HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0129J-84-99 1 /26/84 r r/D-6 "- 'T R1=.`ii)I_IJII(IN NO. S•t A.!j A RESOLUTION At1THORIIING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED MEIHO/MIAil I ACTION PLAN (MMAP) AGREEMENT CONFIRMING THE C[fY'S SUPPORT OF [HE MMAP AND THE CITY'S COMMITMENT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ITS RECOMMENDED ACTIONS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE STAFF SUPPORT FOR THE MMAP SECRETARIAT. BE I T RESOLVED BY T HE COMM I5.`311)N OF f HE C I f Y OF MI AMI, FL ORIDA: Section 1. The City Manarler is hereby authorized to execute the attached Metro/Miami Action Plan (MMAP) Agreement thereby indicatinq the City's mutual desire and intent to accept sponsorship responsihitit ies and also conIFirminq the City's support of the MMAP and the City's commitment to the achievement of its rer.ommended actions. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to provide staff support For the MMAP Secretariat. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of January , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre t ATTEST: FfALPH G. ONGIEV PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: k" Aa�L'- :;mg�e - C Y ATTORNEY CITY CC.�TI.?I S pN J A• ►d �6 1984 SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT The purpose of this agreement is to express clearly and define completely the sponsorship relation between , hereinafter referred to as + and the Metro -Miami Action Plan, hereinafter called MMAP. Whereas it is the desire of both parties to overcome the disparities that exist between the Black and poor communities and the other commu- nities of Dade County, Florida; and Whereas it is the belief of the responsible officials of both parties that • by working together as individuals they can lead their organiza- tions to sponsor the changes that must come about in this community; Therefore, both parties undertake to carry out the following Sponsorship Responsibilities: 1. To enact to the fullest extent feasible the Recommended Actions approved ; by KMAP . 2. To encourage others to support and enact the MAP Recommended Actions. 3. To acknowledge responsibility for those Recommended Actions in which is appropriately cited as a Lead Authority. 4. To designate within a single Responsibility Center for each Recommended Action that is acknowledged. 5. To designate a Key Person to communicate with the KXAP Secretariat about each Responsibility Center and what it is doing. 6. To give MMAP a monthly status report from each Responsibility Center on each acknowledged Recommended Action. 7. To support activities with other 101AP sponsors, in accordance with the M14AP Action Plan and the work program of the 'IDIAP Executive Board, to convene groups of Responsibility Center representatives for the purpose of evaluating performance at quarterly or half year intervals. 8. To designate Key Persons to participate in the MAP outside audit and evaluation activities. 9. To work actively with the MMAP Executive Board to achieve the common purpose of overcoming community disparities. To indicate our mutual desire and intent to carry out this agreement, the responsible officials and witnesses place their signature, title, and seal: (sponsor's official) (MMAP Co -Chair) (MMAP Co -Chair) 09/21/83 (witness) (witness) (witness) (date) 84-129 4, C CITY OF MIAW FLORIDA 36 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO DATE i1Li Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission S-0-EZ' Metro Miami Action Plan Sponsorship Agreement FHoward V. Gary REPERE'•=ES City Manager Recommendation I recommend that the City of Miami support the Metro -Miami Action Plan (M;IAP) by agreeing to serve as a sponsor of MMAP and by authorizing the loan of staff to the MMAP Secretariat. Background Since the inception of the MMIAP, the City of Miami has supported the program. The 113yor and the Manager have served as members of the Executive Committee. The City has responded to all MMAP requests for assistance and information, including sponsoring the two/day WMAP Conferenca in July at the Convention Center. The MMAP process has been designed to include paid staff (a Secretariat), volunteers serving on the ten or more action plan committees and lead authorities (agencies/organizations/munici- palities) within whose realms the responsibility for accomplishing the 1760 Recommended Actions has been identified. This request is for the City to continue its support and to increase its involvement in the next stages of the MXAP. 84-129 1 Honorable Mayor and Members 1/27/84 of the City Commission 2/8/84 Agenda Item Miami Metro Action Plan Support Resolution Howard V. Gary City Manager The attached resolution will be placed on the February 9th City Commission Agenda for your consideration. Recomendation I recommend that you adopt the attached Resolution which would establish the City's commitment to the Metro -Miami Action Plan and enable me to provide the appropriate logistical support for their operational structure. Background Attached is the MMAP organization concept. The City of Miami is and has been participating on the levels noted. MMAP has requested of all Lead Authorities, i.e. those who have major responsibilities for completing recommended social actions, an expression of commitment to MMAP as expressed in the attached Sponsorship Agreement. Included in this M14AP support request is in -kind support (staff, space, etc.) for the MMAP Secretariat. As you know, we have lent assistance to MMAP since its in option, including our underswritting of the first public conference held at the Hyatt last summer. This Resolution would continue and expand the City's original commitment to MMAP. 84-129 . . - 6 4`, Honorable Mayor and Members 1/27/84 of the City Commission 2/3/84 Agenda Item Miami Metro Action Plan Support Resolution Howard V. Gary City Manager The attached resolution will be placed on the February 9th City Commission Agenda for your consideration. Recomendation I recommend that you adopt the attached Resolution which would establish the City's commitment to the Metro -Miami Action Plan and enable me to provide the appropriate logistical support for their operational structure. Background Attached is the MMAP organization concept. The City of Miami is and has been participating on the levels noted. MMAP has requested of all Lead Authorities, i.e. those who have major responsibilities for completing recommended social actions, an expression of commitment to MMAP as expressed in the attached Sponsorship Agreement. Included in this MMAP support request is in -kind support (staff, space, etc.) for the MMAP Secretariat. As you know, we have lent assistance to M14AP since its in option, including our underswritting of the first public conference held at the Hyatt last summer. This Resolution would continue and expand the City's original commitment to MMAP. 84-129 COMMUNITY ADVOCATES FOR CHANGE J Metro -Miami Action Plan f Organizational Concept LEAD + AUTHORITY PEOPLE 10 ADVISORY BOARD` EXECUTIVE BOARD TRI ETHNIC EC0�10!1IC COMMUNITY POWER 2JT-Lm rn c ACTION *- PROCEDURAL COMMITTEES COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY THE SECRETARIAT ` ! � „_ _„_ Panel of —'Professional Advisors