HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0106I CITY OK MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. FROM PH G. ONGIE City Clerk DATE January 19, 1984 FILs SUBJEC:i Verification of applicants being considered for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board and Zonina Board. REFERENCE ENCLOSURES Please be advised that we have been informed by Mr. David Leahy, Supervisor of Elections of Dade County, that all applicants being considered for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board and the Zoning Board are registered voters in the City of Miami. RGO/gl cc; Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration N s4-io6 r CITY Or MIAM,. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION t FROM G 4z q. a7ec RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk DATE January 9, 1984 `"` SUSJEZ�- Appointments to the Zoning and Planning Advisory Boards. REFERENZES ENCLOSURES Please be advised that the deadline for submitting applications to fill vacancies on the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board, was January 4, 1984 at 5:00 P. M. Please also be advised that Manny Alvarez will be transmitting to you copies of the above mentioned applications. All applications are subject to confirmation by the Election Division of Metropolitan Dade County that they are, indeed, electors of the City of Miami. Applicants applying for said vacancies are as follows; ZONING BOARD Hilda Esther Beovides William R. Rolle Carlos Agustin Naumann Ed L. Boen Cyril T. Smith Wellington Lancaster Rolle Guillermo J. Freixas Luis Julian Lauredo Victor Henry De Yurre Gloria Mary Basila Alice S. Baro Jon H. Channing Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces Ralph Bernard Johnson William R. Perry, Jr. Reinaldo Cruz PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Aaron J. Manes William Clifton Roberson EITHER BOARD Raymond Foxworth Seth M. Sklarey Donald F. Benjamin Dorothy L. Spohn Marshall D. Steingold George Lambert Sands RGO/gl Encl. cc: Manny Alvarez, Agenda Office Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration 84*-106 3 � 2- CITY OF MIA MI FLORIDA r_ INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE DATE: December 14, 1983 FILE r CITY COMMISSION. CS �cg� . FROM RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk SUBJECT Appointments to the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board. 4EFERENCES ENCLOSURES Please be advised that appointments to be considered on the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board are as follows: ZONING BOARD: - One regular term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 formerly occupied by Guillermo Freixas. - One regular unexpired term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 formerly occupied by William Perry, Jr. The terms of office of the following Board Members expire on December 31, 1983: ZONING BOARD Alicia Baro (Chairperson) Gloria Basila Victor De Yurre (Alternate) PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Aaron J. Manes (Chairperson) Cyril Smith (Vice -Chairperson) Alternate (Vacant) Section 62-46 through 62-51 of the City Code provide for the appointment or re- appointment of Board Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the following timetable is suggested: December 13, 1983 - Advertisement appears in various newspapers soliciting applicants. January 4, 1984 - Deadline for submission of applications and letters of interest. January 5, 1984 - City Clerk's Office makes available a list of applicants for public inspection and forwards Resumes to the City Commission. January 12, 1984 - City Commission appoints or re -appoints members by Resolution. A copy of the advertisement (referenced above) is attached hereto for your information and files. 84-106 RGO/g1 Encl. a/s cc: Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney _ fanny Alvarez, Agenda Office 84-106 0 0 I '%4 IDA is The Miami News a TUMK*. D$W^Aw 13, 1993 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOATD Pursuant to Section 62-46, 62-47, 62.48, 62-49, 62-50, and 8Q- 51 of the Code of the city of Miami. Florida. notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, not earlier than thirty (30) days from this day, will consider the appointment of two full -term members and one alternate member each to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board and the City of Miami Zoning Board, for three year terms each. The Commission wiu also consider the appointment of: (a) one regular term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 (b) one regular unexpired term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 to the City of Miami Zoning Board. The public and prates. sional or citizen organizations within the area having Interest in and knowledge of the planning and plan Implementation process are encouraged and solicited to submit to the city Clerk, City Hall, Dinner Key, Miami Florida, In writfng, names and addresses of persons (who are electors of the City of Miami) and their qualifications for consideration as prospective appoin• tees to said boards. At least five days prior to the making of sold appointments by the City Commission (probably, at tM flrst City Commission Meeting in January, now scheduled to take place on the 12th day of January) the names and qualifications of per- sons submitted to the City Clerk will be available for public review in the office of the City Clerk. All applications must be received by Wednesday, January 4t 1984, at 5:00 P.M. Nomination forms are available In the City Clerk's Office. RALPH G. ONIGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (#t1744) (CITY SEAL) n? 84P-I.o6 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION IGf R O M • 4C�" a(/A�ez RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk DATE: January 9, 1984 VILE SUBJECT Appointments to the Zoning and Planning Advisory Boards. REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Please be advised that the deadline for submitting applications to fill vacancies on the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board, was January 4, 1984 at 5:00 P. M. Please also be advised that Manny Alvarez will be transmitting to you copies of the above mentioned applications. All applications are subject to confirmation by the Election Division of Metropolitan Dade County that they are, indeed, electors of the City of Miami. Applicants applying for said vacancies are as follows; ZONING BOARD Hilda Esther Beovides William R. Rolle Carlos Agustin Naumann Ed L. Boen Cyril T. Smith fa Wellington Lancaster Rolle Guillermo J. Freixas Luis Julian Lauredo Victor Henry De Yurre Gloria Mary Basila Alice S. Baro Jon H. Channing Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces Ralph Bernard Johnson William R. Perry, Jr. Reinaldo Cruz PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Aaron J. Manes William Clifton Roberson EITHER BOARD Raymond Foxworth Seth M. Sklarey Donald F. Benjamin Dorothy L. Spohn Marshall D. Steingold George Lambert Sands RGO/gl Encl./ cc: Illiaany Alvarez, Agenda Office Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration \-- Q4"-101 _, Raymond Foxworth Seth M. Sklarey 1530 N.W. 52nd Street (33142) 3651 Loquat Avenue (33133) Donald F. Benjamin Dorothy L. Spohn 417 N.W. 6th Street (33136) 3641 N.W. 19th Street (33125) Marshall Steingold George Lambert Sands 3242 Maryltreet, #315 (33133) 3121 Elizabeth Street (33133) Thank you, for your cooperation in this matter. jS;!:elyph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO/91/ cc : /'Manny Alvarez Aurelio Lugones-Perez 84--100 • is J CW(gefluffm January 9, 1984 RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk MATTY HIRAI Assistant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKS Robert E. Tingley Georgia M. Little Sylvia M. Mendoza Evelio Rizo Sylvia Lowman STAFF SUPPORT Lillian Dickmon Mr. David Leahy Supervisor of Elections 1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Ste. 200 Miami, Florida 33132 Dear Mr. Leahy: Transmitted herewith is a list of applicants for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board of the City of Miami. Please verify that the below listed individuals are registered voters in the City of Miami. Hilda Esther Beovides Luis Julian Lauredo 826 S.W. 7th Street (33130) 1510 N.W. 19th Avenue, #G-316 (33125) • William R. Rolle Victor Henry De Yurre 3430 William Avenue (33133) 3646 N.W. 3rd Street (33125) Carlos Agustin Naumann Gloria Mary Basila 3001 S.W. 4th Avenue (33135) 2930 South Miami Avenue (33129) Ed L. Boon Alice S. Baro 4195 Braganza Avenue (33133) 271 N.W. 64 Avenue (33126) Cyril T. Smith Jon H. Channing 6328 N.W. Miami Place (33150) 3301 N.E. Sth Avenue (33137) Wellington Lancaster Rolle Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces 1471 N.W. 43rd Street (33142) 1128 S.W. 21 Avenue (33135) Guillermo J. Freixas Ralph Bernard Johnson 1925 Brickell Avenue, Apt. 2004D (33129) 2562 Inagua Avenue (33133) William R. Perry, Jr. Reinaldo Cruz 850 N.W. 7th Street Road (33136) 460 N.W. 22 Court (33126) Aaron J. Manes William Clifton Roberson 757 N.E. 77th Terrace (33138) 4720 N.E. lot Avenue (33137) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i Ciq Hill , 3500 Pan American Drive ! P.O. Box 330708 / Miami, Florida 33233-0708 / (30SI SM6065 �a J 9 • I 1% i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e City of Miami, Florida dr �Ar ,Ar ONAIRE TO BE CO%.1PLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NG ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate GEORGE LAMBERT SANDS s appearing on 'Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 3121 Elizabeth Street Principal Business Silver Bluff Elements School teacher (Company name Business address 2609 S. W. 25 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 Home Telephone 444-3070 Business Telephone 856-5197 Date of birth March 13. 1926 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration number 000427693 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 57 years 4. Mill you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board an required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes G. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 No 7. Are you a property owner Within the City of Mini? Yes Y. Are you prepared to file a list of rail estate 7oa e m either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should I= be a4ppgiated, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes -1- $4•-106 Seiro s (a) Name: (b) s (c) Period At Graduated 1949 (d) Degree Cbtained s - 9 4 6 ) (e) y"r Degree was ta3asds (N central col?map 1949-1950) Colleges (a) Names F v (b) Loca s v (c) Period At s 19 (d) Degree CbtairAd: (a) year Degree was s 1959 10. business or prafessicsnal euperJWW/Wgl apWt. R°leA state dates) - Pres+ents Dade County School Board (Teacher) (1959 to present) past (Major) s Self employed U. Plwmirq and Land Use cent=l Swd=s atte ftL (Please state dates). 22. MwberahiP in Civic or Pzcfwmianal Crganizatiass (past or presarst)— Please state da►tess Coconut Grove Golfers' Association American Legion 33. Othw past or predasest eoeperi+zvlatiaq to the fields of rwmiaq and SOW s ' i�% 14. M ps=an any go exammoltal aggen y boards cat (prat .:cc pram3i) Miami Boxing Commission t 1 L 15. Are yW an elected official or are You employed fu11 time in a gave =- v ent Cabority? . No 16. VQy wasld you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Having hived here my entire life, I think I can give input to tiFe board that only a native Miamian can give concerning the future growth of this city. Nhy would you like to serve an the Zoning Boasts? Either Board Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 17. Please state any other infb=mtion which You think might be considered meaningful or significant by those amsiderirq the appointment you seeks 16. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): sSignature NME: Onos 'yvu have ompleeed this f®, kindly rat= am to$ City Clerk City of Miami P. 0. sox 330706 Miami, Florida 33133 mm 84-JILOS 9 6 G i _�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •� City of Miami, Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE CO:2LETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Marshall D. Steingold s appearing on voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 3242 Mary Street #315 Principal Business - Cocgnut Grove Ma;kpting (company name Business address P.O. Box 330935 Home Telephone 444-6606 Business Telephone 442-2001 Date of birth 5/2/56 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number �r 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 5 years 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code?_ YO-Q S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Yes e. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you aim either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the MIMI City Code? Yes -1- 84-101 9. wr ri g exaM BACKMC=: High k (a) Name: Highland High School (b) Lecationt (c) Period Attended: 19 71-19 7 4 (d) Degree Obtained: Yes (a) year Degree was 1974 C011ege: (a) Name: (b) lx= : coral gjj�lggq - Fla (c) Period Attended.: 1974-1978 - (d) Degree Obtained: B.A. (e) year Degree was : 1978 OTM: University of Miami Graduate School MAC Communications 10. Business or professional ncperienc%ploym nt. (Please state dates) . Past (major): Marketing Specialist Marrn nape DeoartmPnr of Tom U. Pla cwn and Lend Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates) . None 12. Membership in Civic ar Professianal OMW%issti= (past ar present) — Please state datast Coconut GL'QZ t% -14ye saa- r"oy-4-ya-U of - the the Grove Condo ARAnniatinn p� ;,mot Public Relations Society of America International A of Bus' Communi ator 13. Other past ar �sesettt axperlmr se�ai g to !hs i of Plata *+q s ZOMUgt 2• 84—LOC 0 0 • . 14. M tan any gotinesmottal agwAy boards or commissions (put or presw&j . a 15. � u aee yW an elected official or are you, full time is a goymr. 16. Why would you like to serve en the Platmi ng Advisory Bmd? I am interested in the fut +re of my mun :ty anr7 th,a r; +y of Miami Why would you like to serve m the Zoning HOar<3? I am i n t erP ate a_._._ _in the future of m_ community and the City of Miami Please state if you have a preferenva for either Board: 17. Please state any other info=iation which you think might be =%siderad meaningful or significant by those = sidering the appointment you aeek: I, I havealways ,been antisi y invot vpa i n t-hA Progress and development of my �,i Qhhnrl.nnA and believe that My part� � Dation na t+_ hpP an"j "g or Zoning Board wmtj A hen•afi t my f 1 ture and � the future of the City of Miami. 16. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if arty): r CEZEME-4 toSignature I Wag December 21, 198IA N=t Oaoe You have ampleW this lame ki=Uy Bier tot City clock City of Mini P. O. Sou 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 S4—U 1% '83 :-,20 -; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _►: E City of Miami, Florida • 1k �Ar tk - ` ., STIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate As app ar:Ung on voter's Registration ar Residence address Principal BusinessR ompany name Business address E/a 5 Home Telephone 6 V16 Business Telephone-)-f Date of birth VC, Id . /Ci 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 2. Voter's Registration Number a 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 3 '� 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code?_ S. will you be able to attend planning and Bonin seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? _;C 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 .f / A 7. Are you a property owner within the City of ltiait al S. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you awn either personally or oorporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should yoo be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miasii City Code? '= •1- 84-106 r 9. "I MI LTIO I AL BAG�II�ID: High (b) Naar recation• (c) Period At s (d) Degree Obtained: • (a) Year Degree was : College: (a) Nana: (b) Location: (c) Period At s (d) Degree Obtained: (a) Year Degree was : :I?e41 e, JZAki M CR 10. Business our professional eacperieno%nployrtrrt. (Please state dates). Present:=c= e-III S*e, e 8 R Past (najor) : e, X-1 a ► /� . � � l/!= A U. Planning and Land Use c nt=ol Seninars attended. (Please state dates) . 12. Mw barshiP in Civic or Professional Organizations (past or p msant) — Please state dates: U/ R AC To !,- o r= T h y %� �1�/,F S �• Sri C CL v F All R UM -Tv q' r r- trrM C y Bxr*vrc, I G n f- 11 L. n it I'%.. 13. � gpest or present aa�pearienoe relating to the fields of Planning and 2- 84-106 14. Memberships an arty goveszsa:tal agency boards as conmissians (put ar presents a 15. Are an elm ou official or are yanployed full time in a govmt- 16. Why would you like to same on the Planning Advisozy Hoard?-iiL .._ F ITb t ; 12A 4 .4 A/(:G 11 IR ZC. A"I k'�r f oS (Tt 0A/S Why would you like to serve on the Zonirq Please state if you have a preference for either Board: W1 4-- 7-,f 4-cz * T-/ Th L R R v,*1?1.? 17. Please state any other info=ation which you think might be considered mjjewdngfa or signifi=t by those considering the appointment you seeks is. mm and address of sp=uwing organization of any? .. �.R,oi�:�,�-.f�e'rt,4,Es;�, 7't'►"� �'.?b.:,v '�.is+�.,c&./ rl ;f'�,R-rrcr �{'�-6r JdAkta's i I N=t *ion you have cm9letrd this fc=, kindly Mt= same to$ City Clark City Of Muni P. 0. Dote 330708 riiamt, rloriaa 33133 -3- 0 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Benjamin, Donald F. As appearing on Voter's Registration Card= Residence address 417 N. W. 6th Street Miami, Florida 33136 Principal Business New Century Development Corporation ompany name Business address 5400 N. W. 22nd Avenue, Suite 701 Miami, Florida 33142 Home Telephone (305)358-2680 Business Telephone (305)638-6231 Date of birth_ September 26, 1925 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? yes 2. Voter's Registration Number 000-999952 3. Row long have you been a resident of the City? July, 1979 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined is Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.2? No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of 314ani? Yes 9. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you win either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should YOU be appoiated, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? YBa -1- 84- 06 • 0 9.'IQ,AL BALII�D s Rio SC�fOvi (a) Nome: 0 s mo nd Himh School �� (b) I 1CM: Trinidad W PeriOd At 1939-1943 (d) Degree Cbtain d: (e) Year Degree was ObtairAds. 1943 College: (a) Namet Hunter College (b) rg= : New York. (C) Peried At : 1954-1958 (d) Degree Cbtained: B.4, (e) Year Degree was s1958 On=: M.A.-Urban Development: 1960 Hunter College, Citv University of New York 10. Business = professional experieno%mploynent. (Please state dates). Presents Project Coordinator, New Century Deyelonment Cer;ora_ r�n Past (majOr)s See Attached Resume U. Planrr:g and Land Use Centrol Seai=s attrnded. (Please state dates) . Graduate School 1958-1960 1� 32. Membership in Civic cc Professional Organizations (past Cr prount)— Please state dates: American Institute of Certified P nnnare American Economic Development eeune-41 13. Otistr past er FVswt OTWism relatin to tht fields of Plaming and Zosim: New York Metropolitan Chapter of the American rn9t4tnra of Alannnrg New York Metropolitan Committee on P1AnninQ "New York Citizens Planning and Housing Council Community District Planning Board No. 8e Brooktvn_ N.Y_ a • 84-106 I 4% 16. Memberships an any govertmental agent' boards as ccr=4ss4cnM (past Urban Redevelopment Council of Trinidad and Tobago Ovejrtowni Advisory Board 15. Are elected official as are you employed lull ties in a govem- ment authority? No . 16. ft would you like to serve on the PlanniM Ad49a=Y Board? Yes My would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Yes Please state if you have a preference for either Board: No 1 an willing to be'of service to this community which is now my home. 1.7. Please state any other information which you think might be considered mewjjrgful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: 18. Nwe and address of spC>Qle0riilg organization (if any) : Oyertown Advisory Board c/o Mr. Charles F. Johnson. Amerifirst 1400 N.W. 17th Avenue - AmerifirXVBldg/Mismi, Florida 33125 Card idat* rig AZ= / WM: ands you have amplrtrd this foam, kindly =tan crams to: City Mort city of Kiami F. O. sou 330700 Kiami, Florida 33133 84-106 0 L� DONALD F. BENJAMIN ... was born in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, in 1925. He attended Osmond High School in Port -of -Sp in, and graduated with a First Class Senior School Certificate from the Uni rsity of Cambridge in 1943. He taught school in Port-of-Spain, F` and later en ered the Corammity Development field. For seven (7) years he worked in the Department of Community Development for the Goverment of Trinidad and Tobago. In 1947, he was awarded a United Kingdom Development and Welfare Scholarship to study Community Development in Jamaica, West Indies. Mr. Benjamin migrated to the United States in 1954. He attended and graduated from Hunter College with a B.A. (Sociology) in 1958, and an M.A. (Urban Development) in 1960. His thesis was The Lincoln Center Urban Development Project. In 1959, Mr. Benjamin joined the Department of City Planning, assigned to the Division of Land Use, and worked on Land Use Projects and Community Renewal Program. He was responsible for research and analysis of all aspects of physical developments in Bedford-Stuyvesent. From 1962 through 1964, Mr. Benjamin worked for the City Commission on Human Rights as Senior Intergroup Relations Officer in the Neighborhood Services Unit. In this capacity, he worked with many community based organizations de- veloping program activities designed to provide greater and more effective involvement of minority group persons in the citizenship participation process of City Planning, Urban Renewal and Housing. In 1964, he became the first Executive Director of the Central Brooklyn Coordi- nating Council, Inc. in Bedford-Stuyvesant. From 1966 to 1968 he served as �Executive Director of the Brooklyn Small Business Development Opportunities, Corporation, Inc. In early 1968 he joined the staff of Commerce Labor Industry Corporation of Kings, Inc. as Director of Community and Goverment Affairs. A few months later, he was promoted to Vice -President of Manpower and Economic Development until December, 1969 when he was appointed Acting Chiet Executive Officer of the Corporation. In May, 1970 he was named Chief Executive Officer. Iri August, 1973 Mr. Benjamin returned from New York to Trinidad after having been recruited by the Government cf Trinidad and Tobago on a three (3) year contract to be the General Manager of the Chaguaramas Development Authority. As General Manager, he designed the scope of work for the consultants to prepare and develop a Comprehensive.Development Plan and Program for the Northwest Peninsular of Trinidad. He established all the procedures and machinery for selecting the consultants and helped in their selection. He supervised tha work of the consultants during the nine (9) month study and assisted in the preparation and presentation of the Final Report. He prepared a one year Action Plan for 1976. S4o-1LVJ In 1976 he formed a private consulting firm, DFB Urban Development Counsellors, which he operated until his return to the United States of America. In July, 1979 he joined the Dade County Transportation Administration as a Team Coordinator in the Station Area Design and Development program of METRORAIL Rapid Transit R'stem. He coordinated the work of planners, architects, traffic engineers, etc !: f In November, 1981 he was appointed Project Manager for the Overtown Urban Initi- atives Project. In May, 1983 he became Project Coordinator with New Century Development Corporation. Projects include the Liberty City Industrial Park, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza Joint Use Development Project, and other development activities in the Model City Transit Corridor. • 1� DONALD F. BENJAMIN, AICP 417 Northwest Sixth Street Miami, Florida 33136 (305)358-2680 - Residence ;! (305)638-6231 - Office EXECUUIVE DIRECTOR/GENERAL MANAGER/ADMINISTRATOR Managed large urban development organizations Directed diverse staff of technical experts Knowledge of manpower, economic and urban development programs Experienced in town and regional planning Negotiated industrial park leases Accomplished public speaker As Chief -Executive Officer, Executive Director and General Manager originated concepts for senior corporate officers, culminating in management development, industrial development, small business development and urban and regional development. Established close working relationships and cooperation with government, public and private agencies. Organized meetings, seminars and workshops to solve specific problems. Under- took special projects such as manpower development and training. i Worked closelywith labor unions, government officials and businessmen to resolve employment problems and develop new jobs. Directed the preparation of corporate budgets and financial statements. Managed all banking relationships and negotiated bank loans at prime rates. Recruited trained personnel in all ar*aA including engineering, finance, economics, real estate, town and regional planning and urban development. Supervised the production and distribution of monthly newsletters and annual reports. Organized and prepared the scope of work for multi -discipline planning consultants. Experienced planning and urban development consultant. Experienced in rail rapid transit station area design and development. 84, 106 Donald F. Benjamin, AICP Resume Page 2 PREVIOUS AFFILIATIONS POSITIONS HELD Chaguaramas*velopment Authority General Manager ` Tri and Tobago f Commerce Labor Industry Corporation of Kings, Inc. Chief Executive Officer' Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Small Business Development Corporation Executive Director Brooklyn, New York Central Brooklyn Coordinating Council, Inc. Executive Director Brooklyn, New York Department of City Planning Community Analyst New York, New York Commission on human Rights Senior Intergroup New York, New York Relations Officer DFB Urban Development Counsellors Principal Consultant Trinidad and Tobago Office of Transportation Administracion, Dade County Team Coordinator Miami, Florida Project Manager VOLUNTARY i Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Director Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Institute'of Arts 6 Sciences Trustee Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Children's Museum Governor and Brooklyn, New York Vice Chairman Y.M.C.A.-Bedford Branch Director Brooklyn, New York Trinidad and Tobago Society of Planners Member Trinidad and Tobago Mental Health Association Member Education Committee Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalist Club Member Environment Committee 84"IL06 11 0 Donald F. Benjamin, Alt Resume Page 3 VOLUNTARY Kiwanis Club of Port-of-Spain Tri71school and Tobago Osmond higPast Students Association Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry 6 Commerce Civic Improvement Committee City Playhouse of Trinidad and Tobago Board of Management The Urban Redevelopment Council of Trinidad and Tobago - Chairman, Project Identification and Coordination Committee Metrication Board, The Special Advisory Committee on the Construction Industry, Trinidad and Tobago Anglican Church Mens' Society, St. Crispin's Church Trinidad and Tobago Vestry, St. Crispin's Church Trinidad and Tobago Community District Planning Board No. 8 Brooklyn, New York The Trust Committee of the Church of the Messiah and Incarnation - Brooklyn, New York Brower Park Rehabilitation Committee of the Parkway Stuyvesant Community and housing Council Brooklyn, New York New York Metropolitan Chapter of the American Institute of Planners New York Metropolitan Committee on Planning New York Citizens Planning and Housing Council, Inc. Board of Directors Lodge Rosslyn No. 596 S.C., A.F. & A.M. POSITIONS HELD Secretary Vice President Member Site Advisor Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Secretary Executive Committee Member Member Vice -President Member 84-106 11 Donald F. Benjamin, AIC Resume" Page 4 VOLUNTARY The Tompkins Park Rehabilitation Committee Brooklyn, New York Bedford-Stuy4isant Senior Citizens Council Brooklyn, New York Democratic Club of Central Dade Miami, Florida Carib American Enterprises of Miami, Inc. Miami, Florida Overtown Advisory Board Miami, Florida EMPLOYMENT New Century Development Corporation 5400 N.W. 22 Avenue, Suite 705 Miami, Florida 33142 EDUCATION Hunter College, City University of New York B.A. Sociology -Economics - 1958 Bunter College, City University of New York M.A. Urban Devleopment - 1960 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES POSITIONS.HELD Member t: Member lot Vice President Executive Vice President Treasurer Project Coordinator American Institute of Certified Planners American Economic Development Council Trinidad and Tobago Society of Planners National Association of Induatrial and Office Parka UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL ROSTER OF EXPERTS (in) Urban Sociology Urban Land Use Community Organization/Popular Participation URBAN LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. Graduate Leadership Fellow Donald' F. Benj amin, AI(.. Resume Page 5 DADE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION SupervAsory/Management Training Program NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL 6 OFFICE PARKS Comprehensive Course in Industrial Parks AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Basic Economic Development Course 84-106 _0 0 DONALD F. BENJAMIN, AICP Projects Completed New York. New York 1960 Coim►unity Analyst 1964 Executive Director 1970 Chief Executive Officer New York Planning Commission. Three (3) Year Community Renewal Program - Land Use Studies of Bedford-Stuyvesant. Central Brooklyn Coordinating Council, Inc. In charge of development of comprehensive community renewal pttigram for Bedford-Stuyvesant to include urban renewal, physical rehabilitation, health cneters, senior citizen housing, low -middle income housing and small business development. Commerce Labor Industry Corporation of Kings, Inc. Planning and implementation of a 293 acre development of former Brooklyn Navy Yard as an industrial complex for manufacturing firms which created new jobs and job training programs. Trinidad and Tobago . 1971 General Manager Chaguaramas Development Authority. Set up the organizational structure and administrative machinery of the Authority. Designed scope of ff work for plan to transform 15,000 acres of land i1 in the N.W. peninsula of Trinidad into a new cos- prehensive urban development; supervised the work of the consultants; participated in the production of final plan. Developed one-year action plan for Chsuguaramas. 1976 Planning Consultant Gaspar Grande, an eighteen acre resort residential project comprised of residences, cabanas, restaurants, swi®ing pools, sports area, marina and other facilities. 1977 Planning Consultant Caparo, a 58 acre resort residential project with housing, shopping canter, open space for recreation, etc. 1977 Planning Consultant Cascade. A fourteen (14) acre residential project. 1978 Planning Consultant Research on the import opportunities for construc- tion materials using U.S. sources. 1978 Planning Consultant Malick. A ten (10) acre residential project. 1978 Planning Consultant Research on a 75 acre residential project, wing mass entertainsent facilities. 84--106 0 Donald F. Benjamin, AI& •?rojects"Completed Page 2 Miami, Florida 1979 Tear Coordinator 1981 Projectilanager Office of Transportation, Dade County, Station a Area Design and Development t: Office of Transportation, Dade County t' Overtown Urban Initiatives Project 84-106 0 City Clerk City ofs gal. Post 0 ce Boa 330708 Miami, lorida 33133 4LZ Northwest Sixth Street MUmi,;Plorfda 33136 December 19, 1983 Dear Sirs: I have enclosed the completed questionnaire for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board. If you have any questions as you review this questionnaire, please give me a call at 358-2680. Si ely, I -- onald F. 8es amia DFB:syw cc: Coaissioner Miller Dawkins Ms. M. Athalie Range State Senator Carrie Meeks County Commissioner Barbara M. Carey Ms. Adrienne McBeth Ms. Carole Ann Taylor Mr. T. Willard Fair Mr. Charles F. Johnson, Jr. Enclosure 84-10 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLUM City of Miami. F'iovidac - - : _► ONAIRE_TO BE_ CO PLETED BY CANDIDATES _ FOR APPOIj1nQ..NT TO THE Name of Candidate Seth M. Sklare As appearing on otez s eg strat onCard) Residence address_ 3651 Loguat Ave Principal Business Real Estate S•Mort a e Broker (company name Business address 2138 Biscayne Blvd Nome Telephone 448-0456 Business Telephone 754-6672 or 545-7101 Date of birth Nov 12. 1944 • I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes ' 2. Voter's Registration Ncmbss 000725221 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? Since 1966 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend seetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you•fdresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code . . Artlals V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 '4 No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Mias3?' Yes S. Are you prepared to file a list of seal estate Yoe 4M either personally or corporately, within► the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section.2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yea •1• . 84--06 0- T 9. ems= Rio SChooSi (a) IhMs na : (c) Period At : i 96n_i�6 - (d) Degree CbtairAd: ni nI MTnA. . (a) Year Degree was :_ U s 2 College: (a) Namai (b) I=a i (c) Perm At i 196 -1466 (d) Degree Cbtained: 1 Science (e) Year Degree was i 1 966 Mi *+ter in Spanish OIHMUniversity-of Miami raw Se-bnm' , -eir=__in real estate and real estate appraisal. Numerous seminars 10. Easiness Or pcofessianal ioYms»t. (Please state dates) . Present:. Licensed real estate hrmkax, Appra.fft._p M. rtgage Brokert General Contractor,prin• Past (VajOs) 2 Newspaper ed tnr & p �1�1 i Qi,.r - ter 11. PIWMinq and Iand Use Control Seminars atteMOL (Please state dates) . Aftme at ended Moyarat stfflinwra as s _-amber__6*-the44avA 1a and South Florida planning and zoning association, and have attended n�mereua CLminArm rpso" 'AA hu "M—its_Xeml estate apps...1. sal orgnaizat o and societies of which I am a member. 12. Membership in CAvic at ProfessiWAI Qicganizatiaas (past es presents—' .. . PISAW state dates: 13. e en;+t arnm 1'i ri ce nQ�nr -4 am v jnOtij.Q asset=, Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1975 to present, candidate, SRPA= nls.wwwr�l.� w �w.w.wl ♦*�s.wfw loan tp% .+rns��a M #-Je nAi Amara "tion Of Review Appraisers, Senior member, F s�so at on olar i g rtgage Brokers Otters past or present e�tperianoe relating etc. Zaringi I have been a professional unty since"1973 and have engaged in more than 20000 real estate appraisals, feasibility studies zoning nt or - observer at numerous zoning and planning hearings and presentations. I have been both a 2roponent and opponent at zoning ana viann=q hearings an o tee ave been able to present a compromise solution which was ultimately aepent oll bw )WW«% .48+ A -- - ' 84-106 0 14. moberships icn gay go t 1 agwcy boards cc st cc (pa Cityof Miami Bikeways Advisory Committee, Clerk of Circuit u d Hoc advisory committe for land records, and committees? for *Secial tax masters 1 • t 15. Am Y* an eleaw official cc ass yw agdcyed lull tdvw in a ga eni- meat Ofthosityt •No 16. Why would you like to sews on the Plaining Advisory Boare ve a tremendous amount of experience I could bring to the board, and I would like Miami to make meaningful progress into Ene 21s —.entu, Why would you like to serm as the ZaniM Boa%W ; The zoning board affect' the quality of life of people on a one to one basis_. It requires iAttelligence a insig t. I zeel`37 3 well quaZlit Please state if yogis have a pre Rffl 41 fce either Boards 01 Prefer zoning board, would accept either. 17. Please state any other infaaenstion Odc h you !husk might be considw4 a+eanissgfu�I. oe by !hose oonsfderirsg tb& WOW,, mit yore seeks ze a c►4ty of Miami and Coconut Grove resident all my adult -life, I a be a careful maintagininc antdy improving the quality of life for all, whilo o makinour ci, wonderful iB. Name aoci Wren of aspormocis�q arganizatioo►s= myi sror c i p aT y"" ' s tssz! Dots:� j ° '� 3 •Mono V NOTE: *= ym hum =%doted this fo14 kmay tirum same tog City Clesit City of Niarei P. O. Soar 330700 NLmL, !bride 33133 •i 84--106 0 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - s • E City of Miami, Florida TIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE KING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate RAYHaND FOXWOATM s appearing on Voterys RegistrationCard) Residence address 1530 N. W. 52nd STREET Principal Business CO - OWNER WILLIAMS Auro SALES (Company name Business address 7701 H. W. 27eh AVENUE MUMI Home Telephone 9S2 . 01so Business Telephone, 7971 Date of birth JULY is, 939 - — 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 2. Voter's Registration Numbes 0002010�� 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? _ 34 YEARS 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? YES S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? YES 6. to you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code section2-22.27 • • �• �• A • • (jjj • jilt. - - — 7. Are you a propert7 owner within tbw Gity of Mi=V CQ - MR 8. Are You prepared to file a list of real estate Yju awn either personally or corporately# within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to section 2-305 of the Miasd City Code? YES -1- C- " 84-106 1 4 ;4 9. IIX =7ct*L BACKaCM1 83gh School: (a) Name: B. T. WASHINGTON (b) Loco 1200 N. W. 6th AVENUE MIAMI F (c) Period Attended: _ 1951 - 1957 i (d) Degree Obtained: HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA (e) Year Degree was Obttained: JUNE, 1957 G�011ege: (a) Name: JACKSON STATE UNIV. ( EXTERNAL DECREE (b) Locat -* NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (c) Period Attended: 1969 - 1970 (d) Degree Obtained: B. S. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (e) Year Degree was Obtained:_ 1970 Q om; NIAMI - DADE NORTH t 1971 ) • REAL ESTATE COURSE • 10. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state dates). (1982 - 83)EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FLA. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. (NON-PROFIT) Present: CO . OWNER WILLLSMS AUTO SALES (1979 - 1983) Past (major) ; MANAGER CARSON1 S FURNITURE CO. 11. Planning and Land Use Caait=l Seminars attended. (Please state dates). NONE . 12. M—e=ship in Civic or Professional Organizations (past ar Present) — Please state dstaa: MINISTERS 6 LAYMEN VOTERS REGISTRATION COMMITTEE (1982-1983) Y. M. C. A. (19s2 1983) - OHN ST. MISS. BAPTIST QiURCH (1981-1983) MIAMI DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ( 1980 - 1982 ) 13. Other past or present mc; "4drA a relating to the fields of Planning sad • Zoaing: . NOR 840-11- qb0 6 .: 14. an way govarnnrntal agency boards os cxatmissic m (past NONE s • t. 15. Are yop an elected official arr are you aggajed lull time in a gvveszr- Mont authority? Z 16. Shy would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Hoard? i WOULD LIM TO TURTHER SERVE MY Thy would you like to serve on the Zoning Boasts? COMMUK rY sY COMING 1. i . -14 : I V I [4-M-16,122 Please state it you have a preference for either Board: NO PREFERENCE 17. Please state any other infocnation which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: I HAVE PARTICIZATED IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS IN THE CITY. COUNTY AND STATE ELECTIONS, WORXED WITH A COMtUNITY D$VELOPMENT PROGRAM, AND ASSISTED M GLMTING MRSONS Mr TO VOTE SINCE 107n 18. Nana and address of Iwil g organfzatfai (if any) : !NONE CandiiOau s ssansss N=: (Blot yvu hit mq:lrtsd this fam MrMy tabnta sine to: City Clark City of Miaai P. 0. Dot 330700 Miami. llosida 33133 -} 84-106 r OFFICE OF THE CITY.CLERR City of H1ami, 'Florida - r TIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate ROBERSON, WILLIAM CLIFTON (As appearing on voter's Registration Card) -_-- Residence address 4720 N.E. 1st Avenue, M- iami, FL 33137 Principal Business V A MEDICAL CENTER (Company name Business address 1201 N.W. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33125 Home Telephone 751-6422 Business Telephone 324-3138 Date of birth July 28, 1932 I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 2. Voter's Registration Number 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 22 years 4. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the -Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? YES S. will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? YES 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 NO 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? YES 8. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate your am either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? YES •1- 84" 10( 9. E77lxATZam ummms High a (a) Nam; � _MAGNAT.Td RT(:R C['tTAAT (C) Period Atrenaea:nT lyJl ' (d) Degree CtbtairAds (e) Year Degree was 0 taineds 1931 College: (a) Name: DILLARD UNIVERSITY (b) LoeatiCni:— ART.Fduc T A (C) Period Attendeds 1954 - 1as7 (d) Degree Obtained: B (e) Year Degree was ' 1957 dnw: Took Accounting courses at M AMT_ndnF TD OTTFrr 10. Business or professional e.xperienWemployment. (Please state dates). Preset"'" VOUCHER EXAMINER FOR THE VA =TrAT C=M Past (major): Political Science 11. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates) . NONE 12. Membership in Civic Cr Professional Organizations (past or pcesent)- Please state dates: NONE 13. Other past or past experience relating to this fields of PlxMing sad ' L have bFen actively involved in P1Fnrinp and Zoning matters t in —the —Buena Vista East Area since becoming a resident. I have a better understanding of Planning and Zoning eatterr since we have had epeakers from both. area give talks at some of the home owners asFociation monthly meeting regarding this area an ity wide. 2- 84 -'106 41 0 14. Menberships on any goverrmecntal agency boards or aaRmissicns (past or present): AAAE 15. Are yc* an elected official or are you eTpIoyed full time in a govern - went authority? MY PRESENT JOB IS WITH THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTER 16. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? YES Mw would yvu like to serve en the 7=%ing Board? MY PREFERENCE AT Please state if you nave a preference for either Boasts: THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the apQointment you seek: I wand to help make ?linmi• a better place to live. 1-v rartieinatien with others in decision of the Planning Poard will Ro far in 18. Name and address of sponsoring crganizati (if any): BM"A VISTA EAST ASSOCIATIOV9 169 F.E. 44th Street, T'iami, FL 33137 PRIMER, r Street,, r• am , FL CREERWEG-Is Signature oats: 19ef WZg Gnaw ym have =Meted this faaa, kindly s an setae too: City clock City of Nisei P. 0. soot 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 -3. 84—JLp6 1 t� 0. „4 OFFICE OF THE_CITY.CLERR City of Miami; Florida► ONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NG ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Aaron J. hunes (As appearing on Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 757 P.E.77 j errace Principal Business ! (company name Business address_ 73_: Pfsanyne Rculsuard Home Telephone 7cz--1 7.51 Business Telephone_ 757-45c"1 Date of birth r;or•or:_?^or 11 + ZC52 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number GQn5505? 7 r 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 19 wears ars A� 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Yes 8. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes -1- 84-106 9. IDUCATIa BAQi s High Schmis (a) Name: - (� (c) Period A _ f • (d) Degree ObtairAds L • (a) Yaar Degree was amairimM. a 7n C011egd: (a) Names I !n i • + c ^ i f o "n f i•! G•• 7 •• ,• r: n (b) Location: T.., ^ ' (c) Period At : _ ; 72 72 (d) Degree Obtained: (e) Year Degree was obtimi nod: ?, Z� OTW: i �- ,-•e-o Jr,n ; n r f- l gy c 10. Business or professional experieno%mploymmt. (Please state dates). PrGSG tS_r�_ng� c °_�_:.r 7^cchruno4 r ntoI- "77 In 4;rogort Past (raajor)i 11. Plamung and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). �P3 ^n•_1_c1 7nljf , I'I nri fin Pl^nnino S";nincrs -_ - - • 12. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (past or present) - Please state dates: licc, ;:,resident-"'ortheast ijcxii_T,,�v­ rn' P?.r•nt Aa=r 1c71=- to present. ••Guth Florida Planning and Loning .ass. !:,79-present Jwn.-irr;ni+ r`:•�'in�w ;n»•; ('iin lC!Mi0 ior•i to nrO_^_•'7n t_ Greater ij iarai Hotel-/.ctel Ass. 1.579-present 13. Other past or preset experience seletiM to the fields of Plan ing and Zonings ijember of Citizen's Task Force- (Irector f t Plan i•,eabe Biscayne Louleuard Tusk ForcQ-ChLairruan Conswaars and Users Commit tee- eroncsed ;'onin¢_ rd.tnanco; cSrn r'r" i ^Rnce .Teuiew Committee. 2- 84-106 0 0 .i 14. M�berahips an any agetY.y boards or oarmiasians (past cc t) : 1�79-_981-19�°3 A'C-Mber of chairman "» ~- -:ta i Po Z e.cy COIJ"'M i t t r 15. Are yop an electad official Sac are you e7ployed full time in a govern - went authority? 16. Why wand you like to serve an the Plarninq Advisory Hoard? I feel t "at r,:y three plus years on the F. A.S. have been con- structive and beneficial to the c'tu. Why mild yet like to serve an the ZanIr4 Board? 1•:u .reference is the Flannin; 2tdjignru Please state if you have a preference for either Board: The Flanniny Aduisory Board 17. Please state any other infoanaticn which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appotntvwt you seek: three` of seruicE tc_ mho a open nq been n,roductiue. ;*:� ccntrit`ticr ig genv-, "? pc gress and armonu to the o; _;inn - • 18. Naga and address of apmnsoriof any) : N=: Orm you ham eaq"ted this fame lordly settee Sant tot . City Clark City of Miami P. O. sox 330708 Miami, P2arida 33133 -3- 84-106 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _- r �E City of Miami, Florida STIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Reinaldo Cruz (As appearing on Voter's Registration Card) Residence address 460 t1.''. 22 Court, Miami, Florida 33126 Principal Business 2160 27.17. 22 Court Miami Florida 33142 (Company name Business address same Home Telephone 448-6�37 Business Telephone 633-4343 Date of birth r7ov. 37, 1922 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number 000451475 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 15 years 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.2? i10 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Mind? Yes S. Are you prepared to file a list of. real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes •1- 84-106 A 9.ATIQ�IL BALit�GFaID: High School: (a) sm: tlational !Masonic [' (b) : Havana, Cuba ` (C) Period At -_ - 30 f (d) Degree Obtained: High School . (e) year Deg%ve was MEMO 19 3 8 _ (a) lion: University of Havana (b) I,oea : Havana Cuba (c) Period At : U 42 - (d) Degree Cbtained: Bachelor -of (e) Year Degree was : 1942 Or=: 10. Business or professional experiw=/Wqloymwt. (Please state dates) . Present: 1964 - Present, President of Cruz Carpet and Rey Carpet past (major): 1955 __ 1959 Chief of Drye±'a Lin anc nil- a Lo.1;avana, Cuba 1950 - 1954, Ministry of Interior. Imm crag :t- ap ctor 11. Planning and Iand Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). r� 12. FA*Q SUP in Civic os Professiaa I Crganizatians (past or presenta- Please state dates Interamerican Chamber of Commereg g4 rrgatgr. Mimni vreslalnt ; Member 1973 to present Member Board of Directors of Miami Ca• nc. , Member `Sr Member, Better Business Bureeau19777-79, Me a �!p .C�+ r .197�7-79 13. Other past oar present es�cia'a19 noe ZCning: 2- 84-106 D 1� ' .. 14. Manberships an any gonrerrmerntal agency boards c r caamissicns (past or yresw*j : City of liiami, Advisory Council on trade and Corm"erce Development, Board. I'llember IM Dade-Ut ami Criminal Justice►" ` � i 15. Are yob an elected official cr are you employed full time in a govern - mint authority? do 16. icy would you like to serve an the Planning Advis=Y Board? fy would YcU like to serve on the Zcnirq Board? By being a member of the Zoning.Board I feel I can make a beneficial contribution to the City of Miami. plea" state if you have a preference for either Board: Zoning Board 17. Please state any other information which you think might be =%sidered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: I am interested in this cbmmunity and its future and tQ that - end I am v1illinc to ,wor): as a member of. the City Zoning Zoard__ ' UAD (if say) : is. Name and address Of apo:nsoridg organiza Interamerican Chamber of Commuce of nrpptpr *g3:+m; • NO►t£: Om you hm =Vletrd tUS foam, k nUY Mt= .' salt to: • City Clark City of Miami P. O. Lott 330706 Miami, Florida 33133 -3� 84- 06 I cD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ City of Miami, Florida TIONAIRE TO BE CO:�LETED BY GANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE N:XG AD'.ISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate William R. Perry, Jr. s appearing on Voter's Registration ar Residence address 850 N.W. 7th Street Road, Miami, Florida 33136 Principal Business School Board of Dade County, Florida ompany name Business address 1410 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida '33132 Home Telephone 324-0833 Business Telephone 372-5369 Date of birth June 23, 1928 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number 00508631 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 6 years 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by section 62-52 of the Miami City Co"? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and coning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article v, sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Yes 9. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you ern either personaU Y or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clark should you be appgiated, pursuant to Seetion 2-305 of the Maui City Code? Yes -1- Z t r• 84-106 t TICt= 9ACRGROMM: Swh o -- (a) Nee: Lincoln Academy High School � (b) Ic catim: K n 's Mountain. North C (c) Period A 1943-45 (d) Degree Cbt ' : Diploma • (e) Year Degree was Obtained —'194E 'ge: (a) fie: Coppin State College W Loca : Baltimore, Maryland (c) Period Atten 1957-60 (d) Degree Obtained: ache or of Scie (e) Year Degree was 0 taained: 1960 t: Loyola College, M.Ed. - 197 . University of Massachusetts, Ed.D. - 1975 wss or professional exlxriw=e1wg10yment- (Please state dates) . mt: Public School Administrator Past (major) : School Teacher 11. Planning and Land use C.antrol Seminars attended. (Please etate dates). 1982 12. Metership in Civic or Professional Organization (past or present)- Pleasa state dates: Greater Miami NAACP, President-1977-82; Operation PUSH„ P esiden„_ent; Haitian Refugee Ctr., Inc.-Brd. Member-1981-82; SCLC. Member - Present 13. Ours past or present ecpr imm relati W to the fields of Planning and Member, City of Miami Zoning Board - Jan.. 1982'- Aug.. 1983 2- R q u 14. Mw bershlps on any gover=w' tal agency boards (past cr present) : Same •• f 15. Are yogi an elected officinal or are you employed full time in a gave=k— ment authority? No 16. Why would you like to serve an the Planning Advisory Board? No Why would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? To assist in the future development of Miami as a representative of the people. Please state if you have a preference for either Board: Zoning Board 17. Please state sny other infow ation which you think might be onnsider+ed mexUngful or signifiaRnt by those considering the appointment you seek: Resume on 'file 18. Name and address of 111-nnsoring organizatic:t (if my): NO►1E: Once you have caiplatsd this f=4 kirdly get= aims to: City C ark City of i LML P. 0. -eox 330700 KL=d, Florida 33133 W3= 84"-106 0 850 N.W. 7th Street Road Miami, Florida 33136 November 21, 1983 Mayor Maurice Ferre City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida Dear Mayor Ferre: Please be advised that I am requesting consideration for reappointment to the City of Miami Zoning Board and would like to have previously submitted application reactivated. Sincerely, 1W lliam R. Perr J . WRP:w cc: Commissioner Miller Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Demetrio Perez Commissioner J. L. Plummer City Manager Howard Gary City Clerk Ralph Qngie "J 0 ell a 840.106 10 0 850 N.W. 7th Street Road Miami, Florida 33136 November 21, 1983, Mayor Maurice Ferre City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida Dear Mayor Ferre: Please be advised that I am requesting consideration for reappointment to the City of Miami Zoning Board and would like to have previously submitted application reactivated. Sincerely, W 11iam R. Perr J .' WRP:w �I cc: Commissioner Miller Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Demetrio Perez Commissioner J. L. Plummer City Manager Howard Gary City Clerk Ralph Ongie AA-c 'ae 1/ /17/f T w [:1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E. C,��tq .of Miami, Florida 4r ak TIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE KING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate appearing on voter's registration Residence address ZStoZ INACu8s AQS . C1" C;2vy(r, Principal Business -7 .. 2. IW! 111 M A uc-n1/1L.. WA Ri YLS (company name Business address l (A -,-A GP-4 U 1 Ar*-Al 311 �I Q Home Telephone_87q • (l '� j Business Telephone - Z7Gc Date of birth__CC-Mt?W2 ZU 0% (�'iq3 I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami?Tin 2. Voter's Registration Number 000 Cl 11 P(� 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? Q YES ` 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by j Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? �/g`7 S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? G. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? _T yes S. Are you prepared to file a list of seai estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code?_W_ •l- 1 84-106 t r n 9. EXCATM AL BAClZ20t71`ID: High Sct:ool: (b) —tumNan s (c) Period At :l _ I I De9r*a Obtained:..1i��gg� p�r_._..,_ (e) Year Degree was tOimds� rol College: (a) NaeQres W A Q• (b) Lxatson: C r4A. (c) Period At : (oq tcuol (d) Degree Otained: : .tiM C l y yj*.3Imq (a) Year Degree was a i4(� Girt: 10. Business or professicnal experience/emplaynrsat. (Please state dates). Present: i7L51GN, itc-�i21aQ5 u�� a�n i83 ,QDD,�► Past (major): St�� lien �L���G CAI.ISt1t.TlT )$75•$2 U. Planning and Stand Use Control sw nats attaxled. (Please state dates). 12. Membership in Civic ar Pscfessio:sal OMmizalions, (pest or present) — Please state dates: ^ -. , ,, ..r^ /n02—A- %n,..A.� /►� ! eL, i4 r)0 _ 4+ i► el .T 117%k5 im Si5`� iuNK► WkX9W9TOU hLlI•Jf L4 ut tlun1 rr•Fw r • 11 .: 14. M ' =ai any g agency boards cc comsissions (pail COS s4QC )4- &)Ago - (Try 017 MI #mil 1 AWT 0 Pu►&C. VIA61 r 15. Are yoys an elected official = are you employed full time its a gova=i- ment authority? -- - -00 - 16. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Hoard? 1j Ww would you like to serve on the zoning Hoard?_ I ZEk. I e&J M: Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 17. Please state any other info=t..ion which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those oonsiderisig the appointment you seek: 18. Nams and address of sponsoring oa:ganizatian (if any): Data: W-ge • 1`i , 14 6 3 N=t Cnoa you have amplaetad this :Ca, ki=Uy nibs same too: • city Clark City of Mimi ' P. O. Mmc 330708 Miami, Florida 33233 84--JL06 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC • City of Kiami, • Florida HIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate - As appear a on oter s Registration Residence address Principal Business ' P ?u"P i ompany name Business address �'/P �' 4 //ri�yrc� G. Home Telephone X. - Business Telephone �1��• GS13S Date of birth 06 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 2. Voter's Registration Number 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? --PJ 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? 6. no you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined is Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Cods Section2-22.27 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Z41 �• 8. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you awn either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk ahou,,d be sppointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Cods? i -1- V.,F� /,3z-"* 84-JL06 rn 9. TT r1 LTjaaI. B : Rio (a) NMI ' . Ob) ! K (a) Period • (d) Degree Obtained:'i • (a) Year Degree was ZE 107 College: (a) Namm c (b) Loca n:..��. (c) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtaissed:� ��(a) Year DiDegree/re/was V: / //yyi�i=.frY.,w✓_A�JI.. r •JGYiL .rL'1w7 _ C1. G. G 94:sro(./ / ,!�'" � • .�.il-, .�i•� u �•=Cc.t%�1 c L ^ �� 2t-t � ��L. c � S� ��'n- �y-r�itV+. 10. Business or professiw al wq*rieno%Ioyment. (Please state dates). Past (major) 11. Planning and Land Un Qmtrol Seminars attended. (Please state dates). 12. Membership In Civic or Professional Grganizations (past or present) - Please state• datass : /•_ ,4. L . 17 �+ G� .%!�.:.i�f•'t � • ,!••///'/�iwl, t.' � �Sldf(1 d• �7•!'i-i..�LKLw.v7... 13. Other past ar preses'it selatbg to the "fields of Planning and Zcrnita: 2• ,L" 84-106 High S (a) Name: � a (c) Peaciod (d) De4rae Cbtaineds �... a �E (e) Year Degree was "cbtair ds ,l aS-.O College: (a) Names (b) Locations x (c) Period At : (d) Degr9e Gbtained: n o .CC�r��'�� {e} Year Degree was ObtairAds r 10. Business w professiaml cq=ieno%mployn:s:t. (Please statefdatess)). Presents fi 1v'YJ / Y f �i Sc�/•tlf �� •e s K L�.y>-s / - r CIv •ic ��.. Past (majcr) 11. Planning and Land IIse Cmt=l seminars attandad. (Please state dates). 12. Membership in Civic ae Profess= al OYganisatioas (past or PzesNW— Please nuts, dates: fey Id I -4 r C� _1 4, C5• 19j +J 23. Othw past or pit agerisnce relating to the -fields of Planning and Zoning: G/ f • n L � � r i , trrJ :� Via. LGt �;t�,.}t L�,G,tr�:i "`�,.r,.,.% 2� 14. Mmbuvhips cn any govumwjt*1 aqw4y board, s , ca nissions (past z /') n . I 11--) h - ' /.' - - . -fi 15. An yop an elected Official = are you eployed fu11 time in a govern- ment authority? c 16. W�ty would you like to serve an the Planninq Advis=Y,Bwrd?_,�,____� t! My would y= like to sus On the Zonninq Board? d ! Please state if you have a preference for either Boards 17. Please state any Oth,= infOWation which you think might be considered munimfvl ar significant by tho/s/e oonsiderinq the apQointrrWtt'you seeks i Is. Name ard�address of sponsoring organization (if any)t Qit CL`/ � c..Pri•tl.��.Gfrtl •.-.rd •Z`,wiT 1d?II:t at0e you have aonp.LOW this lOna, kitxlly rat' arse tat City Clark City of Miasi P. O. Wm 330708 mi—i. !'losida 33133 -3- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida NAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE G ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Jon H. Channinq As appear ng on Voter's Registration Car�c Residence address 3301 N.E. 5th Ave. Miami, Florida 33137 Principal Business Channing Corporation (Company name Business address 100 N. Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33132 Home Telephone 576-0693 Business Telephone 371-3455 Date of birth February B, 1954 _ 1. Us you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number 000645535 it 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 6 years 4. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and toning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 NO 7. Are you a ptopartt owosr with the City of Miami? Yes Y. Are 3" propwad to file a list of real estate you own either personally os oarposatsly, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be eppWztedp pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes wl- i 0 high Bd=ls (a) Name: Miami Be w Locatlons Miam (C) Period At�ed:� (d) Degree Obtairsed: • (a) Year Degree was Colleges (a) Names University of Miami (b) Loco s Miamir Florida (C) Period Attended: 1972 - 1976 (d) Degree Obtairsed: Bachelor of Business inistrati (a) Year Degree was 1976 07ilERt General Contractor, Real Estate Broker, Mortgage Broker. 10. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state dates). Presmtt Channing Corporation, Vice President 1976 - Present Pan (major): Venture Sunrise, Inc., .Vice President 1978 - Present Venture Plantation, Inc., Vice President 1980 - Present 11. Plamni q and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). Community Associations Institute, 8th National Conference on Camnunity Associations, 1979. - Community Associations Institut.: Seminar on %.u'Lx=Ja&um wnversron, ty, iy. - Seminar an Investing in S. F on Real Estate, Conference Corporation International, 1979. - Annual U.S. Investment Planning. Seminar, University of Miami, Orlando, FL, 1982. - American in Bankers Assoc. National Convention, Washington, 1962. 12. Pleasestate dater: at Professional Organizations (past or present)- _ Tiger Bay Club 1982 - Present Community Associations Institute 1979 - Present 13. Othw pest ew p comt expsnrism srlati M to the fields of Plww& q and Ze04 & Palm Court Condominium. Palm Bay Court _Club.* Chateaulaine Tbwnhouses. Islandet• Club Condominium. Del Rio Village Townhouses. Meaduwa�`Aoartments. Gables Plaza Condominium. Bay Park TowersCondominium. Fairway Villas CorAx inivam. Oceansidb Plaza. Stanton House Condominium.,Lake [.aura Condoinim Mmoidiouses. 84-106 0+ High School t (a) Name: Miami Be, (b) Loca Miam (c) Period Attatt ed: (d) Degree Obtained: (a) Year Degree was Colleges (a) Meanie: University of Miami (b) Loon ant3� : Miami Florida (C) Period Attended: 1972 - 1976 (d) Degree Obtained: Bachelor of Business inistration (e) Year Degree was 1976 O►rKm General Contractor, Real Estate Broker, Mortgage Broker. 10. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state dates). Pre" t: Manning Corporation, Vice President 1976 - Present Part (Irajpr): Venture Sunrise, Inc., Vice President 1973 - Present Venture Plantation, Inc., Vice President 1980 - Present 11. Planning and Land Use Control Saninars attended. (Please state dates). - Community Associations Institute, 8th National Conference an Camiunity Associations, 1979. - Comunity Associations Institut.: Seminar on • - Seminar an InvestiW in S. F1or3 Real Estate, Conference Corporation International, 1979. - Annual U.S. Investment Planning. Seminar, University of Miami, Orlando, FL, 1982. - American Bankers Assoc. National Convention, Washington, 1982. 12. Membership in Civic at Professional Organizations (past or present) - Plema state datas: Tiger Bay Club 1982 - Present Community Associations Institute 1979- Present 13. Othw past a c pint ocpv Unce relating to the fields of Planning and Zoeslegt Palm Bay Palm Bay Court Club.' Chateaulaine 71owrtUuouses. Islandet Club Condminium. Del Rio Village 4bwnhouses. MeadL*S reen Apartments. Gables Plaza Condominium. Bay Park Tawers Condominium. Fairway Villas Condominium. Oceanside Plaza. Stanton House Condominium. Lake Laura Ccindcmin„_ _an 'Ibw xxmes. 2- 84 -106 04 P 14. Mwterships m Any govaarwtal agercy boards or commissions (past or fit) s None 15. Are yoyt an elected official or are you employed full time in a goMesr- ment auth =ity? No 16. My wand you like to serve on the Planniryg Advisory Board? ft would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? See attachment Please state if you have a preference for either Board: The Zoning Board 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered crrawdrgiu1 our significant by those considering the appointment you seeks See attachment f# . w� 18. Nam and address of sponsoring organization (if any) s_xecomnended by members of Downtown Development Authority, trustmember of Downtown Miami Business Association. N=: Cnm you have aampletsd this fa=t kindly suet = now tog City Clark City of Miusi P. 0. Sox 330708 Miaut. Florida 33133 -3. 84-106 10 0 16. I an, familiar with the administrative processes of the City of Miami.j I am aware of the dynamic structural cdsanges that have been taking place in the City of Miami in recent years and I have creative visions of Miami's future as a cross roads, "Re- naissance" city of the 1980's and 1990's. Working with the Mayor and the City Commission, I hope to be instrumental in the realization of Miami's great potential. 17. I wish to continue my family tradition of Community service. Among their activities, my father and brother have served on numerous boards and commissions in the State, County and City govermental levels. This is a watershed period for Miami with respect to its ascendency to its rightful place as one of the great cities of the world. I feel that my background and desire makes me uniquely qualified to be an integral part of this growth process. 84 106 W P I pr 1A i r- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Hiami, Florida• QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOAR. Name of Candidate ALICE S. BARO s appearing on Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 271 NW 64 Avenue Miami, Fi 33126 Principal Business KENDAR COMPANIES (Company name Business address 1550 Madruga Avenue Coral Gables 33146 Home Telephone 264-0212 Business Telephone 661-1550 Date of birth August 1, 1918 1. Ara you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 2. voter's Registration Number 000267169 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? Since 1950 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Vrc S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? VIP 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade -County Code Section2-22.27 NO 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? We S. Ara you prepared to file a list of real estate You awn either personally or oorporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? YES -1- 0 -- 84--106 9. EDUtATICZ�I. BAQID s Righ Schwis (a) Names WADLEIGH HIGH (d) Degree Obtained: ° • (a) Year Degree was mwzmdt Colleges (a) Names Hunter College (b) IccaYorx City (c) Period AAR207 (d) Degree Obtained: k5.A • (e) Year Degree was 01m: University of Miami 6 credits in Education ea ur es Ph.D. Honoris Causa in Behavioural Science 10. Busiress or professional (Please state dates) . Past (major) n. Planning and Ix d Use Ccntmi Swd=s attended. (Please state dates) . November 1983 at Hyatt Regency << N t 12. Menbership in Civic ar Professional OMwd"tiana (past Cr preseast)- Please stateKiami-dates ofFla. Corws throughnl ispanIc Affairs 1977-1985 Florida Association of Realtors 1973 to present 99EI Con e e o o ert���antgv-- n - a nth 13. Other past or Preset�J Zaaims Been a member of the City of Miami Zoning Board for several years. I am preseasety Of_ 2- 84-- OS r 14. Memberships many al agency boards or oomiasians (past cc t)t + Florida Commission on Hispanic Affairs City of Miami Zoning Board orCommission on Voter Reform Dade C unty Community Relations Board 15. Ara yap an elected official or are You ovloyed full time in a gvvasn- =Mt authority? NO 16. ft would You like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? I have served for several years and would like to continue to serve:otir Miami ations. Please state if you have a preference f= either Board: ' Prefer the Zoning Board. 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: I have lived in Miami since 1950. I have been involved in ttle community since trien HINVM served on many boards and belonged to many organizations in this c ty. I rcnow the commun y. I am a Realtor. �. 18. Name and address of sponeoorirg oacgani zatian (if any) : Puerto Rican Democrats Organization Miami, Florida 33101 A , Dates_ •ss�• N=t on= y:m have amggatrsd this foam• kiMly rot= .� iomm to: city clock City of !riot P. 0. kw: 330708 Miami, rUmIda 33133 -3. 84-1p6 1N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida AIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Gloria Mary Basila As appear ng on voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 2010 South Miami Avenue, Yiami, Florida 33120 Principal Business Real Estate Basila Realty ompary name Business address 2030 South V iami Avenue. Viami, Florida, 33120 Home Telephone 854-2191 Business Telephone same Date of birth January 12, 1926 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes - Frecinct 818 2. Voter's Registration Number, 00 030P346 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? Native Miamian - since 1926 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-S2 of the Miami City Code? Y s 5. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes- G. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 None to my knowledge 7. Are you a property owner within this City of Miami? Yes 6. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you ewn either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clark should you be appointed, pursuant to section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes -1- 84-106 P 9. IT 110VIC HAL HACM2CM: High School: (a) Name: G e su High S c h o o (b) : N'iam' (c) Period Atten : 1_ o_ 4 0 -1 (d) Degree Obtained: H iH i .h S cc (a) Year Degree was O5tained: on a g tate �+olle e. or omen College: (a) Name: ors �a 5taf.e IIn, vP Any Wl (b) I=t3an: T (c) Period Attended: 19 ? -1 a 1 (d) Degree Obtained: arc e 1 o r of Science (e) Year Degree was 10 7 0Im: Barry College, riami. Florida - Special Courses Also various real estate related courses at various times 10. Business or professional experienc/employAmt. (Please state dates). Present: Licensed Real Estate Broker from 1950 to present past (major): Real Estate Sales from 1047 to 050 11. Planning and Land Use Control Semums attended. (Please state dates). National IDEA.Downtown Development Authority Conference, 1074; if/ Annual City of Yjami Seminars for P1annfnx Boards from 1074 thru 1 Special City of Miami Conferences; Florida Planning & Zoning 104 Conferences in 101h, 1075. 107$ . loan. ATA (!nrcnne i „_'i983 • 32. mwbn-ship in Civic or Professional Organizations (past or presw*J- pleasa state dates: Miami Board of Realtors-1947 thru present;Florida Assn. of Realtors and national Assn. of Realtors i047 thru present; CITY ox Flami Zoning board--1974 board--thru present; Fla. Planning & Zoning Assn. 1074 thru present;Member Downtown Community Development Committee; 7o a y kublic a e or Flasince 10 ; Officer & Board of Direc ors 13. Other past or pit expecium relating to the fields of PlatmiM and (over) Zoning: Real Estate Business; City of Miami Zoning Board Worked on revisions for City of Miami Zonina Ordinances t 2- 84--06 r4 • 14. Meeberships an any 9ar'arrnwtal agempY boards or ac=isaions (past ca;pr'esont)= City of Miami Zoning Board; International Folk Festival Committee; City of Miami Distinguised Visitors Committee; Committee for.Ci:y of Miami Sewer Bonds; Committee for Re -Districting. 15. Are yW an elected official oar are you enplayed full time in a govern- vent aut2ozity? No 16. Why would you like to serve on the Plarminq Advisory Board? For same reason as stated below in next paragraph the'Zwould yyvvuu like to serve an the Zoning Board? I would like to serve on onir)g -Board to aid in the continued development in an intelligent management of the physical environment of our great city Please state if you have a preference faar either Boards I would like to continue serving on the Zoning eaBoard_ 17. Plse state any other info= aticn which you think might be considered red or significant by those considering the appointmt you sack: I am a native born Miamian; I have experience in the field of Real Estate in the City of Miami; I have 10 years experience on t e UITy o am Zoning Board; Management and business administration in real estate and a great love fnrgnd „ „u= Qi y • ti,on (if guy) : 18. Name and address of sponsoarinq oaeganfza " SALX? Club of Miami. Florida el�o ��, Ckc-Udate's rgrature Date: December 26, 1983 NO► z Once you haw =plated this faacm, kindly sat= same to: City clock City of Utmi P. o. sox 330708 Miami, rjotida 33133 -} `' f 0 r�. 31 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . City of Miami. Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate VICTOR HENRY VE VURRE As appearing on Voter's Registration ,ar Residence address 3646 N.W. and. SzAeet, Miami Principal Business LAW OFFICES OF VICTOR H. VE Yl1RRE (Company name Business address 814 ponce Ve Leon Md., Suite M400, Co tat Gabtee , Ft, 3313 Home Telephone 642-9632 Business Telephone 447-1150 Date of birth�2126153 ' 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? V es 2. voter • s Registration Number 000579353 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 21 yean.b !4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Veb S. Will you be able to attend planning and coning seminars sea required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code?y eb 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined is Miami7City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Coda Section2-22.2T NO 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? No ' B. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you win either personally or Corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appolated, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? V ea 84-106 9. EDtX=C1aL SACKM MD1 High School: b Nsme: LA SA L L E HIGH SCHOOL (c) Period At 1 9 A R- 1 9.7 9 ' (d) Degree Obtained: (a) Yew Degree was : 19 7 2 College: (a) Non: T UNIVERSITV OF MIAMI (b) Location: Conat Gab F (c) Period At : 1 9 7 2 _1 9 7 4 (d) Degree Obtained: _ B B A ( A c c o u n ti n a) (a) Year Degree was : 19 7 4 01M: Ju,%ie Uoc.ton -St. Manu' a Schoot o.4 Law_ San AntA 0, Texae LL M(Maeten. o6 Lawa in Taxation)Un.ivene.i.ty o6,M.i.ami,SchooZ o6 Law. 10. Business or professional experieme/amployrtrsit. (Please state dates) . present: Lawyers (1977 ,to 1983) ALONSO-POCH, DE VURRE 6 PEREZ p&st (M&jpr): VICTOR H. DE VURRE, Attoaney at Law (Pneaenx) U. planning and zard Uss Control Ssldlnars attended. (Please, state dates) . None 1 r' 12. Menbrrship in Civic cc professional Orgwlzaticns (past oar Mcseat)— please state dates: • Miami-Fta amp. 0 timiht Ctub Cuban-Amenican Ban Aesn. • Ameni AAAjt— InteA-Ametican Ba,% AA,6n. to the fields of Plarsz3nq srd 13. Other past or present experience reletiM zoning: Expen..i.ence thnough teaat oxoAezAi.on nQnweao.N}i_Nn_�li_oN�w be6ote focat zoning Boande and Co„m i A n►+A 2• 84-106 14. !lsnbershil an any qo tal agency boasts cc W=4-54cns (past cc Preswiti t Vade County Peneonnet Adv.ieony Boand C.i,,ty .o6 Miami, Zoning Boand 15. Am yop an elected official ar are you enploy►ad full time in a gmnis vent authority? No . 16. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Hoard? N/A ' r My would you lice to serve on the Zoning Hoard? B e c aue F_ I 4 e e.e t- at with my ezpen.ience .in ,the 5.ietd and �m�y�commitmen,t .towaxds Q b e.t,te& Miami 1 wo ut d be an ae e e j ,toeirer an Please state if you have a prefestssoe or • Zoning Boa& 17. Please state any other info=ation which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by tense considering tha appointment You seeks a See a 26. Name and address of spazsotirg organization (if any)e MIAMI-FLAGAMI OPTIMIST CLUB, 25 W. F.ta to S • Miami, Ffoa..ida. a�dati • a s n NC7ZE: Qnca you iisve oatpletad this lama. M=AY sutm S" to: City Clark City of Huai P. o. sox 330708 niani, !bride 33133 -3- 84-106 VICTOR H. DEIYURRE PE OVAL Born: February 26, 2953, New York City, Now York Moved to Miami: February 3, 1962 Married with two children 4 EDUCATION Bachelor Business Administration (Accounting) from the University of Miami, 1974 (B.B.A.) Juris Doctor from St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas, 1976 (J.D.) Master of Laws in Taxation from University of Miami Law School, 1978 (LL.M.) PROFESSIONAL 1 • Partner -in law firm of Alonso-Poch, De Yurre i•Perez Member: American Bar Association Cuban American Bar Association American Trial Lawyers Association Interamerican Bar Association United States Tax,Court Florida Bar Association ; United States District Court,.Southern District of Florida Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity CIVIC Member of thi Charter Member and Treasurer of the Miami-Flagami Optimist Club .. Member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Canmerce Member of the Dade County Personnel Advisory Board 1IWe Radio talk -ohm host, as a public service dealinq with topics of interest to the community. 84-w106 3 FA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • City of Miami, Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE CO.%TLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate L'v k s ZQ\"A"' LA%Jq"o s appearing on Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address «Lo •aw kq A%*. #' Gr3lV , MtAMI Principal Business GP-.nct4..\ ompany name Business address 57t5 ?o,ste tke L.P-oy 3i-Jk• Con.01 GA6(es 33 t4to Hama Telephone 312.5- 92-Va Business Telephone 461- 9Z9Z Date of birth 10 - ZZ - 4-q I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? — - 1es 2. Voter's Registration Nuabas o o (o to-7 (17 3. Now long have you bean a resident of the City? C CLO-S .._ 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-S2 of the Miami City Code? "Ja.S S. Mill you be able to attend planning and soning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Coda?_ `+.e_S S. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Coda Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dada County Code tection2-22.27 Np 7. Me you a property owner within tbs City of Miami? N O e. Are you prepared to file a list of seal estate yoo swn sitter personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clark should Ion be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Kiwi, City Code? ."+P-S . -1- 84-106 -- Kigh Sd=ls ai Nam: C Okv tab uS (b) I=utMrz Nk k oft-•t (c) Period At : 1 - Wo (d) Degree Cbtaimedt • of ^�le_...�.` • (a) Year Degree was t 1 College: (a) Name: C o k v r-Jo � a V mt vensT (b) Loaatimi: - Nkuj %j cc c.. (c) Period At : 19 e $ -'c i (d) Degree Cbtained:-• - (a) Year Degree was 19ll'A• bl �, eoRSrtZ'o�aa.� UN.v . (aA&j S. el^.oak172.13 10. &Ainess cr professional experience/employment. (Please state dates) . Present: SeN'-art VIca ���s�be;�Z, Geaerto1 Vwlc.r l S +Logy Past (tra jor) : C ttA% u#.aa C o wow mac eb Wyk Nr A . ,% more. %30.Ck Celt t li.sn t1..��..rra j , '�•c • 11. Planning and Lend Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates) . r` 12. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizaticro (past or present) - Please state detmist rr11 ^ _ 10D OC�L CO v CQQ 0--c A .% i- S e.-LQM Ce j 13. erput or present aqwimm selatittq to the fields of PlmrAnq and r, -TQ' kcLaq& u.s e a- RA a N C..L t N C-k'40.& 01 la►. u►+� ai . 8440-10 14. Menbxs dtn On any gove stal agen^y boars or Oxmissions {past or _ ��. C n�a Cauac.ti Mq nts + S c.ix+U cet ; 'W�.S. i�rt2s~bw"t'�a3C.os....w�;,sstino �csc Ut.3E5CC1 - 15. Ara yW an elected Official Our are you wiplo ed full time in a gmazzi- v est authority? Ny lb. Why would you like to earn cn the planning A&Isosy board? `i P-S_ Vary would you like to serve on the zoning board? 1* Please state if you have a preference for either board; 7- p #a i Aj � 106" 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by hose considering the appointment you seek= TG �ii c t t ve ty c. pa i 't,1a4 Le- i.M. -1-4.. C't-j q Pal( 4 UAA • f� is. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any)= k; to s Ssgnatasrt Date=,�Z.T z ��V-3 N(M= Chas IM have C=PI4ted this fame. k1may 3!!�!f SMS tot City Clerk City of KLML P. 0. a= 330709 Khasi, Plorida 33133 84--106 .r W r r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • City of !Miami, Florida TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE SORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate 601toe J' s appearing on Voter's Registration ar Residence address �l S�' I Glean/ AA-e. 14 Principal Business ompany name Business address 0 G o n/-ti/ &5F.A. .�-L��.�.: 'F4 Home Telephone 9-TC-/9a a Business Telephone 917lVaelt Date of birth //!F 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 7 &-r 2. voter's Registration Number 6 0 0 & SZ 8 / Y 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? oZ S aeagee 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 Of the Miami City Code? L e..r S. Will you be able to attend planning and Bening seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? &.r 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined its Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 /YD 7. Are you a property owner within tbs City of Miami? f1 at B. Are non prepared to file a list of real estate You win either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appolsited• pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City CIO"? yG1� -l- 84-106 I ` 9. Mt7C'ATit=M HAQGMMS / Rio S::t=i: (a) Naas: 4 �✓ �� -r. a C (b) s (c) Period At s (d) Degree Obtained: , 1- //�.y���� • (a) �Yteaarr Degree %w�a' s ' ^• s t/ S G/ o M+ Lleg.•: (a) Nems: L/ Al t V y. �.r� 4 (7 �. '�'•i®I��..�� (b) Looatlan: U ,�,� 7 Tg S b e-r (c) Period At (d) Degree Qbtained: a �,1.0 (e) Year Degree was Cis : / fG 4 10. Business or professional wgxrien=///emplaylrmt- (Please state dates). Present: pZ_ea /? P rg � / '%,4'-fo�'c6.J f. rs1 t�.Ul.,C Past (major): �'��s �.. ?`f'L �1mG l r^73 7`ar ax.,A f 11. Planning and Land Use Control Sead=s attended. (Please state dates). 1-72A %�.�/'a, i Cf �dsi/:�i.L'-sd'.K�.arr.►r U. Mw6erahip in Civic or Professional organizations (past or Prom ant) - Please state dates: � r� _�r_ �� //. a _ : �=• � i LJ!!.� �T,�,- Gh/' �!di�lsiE -t.✓ SJ4'��t"' r U. Other past or present ewperianos relating to the fields of Pl nIM and ZOniag: / Jrj A, IC76 & ✓! t� / S'S C�G�"/ �'�` �/i its iCi'Grr t'_�si.d n•� zg!� !/OA d / `dJ -I %ins P�-l.F�tf.�'�.r�. ?`.t e r r lib 0- Lr;Vl, �Ag ldi� ay- 2 Ow `• r 4 f M 14. Memberships an any go seen Al agency bmzds or (past orc Pcasenti: .U. An yW�ilected official or are you snplcyed lull time in a gave= Mon 16. MW would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? 41.> Mw would you like to serve on the zaniryg BoardT Gl7�G/1-s'c.�f�..r Please state if you have a preference foot either Board: 2 O e/.cr t• 17. Please state any other infowation which you think might be ccnsidered me&nirgful. or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: I� 18. None and address of -xri ng cvpnization (if any) : 10 Date: /— .7 " N=z Crime you hne oaplated this f m, kirAUy sagas � tog City Clerk MY of NiamL P. o. 2c 330708 Miami, Morro. 33l33 •3- 84-a 06 • OFFXCE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida IONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE ING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD, Name of Candidate RCLI►%, :�-::1=G:-�:::...S'�? (As appearing on Voter's Reg strat onCard) Residence address 1471 Principal Business F4_iIG �= :'�� +'•G (Company name Business address_ P. C • 1 '. 1 _"Ir.;:I, : L:.;I: ��. ?�1' Home Telephone ":� Co'-? p Business Telephone ,--. Date of birth 1 - 1i - ?? I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 2. Voter's Registration Number 10 , 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? L_: a :,:n-: 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code?='$ S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? = 3S 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Cods Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Sect4on2-22.27 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Mimi? 'a 3 6. Are rota prepared to file a list of •real estate you awn either persooalir or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should ym be sppojated, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code?--7s!! .� •1• $4-IOE ' 9. EDUCAT AL BACXMC=s Righ Sehooli (a) Name: ^''J �- ! - s i 'T • �c • .1 ^ V , t r . - J r • ., .• � W) Period As I. •+s .. �r -_ _ ;" _ (d) Degree Obtained: • (a) Year Degres was Obtaineds . 1 Colleges (a) Name: 71: r 1 f : • • (b) locations - (c) Period At : 1- - 1 72 (d) Degree obtained: - (e) Year Degree was : 10. Business or professicnal. experience%mplvymmt. (Please state dates) . Present: ?: - -" ' _ .,, t • , Past (major): r C• : • • U. Planning and Land Use Ccntrol Seminars attandw . (Please state dates). 12. Membership in Civic or Professional Oorganizatians (past or present) — Please state dates: y L „ 1.3. other past or present egnr enos relating to the fields of Pla=dzq and _�_7e: I 'lava prime s c Ice as a.- 91t r-.� , : e ' s r ar a _•e_ �• r a e_sc �. -t e„t, lsr tee.-,,-..:r c _r :.i �U a�a• '{ ur. ! I F Ta 111C.= suit:: t:_e �c:�,:.;; C. de a=d Atlas. EIS-- Vie • Wi .. :::_.::i ��o, e:-;1? s" ::- :-ter 240 84 -IOE A V' 14. ISO N ships on any gLi ageny boards or oatmissians (past .. or pantrentJ : - Please see ::'ie d 35. Are yW an BlecW official or are you wMacyad lull time in a govesn- ment, authority? 16. Wry would you like to serve an the Planaistg Advisory Board? would You. like to serve on the Board? `o serve t'.:a C_ L-► of tc :.::,:::tor cur "lrection 11 as we .�cve re-est��_is: __ „=i:ztai-= :;" ''i �_ t not �.:_,* _ s 'a_sC es c "core city" ir. 'Co live and ploy Please state if you have a preferertoe for either Board: 17. Please state any other in%anation which you thi:k might be considered meaningful or significant by those =%sideriog the appointrrmt You seek: zctive interest e:=' per ticip ati:`:1 L:. civic 18. Natie Wd address of sponsoring cuganizatieo (if is s furs No►�: Onas You btve oatQSeted this foa o kit:dly sat Saar to: City Clark city of Niaazi P. o. soot 330706 Miami, !,arid- 33133 •} 84-106 A BOW : Januc:ry 17, 1933 Pompano Loach, Florida 0001FE: Vera J. EDUCATIC;1: Attended public schools in Miami, College, Florida d a II Tallahassee. . 11,ILITARY SI+RVICE! United Sautes Air Force during Koreral :.'Onflict. 10 years continuous duty inclusive of 3 years abroad. Worl, assign- ments were Cowm=icationc Toctu►i- cian (teletype) aLid .L"T 'A:ainte- nance (10-29 T nIcars) . 1lonorably discnaroed June 20, 1961. ACTIVITI:.'S: (CoLwaunity Service - Past c6nd Present) Civil Defense Advisory Council - Vice Chairuan Dade County Charter Review L'oard Florida COIL•lcil o:-L :iuman ::Elations Dade County TraasgorL."tion Advisory Committee: T.T.T. Advisory Board ULlverzity of 1:iarui NAIRU - :?ational Association of Intergroup Rclatiuns Officials Dade County Young Deraocr:.tic Association - Chair%.an Dade Count; Alliance for &iapina Safer Cities Community Action Agency Board Looker T. Waztiingtoai CouLmunity School Council Brownsville Idei.,hborhood Center - Chairman r;odel City Educatiun Task Force 3rd Annual UrLan Quality Symposium DESTII•tATIO:IS: D.D:: D::CI5I05 _LCDC - Modal City Davelopment Corp. W=LINGTOIT LANCASTERR ROLLE Stop .transit Cver People, Vice President Cityof Miami Citiz I • Storm � Sewer Bond Committee, C.xmn. �IreLter Miami Chamber of C0Lgmerce Llawi-Dade Chz"ber of C01:L,.erce City of 1';ai Z:►:: !►LT Member City of I-Aar::i +AB 1=1 I•ie:wLer :ieapportioraent Subcommittee sreater Yiami United All Ax rican Republican Council, 1st Vlce President Director, American Lung Associa- tion of Dade-::onroe Director, South Florida Wilder- ness Camp Jack and Ruth 3cicerd Foundation C Co=unity Education Council, Chrmn. Talent Search Advisory Lorrd 11DJC No. Dropout Prevention Program Title u, Chairman City of Miami r1.1- Festival CoLlnittee Greater Miami !-IAACP, President Ministers ec Laymen Voter Registration Coiw.ittee, Vice Ptecident Dade County Civic Association, PresiL?ent Dade County Transit Forum - Dist. 4 Dade County t-iinimum ?lousing Appeals Board ..r CA?,r SUI' i U: Western Union Opus Teci:nician, Johnson Products CJ• Salest.!an; 31•1 Saleswan; 1115 Joint board Union Or;anizer. 0':'i1 R ACTIVITILS: 1n joys traveling, reacting, vikicie, snorts & politics. Has offered candidacy for elective cffica on occassio.as. ?dominated by 1•:etro Nayor to fill''lac�.ncy. Was cLnLUdate for I'ctro- `.•later wid Sow- er Authority. Nomi�a ted by Miawmi ..ayor to fill VU=JZe�. :1Zioys I)uIa- lic eal:in, ii:vo? v5 need to per - aid W acti c) jnO :to ,ain uccc1)C- a;=C� •�f ,,rle�r ic:cus. ;L'tt�r:cts !•it. 'ion ::1Pti zt' CnL rc::. Lobbyist F�::�LIC A::.:I: 3 ::.► �':�� I.' �, I 'C . _ aarc:i .1,;e - 50 84-1V ` C I t of OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Hiami, Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate n"r11 T. smith As appear ng on Voter's Registration ar Residence address 6329 X. '4. '''iarni P. !•lard, rl. 3315n Principal Business S. T. Cyril co. Q pany name Business address 74814. V. 119 St. 'fiami, F1. Home Telephone 754-7072 Business Telephone 6R5-0444 Date of birth April 12, 1945 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Ves 2. Voter's Registration Number 000193633 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 2n years S. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? yes G. to you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 no 7. Are you a property owneac within the City O! Mar s yes A. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate yin wa either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the ltiaai City Code?- yes •l- M 84*wJLQ6 f I Rio SdhO sz (a) Namst ST. Joseph High School. • • ff (b) IaCatAme. Farrin7ron floe "bassau babaras •�i (C) Period At :September Md to June 1952 (d) Degree ObtainAdz coo • (e) year Degree was ObEiijids 1962 Ool]e"I (a) Name: "iami Dade Junior Collepe (b) Looa : "1ami., rl. (c) Period Attegided6epterber 1971 to Decer+ er (d) Degree Obtained: Associate in Arts (a) year Degree was : Dece . er 1 OIHM Eight (8) parts of the ten .(1C) parts course leadine to the Charter Lite Underta ter CLU Designation 10. Busiress or professional wperimm/a 910YA azt. (Please state dates) . Presenftesident of S. T. Cyril Co. June 1976 to the ?resent. Past (major): Apent for John Kancock Life Insurance Comoanv September 196E to Senterber 1982. 11. Planning and Lard Use Control Seminars attezx%& (Please state dales). I have attended the Seminars given by the Florida Planning and Zonine Association for the past nine (9) years (November of each year from 1975). 32. ! Im A, MrShip in Civic or Ps'ofassional Oxganizatioss (past or present) — Please state dates North West :•iari Javicees from January 197n to December 1_076 Florida Planning and Zoning Association from January 1975 to present. 13. Othw past or present x q am Let rslatiM to thm fiends Of Plwr-UV and Zuni W: I have served on the City of :tiami Planning 4dvisorr toard from January 1975 to December 1983. 2— C 11. fps=an any govasrn�n-al agency board or c=issicros (past City of Miami Planning Advisory Board from January 1975 to December 1983 15. Am yW an elected official or arse yvu Toyed toll tame in a govarn- Mont authority? N/n 16. try wauld you Like to serve an the Planning Advisory Board? N/A Why would you like to sews an the Zoning Board? I would like to continue.to serve the City. Please state if you have a preference for either Board: The Zoning Board. 17. Please state any other information which you think might be ooc:sidered meaningful air significant by those considering the appointment you seek: ;1 /A ' 18. Nems and address of sponsoring ocrganizat3+oe (if any) t Y/A CyrilwT. Smith ., ts.a gnaturs . v �= 1/3/84 N=z Once you hays amQletted this fm, kindly nb= � tot city elm* city Of Mimi P. O. sos 330708 Miami, rlosiaa 3W3 MAW 84 -106 f Cc i 0rFICE OF 'THE• CITY CLERIC City of Miami,, Florida TIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE Name of Candidate Ed L. Boen s appearing on Voter's Registration Cara Residence address 4195 Braganca Avenue, Coconut Grove, Florida Principal Business Premiere Pro erties Inc. (Company name Business address 3310 Vioinia Street. Coconut Grove, Florida Home Telephone (305) 661-6693 Business Telephone (305) 445-5000 Date of birth August 6th, 1943 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes r 2. Voter's Registration Number 000337388 f `2. Now long have you been a resident of the City? July 1968 4. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Codel Yes i. to you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code seetiaa2-22.2t , No 7. Are yea a psoperty owner within tam City of Nismis Yes •. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate yid "a either personaiiy or corporately, within the City of Miami with fad City Clerk should yvm be appointed• pursuant to section 3-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes -1• 84-106 11 Nib idhoaU (a) >MM: Central Higl ((cc) Perirod A t, • Cbeaissd:,,U (e) yaw Dsgm was is melon= (a) Mme Univ. of Okla (c (c) Period Att"i x f (d) Dogma Obtained: (a) Year Degret vas i6 to Univ. 1Q. susinss: ar pa�ofassio�al ��erienoy (pleaea stets dates) . = Real Estate Sales and Management- 1977-Present Past Coaj 0 0/68-12/72 Eastern Airlines Inc.. 1/73-i/74 Leadership Housing Corp., 1/74-5/77 Coca-Cola Export Corp. r� U. Plasm and Ima Net Qmtsol Ssm3 MM attmndsd. (Please state dates) . 220 l�urahip in Civic = rrcfessianal Mqud"tic" (past ac Pgoonw PlMst stets datast Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce Adyi%nr.. InArd 11�f..� QAf wl Af Realtors. U. of w past ar prsasnt =pWI i M sslatjM ire tbs ndit id 7low sq aad ZC04 t Many seminars in Real Estate and Business relate! fields With my past employers. 84-JL06 Ll 4 1�. ps:an MW q egsrsy boesde ac aQaaisaians (Pest cc • r 25. An nty��eelected official or am yvu =01aysd tail time In a gv�resn- ty? • No 36. icy wanLi you like to serm an the P1arirq Advim=y &me i Y woiuld you like to servo an the Zarstrig soardT Zoning i a Dart of my workevervday. I would like to become more involved in i". Please state it yvn hm a tac either sossd: Zoning Board 17. Please state any other 3rs wnatian Which you think vd t be cauddered seerdngi cc sipitieaat by those aonsiderinq the Oppoint of You aeek: With my work and educational backround. I feel that I would make a good contribution to the CitY of Mfami. U. Name grid address of sponsoc(nq Mwenizat4 n any) t Miami Board of Realtors. Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce. is a 514,1MICAM t4►3�:am � l�aare ampleted tMe 9=4am key s+sl� • city Clock • city or Mlasi P..O. eft 33070e . Mimi, Florida 31733 . •f. -1. 84--106 4 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of ?Mami s Florida �TIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY -CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTHENT TO THE WING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate NAUMANN. CAML.OS AGUSTIN ,.e appearing on Voter's Registration ar Residence address wee, Syr s p=, MIAMI Principal Business (company name Business address ?Goo SW e7 Ave ka MTAMI Home Telephone e58-53e0 Business Telephone s9s-s932 Date of birth_ JULY 1. 1946 1. Ass you a registered voter in the City of Miami? IM ' 2. voter's Registration N= ber 000eloee4 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 7 YEARs i 4* will you be able to faithfully attend meatings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? YES S. will you be able to attend planning and Boning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code t YES 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Cods Article V. Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code 5ection2-22.27 NO ' 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami! YES •. Are you prepared to file a List of real estate yoo sn either per"nany os corporately, within the City of Miami With the City Clark should you be oppoAnted, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? YES •1- 7 1 84-106 .r+ •. u •1. 1 .. • r�n- • ibr�i..lt•. �' .r CbtatrAdl FWTNEERING ! • .^SSY� I0. sq=;wceje%AcyT4 tr (Please state dates). �... �:•. W-0• r r-�4� �.•: ` U. PlesmiM and Lena vee CMt=l Swdr M &ttm%%L (Pleas. state dates) . WHILE MOBBING FOR f i SU162mrs Z•,•'••r t473-i976 _ -- ,. •r . •�• i•:�r ♦ 3a: u 7: •. --46 IN THE WANT AREA. r .�; 14. psson any gonrarrnrn 21 agency boazds or =n4asicns (past -None 15. Am yW el official or are you amplayed full time in a govem- No 16. ft Would you like to serve on the Planning AdViSOzy Board? To hero in the planning of the future growth of the community. WW wmild you like to serve on the Zoning Board? T�yej rho existing neighborhoods. Please state if you have a prefermce for either Boards` 17. Please state arty other information whim you think might be oomsidered v*wU ngful or significant by those = sidering the appointment you seeks I would like to help the community of Miami to the best of my abilities with its planning and -zoning. 18. Name and address of sponsoring orgaWd=td= (if any) s Association of Cuban Civil Engineers, Association of Cuban Engineers. Candidata's. fora Dtbs January 4, 1984 N=t wua hw o=%4* rd this f=, kidly Wb= sains City Mark City of !leash P. 0. boat 330708 Mismt, Florida 331L33 4- 84 -106 r tal boards Oar =nissicna (past .. 14. Msnb SAI - On any goverrneai a9�Y •� or pa�essnt) : .None . { • full tune in a 15. An y� an elected official or are you snployed govern' ment authoa:ity ? No . 16. they would you like to save an the Planning Advisory Board? To he__ _in the planning of the future growth of the community. Why would you like to serve Can the ZmiM Hoard? To i=rove the existine neiuhborhoods. Please state if you have a paceferenoe for either Hoard:,` 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered aeaningful or significant by those =sidering the appointment you seek: • I would like to help the community of Miami to the best of my abilities with its planning and -zoning._ 18. Name and address of sponiution (if any) : Association of Cuban Civil Engineers, Association of Cuban Engineers. . to s. tams �-Dtts: January 4, 1984 a a * * * N=I Cnas 7W hm =Flew this lama, kindly aeet� M same to: City Clark City of Him& P. 0. sax 330706 NiAMi, rlorlds lei 4— i $4�106 0 October 319 1993. Mr. Ralph Go Ongi69 City Clark, City of Miami. P.O. Box 3307089 Miamig FL. 33133o Silt a A woo in behalf of the Association of Cuban Civil Engineers In Exilog would like to submit the name of one of our memberso Mrs Carlos A. Naumsnng. Meg to be considered for the appointment to the City of Miami Zoning Board* Me feel ho is wry qualified for the appointment due to his background and professional qualifications. Mr. Carlos A. Naumann also worked for Metro Dade County eullding Zoning Department9 we will much appreclaty your favorable consideration. Sincerely yours. Civ. Ingo Antonio No Tells, President, A.CoCoao t Ai/db 1 a4-IL06 01 14 V RALPH G. ONGIE O OjOj City Clerk MA T H A�ist ant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKS Robert E Tingley December 13, 1983 Georgia M. Lntle Sylvia MEMendoza velio Ri o Sylvia Lowman STAFF SUPPORT • Lillian Dickman Mr. Carlos Agustin Naumann 3001 Southwest 4th Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Dear Mr. Naumann: Please be advised that all applications previously submitted to our office in connection with Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board appointments, which were taken up on November 16. 1983 are no longer valid. Please be advised that should you still have an interest to be considered for any of the remaining vacancies, you mast fill out the enclosed form�and return same to us at your earliest convenience, though in no event later than January 4, 1984 by 5:00 O'clock P. N. The vacancies on the Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards are as follows: PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD 2 regular terms expiring an December 31, 1993 1 alternate term expiring on December 31, 1983 ZONING BOARD 2 regular terms expiring on December 31, 1983 1 alternate term expiring an December 31, 1983 1 regular term running from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 1965 1 regular unexpired term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 it you should have, any further questions Please feel free to contact our office, at 579-6065. Thank you, loryoas cooperation in this matter. truly yours, 7Ph 0. Ongie v City Clerk AGO/91 Lac. Vs CC: Aurelio Peres-Lugones Planning Advisor and Zoning Boards Adwinistrat4cm OFFICE OF THE Cli CLERK / City all ! I500Pan American Drive / P.O. loll 3W.01 / Miami. H OW& 33MIS4M " (3051 5'9.6i3 84 -J.06 -.1 i • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r City of Miami, Florida` . • tk �r dr ' QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTtmNT TO M}: PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate �.�. •��- �L.�� s appearing on Voter's Registra Can Card-T~ Residence address �����.�--• �� V�,C� ���� Principal Business ompany name Business address , �•. ''`� Home Telephone A 6k Business Telephone Date of birth 'QVX.Zr- S 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Mi.,? 2. Voter's Registration Number 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? S S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoni g seminars as required by Section 62.49 of the Miami City Code? S 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as d iaed In Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-302 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 7. Ara you a property owner within the City of Miasi??,_� - 6. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you em either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk abould you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2.305 of the Miami City Cade? •1• ' 84-106 qk A . e 9. EDW=aML PAMGFC=: High Sclxcol• (a) Mme: (b) Irocat m. (c) Period At _ (d) Degree Obtained: , (a) Year Degree was Obtained: College: ' (a) Name: �_ c, . • �. �-+., J � v •rS. �/_ (b) r=a on: (c) Period Attended:— S O (d) Degree Obtained: (a) Year Degree was 10. Busiruamss or professional experience/ loynmaat. (Please state dates). Present: _ Past (major) - 11. Planning and Land Use Control Swdjws attended. (Please state dates). . 1 \ar\ 12. Membership in Civic cc Professional Or+ganizatims (past er present) — Please state dates: 13• other Post cc Izumt axParienoa selatiM to the fields of Plaminq and — 2 w 14. Mmnberships on any govenzental agency boards or owmissiona (past or present) • 15. Are yv}t an elected official. are you enployed .time in a gvtie=r- Mont authority? 16. M,4► Fuld you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Hoard? Why vauld you like to serve on the Zoning Board?_ Please state if you have a enae for either Board: 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered msani,ngfil or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: •� 1. • . �[ � ♦ � 16. a:ne 8rri iddr'eas of spoa=Ring 'orgatdzaticai (if any) : `� ~ �-+�CL S L�+►eD♦. '�rS�.ti c N=.- Cn= you have cmVIcted this fads, kindly ro!'.tiiZ'i "M tot City Clark City of Miami P. 0. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 -3. 84--106 0 a ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E City of Hiafti;+,'Florida_, • ,Ar * ,Ar QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate g ��7% 'P-z 732o v lg�- g s appearing on Voter's eg strat oncard) Residence address �2 G z ' ► tiw r'�• 3 3 Principal Business Cc CcJ ompany name Business address YO7 S•4 8rx . Home Telephone Business Telephone " Date of birth 4/0 — z 1. Are you a registered voter in theCityof Miami? e_ 2. Voter's Registration Number O b 3 D 74 — V 3. Raw long have you been a resident of the City? 