HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-00974 31 T° Howard V. Gary City Manager CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM n FROM: George C p el , Jr. airman Plat & Street Co ittee DATE: January 13, 1984 FILED SUBJECT: Covenant For Providing Peak Hour Traffic on N.E. 31 Street (Executive Plaza Plat) REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Covenant and Letter On January 4, 1984, the Plat and Street Committee discussed the attached covenant, which provides for public vehicular traffic during peak hours on what was formerly N.E. 31 Street between Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 2 Avenue. This portion of N.E. 31 Street was closed by the City Commission and a new plat titled "Executive Plaza" was recorded on June 1, 1983, indicating this street closure. On May 6, 1981, the Plat and Street Committee recommended approval of the Executive Plaza tentative plat, including the closure of N.E. 31 Street between Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 2 Avenue. The recommendation for :,approval of the street closure was based in part on the attached letter from the Metropolitan Dade County Department of Traffic and Transportation. The Plat and Street Committee recom- mendation was subject to a 25 foot wide easement for emergency vehicles being shown on the plat in the location of what was then N.E. 31 Street between Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 2 Avenue. This easement was provided within a wider utility easement on the record- ed plat. The easement for emergency vehicles is to be developed in accordance with City standards for private streets. The Plat and Street Committee in reviewing this matter on January 4, 1984, did not know of any changes that would alter their original recommendation. If additional imput is needed from the Committee, the traffic conditions could be reinvestigated and a site develop- ment plan for the Executive Plaza property could be requested and evaluated. WAM:rj mpr i aN 84--97 A COVENANT RUNNING WITH LAND. Ronald R. Fieldstone, as -Trustee and on behalf of •• the owners of the properties on the north and south sides.' of N. E. 31st Street between Biscayne Blvd. and N. E. 2nd Avenue, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, hereby, on behalf of himself, his beneficiaries, principals and their respective heirs,. successors and assigns, hereby voluntary covenants to; "� (1) provide public vehicular access an what is now known as H. L. 31st Street (the "Roadway") between Biscayne Blvd. and N. E. 2nd Atienue between the hours of 7 : 00 a.m. to •, '.: ;•ri •: 9:00 a:m. and :00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, except holidays; (2) maintain the Roadway in perpetuity in ss accordance with basic standards established by the City •: of Miami, Department of Public Works; and (3) provi23e ." improvements, public benefits and amenities on or within a the general vicinity of the Roadway, as mutually determined between the City of Miami Administration and the Covenantor,. -? in an amount of at least $200,000. The Covenant is intended to run with the land. Rona R. a stone :.- a Sworn to and subscribed before this 22nd day of October, 1981. 84-9 7 Ord AMENDED COVENANT RUNNING WITH.LAND The Covenant herein amends the Covenant Running With Land, executed October 22, 1981 and recorded O.R.B Page , 1983 and previously submitted to the City of Miami. Ronald R. Fieldstone, as Trustee and on behalf of the owners of the properties on the north and south sides of N. E. 31st Street between Biscayne Blvd. and N. E. 2nd Avenue, the legal descriptior, of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, hereby, on behalf of himself, his beneficiaries, principals and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, hereby voluntary covenants to: (1) maintain the Roadway in pertetuity in accordance with basic standards established by the City of Miami, Depart- ment of Public Works; and (2) provide improvements, public benefits and amenities on or within the general vicinity of the Roadway, as mutually determined between the City of Miami Administration and the Covenantor, in an amount of at least $200, O00. The Covenant is intended t run wi the land. Yo-hald R. Fieldstonep Trustee Sworn to and subscribed before Me thin 84-97 ,. , "_4,7 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY . FLORIDA KOGER EXECUTIVE CENTER $673 NON SS STREST, SUITE 201 MIAMI. FLORIDA 7S166 TELEPHONE 19061 562-0960 Mr. Donald Cather Director City of Miami Public Works Department 275 NW 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33128 DEPARTMENT OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION April 9, 1981 Re: Proposed Closure of NE 31 Street Dear Mr. Cather: This Department has conducted a traffic engineering survey of the area of NE 31 Street between Biscayne Boulevard and NE 2 Avenue, and finds that the proposed closing of this street will not adversely impact the surrounding