:SECTION 1643 06A THE PUM011 ORDINANCE ;NO. ,_; - AN`ORDINANQE AMENDING ORt�)NAN� NO t)478,.ADDP;TTEO 1 SEP'TEMBER 8, 1089 BY-AMENgING THE FUNb ,. APPROPRIATED FOA'THE T A TAUSND AOtNbY, puul) ENTLTLED "RECREATIOW'AtliViTY", 'INCREAr$) ,.a �r MIAMI REVIEW APPOOPRUTED--FUND$iPOa' tt (OPERATION of E TO THE AMOUNY OF;::i1W70 1NCLUDEfF1uNGING AND DAILY RECORD TAANSAMNS RE$ULTINt31� M,APPROVED `AOTIVi1Y ti ; OFYH,E FE8SIONALWIM'AND" WAwDA ti. NTAISOARO Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and CONING A FOULERPFfO(iWN AND A Legal Holidays CLAUSE: Miami, Dade County, Florida. :.ORDINANCE 1kd !..iw6:V.' r STATE OF FLORIDA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTiO,k g ve, • ITLt f3 COUNTY OF DADE. "DISG�LOSURE,.OF PARTIES IN:INTEREST GY;P SONS -.. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MAKING PRESENTAtiON3, REOUESt$. ETC., %t? CITY Karen Supervisor, LPollom, who dv oath says that she Is Assistant to the COMISSION.,OR BOARDS" OF THE CODE OF: THE CITY Supervisor, Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily OF-'MIAMI,, FLORIDA;-AS. .AMBNDEb, BY PROVIDINQ-FOR. Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday end Legal Holidays) THE CLARIFICATION •.OF• T,HE.REOUIREMENT O#.: FULL;•; .• newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advGdserttent, being a Legal Advertisement DISCLOSURE IN WRITING BY. ALL: FARTIES MAK)Nd A PRESENTATION; FORMAL REQUEST.. OR ,PETIT OK WITH of Notice in the matter of RESPECTTO REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY'COMMISSION CITY OF MIAMI OR•ANY--CITY,BOARD_OF ALL PARTIES.I�AVING:AN-._. Re: ORDINANCE NO. OWNERSHIP INTEREST, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY; ITN: SUCH REAL PROPERTY; CONTAINING A REPEALER,PROVIS)ON AND A SEVERABILITY.CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. _ In the ...... X.X.X..................... Court, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19.45(b),OFTHECODE was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; AS.' AMENDED.WHICH DEALS WITH FEES FOR FURNISHING -REPORTS THAT ARE Jan, 9, 1984 PUBUC'•RECORDS;:BYaPROVIDING�FOFt At4twCREASE'gN SAID. FEES; CONTAINING A REPEAII R zPROVI510NKAND" SEVERABILM.,,40 :AUSE. lAnINANthe sold CE #IA ew Affiant further says that lished at Miami Miami so RecordRecord is a newspaper pullhas heretolore bsa Florida, and that the said newspaper continuously published in sold Dade County Florida, each do (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holldt) and has bee entered as second class mail at the post office i Miami in said Dads Coun a, period of one yea next preceding the f publication of t attached copy adwrii"M tiant further says t she has neith paid nor arty person, firth or tion any discoun rebate, c asbn or rafu 1 to of securing thi ` advertl nt for publi d newspoper. /fillA. Ems.: i r;ybacribed �(fors me th day of= .* ! ... • ..rA�. 19. ....... Betty'J pIts f► Public, Slat orida at Ls (SEAL) ��F �, FL a m t, "', My Commission sxpi/r�d/JWIt1?r146S1" '� e�.�.r�.st,:�`..'.tL a::: i � •, a �; �s . ,. „ .�. n %—III RM � t�bllt ifl+l'�INttf� l�t�lll�lr _ i�Ofili�>it t9�►.IN1�ftl+lfSttil�l•>IZ+i>i�i><Nixll�ii� NOirfty�' �t�Ai`�Y utV�>v fi�4�t�� sty Ce�f1�tP��t�i bf�i� City' i MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida - STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS and g� wueg ned tw on osih sh�ie OW 9M Vlthority w President of Legal AdveAtsinq" the MSWNW ind � Hoild ys)yn� a, at Miami;W Dads Countyl Florida; that dr. attached copy of adv9ritswrmik being s Legal Admdswwt of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Fie: ORDINANCE NO. X X X Court. IndN ............. .••.•.....-- wss published in said newspaper In the Issues of NOV.28, 1983 Afffant fWVW says that ow sold Mond Review and Daily Is a published at Miami In said Deft County, Fled" am$mMrspsper has Mntofore been jexeW Saiyoi day. Sunday � �C; 'r borida, each N entered as second dus non matter �ta i Parlod t one Yaw MWM In add 0CowHthepYubt��tlon of the attached of next ZPMMmar Mound forth purpow of Ong this far pubRpdon in the said nswaPaW- f"M 10 0 'ton n1e this 28t1?.. dal► .�•* ;(Nov.�Y :` 83 • ; (4�01an0� klorids at Let" Noury P Staw At (SEAL) 0 • ... ,``�� My CommisNon sxpihly r I l t"" of Mifii >�loii)5, bn DetnPil3r 8,1983, aort►ffl9t!�r a av_A,►� m tha City 1:6 inPtili3illbr► CtiBrribet t 350 Part APtt#flc5fs Florida, will 666:I1616t ft 16116,Wlhb rdlnah�S(st un#E I the adoption thdrebf. ' n ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENZING l3EC GRAPH 2) OF-SWISE ftION ie i`3(iS iJF TLED "MINORITY PROCU14EMEN'r 0fiOdAAMF0FW_ ` OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, 1FL6011DA, ARAM N001. VIDING FOR THE DELETION OF TH11. ffi 60b,, ATE" AND FOR DELETION OF.TI415,WOFtC1; bNi 1 ► _ INSERTION OF THE WORDS "MONEYi..PT 0Pt SERVICES" IN SAID SUBSECTION 18-7`3�).A0 DELETION OF.THE WOkbt" §YTHE C)TY)N$At� 1N`SA11� $TISECTION gG<i3(Ax' 8t#iH:�1iYiE`Nl(+)i NECESSARY TO FACILItATE THE EIPPWIft APPLiISAT t ' OF SAID PROGRAM;-FUATHER.8Y:, UMBIto SECTION 18.7'3 FOR THE PURPOSE'01= CI.0ITY AN ORDINANCE RELATING ,TO THE TOWING OF4AdTi1`R VEHICLES: AMENDING CHAPTER 42 OF THE CODRtFE. CITY, OF MIAMI; 'FLORIDA,'AS:AMENDED'i3Y A016, THERETO A NEW ARTICLE ENTITLED'. WINd OP MOV ._ z.._... _ _--_..— �.,�a. ...-._-r�a.aaa.•i. .aa.r_Ei�Kai PRACTICE' OF- AWOVERING. TOINING, REMOVING-O' AND STORING OF `MOTORS VEHICLES `PARKED: ON ;PiiiVATI=° PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMISSION;=PI4OVIDING FOR tNCLU�. � SIijN1N THE`GQDE; PROVIDINt���3i1$EV'E�'i71i3tLii'q'!-- 4•` �' AN ORDINANCE AMENDINd StJWkCTIONS=(A)(2) AND•(13)(1) AND (2) Ol SECTION 30-53,'ENTITLE0`' GREEN VEES' At4ta SUBSECTIONS IA011 AND 121 OF SECTION,3a54, ENTITU03 AS , BYflEVl51NG•fHE'FEE'SCHEDtILE FC1RCiTY� -', OF MIAMIAMENDEDCOLD COURSES; CONTAININt3 A�EPEJ►ikA PAm z _..�. �.. _..� ..�....�a_-.tea...... vY..i'•aw�_.,....x.M ..z•+a n.]r�i. ,.. . ORDINANCE_NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND a OF 6010i NANCE-NO, 9502, ADOPTED SEPTEM.BER,23, 198:,THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIOWORL)INANCR- FOR THE` FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1983, 'AS AMENDED; : @Y INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR.THE ENT9,RPOISE FUND FOR. THE IyIAMI $PRINCiS GOLF'GQ4REE ;$49I� BY INCREASING THE ANTtC1PATED REVENU4,4;tN OF a`�rT—:. gffiSc@ af`'ttte Monday 11,110 4 k a.m, t9 `iOA p,m, All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance(s). Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Com- mission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding0s made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. RALPH G. QNGIF CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (Y 1736) (CITY SEAL) 11128 " M83.112806 ORpI(+jANCNp, AN ORDINANCE AMENUIN SECTIONS 1 AND 8 OF URDI• NANGE'NQ, 9502,;ADOP.TED SEPTEMBER A 1982� THE ANNUAL APPROPRIgTIQN',pRD(NANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMI3ER 30, 1981 AS AMENDEQ,' BY" INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE ENTIaRPI $E. FUND FOR. THE- MIAMI, $PPINGS GOLF'COtJRPFa , �i40 QOQ; BY INCREA.SiNCi THE ANTICIPATED REVENUE$ INS 1ltAF' AMOUNT F� OM THE FY'a3 RENTAL 99YF t -P GQLF CARTS AO PRQ,sm0P QPERATO 5 PQI� THE :PUR POSE OF ALLOCAT.040-WQW FOR` ME LEASING OF 65 S(d prg Of 3q Offige 0-the P11:1 10t .M11t106A- l tr w d6, Monoy thrc>s ich ffjoaYItInQ boo. a.m. ttt 5W P.M. All Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance(s), Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City COM- mission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based, RALPH G. QNGIE CITY CLERIC . CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (M 1736) (CITY SEAL) 11128 M83-112SW