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? _ _ Y-es S. will you be able to attend.planning and zonin seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? G. no you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 �j 1) -- - 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? s. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you awn either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should be appointed,, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Cods? 84-JLU6 ' 9. Sigh Sd=1 s (a) a) =hUm Period At s (d) Degree Obtained: (a) Year Degree was : Colleges (a) it� (b)(c) PerA (d) Degree Cbtaineds (e) Year Degree was Obtained: on=: 10. Business os professional experiewe/employm nt. (Please state dates). Present: Past (major) : ,o�t1,f� Qr F►siitla U. Plwmirq and Land Qse Cant=i seminars attended. (Please state dates) . 12. Mwbership is Civic cc Professional Organizations (past er wesertt)— Please state dates: LI 13. th Other or present experi,ert relating to the fields of Planning and 2- 84-106 14. Memberships on any &I agency board or comaissirans (past " or pocement) i i F 15. Are M an elected official or are you employed full time in a gon�era- rdnt authority? 16. My would you like to serve on the Plarzdng Advisory Board? Sty would you like to serve on the Zoning Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: 18. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any) : �,k►x,z .� WM& Onom m: have this fart kindly IF sear City Clark City of Miami P. o. Sox 33070e Miami, Florida 33133 -g. 84--1p6 d CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA 64 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM . ' rot Ralph Ongi a dA,t, October 14, 1983 nos: Cit Clerk suuccT` Appointment • of Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board Members FROMI ure o RCRe�cNccs� DI Planning and Zoning Boards ENCLOBUR!!: Administration Department The terms of office of the following Board Members expire on December 31, 1983: ZONING BOARD PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Alicia 8aro (Chairperson) Aaron J. Manes (Chairperson) Gloria Basila Cyril Smith (Vice -Chairperson) Victor de Yurre Vacant (Alternate) (Advertised for 11/10/83) Sections 62-46 through 62-51 of the City Code provide for the appointment or reappointment of Board Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the following time table is suggested: November 8, 1983 Advertisement in newspaper of general circulation soliciting applicants November 30, 1983 Deadline for applications. December 1, 1983 City Clerk makes available a list and qualifications of each applicant for public inspection and consideration. December 8, 1983 City Commission appoints or re -appoints by Resolution. By copy of this memo, the City Attorney is being requested to prepare individual resolutions for the appointments. AEPL:bpm cc: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jack Eads, Assistant City Manager Vincent Grimm, Assistant City Manager Manny Alvarez, Assistant City Manager Sergio Rodriguez, Director of Planning Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board Members 84-106 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA , INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM kBLE MEMBERS OP THE D•TL September 22, 1983 Mt. ,. OMISSION susiccT. Appointments to the Zoninq Board / and Planning Advisory Board. )NGIE Rcrc>rc+vcut c i • [MCLOSUR[st advised that the deadline for submitting applications to fill vacancies on the Zoninq Board and the Planning Advisory Board, was September 21, 1983 at stoo P.M. Please also be advised that Manny Alvarez will be transmitting to you copies of the above mentioned applications. All applications are subject to confirmation by the Election Division of Metropolitan Dade County that they are, indeed, electors of the City of Miami. Applicants applying for said vacancies are as follows: ZONING BOARD William Romeo Rolle Rainaldo Cruz Luis J. Lauredo Victor Henry De Yurrs PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD George Lambert Sands EITHEii BOARD Seth M. Sklarey RGOgl Encl. // cc: vt�suny Alvarez, !Agenda Office Aurelio Peres-Lugones, Pla»inq Advisory and Zoninq Boards Administration I •� . ! 84-146 a2ueomm'D September 22, 1983 Mr. David Leahy ' Supervisor of Elections. 1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Ste. 200 Miami, Plorida 33132 Dear Mr. Leahy: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clark MATTY HIRAI Assistant City dark DEPUTY CITY CLERKS Robert E. Tingley Georgia M. Little Ilia Teems Sylvia M. Mendoza Evelio Rizo MICROFILM DIVISION Dorothy Brown Domingo Acosta Transmitted herewith is a list of applicants for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board of the City of Miami. Please verity that the below listed individuals are registered voters. in the City of Miami. William Romeo Rolle - 3430 William Avenue (33133) Reinaldo Cruz 460 N. W. 51 Avenue (33126) Luis J. Lauredo 1510 N. W. 19 Avenue, Apt. G-316 (33125) Victor Henry De Yurre 3646 N. W. 3rd Street (33125) George Lambert Sands 3121 Elizabeth Street (33133) Seth M. Sklarey 3651 Loquat Avenue (33133) Thank you, for your cooperation in this matter. RalphF��ie City Clerk Co.- vgmy Alvarez Aurelio Perez-Lugcnes, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration Ent DZLZVZRCD OFFICE OF THE CIT1 CLERW City Half / 35M Pan American Drive / Miami, Florida 33133 / 579.6065 84 -106 •�rK!�:��wS�,IL`.'n�:.7�1'iuf'.ir..'/�Nif�Yd�I!ti�b�''�•�:.. _ ...�'..;. •• -• - r.I %LC:. . .r �... .. 'w. w. • •� OFFICE OF THE CITZ MERK' City of Min j. • 4r �Ar 4r STIONAIRE TO BE COLLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR AP?OnMkD= TO THE Name. of Candidate William Romeo Rolle kAs appearrng on voter's Registration Residence address 14aA u� 11 i ra,a evw.,n. Principal Business Retired (Company Wane ' Business address Home Telephone_ "3_792a ` ' " Business Telephone Date of birth_ _ October S. 1927 I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 2. Voter's Registration XMber 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 55 YEARS 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by - Section 62.52 of the Miami City Code? YES S. Mill you be able to attend planning and zoning semiaars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Coder YES 6. aD You forts** any awflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade Cotimty Cade SectioA2.22.27 ,,.NO 7. Are you a property vines within the City of Miasip YES e. Are Yon prepared to file a list at real estate you mm either personally, or corporately" within the City at Miami with flit City Clerk should you be appotatsd, pnssuaAt to Sec -Um .2-305 of the Miami City Cods?� s •1- 84" -106 -I- '�CA?i�i!�•_�'Yt •'�i:•�(.,•...:•.�1?f.'�.i.�.i�a!iy�!8��ii7yt�y�f!•jeYY.fLrt.'•�a:��,'•�►1l!i!tME!�i�/iiS.�•�lfv.�•�1h4' •�.:��•'.��:. v. M . . z LW 9. FSAXATIQ�+►L Ham: , Sigh School: (a) Nme: George Washia ton Carver _ (b) JaCati=; Coconut Grova (C) PeriCd:At 933 - 1946 W Degree Cbta<irAd: Hi h School Diploma • (a) Year Degree was : 1946 CGIleges (a) NWAS Florida A&M Universi (b) LDCa a Tallahassee Florida (C) Peried :• 1946 • 1950 (d) Degree Cbta ned: A B (e) Year Degree was Obtained.— 195 o CO3M: Florida Atlantic University M_ Ed_ - 1968 20. su nem cc pZ1DfP334mal lxp welayment. OPIUM State dates) . u. Presesrt: Retired - June. 1983 .Past (major) :Dade County Public Schools Administrator Plivminq and rand Use Ca:rt=l. Swd=s attended. (Please state dates) . 071 - 72 73 ' Membership in avie (past or pnww&-)— KUM state datssa Coconut Grove Optimist -~75 Dade County Administ tors Aaaociarion = 83 otiar past or present arxpesieawe relating' to the fields of Plwm nq and zcn4ng-_ City of Miami Planning Advisory BgArd 1971 -'1971 .�+Jets..ya3!1�i..'�`i'M:-X�4.��.rr �.uC.• 't^�Cfe�:�l�- , .,. !:?11�w•uyjw:�: Mow 14. ManbevshiPs =I anygcvwmwtal ' boards CC - or pmenti • Dade Ccunt7 Youth Advisorq Board 15. Are yW as elected official = are you m*loyed lull tame in a gave=- . meat authority? • No Is. Wq waald you like to salve oa the PlarmiM Advisory ftazW— y�y would you like to serve as the Z=irq BOB - Please stater if you have a preferr�oe for either Board: Z • .. _ tics: which you thth �be � censi�3 _ 17. Pp � C ld=4ficant by sesidarim the Administrator 18. Name ard address a sp=wriM =cJaniZatioR (if arty) : N=: Own you have this foam, kindly mfz= pnr tot City CL** • City et Misai p. O. Mc 330708 - disci.. plwi4a: 33133 84-106 .Sy.•• .'.•�•�� �.J,ayri,iaw�.�..►wAi�.�iri+�►a+.Y^,y,.tRlM•:.�ar��M•MMfs •:.�+reil�i�`4t41�.[ A.iaY�4t0'!!r"+'r�� ��. _'i",i• ... �t....w+�•w+...,�wsrtrr.��<�•w.,,+.►.rle4w'?'+�.Y�'R.:`..;,.�"�?Jkj/��+'+�I'v'v�wiiRdO'�:i h . i i 1 . -u SP -7 OFFICE OF THE CITY m= : '. `' '• j . Of Mimi- � .::�• C; 7 r ami, P'IoridaC" CF M; FL'.,. City QUESTIONAIRE TO -BE CO*'PLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOLVn=T TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Reinaldo Cruz s appearing an Voter's Registration'cu�= Residence address 460 N.W. S1 Ave-.; Miami, Florida 33126 Principal Business 2160 N.W. 22 Court, Miami, Florida 3314Z ompany name Business address SAME Home Telephone 448-9688 Business Telephone 638-4343 + Date of birth Nov., 27, 1522 1. A" you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Number 0004S147S 3. Row long have you been a resident of the City? 15 years 4. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? les 5. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, sections 2-301 - 307 and Dada County Code Section2-22.27 7. Us you a property owner within the City of Mimi? Yes 9. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you evn either parsonally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes •1- 84-IL06 I '�a`ys�.fi++��--•=_::=�'Irr�J'.#�,l�iirivyr. ti r.�r •—esvJCwtwrws,+t+• a+►.vi.y' w .. •. .: �—�i,'-'�A'�%+Wf .t�"t'4+11•R.'--r�`r��it+ A+..id++CS�•►MMr!wNq.'ii"•.r�..:..i�Ma. +• .. .. .._ .. .� .. , y `� rt..w�!...r....-n�...cr ... , �_•1lyR•srry....1. 9. EM)=►T2Q= BAG?ID: Rio $cb=l; (a) Nam; National Masonic W tj: Havana, Cuba • (c) period .A . (d) Degz+ee Obtained: hign School. • (a) Year Degres was Obtainedi 19 j Collage: (a) Name: University of Havana (b) Loca : Havana, Cuba (a) PaztcA A - (d) Depw Obtained.- a c e o r ol Science (a) Year Deg%W was : M• .I.uaLn YiM cz Muse state kYa7) • pit: 1964 - Present, President of Cruz Carpet and Rey Carpet past Major): 19SS -19S9 Chief of Drivers License Bureau, Havana, Cuba 19SO -1954 Ministr y of Interior, Immigration Department Inspector 11. Planning and Lard Use Ccntsol Swd=s attaxded. (Please state dates) . 32. Mesbarship in 4vie aoc Professional Crganizatierss (past or pres=W— please state dates: __ I}1teTAIIeT4P1f1 i�}1AII}1PT Af r^fflMA •ens Af nsbg*s , 11ivw•i President 1979-1980 and 1974-1976; Member 1973 to present -.Memb "', RQa d mf Mr Pt Are Af M4 'Jm; C-3pi t,�—cl anz8u... Inc. , Member Member, Better Bauxspinees�soBureau r�adating1977-79 Mba AAC 1977-79 198033. paw tarto-the ?.Lzes P=rg and `• r �.. . �, ����•� W+t•D.i+I.:;:i'-L�u:y�Mtia•�'�1l�MMi/.:�Cd•'•.:�t....•aU1.'�'i1l�lw .. .. W.-Ifti«.'wtY.t•� k • .ram.. -.. . ... . _. _ . . . _. • • � .. • . i i 14. Planberships on any gLl agency boastis or=MTdsW=ft (Past or preserztJ. City of Miami Advisory evelopemnt, ---Boa?d MembeF,1979 • _Dade -Miami, Criminal Justice Coune-11 AmArA 6vaTRUs,• I QQA 15. Are YW an elected official or are you aployed full time in a gcvesa- Mont authority? No 16. Sd�cy wm led you like to 'serve ca: the planning Advisory Hoard? My would.yon like to sure cn the Zanirq Board 2 a Tne=of the oning Board I feel I can make a beneficial contribution to the City of Hiani. pi an state if you have a preference far either Board: 7 m" 4 ., n„ =d 17. please state any other information which you think might be sidavd. or �t by those oansideris�q oon the appointment you seek: I am interested in this conmu * • am willing to work as a member of the City Zoning Board. 18. Name and address of sponsorinq crganizatiaa fif MY)t Interamerican Chamber of Commerce of Crenter Wtiami_ - e111511"taa a s Dates Septem r 7, 1983 WM.- Men ym have OaV ftad this foosa, M=UY s� tat city CM=k • city of x1ami , P. 0. Bon 330709 M=aai, florid+ 333.33 I 84-106 V4 r--11 lk -�•r:ri,�'>' �•r . �.r�-.I: . �n . .}�sR�tYi•!� :wz.r:.Ct`�!!•S -... ..I skim _ ,r.b�•.....a. . -.... ti 1 t • _ 'R-CEIVE� 20 PH Z, 31 ` ' Ohlf8 AF - nm CITY Cum • CJU{T'►d Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COLLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINT= TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate �. v S S • �- �`� �'Q� o appearing on Voter's Registratian, Residence address % S t o Mw l q pR-4e . 0.oT. G-•3 i to M01144k _N r Principal Business Gw—haemA ompany name Business address s t S S- w . C o.+RT V%%%A rat 33 M's r Home Telephone 3Z.S-9Z8c. • Business Telephone $5 $ -T t I i Date of birth 1. Are you a registered voter in the city of Miami? e.S 2. Voter's Registration Number 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 4, Mill you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Coda? �icS S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? %A!S- 6. oo you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 • 307 and Made County Code Section2-22.27 • 7. Are you a property vanes within the City of Miami? u S. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you eve either personally ow corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Cods?� 40.5 •1- 84 106 of � .:/r1AY•ri.' --A.Str`•t+.a!�"�4s.,:.r:��''•�'l-... ...r •. .. ..�r.Rr �� sii':►..; ,• ��.•r �'i�ttr�-:1'•Li��.rr�.. �ytr•...�.'.waiMl�f.,• 0 11 I 4 +IMA�'.�/!Yl�l� . • . .•�NMt. i,�[!Cw'niw��fi�wi�fflR•.. _ , ....r .. .. .. .. � 9• EW=1TICtM BAGG(�t Rio Sciml: (w mmet Co �.�a•b �-s C �t�o\t e. �•�. Y� i el�.00► (b) Laeatscn: w.lAe+► (d) Degree Obta md: �► S e3..e • l 9 ' 1 ee.�► (e) Year Degree was Cb %g (A % College: (a) Naas: C. o t�se•.b_� or U •a. v �.rt�;t.; (b) I=tsaas aeje ..ie (c) Period A (d) Degree CibtairAd , A • (e) Yaw Degsm was L9-1 Z O Gsc�eTow.: wl�w. l_ays_Se.�•oel, waS�..Lu.�o��'i).C. • 10. �,� �•« os profess;anal experjcLca/ (please state dates) . preserzt: Sa.w.otL �1'�ce''�2,tinSie�a..T G eyert.a� Sav �at/� + l•oae► Past (major): Co t k&.A► 0t ml% w '3 oost.� Ca N.M o rteeles�k uA• , Coo el G AVteti . � SO4i�CtL V�eQ `dLtsie�w* ��ee�— Sc-,��er.T 3o.•+k e�'li.a'1.1.5. � 11. Plannirq ar:d Land Use Control Swdmrs attended. (Please state dates) . 12. Membership in Civic ar P}•ofesaiocsl Osganizatians (past ar prcesaw - Please state dates: a'•"�a+a Cain Cyu•sc�: Ada �• Sete..t LP— s ��..�vtW�d�l C�+►dK(oe�l. �T CdW WrLi�� L1ty- Ack.-. duo. ACgfJ- 1 1e., Cf�i�l� 13• Other past ar present OV@rim= Mlati :Q tO the fields of nm%i.M and R.en� Z 1T A36 t t e w� La• ZycAti a COU'Sto T -ro MI A kil t cea Ceti ; 84--JL06 q4r. A 14. Memberships an any Ll agency boards or ocnmfssicme- (past or present) 3 Met • ft 1A f-kIL M 4 a 04 Ift eL 15. Are yW an alext m I official or am you amplc� * fun time in a govecrA- mint authority? 16. MW would you like to serve cm the PlivzLing Advisory Boa=d2__j3L. Shy ww'd you like to serve an the Z=iM BoardT 'iv-s • Please state if you have a prrfe3rnzae for eftbiw Board fz LA -,a& 17. Please state wW other 4-41owatim which you tbirk might be corwidered meassingful or m4gni #4 cant by those cmaid�i g the appairt=t yM SeLbk: 18. Name and address of spmwrirAg organization (if any) r t 0'aa. • Dots: "7 1=: Cnmym hwe ougleted this ftme ki=Uy Mm amme tat City C%wk Uty of K&ML i P. 0. Bm 330708 Ida". Tim$" 23U3 84-106 if i ,.,..r.yr:n..�ir.v.•:+s•. ..'•.�.>, �•�ir)...:�.r a,►A—.b.��.r�r?M+a•.�.�+:-i ... �:yMw�r...�+•!.�+..++..nT�w!Ibr.•tre.rw.•Sytfr.►a/+':1�...15';�+�.'►: Y.""�•r•���t 3Ms: w..'i' .. .i'1."+�}►�!.+;r..r:. i•- r• • _ RECEIVED I23 J'JL 13 PIM 3: 49 OM CE QF_ ..qm CITY =RR i:! I y � CUU! o. Florida STIO:IAIRE TO BE COLLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINT,%= TO THE NNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Nana of Candidate VICTOR HENRY DE YURRE appearing an Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 3646 N.W. 3rd Street, Miami Principal Business -POai+ DE YUM 8 P=+ Attorneys at Law kc;ompany name - Business address 1313 Ponce De Leon Blvd.., Suite #201 Home Telephoaa 642-9632 Business Talephone447-1150 Date of birth 2/26/53 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. voter's Registration Number 0 0 0 5 7 9 3 5 3 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 21 years 6. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes 5. will you be able to attend planning and ?ing seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? ' 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Articla V. Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 • No. 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? No S. Are you prepared to file a list of real *State you Own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clark should you be appointsd. pursuant to Section.2-305 of the Miami City Code? yes 84-106 S'r+fti +f�Mrl ::d ~ c.;, _•y�'� Sa/w +t l►' wM�rr7hi:. +rw+�.'�.�..•+W►�.r�•+a.�.Myr +.� as . •'DRT'.'.•x..�'!�,+.� AfL'1'iLi_ .._ .�R'all'%iii �.Y' "...�--i�r�aMt:b++7M.r�ar�. •M� . _% . .. . I . i 9. ECu=a*L BAQ ID s Rio Sc1=1 ; (a) N&M: LA SALLE, HIGH SCHOOL (b) Atra (c) Period A 14 a 9 -10 -, 1) (d) Degree r&; • o e • (a) Year Degree wasg 7 ? - Gpllege: (a) Name: UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI (b) Iocatsaas Coral Gables Florida (C) Period A : 19 7 2 -19 7 4 (d) Degree Cbtaiaed: 99A Accountin ) (a) Year Degree was : 1974 Dom; Juris Doctor, St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas LL.M (Master of Laws in Taxation) University of Miami, School of Law 1Q. Business or professional m; 11.4dalwarfloyment. (Please slate dates). r per= Lawyer (1977 tb' present) AiANSO-P'OC H, DE YUMM 9 PEEEE Past (major) s 11. Planning and Land Use Control Smiisysts atte AsL (Please state dates) . None 22. Membership in Civic cc Prof0504MI Qrganizatiass (past or - P10M states dates: Miami-Flagami Optimist Club Cuban -American Bar Assn.American Bar Assn., Florida Bar Assn. 13. Inter-American Other pas e= ca aVMsente p iW= relating to the fields of PlatFitag and Experience through legal profession representing clients before local zoning Boards and Commissions. t ' i 84- 06 LI . ::/iry :��.• .:�Nra'Y �r�? •�1:4".�: - •. .r .. -- :7 ... .T�i� �' �..Sri=�+=:���••r�'•!l'�'G#'�!'�c.^��7���•',f1% .. ... +.•..•M.�rY.Yti. ••K :... -•. 19 14, l+In N uships on any Ll agwcy boards or Rtrtzd canon (past • , or preseat) : ' Dade Countv Personnel 9dvien=l Ama"d + 15. Are yop an elected official or are you employed full time in a govern . asnt acuthority? No 16. try wcxtld yas like to . serve cm the Plarui ng Advis6ry 8oaN / A Nhy wcnld yvu Like to serve cn the ZCMing Eoam3? Because I feel that with my experience in the field and my commitment towards Mk .6 e oar . Please state it you have a►I eerenoe for either Hoards Zoning Board 17. Please state any other imc vrich you thirJc might be ccnsidered 6 or significant by those C= the YOM seek: a)•This application is for the vacancy existing in the position of alternate member of the Zoning Board. b) See attached resume for additional information. 18. Nears and address of sp==i ng arganisaticn (if any) MIAMI-FLAGAMI OPTIMIST CLUB, 25 W. Flagler St., Suite 1040 taz s Signa . t N=t Cn= V= have acgletsd this fa , ki ndly =0= tot city am* City of M=L - • s. o. Dmc 330706 xUaL. rlwi" 33133 8.4-106 • 4�T."'. {.!` �•... r.: :y+Y.L.:•.•{:��i•.'.!: l..r�. •... ...ii•L.. •.:;... r!'!Y•r.'+i•NbY7.tflvl.YA". .•:u+:,JM'1..,•y►�i VICTOR H. DE YURRE PERSONAL. Born: February 26, 1953, New York City, New York Moved to Miami: February 3, 1962 . Married with two children EDUCATION Bachelor Business Administration'•(Accountinq) from • the University of Miami, 1974 (B.B.A.) Juris Doctor from St. Mary's University School,of Law, ` San Antonio, Texas, 1976 (J.D.) Master of Laws in Taxation from University of Miami Law School, 1978 (Z .M.) PROFESSIONAL Partner'in law firm of Alonzo -Poch, De Yurre A.Perez Member: American Bar Association Cuban American Bar Association American Trial Lawyers Association Interamerican BarAssociation United States Tax'Court Florida Bar Association ; United States District Ccurt.,..Southern District of Florida _ Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity i t • civic Member of th4 Charter Member and Treasurer of the Miami-Flagaml optimist Club N Member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Member of the Dade County Personnel Advisory board ' WRHC Radio talk show host, as a public service dealnq with topics of interest to the community. i 84-IL06 0 � W,,,y�l;�+Y..y.,. :ty 1 � . /7.J...!t �ii".!L+'_ :i!y:+!:.: N •.:: i►a•!� � . v..-. • • tAot e' •y, SS' 21 F'' 4.3S -OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLEM •Ci i Y OF •{ti; "{.ftp of Miami. Florida QVESTIONAIRE TO BEBOOARD EM B THE ZIDATESBFORDAPPOINTT�NT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY Name of Candidate Seth M. Sklarev As appearing on Voter's Registration,Card) Residence address 3651 La at Ave Principal Business Real Estate a•Mort ace Broker ompany name Business address 2138 Biscavne Blvd Home Telephone 448-0456 Business Telephone 754-6672 or 545-73.01 ' Date of birth Nov 12, 1944 1. Ass you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yes 2. voter's Registration dumber 000725221 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? Since 1966 4. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami city Code? Yes S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes G. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miand City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code iection2-22.27 No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Yes Be Ara you prepared to file a list of seal estate you awn either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed# pwcsuant to Section.2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes 84 -14I . riYY•.1,:�.� •.. ••S� r+:iw'. ��Vat•. -. .:��Mb ALif •7 •i_..t...i•''-.�,'K+Mw�afd�. RW71Y/MrA�i.Jab.'•ti�+ •.. �.f�7:1�.••�:•' :•i v i.'� t . ...�w�f•...w�••r•.�.�.e�.f+..cx.... ..wytVt{,r .�.....�•r�:�'►. `..: �� :? ':•l:. i::�V:w:a�n,�!�...•a•1R•!�M►:1taCC7i,!'M�1�':..'.:v►.�,is�f�:' n+w ye ... 9. FZCX TIa avzxmr= t High SchoO1: (a) Naga! South Broward Hi gh gnheol (c) Perio¢ A : i g 6 ti_ 1 9 6 2' (d) Degree ;,,.a; . • (a) Year Degree wasCbtairAdox i qfi2 College: (a) NWAS Tu an - "n i vp ra i tY (b) Locatirn: (e) Period A : 1 a 5 2_ 1 4 f S (d) Degm mtained: 1 Science (a) Year Degree was Obt=Nadu Q66 Mi cr,r in Spanish OMEM University of Mi=i Law Si-hoe7 _ nn,narrnna r►an` rwrs in real estate and real estate appraisal. Numerous seminars e 10. • Business or psflfesaional Mcperie�ce%Ioymait• (Please state Antes). Present: Licensed r,•A t atat hr=kA"; s:: ra_M Mr=g QA_aroker, General Contractor,pri N ( Past 7aJ=) : NeWaDBDAr &s i to,- & p„hl i char �E 11. Planninq and Land Usa Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). Hav a „d d CATTgra l ine ni narQ a� c ala�ii�.%p..the .X IaxA a and, South Florida planning and zoning association, and have attended gaMi nerQ 43' c� '•`�G33r�iGwte appaa sal orgnaizat, -a"TROargive and societies of which I am a member. 12. Msnbamhip in Civic oz• Pzafessicnal (past or present) — Please stets dates: _ nn� P:rrlva Pi skuy a App aisers, Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1975 to present, candidate, SRPA; �np-mme-rat-i r- r_m mi +-taa,nan 1 QAA_ *0 .,���e�yt-� AI-i nr`l xSenO ation Of Review Appraisers, Senior member, Fla Assoc�iiation of Mort age Brokers Other13Other zelatinq t4 tht iiel�s of Planrd��q as past ccpresent ocpmcisnce etc Zordmt ' I have been a professional realounty since 1973 and have engaged in more than 2,000 real estate appraisal feasibility studies z t or MMM_observer at numerous zoning and planning hearings and presentations. hear I have been both a roconent and o �oonent z i d anning was nqa an_ o en have bOOM&b1c to present a compromise solution which ultimately accepted by both•si.des enabling our city to progre_ t �.ii.� r/ .. .•'�' � a?.-„'i:��7!'�l ►�i!H�'�;ll�:i'���l�i�'�ii . +.•L•'�•iil�ir: i" � . ... 14.. ; Q! =cn say gove&A.Aatal veer Y boards or ems{ ssd m 4r qmt Cr present) City of Miami Bikeways Advisory Committee, Clerk of Circuit Court: ad Hoc advisory committe for land records, and committee for special tax masters- 15. m t yW an elected oM cd at or are you enpioyed Bill t We in a gove=_ _ No 1b. My w0�11d yet like to serve oat the Planning Advigoxy DO&L9 ? T have a tremendous amount of_exaerience I could bring to the board, and I would like Miami to make meaningfulprogress unto uie 21st cents Why would yet like to serve on the Zoning Eoat:d? The zoning board affects the SHality of life of people on a one to one basis. It requires intelligence & Lasignt• I reel ell qualifie Please state if you bays a prefasbnoe for either Board. - Prefer zoning board, would accept either. 17. Please state any other infca=tLcn which yet think might be oonsiderad M■^`gi fu or significant by those ccnside3dAg the ap of iatmMnt yvu Meek: —As a City of Miami and Coconut Grove resident all my adult life,* I have observed a transition noof`Mi' amifrom a quiet zourist town —into a major interAational crossroads. There must be a careful balance between the business and residentialonsidera ons n maintaining and imorovina the quality of life for all, while continual making our pity a wonderful place to live, wor & playy--'—' 18. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if soy): Data: September 1983 t37 *- Cam YM shim aompletad this font, ki=Uy 7cst = City Clan City of Miami 1. 0. X-M 330709 Miami, !bride .33&33 I -3- 4-10( ._q.1 I a .. v�.!Fr Ji�`!•�l:... _ �.'•w.;-:ei�:crc•e3"dr.�.; r r.Y .. �;�"1�.13%�i:y,,.: a ♦:......:e�rlr.��. 14.. Mardxsships cm any LL age=T boards or =m4 eldcas (paft • of preser;t) : .. City of Miami Bikeways Advisory Committee, Clerk of Circuit Court•ad Hoc advisory committe for land records, and committee for special tax masters • 15. � elected c M ci_1 or are yvu oployed full time is a gwmn- No .16. Why wo,'A yvo like to serve on the P1wrAw Advisozy Board? _T have a tremendous amount of experience I could bring to the board, and I would like Miami to make meaningf ul progress into Me 21st cents Why wasld you Ma to serve cn the Zanizq Board? — The zoning board affects the Uality of life of people on a one to one basis. It require `intelligence & insight. -Z^'NFL I - m70e11 qualifie Please state if you have a preference for either Boards Prefer zoning board, would accept either. 17. Please state gay other 3nfoimatien which you think might be amsiden d a,•.■^;* = or s3gnifiCatit by those considering the appointment you seeks As a Citv of Miami and Coconut Grove resident all my adult•life,* I have observed a transition f—Miami Wom a quiet urisz own _into a major interftational crossroads. There must be a careful balance between the business and residential consid'era 'o s—in maintaininc and improving the quality of life for all, while continual making our city a wonderful place to live, work &pay. 18. Name and address of spmuorirq =,jw d zat4 = (if any) : Date: September 1983 N=-. Onee you ihum ampletmd this focaa, ki=Uy xst= CLty C1Wk city of XLML P. 0. sox 330708 • �s.aL, ssassa.:auaa ' I _} 84-JL06 w r, s� CrrY OF MIAM1. FLORIOA INTER-OFFICS MEMORANDUM ro, Ralph Ongi a oAre: August 16, 1983 FILE: City Clerk SUNUECT: Appointments to the Zoning and Planning Advisory Boards FROM. i o E. Egon S R[>rCR[NCSSa Director -Planning and Zoning Boards Administration Department F.lvCLOSURne An official resignation has been received from William Perry, who was appointed as a full time Zoning Board member, with the remainder of this term due to expire December 31, 1985. In addition to the above, at the meeting of July 18, 1983, the City Commission directed the City Clerk to advertise for available Zoning and Planning Advisory Boards positions as follows: ZONING BOARD: - One regular term running from January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1985 formerly occupied by Guillermo Freixas.- One alternate unexpired term running from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1983 formerly occupied by Osvaldo Moran-Ribeaux. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: One alternate unexpired term running from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1983 formerly occupied by Patricia M. Kolski. Sections 62-46'through 62-51 of the City Code provide for the appointment or re-' appointment of Board Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the following timetable is suggested: August 30, 1983 Advertisement in newspaper of general circulation soliciting applicants. September 21, 1983 Deadline for applications. September 22, 1983 September 29, 1983 City Clerk makes available a list and qualifications of each applicant for public inspection and consideration. City Commission appoints or re -appoints members by Resolution. . w (Page 1 of 2) s4-106 _ r :yyr,*,r., ... .. .. :YGwY/+wliii+c�_ .. :3::��'• jiC.t/�.�'3��=Si'li�,• .. A ...• !rrc'`����:��M..S �:.+t9.i+ .yY/(�.IYI.W.IIWM. T..-h� r•M7M.1�11LTS.'�'T.'S'• S.!}, r � Ralph Ongie August 16, 1983 City Clerk Page 2 a By copy of this memo, the City Attorney is being notified that a resolution for the appointment of replacement for William Perry, Jr. is necessary and should be forwarded to this Department for inclusion in the City Commission packets that will be distributed on September 22, 1983. AEPL:bpm cc: Howard V. Gary, City Manager t Jack Eads, Assistant City Manager Manny Alvarez, Assistant to the City Manager Sergio Rodriguez, Director of Planning ' Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Planning Advisory Board Members Zoning Board Members 4 i TOs HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CITY cMWSS20N. G. ONGIE city clerk CITY OR MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM °"T" September 28, 1983 AL[: su2j"r-T! Guillermo J. Freixas. Rff9R[NCC& ENCLOSURLft Enclosed herewith please find the application of Guillermo J. Freixas submitted to this office on September 28, 1983, after the September 21, 1983 deadline. Mr. Freixas has explained to my office that since he had previously submitted an application for reappointment to the Zoninq Board, that he was not aware of the city clerk's Office readvertisinq of the vacancies on the Planninq Advisory and Zoninq Boards and in turn dial not resubmit his application for consideration. He apologies for the misunderstanding and he wishes to be considered for reappointment to the Zoning Board. Therefore, I am submitting to you his application for your consideration. RGOgl Encl. a/s c 4-JLOG • P=C�'''�'=� • CIT 2^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , City of Miami, Florida - '',: • • 4r aR ' QUESTIONAIRE TO BE CMjPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Hams of Candidate u Q'eAtu s appear ng on Voter's Registrad onCard) Residence address_ S Principal Business 'y ,Ies ' 4J easanv name Business address -Z Co 02 /y' iJ - 2 9,4*'m a , a �•- Rome Telephone d?S'G -/ f e Z Business Telephone $ 7 / - Yy Clio" Date of birth 1. An you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Q'1, 2. Voter's Registration Number Q n i, F „��� � . 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 4. Hill you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the 3oard as required by section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? _�d ex r S. Will you be able to attend planning and mming seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? l c G. no you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article Ve sections 2-302 • 307 and Dade County Coda Section2-22.27 X/O 7. are you a property owner within the city of Miassi? zcr t. are Yoga prepared to file a list of real estats Yoe ewe either pummaUT or corporately, within the Cit7 of Miami with the City Clerk should 7= be sppgiated, pn vmmt to section 2-303 of the Miami City Oode7._..Leg1�..� •1- 84-106 It t Sigh Sdoou (a) a mms (c} Fsriad 11tt =c�Ee��e�i.L= • (�) Year Degree wee W1Lege: tea Neens: G`c wt (C) Periad A = td3 Dogm ClstairAd: (a) Year Degree was = c t t FG C— t sc 7 (` vc, t c, 0-} lo. SnsirAss ar pr fmmiawl aocperiarfo /w t• (Plleaea state dates). Past (maj=): G k'd v-tA, lT1.c D ac_ s'7 3 - J u ,✓..• f 9� r _ ��/c�d r: G ,�d F .*►t rPr` Al %S .71— / 9 "T 1 li« PlumiM and Land Use C=t=l SeMim= attm& d. (Please state data$) « 12. Msmb.'&dP 3u Ctvia ar Pfeessf WAI MVWdxatiae=s (past ar pe.asa&J— Plaase state dates: t Qa,r .�u �t: En,•r .tea rr� t �r� CACJ /3awJ G.0 n1P�r �JJai c aot // � f -f7,+, i�frd�ri3e-.�t _r1lGnli C h�Sa"�t'"_L ate+.. crR.la Carr cry 13. Otherpast as pzr:ee=t s to the fields oi� and dim_ p % 7`, try �C&w.e e � S_;�=✓ �c-fig. Aleca C'<//-�► AL0�id,•'�S,t'tl Gta ft�1%/�J, � ctr./t�►, . Al ('�,i.••l-fPGr r'S,Pt G� ��` O �� �i4NarP/•i+. C� .�l�b'tte,P/' 2� 84-106 It 14. c= pscn any V � a�t Y bouds cc aomaissims (Pe waw aR .L1e aw,, _ ^A a laayae - %3 mote Cif :A-4 15. Y gaff 3" or am yat dogdoyed 3a1 tia+e is a 90032- Mont itY? 16. Why MOAA Yon like to serve ca tlst PIM94rg Advisory Hoasd7 d% Why WOAA yM like to sseve on the ZCniM BoesdT S c etrl;ef lv le �m ' ,r .1, �'� 7` O �' -�' please, it ha e a p a i�der faae aitl�etaHoatd= 2 a �3A A, e.&- 17. Please state grey other inf=v ati c n **tdch you eikk might be oo u"ersd meaniregtnl at sig:sificarnt by those oarssidering the apposrebnant yat aeek= 18. Name and address o! gms=jM =Smizaem (if my) = /t!t) A— .............9 ��= t �►�! tOt City q.esk city of KLML V. 0. am 330709 11t-1, rUwida 33135 84-106 14. Msnbu*dA s en any wm=wtal agasxy b=O cc owmissi=x 4a t /C�(I'�yf3aR .Urt'iid.�,'� o�!'.•f�jjr,�UQm1G— %�ansR-�Q� ��j " y�au=1� official cr arcs yox amgtoysd lull time is a gWmn 40 J 16. Why w011d ym like to satve cn the Planning Advi2=Y Ho :w— l3 _ Vft wasld you Like tO sorve (M the ZCniM Board? /� S .✓,tc+,�✓1 �N � uc +� iy 51 RG1�' d Jr .Lt s at-4,�-/L. 4 A O✓ � e� �� ,e { � v4,,vr.a. �" S��' yr• . e /!e for either era= Please state if yvu have a Pee!' think might be =nsidered 17. mewdmgfful.�o signifioaat by t hose�o=uddch derinq the aPPOint=0 YM seeks r 18. Nine and address of spans=ing =gwdzatica (if aaY)I AA) UNT is s ts�s Mat • v=s Coos yea ham oamplstsd this farm, kindly setsass r s�4a tDi City smack Cbty of Mod P. 0. ton 330708 Ms=i, TUmj s 33133 -3. Lim