area. Observations of traffic flow on NE 31 Street between NE 2 Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard indicate that the majority of the traffic oriented to the two off-street parking lots. Access to these lots, and the proposed parking structure would continue to be permitted from Biscayne Bculevard and from NE 2 Avenue and would operate quite effectively. During the year 1980, twelve (12) accidents occurred at the intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 31 Street and five (5) accidents occurred at the intersection of NE 2nd Avenue and NE 31 Street. This problem, of course, will be eliminated if the street is closed. In response to the need to retain access to the FEC property which is bounded by the FEC railroad tracks at NE 36 Street, North Miami Avenue and 3E 29 Street, via NE 31 Street, should this property be developed, we have reviewed this area and feel that the main access should occur at NE 33 Street, and the development should be planned with this design. Biscayne Bculevard presently is signalized at NE 29 Street, NE 33 Street and at NE 36 Street. Any other signal installations in this section would adversely affect traffic progression. It is therefore concluded that NE 33 Street should be the main access to the FEC property, if it is developed. 84-917 c Mr. Donald Cather Page 2 April 9, 1981 We therefore conclude that no traffic circulation or hazards will be created by this street closure, and we therefore have no objection. We thank you for this opportunity to provide you with our comments. Very truly yo Eugene L. Sim Director ELS:MEM:en i 84 *4 7 P I I Executive' Group Management, Inc. -R1 SUITE 202 • 3050 BISCAYNE 13OULEVARO • MIAMI. FLORIDA 33137 • TELEPHONE (305) 573.5550 December 7, 1983 BAND DELIVERED Honorable Maurice Ferre Mayor, City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive - Coconut Grove, F1 33133 Re: Executive Plaza Dear Mayor Ferre: This letter will serve as our request to obtain a personal appearance at the January 12th, 1984 City Commission meeting for the purpose of making submissions With respect to the removal of the rush hour conditions contained in the Covenant attached hereto and marked Schedule "A" and to the institution of a replacement Covenant pursuant to the proposed Amended Covenant attached hereto and marked Schedule "B". DMF/wib Enc 1. 9 Yours very truly, EXECUTIVE GROUP MANAGEMENT, INC. 900. 7.,- ".� DAVID M. FIELDSTONE Owners and Managers of Prime Office Buildings •� a ' 4 SCHEDULE "A" COVENANT RUNNING WITH LAND Ronald R. Fieldstone, as Trustee and on behalf of the owners of the -properties on the north and south sides of N. E. 31st Street between Biscayne Blvd. and N. E. 2nd Avenue, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, hereby, on behalf of himself, his beneficiaries, principals and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, hereby voluntary covenants to: (1)vrovide public vehicular access on what is now known +tip M�.,,►�.��r. as N. E. 31st Street (the "Roadway") between Biscayne Blvd. d N. E. 2nd Avenue -between the hours of 7: 0 a.m. to 9.00 a m and :00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, except holidays; (2) maintain the Roadway in perpetuity in accordance with basic standards established by the City of Miami, Department of Public Works; and (3) provide improvements, public benefits and amenities on or within the general vicinity of the Roadway, as mutually determined between the City of Miami Administration and the covenantor, in an amount of at least $200,000. Im The Covenant is intended to run with the land. Rona R. Fe stone Sworn to and subscribed before this 22nd day of October, 1981. NOTXW OUSUG STATE r?F FLORIDA All LARGE MYCOMMISSICN ;'N'S •-*101, 22 I934 BONDED TNRU GENCCi. 1P i 'Al X-C;,rRIQPS Commission Expires �ylia t Aur r.. 84-9 I A SCHEDULE "B" AMENDED COVENANT RUNNING WITH LAND The Covenant herein amends the Covenant Running With Land, executed October 22, 1981 and recorded O.R.B Page 1983 and previously submitted to the City of Miami. Ronald R. Fieldstone, as Trustee and on behalf of the owners of the properties on the north and south sides of N. E. 31st Street between Biscayne Blvd. and N. E. 2nd Avenue, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, hereby, on behalf of himself, his beneficiaries, principals and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, hereby voluntary covenants to: (1) maintain the Roadway in pertetuity in accordance with basic standards established by the City of Miami, Depart- ment of Public Works; and (2) provide improvements, public benefits and amenities on or within the general vicinity of the Roadway, as mutually determined between the City of Miami Administration and the Covenantor, in an amount of at least $200,000. The Covenant is intended t run wi the land. wit r ' Ronald R. Fieldstone, Trustee Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 1983. My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE •